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Bethenny Frankel: Skinny Girl

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Bethenny Frankel


#BStrong has a network of international businesses producing masks. Hospital workers, please talk to your administrators and have them donate to #BStrong with an earmark for YOUR hospital so that you can get these masks ASAP.

So only the hospitals that donate to BStrong will be receiving masks?

Something is sketchy here. 

I also don't understand BStrong. Is it even a registered charity? I don't see any annual financial statements. It appears to me that they collect donations and turn them over directly to GEM. The GEM annual financial statement shows BStrong with the same address as GEM. In the most recent (2018) they received $76,000. from BStrong. 

It's like the Wizard of Oz. Draw back the BStrong curtain and there's Michael Capponi sitting in a warehouse filled with masks, Covid19 Test Kits, Purell and toilet paper.


Edited by Happy Camper
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Is Bethanny trying to profiteer while at the same time spinning it as charity?

On a related note, there is a blind item from earlier in the year that states that Bethanny has money problems. It was blind and now it has been updated to name her.

ETA: I do not find B Strong listed in Charity Navigator.

Edited by pasdetrois
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Bethenny Frankel


I am doing an Instagram live tonight for qs

Elizabeth Stuart


· 18h

Replying to @Bethenny and @katiecouric

Hi @Bethenny from CNN. I have a few quick q's I wanted to ask about BSTRONG's efforts. Could you follow me back so I can message you? Thanks!

This is also weird. Since when has Bethenny declined any media attention? This is CNN wanting to ask her questions and she blows them off? But she'll talk to TMZ or anyone else! Hmmmm.

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On 3/23/2020 at 6:19 PM, LucindaWalsh said:


I have read through the above twice and I am still confused. Can someone else read it and explain to me how it works:

1. Headline/story screams million masks ready for donation

2. Within the article it says money has been raised through her B charity along with that stalker scam artist charity and goes on to

3. list several places the masks will go and also

4. advises that hospitals have been now allowed to search for their own masks so she 

5. tells them to actively reach out to her for said masks and then

6. tells them to then bill FEMA to be reimbursed for those masks

7. which were screamed from the rooftops as being DONATED!! and she was

8. using donated funds to purchase the masks

How is this not a scam? Am I reading it wrong?

eta Because I said from the get go when she hooked up with that stalker charity that there was some serious money laundering going on. 

From this "exclusive" it not only sounded convoluted but also like there were thousands of masks hoarded and now being released. She also took a shot at folks who are making homemade masks. Everything about this feels shady AF. 


On 3/23/2020 at 4:29 PM, SunnyBeBe said:

I think it's odd that over a month ago and maybe, before Jan. 21, long before the warnings about Covid-19, I took my 82 year-old father to his primary doctor's office for non flu issue.  It's a very large primary practice that treats adults, children, seniors, OB, etc. AND even then, they said they were short on masks and could only offer us child size  masks for our protection, if we wanted to get one to protect us from others there who had the flu. (We took them.)  I thought it was odd, even then, that they would be low on masks during flu season. Now, I'm wondering if they really were low or knew something back then about Covid-19  and were conserving them.  Maybe, I'm too suspicious. 

I can't speak to the supply, but CDC reports in January advising vulnerable groups to limit their movement (no flying, no long trips, no crowds) were dismissed. By the friend of Bethenny's current production partner. 

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5 hours ago, chick binewski said:

From this "exclusive" it not only sounded convoluted but also like there were thousands of masks hoarded and now being released. She also took a shot at folks who are making homemade masks. Everything about this feels shady AF. 

This from the exclusive article:

Her decision to donate to Massachusetts General Hospital comes more than a year after she went into anaphylactic shock and suffered a near-fatal allergic reaction to fish. Following the life-threatening incident, Frankel was hospitalized at Newton-Wellesley Hospital, which is part of Massachusetts General Hospital.

So of course is was all about BETHENNY- she had to remind the world that she suffered a near-fatal allergic reaction to fish. 

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On 3/18/2020 at 11:02 PM, LucindaWalsh said:

She looks good in that blue dress. I am so glad she isn't on the show now and is focusing on her charity stuff. If she can continue to do that and people can tolerate her in small doses while she helps get things done I can live with that. 


Blue dress is nice, but her face looks SCARY there. Yikes. I do like when she focuses on the charity stuff. She seems good at it and she's so annoyingly "transparent" about her life that I think people are more inclined to give to her charities and trust it will go to good use more than some of the other ones out there. She has a platform, this is a good use for it, unlike so much of the crap she hawks.

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On 3/23/2020 at 9:45 PM, Wicked said:

Bethenny Frankel is a lot of things, some I like, some I don't, but I'm re watching season 2 right now and the way she keeps her cool dealing with the craziness that is Kelly is pretty astounding. The whole, "I'm up here, you're down here" conversation is something else.

