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S05.E01: No Sanctuary

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So hard to say what my favorite part was... but it might just be the way Carol matter-of-factly (not knowing Tyreese had already taken care of business) turned to the cabin in order to kill the guy who'd threatened Judith.  


I don't think Carol needs to be redeemed.  I can't say why, but I'm good with her.  


I can ship Carol/Daryl or not, I'm good either way, but I adore their bond.  


I didn't realize until you smart people pointed it out... I think I was just too excited about the band getting back together.... but I don't know if I can go on without the reunion of Michonne and her Katana.  

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Beats me. At one point tonight I thought one of the characters asked about a time frame. You know, "when was that?" and I thought great!  Now I'll know too. But the answer was something like "from the beginning" Thanks a lot. Actually, it could have been when I was watching the marathon.




The timeline's been fuzzy and hard to pin down with the splintered group and overlapping timelines post-prison-fall. My guess is in the neighborhood of 2 weeks, 3 weeks tops.

Thanks to all who offer answers; it's making me crazy!. Seemed like a short time for Judith's legs to get longer and Carl's voice to drop another octave.

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I am not buying this guy knows anything about a cure, I think he is physically weak so he has to mindfuck people to stay alive

There's no way that mullet's story has any credibility. Last season, I was sure but for no reason...this episode I'm sure because his "explanation" sounded like a plot from a video game...he even references "red rings" as in a prevalent Xbox 360 flaw...he's totally some couch junkie video game geek using people to stay alive for as long as possible.

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Did I miss something? How did Carol clean all of the zombie gook off of her prior to meeting everyone in the woods? It was all over her face and hair and she looked all fresh and clean when she hugged Daryl.

I choose to believe that Carol had been saving some individually wrapped Aveeno wipes in anticipation of the day when she would be reunited with Daryl.

The Carol-Daryl hug made my ovaries leap for joy, and I don't even have ovaries anymore,

I see Eugene still runs without swinging his arms.

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The timeline's been fuzzy and hard to pin down with the splintered group and overlapping timelines post-prison-fall. My guess is in the neighborhood of 2 weeks, 3 weeks tops.

I thought it was the same day? When we first see Carol/Tyrese they're almost at Terminus when they hear gun fire (round up of Rick & Co).

Then Carol and Tyrese find the guy in the woods and separate. Carol goes to Terminus and gets there just as Rick and the boys are being hauled out of the box car.

ETA: Sorry I didn't realize you were talking about from prison falling until now. Yeah the overlapping stories made it really hard to tell

Edited by Morrigan2575
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Yeah, but things like that happen to people now, and it's not the ZA.  They don't often become serial killers of innocent people including children.  I think the fact that they showed Alex on the chopping block showed they were irredeemable people making excuses.  But that's just my opinion of course!  :)


And I agree with you. :)  Besides I think that Gimple is just using the tv trope, "I am this way because sometime bad happened to me so feel sorry for me" to give depth the Termites. I. do. not. care. Killing and eating human beings, especially children, just because you can is a sick perversion for which there is no excuse. 

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Somebody help me out please...all this time-jumping and arc-jumping....how many days has it been since the prison fell to the events of escape from Terminus?


I think about one week, providing that they were not in the trailer for more than a couple days.

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There's no way that mullet's story has any credibility. Last season, I was sure but for no reason...this episode I'm sure because his "explanation" sounded like a plot from a video game...he even references "red rings" as in a prevalent Xbox 360 flaw...he's totally some couch junkie video game geek using people to stay alive for as long as possible.

Exactly. He's acting like a hard-core nerd in a virtual reality game would. I haven't read the comics either but I guarantee you this guy is no scientist, let alone a scientist with top secret government clearance. He puts the "ass" in "classified". When the truth finally comes out, Abe is going to have his guts for breakfast.

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All those stuffed toys that Carol found means that the Termites have been killing children. Horrible. The Termites all deserve to die.

That's the first place I went and the last thing I needed to know.  I mean butchering folks made it clear that the Termites had to die, badly, but the stuffed toys made me ball my fists.  When I found out how the Termites ended up that way I had exactly zero fucks left to give.  Kinda happy Tyreese went to town on that guy too.  Man, having a one-year-old really changes your perspective.

