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S18.E14: Always Darkest Before the Dawn


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Christine talks with her brothers about her newfound happiness and hopes to inspire Janelle, but Janelle won't let go of the past; at Coyote Pass, Robyn is devastated when she learns that this is finally the end of the road for Meri and Kody.

Air Date: November 19, 2023


Please keep your discussion of the episode to the events of the episode. Real time information is considered a spoiler within the episode threads. Violators will have their posts removed and may receive warnings. 

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28 minutes ago, eskimo said:

Is there anything that happens in the entire state of Arizona that isn't about Robyn?  The two people calling it quits weren't as emotional. 🙄  I loved it when Robyn said 'Ok, I'll shut up', and Meri said 'thank you'. 🤣

Once again we see Robyn directing Kody by talking about how he's in such a difficult head space and he doesn't really know what he's thinking right now. All that means is she hasn't fully downloaded his thoughts to him yet. 

Overall, entirely too much Robyn this episode.  

OMG yes, way too much crying 😭 Robyn, sans the tears

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6 hours ago, Soapy Goddess said:

Robyn, if you say you're going to shut up, then do so!  And stop putting words in Kody's mouth and telling him what head space he's in. Can't he talk without you coaching him? Or putting in your two cents? (which is all it's worth anyway).

She's so damn annoying. And probably dehydrated too 🙄



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22 minutes ago, laurakaye said:


I will say, I thought there was some interesting stuff going on with the Picnic Table of Doom scenes. 


It felt very disjointed to me.  I think there were parts of the conversation edited out.  Some for time constraints, some  for boredom…and I believe some because they weren’t appropriate for viewing.  Even though we’ve seen Kody’s temper tantrums on other occasions.   There wasn’t enough shown prior to Robyn walking off that justified the  reaction  she was having at the time.  

I agree with those who say Meri felt that Kody had ended their eternal covenant by saying he didn’t consider  himself married to her.  Since they were already legally divorced, he could only have been referring to their spiritual marriage.  Robyn certainly must have agreed since we didn’t get the ‘you must sleep with someone else before you are considered divorced’ speech. 


Edited by mythoughtis
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12 minutes ago, Madding crowd said:

The idea that her parcel only goes to her kids while Kody’s is only for him might be the final straw that will drive Kody’s non-Robyn kids away.

She isn’t the sole listed owner of ‘her’ property.  Kody is listed on it.  Most likely with the right of survivorship.

 So she’s not going to get what she wants if she dies first.  If that happens, Kody is going to find wife number 5 and the 5 Robyn kids will be treated the same as the other 13.  Gone and Forgotten.  

Edited by mythoughtis
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I think the mansion is like a 20 minute drive from Coyote Pass. I know it's not next door, anyway. So he rode that four-wheeler on the streets and highway to get home??  No helmet, but some awesome gloves.

Nope, still no tears. Not a drop. But she's worked on her sob gasps to make up for it.

This is the perfect description of Robyn's bizarre wardrobe! @Madding crowd"Once the cameras are gone I’m betting Robyn gets rid of the Sears junior secretary clothes and goes out to find someone new."

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3 hours ago, laurakaye said:

I want to talk about this episode with you guys but I don't fill like you are in the right head space.  You can't really talk about - no, shhh.  You're not ready to speak right now, I can tell.  Anyway, here are my thoughts on this episode - Ba!  Ba ba ba!  NO talky!  Calm down.  I know you're not yelling but I can tell you're just about to, so you just sit there with one butt cheek falling off the bench and I will tell you when you are ready to speak.

Well, now you've gone and made me dry cry.  So what I'm gonna do is, I am just gonna take a little walk.  Just a little walk, right down this trail to the Plague Pond.  Just right here.....I am gonna walk away slowly so you all can talk about me and how sad I am.  Here I go.  Are you watching me walk away?  Can you hear me sobbing?  Can you see the dejected slump of my shoulders?  Are you happy now?  I can't even stand to sit by you.  You are breaking my heart.

