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S18.E01: No Such Thing as a Free Lunch

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1 hour ago, Mother of Odin said:

Last time was when Savannah was conceived. IMO

Nah. I think they were intimate longer than that. You don't get to six kids without some kind of real attraction (well, you CAN, but I don't think that's the case here). I clearly remember a scene in season 1 or 2 where Kody and Janelle had spent the night together in a tent, and he's absolutely pawing at her the morning after, and kissing her neck, the whole deal. I've never seen him display so much chemistry toward a wife. I can buy that there was more action in their bedroom than in Kody and Christine's in recent years).

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54 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Why do they all continue to forget that? Especially Robyn. Are they not allowed to talk about that anymore? Kody never forgave her for that and I don't blame him. He's been done with her ever since that catfishing mess. That is the only defense I will ever have of Kody. 

This is about the only time I’ve agreed with Kody, too. If Sam had been real, Meri would’ve peaced out years ago and rubbed it in their faces. 

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32 minutes ago, EarlGreyTea said:

Nah. I think they were intimate longer than that. You don't get to six kids without some kind of real attraction (well, you CAN, but I don't think that's the case here). I clearly remember a scene in season 1 or 2 where Kody and Janelle had spent the night together in a tent, and he's absolutely pawing at her the morning after, and kissing her neck, the whole deal. I've never seen him display so much chemistry toward a wife. I can buy that there was more action in their bedroom than in Kody and Christine's in recent years).

He did that because Janelle can’t stand PDA, imo.

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36 minutes ago, EarlGreyTea said:

Nah. I think they were intimate longer than that. You don't get to six kids without some kind of real attraction (well, you CAN, but I don't think that's the case here). I clearly remember a scene in season 1 or 2 where Kody and Janelle had spent the night together in a tent, and he's absolutely pawing at her the morning after, and kissing her neck, the whole deal. I've never seen him display so much chemistry toward a wife. I can buy that there was more action in their bedroom than in Kody and Christine's in recent years).

Me too. There was a scene much later, when they were moving their mattress in at the Vegas house where they were super flirty/affectionate/making with the innuendos and it surprised me. 

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39 minutes ago, taragel said:

Me too. There was a scene much later, when they were moving their mattress in at the Vegas house where they were super flirty/affectionate/making with the innuendos and it surprised me. 

Yeah I agree with @EarlGreyTea and you. 

I admit I’m single so I don’t know Jack shit about marriage (monogamous or otherwise) but I find it HIGHLY unlikely that all sexual activity between them ceased for 17yrs (counting her pregnancy with Savanah and when she started rumbling about leaving). Purely from proximity alone- people have sex with people they aren’t crazy about simply because they are comfortable, and while Kody was polygamous Janelle was not. 

I think it’s likely they were sexually intimate with each other regularly until Flagstaff. 

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15 hours ago, Tuxcat said:

I am in shock that the show which is already two years behind, backtracked even more! We already saw Janelle's apartment last season. Now this season, we have to watch her move in? Why?

And the staged reenactments continue to be so very bad. Contrary to popular opinion, I don't even see a reason for Christine to be in Flagstaff or on the show this episode.  Her lunch with Kody - shoulda been an email. Her "visit" with Janelle - completely TLC arranged.


I noticed Christine was wearing the green shirt from some of the talking heads. While it was contrivedI think she was there to film the tell all from LAST season.

This episode should have been packaged with last season. They literally left right off after the holiday conversation at the end of season 17.  We got such a great season premiere last year, this really was just filler. Very disappointing ....

Although I did say in the live chat - I laughed out loud at Meri and the turkey innuendo. 

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34 minutes ago, surfgirl said:

I struggle to imagine this happening because Janelle seems very asexual to me.

Aromantic yes, but I saw that she had an attraction to Kody. There were times she would look at him (and they would look at each other) that there was innuendo there. Even from their wedding photos I could see she was into him. 

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9 minutes ago, zamp33 said:

I noticed Christine was wearing the green shirt from some of the talking heads. While it was contrivedI think she was there to film the tell all from LAST season.


I didn't notice Christine but I did notice Kody wearing the same blue plaid shirt and blond/gray ringlets from last season. I am ashamed that I noticed this and wonder what it says about me.

