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Kailyn: Kail Smash!

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He tweeted it. Before there was a story of what exactly happened he went private.  He tweeted the picture holding his dreads. Beyond that, I don't think anyone knows. I happened to come across it right after he went private only because someone who did follow him screen shot the tweets and shared them. I have not read or personally found any other tweets that say exactly what made him cut his dreads. Nothing has been said beyond what those two screen shot pictures say.  

My assumption was maybe she slapped him around and pulled him so in his madness he cut them off. 

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Just now, CofCinci said:

He's a guy who posts his scratches to social media.  If he was the father we would hear him talk about it.

She did tag him last night, though. He's got a private account so if he is talking I can't see it. Anyone want to send him a follow request?

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Just now, Mkay said:

She did tag him last night, though. He's got a private account so if he is talking I can't see it. Anyone want to send him a follow request?

Yeah, she tagged him.  He is a FWB and can profit from Kail's situation.  He's just a friend - not the father.

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At this point I'd say none of the candidates can be ruled out. Baby daddy number 3 could be Chris with the Dreads, JC the married producer, the cabana boy she met on one of her various vacays, the male barrista from her favorite Starbucks...heck, she might not even know. Could be why she and the dude aren't fessing up. Or, other possibility, she's the one who got played this time and she is trying to keep it on the down low because she doesn't want us to know she isn't a Machiavellian schemer. I won't lie, I'm sort of hoping it is that scenario just cause karma. Though I wish poor Issac, Lincoln and baby #3 hadn't got mixed up in Kail's BS.

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2 hours ago, Mkay said:

Why does she think this type of stuff is ok to retweet? 



I have noticed she loves to retweet from that Twitter account. Sorry, but I don't like the whole "N****" rules" or any use of the "N" word whether it is serious or in jest. Does she think that is cute? Hip? With it? Is she trying to prove she is thuggish or gives her street cred? It does read as if she is upset that someone is talking to their ex. Let me see, it can't be Javi because she is his ex. It can't be Jo. It must be one of the hundreds of possible guys who is the father of her baby.

I am so late to this mess. I have read all through this thread. I had to take a break and go to another thread to give myself some time to answer with what is happening here in Karl's fucked up world.

Kail, you may want to rethink that tweet "stop thinking short term." It's kinda too late now, don't you think?

There is nothing I can add that hasn't been posted. You all have pretty much covered everything. Many of us called this divorce long ago. We all called it when we said Kail would move on to a new guy once she divorced Javi. I don't think we called for her to have a baby so soon although we did mention she would have another baby at some point.

I feel deeply sorry for Isaac and Lincoln. I cannot imagine what is going through Isaac's mind. I have wondered if he is feeling like Jace. His feelings and emotions are being ignored while his so-called mother is too busy working on her own needs and wants. Kail, congratulations. You have your mother beat. All your talk about never wanting to be like her, ends up biting you in your ass. You ended up surpassing her in the trailer trash department. Not because you are having a child, simply because you pointed your fingers at Farrah for using her body in order to gain something. You used your body to get impregnated on purpose for some gain. What that is, I have no idea yet, but no doubt you did it for some selfish reason because you sure as hell didn't think of Lincoln and Isaac and how this would affect them.

Kail has used her kids as pawns. She has now created another pawn. 

I recall when Kail cheated on Jordan she later made a claim Jo had given her a sexually transmitted disease. Jo denied it. He then mentioned he went to the doctor and was found to be clear of any STD.

Kail is one big walking herpe.

Edited by SPLAIN
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11 hours ago, ChaChaSlide said:

You've succinctly put into words exactly how I feel about Kail and her relationships with MoC. I've always gotten a vibe from her that she feels as if she is a prize, a blonde haired blue eyed white girl "graced with a vagina" as Nathan would say (tangent but Kail and Nathan look ALOT alike) who is kind enough to share it with these non-white men. I think this is part of the reason I she originally couldn't stand Vee. I also got the vibe from Javi that he's somewhat self-hating, and pursued Kail with a passion because she's white. I highly doubt he would pursue a multiracial Latina with a kid the same way he pursued Kail, and he certainly would not have stayed married to one who physically assaulted him on national TV like he did with Kail. 

