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S02.E06: A Fractured House

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I haven't seen either since my family is in town visiting, so until they leave I only have this board to bring me up to speed.  


I look forward to everyone's comments about both the episode and the Avengers scene.

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Guest Accused Dingo

On the plus side it looks like they are NOT redeeming Ward.


And hey tell me your opinion of Skye did not go up after her interrogation of Ward.  Because if that didn't make it go up then nothing will.


The FitzSimmons scenes were heart breaking.  She left because she wasn't helping she was making him worse.  

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Forget the show itself beyond May and Bobbi being badass and Ward breaking his own thumb to get out of the handcuffs (ow), lets talk about that Avengers: Age of Ultron scene!


Ward has been residing in one of the most high-tech prison cells on the planet, and they hand off Ward to the army soldiers -- in plain old ordinary handcuffs.  No wonder he escaped.  As soon as I saw them cuff him, I couldn't believe they didn't handcuff him behind his back -- AND -- have him in leg irons or something to better restrain him.

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great episode I really hope Mockingjay sticks around. Any episode with shirtless Ward is awesome (Brett's wife is so lucky)


As for the Avenger's scene and trailer it was just sweet frosting on the cake. I jumped when Molinjir moved a bit for Cap. I'm gonna predict right now: Age of Ultron will be the first movie to have a billion dollar opening weekend, cause I don't know anybody who's not going to see it.

Edited by madhacker
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I wasn't really focused because I wanted to see the Ultron trailer, tbh.  But it was worth it for the hammer scene.  And Spader's voice was chilling.  Can't wait!


Nice fakeout with Ward.  I really hope the show has the courage to make him truly evil and not just halfway.  I'm wincing just thinking of that broken bone. 


Bobbi is great but I don't care about the marital drama with Hunter because I really don't care about Hunter.  He's not bad, just a non-entity.

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great episode I really hope Mockingjay sticks around. Any episode with shirtless Ward is awesome (Brett's wife is so lucky)


As for the Avenger's scene and trailer it was just sweet frosting on the cake. I jumped when Molinjir moved a bit for Cap. I'm gonna predict right now: Age of Ultron will be the first movie to have a billion dollar opening weekend, cause I don't know anybody who's not going to see it.

Thor looked a little worried.

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In my opinion, this was one of the best episodes this show has done.  Everything worked for me: Bobbi and Hunter (and May) for comedy, May and Bobbi being badasses, Ward family drama, Coulson being awesome, Talbot starting to come around, and of course the awesome FitzSimmons stuff.  I love the juxtaposition between Head!Simmons helping Fitz come up with the right words and Real!Simmons always getting the wrong one/making it worse.


Oh, and the Avengers scene was great...a nice little bonus at the end of a huge day for Marvel.  I didn't even know most of these characters a few years ago, yet now the MCU is one of my favorite things ever.

Edited by rlangmit
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madhacker . . . It's Mockingbird. Whatever you call her, Bobbi Morse kicks ass. And I hope Hunter sticks around, because I like his onions busted. Also, May has a playmate now. Beats expecting Skye to literally kick ass.

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I gotta say, most shows don't follow through with big changes, but this one has stuck to their guns. No easy fixes to everything that was broken at the end of last season.


Simmons has grown up so much. When she told Ward that she'd kill him, I absolutely believed her. Fitz may be bearing the physical brunt of Ward's betrayal, but Simmon's emotional scars run deep. They haven't just lost each other, they've both lost themselves in a way.


The first quarter of the season has done a really good job of establishing the new order. It appears that Coulson has the OK from Talbot and his superiors for now. I'm glad they've dealt with SHIELD on the run and can put that do bed for a bit. And second quarter looks like it's going to dive headlong into the Coulson/Skye plot. Still loving the momentum and character development.

Edited by kennyab
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Guest Accused Dingo

FitzSimmons don't exist anymore.  They are Fitz and Simmons now.  Whether that is good or bad is still open for debate.  But that is what Ward did to them  

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Coulson and everyone else is completely setting Ward up.  They knew he'd escape, so they're going to follow him to Skye's father and HYDRA headquarters.  Otherwise Coulson would have had more security transporting Ward, and there would have been more precautions taken.  They're not stupid, for years HYDRA played SHIELD, and grew inside of them, now it's SHIELD's turn to completely flip it on HYDRA.


On a shallow note, Adrianne Palicki is just damn.  Never has a Star Wars shirt looked better.

Thor looked a little worried.

I think he looked shocked, not worried.