Meri's turkey bit was funny. It's clips like that that make me think this is all just scripted nonsense and she really has no interest at all in returning to the family. It's the reality show role she has as her day job. 

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3 hours ago, Elodia said:

Did anyone else notice Kodork's voice had changed? On his TH, his voice sounds like it dropped one octave. Could it be because of testosterone.? I always thought he was on steroids the last few seasons which could explain his temper and rages. 

I thought his face looked slightly different too. Bloated or fillers?

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Kodvid continues to cement his position as the resident narcissistic sociopath.  He once again trots out Covid tests (whenever this was filmed but at least late in the pandemic) as a means of control while rehashing how he curled up in the fetal position and cried during the pandemic.  Still gaslighting, only caring about himself and how Christine and Janelle have "wronged" him.  Talking about hating Christine and being the devil he has become.  This guy was born a devil.

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2 hours ago, surfgirl said:

I struggle to imagine this happening because Janelle seems very asexual to me.

See, I can imagine it no problem, because if I’ve learned anything, it’s that we never truly know what goes on behind closed doors, even in reality families. None of us know anyone else’s marriages. 

I bet Janelle could just be uncomfortable with expressing sexuality on television. Having said that, you could be right too. We’ll never know! Even if I kind of want to. 

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2 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

Aromantic yes, but I saw that she had an attraction to Kody. There were times she would look at him (and they would look at each other) that there was innuendo there. Even from their wedding photos I could see she was into him. 

She literally growled when Kootie wore his Kootie-tail, and she liked his pants tight (Leo asked during a Q & A why Kootie wore his pants so tight.)  Not to disparage Meri's brother (Janelle's ex) but a young Kootie wasn't half-bad looking, and I think there was a mutual attraction.  It didn't have to happen often to be real to them.  JMO of course.

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Well, we did learn a couple things:

  1. They are apparently paying the owner of the land and if they don't pay it off in a certain amount of time, the owner can foreclose.  I'm not surprised they did it that way because I can't imagine any bank being foolish enough to give them a loan.  But I am baffled by anyone else doing it unless they thought they could get a few payments out of them and take the land back.  
  2. Kody definitely gets man flu.  That came as no surprise to me.  If he gets sick he's the biggest baby of them all.  I admit I was laughing right along with Christine when he started going on about sobbing in the fetal position.  What a loon.

It looked to me like Christine filmed her own talking heads in Utah since her background looked like somewhere in her house rather than the couch the rest of them filmed on.  I loved that she was laughing in the talking heads as well as to his face.  It always frustrates me when the wives say something on point in the talking head interviews, but say nothing when they are with him.  

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23 hours ago, LotusFlower said:


I’m guessing Kody wasn’t vaccinated, which is probably why he got so sick.  (Temp of maybe 100). 

Iirc, Janelle confirmed that in one of the last couple  episodes of S17.

8 hours ago, Elodia said:

Did anyone else notice Kodork's voice had changed? On his TH, his voice sounds like it dropped one octave. Could it be because of testosterone.? I always thought he was on steroids the last few seasons which could explain his temper and rages. 

I have thought this since S14.

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Robyn said that she is unsure whether she was blind to the truth about the family's relationship or naïve. She believes she was misled. Can't help but wonder by whom. Janelle said that once she entered the family there was a shakeup and things never settled again. Christine revealed that the family traditions and the family getting together stopped. Meri, her closest ally, admitted the entire family’s relationship was good and fun before she came along, and that they used to laugh a lot. How could she not notice that things had changed, and what was the common denominator?

Is it my imagination or has Meri done a 180 on Christine and Robyn in her new talking heads?

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They are apparently paying the owner of the land and if they don't pay it off in a certain amount of time, the owner can foreclose.  I'm not surprised they did it that way because I can't imagine any bank being foolish enough to give them a loan.  But I am baffled by anyone else doing it unless they thought they could get a few payments out of them and take the land back.  

I'm guessing that the owner was having difficulty selling the land, so he financed the loan to them with a very high interest rate. If they pay it, he/she makes money. If they default, he/she takes the land back. Since they couldn't build until the loan was paid, there would be no pesky, poorly constructed/half finished homes to deal with. And probably the original owner had stipulations about improvements they had to make to the property as well. Win/win. 

