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S03.E07: Joining of Hands

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Wasn't Benedict a painter in the first season of this show? Why didn't he admit to that when "Paul" was grilling him?

ETA: Paul is into Benedict AND Tilly. I didn't see that coming.

Well, if Anthony and Kate run off to India that's two actors they don't have to pay for Season 4. And Daphne and her husband didn't show up for Colin and Penelope's wedding. The family gets smaller as the seasons advance.

Edited by NeenerNeener
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The opening confrontation was a letdown after the deliciousness of the cliffhanger. Penelope was too weepy and Colin seemed too...restrained or something? Not intense? Not angry enough? It just fell kind of flat.

The second confrontation on the street was much better. His character really hasn't been developed enough, so the fact that they tied his anger more into concern that she was right in what she wrote about him, and not really respecting his own writing, and not needing him, gave him a lot more (or at least some) depth.

The early Violet/Danbury scenes and Colin/Eloise scenes were really good.

"Have you forgotten what she wrote about me at the start of the season?"

"Of course, that was not so good."

It was all in her delivery, but I had to cackle.

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5 hours ago, NeenerNeener said:

Wasn't Benedict a painter in the first season of this show? Why didn't he admit to that when "Paul" was grilling him?

I was thinking the same thing.  For a moment, I was very hopeful it might trigger his return to art since it was such a lame reason for his quitting last season and also the one specific trait of Benedict's from the book they actually kept.

Once they got together, all I could think was "Poor Sophie, I don't know how one competes with a thruple."  On the other hand, Benedict still seems more like a sensation seeker than a man in love. 

I really love Lady Danbury and Violet's relationship.  I adore that they added the bit about Violet's father into Queen Charlotte and it continues to be an underlying thread of their friendship.

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9 hours ago, NeenerNeener said:

Wasn't Benedict a painter in the first season of this show? Why didn't he admit to that when "Paul" was grilling him?

3 hours ago, RachelKM said:

I was thinking the same thing.  For a moment, I was very hopeful it might trigger his return to art since it was such a lame reason for his quitting last season and also the one specific trait of Benedict's from the book they actually kept.

As someone who has painted for 60 of my 70 years, I immediately felt sad that the writers had decided that not only was Benedict's admission to art school bought rather than based upon a portfolio of promising work, but that Benedict had no talent as an artist. 
But then I consoled myself with hope that this was a setup for them to revisit Benedict finding his way as an artist in a following season.



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16 hours ago, NeenerNeener said:

Well, if Anthony and Kate run off to India that's two actors they don't have to pay for Season 4. 


IRL it would be a stupid idea for a pregnant woman to embark on a long journey. The due date is no certainty, there can be a miscarriage or an early birth. 

I also thought about epidemics, but in 19th century there was many times f.ex. cholera in Europe. 

  • Like 12
18 hours ago, NeenerNeener said:

Wasn't Benedict a painter in the first season of this show? Why didn't he admit to that when "Paul" was grilling him?

I wondered that, but Benedict was very hurt when he found out Anthony had bought his place at art school, so I suspect he has rejected that part of his life completely and is (as he admitted) leaning hard into the 'ne'er do well' second son stereotype. He also claimed to be doing nothing whatsoever with his time from day to day, when we know that he has actually been running the entire estate during Anthony's repeated absences. That scene was Benedict projecting a specific image of himself, rather than revealing any personal truths.

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It was really rushed.  I get why they had Colin go through with it and not call it off because of what they already did. 

He should have been angry longer and more. Eloise got her anger all season yet Colin is seeming hours. 

They didn't even explain where Daphne is? Why she couldn't come and they use the wedding to set up Anthony gone next to India. 


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Where were Daphne and her family during the wedding, or at least Daphne? Or even a mention? Its also weird to me that no one mentions Lady Whistledown picking on Daphne in the first season, which is probably the best reason the Bridgerton's personally have to be pissed at Penelope. 

I wish Kate and Anthony weren't going off to India, not only does it seem like a bad idea for a pregnant woman to take such a big trip, but they're still my favorite couple and don't want them gone!

I really love Lady Danbury and Violet's friendship, it was so sweet when Violet reminded her that she cares about her beyond her connections with the queen. 

Its sort of funny that the guys advice to Lord John for getting Violet's approval is to add more drama to he and Francesca's quiet and adorable romance. Violet wants arguments in the pouring rain that end with make out sessions! She wants miscommunication leading to heated arguments and love triangles! She wants fucking on stairs!  

