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S09.E20: Reunion Part 2

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Oh wait, that was a few weeks ago, right?  Ugh, Radar is the worst.  So unreliable.  Doesn't Brandi feed them stories?  Dat says it all bout dem.

No, tonight. But why does it matter? Honestly, Radar has someone watch the reunion, figure out who "won" or "lost," or who looked like they burned bridges, and then, as if by magic, the very next day a story appears with a firing scoop from some "inside source." Happens every time. And they're never right. But they don't care. They leave the story vague enough to make it seem speculative.

  • Love 4
I forget which poster said this, so apologies but comparing Tamra to one of Supernatural's demons is absolute perfection.  That is EXACTLY what she looks like.  The best ending to this reunion ever would have been for Sam and Dean Winchester to run on the set and take out that meatsuit.



Sure enough I googled the Supernatural's demons and I'll be damned if they didn't have a photo of Tamra on the site!  LOL



Radar Online is reporting that Tamra has been fired.  Could be a rumor; could be true.



They reported the same thing about Portia Stewart and Cynthia Bailey from RHOA and it turned out to be a lie about both of them.  They'll both be back for their next season.  Radar Online is a lying liar that lies!

Edited by swankie
  • Love 3

I'm a liberal and like to take offense at most things.  But, if they had wheeled out shots of vodka and Heather had asked if this was the Housewives of Leningrad, I don't think anyone would have thought a thing about it. 

For me, it wasn't so much what Heather said as much as how she said it. It seemed obvious to me she was expressing her displeasure at having to drink tequilla instead of "champs". At least she didn't say "Tiajuna".


No, but acting like it is the tackiest thing you have ever swallowed is an insult. After all we know who Heather has sex with!

But does she swallow?

  • Love 7

Sorry, but I don't think Heather would have said that.

I try not to be sensitive about stuff. And maybe I fail a lot.

The idea that doing shots of tequila is low class, pisses me off.

Doing shots is not low class or a "Mexican" thing. But it is something that some people will tie together.

Not me, as a Mexican I have seen very few mexican woman do shots of tequila. Sip Patron, yes. But a lot of white Americans love the tequila shots.

So if Heather thinks doing shots of tequila is tacky, she need to only look in her own circle of friends.

I personally don't see tequila shots as tacky but, hell I love a good time!


Ah, I didn't really hear it as Tequila = low class = Mexican drink. But since she asked for her high class "champs" I can see how that would be offensive.

  • Love 4


Not buying Shannon's new, improved love either. She was on David like a tick on a dog, and I don't expect it went away just because they go to bed earlier. I'll be waiting for HER next season too. And YES Shannon, you walked in talking shit about your marriage no matter what you tried to pull on Heather. Everybody knew because you put it on front street, and I haven't forgotten what a hateful shrew you started out as before they began editing out the sniping.


Shannon = the new Teresa Guidice. Heather is the worst person who lived. Zzzzz. Pile ups are boring.


I think the reason why Shannon, who picked on David constantly, is now singing a different tune is that it seemed to have shocked her during the season that David was so close to being gone.  Even after the email was sent about moving out, during the trip with Vicki, he pretty much flat out came out and said he wants to be happy -- and it didn't come off as "happy as a couple."  He also told her she needs to find her own happiness.  He pretty much came out and said life is short and he doesn't want to live it with an unhappy shrieking shrew.  And as a result, she realized that it's not only *his* fault that the marriage was waning -- she'd have to make some corrections herself.  While it may seem little, going to bed with him on his schedule and getting up with him is probably a very huge factor in regaining some intimacy (not just sexual intimacy).  

Edited by sasha206
  • Love 21

I'm thinking they edited the reunion the way they did because they are considering bringing them all back and didn't want to show Tamra saying something that was beyond repair. 


I also think Lizzie's deal with the the birthday is that she wants to say "I think you purposely didn't come to make me look like a loser on camera/on the show" but can't say it like that. 

What was left in was bad enough.  Tamra picking on a toddler is not cool. Saying to Lizzie that her kid punches her in the face was beneath contempt even by Tamra standards.   In this day and age with the number of cases of Autism and the like, in young children you can easily go from just saying something shitty and mean about someone's child to saying something shitty and mean about a child with some sort a impairment or learning or developmental disability.


Lizzie had a nice dinner party and Tamra hijacked it with bringing up the "take down the Beadors" comment and the multiple summits she held outside on the deck.  Tamra knew exactly what she was doing when she canceled well into the party start time with Lizzie.  Tamra and production worked hard to portray Lizzie's birthday as a bust. According to Danielle, Tamra was texting her asking about negative details.  As a master of the obvious-if Tamra really wanted to go the party she could have simply had Sophie and Spencer stay with their dad or had Eddie stay with her, it is not as if Eddie adds anything to the screen when he is on. I am sure Simon understands the nature of Tamra's work. 