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Hey all !   Nice to be back in this shit-storm of a show, isn't it?  Summer's flown by too fast.

Meri you need a hairdresser.   What's with the bed head look ..ughh.  like it hadn't even been brushed... and then Kodouche and his curly-Qs.    🙄  🤭

I'm happy for Christine and Janelle,  they both look good and happy.  Janelle is already one step out the door.   Christine couldn't stop smiling and radiating happiness at their lunch date.  And Kodass had the scowling miserable face as usual.

 And fetal  position?.....sobbing??  If he couldn't breathe he should have been in a hospital.

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I don't know who Sobyn thinks she's fooling with her crocodile tears pretending to be so broken over the other wives leaving. She's the cause of all of this!! It's easy for Sobyn to say that the other wives should be supportive of Kody when she's not the one that's being treated like shit or neglected.  She's the queen bee so of course it's easy for her to say that. I bet she's secretly sick of Meri still hanging around them. When she says she's shocked that Meri is still around even though her and Kody don't have a relationship. She manipulates Meri so bad. There's zero reasons why Meri should stay and try to help Kody. She's non existent to him and Sobyn knows it. She loves knowing that she took him away from her and the other wives. Kody has  alot of nerve talking about other people being victims!! Hello!! Kody YOU are the one that plays the victim all the time! You and Sobyn!! I don't understand why Meri has Sobyn's back. Their relationship is so one sided.  Kody's face looks different, like he got botox. Kody never gave a shit about spending time with Christine or their kids when she was there so he's not fooling anyone acting like it's so hard on him that she finally left. I agree 100% with the person that said Janelle and Kody haven't had a sexual relationship in years and years. Kody always thought of her as one of the guys like one of his buddies.  I bet once Sobyn came in the pic, he stopped having sex with the other wives. 

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Takeaways from this episode: 

* Robyn full of shit. She acts shocked about what’s going on and feigns sadness but we know she secretly had her nose in everyone’s business. She’s just mad she has lost the other wives money and her status as HBIC. 

* kody’s jacket too small for Meri — she can’t even close it. And that was weird and creepy, he’s basically rejected her and she’s acting all stalker-ish with that jacket.

Thank goodness we know she leaves because that was truly just sad. 

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9 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Would Kody and Meri wear the same size jacket?  For some reason Meri looked larger than him in the scene outside with Robyn.  

That was my first thought, too. No way Meri is the same size as Kody.

Then, when they shows the previews for next the next episode, I was shocked at how much weight she has gained. I had to rewind it a few times to be sure I was seeing it.  Yep, I was right. 

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17 hours ago, Dobian said:

Kodvid continues to cement his position as the resident narcissistic sociopath.  He once again trots out Covid tests (whenever this was filmed but at least late in the pandemic) as a means of control while rehashing how he curled up in the fetal position and cried during the pandemic.  Still gaslighting, only caring about himself and how Christine and Janelle have "wronged" him.  Talking about hating Christine and being the devil he has become.  This guy was born a devil.

Lol. 🏆 🏆 🏆 for Kodvid

15 hours ago, EarlGreyTea said:

See, I can imagine it no problem, because if I’ve learned anything, it’s that we never truly know what goes on behind closed doors, even in reality families. None of us know anyone else’s marriages. 

I bet Janelle could just be uncomfortable with expressing sexuality on television. Having said that, you could be right too. We’ll never know! Even if I kind of want to. 

She stated in  early seasons she is not comfortable with PDA.

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2 hours ago, laurakaye said:

So let's see:

Kody (and Robyn) developed a literal binder of Covid protoculls to keep AuroraBriannaDay'un and the Tenders the family from getting Covid.  He divides his family based on those rules - if you can't prove that you've wiped down each piece of mail with a Clorox wipe (no other brand will do), then he can never come over to see anyone.  Not even outside, from 6 feet away, not via Facetime.  You step outside your home to do anything?  Sorry, you're invisible.

UNTIL he gets the invite to act a fool officiate his friend's wedding.  Because at that point, Covid is still around but not that big of a deal.  Plus it's a risk worth taking if it means he gets to be in the spotlight.  He hasn't been able to shake his groove thing for years!  Dancer gotta dance!