Edited by tennisgurl
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1 hour ago, Artsda said:

It was really rushed.  I get why they had Colin go through with it and not call it off because of what they already did. 

He should have been angry longer and more. Eloise got her anger all season yet Colin is seeming hours. 

Meh, a young man can only take so many nights on the couch when his young wife is lusting for him in the boudoir. 
But you're not wrong either.
I just didn't need to see any more of of the ColPen angst. Too flash-backy for me.
I haven't read the books, but I'm guessing this part worked better in that medium?

Colin sleeping on the couch seemed strange to me. Not the physical estrangement from Penelope, I mean, but logistically. The set-up in their household. Just how small is their newlywed apartment? The bedroom seems to open off the sitting room. They are living in an apartment belonging to the Bridgerton estate, but it's not as if it's a staff cottage, it is clearly an apartment always used by a member of the household. Surely most homes at that level of society, even small, subsidiary estate properties, would at least have a dressing room as well as a bedroom. Dressing rooms usually came equipped with beds - a lot of couples at that level of society slept separately as a matter of course. So it seemed strange that Colin would be sleeping on a small couch in the sitting room rather than on a bed in some kind of dressing room.

But maybe their apartment really is that tiny.

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55 minutes ago, Llywela said:

Colin sleeping on the couch seemed strange to me. Not the physical estrangement from Penelope, I mean, but logistically. The set-up in their household. Just how small is their newlywed apartment? The bedroom seems to open off the sitting room. They are living in an apartment belonging to the Bridgerton estate, but it's not as if it's a staff cottage, it is clearly an apartment always used by a member of the household. Surely most homes at that level of society, even small, subsidiary estate properties, would at least have a dressing room as well as a bedroom. Dressing rooms usually came equipped with beds - a lot of couples at that level of society slept separately as a matter of course. So it seemed strange that Colin would be sleeping on a small couch in the sitting room rather than on a bed in some kind of dressing room.

But maybe their apartment really is that tiny.

My impression was that that apartment was intended for the use of a single person - it seemed to be essentially a sitting room and bedroom, plus some sort of entrance way/hallway and presumably some sort of quarters for a single servant, - which worked for them since Colin doesn't seem to have a valet, though Penelope's maid was there.

It's not clear if the apartment also includes things like, say, a kitchen, but it seemed fairly clear that it didn't have an extra bedroom or a room the two of them could use as a study. 

I'm guessing the apartment will not be around in future seasons, leaving us to wonder. 

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27 minutes ago, quarks said:

My impression was that that apartment was intended for the use of a single person - it seemed to be essentially a sitting room and bedroom, plus some sort of entrance way/hallway and presumably some sort of quarters for a single servant, - which worked for them since Colin doesn't seem to have a valet, though Penelope's maid was there.

It's not clear if the apartment also includes things like, say, a kitchen, but it seemed fairly clear that it didn't have an extra bedroom or a room the two of them could use as a study. 

I'm guessing the apartment will not be around in future seasons, leaving us to wonder. 

Yeah, it's the Bridgerton family bachelor pad.  It was not uncommon for men of the Ton to have a smaller place in London in addition to their larger London residence.  Sometimes a gentleman needed to pop into London to take care of some urgent business outside of the Season and opening up the London home for one person to spend a handful of nights is a big hassle.  It's far easier to use the family apartment for those nights.  There would be a kitchen on the property, possibly shared with the other residents and the servant quarters would be near it. 

It's not something any member of the Ton would live in year-round. There's no real entertaining space nor space for Penelope's wardrobe.  But, it works for the few weeks until the end of the Season and then they can look for more permanent lodgings in London or the country.  

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I assumed Kate and Anthony had gone to India on their first long six-month honeymoon. Did I hear correctly that Edwina married someone in India?

Why can't we get a Kanthony wedding flashback?!

Colin and Penelope's fight over her being Whistledown resolved way too quickly. When he put his hand up her skirt on the street, my friend and I both said "AGAIN?" Dude stays going straight for the panties.

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In an earlier episode, Queen Charlotte said something or other about Edwina making a brilliant match abroad, but didn't clarify where abroad. This episode seemed to indicate that it was a brilliant match made in India.

Which is kinda odd given that at the end of the second season, Kate said that Lady Danbury had agreed to sponsor Edwina and Lady Mary for another season, and Queen Charlotte seemed willing to introduce Edwina to Prince Frederick. I do realize that the historical prince Frederick married someone else, but this show takes so many other liberties with history, I just assumed this was going to be another one. But then again, it's possible that Edwina did meet Frederick in Europe and then dragged him to India, and he retaliated by putting her on a horse. Possible. Not likely, but possible. 

