Scarlett45 December 18, 2022 Share December 18, 2022 Quote The Brown family sits down individually to discuss the challenges they have faced over the past year. Kody and Christine give insight about their separation, while Meri learns of an instance when Kody thought about reconciling. Air Date: December 18, 2022 Link to comment
Popular Post mythoughtis December 19, 2022 Popular Post Share December 19, 2022 Well that happened. Didn’t get the Janelle reveal but we did get hints. I love how she is so accepting of Christine moving on and hoping she will find someone and be happy. Isn’t it amazing how Kody and Robyn live in some parallel dimension? - they must because they sure don’t live in reality. 29 1 Link to comment
Popular Post SabineElisabeth December 19, 2022 Popular Post Share December 19, 2022 (edited) Every single week it's a different version of the same story: Somehow, Kody and Robyn's behavior becomes even more deplorable and reprehensible, they manage to be even more self-centered, and they reach a new low with their false narratives and gaslighting. And speaking of their manipulative bullshit, I nearly spewed my diet coke when I heard them plaintively delivering their newest lie this week - that several years ago, Kody wanted to reconcile with Meri, but didn't because Christine "lost her shit." Let's assume for the sake of argument that Kody did in fact decide he wanted to reconcile with Meri thanks to the big ass batch of anniversary rice krispy treats she made for him and went around telling everyone (except Meri, of course), but then changed his mind because Christine was jealous. If I were Kody and that really did happen, I'd be way too embarrassed to ever tell anyone that I chose to end my marriage with one wife because another wife had a hissy fit. That is so fucking lame, there's really nothing else to even say about that. However, now it's Meri's turn, and she wastes no time in exposing Kody and Robyn as lying liars who lie, telling us that the ooey gooey warm feelings the rice krispy treats elicited from Kody didn't even last the night, as evidenced by his physical repulsion when Meri mentioned kissing him. So, when exactly did Kody go tell his other "three best friends" Robyn and his baby mommas about his new-found desire to work things out with Meri? Oh, that's right. He didn't. Never happened. If Kody and Robyn haven't figured it out yet, they're in for a rude awakening when they realize that nobody really gives a damn about them anymore. The rest of the family - i.e. all the wives who actually work and have an income - have moved on and are living their best Kody and Robyn-free lives. But hey, I'm sure Kody can support his remaining wife who sleeps until noon, her grown-ass kids who still live at home, Sol and Ari, plus the help just fine on the money he makes shilling guns at flea markets. The only thing that makes any of this the least bit palatable is that Kody and Robyn are getting exactly what they deserve - each other. Edited December 19, 2022 by SabineElisabeth 23 1 32 1 9 Link to comment
Popular Post Adeejay December 19, 2022 Popular Post Share December 19, 2022 So, Kody has ignored Christine and her concerns for decades. However, when she told him not to reconcile with Meri, he listened to her. He has said repeatedly that as head of the family, he didn’t allow his wives to make decisions for him. Why now? This guy just cannot take responsibility for his own actions. It’s always someone else’s fault. Meri has made it perfectly clear that she still wants a relationship with him, so I wonder why he didn’t reconcile with her after Christine “abandoned” him. 45 9 2 Link to comment
Popular Post Meowwww December 19, 2022 Popular Post Share December 19, 2022 I HATE HIM. Mocking that they were panting to be picked by him. 34 3 26 8 Link to comment
toodywoody December 19, 2022 Share December 19, 2022 I would love to know Jenelles take on the oh I'm going to reconcile with Meri story. Kidney can't keep his lies straight. And Robyn is full of shit. Her wanting Christine and Kidney to go to therapy and how she would talk to him. Christine has been trying to work on the relationship and talk to him and he dismissed her. Or in his terms she was playing games. Yeah she was even playing games while heavily pregnant with Truly and his Kidneyship couldn't even help out with his own kids. And I don't blame Christine one bit for not wanting a relationship with Meri. That is no way to treat someone. And Kidney was all good and fine having all his wives make the money, make their own decisions and raise their kids by themselves, until it wasn't okay anymore because he said so. This dick never does shit if it inconveniences him. And all of those things did. I don't know how the originals even stayed with him this long. They all have been doing it on their own and deserve to find a true partner instead of some dick head who says they were panting after him and all the other shit he has said. 15 6 1 Link to comment