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I love the juxtaposition between Head!Simmons helping Fitz come up with the right words and Real!Simmons always getting the wrong one/making it worse.

They are seriously on different pages now, aren't they? They're not even reading the same book anymore. I think Simmons is pissed at herself because she can't reconcile accepting the new Fitz with... wanting to kill Ward for creating the new Fitz.  She can't look at Fitz and feel like everything's fine so long as she obsessively hates the guts of the person who made him the way he is. Watching him everyday pace around his cell and I assume do one armed push-ups? There's a lot of anger and guilt going there. I totally get why Simmons left. I'd be surprised if she doesn't volunteer to leave again. I loved how her death threat wiped that dumbly hopeful look off of Ward's face.


Speaking of Ward. Those better be blanks in each and every one of those guns. Coulson cannot be that stupid. S.H.I.E.L.D. cannot be that stupid. And I'm about sick of this motherf#cker.


I hope we get more scenes of Bobbi away from Hunter. Their dynamic is not cute. Child of a broken home here - watching divorcees talk shit on each other is not entertaining for me. I'm so annoyed that Bobbi (and May!) got dragged into his immaturity. He's been bashing Bobbi since we met him, and his fixation is kinda pathetic. What is with the relationships on this show?


I'm glad Skye played Ward in the end. Thank god. It's taking a while for how unhinged he truly is to sink in for me. Coulson's upbraiding seemed to make little to no impact on him. Skye is either going to have to force Ward to understand how screwed and alone he is, or Simmons will prove it to him.


The Avengers scene was cute. Loved how Natasha has no desire for godly power and Cap juuuust might be a little worthy of it.

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The Age of Ultron trailer is seriously the greatest thing ever. I have no idea what the hell is even happening, but I desperately want to. And the hammer scene! Cap managed to jiggle it just a smidge! And Thors confused reactions! Followed by that bad ass version of the Pinocchio song. Oh Disney, its your world, we`re just living in it.


As for the episode, I thought it was great. This show is just on a freaking role. I am so so happy I decided to stick it out with this show, because this season has been awesome! I thought the Bobbi/Hunter stuff was hilarious, and added some good comic relief to a heavy episode. I wonder if Bobbi and Hunter will kind of be the new FitzSimmons, as in the comic relief duo that have a close relationship and work together all the time and drop lots of funny lines, while Fits and Simmons have gone so much more dramatic this season. It looks like they really aren't going with redeeming Ward (or diminishing his level of nuttiness), which is pretty ballsy really. That scene with Ward and Coulson was just stone cold. Just like how they decided to keep Fitz in recovery, and Simmons dealing with what I think are feelings of guilt, they are really committing to breaking up last years status quo, and I admire them for it.  

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Coulson and everyone else is completely setting Ward up.  They knew he'd escape, so they're going to follow him to Skye's father and HYDRA headquarters.  Otherwise Coulson would have had more security transporting Ward, and there would have been more precautions taken.  They're not stupid, for years HYDRA played SHIELD, and grew inside of them, now it's SHIELD's turn to completely flip it on HYDRA.


Hmm, interesting thought. I certainly wondered why they did not at least sedate him for transport. My argument against that though is that the deal with Christian Ward was dependent upon Grant standing trial - a nice public trial to help Christian's image before the next election. If Grant escapes, that could be construed as SHIELD helping Hydra and put them back on Christian's radar to wipe out. IMO it's a pretty big gamble without another way to keep Christian and the US government from coming after them.

Edited by kitlee625
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Excellent episode as this show continues to get stronger and stronger.  They're doing a good job showing how difficult the rebuilding of Shield has become.


I thought the scene where both Senator Ward (the actor legitimately looks like he could be Dalton's older brother) and Grant Ward was particularly well-done.  It really does make you wonder which one of them was telling the truth although I'm glad they are not redeeming Ward.


Still, I have to agree...couldn't they at least have put leg irons on him?


Strong stuff on the Fitz/Simmons front and loved Simmons threat to Ward.  I'm hoping Mockingbird will be around a while as well and her interaction with Hunter was fun.  You know it's good when it even causes May to crack a smile.


The Age of Ultron scene really was the icing on the cake, I agree.

Edited by benteen
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I am confused. Who was telling the truth?

I also loved how no one was buying Ward's manipulative bullshit, not Coulson, not Skye. So proud of Jemma for stepping in front of her friend, telling Ward off.