I'm back.  What did I miss?  You  - what?  You all broke up while I was staring at the mountains and pining over what might have been had I not stuck my big fat nose into all of your business and ruined it beyond repair?  No!!  This is not about you, actually - it's about me and my porch and my rocking chair!  This is unacceptable, I told you that you couldn't talk, and - where are you going??  Get off that ATV!  Hey - get out of your car, what do you think you're doing?  You're seriously going to leave me here all alone?  Can't you see how deeply upset I am?  How am I supposed to get back to my mansion - walk??  Why do you insist on destroying me?  I JUST WANTED TO SIT ON A PORCH WITH ALL OF YOU AND WATCH OUR GRANDKIDS GET E COLI IN THE POND WHILE GRANDPA RAN AROUND IN HIS SKIVVIES!



8 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

But why would Robyn make him promise that in the first place?  Possibly because A. - she never thought in a million years that he wouldn't be warm for her form, and she'd always be his one true lurrrve (blech) or B. - by asking him that, she was subconsciously putting the thought into his pea-brain that this is exactly what he should be doing - leaving when he is no longer in love - but to his OTHER wives.

I was wondering the same thing, and I think your analysis is a good one.  I so hope the interviewer (I forget her name) raises this question of double standards at the reunion. 

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52 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

But why would Robyn make him promise that in the first place?  Possibly because A. - she never thought in a million years that he wouldn't be warm for her form, and she'd always be his one true lurrrve (blech) or B. - by asking him that, she was subconsciously putting the thought into his pea-brain that this is exactly what he should be doing - leaving when he is no longer in love - but with his OTHER wives.

Yes it seems an odd choice to put in their "sacred covenant" which he is choosing to honor (though seemingly does not choose to honor all those other sacred covenants). C) Perhaps he had already divulged to Robyn that he was in a pathetic place with Christine or Meri...

Interestingly Robyns response to this was to say "Yes, but that doesn't mean the marriage is over."  So it gets more perplexing. 

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Just now, SongbirdHollow said:

TLC continues to mess with the timeline. Didn’t we just see an episode where Meri says she renewed her lease?  I’m so confused! (tm Robyn)

Yes, the timeline is a mess. However, I think when it was discussed during the rare tenders pity visit to "lonely old" Meri, Meri stated that she renewed for a few months (maybe 6?), not a year. That visit was likely in early spring/Easter and the wonky timeline here seems to be September/October so it could've been about to expire and she decided not to reup, especially since it seemed to be no problem for Christine to continue on filming in Utah with no seeming issues.

Kody trying to make a differentiation between an act and a performance was some WTF! Given the subject matter, it was a distinction without a difference.

The main thing Kody was worried about was blame. For someone who likes to beat the drum of accountability, he takes absolutely none.

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3 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

It felt very disjointed to me.  I think there were parts of the conversation edited out.  Some for time constraints, some  for boredom…and I believe some because they weren’t appropriate for viewing

i agree, I was having troubling following the conversation at all.  Combine that with the fact that we have been hearing most of this over and over (and over and over and over) for 13 episodes and it was a total waste of air time. 

Nothing new came out of that whole conversation with the possible exception of Sobbyn tipping her hand by blatantly telling Kootie to shut his piehole before he said something actionable.  

Janelle:  you aren't going to get anything out of this; find a new religion or some prophet who will release you based on what Kootie has said in interviews and move on.

Meri:  how many times are you going to reiterate the same things; Kootie clearly hates you, give it up and move on.

Christine: stop telling Janelle what she should do and move on with your happy princess life.

Robbyn:  you got what you paid for, in spades; enjoy a monogamist life with a manosphere follower but monitor those steroids he takes before he kills someone in a 'roid rage.

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Meri needs to be getting herself a lawyer, not sittin’ at a picnic table explaining to Robyn why she’s done. Janelle too. Get yourself some legal help. 

They all seem to avoid lawyers and court like the plague. There doesn't appear to be any legal custody agreement for Truely either. I'm guessing none of the 5 Brown adults can risk an audit of their finances that might go back 30 years. Either that, or money changed hands between them so many times with no agreements written down that it would be a futile effort to go to court. If Meri and Janelle put their names on certain parcels of land on Coyote Pass, those are the parcels they get, fair or not. They have no legal marriage to Kody and no minor children anymore. They likely have no real claim. 






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10 minutes ago, Kellyee said:

If Meri and Janelle put their names on certain parcels of land on Coyote Pass, those are the parcels they get, fair or not. They have no legal marriage to Kody and no minor children anymore. They likely have no real claim. 


