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S18.E14: Always Darkest Before the Dawn


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I think Kody was seething at Robyn. First she makes the crack about leaving him (ha ha so funny, Robyn) then tells him to stop talking and be quiet. The look on his face whoaaa! he didn't want to reprimand her in front of the camera but damn was he pissed and embarrassed. How DARE she talk to him like that?? Who does she think she is? He is the supreme leader and he's going to have to gain control and put her back in her place. All those thoughts swirling around in his little mind. Then when it was time for them to go he gets up practically runs to his vehicle or what ever that was and didn't even hug or say goodbye to Robyn. He hauled ass to get away leaving Robyn in the dust.   The bloom is definitely off that rose for sure! 

I may have to watch that  segment again just for my own viewing pleasure! 


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Another thing that bothered me, beside the totally dry-cry during pretty much everything:  neither of them went after Robyn when she walked off and both of them left her alone when it was all over.  Kody just drove away from the ‘love of his life’ and she was desperate for any comfort from anyone.  Deserted.  That’s no way to be.

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18 minutes ago, b2H said:

Deserted.  That’s no way to be.

She got exactly what she deserved.  Her machinations drove everyone else away, what did she expect would happen?  Oh, that's right, "rocking chairs, porch, grandkids, sister wives", sob, blubber, sob.

She got what she wanted and now she doesn't know what to do with it. 

I'm sure god will send her a message shortly. Oh, wait, the "god will send a rennal" didn't work out so guess she's out of luck.

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3 minutes ago, Orcinus orca said:

She got exactly what she deserved.  Her machinations drove everyone else away, what did she expect would happen?  Oh, that's right, "rocking chairs, porch, grandkids, sister wives", sob, blubber, sob.

She got what she wanted and now she doesn't know what to do with it. 

I'm sure god will send her a message shortly. Oh, wait, the "god will send a rennal" didn't work out so guess she's out of luck.

I am reminded of the old story of the little girl who prayed relentlessly for a pony for Christmas while she was living in a city high rise.  When the great day, there was no pony.  Sometimes, G-d says ‘no’.

Meanwhile, Kody leaving the love of his life, literally, in the dust speaks volumes about how he REALLY feels about her.

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I think it is totally despicable that Cootie would say he never loved Meri and that this has all been a performance and he is just doing his duty on National TV!!!. And all of the venom about Christine. So he is telling us, his audience that the years and years on this show it was all.fake.  We should start a class action lawsuit against him for his scam. 😆

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6 hours ago, Kellyee said:

If I remember correctly from this episode and from the last Tell All, Meri said Kody says one thing in front of the camera/public, and something else to her in private. I think he led her on for a long time, either because Robyn wanted her to stay or because Kody felt he needed Meri to keep the show going. Or just to stroke his ego by seeing her beg for his attention. It made me ill that Meri even granted him this meeting to "officially" break it off. She should have just left and told the cameras and Instagram that she was divorcing his ass.

I agree 1000% and have thought as much myself.

I also wonder if Meri has been under a sort-of gag order not to reveal what was said in private.  I have theorized before that she is constrained under some kind of legal restraints and would forfeit something monetary or otherwise if she left the marriage and/or spilled the tea on the truth.  I said a big WOW at the end of this episode when Meri says in the preview for next week that she thinks it's time she finally reveals "her truth".  To me that means that she has been unable to reveal it for all this time and it may actually be quite different from what was presented on the show.  I don't really believe that she is actually going to reveal it now, though, but what she said was a big clue and a tease for sure.

I agree that Kody led Meri on for a long time but I don't really believe that all of what was said in this episode was news to her when it was filmed.  I believe she had already heard it from him in private.  It could have happened recently before the filming or even years before.  We don't know.  So it's a partial truth.  

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18 hours ago, Yeah No said:

I've been trying to figure this out and I think it is one way he unconsciously is trying to get away without looking like he is responsible for this whole mess.  If he can say he "didn't mean it", "he never loved Meri" or he was "just acting" or "performing", he thinks he might get himself off the hook for having done something wrong.  But I think the deeper answer to this is that he is trying to claim that he married the three original wives because he was doing what GOD asked him to do, not what HE wanted to do (which we know is total BS and a rationalization so he doesn't have to face his REAL selfish motives).  So when he says he was "performing" he is trying to make this all GOD's fault in a way, because he was just following God's will and not his own.  Meanwhile we all know that he interprets what God's will is to suit his own selfish desires.  