I may have been the only one who felt this and here it goes, in reading Tamra's blog she cites that her mother works for a restoration company and being called out on a water leak the night of Lizzie's party.  Mrs. Waddle has to be pushing 70, I think that is incredibly hard work for a senior citizen cleaning up a water leak or other restoration work.  Tamra makes about $500,000.00, a year.  She should make her mom's life comfortable.  At least give her the covenanted  towel folding position at the gym and keep her out of the disaster sides. 

  • Love 11
To me, Lizzie looked genuinely perplexed by the texts Tamra produced. Lizzie did drink a lot that night. Maybe she forgot she sent them?

I have always wondered what Lizzie saw on Tamra's phone. Was it a screenshot of a text or the actual text? Texts can be manipulated.


The conversation Lizzie was upset about was supposedly between Tamra and Danielle, right? Lizzie is alleging that Tamra was talking crap to Danielle about Lizzie's dress? So then Tamra reminds her that she had texted Lizzie directly about her dress and she didn't seem offended. I don't know....I think there is a difference between my friend chiding me directly, in a good-natured way, about what I'm wearing....and going to someone else and talking about my attire. Maybe it's just me. 


Oh, I didn't see it that way. I just thought she didn't like the taste.


That was the impression I got as well. Her attitude reminded me of how I get when I have to see or smell whiskey. Blech. 

  • Love 3

I also think Lizzie's deal with the the birthday is that she wants to say "I think you purposely didn't come to make me look like a loser on camera/on the show" but can't say it like that. 


The real losers are the ones who didn't bother to show or RSVP in a timely manner.


Lizzie made herself look like a loser by bringing it up, over and over again.  Fuggetaboutit, Liz.  It was a birthday.  You're not 10 years old.  Time to move on with your butt hurt self. 

  • Love 7

The real losers are the ones who didn't bother to show or RSVP in a timely manner.


Lizzie made herself look like a loser by bringing it up, over and over again.  Fuggetaboutit, Liz.  It was a birthday.  You're not 10 years old.  Time to move on with your butt hurt self. 


But it is really embarrassing walking into Chuck e Cheese with only a couple other people, I mean skee ball can't play itself!

  • Love 6

Where is Rod Serling when ya need him, eh?  I'll be forever haunted by Disappearing Danielle & her hubby Joe, who silently looked soooo happy (um, dare I say joyous, and yes, even euphoric) when the talk turned to penises & anal sex -- and at the sight of Eds in an ugly, but super-tight sweater.  Will Danielle turn up on a Twilight Zone remake as a stewardess who says "Room for one more, honey"?  Or did we really just dream up Danielle & "gay" Joe?  I'm tellin' ya, Satan Andy is gaslighting us.  He wants us all to have a Shannon moment -- complete with screeching, arm waving & the men in white suits to take us away.  Miss Terry, I'm having a break -- call that ambulance, girl.


It will turn out that the Wives are really dolls.  Or mannequins.  Which would account for the low IQ average amongst the women.

  • Love 7

What was left in was bad enough.  Tamra picking on a toddler is not cool. Saying to Lizzie that her kid punches her in the face was beneath contempt even by Tamra standards.   In this day and age with the number of cases of Autism and the like, in young children you can easily go from just saying something shitty and mean about someone's child to saying something shitty and mean about a child with some sort a impairment or learning or developmental disability.


Lizzie had a nice dinner party and Tamra hijacked it with bringing up the "take down the Beadors" comment and the multiple summits she held outside on the deck.  Tamra knew exactly what she was doing when she canceled well into the party start time with Lizzie.  Tamra and production worked hard to portray Lizzie's birthday as a bust. According to Danielle, Tamra was texting her asking about negative details.  As a master of the obvious-if Tamra really wanted to go the party she could have simply had Sophie and Spencer stay with their dad or had Eddie stay with her, it is not as if Eddie adds anything to the screen when he is on. I am sure Simon understands the nature of Tamra's work. 


I may have been the only one who felt this and here it goes, in reading Tamra's blog she cites that her mother works for a restoration company and being called out on a water leak the night of Lizzie's party.  Mrs. Waddle has to be pushing 70, I think that is incredibly hard work for a senior citizen cleaning up a water leak or other restoration work.  Tamra makes about $500,000.00, a year.  She should make her mom's life comfortable.  At least give her the covenanted  towel folding position at the gym and keep her out of the disaster sides. 