  • Like 2
1 hour ago, quarks said:

My impression was that that apartment was intended for the use of a single person - it seemed to be essentially a sitting room and bedroom, plus some sort of entrance way/hallway and presumably some sort of quarters for a single servant, - which worked for them since Colin doesn't seem to have a valet, though Penelope's maid was there.

It's not clear if the apartment also includes things like, say, a kitchen, but it seemed fairly clear that it didn't have an extra bedroom or a room the two of them could use as a study. 

I'm guessing the apartment will not be around in future seasons, leaving us to wonder. 

There are a few more shots of the property in the 8th episode, the hallway and a scene in the drawing room.
And there is at least one male servant, probably a footman rather than a valet, around.

Edited by Aulty
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Re Polin’s wedding, I like the simplicity of Penelope’s dress. It’s delicately beautiful. But there’s too much highlighter for her makeup, it’s too modern. And why Colin looks vampiric on his wedding day? And no wedding night for Polin because Colin is still sulking? 

The Mondriches ball doesn’t look impressive at all. Low budget???

Wait, we aren’t gonna see Kanthony in the finale, are we? This trip to India is so random. 😣


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14 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

I wish Kate and Anthony weren't going off to India, not only does it seem like a bad idea for a pregnant woman to take such a big trip, but they're still my favorite couple and don't want them gone!

Same, they should have just shipped them off to Aubrey Hall, with Kate needing some rest or something, as an excuse to be missing. I realize it romantic fiction and nothing bad is going to happen, but aside from all perils a trip of that length would be for a pregnant woman, it's a baby, it's not going to remember anything from the trip!  Why not take a family trip later when the child (or children) can appreciate it?  And they can't stay, Anthony's the viscount, he has, dare I say it, duties.  I was kind of surprised the writers remembered Benedict would have to sign off on things. Don't get me wrong, I loved every minute of Kate and Anthony on my screen, I just would have appreciated much more thoughtful writing.

11 hours ago, mrsbagnet said:

I assumed Kate and Anthony had gone to India on their first long six-month honeymoon. Did I hear correctly that Edwina married someone in India?

Why can't we get a Kanthony wedding flashback?!

They wouldn't have had time to go to India and back, it was around a 6 month trip each way back then (which is why the idea that a visibly pregnant Kate will be in India before the baby comes is questionable at best).  The writing wasn't terribly clear about Edwina except that she was in India with her new husband; whether she married him there or moved there after wasn't specified (or if they were just visiting).

Writers are barely interested in Kate and Anthony as it is, no flashbacks for them. 


Edited by JenMD
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Yeah, one random "I've had an idea!" trip to get rid of Kate and Anthony is enough. Two of those in the same season is contrived and transparent.

Was Penelope's wedding dress blush pink? She looked lovely.

So I guess the way the show has chosen to resolve Penelope's double life is by deciding that the Whistledown gossip sheet is feminism now. Is there a handwave emoji? 👋👋👋

Moving on... Benedict is embracing his bisexuality. So much so that he had to rush out of his brother's wedding reception for some kind of emergency threesome 😆 It does feel like a do-over of an earlier storyline, but I suppose they're trying to do it right this time.

I agree with people who say that Benedict looks older this year. Claudia Jessie, playing Eloise, is my favourite actor among the remaining unmarried Bridgertons. Her character is so lively! But if Benedict doesn't take the lead next then he's going to look like he's 45 in his season 😄 so I hope he's the romantic lead in Season 4.

I've enjoyed the Cressida storyline this season and I have a huge amount of sympathy for her. That shot of her in the mirror, when she's sitting in her weird bedroom, surrounded by giant feathers and other mad costumery, with the only supportive person in her life giving her bad advice that will keep her friendless, was like something from a villain's origin story. I haven't watched the final episode yet, but I'm guessing she's going to out Penelope to win the prize money. Honestly, I find Cressida much more interesting than Colin.

Still, Colin and Penelope got some lovely romantic scenes in the back half of this season. I liked their wedding dance in this one.

On 6/13/2024 at 4:53 PM, TheOtherOne said:

The second confrontation on the street was much better. His character really hasn't been developed enough, so the fact that they tied his anger more into concern that she was right in what she wrote about him, and not really respecting his own writing, and not needing him, gave him a lot more (or at least some) depth.