Also, I think he would say that he was trying to fulfill God's expectations of him to love Meri and the rest of them but that it was not really in his heart to do so.  So in marrying them he was just fulfilling his duty to God, but it wasn't coming from his own love for them.  He went through the motions with them, so he claims, but he was never really invested in them.  Even at best this is a sorry excuse and one I don't even completely believe.  It's obviously a rationalization and re-writing of history to keep himself from facing his true motivations.  I do believe he married Janelle and Christine on that basis but I don't for one minute believe that he was never in love with Meri.  He is making a lame attempt to get himself off the hook with himself and the world.  In his demented mind I think he thinks he looks better if he says he was trying to fulfill God's will for him, not taking advantage of 3 women to stoke his over-inflated and selfish ego. 

Whenever I see those old photos and movies of him with the wives he looks like a kid in a candy store.  It's every cave man's wet dream to have a harem of women so he can have a different one every night totally devoted to him and willing to be subservient to him and let him be their "master".  He knew they were hot for him and hanging off his every word.  It didn't even matter that he didn't really love them, because just having multiple adoring women at his beck and call really turned him on and made him feel like a Sultan with a harem.  And THAT was his true motivation but I doubt he'll ever be man enough to admit it to himself or the world.  So he keeps trying to make this about him just doing everything to fulfill a duty and claiming that everything that went wrong was someone else's fault.  It's Meri's fault, Christine's fault, Janelle's fault for not accepting whatever he handed them.  It's never his responsibility.

In his one-way mind he sees the 3 wives as not fulfilling their end of the bargain that he thought they signed on for - that he could do whatever he wanted even if it meant sidelining them, but they could not.  They were bound to him and if he didn't want them anymore they should just live with it and continue to serve the original agreement even if that meant they lived very unfulfilled lives.  When someone came along that he really WAS invested in, he began to neglect the other wives in favor of that woman.  They suddenly became a burden to him and he just cut them off, probably rationalizing it to himself that this is fine for him to do. 

Is Robyn now what he would say is "God's will" for him and chucking the other wives a part of that?  How demented and self-serving can someone GET?  I don't even think he is consistent either.  He sometimes acts as if he is now doing what HE wants to do primarily and not necessarily what God is asking of him anymore.  He has stopped all acts, performances or pretenses with the wives.  Maybe he has changed his idea of what God wants from him in his mind once again or even dispensed with trying to fulfill his previous idea of God's will altogether because it doesn't suit him anymore.  Again he is changing the rules whenever they don't provide him with a rationalization for what he does based on his own selfish desires.  I would say in the end that his idea of what God's will is is really a projection of his own inflated and self-serving manbaby ego.

BTW, I am continually amazed at the incredible insight of the posts on this thread in general.  My right "clicking" finger is sore from liking so many posts!

Good Gawd this is a fabulous post!!

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20 hours ago, Yeah No said:

Sure but even after what Kody said to Meri in this episode he is STILL not pulling the plug on his so-called "commitment" to her.  He is only saying he doesn't really WANT to honor it but he will do it anyway (in name only). 

Kody said in a solo talking head segment that he was done with Meri, didn't consider himself married to her any longer, and really wouldn't mind if she left and found someone else to marry.  When Meri was shown that segment, that's when she realized that he essentially released her from their spiritual marriage since he already said on tv (thus, out there for all viewers to witness) that we was no longer married to Meri.

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14 hours ago, b2H said:

I am reminded of the old story of the little girl who prayed relentlessly for a pony for Christmas while she was living in a city high rise.  When the great day, there was no pony.  Sometimes, G-d says ‘no’.

Meanwhile, Kody leaving the love of his life, literally, in the dust speaks volumes about how he REALLY feels about her.

The way that story goes in my family (and I think this may be more applicable to Crybrows' situation) is that the little girl wrote to Santa every year asking for a pony until Santa got sick of her asking and left her a stocking full of horseshit.  The next morning she triumphantly announced, "I had a pony, but look--it got away!"

Be careful what you wish for, Crybrows.  You just might get it, or it might just get away.

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On 11/20/2023 at 2:03 PM, ragingpixie said:

Despite not hearing a single comprehensible sentence between the three jackballs sitting at the splinter city picnic table on Plague Pass, I did have a good chuckle when Jackball #1 got up from the table.

"I'm - SOB - sorry but I just need to move away." 

*crickets from Jackballs 2 and 3*

" - gasping - I'LL JUST GO FOR A WALK"

* c   r   i   c   k   e   t   s *

Lol my amusement at Robyn's shitshow is boundless.

And she kept stopping and looking back, like is anyone following me??  No?  


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16 hours ago, Orcinus orca said:

She got what she wanted and now she doesn't know what to do with it. 