To me though, you have a grown woman bitching and moaning about her birthday party being bust.  Given that it probably *was* producer driven, a smart woman -- a Valedictorian no less -- would have graciously said, "I just wish you had called to alert me earlier that you couldn't make it.  I completely understand that your kid was sick and I wouldn't have wanted you to find a babysitter -- be with your kid!  Just let me know earlier so that the bus isn't waiting on you."  End of story.  


Instead, we have a grown woman complaining about her husband disappointing her not only by his lack of boners but also in not giving her the birthday she deserves at 30 whatever years of age and then apparently waging war against a woman whose only real offense was not calling her to alert her she wouldn't make it.  She didn't start giving a shit about Tamra talking behind everyone's back (which they all do) until her birthday was ruined.


She's a toddler alright!

Edited by sasha206
  • Love 6

Word to your entire post SnarkKitty. Vicki saw someone in an unhappy marriage who wasn't afraid to tell the world about it and realized she had hit gold. How many people would be willing to tell the world for 2 years that her husband wasn't satisfying her sexually on national TV? Vicki would, and how great that she now had a friend who would belittle and humiliate her husband in all kind of ways as well? Perfect for the sad sack that is Vicki. Misery loves company and all that.

I don't know about Shannon and her marriage, but there are children involved, so fingers crossed. It is hard to believe that someone can go from treating him like total and complete shit like it was her job would suddenly see the light in PR while having lunch and turn into a different person. That was before she saw any footage or heard fan reaction and did a Camille type of transformation after seeing how she was portrayed. I will tell you one thing I am certain of, there are serious unresolved issues involving his flirting/cheating/looking around. She could not have been faking the look on her face when the topic of him flirting with Vicki came up. There is something there and it is not pretty. Bravo will milk that shit for all it is worth next season. Don't even get me started on the domestic abuse deal. Shannon claims she called the police because she thought that would put an end to the fight. It is hard to picture calling the police just because you were tired of the argument and wanted it to stop. He wasn't a kid, it was only 10 or so years ago when he was in his late 30's.

I think that Vicki wasn't threatened by Shannon and that is why they clicked. Shannon isn't an over sexed, large breasts implanted sex kitten needing attention from every man in the room (think Laurie). I also never thought Vicki was talking about her sex life with Donn with all the "love tank" crap. I think it was more about him not swooning over her with grand gestures of love. All it would have taken for Donn to make Vicki happy was a Rolex Watch type gift every week and a Mercedes or two.

David is 58, so he was in his late 40s when the domestic abuse incident happened. None of us know exactly what happened, but while in no means excusing it, a one time incident does not a wife beater make. As far as we can tell, there is no pattern and history of abuse.

I also think that Shannon was truly hurt that David didn't seem to want to spend time with just her and she took it out on him with her passive aggressive behavior. They were in a vicious cycle with a bad ending looming if something didn't change. I do think that the show changed up their routine and pattern and caused Shannon to open her eyes to her own behavior.

eta: Also not sure if it's just your auto correct, but it was in PV (Puerto Vallarta) not PR (Puerto Rico) where David and Shannon had their talk.

Edited by Grneyedldy
  • Love 7

I think that Vicki wasn't threatened by Shannon and that is why they clicked. Shannon isn't an over sexed, large breasts implanted sex kitten needing attention from every man in the room (think Laurie). I also never thought Vicki was talking about her sex life with Donn with all the "love tank" crap. I think it was more about him not swooning over her with grand gestures of love. All it would have taken for Donn to make Vicki happy was a Rolex Watch type gift every week and a Mercedes or two.

David is 58, so he was in his late 40s when the domestic abuse incident happened. None of us know exactly what happened, but while in no means excusing it, a one time incident does not a wife beater make. As far as we can tell, there is no pattern and history of abuse.

I also think that Shannon was truly hurt that David didn't seem to want to spend time with just her and she took it out on him with her passive aggressive behavior. They were in a vicious cycle with a bad ending looming if something didn't change. I do think that the show changed up their routine and pattern and caused Shannon to open her eyes to her own behavior.

eta: Also not sure if it's just your auto correct, but it was in PV (Puerto Vallarta) not PR (Puerto Rico) where David and Shannon had their talk.

Yeah, but Tamara was all those things and Vicki liked her from the get go.

  • Love 4

I'm starting to think a full on facelift is a better choice than all this botox, restalyne and other fillers these ladies use as a quick fix. It just has not been perfected and looks like shit. If you get an eye and brow lift, neck lift and face lift done by a very skilled surgeon with excellent credentials that doesn't whore himself out on national tv for more business,  you actually can look fantastic. Ex: Candace Bergen, Jaclyn Smith, Christie Brinkley, Victoria Principal.....