Edited by Kirsty
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10 hours ago, 3 is enough said:

Both Penelope and Francesca wore white(ish) wedding gowns, but that trend was actually started by Queen Victoria. Just another small wardrobe glitch.

I mean I kinda feel that people can and will write entire dissertations about all of the wardrobe glitches on this show, so I'm willing to handwave the white wedding gowns. 

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59 minutes ago, LilJen said:

Don’t even get me started on the absence of chemises/shifts under the corsets. Outlander did it; why can’t everyone else?

I honestly feel bad for every actress who stars in a period piece and is stuck wearing a corset or stays without a chemise/shift underneath. The chafing, good lord, the chafing. I do think this is why so many actresses complain about corsets in their interviews and also skews the data when it comes to how comfortable a corset or shift really is. Properly worn Regency stays should be as comfortable as a well-fitted bra, and a properly fitted and worn corset is almost the same. One does move differently in a corset, but it should not be interfering with the actress's ability to breath, eat, and drink while wearing it.

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On 6/13/2024 at 9:08 AM, NeenerNeener said:

Well, if Anthony and Kate run off to India that's two actors they don't have to pay for Season 4. And Daphne and her husband didn't show up for Colin and Penelope's wedding. The family gets smaller as the seasons advance.

Not really. There are 9 Bridgertons - Mom and 8 kids. Daphne and Anthony move away with their spouses, making it 7, but Penelope is now a Bridgerton so that’s 8 present for season 4. Add in the spouse of the next Bridgerton to be featured (presumably Benedict) and that’s back up to 9. Plus Mom’s love interest.

They can’t all have decent air time, so why bother?

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1 hour ago, Shermie said:

Not really. There are 9 Bridgertons - Mom and 8 kids. Daphne and Anthony move away with their spouses, making it 7, but Penelope is now a Bridgerton so that’s 8 present for season 4. Add in the spouse of the next Bridgerton to be featured (presumably Benedict) and that’s back up to 9. Plus Mom’s love interest.

They can’t all have decent air time, so why bother?

Each season seemingly has 1 main plot and subplots for approximately 3 Bridgertons, 1.5 Featheringtons, and .5 QC/LD/LW drama.

Mom hasn't really gotten her own plot in any season, Francesca, Gregory and Hyacinth were basically not in S1-2 beyond a few group shots.

S1: Main plot was D and S, with subplots of Benedict going Bohemian and the Colin/Pen/Marina love triangle, Lord F's debts/scam/death

S2: Main plot was A and K, with subplots of Eloise/Pen/LW/QC, Lord Featherington 2.0 and his scam and disgrace.

S3: Main plot was C and P, with subplots of Benedict and his threesome, Francesca and her romance, Lady Featherington and her scam, Violet/LD/Marcus

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I know they're pretty much ignoring the books now. I skipped a few books; I went from Eloise to Francesca, I think, 


and F was already a widow at the start of her story.

So if they do Benedict's story next 


they can just say that F and her hubby are in Scotland already and that's two more actors they don't need for that season.


Edited by NeenerNeener
5 hours ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

Each season seemingly has 1 main plot and subplots for approximately 3 Bridgertons, 1.5 Featheringtons, and .5 QC/LD/LW drama.

Mom hasn't really gotten her own plot in any season, Francesca, Gregory and Hyacinth were basically not in S1-2 beyond a few group shots.

S1: Main plot was D and S, with subplots of Benedict going Bohemian and the Colin/Pen/Marina love triangle, Lord F's debts/scam/death

S2: Main plot was A and K, with subplots of Eloise/Pen/LW/QC, Lord Featherington 2.0 and his scam and disgrace.

S3: Main plot was C and P, with subplots of Benedict and his threesome, Francesca and her romance, Lady Featherington and her scam, Violet/LD/Marcus

I'd expand this just a touch: S1 also had the subplot of Anthony and the opera singer; S2 also had the subplot of Benedict and the start of the Gregory subplot; S3 also had the Mondriches become noble, and a few more hints of the Gregory subplot.

I suspect that the original plan for S2 was to plant some seeds for the upcoming Francesca plot, before scheduling problems interfered.

I loved Penelope's dress. She looked so beautiful.  

I love the first dance. 

The reveal about Penelope being Lady Whistledown to Colin was such a let down.  I wish it had been done better. I get them marrying especially Colin since he already had been engaged. But suddenly switched to having her quit writing. 