Yesssss! Another example of this phenomenon is young, beautiful Asian women who get with the biggest loser white male...think adam at 50...and lord it over their female friends that they have a white man! Javi is exactly like this. I always got the vibe that kail's whiteness made her a prize in his eyes, PLUS the fact that she already had a half Hispanic son, that could easily pass for javi's. For an insecure guy who wanted the white picket fence, Kail brought a ready-made family! The weird thing is that javi expected Kail to adopt a more traditional Latino culture, especially regarding gender roles. Maybe he thought she was used to this after dating Jo, but Janet and Eddie seem much more progressive in terms of their parenting. Javi wanted someone to stay home with their multiple kids and call him every five seconds, which anyone could have seen from a mile away is NOT Kail!

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It's so weird to think of Javi and Kail even being together, honestly. He seems totally into a traditional family unit, with him as the head of the "empire" and the "man of the house." He needs somebody to stroke his ego a bit, let him be in charge. Not my cup of tea but nothing horribly wrong with that if you both like it but wtf? Why her?!?! 

And Kailyn couldn't be more 180-degree opposite. She wants everything private, separate, everything her way, her as dominant parent and dominant partner. Again, if you divorce her actual personality and behavior from it and look at just the framework (I'm just looking at the desires here, not the fact that Kailyn sucks as a person/partner), there's nothing wrong with that. Either the male or female can be the dominant partner, or neither. But they wanted literally opposite everything. It's so baffling to me. It's not like there aren't guys who want to be in a looser, more open ended relationship with more boundaries, freedom and autonomy...That's a lot of guys' dream situation. And it's not like there aren't women who want constant contact with their SO, tons of togetherness, a dominant male partner and access to each other's phones...Again, a lot of women actually really want that. 

So wtf? How did it even last this long? Sorry for the rant but seeing them separately in the latest episode really made me go, "what?? How were they ever together in anything but the most casual of relationships?!?!"

Edited by Lm2162
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Jeez...a guy takes ONE DAY off (Friday!) and look what I missed. I am only going to reiterate what seems to be the universal sentiment: trash. Three kids, three dads, under 25, I don't give a fuck how much pinterest you jam up your home decor, you're trash. Good luck navigating 3 different custody agreements, which presumes that the third guy wants something to do with this kid. What I don't get is she earlier acknowledged that this show won't last forever...what would happen if MTV announced tomorrow that they're not continuing with this bunch beyond this year? You know when contract negotiations come up, she and her brand and her bullshit are going to want $400K. I hope MTV's like "Nah, too expensive now, I liked you better when we could get you for a deferred payment of $60K a season. Plus we cast a new season of 16&P so good luck with your family, bYEEEEEE."

Stop thinking short term! I can't with anyone who isn't black and any version of the N word. Guys, the A ending? I don't care, you still can't say it. Please stop.  

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7 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

It's so weird to think of Javi and Kail even being together, honestly. He seems totally into a traditional family unit, with him as the head of the "empire" and the "man of the house." He needs somebody to stroke his ego a bit, let him be in charge. Not my cup of tea but nothing horribly wrong with that if you both like it but wtf? Why her?!?! 

And Kailyn couldn't be more 180-degree opposite. She wants everything private, separate, everything her way, her as dominant parent and dominant partner. Again, if you divorce her actual personality and behavior from it and look at just the framework (I'm just looking at the desires here, not the fact that Kailyn sucks as a person/partner), there's nothing wrong with that. Either the male or female can be the dominant partner, or neither. But they wanted literally opposite everything. It's so baffling to me. It's not like there aren't guys who want to be in a looser, more open ended relationship with more boundaries, freedom and autonomy...That's a lot of guys' dream situation. And it's not like there aren't women who want constant contact with their SO, tons of togetherness, a dominant male partner and access to each other's phones...Again, a lot of women actually really want that. 

So wtf? How did it even last this long? Sorry for the rant but seeing them separately in the latest episode really made me go, "what?? How were they ever together in anything but the most casual of relationships?!?!"