Edited by demarti
  • Love 4

I'm starting to think a full on facelift is a better choice than all this botox, restalyne and other fillers these ladies use as a quick fix. It just has not been perfected and looks like shit. If you get an eye and brow lift, neck lift and face lift done by a very skilled surgeon with excellent credentials that doesn't whore himself out on national tv for more business,  you actually can look fantastic. Ex: Candace Bergen, Jaclyn Smith, Christie Brinkley, Victoria Principal.....

I'm thinking just let it be is the best choice.

  • Love 13

I've been wondering just why the fresh hell an adult woman would have such a severe case of the butt-hurts because another adult woman either didn't want to or couldn't attend her birthday party.


Except for Vicki, all the other women begged off with other plans in advance.


Then Tamra played the "sick kid" card.  And then Vicki tells her Tamra just didn't want to go.  (I'm of the belief Tamra probably didn't want to go...maybe Eddie was whipping up some ground turkey or Rapey Ryan missed his steroid connection in the parking lot).  


I wonder if Lizzie is so upset about this because she thought she was being "iced out" (Thank you, Kelli Bensimon) by the other women and that her spot for the next season would be in jeopardy?  


And, boy, that's all I got here.  Otherwise, I can understand Lizzie's feelings being (temporarily) hurt by Tamra's refusal/inability to attend her party, but the way she still seems so over-the-top hurt by is just perplexing.  Especially if she had such a grand time as she professed in her blog.  


Personally, I think she's giving Tamra way too much power in this situation.  Even if I were so butt-hurt I had to duct tape an ice pack to my ass, I'd NEVER let Tamra know that.  I'd play it off as if she wasn't even missed.


But I'm a bitch that way and maybe Lizzie isn't.  

  • Love 13

I also never thought Vicki was talking about her sex life with Donn with all the "love tank" crap. I think it was more about him not swooning over her with grand gestures of love. All it would have taken for Donn to make Vicki happy was a Rolex Watch type gift every week and a Mercedes or two.



All it would've taken for Donn to make Vicki happy was Daily Affirmations and a rented fur coat.




I'm thinking just let it be is the best choice.


Thank you from the bottom of my old withered heart for this, Higgins.  :-)

  • Love 5

I'm starting to think a full on facelift is a better choice than all this botox, restalyne and other fillers these ladies use as a quick fix. It just has not been perfected and looks like shit. If you get an eye and brow lift, neck lift and face lift done by a very skilled surgeon with excellent credentials that doesn't whore himself out on national tv for more business,  you actually can look fantastic. Ex: Candace Bergen, Jaclyn Smith, Christie Brinkley, Victoria Principal.....


I think the problem, aside from not aging gracefully, is that once they start plastic surgery and get a good result, they keep going and going and going so they look freakish.  We've all seen the bad facelifts too where their eyebrows are eerily close to their hairline leaving a constant look of surprise.


I work with a woman who told me she uses botox in between her brows only.  You'd never know it, it is so subtle.  I


I think the women who overdo it convince themselves that the goal is absolutely no wrinkles at all.  So they get the filler in their forehead, the filler in their laugh lines, the filler for their crows feet.  Then all that filler ends up swallowing all of their features.  In moderation, the fillers aren't probably bad.  It is that they never do anything in moderation!

  • Love 6

I've been wondering just why the fresh hell an adult woman would have such a severe case of the butt-hurts because another adult woman either didn't want to or couldn't attend her birthday party.


Except for Vicki, all the other women begged off with other plans in advance.


Then Tamra played the "sick kid" card.  And then Vicki tells her Tamra just didn't want to go.  (I'm of the belief Tamra probably didn't want to go...maybe Eddie was whipping up some ground turkey or Rapey Ryan missed his steroid connection in the parking lot).  


I wonder if Lizzie is so upset about this because she thought she was being "iced out" (Thank you, Kelli Bensimon) by the other women and that her spot for the next season would be in jeopardy?  


And, boy, that's all I got here.  Otherwise, I can understand Lizzie's feelings being (temporarily) hurt by Tamra's refusal/inability to attend her party, but the way she still seems so over-the-top hurt by is just perplexing.  Especially if she had such a grand time as she professed in her blog.  


Personally, I think she's giving Tamra way too much power in this situation.  Even if I were so butt-hurt I had to duct tape an ice pack to my ass, I'd NEVER let Tamra know that.  I'd play it off as if she wasn't even missed.


But I'm a bitch that way and maybe Lizzie isn't.  


Totally reasonable person would have simply said:  I wouldn't want you to find a sitter when your kid is sick, I just wanted prior notice so the party bus wasn't waiting.

She would've come off smelling like a rose and it wouldn't have given Tamra a reason to pounce on her.