I don't get why her sister is suddenly being so nice to her. 

I still hate Eloise. She won't help Cressida with her problem or Penelope. She really was kind of a bitch to Cressida. I get her taking credit for Lady Whistledown is stupid but unlike everyone else Eloise knows why she did it. To get out of marrying a horrbile man and she knows how horrible her family is. 

I love Queen Charlotte. Her arrival was great.

I love Francesca thought the secret was about her and John. Speaking up to the Queen was great. She had more guts then her mother.

I laughed at Anthony saying he would know if Lady Whistledown was under his roof. Yeah right Anthony.  He's not exactly observant. Plus he's been gone a lot.

I love Violet and Marcus. I love how none of her kids noticed her and Marcus.

So Edwina didn't marry the Prince? Screw it I'm deciding she did.

I'd have an easier time with Anthony and Kate moving to India if we got to see more of them this season.

I wish they explained why Daphne didn't come to the wedding. Maybe she was close to her due date.

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On 6/20/2024 at 3:17 PM, Shermie said:

Not really. There are 9 Bridgertons - Mom and 8 kids. Daphne and Anthony move away with their spouses, making it 7, but Penelope is now a Bridgerton so that’s 8 present for season 4. Add in the spouse of the next Bridgerton to be featured (presumably Benedict) and that’s back up to 9. Plus Mom’s love interest.

They can’t all have decent air time, so why bother?

And there's also Baby Boy Bridgerton, but I suppose he doesn't count.  

16 hours ago, Snow Fairy said:

Kate is visibly pregnant, but they didn't make the announcement at this point right?

That's stupid.

Or did they announce off screen? But I doubt it, no one is referencing it

Kate said she was reluctant to announce the pregnancy, given everything else that was going on (specifically, the Colin and Penelope betrothal party and the Francesca/John romance), but they did end up telling Violet and Lady Danbury at the end of episode 5 ("Tick Tock.")

The implication was that they were then going to turn around and tell everyone else, but Cressida made her "Hi, I'm Lady Whistledown!" announcement and Penelope passed out and the episode ended.

Presumably they let everyone else know offscreen - the same way Portia told everyone and anyone that Lord Debling was about to propose (not shown on screen but talked about), or the way that John requested Anthony's permission (not shown on screen but sorta talked about.)

I have mixed feelings about the whole Colin/Penelope disagreement, where I can't say I totally back either of them.  I agree the better scene between Colin and Penelope was the one at night in the street, but once again, it had to end with reaching under her dress. 

So is he still mad about what she wrote about him?  He wants her to quit because it causes problems for his family?  Or he wants her quit because he wants to protect her from the Queen?  

On Penelope's side, she doesn't want to lie low for awhile?  She doesn't want to try publishing in a different medium?  

The Queen's deduction doesn't make much logical sense, either.  The real Lady Whistledown had humiliated the Bridgertons on multiple occasions.  Her new pamphlet came out at the exact same time as Cressida's fake Whistledown pamphlet, so it wasn't like she wrote something in response to Cressida's lies.  And wouldn't Lady Whistledown naturally "come out of hiding" if someone is impersonating her?  Of course she would be pissed off.

As for the other subplots, it was disappointing Francesca was giving her mother the cold shoulder for not talking to the Queen for her.

Lady Danbury's scenes were great.  The Lord Marcus actor played Dr. Facilier on "Once Upon a Time" and I can't unsee that yet, which is affecting how I'm seeing him and Violet together.

I can see Benedict agreeing to a threesome, but full on kissing that guy right away?  They could have shown him showing a bit more curiosity first.

Where did Anthony and Kate go off to, since they abruptly returned halfway through the episode.  Why didn't they bring back Daphne for an episode, since it was an actual wedding.

I wish they wrapped up all the drama before doing a wedding with Colin and Penelope.  But then again, I'm assuming Penelope will be the rare leading love interest who will remain center stage on this show, as the narrator.  Reading that list above with the plots with the last two seasons, I might enjoy this one more because the Featheringtons' screentime are fun instead of frustrating to watch.

Why was Penelope's older sister giving her the death stare for two episodes, but then genuinely clapping and cheering for Penelope at the wedding itself?  Is this all actually leading somewhere?

I have to give Penelope kudos for being so "observant" with people's debts and such while she's going through so much turmoil.  I guess she was eavesdropping in between crying and giving Colin tense looks from across the room.

Edited by Camera One
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