What I'm hoping is that to avoid a deep investigation into their finances, and how Kody used the money in the old LLC (not DABSARK, but the old Kody Brown Family Entertainment LLC that included Meri, Janelle, and Christine) to buy the McMansion, Kody and Robyn will basically fold.

One thing I think is curious, is that Christine signed her parcel over to Kody and Robyn, in exchange for getting Kody's name off the Flagstaff house. It's even been said on the show that the proceeds from Meri and Janelle's Vegas sales helped finance the purchase of Robyn and Christine's AZ houses.

Edited by General Days
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22 minutes ago, General Days said:

One thing I think is curious, is that Christine signed her parcel over to Kody and Robyn, in exchange for getting Kody's name off the Flagstaff house. It's even been said on the show that the proceeds from Meri and Janelle's Vegas sales helped finance the purchase of Robyn and Christine's AZ houses.

Didn't Christine say she signed it over to the family? And Kody says she signed it over to him? Seems to me if "family money" is what they have been shifting around to buy various properties and make downpayments on houses, then Christine's portion should go back in the family pot.

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26 minutes ago, General Days said:

One thing I think is curious, is that Christine signed her parcel over to Kody and Robyn, in exchange for getting Kody's name off the Flagstaff house. It's even been said on the show that the proceeds from Meri and Janelle's Vegas sales helped finance the purchase of Robyn and Christine's AZ houses.

Don't forget -- with Kody, it's always been, "what's yours is mine; what's mine is mine'" -- so all the money the OG wives made and put into the "fambly pot" was really Kody's money to do with as he wanted.

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It's so obvious that Sobbyn has been Kody's mouthpiece this whole time. She tells him what to think,  what to say and how to feel. He's too dumb to notice. I'm glad Meri finally stuck up for herself.  I wish she would've said more to Kody about her getting the smallest piece of land out of everyone else.  I wish she would've questioned him why she only gets a tiny piece when she contributed financially just like Janelle did. Instead she just accepted it and didn't put up a fight. Sobbyn walking off sulking was so dumb. She wanted both of them to call her back or run after her. And when neither one did she comes back right away apologizing. It was all for attention.  It made me mad when Sobbyn said that Kody had a good relationship with his other children but than Christine left. Like she's implying that it's Christine's fault that Kody doesn't have a relationship with his other kids. That's such bullshit. Kody didn't have a good relationship with them before Christine left because he shut everyone out except Sobbyn and her brood. Those two blame everything on Christine, it's ridiculous.  I wasn't too thrilled seeing Suki as the host of the tell nothing show again.  It's going to be the same as all the other ones, with Kody and Sobbyn refusing to talk about things viewers want to know. He will probably complain about Christine and Janelle again and gush over how perfect Sobbyn is. Sobbyn will pretend to dry cry but with bigger fake sobs in between that her dream is ruined because of the other wives. Suki will not ask any real questions again and will be sympathetic to Sobbyn and Kody and it will be a waste of four episodes. I wish Kevin Frazier could be the host and that no questions were off limit and viewers can call in live asking any questions they want. I know Kody and Sobbyn wrote down a list of questions that they will not answer, when Kody did the Mormon interview on YouTube, the guy that interviewed him said that Kody's "handlers" had a specific list of topics that the show couldn't ask him about so I know it's going to be just like that again. 

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2 minutes ago, MamaMax said:

I don't think any of us will ever understand how they really handle money bc all of them are most definitely leaving out important details. 

Yes, I think there are agreements between the family and maybe even TLC not to talk about or expound on certain topics. Case in point, mentioning that Janelle was married to Meri's brother. Seriously, I think if more people knew that or better yet cameras had been around when that happened, (combined with Kody and J's original wedding date was Meri's b-day) Janelle wouldn't be the fan fave that she is today. Sorry not sorry, those actions were grimy AF!

I've resigned myself to the FACT that the tell nothings are useless, inane money grabs. The fact that there have been multiple award winning journalists who have hosted and they all equally sucked just tells me that TLC doesn't want these events to be great! They like the waters murky and don't want to clear things up as it protects the asset(the "stars" and the storylines) and can garner more seasons. The 90 day ones are just as terrible. It is cheaper/cost effective to keep producing an ongoing concern with a known quantity then trying to go out and find new shows/participants. Besides which, SW has been doing very, very well ratings wise.

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