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S19.E04: How the Mighty Have Fallen

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15 minutes ago, albarino said:

Jesus Christ--you had time to type all of that while reacting (in a live fashion) in the live chat thread?!?  Wow.  I was trying to remember where the surgery happened but thank you for the tortorial (RHONY* thread joke).

Back to Sister Wives, did you get the larger point about Kody?

* Might have been RHOSHC

Edited 2 minutes ago by

Albarino, Like you I forgot that Ysabel's surgery was in NJ. For some reason I thought it was in Connecticut. God, I'm glad I didn't make that mistake! 

I hope we have seen the last of smug Mykelti. 

Edited by 65mickey
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Yes indeed! Robyn must have had a moment when a light bulb went off and she realized that she needed to rehabilitate herself. Kody is hopeless. When he said that he was more hurt over the damage that has happened to his relationship with Robyn rather than the damage that it has done to his relationship to his children I wanted to puke. Kody just admitted that he would rather be happy with Robyn than have a relationship with his children. He doesn't deserve the title of Dad. 

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He doesn't want to heal is family.  He most likely is relieved that he doesn't have to spend anytime with his children from the 3 other mothers. After all he called them "those people."  He just wants to be  happy with Robyn and her children. How he can look into the camera and say none of this is his fault and he is the victim is mind boggling to me. 

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24 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

These two have spent years showing us how much they love each other while dismissing the other wives and more importantly, the other kids.  And now?  They're wondering what went wrong?  Nope, don't buy it.  If the majority of Kody's kids aren't speaking to him and he refuses to believe that he is the common denominator, then he's full of crap and has no intention of fixing anything.  He's told us how happy he is with Robyn and their kids. 

Yes to your entire post.  I'm not going to go back for a rewatch but didn't Kody say several times the kids were punishing him because he didn't love their mothers?  Well, STFU about all of that horse shit.  He had a gazillion kids with "those women." (Meri excepted) This pisses me off almost as much as the other clap trap.  He didn't reject their mothers, he rejected THEM.  THEM. HIS KIDS.

While I'm on a tear, I'm going to mention this from the last episode....remember how safety conscious Kody was with the COVID protocols?  He had to protect his family?  Safety first?  All that?  yeah, loved that helmet he wore on his mountain bike at Coyote Pass.  Safety first, my ass.

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2 hours ago, Granny58 said:

Dammit TLC, you got me agreeing with Sobbyn.  

But so far she has merely said that she was constantly telling him to call & visit his kids. But we didn't see it at the time; we've only seen that the message Robyn's spawn got was that that the other kids hate them and don't want to see them. And if being abandoned by her biodad hurt her so much, why was she insisting that her tenders needed more than their fair share of Kody's attention even before she joined the family? So I am reserving judgement.

Edited by Denize
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Part of me is surprised that Robyn hasn’t run screaming from Kody.

She has to listen to him whining , moaning and never shutting up about how hard done by he is. He will never listen to reason or accept that he is any way to blame. He believes his children should worship and adore him and never make a decision without his approval. When he was talking about wanting his boys to move out because they weren’t following COVID rules he almost slipped and said “my” rules.

I don’t particularly feel sorry for her. It is poetic justice that Robyn now has him all to herself and never gets a break from him. I hope Meri, Janelle and Christine have had many smiles thinking of her being stuck while enjoying their new lives.


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2 hours ago, laurakaye said:

Interesting, because I felt like the entire outside scenes with Robyn and Kody were very much rehearsed - like they were  trying out for the local theatre troupe and this was their audition piece that they wrote themselves.

And when she took Kody's smarmy face in her hands and they stared deep into each other's eyes - in front of cameras, in the snow - sorry, I laughed.

I agree here, it seemed very soap-opera scripted to me, and why outside?  Oh yeah, it's a shitshow inside. 

I do give Mr. Brown credit for admitting that he made two mistakes, one being not going for the girls' surgery and the other one I can't remember, but YES, he admitted his mistake!  Baby steps.