Yes, even if we take out the fact that Kailyn isn't a very nice person, they were just SO NOT suited for each other. Had they spent more than 5 seconds dating/getting to know each other they would've parted and ended on good terms thinking of each other fondly. 

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Also, what's with this "rule" about not trusting someone who talks to their ex? When you have kids with someone, you end up having to talk to your ex. Also, sometimes mature people can be friends with an ex and it not bother anyone in the current relationship. She's so stupid. 

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On 2/24/2017 at 7:40 AM, Brooklynista said:
13 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Also, what's with this "rule" about not trusting someone who talks to their ex? When you have kids with someone, you end up having to talk to your ex. Also, sometimes mature people can be friends with an ex and it not bother anyone in the current relationship. She's so stupid. 


Maybe it means she is only planning on having kids to guys who are deadbeats from now on?

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2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Also, what's with this "rule" about not trusting someone who talks to their ex? When you have kids with someone, you end up having to talk to your ex. Also, sometimes mature people can be friends with an ex and it not bother anyone in the current relationship. She's so stupid. 

Javi was the same way about Kailyn talking to Jo...he'll get his comeuppance now, that's for sure. 

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2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Also, what's with this "rule" about not trusting someone who talks to their ex? When you have kids with someone, you end up having to talk to your ex. Also, sometimes mature people can be friends with an ex and it not bother anyone in the current relationship. She's so stupid. 

For some reason a lot people are really weird about that. When my sister's ex remarried the new wife took issue that they were on friendly terms. One year my sister was dropping the kids off at his mother's house for Thanksgiving and her ex-MIL asked her to come in and say hi to everyone, so my sister popped her head in for a couple minutes and left. Afterwards, New Wife told the ex she thought it was "inappropriate" and that my sister needed to respect their relationship. And this was a woman in her late 30s, not some dumb teenager who still had a lot of maturing to do. 

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On Fri Feb 24 2017 at 4:49 PM, poopchute said:



oh my god Kail is the WOOOOOORST!!!!! Fuck!! First of all, ragging on how tight Javi's shirt is?!? How about her pants look like they are about to burst off her Diaper Ass.  Her tone of voice and facial expressions and mannerisms are all so unpleasant.  Can't she have a civil conversation about holidays? Nope! So she wants Lincoln every Christmas because she has two kids.  What if one day Javi has another child?  Does Jo and Vee's baby count?  What if Jo wants Isaac and his sister to be together on Christmas? What about this third baby?  Kail just gets them all because that's what she wants?  She is the worst person alive.

Sooo... she does realize that Jo and Vee's child is Isaac's sibling, right? Nevermind future children from Jo or Javi. Or do Isaac and Lincoln only count as siblings because she's the common parent to both and she's most important? I wonder what BS reason she would've given Jo? Although he seems so eager to please her and not piss her off, I'm sure he would've happily agreed to whatever she wanted. Javi's face when she said she puts the kids first, tho? ?

Kail is the epitome of why people with f-ed up childhoods should get therapy. Whatever horrible stuff she went through as a child changed who she was, and if she doesn't honestly confront those things and heal from them, she's doomed to dysfunction. She's her mother (and her mother is probably *her* mother). She can have all the money she wants, paint a picture of a certain life she's trying to portray, buy all the THINGS, but at her core, she is who she is. She's not like, incurably damaged I don't think, but I do think she's damaged, and she'll need to work to change that. She's abusive, manipulative, a narcissist, selfish, a liar. There are actually support groups for children of narcissistic parents. I feel sorry for Isaac and Lincoln (and baby 3). Hopefully the dads are able to mitigate the damage she'll no doubt cause.

Interesting theory about why she keeps choosing men of color to date.

So here's what I think happened: I think she she used her manipulation skills and fugured that the best way to keep *this* guy  (with Javi, it was the idea of a family; with Jo, the pregnancy) was by getting pregnant, but when it happened, he bounced. Or he was already out the door and it wasn't enough to pull him back. The reason I don't necessarily think it's someone with money is because I'm sure at this point, Kail thinks she rich. With the money she make plus child support, this is more money than she's ever seen, so I bet that's not what drives her to choosing a guy anymore. Obviously one day the gravy train will end, and though she does make a lot, she's not independently wealthy, even though to her - someone who comes from nothing - it may feel like it.