Edited by henripootel
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Frankly, I didn't feel bad for the Terminus people. What happened to them was horrible and I could've understood if it made them Governor levels of ruthlessness (kill to defend themselves without asking too many questions, kill to take shit from people in order to survive, etc), but systematically killing innocent people, including children, and eating them was too much. They were monsters. They were like the walkers: humans once long ago, but not anymore so no sympathy from me.

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There's no way that mullet's story has any credibility. Last season, I was sure but for no reason...this episode I'm sure because his "explanation" sounded like a plot from a video game...he even references "red rings" as in a prevalent Xbox 360 flaw...he's totally some couch junkie video game geek using people to stay alive for as long as possible.

Even Abraham and Rosie or Rosita or whoever know deep down inside that he's full of crap, I think.  They immediately try to shush anyone who asks any obvious, practical questions.  Like, don't ruin the illusion, or we'll lose any reason to go on surviving.

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Wonderful start to the new season. I like the reunions.


Great to  see Morgan, but, unless he has at least 1 other person with him, how can anyone account for that perfect haircut he has? He is completely edge up perfectly.


That being said, I'm excited to see where all the stories go.

I don't mind about his hair, maybe he can share some tips with Darryl.  I just want to know how anyone could be walking around in Georgia swathed in a jacket with a muffler doubled around his neck and a neoprene face mask.  Wooof.

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, but the stuffed toys made me ball my fists.

Anyone else have casualties? :-)   We had several people notice later that they had crescent shaped cuts on their palms from their own fingernails digging in, one person wet their pants (or it could have been the beer) and I bit my lip something awful but didn't notice till half-way through Talking Dead.

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They should make a papoose out of Eugene's mullet to keep little Judith swaddled tight and quiet, otherwise she'll be the Z-magnet Carl was back in the Lori days.

Edited by Adam
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No casualties here. Considering it was the first episode I didn't expect anyone major to die right out of the gate. And I was more than satisfied with the opener. I hope they can keep this level of awesome all season. It had all the right "feels" elements at the right times.

I like when a show evokes a strong emotional reaction, be it positive or negative.

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Wow, that was just awesome!  Probably the best premiere since the pilot, and maybe even one of my favorite episodes yet.


Everyone had their moments of awesome, but Carol took MVP by a mile!  Hell yeah, Carol!  She really is a complete 180 from the meek character in the first season.  Almost single-handily wrecks Terminus' shit (with some assist from walkers)?  Yep, that's Carol!  And, I loved it when she finally reunited with everyone.  Her scene with Daryl was obviously great, but I even bought the hug with Rick too.  I do hope Rick admits eventually that maybe he shouldn't have been as harsh as he was at the time, but I'll take it for now.  Overall, it was well earn, IMO.


Speaking of well-earned, I"m surprised, but actually happy, that none of the leads bit it.  Of course, I have to hand-wave that they only killed Sam and the red-shirts before things went to hell (I thought for sure at least Bob was doomed), but it was just nice to see the group finally get the closet thing to a win.  I'm sure bodies will drop throughout this season, but I was glad everyone pulled through for now.


Glad Tyreese finally wised up at the end, and stepped up to save Judith.  The guy was perfectly smug, and it was satisfying watching him get pummeled.


The back-story of the Terminus folks was interesting.  I don't have any sympathy for them, but I think it did explain why they were as fucked up as they were.  I'll certainly take them over another round of The Governor.  Curious to see who will be back.  I have to think we're not done with Gareth, at least.  Tasha Yar though, was totally a goner.  Carol showed no mercy!


Since I'm loving Robin Lord Taylor on Gotham, I'm glad they did bring Sam back for a bit; even if it was to get brutally murdered.


Still curious to see how the Abraham/Eugene/Rosita trio will mesh with the group.


Maggie didn't do much in this episode, but I certainly noticed how low-cut her top apparently got in captivity.  Also, between her and Abraham, it's like Lauren Cohan and Michael Cudltiz are in a battle to see whose arms look the best when dicing walkers.