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8 hours ago, Auntie Freeze said:

Sobbyn shed actual tears!!!

While the driveway scene was somewhat contrived by production (anything to keep them away from your tchotchkes, eh?), much of it felt pretty genuine. The rehab of Robyn begins. Kody is a lost cause. Unable to step out of himself and see the big pitcher.

"Pitcher".  I love this.  Makes me crazy every time every one of them says pitcher instead of piCture.  I have always wondered if I was the only person who notice this.  

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Other tidbits from this episode:

At Mykelti and Tony's house, was Robyn wearing a t-shirt that read "Grandma" under what was probably one of Kody's stinky hoodies?  And what the heck was Robyn doing sleeping in the closet?  I think even Mykelti and Tony found that weird...although how does one even sleep in a closet that smells like sweaty polyester and tacos?

Meri being sick on Thanksgiving was actually kind of sad, but I really wonder what her relationship is to Leon now.

But Kody's glee at Meri not being at the mansion for his and Robyn's Thanksgiving was off the charts.  I am so tired of Kody proclaiming that he can't act as a married couple with Robyn when Meri is around...isn't that kind of the basis of polygamy?  Like, he didn't act married to Meri when Christine was around?  Or did he push Janelle away if Meri was there?  Also, what couldn't he do if Meri had attended?  Was he planning on basting Robyn's turkey in between dinner and dessert?  He's insane.

Also, did Tony basically call Robyn a Poop Prophet?  I mean, if the shoe fits...

Edited by laurakaye
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2 hours ago, precious pupp said:

Sorry, I'm not buying the Robyn Redemption Tour.  She always considered her own and her kid's needs far above the OG 3, and monopolized Kody the dumbfuck, "from day one."  

Too little, too late.  GTFOOH with your pretend caring, you selfish witch.

I agree! I think she was being pretty hypocritical when she kept pushing so hard that "children need their dad". What about Robyn's first 3 children? Were we ever shown them spending time with their biological dad? All I remember is Robin inserting Kody into a picture and pretending he was their dad.  Even is her first husband was a terrible dad (as is Kody) didn't her children still need him?

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1 hour ago, suzeecat said:

I agree here, it seemed very soap-opera scripted to me, and why outside?  Oh yeah, it's a shitshow inside. 

I do give Mr. Brown credit for admitting that he made two mistakes, one being not going for the girls' surgery and the other one I can't remember, but YES, he admitted his mistake!  Baby steps.

The other was insisting that Gabe and Garrison move out of Janelle's house during Covid. 

I do believe that Robyn is sad that she no longer has a big family, but she takes no responsibility in helping to make the family the way it is now. All she had to do was "withhold" from Kody and he would have gone to Ysabel's surgery. Or pretty much do whatever she wanted Kody to do. But she wanted him with her kids, and thought because two of hers were the youngest, that made them special. 

Interesting that she is pulling the biodad card, and comparing her relationship with him to Kody's with his older children. But didn't she say that after her parents' divorce her dad moved away and started another family? Sounds like she is/was trying to do to Kody's older kids what her dad did to her. 

I did find it funny that she keeps insisting that his adult kids need him. And at one point Kody talked about how badly the family is doing now that they are all separate. Seems to me like the adult kids are all thriving, and the three wives who are now free of Kody are as well. The only ones not doing well are Robyn and Kody. But the narcissist and his delusional wife will never see that they are, and have been, the problem.

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9 hours ago, Auntie Freeze said:

Sobbyn shed actual tears!!!

While the driveway scene was somewhat contrived by production (anything to keep them away from your tchotchkes, eh?), much of it felt pretty genuine. The rehab of Robyn begins. Kody is a lost cause. Unable to step out of himself and see the big pitcher.

Saw that coming when I watched a youtuber and I am not here for this!  Well when they finally start showing new footage and I watch again. When Ari is 42.