AND THEN he gets Covid himself...at which point, several members of his family have had it as well but he doesn't care because they definitely didn't have it as bad as he did.  No one, in fact, in the state of Arizona had it as bad as Kody.  His ass hurt - a previously unheard of symptom - and he found himself rocking back and forth in the fetal position in his closet because no one would take care of HIM.  HIM HIM HIM. 

My point - and his older kids surely see this - he has been breaking all of his own rules to suit himself.  That's it.  Kody and Covid have skipped around for the last three years, hand in hand, giving him every excuse to ignore the people that don't bow down to him as supreme leader.  What he didn't bank on, I believe, is that once the emergency had mostly passed, those same people were like - you know what?  We actually don't need this guy and we might all be better off without him.

I am really looking forward to the snippet we saw of Garrison telling his siblings that "Robyn can have him."  Kody played a game with his family and lost, big time.

Congrats, Kody.


I am in love with this comment.  Man-baby's ass hurt, what a freaking tragedy!  MY ass hurt from laughing it off at his whiny, puss-bag self feeling sorry for himself!!   Sucks to be you, pardner.  Go back and dote on those Chicken Tenders you're SO, SO worried about!  🤣

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I definitely agree with all who say that Kody has a right to be angry and not forgiving of Meri for the catfish. However, I do blame him for not just divorcing her and sending mixed signals. For example, in the previews for this season, he is saying "I don't even know what Meri is doing here in Flagstaff."  Didn't he basically ask her to come to Flagstaff and give her false hope that it could be a new start for them and things might be different? Also, why even celebrate an anniversary with a woman he doesn't even want to be married to and then spends that day being mean and nasty? He asks to be wooed and acts disgusted when she tries. 

I don't know if Meri is just prideless,  or she sees sticking around and taking his shit as her penance, or just sticking around for the TLC check, but good gawd I am looking forward to her finally taking a hint. 

20 hours ago, Elodia said:

Did anyone else notice Kodork's voice had changed? On his TH, his voice sounds like it dropped one octave. Could it be because of testosterone.? I always thought he was on steroids the last few seasons which could explain his temper and rages. 

A bit of a tangent and maybe a bit crass, but I always suspected that part of the reason he stopped being intimate with the non-Robyn's was because of lowered sex drive and maybe even erectile dysfunction. The man is in his 50s. His pencil ain't what it used to be. 

16 hours ago, Chicklet said:

It's nice to know Robyn hasn't lost her ability to faux cry every few minutes. No tears, you would think she would realize nobody is buying her act. But she is being denied her DREAM of sitting on the porch with sisterwives and grandkids (oh woe is me)

On her porch because she won't let them in her house. Said house is on a hill and 3X bigger than the other wives and her rocking chair is custom, hand-crafted, made from solid Koa wood and looks more like throne and the others are made from plywood and were purchased off Temu. 

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2 hours ago, laurakaye said:

So let's see:

Kody (and Robyn) developed a literal binder of Covid protoculls to keep AuroraBriannaDay'un and the Tenders the family from getting Covid.  He divides his family based on those rules - if you can't prove that you've wiped down each piece of mail with a Clorox wipe (no other brand will do), then he can never come over to see anyone.  Not even outside, from 6 feet away, not via Facetime.  You step outside your home to do anything?  Sorry, you're invisible.

UNTIL he gets the invite to act a fool officiate his friend's wedding.  Because at that point, Covid is still around but not that big of a deal.  Plus it's a risk worth taking if it means he gets to be in the spotlight.  He hasn't been able to shake his groove thing for years!  Dancer gotta dance!

AND THEN he gets Covid himself...at which point, several members of his family have had it as well but he doesn't care because they definitely didn't have it as bad as he did.  No one, in fact, in the state of Arizona had it as bad as Kody.  His ass hurt - a previously unheard of symptom - and he found himself rocking back and forth in the fetal position in his closet because no one would take care of HIM.  HIM HIM HIM. 

My point - and his older kids surely see this - he has been breaking all of his own rules to suit himself.  That's it.  Kody and Covid have skipped around for the last three years, hand in hand, giving him every excuse to ignore the people that don't bow down to him as supreme leader.  What he didn't bank on, I believe, is that once the emergency had mostly passed, those same people were like - you know what?  We actually don't need this guy and we might all be better off without him.