But then we get to hear how adult woman is so upset that her bonerless husband doesn't lavish her every whim for her birthday.  When you add that in to the "you're just jealous because your husband wants to fuck me" (and I believe she said that) you pretty much have a pageant queen who thinks all the world wants to fuck her, all the world is jealous of her, and oh, she runs her own business all by herself without help from anyone despite the $100K her dad put into her business!


Then she apparently cries over what?  Being shutdown by a shrew?  Hope there was something more to it than that.   

  • Love 7

I think I have the opposite problem from BDD. Even though I have canyons on my forehead from never wearing sunglasses and being a sun worshiper and spending a great deal of time outside, when I look in the mirror, I don't see them. I ju7st don't mind the wrinkles. In fact, I like the crows feet around my eyes. I think they make my eyes sparkle. I am most likely in great denial but, it works for me.....lol.

  • Love 18

She did have contempt. She was almost scary in her anger towards Lizzie. I think it was more about the fact that she believes that Lizzie is the one who stirred all this up. They were all basically getting along when they went to Bali. She and Vicki were on good terms, talking in bed and hanging out. All was pretty much OK with Heather. She had made up with Shannon. Lizzie, in her outrage over the birthday deal, started getting everyone together and telling them the things that Tamra had said. I think that Tamra believes that had Lizzie not done that, things would have worked out differently.  The fact that Lizzie's motivation was the birthday party snub probably pisses her off.

Here is Tamra's explanation of what happened in Bali:  http://allthingsrh.com/exclusive-tamra-judge-talks-bali/  So essentially the dinner conversation was self-inflicted by Tamra.  It didn't hurt Tamra that she became the star of the episode with her running barefoot and screaming into the night.


The way I see it is Tamra is very jealous of Lizzie and will say or do anything to discredit her.  This article ran at the time of the Kentucky Derby at the beginning of the season. . . not a mention of Tamra Barney Judge.  http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:http://nfocuslouisville.com/real-housewife-lizzie-



So in retrospect I think Tamra made some bad choices about who to go after and Lizzie became an easy target.  As Vicki said every year Tamra picks a target.

Edited by Lisin
  • Love 4

My understanding is it wasn't that she played the game, but she threw the "You're just mad because your husband wants to fuck me" back in her face.


I think she said this too.  It could be true, it could not, I don't care, either way it was unnecessary and childish.    I thought the point Lizzie kept trying and failing to make was that she was upset at Tamra for not calling earlier.   Sophia's been sick the whole day right?  right Tams? so if say that at 2 o' clock, not, as one of them put it, an hour after you're expected.   Production is on some shit about this, birthday or happy hour at Crapplebees, if I'm waiting on my party bus, bitch we are NOT standing there for 60 minutes.



Why does this remind me of an episode of "Sex and the City", and Samantha talking about "funky spunk"?   (Oh my - did I just go there??)  


Isn't that only when she's drunk?? 


It looked like all of them, including Andy did not like the tequila. 

And, if I remember correctly, Heather did make a comment about it being "vile" or something similar after they all did their sip/shot....

I don't do shots, but I've seen that face many times on people who do.


Ok, on our last vacation, our room came with full sized bottles of Reposado 1800.  I'd never had any kind of tequila so my dude was like try this, you'll love it.  I started to wonder how it wound up as the shot glass drink of choice.  My analysis?  No headache, like from vodka and no throat burn like from whiskey or bourbon.   I can only speak for myself when I say that it might be reaching to classify it as enjoyable.  I can see why Heather doesn't like it, it tastes like premium unleaded and is probably not for anybody reluctant to abandon control. 


Is it just me, or does Ryan look like he should be sitting around a Civil War campfire playing a banjo with that beard?


then going back to his van, down by the river.

  • Love 3

Let me start the begging: essexjan, don't you think Bride of Chucky Waddle-Barney-Judge should have the benefit of getting that visual Tweeted @ her?  Or some other hero/ine here can do the honors?  I don't Tweet or I'd gladly, gladly send that beauty Tammy Sue's way.


I missed parts here and there of part 1 and am now all caught up (mods I promise I won't go off topic) but now having watched both parts in full, it's a little shocking how obsessed Tamra was with Lizzie during the reunion.  I think it's a little worse than the way Tamra was with Gretchen during their first couple of reunions.  It started at second 1, minute of part 1 - you see Tamra absolutely glowering at her, sitting rigidly and looking mean beyond description.  I do wish Lizzie hadn't cried during part 2 but I can understand it.  Lizzie's got actual feelings, emotions, and she's got someone on her with just no soul.