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7 minutes ago, lilysmom said:

I agree! I think she was being pretty hypocritical when she kept pushing so hard that "children need their dad". What about Robyn's first 3 children? Were we ever shown them spending time with their biological dad? All I remember is Robin inserting Kody into a picture and pretending he was their dad.  Even is her first husband was a terrible dad (as is Kody) didn't her children still need him?

I remember one time Robyn letting is slip that the kids were going to see their biodad. But she has definitely made it look like Kody was the knight in shining armor who rescued her and her kids. I never understood why her ex allowed Kody to adopt his kids and change their name. Made me wonder even when they were doing the scenes in the courthouse if the kids names actually did legally change. 

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Most parents, if their kids didn't want anything to do with them and were badmouthing them, would ask themselves, "Where did I go wrong as a parent? How did I raise kids who would have so little respect for me?" But Kody seems incapable of introspection and assigns himself absolutely no responsibility in any part of the situation.

I guess in that way he is admitting that he was not a father to most of his children and did not have a hand in raising them or any influence on them. Because he seems perfect fine with calling them awful people on television. 

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5 hours ago, albarino said:

I'm not going to go back for a rewatch but didn't Kody say several times the kids were punishing him because he didn't love their mothers?  Well, STFU about all of that horse shit.  He had a gazillion kids with "those women." (Meri excepted) This pisses me off almost as much as the other clap trap.  He didn't reject their mothers, he rejected THEM.  THEM. HIS KIDS.

In that same conversation he was saying that Maddie was spreading lies and fallacies by telling Janelle that Kody said he doesn't love Janelle. Does he just not hear himself?

Kody: What have a done to deserve this?

Me: Just watch the show from S1 ep 1 until S19 e4. It is all there. 

3 hours ago, suzeecat said:

I agree here, it seemed very soap-opera scripted to me, and why outside?  Oh yeah, it's a shitshow inside. 

I do give Mr. Brown credit for admitting that he made two mistakes, one being not going for the girls' surgery and the other one I can't remember, but YES, he admitted his mistake!  Baby steps.

His other admitted mistake was trying to kick the boys out of Janelle's house when they wouldn't or couldn't comply with his Robyn's COVID protocols. I am so overjoyed to hear him acknowledge a shit storm ensued from the family for what he did to Ysabel. The most unforgiveable thing he has ever done. 

Yes, Robyn did go against character a bit but no I am not willing to entertain any redemption arc for her because she is still clinging to the kids despise Kody because of lies and misinformation. No, they despise him because of his (and her) actions over the past decade.  STOP THE CAP. She and he flew too close to the sun during the pandemic and are reaping what they have sown. 

It was interesting to hear his relationship with Hunter confirmed because we never hear where they stood. I always assumed he sided with his mom but it is nice to have confirmation. Hunter strikes me as a total mensch.

Robyn looks so much younger and better without makeup and the heavy brows. I was struck by that in the scenes with the babies and in the car on the way home. 

In some old photos they threw up it took me a minute to realize it was Tony. At first, I wondered WTH is Chaz Bono doing there?!?! LOL!

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I thought it was telling that even Robyn's pleas ostensibly on the behalf of the "kids who just need Kody so much" (spoiler: they don't) were really about her and her own feelings about her father, so just as self-oriented in a way as Kody's reasons always are (and without a thought to if her own kids want/get to have their birth father in their lives?). They are two peas in a pod. At the end of that segment when she was talking about not understanding why he won't try harder/do more, I literally said out loud to my TV "BECAUSE HE IS A NARCISSIST, ROBYN!". But then... I supect she is as well. 

I wanted to know which kid told Kody he had brainwashed them for years--that's probably Leon, I assume? Although maybe it could be any of them if interpreted as Kody pretending to be a loving husband to their mom? So the only kids he has a good relationship with still/now are Mykelti, maybe Truly (doubtful) and Robyn's 5?  Logan, Leon, Maddie, Aspen, Hunter, Paedon, Garrison (RIP), Gabe, Savannah, Gwen, Ysabel, all fell out/got cut off by him at some point. Jesus. And he can't  understand why the idea that him saying he never loved their mothers could be hurtful to the kids in some way or that saying he regretted ever marrying the women also in effect wishes his kids out of existence? What a douchebag. (Not new territory of course, but I just marvel at it again every once in a while.)