Glad Michonne finally got something out of Eugene about what this cure is.  Of course, I'm still not sure if I can fully trust him or that mullet.


New credits:congrats to Michael Cudltiz, Chad L. Coleman, and Emily Kinney for making it in.  I hope Sonequa Martin-Green not being it, doesn't mean anything bad will happen to Sasha.

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I thought at the end of last season they said Sonequa was going to be a regular. Did they change their mind?


Count me as someone who was very happy they didn't kill off anyone. It would have been a meaningless shock. It would have been so easy for the show to off poor Bob to try to "up the stakes," but he would have been quickly forgotten. I'm glad they realized this.


The group is getting large enough now to where it's like one of the old Final Fantasy games - when the group gets too big, someone suddenly has to die horribly (by turning yourself into stone, or going crazy and casting meaningless spells on a mountain, or being lost at sea, et al). So I'm trying to prepare myself for it. For now, I'm glad they have the ensemble they have.


As for the Terminus group, I don't think they're trying to make us feel sorry for them as much as they're trying to show what happens when you let yourself become your oppressor. They seem to be threading the needle, because they also have Glenn showing us that you can't be too compassionate in this world.

Edited by Pete Martell
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Maggie didn't do much in this episode, but I certainly noticed how low-cut her top apparently got in captivity. 

I must thank you also; when the ad came out this past week--the one with the U2 song----I kept thinking Is it just me or does Maggie look like she got her hair waved and a new top with some decolletage,  surrounded by walkers and looking like she's going to a club.

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I would have more sympathy and understanding for the Terminus folks but for the fact that they had been actively trying to lure people to their compound with their sanctuary broadcasts and directions being placed along the tracks. Clearly it wasn't just about finding a way to survive whatever might come their way.  Of course it could be that eating infected human flesh might have done something to them as well.      They probably didn't know that everyone's got the virus.  


I think Rick had the right idea about trying to finish them off.  It seems like a lesson learned from dealing with the Governor and then those thugs from the house last season,  although not sure what he could have done differently at the time he ended up in the house with him.  But you go to war with the army you have and his army wasn't up to the fight just then.  Plus he needed to get to his clean, healthy, well-nourished infant Judith.

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I've been waiting for Carl and Rick to be reunited with Judith again that I was afraid I wouldn't care anymore, but I teared up when they ran to her.


(kudos to the show for also remembering that Tyreese and Sasha hadn't seen each other in just as long a time and didn't know if the other was still alive)


Beautiful moment.


I also loved that Judith had the ultimate expression of, "Can't you assholes keep me safe?" at the end. 


Speaking of the end, I was floored when I saw Morgan. Floored. I've read a few spoilers but had no idea about that. None.

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I would have more sympathy and understanding for the Terminus folks but for the fact that they had been actively trying to lure people to their compound with their sanctuary broadcasts and directions being placed along the tracks. Clearly it wasn't just about finding a way to survive whatever might come their way.  Of course it could be that eating infected human flesh might have done something to them as well.      They probably didn't know that everyone's got the virus.  


That's what got to me. Yes, I understand that the abuse and torture and rape that you suffered from was horrific. Anyone would be thoroughly messed up. Very understandable. But then that should make one NOT want to lower themselves to that level of evil. Why do you want to be as much of a bastard as those people were to you? Get revenge against those who did you harm, not to those who are innocent (in my view, at least).


And I didn't even THINK of the fact that by eating the infected humans, they were unknowingly infecting themselves. But then we already know that the entire globe is infected because the virus is airborne. But interesting, nonetheless.


I think Rick had the right idea about trying to finish them off.  It seems like a lesson learned from dealing with the Governor and then those thugs from the house last season,  although not sure what he could have done differently at the time he ended up in the house with him.  But you go to war with the army you have and his army wasn't up to the fight just then.  Plus he needed to get to his clean, healthy, well-nourished infant Judith.


I think Rick definately had the right idea. Those people needed to be disposed of. They could be of no use or good to humanity. It's interesting though how our heros have become the deciding moral compass of the show. They (rightfully) decide who should live or die, based on their own moral code. I love this analysis of the human condition. WD does it beautifully.