Popular Post UsernameFatigue December 19, 2022 Popular Post Share December 19, 2022 Honestly, this interviewer drives me nuts! In the segment where they are playing what everyone believes divorce means, Janelle then talks to the interviewer about what steps are supposed to be taken before you divorce in the church. Janelle then says that it doesn't apply though to Christine because Christine no longer believes in the church/those steps. The interviewer then says "But Kody does" and Janelle agrees. No he doesn't!!! A clip was just played minutes before of Kody saying that he didn't consider himself married to Meri and longer, and he would be fine if she went off with another man. The interviewer should have asked Meri, Janelle, Robyn and Kody why he has one set of rules for marriage to Christine and another for Meri. And the most ironic thing is that Meri once was his legal wife, I assume he loved her once. But he has made it very clear that he has never loved or been attracted to Christine. But he was devastated by her leaving. Only because it was her idea. The most interesting thing I learned in this epi was that Kody is terrified of being poor. He must see the caboose on the gravy train, and it must terrify him. 42 5 2 Link to comment
Popular Post Aspenglow December 19, 2022 Popular Post Share December 19, 2022 Has Meri ever worn clothing that isn’t two sizes too small? 4 1 27 Link to comment
Popular Post suev3333 December 19, 2022 Popular Post Share December 19, 2022 Kodass < "I don't care about love, I care about respect". Is this guy for real? He needs to move to a country where being a king or dictator is the rule. Plus he used the word "comply" in his TH somewhere... That word doesn't belong when describing a marriage. 19 10 3 Link to comment
SunnyBeBe December 19, 2022 Share December 19, 2022 (edited) I don’t understand why Meri thinks that Kody was considering her kissing him when he pulled away and got stiff as a board. If he reacted that way, he was repulsed and defensive…..not considering it. Edited December 19, 2022 by SunnyBeBe 13 1 Link to comment
Popular Post eskimo December 19, 2022 Popular Post Share December 19, 2022 Kody talks about everyone's behavior but his own, unless its to say how his behavior is a reaction to another persons behavior. Everybody in this family is just a prop in Robyn's big picture. If they live their lives for themselves then that is robbing her of something? Fuck. Off. 10 15 3 Link to comment
Popular Post GeeGolly December 19, 2022 Popular Post Share December 19, 2022 I found the editing of this episode very frustrating. It felt to me like an episode of sound bites. Janelle was so refreshing, like she was actually present and alive and wasn't trying to prove anything or hide anything. Meri was the same ole cold Meri. Kody was still the dick that he is. Robyn was still the dick that she is. And likely against popular opinion, to me, Christine came off as somebody trying to sell me something. Which I find sad because regardless of who did what when, she made a smart move and left an unhappy marriage. IMO, she needs to sit there and not try and make herself some kind remarkable hero for doing something women everywhere do. 23 7 2 Link to comment
Popular Post ginger90 December 19, 2022 Popular Post Share December 19, 2022 Kody’s buttoned suit jacket. 🤦♀️ Janelle is the only one who came across well, so far, in my opinion. 28 2 Link to comment
Popular Post ezzy4 December 19, 2022 Popular Post Share December 19, 2022 6 hours ago, UsernameFatigue said: The most interesting thing I learned in this epi was that Kody is terrified of being poor. He must see the caboose on the gravy train, and it must terrify him. Wouldn't it be fantastic if the program could continue soley as "surviving sister wives" and follow Christine, Jenell and Meri (if she leaves)? Absolutely just cut out Robyn/Kody. I would love it if in a couple of years from now we were all discussing things and saying "remember that guy they were married to? What was his name again? Something like "liver" or "kidney" or something, right?" 13 1 3 22 6 Link to comment