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10 hours ago, 65mickey said:

He doesn't want to heal is family.  He most likely is relieved that he doesn't have to spend anytime with his children from the 3 other mothers. After all he called them "those people."  He just wants to be  happy with Robyn and her children. How he can look into the camera and say none of this is his fault and he is the victim is mind boggling to me. 

Hmm…not sure about this.  Look at him - he’s miserable.  I agree that he loves and prefers living with Robyn and their kids in their mansion, but I think he misses his adult children in the sense of what he once had - being the father to 18 kids (even if just in name only), and everything that meant, ie. the status, the bragging, the respect, the ATTENTION.

Didn't he say in a recent episode that the happiest time of his life was when they were all in Las Vegas and Maddie and Caleb were newlyweds?  Makes sense - he had everything then: four wives, getting away with staying with only one wife and set of kids, and the love and respect of all of his kids….before it all fell apart.  Do I think he misses his kids in the sense of spending time with them or getting to know them?  Hell no!  But he was King of the castle, and I think he misses that.  Exhibit A: Logan’s wedding.  He used to live for those moments - being the Patriarch with a capital P, the center of attention, etc…. And yet there he was, practically a pariah.

Edited by LotusFlower
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Kody may miss being the king of the castle but that doesn't equate to missing his children. I think he is perfectly fine with Robyn and her spawn and being given an audience each week to opine about "those people" and how much they have hurt him. If he misses his children even because he misses being the king of the castle he would do whatever is necessary to reconnect with his adult children. i think he is perfectly happy with the way things are. 

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Hi everyone,

members who frequent both this and the individual participants' threads already know what I'm about to say but anyone who isn't doesn't. So, anyway, about the use of narcissism to describe a self-centered person… Kindly keep in mind that not everyone who is self-centered and egoistical is also a narcissist. While narcissism is defined as “excessive interest in or admiration of oneself and one's physical appearance“, narcissism is a personality disorder. Using the term indiscriminately not only undermines the seriousness of the disorder, it also impacts any individual affected by it. Please refrain from using the term to demean or insult and consider one of the many alternatives to describe a self-centered individual.

Thank you!

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That scene with Kody and Robyn was endless.  If either of them thought that that was going to rehab their image, they were sorely mistaken.  Kody came across like someone who needs psychiatric intervention and Robyn was totally fake.  

With Robyn, if she was so concerned about him having a relationship with his kids, why didn't she kick him out and tell him to go be with Ysabel?  Or at least make sure he FaceTimed her before and after her surgery?  Or sent her flowers?  Why didn't she tell him to make it up to Gabe for forgetting his birthday?  Why didn't she demand he text Savanah and especially invite her for the Christmas celebration he had with some of Christine's kids?  This is why I don't believe Robyn here.  Also, while she is right, his kids wanted a relationship with him, she is wrong about how he should go about it.  The first thing he should do, which he will never do, is apologize for his horrible behavior.  If he had done that early on and tried to do better, maybe most of his kids wouldn't be cutting him off now. And when he screamed that they are adults, my response was yes they are and healthy adults don't blindly worship and obey anyone, not even a parent.

The thing that annoyed me the most was that he kept saying that everyone was triggering him.  He clearly thinks that term means that every time someone says something to you you don't like or doesn't behave exactly as you want them to, that you have carte blanche to lose your $sh!t.  And it's all their fault because they triggered you.  I'm not surprised that Gabe is not responding to his texts anymore.  I wonder how many times he went through the cycle with Kody before he realized that there was no future in it.  I'm not sure how many of the things he claims the kids said were actually said.  Hunter may have said that after Kody got triggered and screamed at him.  Not sure who claims he brainwashed them.  They all seem to have been over the religious beliefs for years.