She wanted to be the top wife, not the ONLY wife.  She thought she was slick but she overplayed her hand and ended up with just Kody and none of the wives groveling for his affection.  She is realizing this now.

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1 hour ago, Mothra said:

The way that story goes in my family (and I think this may be more applicable to Crybrows' situation) is that the little girl wrote to Santa every year asking for a pony until Santa got sick of her asking and left her a stocking full of horseshit.  The next morning she triumphantly announced, "I had a pony, but look--it got away!"

Be careful what you wish for, Crybrows.  You just might get it, or it might just get away.

I love that so much!  🤣  I'll have to file it away for future laughs!

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1 hour ago, heatherchandler said:

She wanted to be the top wife, not the ONLY wife.  She thought she was slick but she overplayed her hand and ended up with just Kody and none of the wives groveling for his affection.  She is realizing this now.

Exactly.  She absolutely wanted to be in a plural marriage, but not as the basement wife, the top of the heap wife.  She wanted to send Kody off to other wives when she needed a break then reel him back in when she was ready. Too bad so sad.

Did anyone else catch that Meri said that Kody gave her some bs about them having a future when they first got to Flagstaff?  I think he was buttering her up to get the money from her Vegas house so that they could buy that ugly house.  As soon as he got what he wanted, he was back to the same old behavior.

I also find it interesting that Robyn didn't try her act on Janelle.  She hasn't had a conversation with Janelle since the porch convo at the end of last season where Kody started yelling about his near death experience.  I wonder if Janelle shut her down or if she just knew she wasn't going to get anywhere with her like she did with Meri.

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On 11/21/2023 at 7:39 AM, Kellyee said:

Did Christine say she went to college? I thought that's what she said in the one scene. That surprised me. I assumed she married Kody right out of high school. And why is Janelle just getting to know Christine's brothers after decades of being their sister wife-in law? We never get any real explanations on anything.

The picnic table fiasco was both boring and annoying. Robyn cries that Meri is leaving, but Robyn didn't include Meri in Easter and some comments by Meri make me think Robyn doesn't reach out to her that often. Why wasn't Meri included in Christmas #2 or Truely's birthday party, for example??

I can't image what they're going to discuss for 4 hours, when they never provide us any real details on what is going on.

Because Robyn and Kooter prefer to keep in the good grace of Mykelti rather than Meri

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On 11/20/2023 at 2:15 PM, bichonblitz said:

I'm proud of Meri for stating that it's not fair to her to keep living like this when Kody has no love for her at all. She's tired of being alone and loney. Sobbyn said  "I know" but then continues to cry and beg her not to leave. WTF does she want?

To sit on her porch with her sister wives and children and watch their grandchildren play in the dirty pond.

It’s what she keeps telling us!  She only cares about what she wants.  Period.  

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8 hours ago, Meowwww said:

And then Robyn’s comment about how had GREAT relationships with his adult kids, but then Christine left and poof!  No more good relationships. They both blame Christine leaving for everything.  Kody’s acting like he was blindsided when she left….its all so maddening.  Idiots. 

Sure, those relationships were great when the kids were younger and Christine and Janelle were facilitating them for him, making sure the kids called him and were home to "pay their respects" when he dropped by.

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39 minutes ago, ragingpixie said:

It was actually an interesting scene to watch because Robyn has played this card SO MANY times previously. I remember vaguely a scene that came right after their move to Flagstaff - they were all in a restaurant discussing how the fambly felt different now that they weren't within Kodyrunning distance in the cuddlesac.

For whatever reason - I can't remember now because bitch drycries if someone spells her name wrong - Robyn began her hysterics and said "is this because of me 😭😭😭" and CHRISTINE of all people rushed around the table to hug her. Christine has very clearly wised up since then.

So Robyn's default is to immediately start the waterworks because she's been taught in the past that this is the way to garner sympathy and/or attention. This is the first time on camera (that I can recall) that her two biggest supporters actively ignored her, with Meri earlier even going so far as to tell her to shut it. Oh how the mighty have fallen.



I believe that it was Janelle, who got up and hugged Crybrows when she started pretending to cry.  Christine indicated that no one at the table cared about her.  

I love it that Crybrows got neither Kootie or Meri to follow her and plead with her to come back.  Poor thing!

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5 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

She wanted to be the top wife, not the ONLY wife.  She thought she was slick but she overplayed her hand and ended up with just Kody and none of the wives groveling for his affection.  She is realizing this now.

I agree. I don't care what Taylor Swift says.  "Karma is Kody coming home to Robyn every single night."

