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Holiday and Seasonal Commercials

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the Hersheys Kisses bellringing ad. Still cute after all these years (first aired in 1989)


That's what I said to start the conversation, a little up the page.

Edited by Haleth
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Damn you, Glade holiday-themed commercial for making my mother cry tonight!  The sweet WWII-era couple celebrating with Glade products through their years together was a low blow on Veterans' Day!  

I just came here to post about this, what a nice commercial. I like watching the family grow through the years, & I like that they have diversity in the family.

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The woman's hair at the beginning is bizarre, though.


IKR?!  It looks like she's got wings on the sides of her head.  Surely they could have hired someone to do her hair in a proper 40s/50s style.  But yeah sweet commercial that I'm afraid I will hate by Dec. 25th because I'd seen it 437 times.


"Win the holidays" at Best Buy. It's not a competition! Where's the outrage over this, Starbucks cups people?

I just posted this over on the Commercials We Hate thread!  As if you are going to lose or be a loser on Christmas morning if you don't buy the cool gifts at Best Buy--I hate commercialism =(

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I know it's supposed to be a feel good ad,and it is but I've become so jaded. It's the one where the girl is decorating her apartment and she looks out her window and sees the old leaving his house and she decides to string up some lights at his house. He's very smiley when he comes home. But all I can think of is he's not going to be so smiley when he gets his electric bill and can't pay it cause he's on a fixed income.

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I know it's supposed to be a feel good ad,and it is but I've become so jaded. It's the one where the girl is decorating her apartment and she looks out her window and sees the old leaving his house and she decides to string up some lights at his house. He's very smiley when he comes home. But all I can think of is he's not going to be so smiley when he gets his electric bill and can't pay it cause he's on a fixed income.

I haven't seen the ad but how many lights are we talking about here? Clark Griswold/Christmas Vacation level? Or just a few strands? Because if it's the latter, his electric bill won't go up THAT much. And he always has the option to turn it off.

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Goddamn it, Shutterfly. I can't stomach another year of the hipsters and the poor homely time-deaf girl warbling about mailing themselves every 5 minutes. It's you or me - this holiday ain't big enough for the two of us.

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Yeah, and you just know those cats aren't going to forgive or forget anytime soon.  I can see the look on every one of their faces:  "Human, I am going to GET you for this if it's the last thing I do!"

I'm thinking they're going to give their humans a nice present of barf in a shoe.

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Alright. It is now Christmas. I just saw a Jane Seymore butt necklace commercial. Happy holidays, you all!

lmao! Omg you mean the open heart collection? I never saw it til you posted this now I'm gonna see it ever time.

I usually enjoy the Toys R Us commercials at the holidays but I'm already sick of seeing the toys talking to each other about their savings.......Awwwwwsome (blarf)

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I saw a new Glad candle Peace on Earth commercial. Is the singer still Kevin Ross? I can't tell.


Saw my first Big Lots ad of the season. It's so early, but the singers don't bother me any more than anyone else enticing me to buy something nobody needs or wants.

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I usually enjoy the Toys R Us commercials at the holidays but I'm already sick of seeing the toys talking to each other about their savings.......Awwwwwsome (blarf)


Most of the toys talking to each other ones are meh but the one with Optimus Prime cracks me up every time.  Are you telling me there is more than one of me?  Awwww!

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Most of the toys talking to each other ones are meh but the one with Optimus Prime cracks me up every time. Are you telling me there is more than one of me? Awwww!

I like that one.

I'm so sick of the Big Lots commercials already. I'm dreading the day after Thanksgiving because I know the black Friday commercial will be replaced by something equally annoying. And it will get played 100 times a day.

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It's just a strand. And it is a nice ad, I guess my cynical side just thought yeah it's a nice gesture but it's using his electricity.

If the old guy uses as little electricity as my grandmother did, it won't cost anything for the strand. Power companies often have minimum monthly service fees; until you bring your usage above that number, a few extra watts won't make a difference.

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Squeee! I finally saw the Hershey's Kisses Jingle Bells.

I recently saw them a little after midnight.  For me, that officially means the holidays are on their way.

Edited by InDueTime
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I got very irritated at the Walmart ad with the girl who gets the app so she can make a list for her boyfriend, like why not just buy the gifts yourself then? But then my husband said he likes that ad, because as a guy, he wants to be told what someone would like and not have to guess.

And so I said Barnes & Nobles and iTunes gift cards are nice, heh.

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Yesterday I was so happy to see one of the silliest commercials that always brings a smirk to my face: Mr. Sketch Scented Markers, because blueberries can fart!

I love the farting blueberry! I saw that about 2 dozen times yesterday. Never gets old.

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Alright. It is now Christmas. I just saw a Jane Seymore butt necklace commercial. Happy holidays, you all!

Haleth - Oh My God this is too funny for words!  Absolute perfect description!  Thanks for the laugh-out-loud first thing in the morning!

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