ETA - Mrs. Shannon Beador handled her first reunion like a boss.  Delicate, oversheltered victim my ass!  I did enjoy Zaldamo WIlder's 'Beador, boom-ba-yay!'  That's right.  And yeah, she may sink like a stone next season, or the one after, and she may not come back.  But damn if she wasn't en pointe like a prima ballerina throughout this fuckery.  And she delivered her KO just with remarking that a smaller house with a better view would be better for her.  Edith Wharton couldn't have done better to put the Halloween Cleopatra wig in its place.

Edited by Midnight Cheese
  • Love 8

Is it just me, or does Ryan look like he should be sitting around a Civil War campfire playing a banjo with that beard?

That or playing a banjo in Deliverance.

Only on his very best days. Most days it's more like Deliverance.

Higgins, you beat me to it!



Edited to give Higgins props!

Edited by Giselle
  • Love 1

I think she said this too.  It could be true, it could not, I don't care, either way it was unnecessary and childish.    I thought the point Lizzie kept trying and failing to make was that she was upset at Tamra for not calling earlier.   Sophia's been sick the whole day right?  right Tams? so if say that at 2 o' clock, not, as one of them put it, an hour after you're expected.   Production is on some shit about this, birthday or happy hour at Crapplebees, if I'm waiting on my party bus, bitch we are NOT standing there for 60 minutes.




Ok, on our last vacation, our room came with full sized bottles of Reposado 1800.  I'd never had any kind of tequila so my dude was like try this, you'll love it.  I started to wonder how it wound up as the shot glass drink of choice.  My analysis?  No headache, like from vodka and no throat burn like from whiskey or bourbon.   I can only speak for myself when I say that it might be reaching to classify it as enjoyable.  I can see why Heather doesn't like it, it tastes like premium unleaded and is probably not for anybody reluctant to abandon control. 



then going back to his van, down by the river.

The only alcohol I can drink without a hangover is white top shelf tequila. Any other form, even just one drink, and I feel like shit for 2 days.

Edited by Higgins
  • Love 2

Let me start the begging: essexjan, don't you think Bride of Chucky Waddle-Barney-Judge should have the benefit of getting that visual Tweeted @ her?  Or some other hero/ine here can do the honors?  I don't Tweet or I'd gladly, gladly send that beauty Tammy Sue's way.


I missed parts here and there of part 1 and am now all caught up (mods I promise I won't go off topic) but now having watched both parts in full, it's a little shocking how obsessed Tamra was with Lizzie during the reunion.  I think it's a little worse than the way Tamra was with Gretchen during their first couple of reunions.  It started at second 1, minute of part 1 - you see Tamra absolutely glowering at her, sitting rigidly and looking mean beyond description.  I do wish Lizzie hadn't cried during part 2 but I can understand it.  Lizzie's got actual feelings, emotions, and she's got someone on her with just no soul.


ETA - Mrs. Shannon Beador handled her first reunion like a bossDelicate, oversheltered victim my ass!  I did enjoy Zaldamo WIlder's 'Beador, boom-ba-yay!'  That's right.  And yeah, she may sink like a stone next season, or the one after, and she may not come back.  But damn if she wasn't en pointe like a prima ballerina throughout this fuckery.  And she delivered her KO just with remarking that a smaller house with a better view would be better for her.  Edith Wharton couldn't have done better to put the Halloween Cleopatra wig in its place.

::curtsey::    Lmao!!  I love the phrase like a boss.  I say it whenever I can use my full jerseygirl accent.  Boss is actually a two syllable word pronounced like this:   baw-uss.    Teddybear, confirm?  lol!!!  I kid, I kid.


The only alcohol I can drink without a hangover is white top shelf tequila. Any other form, even just one drink, and I feel like shit for 2 days.


Smooth stuff ain't it?   We got a hold of the blue label clear and girl I took a "selfie" that I wasn't in, from under the tanning bed.  

  • Love 5

Apparently at the Reunion Lizzie gave the history of her breasts.  https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=584175981692131


I just can't with Tamra.  Knowing Andy's fondness for breasts - would it have not made sense to have Miss Terry weigh in on Lizzie's breast surgery story?  I think Tamra is a little jealous of Lizzie's ability to produce copious amounts of breast tissue.

  • Love 3

So much of what goes on with the housewives is behind the scenes, it's so frustrating. .I really think its part of Andy's master plan to keep social media buzzing. Face it if Bravo said " no social media" or you have violated your contract no one would do it . I personally think it's encouraged to keep the buzz going.

I'm not being snarky, I swear. I wonder if Lizzie was home schooled and was the valedictorian of her class of one or two. Does anybody know? She appears to be of average intelligence but not first in the class material.

  • Love 5

"I have never had another person pay so much attention to my every move and twist every conversation we have ever had to make me look bad. She blogs about me, tweets about me, and goes around the neighborhood talking about me, It is sad."