Popular Post Midwestern Lady December 19, 2022 Popular Post Share December 19, 2022 Jenelle seemed authentic to me. Meri surprised me a bit because she registered a small degree of emotion. Christine looked great. Dog Kicker is not even worthy to star in a bad high school drama production- dramatic pause, turn head and wipe dry eye, look down and sigh. She is a terrible actress and more fake than Noodle Hair. I hate this format of Tell All- at least have some segments filmed together. Would love the three OG's to have a sit down. 25 2 Link to comment
Popular Post 65mickey December 19, 2022 Popular Post Share December 19, 2022 (edited) As usual we get nothing new or revealing from these one on one interviews. Just a rehash of the last few episodes. What I want Sukanya to ask Kody is what to you think that Janelle feels when she sees you and Robyn living in a $900,000 house and she lives in a small apartment? What do you think that Christine felt when she sees you fawning over Robyn's girls saying that you were devastated that you had been able to see Aurora for 10 days when you all maybe had Covid. Compare that to Kody telling Christine that he could not go with her and Ysabel when Ysabel had serious back surgery because he had other small children to consider. And the huge difference in the way he cares about Robyn's children and the harsh way that he treats Janells's boys. Edited December 19, 2022 by 65mickey 18 26 8 Link to comment
Kellyee December 19, 2022 Share December 19, 2022 Quote And likely against popular opinion, to me, Christine came off as somebody trying to sell me something. Which I find sad because regardless of who did what when, she made a smart move and left an unhappy marriage. IMO, she needs to sit there and not try and make herself some kind remarkable hero for doing something women everywhere do. I won't be watching this episode until tonight, but I feel like Christine has spent this entire season refining her story to sell us on her version of events. I haven't forgotten about how she screamed about the joys of polygamy for years, and I don't see her as a victim or worthy of real sympathy. All 5 Brown adults are opportunists. They're all working an angle, and they all need sympathetic fans to buy the products they are shilling in their side businesses. Except Robyn, who doesn't appear to work or parent full time. They all throw around that word "safe" too, without explaining what it is exactly that they don't feel SAFE about. It's like they've all had way too much therapy and are using all the therapeutic buzz words. It's fine if Christine doesn't trust Meri or want to be her friend, but the SAFE thing is overblown. Kody is still the biggest asshole though. 9 1 5 3 Link to comment
mythoughtis December 19, 2022 Share December 19, 2022 (edited) I think Christine is defensive about the fact that she left. She feels like the questions are an accusation, and responds accordingly. Meri’s body language is interesting - it’s as if a great weight has been lifted. She seems to be more understanding of Christine’s choice. It makes me wonder when the TH scenes in the episodes were filmed versus the tell-all. Because she’s changed her tune in the meantime. Something we don’t know is where are the others when one person is answering questions. Are they backstage watching? In a room watching? Because having them watching would affect the interview. Edited December 19, 2022 by mythoughtis 17 2 Link to comment
js9548 December 19, 2022 Share December 19, 2022 I hope in the next episode that the host/interviewer nails Cody to the wall for the segment regarding Gabe. I am sure Cody will try to weasel out by saying he has too many birthdays, anniversaries, and other celebrations to remember. I hope the host does not cut him any slack and he is made to understand how hurt Gabe felt. That is what electronic devices are made for, Cody. This is a perfect example of why his relationships with his children (other than Robyn's kids) are falling apart. Anyway, that is the one piece I will be watching for because everything else so far seemed to be a rehash of prior episodes. 11 1 Link to comment