Regarding the wedding.  I thought Kody said everyone ignored him and were purposely acting like they were having fun to needle him.  But now he is claiming that there were several confrontations at the wedding including Maddie keeping her kids away from him and some of the others treating him with contempt.  So, which is it?  And as for someone saying that he didn't love Janelle, he said that over and over again about all three of them.  He even said it later in this episode after he yelled his denial that he had ever said it.  He has said for years he wished he'd never married Meri and that he was never attracted to Christine.  He's exhausting.

While I think the scene between them was rehearsed, it is grounded in truth.  I imagine that Robyn is getting tired of angry Kody.  He just seems miserable to live with and has the built in excuse of being triggered by everything to stay in that state.  It's no wonder the other wives look years younger.  Even when Meri was sick in bed, she looked so much better than when she was dealing with him.

The less said about Christine's teenage antics the better.  Glad she's happy, but she just acts so immature.  I would not be in such a hurry to bring a man into my life if I was responsible for a minor child who had no choice in the matter.  I would want to spend a significant amount of time finding out who this guy was first.

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Wouldn't it be interesting to see how the episodes/talking heads from season 17 line up with what was going on during this season 19 episode filming? In this episode they were talking about Thanksgiving 2022 so we can assume it was filmed in November of 2022, or possibly early December of 2022 if it was AFTER Thanksgiving. The "Knife in the Kidneys" episode aired on tv on Nov. 13, 2022. If we assume that the Brown kids see the episodes as they air live on tv, they were just seeing the crap Kody was saying about Christine and Janelle and the drama of the knife in kidneys right around that time....no wonder Gabe didn't return Kody's calls or texts.   

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9 hours ago, suzeecat said:

I do give Mr. Brown credit for admitting that he made two mistakes, one being not going for the girls' surgery and the other one I can't remember, but YES, he admitted his mistake!  Baby steps.

I give no credit. I think the only reason he considers these mistakes if because of the effects his actions had on HIM, not the effects on Isabelle, Gabe, or Garrison. He sees that having to deal with Isabelle's surgery on her own allowed Christine to realise that she didn't need him to help parent her kids, because he wasn't parenting. Then he forced Janelle to choose between him and her boys, I'm sure he fully assumed she would choose him, and once she chose the boys it snowballed, then she chose the dogs, then she also saw that she was able to be happy and content without him.

5 hours ago, islandgal140 said:

Yes, Robyn did go against character a bit but no I am not willing to entertain any redemption arc for her because she is still clinging to the kids despise Kody because of lies and misinformation. No, they despise him because of his (and her) actions over the past decade.  STOP THE CAP. She and he flew too close to the sun during the pandemic and are reaping what they have sown. 

Agreed - this whole ridiculous story of how the kids are only mad at him because of lies and misinformation, which she implies has come from the other moms, what a load of bs.

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2 hours ago, OldWiseOne said:

this whole ridiculous story of how the kids are only mad at him because of lies and misinformation, which she implies has come from the other moms, what a load of bs.

She assumes the OG3 are doing what she is doing, lying to her spawn about how the OG3 and their kids hate the Robyns and don't want to spend time with them.

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I agree that this extended (way too long) conversation between Kody and Robyn was meant to rehab her image.  It is not going to change my view of her- her actions over the years have lead to this damage.  She is the puppet master and has manipulated Kody and taken all his time away from the other families.  Her words are so hypocritical- she doesn't seem to think bio dads are important when it comes to her own family.  She replaced their dad with Kody's image in the family painting.  Of course, Kody is to blame for not seeing the worth and value in his own children.  No one would be able to manipulate me into abandoning my loved ones.  I'm just hoping his children see how loved they are by Christine and Janelle and their siblings and not hang their hopes on this loser.

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I don’t believe a single thing about Robyn’s act on the driveway, she’s just doing whatever she can to not have the viewers hate her for everything she’s done to tear apart the family.