Okay THIS little nugget from Tamra's blog had me rolling my eyes so hard I nearly hurt myself.  Pot, kettle, black Tamballs.  This was was her every season Gretchen was on.  Now I'm no big fan of Gretchen's but the shit Tamra pulled with her was completely unforgivable in my eyes.  Gretchen's greatest sin in Tamra's eyes was being younger, prettier and having (for one season at least) a wealthy older man as her Sugar Daddy.  I still remember the episode when Gretchen got her pink Harley.  You could practically see the daggers Tamra was throwing at Simon for not getting her one first.  That was the beginning of the end of her marriage to Simon.

  • Love 4

After reading all the posts here...I just am more and more aggravated by the crappy, more like HACK, editing job Bravo did to this season. So many unanswered questions, especially with regards to Danielle being cut and then now this whole thing with Lizzie getting upset at the reunion.


NONE of it makes sense.

Between the horrible editing and the horrible job Andy does at these reunions, we are all left of playing a bizarre game trying to piece together what actually happened both during the season and at the reunion.  Danielle/Cousin Oliver disappeared somewhere into the night, taking her rarely seen husband with her.  It seems like she may have done a good job keeping not-as-bright-as-she'd-like-us-to-believe Lizzy riled up over petty BS.  But whatever really happened was lost on the editing room floor.  Then the reunion shows a focus on total BS again, with most of Tamra's crazy edited out.  Oh sure, we got some quality shrieking (THAT'S MY O-PI-NION!) and even real tears (Lizzie hasn't turned herself into an over botoxed freak yet), but none of makes any sense, even within the puerile reactions that make up the housewives universe.  This season reminds me of when people play the game in which one person starts a story and each person adds another line.  Only, in this case, they didn't always hear the preceding section.


Tamra's face made me think of Arrested Development and the creation of the new horror film character based on drunken Gangee after her facelift.   Move over Freddy Krueger, Tamra Judge is here!


Ryan is sporting a look to move to a cabin out in the woods (or a van down by the river as stated above) and spout crazy survivalist theories.  With his girlfriend's ample gun supply, he could really set himself up nicely.  Items needed:  One crappy cabin completely off the grid; several dozen assault weapons; shotguns for greeting people who stumble upon his humble abode; thousands of rounds of ammunition; good axes - he's got some building to do; plastic barrels for collecting rainwater; and, of course, small nuts and seeds for feeding the family of squirrels that resides in his beard.  


His other option is to learn to tattoo and become a contestant on ink master.  They keep bringing on inktestants with overgrown red beards.  With his hideous visage and questionable social skills, he would fit right in.  The 'roids are just the icing on the cake. 

  • Love 6
Call me clueless [ok, clueless], but it just clicked for me that Tamara is ranting and raving about a game of "fuck marry kill"!



I've played that game among other couples, with my husband present…but we used CELEBRITIES, not people we knew!  That was a stupid, stupid idea to use the people present. But I'm wondering - didn't Eddie say that he'd marry Heather? I don't hear Tamra ranting about that. To me, that's more significant than saying you'd fuck someone. 


I suspect that Tamra doesn't want to think through the implications of that - that Eddie chose Heather as someone he'd marry. Heather, who (at least in relative terms) holds herself up with class and poise, has an education, and doesn't know what a "Dutch oven" is. In other words, qualities that Tamra herself is lacking. I guess it's easier to zero in on Lizzie than for Tamra's mind to go to an uncomfortable place.

  • Love 4

So much of what goes on with the housewives is behind the scenes, it's so frustrating. .I really think its part of Andy's master plan to keep social media buzzing. Face it if Bravo said " no social media" or you have violated your contract no one would do it . I personally think it's encouraged to keep the buzz going.

I'm not being snarky, I swear. I wonder if Lizzie was home schooled and was the valedictorian of her class of one or two. Does anybody know? She appears to be of average intelligence but not first in the class material.

I think Lizzie is probably really good at follow through and probably complete her course work without difficulty.  Her father is obviously bright-with a Harvard degree,  a Yale post graduate degree and holder of several patents in the medical field. I think Lizzie's inability to draw on the words she understands probably stem from an inability to transfer that which is in her brain into the spoken word.  That is why she respects Heather and Heather's ability to bamboozle.   Here is where I believe she went to high school. http://www.usnews.com/education/best-high-schools/kentucky/districts/adair-co  one can draw their own conclusions.

  • Love 1

Let me start the begging: essexjan, don't you think Bride of Chucky Waddle-Barney-Judge should have the benefit of getting that visual Tweeted @ her?  Or some other hero/ine here can do the honors?  I don't Tweet or I'd gladly, gladly send that beauty Tammy Sue's way.