Edited by kwerkee
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Pretty sure Coulson knew Ward would escape, hence the primitive cuffs and redshirt guards. Had he really wanted him to sit tight they'd have knocked his ass out, and put some Loki-level hardware on him. What I don't know is the motivation - what does Coulson want to happen there?


Yeah didn't like the unprofessional bickering divorcees, although May's look at the "Still talk to him?" question was perfect. May's always perfect. Bobbi ain't no slouch, either, she really fit in quickly. Love her awesomeness already.


Fitz and Simmons are breaking my heart. Even if I don't pay attention to whenever Skye's onscreen, my eyeballs snap back whenever those two are on. It's really a well-done rift, and I can't wait to see how they get them back on track... because they'd BETTER get them back on track. I looooove me some FitzSimmons.


Also really dug the Ultron preview, the 'Avengers in a beer commercial' was fa-reaking awesome! As others said, loved the moment Cap budged Mjolnir! Ha! 

But what the fuck was Ultron doing in their living room? 

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Hey, at least they explained why Ward did look so buff.  I guess exercise is a good way to pass the time!


Unless that gunshot at the end was a big fake-out, Ward just offed another guy in cold blood, so I don't know how he can be redeemed now.  His breakout did seem pretty easy, so I do wonder if Coulson and crew are up to something else.  Loved that Skye was playing him; even fooled me for a second.  And, then Simmons' threat.  I know Ward/Skye is the big thing, but I would love it if, assuming they go down a Ward is evil path, if Simmons was the one who somehow offed him.  I bet that would be embarrassing for him.


Christian Ward though, also seems like a piece of work.  I don't know if I trust his side of the story or not.  Is he lying?  Or is Ward lying?  Are they both lying?  Something is up, and I'm sure this isn't the end.  Tim Dekay was good in this role.


Well, the Fitz/Simmons stuff didn't let me down.  Hard to watch at times, but I find it realistic.  Simmons is trying to help, but is clearly no longer on the same wavelength with Fitz anymore, and I do think wants Fitz to be the man he was, and she has to realize that isn't going to happen.  And, Fitz understandably feels like she abandoned him, and is going to need a moment to get over that.  Thank goodness Mac is still around.  I like him, and how he is handling both of them.


Yep, Bobbi needs to stay.  I already love her.  The bickering with Lance was a bit much, but the ass-kicking made up for it.  Plus, I was amused by Melinda's annoyed reaction to them.  But, I want more of Bobbi with everyone else.  Oh, and she likes Star Wars!  Yes, I know that is likely ABC/Disney boasting about acquiring that franchise, but I still loved it.


Age of Ultron scene was awesome.  The Avengers are as cool as ever, but, man, I think James Spader will make Ultron Marvel Studios' best villain since Loki.

Edited by thuganomics85
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Given how distressed he was about the other agents being killed, I doubt Coulson was allowing Ward to escape knowing there was a very real likelihood he would kill the men in the truck with him. It's possible he was distracted by everything going on, and Ward being so cooperative made him underestimate the situation.


Simmons stepping up to protect Skye and threatening Ward was all kinds of awesome.


Bobbi fits the team perfectly, but I want to see her and May working together without Hunter in the way.


Cap almost moving Mjolnir and Thor's stunned expression was one of the best parts of the trailer, though I still can't stop laughing at the Hulk throwing a car at Iron Man and then punching him through it.

Edited by KirkB
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I like the idea that Ward's escape was what Coulson wanted all along.  My impression was that he had been transferred to government security at that point -- that it wasn't SHIELD soldiers he took down to escape.  The transfer happened when he said "don't give him an inch" -- he was telling the army guys who don't know Ward like SHIELD people would.  So Coulson wasn't sacrificing any of his own people.  And it won't nullify the arrangement with Senator Ward, because SHIELD lived up to their end of the bargain -- he escaped on the Senator's watch.  And Coulson can say "we did warn you."


Excellent episode.


One question -- who was that on the end getting the tattoos?  I feel like I was supposed to recognize him, but I didn't.

Edited by tankgirl73
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Why can't both Wards be lying? They are lying liars who lie like they breathe air. They are telling some Truth with their lies, but they are still lying, imo.  If that gets Christian's ass chapped, too damn bad. He has been secure in the belief that his family's name, money, and supposed prestige, as well as the ebb and flow of political power/control is impenetrable. That is about to stop.  I want to believe Grant that Christian is an utter bastard, but I can't fully. I love Tim DeKay, and there is something truthful about how Christian said his piece to Coulson. I just can't pick the lies from the not-lies. Maybe I need to hear from Kid Brother Ward. ::shrugs::


I really like Bobbi and May in the field. I like Hunter enough, but just not with Bobbi. IA with others upthread that it isn't funny or anything other than unprofessional and eye-rolling. No one likes being in the middle of two people's petty squabbling. So, stop it, Writers!  (On a shallow note? The arms maker? I'd kiss him undercover.)