Edited by Adeejay
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2 hours ago, xwordfanatik said:

I believe that it was Janelle, who got up and hugged Crybrows when she started pretending to cry.  Christine indicated that no one at the table cared about her.  

I love it that Crybrows got neither Kootie or Meri to follow her and plead with her to come back.  Poor thing!

That was, I believe, the episode where there was the reference to “the pink elephant” in the room.  

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On 11/20/2023 at 9:47 PM, Rabbit Hutch said:

One of my questions is who did Christine really sign her Coyote Pass property deed over to?  Did she sign it over to the family LLC, or to Kootie?  Because if she did sign it to Kootie alone then Christine aided in screwing Meri out of property that actually in part belongs to her.  If she signed it over to the family then Kootie has no leg to stand on.  In either case, if I were Meri (or Janelle, for that matter) I'd be lawyering up.  There's got to be some sort of a case for fraud up in there.  

BTW, I wouldn't put it past Christine to do something like that, since there's bad blood that goes way back between she and Meri.

After looking at records online, I'm pretty sure the lot designated as "Christine's" was originally titled in the names of Christine, Kody & Robyn. So any transfer of the property would have had to be made by all 3 title holders; Christine couldn't have unilaterally conveyed it to an LLC or other family member(s). 

I believe Christine's intent (or at least her desire) was that the lot belong to the family as a whole.  I think she would've preferred Janelle - and even to some extent Meri - and their children benefit from it over Kody & Robyn.  Legally, though, I don't think she had any choice without a prolonged negotiation and/or court battle.

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7 hours ago, LotusFlower said:

To sit on her porch with her sister wives and children and watch their grandchildren play in the dirty pond.

It’s what she keeps telling us!  She only cares about what she wants.  Period.  

Not to mention how does she think she's going to have grandchildren if her adult children aren't allowed any freedom?

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13 hours ago, GeorgiaRai said:

After looking at records online, I'm pretty sure the lot designated as "Christine's" was originally titled in the names of Christine, Kody & Robyn. So any transfer of the property would have had to be made by all 3 title holders; Christine couldn't have unilaterally conveyed it to an LLC or other family member(s). 

I believe Christine's intent (or at least her desire) was that the lot belong to the family as a whole.  I think she would've preferred Janelle - and even to some extent Meri - and their children benefit from it over Kody & Robyn.  Legally, though, I don't think she had any choice without a prolonged negotiation and/or court battle.

Georgia Rai, when you say that you looked at the records online, do you mean that you looked at the Warranty and /or Security deeds or the property record cards? When they purchased the Coyote Pass property was it one parcel or four individual parcels and they titled the deeds in this strange manner with Kody's name on all of the deeds and 3 names on some and 2 names on others?  Or is this something that Kody drew up but not the legal property deed/deeds that are filed in the court house?

I cannot fathom why Meri, Christine and Janelle would have agreed to this when the property was purchased. And if this is how the property is legally titled why are Meri and Janelle saying things to indicate that they think they the property will be  more fairly divided than how these 4 parcels are currently titled?  I guess that I am trying to get to the point that this makes sense that 3 women of at least average intelligence would agree to this.  I am not in any way questioning what you are saying.

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Okay but how were the legal deeds titled? Has anyone ever seen the deeds? Kody can say all he wants that they bought 4 lots and this is how it's going to be divided but that may not be the case if all 5 names were on the deeds. Meri would have been a fool to agree to a 2 acre lot jointly owned with Kody while Kody and Robyn own 8 acres. But then again Janelle, Christine and Meri let Kody call the shots for years.

And Kody has said on 2 occasions on camera that they each own 25% of Coyote Pass. So he is lying about something. 

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17 hours ago, GeorgiaRai said:

After looking at records online, I'm pretty sure the lot designated as "Christine's" was originally titled in the names of Christine, Kody & Robyn. So any transfer of the property would have had to be made by all 3 title holders; Christine couldn't have unilaterally conveyed it to an LLC or other family member(s). 

I believe Christine's intent (or at least her desire) was that the lot belong to the family as a whole.  I think she would've preferred Janelle - and even to some extent Meri - and their children benefit from it over Kody & Robyn.  Legally, though, I don't think she had any choice without a prolonged negotiation and/or court battle.

Thanks for clarifying, @GeorgiaRai. I hope for the best for Meri and Janelle re that land, but its not looking good.

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6 hours ago, 65mickey said:

When they purchased the Coyote Pass property was it one parcel or four individual parcels and they titled the deeds in this strange manner with Kody's name on all of the deeds and 3 names on some and 2 names on others? 