(ETA:  She's on and tweeting so I know she's seen it...yet I am neither blocked nor has she launched into a Twitter assault on me...yet)

Edited by Persnickety1
  • Love 11

Between the horrible editing and the horrible job Andy does at these reunions, we are all left of playing a bizarre game trying to piece together what actually happened both during the season and at the reunion.  Danielle/Cousin Oliver disappeared somewhere into the night, taking her rarely seen husband with her.  It seems like she may have done a good job keeping not-as-bright-as-she'd-like-us-to-believe Lizzy riled up over petty BS.  But whatever really happened was lost on the editing room floor.  Then the reunion shows a focus on total BS again, with most of Tamra's crazy edited out.  Oh sure, we got some quality shrieking (THAT'S MY O-PI-NION!) and even real tears (Lizzie hasn't turned herself into an over botoxed freak yet), but none of makes any sense, even within the puerile reactions that make up the housewives universe.  This season reminds me of when people play the game in which one person starts a story and each person adds another line.  Only, in this case, they didn't always hear the preceding section.


Tamra's face made me think of Arrested Development and the creation of the new horror film character based on drunken Gangee after her facelift.   Move over Freddy Krueger, Tamra Judge is here!


Ryan is sporting a look to move to a cabin out in the woods (or a van down by the river as stated above) and spout crazy survivalist theories.  With his girlfriend's ample gun supply, he could really set himself up nicely.  Items needed:  One crappy cabin completely off the grid; several dozen assault weapons; shotguns for greeting people who stumble upon his humble abode; thousands of rounds of ammunition; good axes - he's got some building to do; plastic barrels for collecting rainwater; and, of course, small nuts and seeds for feeding the family of squirrels that resides in his beard.  


His other option is to learn to tattoo and become a contestant on ink master.  They keep bringing on inktestants with overgrown red beards.  With his hideous visage and questionable social skills, he would fit right in.  The 'roids are just the icing on the cake.

Oh Lord ,how long before we are reading his manifesto on the front page of the NY times?

  • Love 4

Lizzie made herself look like a loser by bringing it up, over and over again.  Fuggetaboutit, Liz.  It was a birthday.  You're not 10 years old.  Time to move on with your butt hurt self. 


Thank you.  I was beginning to think it was just me because I don't give a fuck about my birthday and, therefore, couldn't understand why a grown woman was boo hoo'ing over hardly anyone showing up to her birthday party.  Why was this a catastrophic event in Lizzie's life?

  • Love 5

And, boy, that's all I got here.  Otherwise, I can understand Lizzie's feelings being (temporarily) hurt by Tamra's refusal/inability to attend her party, but the way she still seems so over-the-top hurt by is just perplexing.  Especially if she had such a grand time as she professed in her blog.  

I am begining to wonder if Danielle was there, so the footage that would explain it was discarded.

  • Love 2

Again, Shannon slays. And I'm officially crushin'.


That poor baby.  Unstable mother with access to weapons, shiftless, angry, perenially unemployed, drug-seeking dope of a father, and a rageaholic vile narcissist of a grandmother - and no other grandparents.  Not good.

Sounds like the basis for a winning indie screenplay. Sad reality, though.


Was there ever any mention of the fact that Tam fell off the mechanical bull, and had to get X-rays?

No, and that puzzles me more than the whole Danielle thing. Tamra was actually injured as a result of Heather's underhandedness, which was targeted at someone who is supposedly her friend. And yet, crickets abound on the matter.


Fuck/ShagGate....if it wasn't filmed, then that would mean they all were hanging out off the clock. Which isn't farfetched in itself, but it's hard to believe production would film part of the event, but then pack up when things were getting juicy.

Edited by jaync
  • Love 4

Is it just me, or does Ryan look like he should be sitting around a Civil War campfire playing a banjo with that beard?

I think it makes Ryan look like he should be sitting on a porch in Georgia, with six toes on each foot, playing a dueling banjo while Burt Reynolds and Ned Beatty run for their lives.

I have always thought Ryan was an extremely unattractive person. I have also always thought he looks exactly like his mother.

  • Love 11

I think Lizzie is probably really good at follow through and probably complete her course work without difficulty.  Her father is obviously bright-with a Harvard degree,  a Yale post graduate degree and holder of several patents in the medical field. I think Lizzie's inability to draw on the words she understands probably stem from an inability to transfer that which is in her brain into the spoken word.  That is why she respects Heather and Heather's ability to bamboozle.   Here is where I believe she went to high school. http://www.usnews.com/education/best-high-schools/kentucky/districts/adair-co  one can draw their own conclusions.

Thanks Zoeysmom. Maybe she is just one of those people who is very bright but not quick on her feet. To be fair, Tamra is not very bright but she is an evil genius when it comes to manipulation.

  • Love 6

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