But of course, who really knows.

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14 minutes ago, Harperlee1 said:


So here's what I think happened: I think she she used her manipulation skills and fugured that the best way to keep *this* guy  (with Javi, it was the idea of a family; with Jo, the pregnancy) was by getting pregnant, but when it happened, he bounced. Or he was already out the door and it wasn't enough to pull him back.

I agree. I don't buy Kail's claim that she wanted a third baby and chose to get pregnant via a "friends with benefits" type of situation. She absolutely 100% thought Chris was going to be either Husband #2 or at least a guy she'd be playing house with on the upcoming season. Kail is obsessed with portraying her life as some sort of white picket fence success story. Having a baby with no man in sight doesn't exactly fit into that picture. Now she has to save face and sell the "strong independent woman doing it on my own" narrative. As for Chris, I absolutely don't agree with a man bailing out of his child's life, but if he played Kail and beat her at her own game, I doth my cap to him. Hopefully, he'll be an involved father, but I doubt it. From what I'm reading he doesn't sound like a stand up guy. 

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Kail didn't want a third baby. She wanted a job in production/industry after graduation - so she fucked the producer. Pregnancy may not have been intentional but she wanted to keep this dude in her life outside of just his role as her producer.  

She uses sex/pregnancy to secure resources. She wanted Jo's family. Got pregnant and got the support, safety, and love of Jo's mother.  Mission Accomplished. Once she realized Jo wasn't going anywhere in life , she wanted a guy with benefits and started searching. Enter dummy Javi after a dud or two.  Mission Accomplished. Once she realized she didn't need Javi's benefits or the support of his family, she focused on next stage: career.  Bang the producer. 

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Seriously, do these dummies have something against using birth control? I like @CofCinci's analysis, and I hope there are NDA's in place that would prevent Kail from taking the logical step once the show is cancelled (hopefully soon), which would be to leverage the information on the married producer's baby (god I hope all of that is true) into a job, as in "I host the VMA's or else!" 

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I'm pretty new to all of this latest news.  Can someone please let me know how the producer  (JC) is thought to be a potential father?  I know that on the show he is seen on some of the episodes.  Isn't he married?  Why do people think he and Kail had something?  He looks too normal to get with Kail.

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1 minute ago, Phoebe70 said:

I'm pretty new to all of this latest news.  Can someone please let me know how the producer  (JC) is thought to be a potential father?  I know that on the show he is seen on some of the episodes.  Isn't he married?  Why do people think he and Kail had something?  He looks too normal to get with Kail.

While it wouldn't a surprise if she did sleep with him, I don't think she did.  Can't stand her, so I'm not taking up for her.  But I just don't get the vibe from him. 

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1 minute ago, Mkay said:

Nice post you liked there Kail. ? 




Semantics game. She didn't "cheat" with the producer because she and Javi were already broken up (not divorced yet but both agreeable -- and both banging others). 

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4 hours ago, Uncle JUICE said:

. What I don't get is she earlier acknowledged that this show won't last forever...what would happen if MTV announced tomorrow that they're not continuing with this bunch beyond this year?

I imagine she has an idea for her "passion project," her own spinoff and an intro she's practicing in her head, sort of a'la Kate + 8.

"I got pregnant when I was 16. I got my life together, got married and had another baby. After he bailed, I found myself pregnant again with a 3rd partner. He disappeared and instead of retreating, I marched forward to pursue my dreams and live my life with my boys. I am Kailyn, Warrior Princess."

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17 hours ago, Christina87 said:

Yesssss! Another example of this phenomenon is young, beautiful Asian women who get with the biggest loser white male...think adam at 50...and lord it over their female friends that they have a white man! Javi is exactly like this. I always got the vibe that kail's whiteness made her a prize in his eyes, PLUS the fact that she already had a half Hispanic son, that could easily pass for javi's. For an insecure guy who wanted the white picket fence, Kail brought a ready-made family! The weird thing is that javi expected Kail to adopt a more traditional Latino culture, especially regarding gender roles. Maybe he thought she was used to this after dating Jo, but Janet and Eddie seem much more progressive in terms of their parenting. Javi wanted someone to stay home with their multiple kids and call him every five seconds, which anyone could have seen from a mile away is NOT Kail!