I am really looking forward to the snippet we saw of Garrison telling his siblings that "Robyn can have him."  Kody played a game with his family and lost, big time.

Congrats, Kody.


Agree with this though we did see Kody getting together with various family members and even larger gatherings outside - throughout covid.

I don't think there is any question that Kody used covid rules to suit his own needs. And I don't think there is any question that he mishandled this entire situation. Completely hypocritical.

But, I still cannot figure out why it is so freaking hard to just pick up the phone and call his boys and ask for this discussion he wants. 

I have to wonder if the boys are also blocking him now. We know Garrison suggested lying about exposure and we know from Gabe's social media followings -   the boys are more than likely to be against ANY covid precautions. Since they align with Kody in general,  I'm sure they are just in a fit that he wanted any precautions at all. Let alone his misuse of them.

So while I think it is entirely Kody's responsibility - as the parent - to remedy this situation - I'm seeing more and more similarities in his boys. It seems like both sides are just trying to dig in and make a point - at the expense of Savannah who really just wanted to see her family. Remember her saying - "can't we just do the rules for two weeks, so I can see my dad?"

This was all filmed Nov 2021 right when Omicron was starting. 


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3 hours ago, laurakaye said:

So let's see:

Kody (and Robyn) developed a literal binder of Covid protoculls to keep AuroraBriannaDay'un and the Tenders the family from getting Covid.  He divides his family based on those rules - if you can't prove that you've wiped down each piece of mail with a Clorox wipe (no other brand will do), then he can never come over to see anyone.  Not even outside, from 6 feet away, not via Facetime.  You step outside your home to do anything?  Sorry, you're invisible.

UNTIL he gets the invite to act a fool officiate his friend's wedding.  Because at that point, Covid is still around but not that big of a deal.  Plus it's a risk worth taking if it means he gets to be in the spotlight.  He hasn't been able to shake his groove thing for years!  Dancer gotta dance!

AND THEN he gets Covid himself...at which point, several members of his family have had it as well but he doesn't care because they definitely didn't have it as bad as he did.  No one, in fact, in the state of Arizona had it as bad as Kody.  His ass hurt - a previously unheard of symptom - and he found himself rocking back and forth in the fetal position in his closet because no one would take care of HIM.  HIM HIM HIM. 

My point - and his older kids surely see this - he has been breaking all of his own rules to suit himself.  That's it.  Kody and Covid have skipped around for the last three years, hand in hand, giving him every excuse to ignore the people that don't bow down to him as supreme leader.  What he didn't bank on, I believe, is that once the emergency had mostly passed, those same people were like - you know what?  We actually don't need this guy and we might all be better off without him.

I am really looking forward to the snippet we saw of Garrison telling his siblings that "Robyn can have him."  Kody played a game with his family and lost, big time.

Congrats, Kody.


I love this!  Comments like yours are the reason I keep coming to this forum.  I watch the show by myself and have all these thoughts about this joker and his evil queen.  I can come here and see that many of you are right there with me.  My people! 😊

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40 minutes ago, Tuxcat said:

But, I still cannot figure out why it is so freaking hard to just pick up the phone and call his boys and ask for this discussion he wants.

I think it could be one of several things...I think he wants THEM to call HIM.  It would hurt what little pride Kody has left to be the one to call them (although that is exactly what he should do IF he's truly sorry for the way things turned out during Covid).  I think he's also pissed off at Janelle for hanging out with Christine instead of the "family" (i.e. Kody and Robyn), even though Kody has made it crystal clear that he hated staying in Janelle's RV and equally hated her apartment (too small for his ego or something).  As we know, he punishes the children of the wives who aren't bending to his will.  And then there's Robyn...Kody basically demanded that the boys apologize to Robyn for saying that she was the one keeping their dad away from them, and Garrison/Gabe aren't about to apologize for something that has proven to be true.

All in all, Kody has really destroyed his relationships with several of his adult children, due to his ego and his demand that he be followed unquestionably.  That worked when his kids were little and they adored him.  They're not little anymore, and he's losing them.