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And I didn't even THINK of the fact that by eating the infected humans, they were unknowingly infecting themselves. But then we already know that the entire globe is infected because the virus is airborne. But interesting, nonetheless.


I know they all would have the virus already so I was thinking more about the idea that possibly eating the flesh of people who have the virus, since everyone does, turned them into complete sociopaths, which they clearly were.  Tainted flesh and all that.  Or turning whatever part of them hadn't already been corrupted by the rape and torture, etc.


It's interesting though how our heros have become the deciding moral compass of the show. They (rightfully) decide who should live or die, based on their own moral code. 

I was thinking of it in more practical terms.  It seems like whatever evil creeps they run into along the way that don't get taken care of right then will pop up again and cause problems later.

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Killing and eating human beings, especially children, just because you can is a sick perversion for which there is no excuse.



They exhibited the sins of cannibalism and gluttony. They were going to slice and dice eight full grown men (that's including the already dead Alex). There is no way they'd need that much meat for as many people as they had. Plus, they had all those torsos still hanging in what I assume was their "cold" room.


That's just wasteful.

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Over the course of the last season, I'd grown tired of The Walking Dead. It was just boring. I had thought about not watching this season at all, until it was finished. Hoping that watching it one go might make it more enjoyable.

(I had stopped watching during season 2, when they got to the farm, because it was boring as hell to me then, too. Then, went back and caught up on everything up until mid-season 4, before watching live again.)

The only issue with stopping watching is that everyone I know (plus, the internet) watches 'live', I didn't want to end up being spoiled on people living or dying.

I'm glad I watched this episode, Carol was and is a bad-ass. Seeing characters like her make me dislike Rick even more. The reunion between her and Rick was too happy. I wouldn't have forgiven him for what he did. Fuck Rick. ha. The reunion between her and Daryl made me smile way too much. Aw.

It was a strong opener, but now I'm worried that it'll just go downhill again. With such a large group, all together.

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I just realized that Show Carol has become Book Andrea. Which is cool and all but I wonder why they switched plot lines.


Also sometimes I wonder about the concentration of badassery on this show. It seems like Daryl, Carol and to a lesser extent Michonne got to be all rough and tough  which made them fan favorites. Instead of giving some of the rest of the cast some time to shine, those 3 get more moments in the sun, making them more even popular and causing some resentment over the rest of the cast not doing shit for entire seasons. 

Edited by jellysalmon
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I think this episode has taken episode one's place as my favorite.  Carol was so badass and in such a matter of fact way.  I think Rick and Co could definitely take a few pointers from her.  Hell, maybe she needs to just step up and be their leader now cause she can definitely make those hard decisions.  I would like for her dead husband to come back to life and meet Season 5 Carol.


And the reunions......I just cried like a baby (excluding Judith who doesn't seem to cry much) with each one but especially the ones with Carol/Daryl and Carol/Rick.


If we were still rating the episodes I would definitely give it a 10/10.


And I almost forgot.......Morgan!!!

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Could someone remind me what happened to Morgan when we last saw him? I can't remember and am scared to search because of running into spoilers.


Fantastic opener! My only small nit is that Glenn almost bought it, twice, only to be saved by random interruptions. I wished I'd at least seen Rick start to do something before Casey at the Bat was stopped mid-swing.

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At the end when Morgan was looking at the No Sanctuary sign, there were a couple more branches encroaching on the sign than when Rick wrote on it. Not sure if that was intentional to indicate at least a slight passage of time, or if it was just continuity issues. I looked because I was curious if he was close by right behind them or if he was more removed from them.

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Could someone remind me what happened to Morgan when we last saw him? I can't remember and am scared to search because of running into spoilers.


Morgan had had a breakdown because his son Duane had let the mother in and she'd eaten him. He blamed himself and was close to suicide. He was living in an area he'd fortified (made "clear"). Rick tried to convince him to move on with his life.

I just realized that Show Carol has become Book Andrea. Which is cool and all but I wonder why they switched plot lines.