Thank you! I've said that since the beginning that Javi is colorstruck. IMO, it's one of the reasons he took such a liking to Isaac because he is a little blanquito with blue eyes and thought any children he hand with Kail would look similar...too bad Lincoln came out looking heavily mestizo. Lol

Edited by FlowerofCarnage
Stupid phone
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I don't know how these women aren't scared to death of their future. When this shit is over, it's over. Who's ready to live a life afterwards? I suppose Chelsea and maybe Maci, but what about everyone else. No jobs, nothing that can ever pay this much. I'd be scared out of my mind. 

I "only" had two children because I knew the life I wanted us all to live. I wanted them to have their own bedrooms, a seat in the car, a few vacations, and most importantly - good schools. I wanted to be a SAHM ... I was lucky. Mr. Emerald Man had a good job. Would I have liked more kids? Absolutely. But not at the expense of the ones already here. I wanted them to have the world. 

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There may be a grain of truth in what she said, that she got pregnant just to see if she could.  This is a woman whose every poor decision in life has been financially rewarded.

Edited by TaxNerd
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4 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Also, what's with this "rule" about not trusting someone who talks to their ex? When you have kids with someone, you end up having to talk to your ex. Also, sometimes mature people can be friends with an ex and it not bother anyone in the current relationship. She's so stupid. 

Kail takes lessons from the same abuser playbook as UBT.

I don't see Javi as having been enamored with Kail because she is white and she was something to show off to the world. I think it is as simple as Javi having a preference for white girls. The attraction grew with the free banging sessions he was getting from her. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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47 minutes ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

Thank you! I've said that since the beginning that Javi is colostruck. IMO, it's one of the reasons he took such a liking to Isaac because he is a little blanquito with blue eyes and thought any children he hand with Kail would look similar...too bad Lincoln came out looking heavily mestizo. Lol

Does any language have as many funny slang words as Spanish? Veramente! I mean Italian has tons, but you don't get to hear it as much as you do Spanish. Sorry, off topic.

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5 minutes ago, Uncle JUICE said:

Does any language have as many funny slang words as Spanish? Veramente! I mean Italian has tons, but you don't get to hear it as much as you do Spanish. Sorry, off topic.

None as wonderful as the word puta. Just ask Lincoln. lol

Kail would be referred to as a sin verguenzua by my family. My best friend's mom would be saying in her native Italian "Marone a mia!" about Kail's situation. I hope I spelled that right.

Edited by GreatKazu
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6 minutes ago, Uncle JUICE said:

It sounds like that, but it's a corruption of the word "madonna." As far as 'puta' goes, Italian has the same word, putana (which sounds like "boo-tahn" when we say it). 

I use the Marone a mia phrase from time to time.

I remember when Marie said putana on Everybody Loves Raymond in that sexy waitress episode. lol

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1 hour ago, EmeraldGirl said:

I don't know how these women aren't scared to death of their future. When this shit is over, it's over. Who's ready to live a life afterwards? I suppose Chelsea and maybe Maci, but what about everyone else. No jobs, nothing that can ever pay this much. I'd be scared out of my mind. 

I "only" had two children because I knew the life I wanted us all to live. I wanted them to have their own bedrooms, a seat in the car, a few vacations, and most importantly - good schools. I wanted to be a SAHM ... I was lucky. Mr. Emerald Man had a good job. Would I have liked more kids? Absolutely. But not at the expense of the ones already here. I wanted them to have the world. 

I thought I wanted four kids. Now I'm pregnant. And vomiting, and paying doctor bills. 

Two sounds good. 

In an evil way, I hope the dad is the producer. I really think it's Chris or some college kid. Usually the simplest answer is the right one. 

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29 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

I thought I wanted four kids. Now I'm pregnant. And vomiting, and paying doctor bills. 

Two sounds good. 

In an evil way, I hope the dad is the producer. I really think it's Chris or some college kid. Usually the simplest answer is the right one. 