As others have said, the Fitz and Simmons scenes are continuing to squeeze everyone's hearts. I like Mack, but even though he was standing up for his buddy Leo, I don't know if it was his place to have the 'you broke his heart' talk. Mack wasn't mean at all, I think that he has only heard Leo's side (not that Leo was going on in a Hunteresque style about Jemma.)


Nice action pieces and swerves. Nice that we got a scene when we missed out on the "world premiere" of the trailer, promised last week.  I enjoyed the scene, but the bad-trippy Pinnocchio song is going to make me grit my teeth for months. Yes, Disney and Marvel- we get it, you work together.


Two weeks?!  ::Charlie Brown 'Aaaauuuuugggghhhhh':: *g*


edited: to/too? Not the same.

Edited by Actionmage
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Pretty sure Coulson knew Ward would escape, hence the primitive cuffs and redshirt guards. Had he really wanted him to sit tight they'd have knocked his ass out, and put some Loki-level hardware on him. What I don't know is the motivation - what does Coulson want to happen there?

Ward messed up when he told Skye he still had connections who aren't Raina. Where is Raina? I hope she's alright.

I am confused. Who was telling the truth?

Unless Ward was so deranged that he made up his own flashbacks in that rage stick episode, I guess we're supposed to believe him about his brother. Plus, Christian is a politician so he's possibly a better liar than a professional spy. We might have to wait for the littlest Ward to pop up before we find out the whole truth. Hopefully he isn't exponentially more evil than his older brothers. Wait, is he dead? I need to rewatch season one.


That was some Kill Bill stuff in that May vs. Fauxhawk fight. Seems like the stunts have stepped up this season alongside the writing.

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Definitely both Wards are manipulative liars, which I thought was a nice touch. I don't think that Coulson totally bought Christian's story either. It's just that they needed Christian's help more than they needed Ward in the basement being creepy. I wonder if Ward had told the name of Hydra contacts, if that might have been enough to let him stay because then he'd be more valuable as an asset? Hard to say.


I had the same thought about Ward maybe killing government soldiers rather than SHIELD soldiers, but I'm pretty sure they were still on their secret base, and I doubt SHIELD and the US government are such good buddies now that Coulson would have let them in the bunker.


Yeah, I like the idea that maybe this is all part of Coulson's master plan, but I agree with KirkB that it's probably not. We know in the episode that SHIELD is still pretty limited - Bobbi, May, and Hunter are still off site when the transfer goes down - and they just lost a bunch of field agents, so this may be as strong a transport force they can muster. Plus they were transporting John Garrett with similar numbers of agents and restraints. I mean I would have him sedated, but I guess not. Bottom line is that the writers want him to escape (phew, because those scenes in the basement were getting old), but it's up in the air whether Coulson did or not. I remember a similar debate after Ward killed Victoria Hand, whether he was a double agent (triple agent) or not since the escape also seemed to easy back then.

Edited by kitlee625
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Where's Koenig ?  Because I see a lot of people not wearing their lanyards around the Playground.  That's not acceptable.


They played a little loose with travel times in this episode -- May/Morse/Lance flew from Virginia (where the Playground is approximately) to Japan to Belgium in the span of a few hours.  And since they are wanted criminals, they should be running the cloak on the Quinjet at all times so they don't get picked up on radar.


Not to point a finger at SHIELD protocols, but does going dark really involve going out for yoga Agent Walters ?

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Is there a place where the AoU teaser is playing? I didn't notice Cap budging the hammer.


ottoDbusdriver . . . I think lanyards are a privilege when it comes to Koenig. And yeah, I kinda miss the guy.


BTW, is Walters supposed to be anybody in particular, canon-wise? The only "Walters" I know is Jen Walters, and I don't think she'd be a SHIELD agent.

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I love Mockingbird. Was there anything else in this episode? Oh, yes, right:


1. Jemma explaining that she left because she was making poor Fitz worse. I did not sniffle. I haven't dusted around here in awhile.