Popular Post laurakaye December 19, 2022 Popular Post Share December 19, 2022 (edited) 7 hours ago, suev3333 said: Kodass < "I don't care about love, I care about respect". Is this guy for real? He needs to move to a country where being a king or dictator is the rule. Plus he used the word "comply" in his TH somewhere... That word doesn't belong when describing a marriage. But it does belong in a patriarchy. I find it highly amusing that Christine leaving means that Kody suddenly has to become the head of his family. Why now? What's the point now, bonehead? Now that he's alienated 75% of his kids, one wife is gone, another is out the door, and all he have left is Robyn, her brainwashed kids, and that other pain in his ass that won't leave? That's who he wants to rule over? It's like smashing a vase on the floor repeatedly until all the pieces are shattered, then saying that maybe he can put it back together again. The damage is done. You've got your patriarchy, congratulations. Too bad you can't see Robyn behind you, pulling your marionette strings. Idiot. It's my turn to recap but honestly, this was such a mishmash of word salad and jumbled blathering nonsense that I wouldn't even know how to make sense of it. Things I found funny/interesting/ridiculous: I pre-watch the show on YouTube to take notes but the camerawork is all wonky. During Robyn's interviews I got several extreme close-ups of her face during her Dry Cries™ and to the surprise of no one, there wasn't even a semblance of a tear...yet we got this from Robyn after nearly every question: "(pause).....clears throat....(longer pause)....clenches butt cheeks in an attempt to push liquid into eyeballs...(pause)...apologizes for being unable to speak....etc." I wish Sukanya had stood up and said, "girl, call me back over when you can talk, I'm going to Starbucks." Kody: "Meri made me Rice Krispie treats. They're rilly good. So I had a brief thought of reconciling with her. But then she tried to kiss me and I was all, ew - cooties. But then I ran back to my other wives and told them that I was thinking about adding Meri back into my sexytimes rotation. Christine threw a hissy fit. So I couldn't reconcile with Meri because Christine, the wife that I loathe the sight of, doesn't like Meri. Get it?" Why Sukanya didn't take off her shoe and whack his weave off is beyond me, but judging by the looks on her face every time she talked to Kody, she realized it wasn't worth the effort. Also, Kody - keep your slimy hands off of the interviewer. Would he have done that if it were a man doing the interview? It speaks to his raging ego. He's disgusting. Christine, rocking her leather pants. She was feeling herself. Meri, rocking her XS burgundy jacket and jeggings? Girl, just stop. Robyn forgot her eyebrow Sharpie but actually looked normal. Janelle was all, look - I am over this, ask me anything, I literally don't care. We have two more parts of this? For what? Please, don't interview the kids. Just leave them out of this sh!tshow. Edited December 19, 2022 by laurakaye 18 8 8 4 Link to comment
Meh December 19, 2022 Share December 19, 2022 Didn't that AUB church kick Kody out because of the way he was treating his wives? Not equally? 1 1 2 Link to comment
Popular Post TurtlePower December 19, 2022 Popular Post Share December 19, 2022 9 hours ago, SabineElisabeth said: Every single week it's a different version of the same story: Somehow, Kody and Robyn's behavior becomes even more deplorable and reprehensible, they manage to be even more self-centered, and they reach a new low with their false narratives and gaslighting. And speaking of their manipulative bullshit, I nearly spewed my diet coke when I heard them plaintively delivering their newest lie this week - that several years ago, Kody wanted to reconcile with Meri, but didn't because Christine "lost her shit." Let's assume for the sake of argument that Kody did in fact decide he wanted to reconcile with Meri thanks to the big ass batch of anniversary rice krispy treats she made for him and went around telling everyone (except Meri, of course), but then changed his mind because Christine was jealous. If I were Kody and that really did happen, I'd be way too embarrassed to ever tell anyone that I chose to end my marriage with one wife because another wife had a hissy fit. That is so fucking lame, there's really nothing else to even say about that. However, now it's Meri's turn, and she wastes no time in exposing Kody and Robyn as lying liars who lie, telling us that the ooey gooey warm feelings the rice krispy treats elicited from Kody didn't even last the night, as evidenced by his physical repulsion when Meri mentioned kissing him. So, when exactly did Kody go tell his other "three best friends" Robyn and his baby mommas about his new-found desire to work things out with Meri? Oh, that's right. He didn't. Never happened. If Kody and Robyn haven't figured it out yet, they're in for a rude awakening when they realize that nobody really gives a damn about them anymore. The rest of the family - i.e. all the wives who actually work and have an income - have moved on and are living their best Kody and Robyn-free lives. But hey, I'm sure Kody can support his remaining wife who sleeps until noon, her