Also sometimes I wonder about the concentration of badassery on this show. It seems like Daryl, Carol and to a lesser extent Michonne got to be all rough and tough  which made them fan favorites. Instead of giving some of the rest of the cast some time to shine, those 3 get more moments in the sun, making them more even popular and causing some resentment over the rest of the cast not doing shit for entire seasons. 


It's a double-edged sword, because these characters are popular, so if you don't show them, then you get fan backlash. 


Last season they did try to give airtime to all of the cast, risking the backlash. I hope they will do that again this season, because they have such a rich cast. Even if people like Sasha aren't big fan favorites, they're a big reason why I'm still invested. 

Edited by Pete Martell
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Well, my DVR cut out right when the guy was about to take off his mask, so I have no idea who it is. I guess I'll find out next week. I hope this isn't a new thing & there's going to scenes after the credits every week.


They spent all last season getting to Terminus, & in one episode, they're done. I am glad that everyone is together again because the separate story crap had gotten old. I still don't understand what was happening at Terminus though, were they taking people just to eat them? And why were they showing the scenes from "then"? and what were those people doing with the people they had prisoner? Taking them out, beating them, & then putting them back? The whole Terminus storyline was confusing to me.

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When Eugene runs it's like those home movies that people have of Sasquatch lumbering into the forest.

I did enjoy the scene when the walker lunged at Eugene,  His reaction was hysterical.  Still didn't move his arms away from his sides.


I don't mind about his hair, maybe he can share some tips with Darryl.  I just want to know how anyone could be walking around in Georgia swathed in a jacket with a muffler doubled around his neck and a neoprene face mask.  Wooof.

Maybe that's what keeps him safe from the walkers.  He smells so bad they think he's one of them.

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I get it. Some people just won't be able to fully make the transition to the new world that is the ZA i.e. Tyrese.  With that said,  ZA is no place to be going through a crisis about killing the walkers. Thank God he finally manned upped. He was pretty bad assed to kill all of those zombies with just the earthly elements as weapons.


I've fanwanked that Tyreese was raised knowing he can really hurt somebody easily - and maybe has.  I don't see him as a coward, but more a gentle giant who has spent his life keeping fear and anger in check, so as not to go off and accidentally kill someone.


I'm sorry all that bad shit happened to you, Terminus people, but two wrongs don't make a right.  It was delightful seeing you all get eaten!


Yeah, I think it's interesting to learn how they became cannibals, as long as they're not attempting to elicit sympathy or understanding.


Carol is a boss bitch. That's all I have to say. She's been one of my favorites since season 3 and she didn't fail me tonight. Rick was on fire tonight as well. The hipsters were definitely fucking with the wrong people. 


She's absolutely amazing, and I've always loved Carol.  I bet Melissa McBride is loving the hell out of portraying this character.  Imagine that - a kickass woman in her forties with grey hair.  For a show that had a reputation of horribly written female characters, we now have Carol/Maggie/Sasha/Michonne.  Even Rosalie was going to town, and Tara's no slouch.


This episode couldn't have been more perfect, in my opinion.  I practically jumped for joy when I realized we wouldn't be seeing Beth.  I loved the Judith reunion, and I've finally forgiven Daryl for so easily dismissing Carol's banishment.  I used to think I wanted them romantically involved, but when Daryl saw Carol ....... it was like he just saw his mama!  He ran stumbling to her and it was adorable.


I laughed out loud when the zombie grabbed at Eugene and all he did was flail in fear and disgust.  All the three stooges (Abraham/Rosalie/Eugene) are slowly growing on me.   It was Eugene who made them save Glenn and Tara, and I'm trying to just accept him for comic relief.


Baby Judith is adorbs.  If she lives through adolescence, she's going to be another warrior.  When that fool had his hands on her, I felt for the real baby - she looked so afraid.


My DVR cut off before the Morgan reveal, but I'm happy to welcome him back.

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I enjoyed that they didn't linger in Terminus, they busted out and the Termites got what they deserved.  


That fruit hippie dude that Carol and Rick once helped, poor guy.


Please don't find Beth.  I like the group they have now and can do without Emily's bad acting dragging the rest of the cast down.


Okay, Carol, you're forgiven.  That was badass.  Loved the reunions, especially between Carol and Daryl - no dialogue, just hugs.