If Robyn is sooooo sincere and so concerned about the kids how about starting by telling Kody to QUIT saying he never loved their mothers!!!  
I wonder how Robyn would feel if Kody told HER kids that he never loved their mother?!?!

He said it over and over again and not one time did I see Robyn grab his face and say “STOP SAYING THAT you’re breaking your kids hearts every time you say it!!!!”

All of Robyn’s whimpering and begging was for Robyn and a scripted attempt to have everything blamed on Kody and because he loves Robyn he’s willing to go along with it.

Theyre both as fake as a 3 dollar bill, f*ck off with that BS!

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23 hours ago, laurakaye said:

Interesting, because I felt like the entire outside scenes with Robyn and Kody were very much rehearsed - like they were  trying out for the local theatre troupe and this was their audition piece that they wrote themselves.

While parts of it seemed slightly unscripted, to me this was their performance piece where both of them are trying to rehabilitate their image on the show.  IMO they both failed miserably.  Kody pretending to have feelings about missing his kids while admitting that he won't do a single thing to remedy that issue was pointless and made him come off even worse than he already does - quite an accomplishment.  And Robyn stuttering and stumbling, wrinkling her brow and asking Kody to work on his relationships with his other kids when she's the one who told us outright that Ariabelliola can't last even a few hours without Kody?  And Robyn never made Kody spend time with Maddie's kids, to the point where Maddie has dismissed him from his duties as Grandpa?  And Robyn didn't insist that he accompany Ysabel to her surgery?  Complete revisionist history.  And when she took Kody's smarmy face in her hands and they stared deep into each other's eyes - in front of cameras, in the snow - sorry, I laughed.

These two have spent years showing us how much they love each other while dismissing the other wives and more importantly, the other kids.  And now?  They're wondering what went wrong?  Nope, don't buy it.  If the majority of Kody's kids aren't speaking to him and he refuses to believe that he is the common denominator, then he's full of crap and has no intention of fixing anything.  He's told us how happy he is with Robyn and their kids.  So go be happy - but don't stand there and opine how badly he wants to heal his family.  It can't be both.

TL;DR - Kody and Robyn continue to lie to fix their images.  IMO, it didn't work.

They have shown us who they are…I believe them.  Horrible people.

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I actually did find Robyn sincere in that driveway conversation. Maybe she's guilty of everything she's accused of, but I do believe that she's been trying to get Kody to fix things (even if one believes it's only to take the heat off her).  Sentiment is universally against them, and she at least seems to be grasping it, even if he wants to defy it. 


16 hours ago, taragel said:

 So the only kids he has a good relationship with still/now are Mykelti, maybe Truly (doubtful) and Robyn's 5?  

Mykelti has referred to David on Instagram as Grandpa, so time will tell...

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23 hours ago, albarino said:

While I'm on a tear, I'm going to mention this from the last episode....remember how safety conscious Kody was with the COVID protocols?  He had to protect his family?  Safety first?  All that?  yeah, loved that helmet he wore on his mountain bike at Coyote Pass.  Safety first, my ass.

What gets me here is that he's talking about Covid in retrospect but these episodes were filmed in 2022 when Covid was still very much a thing so how interesting that by that time his "protocols" were already thrown out the window. And that was likely because it suited him of course, not because he cared much about being safe from Covid. As we all know it was something he used to justify his relative absence from the rest of the family at that time.

20 hours ago, sassi214 said:

Kody's love is conditional. And that is very gross. 

Robyn's kids kiss his ass (maybe not Dayton as much), that's what he sees as "respect". 

This whole episode was VILE. 

He kept ranting and railing against his own children. And HE kept bringing up the fact that he doesn't love their mothers. 

Yes, he just won't take ownership of rejecting his own children. He's trying to turn it into them rejecting him because he didn't love their mothers. But we all know that kids are going to take that personally and feel that they're being rejected too. He will not accept any responsibility here. He keeps twisting and spinning everything into him being the one rejected when he was the one that rejected THEM. What kind of self-centered creep would do that to their own kids? Make them feel responsible for what he essentially did to THEM?