Kell was spot on.  I'll defend her forever. Bethenny's antics ARE FOR KIDS. They are not friends and they will never be friends. Kelly's self though flawed but arent we all is up there. Beth is in the gutter. Kelly wore wellies to the Brass Monkey in the rain. That's real. Bethenny is a fraud. Kelly KNEW. 

22 hours ago, Stats Queen said:


So of course is was all about BETHENNY- she had to remind the world that she suffered a near-fatal allergic reaction to fish. 

As an aside as I watched S1 last nigh she was at an event w her DADS LIQUOR BUDDY (did it herself dont get me started) and he said to eat a fish meatball and she said what do you want a trip to Cedars Sinai (sp?) Hospital. Guess the fish allergy isnt new. 

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9 hours ago, LucindaWalsh said:

It is part of the sociopath game plan, a technique that she uses in every part of her life. That's why she is able to front for GEM. 

It's just a matter of time before GEM is exposed for fraud. Bethenny will throw Michael Capponi under the bus. He will join the ranks of people (Jason, Bernadette, Martha Stewart, Uber, Airlines, Boat Captains et al) that have used/hurt/victimized her. 

Her fans will feel sorry for her. But some of us won't.

Kelly is all kinds of whackadoo but she knew, she knew.

@LucindaWalsh. We knew too.

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Mass General has been hit hard and has almost 100 health professionals who have tested positive. They need gear. I believe the masks she has collected are also going to Mt. Sinai, Cedars Sinai, and NYU, among others.

As a longtime NYC resident and someone who has 3 very close friends who work in our hospital system, 1 as an ER doc and 2 as nurses, I don't give two flying fucks who is giving them the masks or how they got the masks. The government has failed and it's every state for itself. Whoever can do it, please just do it, and thank you.


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I think we all want medical supplies to go to people helping our loved ones/holding the line against this virus,  but I also think anyone (Frankel or otherwise) taking medical gear away from a fragile population is a terrible idea. If a foreign version of Frankel bought up medical stock in the US &  Canada and then shipped it out of North America to China and Israel (the two foreign manufacturers she's mentioned)  I'd want the medical gear confiscated and returned.  It's like robbing Peter to infect Paul. There's also a "money trumps everything"  mindset (to me) in all of this when the medical personnel in those countries need masks just as much as we do.  Chinese nurses are still wearing toddler pull-ups (instead of masks) and they're preparing for a possible second wave of re-infection. They need that gear every bit as much as nurses do in NYC and B.C. and Austin.  It's not like we can separate any of this out. There's nowhere to hide.  They are us. We are them.  Pandemics have no borders.  The answer is not to divert needed resources elsewhere,  but to force American manufacturers to make more masks here. 


Edited by film noire
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I totally agree with you. That's exactly what the government should have done weeks ago, but didn't and still hasn't. In an ideal situation, we wouldn't be looking at states and cities and countries competing with one another for this equipment and it makes me sick. But, here we are. Nevermind the companies and people who are jacking up the prices as soon as a state is ready to try and buy equipment. Can you imagine?

Right now there is a person dying in NYC every 7 minutes. Our nurses are wearing garbage bags and some of our doctors are literally wearing plastic to-go containers as face masks. They need equipment desperately so that we don't lose our healthcare workers in addition to the patients. I support anyone who is willing to bust their asses to get it to them quickly in the face of this absolute mess. 

Anyway, we're probably getting off topic, but I'm sure all of us wish this situation was not what it is. It's just horrifying all around.

Looking forward to having the other loony ladies back on my screen soon as a much-needed distraction. 

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16 hours ago, LucindaWalsh said:

I thought I read that the wearing the trash bag thing was a hoax. 

A third nurse (Dina Torres) backed up the lack of gear at Mount Sinai/NYC -  so little is available, they're protecting gear with trash bags. I can say that the hospital in my neighbourhood  (NYC area)  just announced they are five days away from having no gear, medical resources or ventilators to handle patients.

On the lighter side of all of this,  the new howife might have a sense of humour (eta: the kind of humour old school Bethenny used to deal in - the show could use a dose of that). From Leah McSweeney's podcast instagram:

carrie copy.jpg



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I think the issue with Bethenny buying a bunch of masks to distribute how she sees fit is that it means governmental agencies can’t buy them (and they’re trying) and distribute them how they see fit. Governmental agencies know which areas and hospitals need them most. They have more information than any private citizen or agency does. This is why trying to use the private sector to do the job of the public sector doesn’t work. 

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On 3/29/2020 at 7:56 PM, glowbug said:

I think the issue with Bethenny buying a bunch of masks to distribute how she sees fit is that it means governmental agencies can’t buy them (and they’re trying) and distribute them how they see fit. Governmental agencies know which areas and hospitals need them most. They have more information than any private citizen or agency does. This is why trying to use the private sector to do the job of the public sector doesn’t work. 

I never thought of this, but it is a good point.

IMO, companies that make the masks should donate as many as possible anyway.   