2. Jemma stepping right in front of Skye to protect her from Ward. You go, Jemma.


3. Skye not buying Ward's lies, and playing him. I...may be starting to like Skye. Send help.


4. Ok, so I think Senator Ward is lying through his teeth, but I gotta say, Tim DeKay always looks good in a suit, so, that was good.


5. As everyone else has said, ordinary handcuffs for Ward? What were you thinking?


6. Everybody trying to pick up Thor's hammer. I'll go to the movie just for that. 

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I don't think I've ever watched a tv show where the breakdown of a friendship broke my heart so much. I don't care if they ever hook up or not. I just want them to be friends again. I want FitzSimmons back!  Saying that I think they're doing a really good job with this storyline.  I can understand and empathize with both of them.  I can't even be irrational mad at this storyline because ultimately FitzSimmons needed to be Fitz and Simmons for a while to grow as individuals.


I'm having a hard time believing that Coulson didn't know that Ward would escape.  Or that it wasn't part of some plan.  And do we know that Ward killed them?  Because what I saw was Ward getting out and just pointing the gun, then it cut to the next scene with tattoo guy.  Did I miss something?  Also who doesn't know the "break your thumb to get out of handcuffs".  They even did it on the Blacklist last year.  I'm not convinced that they aren't going to try to redeem Ward but I am wavering on it. He was really pulling out the crazy eyes this episode.  I don't think that guy is the greatest actor but he was pulling off delusional crazy man for me.



That was some Kill Bill stuff in that May vs. Fauxhawk fight. Seems like the stunts have stepped up this season alongside the writing.

It reminded me of that too but in a Gogo Yubari did it better way.  Kind of took me out of it a little.

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Sorry, but those bombs they used in the UN attack were stupid. So you throw them at someone and they cause someone to disintegrate, killing them.

And this is a superior weapon to a gun...how exactly? And they have a pretty limited amount, so of course when you have a SHIELD agent helpless and up close and you have a knife handy, you...use another disintegrator bomb.

Also, why is a US Senator addressing the UN?

But at least the fight choreography was better than last episode.

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You have to believe Coulson wants Ward in the wild, but would he really sacrifice his own men to that end?


Those weren't Coulson's men. They had different color uniforms. I'm pretty sure those were the people the Senator sent to pick up his brother. Hence why Coulson was extra emphatic with them before handing Ward over. Not that it did any good.


I am confused. Who was telling the truth?


I don't think were supposed to be able to tell at this point. Probably we'll know when we meet the third Ward brother.


Unless Ward was so deranged that he made up his own flashbacks in that rage stick episode, I guess we're supposed to believe him about his brother. Plus, Christian is a politician so he's possibly a better liar than a professional spy. We might have to wait for the littlest Ward to pop up before we find out the whole truth. Hopefully he isn't exponentially more evil than his older brothers. Wait, is he dead? I need to rewatch season one.


Memory is a tricky thing. If he's told himself that lie enough times Ward may genuinely believe that's the way it happened, and remember it accordingly.

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Those weren't Coulson's men. They had different color uniforms. I'm pretty sure those were the people the Senator sent to pick up his brother. Hence why Coulson was extra emphatic with them before handing Ward over. Not that it did any good.



Yeah, that's what I said too.  I'd have to rewatch to check the uniforms but it was definitely a transfer from 'my guys' to 'your guys'.


So... does nobody know who tattoo guy is?  Is he a mysterious new character?

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I'm loving Bobbi Morse and hope she sticks around. One very shallow complaint--she should have stayed brunette. Her hair bleached to that brassy I'm-not-meant-to-be-blonde shade. I thought her interactions with Hunter were funny, though they would rapidly become grating if it keeps going. In fact, May should have told Hunter to shut up far sooner when he was grousing to her.


Oh, FitzSimmons. It was so sad.


"Grant, why are you so hung up on Skye? She's not even that interesting!" -a direct quote from me to my TV


I also loved the Avengers sneak peek and the far too short promo for Agent Carter.

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This may be off topic if it is i apologize, but in the avengers promo was there a scene of Steve and tony where Steve is ripping a log apart with his bare hands?


Stupid CTV in Canada didn't air the avengers promo or the agent carter promo so I'm hoping to find online

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Is there a place where the AoU teaser is playing? I didn't notice Cap budging the hammer.


Marvel uploaded to their youtube channel.


How awesome would it be if they kept Hartley instead of Hunter? We could've had May, Bobbi and Hartley kickin ass on missions together.


Tim DeKay was great casting. I hope we do get to meet the other Ward brother. Grant Ward was so boring and bland in the beginning but now he and his family is interesting.