20 hours ago, UsernameFatigue said:

I do believe that Robyn is sad that she no longer has a big family, but she takes no responsibility in helping to make the family the way it is now. All she had to do was "withhold" from Kody and he would have gone to Ysabel's surgery. Or pretty much do whatever she wanted Kody to do. But she wanted him with her kids, and thought because two of hers were the youngest, that made them special. 

Interesting that she is pulling the biodad card, and comparing her relationship with him to Kody's with his older children. But didn't she say that after her parents' divorce her dad moved away and started another family? Sounds like she is/was trying to do to Kody's older kids what her dad did to her. 

Yes, I find these two paragraphs especially wise. Often people without much self awareness unwittingly repeat the "sin" that was done to them even as they tell themselves there's a good reason for their actions. Whether or not she is aware of it, she put pressure on him to spend more time with her kids with the excuse that they were supposedly younger and "needed him more", thus trying to get him not to be like her father. And thus in effect she was making him feel obligated to pay more attention to them which of course implies that he would have less time to spend with his older children. And of course, self-centered and clueless Robyn couldn't see how that was similar to what her father did to HER. But of course that didn't matter so much as long as he didn't do it to HER kids!

18 hours ago, JoannKBC said:

Most parents, if their kids didn't want anything to do with them and were badmouthing them, would ask themselves, "Where did I go wrong as a parent? How did I raise kids who would have so little respect for me?" But Kody seems incapable of introspection and assigns himself absolutely no responsibility in any part of the situation.

I guess in that way he is admitting that he was not a father to most of his children and did not have a hand in raising them or any influence on them. Because he seems perfect fine with calling them awful people on television. 

In making himself the victim, he is putting the blame on his kids so they're the bad guy, not him. So how does he expect them to feel about that? He is unwilling to accept that he did anything wrong. Like there's nothing wrong with not loving their mothers - WTF? Like that's a "get out of jail free card"?  Like his kids are just supposed to say, "Oh well, Dad didn't do anything wrong". Unbelievable!  You don't disrespect your ex wives and kids by telling them that as a way to get around accepting your responsibility in the breakdown of those relationships. You accept that you weren't able to love them as much as they should have been loved and that's on you. But nothing is ever this guy's fault and his reaction here shows just how little he can put himself in their place. Lack of empathy, and an inability to take personal responsibility for doing anything wrong are typical of this guy that pretty much had everything the way HE wanted it for decades and thought he was the unquestionable "king" of his little kingdom. How the mighty have fallen indeed!

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12 hours ago, OldWiseOne said:

this whole ridiculous story of how the kids are only mad at him because of lies and misinformation, which she implies has come from the other moms, what a load of bs.

I think she knows deep down that it's bs. She knows the kids are mad at him because of his actual actions. But she has to walk on eggshells around Kody's fragile ego so she tells him that the kids have been fed misinformation and would come around if they knew the truth. That's the only story that seems to get through to him a little, so it's the story she keeps telling him.

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21 hours ago, Shauna said:

"Pitcher".  I love this.  Makes me crazy every time every one of them says pitcher instead of piCture.  I have always wondered if I was the only person who notice this.  

I always just chalk it up to regional differences.  The one that absolutely makes my ears bleed is when British people use V instead of TH.  Vree instead of three, for example.  That and when subject and verb disagree.  Arggghhhh.

21 hours ago, sassi214 said:

And HE kept bringing up the fact that he doesn't love their mothers. 

Ya know, now that he has actually found LOVE love, I can understand him looking back and realizing what he had wasn't actually romantic love but a business transaction hopefully rooted in friendship.  But he should NEVER EVER say that.  He COULD say he loved the mothers in a different way.  