The actual warranty deeds are available online.  They did indeed (no pun intended!) take title to 4 separate lots this way; the only transfer I see after the initial purchases in 2018 is the deed removing Christine from her lot.  

By stretching one's imagination, you might could explain Kody's 25% comment as meaning they bought 4 lots, one intended to be primarily in each wife's name - and 1 of 4 is 25%.  That doesn't take into account, of course, each lot's size and value.

The thing is... 2 acres is none too shabby for a residential lot, IMO.  Most people could absolutely build a perfectly fine home on a tract that size, and the smaller size means less expensive, less property tax, etc. going forward.  I think where Janelle and Meri may have gotten screwed the most would be in how much each of them paid toward the purchases and/or loans on lots belonging to others thinking it was meant to benefit the entire family.  But if they knowingly bought smaller/cheaper lots and only put their money towards those, I'm not sure the current distribution is blatantly unfair.  And believe me, saying that is like a knife in the kidney.     

Here's the tax map of the lots as purchased.  I *think* they wanted to redraw the lot lines to make the 2 small lots into one, leave the middle lot the same, and split the largest tract into 3 smaller lots, one with the pond.  But I didn't go back though threads and episode to confirm.  When I downloaded the map,  I named it "embarrassing" because I already can't believe I put time & effort into looking this up! lol



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I clipped these from the show, since this is what they use. This one is how the actual lots are deeded in real life. It's hard to compare since the county's records show it flipped with the pond in the lower corner and the road at the top.


This is how Kody's dream lots are. However I have always been perplexed by his Lot 1 "family" lot. How on earth will that lot have ANY actual worth when it has the whole drain ditch pond, a gas road easement and a tiny snippet of trees next to the boundary line. There are rules how close you can build next to any of these three things.

Also these shots show the flood plain that runs right next to Janelle's RV parking pad, down to the pipe into the pond and then another pipe exiting the pond. Plus the piles of dirt where I assume they have already dredged the pond for upkeep. I assume that that can possibly be used for fill...but I have no idea.

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I'm happy for Christine and I feel sorry for all the others.


After all those years as the basement wife, Christine now looks happier and prettier in every episode.  I hope this new guy is a sweetheart and that he adores her.  I hope her children rise up and call her bless-ed, or whatever that bible quote is.


I think Janelle is barely able to keep herself from screaming, "How can I have been so stupid to not have ANY money of my own?"  She sees that Christine did something right, to have a house she was able to barter against her Coyote Pass interest.  Meri inherited a nice B&B property, Robyn's living in a McMansion and there's Janelle--supposedly the finance brain--trading up from water cans and a chemical toilet to a shitty little crackerbox rental apartment with a sad little shrimpy boxed Christmas tree.  Yikes.


Meri is just heartbreak on the hoof.  She's never getting back these many years of delusional Kody-goggles and she's never going to be able to think about her life without some measure of feeling like a fool.


Sympathy for Robyn is where I diverge wildly from most posters.  I think Robyn is about two minutes away from losing her shit because she sees she's about to be stuck all alone with a really nasty piece of work.  It's become more and more obvious that Kody's a small, mean man--vain, petty, selfish, greedy, thoughtless, immature.  He's cruel to his wives and vindictive toward his children.  And millions of people are overjoyed to watch her go down in flames, bound to this asshole.  Geez, I'd be crying all the time, too.


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Meri didn't exactly inherit the B & B, (remember?  I Bought It ON MY OWN!) but everything else seems probable.  We'll have to see if Crybrows and Kootie rilly are "soul mates," or if they will drive each other bonkers.  I don't know how either of them will reconcile with the way they have treated the OG 3 wives, and the OG 13 children, overall.


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12 hours ago, candall said:

Robyn's living in a McMansion and there's Janelle--supposedly the finance brain--trading up from water cans and a chemical toilet to a shitty little crackerbox rental apartment with a sad little shrimpy boxed Christmas tree.  Yikes.

I see it so differently!  Robyn sold whatever dark bit of soul she may have had to live in that "mansion" - at the expense of the very women she claims to want to spend her later years rocking on the porch with.  I have no doubt she sees it as a good trade off! lol

And Janelle's apartment and Christmas tree seem perfectly fine to me; no worse than what many families have, and better than what I could scrape together when I divorced at around Janelle's age.  She holds an interest in 6+ acres of land as well, with no need to barter or trade away her interest in it unless/until it benefits her.  

I don't know that Janelle was ever a finance brain (did she claim to be?) but she did produce income for many years.  I don't fault her for investing her efforts into her family instead of herself all those years; it's what a lot of married women do.  

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