Kail was with Chris until at least Jan 1st of this yr.  I'm assuming they broke up, I don't know that for a fact.  She has still @ him on twitter since then.  As far as I can tell from

April-1/1/2017 they were a couple.  

Fun facts: according to people who followed him before he locked up his twitter, he already has a child.  

Another fun possible fact: it looks (not entirely positive, it only looks) like he has family in Puerto Rico. Who took a vacation in PR last summer? Coincidence? Probably. But it sure would be fun to find him in pictures from that trip.  

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1 hour ago, Lm2162 said:

I thought I wanted four kids. Now I'm pregnant. And vomiting, and paying doctor bills. 

Two sounds good. 

We wanted four as well, but stopped at 3 because my youngest child ended up having some sensory, developmental, and behavioral issues. Sensible people think about these things. They reshape their ideas of the future because they realize things just aren't going to work out as they had imagined. Kail just does whatever she wants and hopes it sorts itself out in the end. 

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2 hours ago, Uncle JUICE said:

Thank you! I've said that since the beginning that Javi is colostruck. 

Does any language have as many funny slang words as Spanish? Veramente! I mean Italian has tons, but you don't get to hear it as much as you do Spanish. Sorry, off topic.

Colorstruck = this one belongs to us. Can't date exactly how far back it goes, but at least the early 1900s, based on Zora Neale Hurston's novel Color Struck. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color_Struck. (And my great-grandmother.) 

And I agree, as it refers to Javi. I think it's beyond a preference, I think it goes into Snowflake/Trophy territory.

Edited by SnarkKitty
To slap Javi about a bit.
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9 minutes ago, SnarkKitty said:

Colorstruck = this one belongs to us. Can't date exactly how far back it goes, but at least the early 1900s, based on Zora Neale Hurston's novel Color Struck. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color_Struck. (And my great-grandmother.) 

And I agree, as it refers to Javi. I think it's beyond a preference, I think it goes into Snowflake/Trophy territory.

Sorry, I thought maybe it was supposed to be "culo"struck. Ihave on occasion been known to feel what is describe as "culo"struck, so now I'm just making up my own slang. 

Thanks for the link,  and what an awesome member on a family tree!

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36 minutes ago, SnarkKitty said:

Colorstruck = this one belongs to us. Can't date exactly how far back it goes, but at least the early 1900s, based on Zora Neale Hurston's novel Color Struck. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color_Struck. (And my great-grandmother.) 

And I agree, as it refers to Javi. I think it's beyond a preference, I think it goes into Snowflake/Trophy territory.

ZNH is your great grandmother?  That's friggin awesome.

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43 minutes ago, Uncle JUICE said:

Sorry, I thought maybe it was supposed to be "culo"struck. Ihave on occasion been known to feel what is describe as "culo"struck, so now I'm just making up my own slang. 

Thanks for the link,  and what an awesome member on a family tree!

Never ever did I ever think I would read the word "culo" on these forums. Well, not the Spanish word, at least. lol

I hope Kail gets sued for not fulfilling her Teen Mom cruise commitment. When is she due? http://www.theashleysrealityroundup.com/2016/11/15/exclusive-a-teen-mom-cruise-is-coming-maci-bookout-amber-portwood-kail-lowry-to-set-sail-with-fans/

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5 hours ago, CofCinci said:

Kail didn't want a third baby. She wanted a job in production/industry after graduation - so she fucked the producer. Pregnancy may not have been intentional but she wanted to keep this dude in her life outside of just his role as her producer.  

She uses sex/pregnancy to secure resources. She wanted Jo's family. Got pregnant and got the support, safety, and love of Jo's mother.  Mission Accomplished. Once she realized Jo wasn't going anywhere in life , she wanted a guy with benefits and started searching. Enter dummy Javi after a dud or two.  Mission Accomplished. Once she realized she didn't need Javi's benefits or the support of his family, she focused on next stage: career.  Bang the producer. 

This makes sense. I noticed how the producer seemed a bit emotionally involved when he ran back into Kail's house and told her that Javi said she was crying and he wanted to know if it was true.

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