20 hours ago, laurakaye said:

At Mykelti and Tony's house, was Robyn wearing a t-shirt that read "Grandma" under what was probably one of Kody's stinky hoodies?  And what the heck was Robyn doing sleeping in the closet?  I think even Mykelti and Tony found that weird...although how does one even sleep in a closet that smells like sweaty polyester and tacos?

I found it weird that TONY wasn't the one who could help with the twins.  After all, Robyn wasn't breast feeding.  She just stuck a binkie in their mouths.  Could have been more helpful to take care of the older child (name?) and fuss over her a bit.  

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21 hours ago, UsernameFatigue said:

I remember one time Robyn letting is slip that the kids were going to see their biodad. But she has definitely made it look like Kody was the knight in shining armor who rescued her and her kids. I never understood why her ex allowed Kody to adopt his kids and change their name. Made me wonder even when they were doing the scenes in the courthouse if the kids names actually did legally change. 

considering Robyn's debt, wouldn't surprise me if he was really hard up and it was a financial incentive.  And just like the legal divorce wouldn't change anything (ahem), the change of last name wouldn't either.  Sure Jan. 


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14 hours ago, OldWiseOne said:

I give no credit. I think the only reason he considers these mistakes if because of the effects his actions had on HIM, not the effects on Isabelle, Gabe, or Garrison.

I think he acknowledged his “mistake” with Ysabel’s surgery only because of the public feedback.  He was crucified over that.  Notice how he said it in a talking head interview as opposed to in a real conversation.  It was calculated.

Re: forcing his sons to move out, maybe he’s calling it a mistake now only because Robyn’s oldest kids are now 18+ and still living at home.  So much for his “policy.”

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IMO, the bottom line is that Kody feels betrayed by his exes (even though he NEVER EVER loved them) because he feels he was out of their league and he was doing them a favor by marrying them. He is pissed that they aren't grateful and dared to be unsatisfied by the emotional crumbs he was willing to throw them.  In his mind, HE has too much to do to pay attention to everyone and therefore they should all just accept what little they get and shut up about it. I also think this is essentially how it went for 25 years until everyone got a front row seat to HOW MUCH MORE he was willing and able to give the Robyn crew. 

Its akin to the scene in When Harry Met Sally when Sally realizes "It wasn't that he didn't want to get married; it was that he didn't want to marry ME." That is SO PAINFUL to realize.  All the OG wives and  the kids got that and Kody cant wrap his brain around it. 

Edited by MamaMax
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20 hours ago, JoannKBC said:

Most parents, if their kids didn't want anything to do with them and were badmouthing them, would ask themselves, "Where did I go wrong as a parent? How did I raise kids who would have so little respect for me?" But Kody seems incapable of introspection and assigns himself absolutely no responsibility in any part of the situation.

I guess in that way he is admitting that he was not a father to most of his children and did not have a hand in raising them or any influence on them. Because he seems perfect fine with calling them awful people on television. 

Kody ís okay with bad mouthing his kids because he is on the emotional level of an adolescent himself. This whole narrative of any kids being beholden to interact with their parents once they are adults, seems contradictory to me. IMO, kids are in our lives to find their way (with their parent's help)  in this world. The idea that blind loyalty from adult children is expected, or owed to parents, seems very selfish. Loyalty and love is learned, not legislated by someone's father and step mother.  I agree that Kody and Robyn's driveway scene seemed highly scripted and manipulative, particularly in light of the fact that for the last 10 years any relationship with the Browns with the father of Robyn's kids from her 1st marriage, has been a cipher. What are Robyn's adult children from this other father doing? Are they gainfully employed? Is this need to keep the adult children as satellites, really a disguised way for Robyn and Kody to focus on the relationships they have with everyone else, but not with each other? I had to chortle when production shared that Kody had left a heated discussion with Robyn, "and gone for a drive," because I think this is the crux of all of Kody and Robyn's dysfunction. For years Kody had problems with one or several of the wives, and he would run to another wife or Robyn, for tea and sympathy. Now, he expects his adult children to assume the positions he and Robyn have formerly assigned to his wives: saviors or scapegoats. 


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