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I do like how Bethenny is able to get the big dollar donations. I have no idea the best way to allocate resources. But I do think it's impressive how much she is able to (quickly!) raise in times of crisis. For whatever reason, people are willing and motivated to give to her organization where other relief organizations just don't elicit that same kind of response.  Politics aside, I sincerely enjoy seeing her use her platform for good.



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‘RHONY’ cast and producers ‘livid’ over jabs from Bethenny Frankel


from the article:

But on Tuesday she said on “Extra” of her former show, “The ratings overall in television have never been higher and perhaps the ratings on ‘Real Housewives’ aren’t doing well because it’s sort of not maybe the content that is inspiring people to do what they need to do right now.”

The dig was met with immediate and widespread outrage, even by some of loyal Frankel allies.

“We all can’t believe she’s out there bashing the show when the ratings are good and she’s proclaimed to have moved on when she decided to leave the franchise,” said a source close to the cast. “I know the ladies only wish her more success with her new show than she had with the last one!”

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On 4/1/2020 at 4:08 PM, divsc said:

 But I do think it's impressive how much she is able to (quickly!) raise in times of crisis. For whatever reason, people are willing and motivated to give to her organization where other relief organizations just don't elicit that same kind of response.

If I were a donor and had to sit and listen to her spiel for more than 10 minutes, I'd give her anything she wants.  I can't handle her rapid fire way of talking.  😉

Seriously though, kudos to her in her efforts to help people, but I still don't miss her on the show.

Edited by ChitChat
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2 hours ago, Happy Camper said:

Bethenny is telling her twitter peeps to watch her talk about BStrong on DR. OZ today. 

Does she have any idea? Does she not read any news except about herself?

Or does she just not care? Any old camera time will feed her?

This sounds terrible, but there are a hundred other efforts I would donate to before I would ever donate to BStrong. I'm not giving her my money so she can credit herself.

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What a f****** piece of work she is. 

Her hustle failed on the real estate show w Frederik. Her Apprentice rip off will too. If DT wasn't such a hot topic and in such visibility her knock of it wouldn't be happening.  He is making announcements about reopening the country and SHE as a parallel opens her show and her search. NOT a political discussion just making the point that just rips off what's trending.  That's her MO.

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BF was on Dr. Oz yesterday. I found it interesting how she went on a practically out of breath tangent (as is normal for her) about social media & how people portray themselves as better than or above others & everything is fake lashes & fake filters & real life is what matters.🙄 So Dr Oz asks "so what can individuals do to help TODAY?" She's  all "use social media for good & to reach out to others & to spread the word on helpful organizations etc."  Like, thanks for the obvious answers, queen. She is a business woman.  She should spread her wings & show off her actual business chops & chime in on something less vapid. I guess her businesses aren't doing well so she's just trying to stick to what she knows.  If she can donate $ or products then I won't hate too much-but the self righteous preaching as howife Bethenny who had self absorbed meltdowns on screen & was a bad person more times than not just needs to stop. I used to really like her a lot but she got to be a real ego maniac.

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On 4/17/2020 at 1:37 PM, RedDelicious said:

This sounds terrible, but there are a hundred other efforts I would donate to before I would ever donate to BStrong. I'm not giving her my money so she can credit herself.

Not terrible in the least. I have stopped giving to several organizations years ago because they really can’t account where their dollars go. We give, and give generously, to many organizations who really do good and much needed things (e.g., Salvation Army, local good banks, feeding healthcare workers in our community, Goodwill). 
Hubby and I got our stimulus check and already spent over half of it supporting local communities who need help. and we know that with  what I do for living that I won’t find work for a long time. I’m sure most of the remainder will continue to support those in need.


If I know where an organizations profits money goes, 

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Bethenny Frankel, who became famous from reality television (first on “The Apprentice” and then “Real Housewives of New York”), believes coronavirus is creating another shift away from scripted programming.

“I used to work in Beverly Hills as a hostess right around the [1988] writers’ strike, and I remember feeling like reality TV was borne out of that lack of scripted content, and then reality TV became an explosion” Frankel said on Yahoo Finance live on Wednesday. “More recently, scripted television has completely exploded... There’s so much content, I need an assistant just to tell me what shows I should be watching. So I think now [amid coronavirus], it’s the unscripted shows—run-and-gun types of shows that can just pick up a camera, do things at home—that’s why cooking is so huge right now, because people can just get their ingredients together, pick up a camera, and provide great content. I think it’s going to be a very interesting shift that will last for a long time, based on people being at home.”

This is just funny. She becomes famous from Reality TV, and then disses it. Apparently it's just not uplifting.

She needs an assistant to tell her what shows to watch?

My guess is that her next attempt at Reality TV will be a cooking show. She did hint at that. This is especially funny as in her Instastories she is making pasta every day. When she showed her stocked pantry it was filled with jars of Rao's pasta sauce.

She is just so silly.

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