So sad to see FitzSimmons not in sync but I'm glad Mac is there for them. I really like the Simmons/Skye friendship since Skye is a lot less annoying than last season.

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This may be off topic if it is i apologize, but in the avengers promo was there a scene of Steve and tony where Steve is ripping a log apart with his bare hands?


That log ripping scene (hello Steve and your too tight, tiny shirts) was in the footage that aired during the press conference. It looks like someone recorded it on their phone.

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Another great episode. I really don't care which Ward brother is the bigger liar, because like Coulson said, ultimately it doesn't matter in Grant Ward's killing of people and dropping Fitz and Simmons out of the plane. Thank you, show, for not woobifying Ward. It just goes to show how nobody trusts TV writers and their hacky ideas about redemption nowadays when Ward being redeemed is even a consideration.

I do think the Ward family reunion will be quite interesting however. I love the casting on Christian -- he's got the Kennedy persona down pat. Remember how boring and bland Ward was last year, now I'm excited to see him on the run, doing evil things.

Loved Skye trolling Ward to get information out of him. Loved Simmons moving between him and Skye.

I like Mack and Fitz, but Fitz and Simmons still break my heart.

Also the Avengers promo ruled. Nothing made sense but it looks like fun. Woo hoo Joss Whedon!

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I don't really have any interest in the Avengers movies (blasphemy I know), but I am glad the show is doing right by Bobbi Morse. She was a horribly unsung and poorly treated character, at one point even deciding that she deserved to stay in Hell for all eternity because she killed her rapist. Thankfully they eventually brought her back and now she has a chance for a wider audience through this show. I really liked Adrienne on Supernatural and I pitied her with that Wonder Woman fiasco, so it's nice she's getting big roles here and in John Wick and other projects.

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Where's Koenig ? Because I see a lot of people not wearing their lanyards around the Playground. That's not acceptable

.I've missed him too, but I would hate to see him overused and become trite.

I'd guess both of the Grant bros be lying,

Edited by DeLurker
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I sort of enjoy delusional, psychopathic Ward : "I'm still part of the team!!"  (I just choose to forget I killed some of them..) 

...But his escape was anticlimactic -- who didn't expect that to happen? 


Writers of AoS,  please, please stop with the Simmons, Fitz teary eyed scenes. We Get. It. : ...Fitz has mommy abandonment issues and Simmons is really good at getting tears in her eyes at a moment's notice. Simmons left because she is an agent and has a job to to. She was not hired by Shield to be Fitz's nursemaid.

Could Simmons ever see Fitz as a  romantic interest? Does she imagine the day when she can pack him sandwiches, straighten his collar and tell him what a special, special boy he is? Their dynamic is the definition of codependent -- and to me, almost as creepy as Ward-Skye. 

Edited by shrewd.buddha
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Oh man, I loved this episode.  I loved that no one was taking Grant Ward's manipulative crap seriously.  And I cheered at Phil's takedown of him.  Ward is Creepy McCreeperson and a psychotic jerk.  There were a few cries on tumblr last night about how Ward was being treated unfairly, but that was the vast minority.


I love how this show gives center stage to women who kick ass.  The male agents are sort of in the background except Phil, it's the women who shine.  And isn't that refreshing? 


And FitzSimmons - so damn heartbreaking.  I agree with whoever said above that it doesn't matter now if they ever get together romantically, I just want to see them be friends again.  The writers are going to make this slow and painful.  Damn you Whedons! (But you are awesome)

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I'm really enjoying AOS this season and I loved the Avengers 2 sneak peek - can't wait!


I am finding one thing a bit repetitive though - the sameness of how they show kickass women fighting.  When I watched blonde Mockingbird in black leather 2-handed fighting in this episode, I was reminded of blonde Sara Lance's Canary in black leather 2-handed fighting on Arrow (which in turn had reminded me of red-haired Black Widow in black leather fighting on the big screen).  Maybe I'm just oversaturated on superhero movies and tv.

Edited by tv echo
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Great episode. I didn't like Hunter at first, but he is beginning to grow on me, and Bobbi kicks ass almost as good as May. As for Ward's escape, didn't Skye say she watched him on the camera all the time? Wouldn't she have seen him practicing dislocating his thumb? So maybe, knowing that, they set him up to let him think he escaped, but really they are going to track him (via some kind of tracking device they planted on him) back to Hydra's lair? Or at least that would be how I would write it....

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