The look Judith gave the bad guy was hilarious, like, "Your weasel face makes me poop my diaper."



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I missed the final scene with Morgan, but I'm glad it's already up on the webs.  Glad he's still around and kicking, and I hope he'll be back for more then just one episode.  He's only been in two episodes for the entire series, but man, is he awesome.


I agree that one of the reasons I can't really feel sorry for the Terminus folks is that it did seem like they were basically tricking people to come to their place, just so they could eat them.  It wasn't some case of them running out of food and being desperate, or going only after bad guys (like a cannibal Dexter): they're were basically just Hannibal Lector, without the snazzy suits and amazing chef skills (Hannibal would have been disgusted... over how they were mistreating all that meat!)

Edited by thuganomics85
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Did anyone else get a bit skeptical when Tyrese told Carol he killed the guy who threatened Judith, and he stopped her from going inside a little too quickly?  I think he may have left him alive, and it will come back and haunt them later. I'm especially suspicious because he told the guy Judith's name. I'm worried that somehow, it's going to cause problems at some point.

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Did anyone else get a bit skeptical when Tyrese told Carol he killed the guy who threatened Judith, and he stopped her from going inside a little too quickly?  I think he may have left him alive, and it will come back and haunt them later. I'm especially suspicious because he told the guy Judith's name. I'm worried that somehow, it's going to cause problems at some point.


My feeling exactly.

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Well, my DVR cut out right when the guy was about to take off his mask, so I have no idea who it is. I guess I'll find out next week. I hope this isn't a new thing & there's going to scenes after the credits every week.


They spent all last season getting to Terminus, & in one episode, they're done. I am glad that everyone is together again because the separate story crap had gotten old. I still don't understand what was happening at Terminus though, were they taking people just to eat them? And why were they showing the scenes from "then"? and what were those people doing with the people they had prisoner? Taking them out, beating them, & then putting them back? The whole Terminus storyline was confusing to me.


The flashbacks as well as Carol's scene with the older woman (Mary?) were supposed to help us understand what happened in Terminus, why it became the place it was. Originally it truly was a sanctuary, a good place run by good people who were trying to help. They put up the signs and did everything in good faith. But a group of evil people arrived, because they saw the signs, and took over. They constantly tortured the people of Terminus, including Gareth and his family, and raped the women. This went on for weeks or maybe more, and made them snap. They were able to take Terminus back (I'm guessing they killed all the attackers), but  basically became evil, crazy people. They adopted the mentality of "you're either the butcher or the cattle", and decided to become the butcher. So when people kept arriving because of the signs and their broadcast, instead of helping them they robbed them, killed them and ate them. 


I was glad that Terminus just lasted an episode. After the farm and the Governor storyline, I was afraid that they were going to drag it forever.

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My only small nit is that Glenn almost bought it, twice, only to be saved by random interruptions. I wished I'd at least seen Rick start to do something before Casey at the Bat was stopped mid-swing.

Seriously. Glenn went through like 11 of his 9 lives during that.  It got to the point where I was like "OH MY GOD JUST HIT HIM ALREADY!" and I didn't even want Glenn to die.



Did anyone else get a bit skeptical when Tyrese told Carol he killed the guy who threatened Judith, and he stopped her from going inside a little too quickly?

I thought this too but I also want to give him the benefit of the doubt.  Which we learned from this show is never a good idea and only bad things will come of it so there you go.  I do hope that he really killed that guy.  I mean he was going to snap a baby's neck.  If there's ever a time to kill, it's then.


I absolutely loved badass Carol and I'm one who doesn't believe she needs to be forgiven.  I wasn't a fan of Rick kicking her out of the group but I am glad she's back.  Although her confrontation with Mary made me a little wary.  I don't know why but the "You're not here, neither am I." it felt like a bit of foreshadowing to me.  I hope it's not.  I mean, I LOVE badass Carol.  But I don't want crazyass Carol.  It's going to be a fine line to tread.



They adopted the mentality of "you're either the butcher or the cattle"

They really did take that too literally.  Tasha Yar to Sela in one episode.

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