Edited by laurakaye
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1 hour ago, islandgal140 said:

A bit of a tangent and maybe a bit crass, but I always suspected that part of the reason he stopped being intimate with the non-Robyn's was because of lowered sex drive and maybe even erectile dysfunction. The man is in his 50s. His pencil ain't what it used to be.

Could be, though I'm past 60 and no problems.  But I don't run around all the time between all these homes and wives and ex-wives and kids.  I would be exhausted.  And if he's getting his needs met from Sobyn, I don't see the motivation to run to one of the others for some sexy time.  He's pretty much limited his options to Janelle anyway.

Edited by Dobian
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I sympathize with anyone that has had Covid, truly I do.  It's the exaggerating and self-pity that people like Kootie do, when there were so many deaths and 'long covid' cases, that irks me.  He clearly had means to medical care and treatment, even taking Sobbyn to the ER, so if he had a bad case, he would have been admitted to the hospital, and so would Sobbyn, or any of his kids.

It bothers me that he didn't follow his/Sobbyn's own 'rules,' and yet avoided safe visits with his own children (and other wives), yet had the freedom and didn't allow it for others, to attend his buddy's wedding (and did his ridiculous dancing!)  If it's true that he wasn't vaccinated, that was his choice.  He's always saying 'everyone makes their own choices,' but should anyone voice any objection to HIS choices, he shuns them and shames them.  Shame on HIM for that.


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OK, I don't watch so correct me if I am wrong.

We are seeing a rehash of what we've already seen all the way back to Covid? The talking heads were all filmed almost 2 years ago?  There is nothing current?  We are reliving events long past?

Will the twins be in high school before they are born onscreen?  We have to watch Janelle leaving even though she left over a year ago?

That's just nuts.

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8 minutes ago, Orcinus orca said:

We are seeing a rehash of what we've already seen all the way back to Covid? The talking heads were all filmed almost 2 years ago?  There is nothing current?  We are reliving events long past?

Yes, they were talking Thanksgiving and Christmas 2021. They were all the way back to the beginning of Omicron.  Some of us have been complaining about this for over a year now about how far behind reality/true time SW is.  Based on the family members' social media accounts, there are really no surprises for anyone watching the show who also reads almost anywhere online.  

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19 hours ago, Dobian said:

Kodvid continues to cement his position as the resident narcissistic sociopath.  He once again trots out Covid tests (whenever this was filmed but at least late in the pandemic) as a means of control while rehashing how he curled up in the fetal position and cried during the pandemic.  Still gaslighting, only caring about himself and how Christine and Janelle have "wronged" him.  Talking about hating Christine and being the devil he has become.  This guy was born a devil.

His take on the pandemic is....interesting and perplexing. He's terrified of getting Covid but was he vaccinated? Or is he a Vax denier? I thought most Vax deniers were also pandemic deniers too, but he definitely believes in there is a pandemic. Unless he's just using that to stay with his preferred wife.

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On 8/21/2023 at 8:49 AM, Quof said:

In the fall of 2021, when this was filmed, TLC probably didn't allow/require its film crews to work in an enclosed space with unvaccinated people.  

Thank you for reminding us that the "protoculls" were different during fall 2021/winter 2022. Our area was hit particularly hard during that time. I will admit I thought "typical douche-canoe" Kody when he was freaking out about Christine being tested and Meri and Robyn were sitting outside. But times were different...

Which is another reason to be frustrated about this dang timeline!! Not gonna lie: I was getting annoyed by everyone complaining but I am there with you. 

Also, would someone remind me: did Kody and Robyn get vaccinated? Did their children? Because if you are so worried about getting it and, once you did, it was so traumatic for you, why wouldn't you do everything you could to prevent getting it again, including vaccination??? Talk about talking out of both sides of your mouth!

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21 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

Yeah I agree with @EarlGreyTea and you. 

I admit I’m single so I don’t know Jack shit about marriage (monogamous or otherwise) but I find it HIGHLY unlikely that all sexual activity between them ceased for 17yrs (counting her pregnancy with Savanah and when she started rumbling about leaving). Purely from proximity alone- people have sex with people they aren’t crazy about simply because they are comfortable, and while Kody was polygamous Janelle was not. 

I think it’s likely they were sexually intimate with each other regularly until Flagstaff. 

One in four marriages after age 40 are sexless. 

Edited by Mother of Odin
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