grown-ass kids who still live at home, Sol and Ari, plus the help just fine on the money he makes shilling guns at flea markets. The only thing that makes any of this the least bit palatable is that Kody and Robyn are getting exactly what they deserve - each other. I also don’t believe for one second that Kody wanted to reconcile. As Meri said, he pulled away from her, repulsed, that same day when she inquired about a kiss. That was brutal honesty. And then he goes and blames Christine for ruining the “reconciliation”, which was a total set up. It also was a cruel thing to do, to give Meri any hope like that. Her face lit up when she heard that and I felt bad for her (which is rare). Kody and Robyn definitely deserve each other. I hope they wind up forgotten, miserable and broke. 22 4 Link to comment
Canadian Girl December 19, 2022 Share December 19, 2022 26 minutes ago, laurakaye said: Also, Kody - keep your slimy hands off of the interviewer. Would he have done that if it were a man doing the interview? It speaks to his raging ego. He's disgusting. Exactly!!!!!!! 8 hours ago, Aspenglow said: Has Meri ever worn clothing that isn’t two sizes too small? Maybe Season One! 7 Link to comment
SunnyBeBe December 19, 2022 Share December 19, 2022 (edited) 1 hour ago, Kellyee said: I won't be watching this episode until tonight, but I feel like Christine has spent this entire season refining her story to sell us on her version of events. I haven't forgotten about how she screamed about the joys of polygamy for years, and I don't see her as a victim or worthy of real sympathy. All 5 Brown adults are opportunists. They're all working an angle, and they all need sympathetic fans to buy the products they are shilling in their side businesses. Except Robyn, who doesn't appear to work or parent full time. They all throw around that word "safe" too, without explaining what it is exactly that they don't feel SAFE about. It's like they've all had way too much therapy and are using all the therapeutic buzz words. It's fine if Christine doesn't trust Meri or want to be her friend, but the SAFE thing is overblown. Kody is still the biggest asshole though. Good points and I absolutely agree on the way they all throw in the term “unsafe.” I’m guessing it’s a term they picked up in therapy, but they should explain it before the show airs. It gives the impression they are afraid of physical assault. I don’t think that’s what they mean. Why can’t they just say what they mean? For example, Meri said hurtful things to me and I was wary of her continuing to be verbally abusive. Or, Meri cheated on me and I never regained trust in her. For me, throwing the term unsafe is lazy and gives ambiguous connotations. I am always aware that all the wives put out positive representations about the state of the family for years. So, were those therapy sessions working at all? Why the joint agreement to relocate to AZ? I’m guessing the whole group effort was to stay on tv, no? Edited December 19, 2022 by SunnyBeBe 11 2 1 Link to comment
MsMalin December 19, 2022 Share December 19, 2022 (edited) I find it unbelievable that rice crispy treats would take him from being totally repelled by her an hour earlier to wanting to reconcile. What is he, six years old? And even if he did decide to make it a go with her, what kind of pussy would he be if Christine lost her shit? He should explain to her the reasons why, not just back off like the asshole he is. So much for the communication he demands from his wives. I was kind of shocked at the beginning of the show when they flashed back to earlier days. They did all look happy and Codyvirus was showing affection to all of the wives vs now when he won't even touch them and we see his Shakespearean soliloquies about how he fought to love them. God, how hurtful of him to say he wasn't in love or attracted to Christine when he married her. On national tv. Edited December 19, 2022 by MsMalin 15 4 Link to comment
Granny58 December 19, 2022 Share December 19, 2022 20 minutes ago, MsMalin said: What is he, six years old? Ummm..yes. 1 22 Link to comment
Popular Post GeeGolly December 19, 2022 Popular Post Share December 19, 2022 (edited) I've been a therapist for decades and have many therapist friends, coworkers and colleagues. The word safe is not a typical therapy word, at least not in these parts, unless its about suicidal ideation, homicidal ideation or domestic violence. The only thing I can think of that makes sense to me is a therapist may have suggested the use of a time out word, a word that signals a conversation or situation is too much in the moment. Having a time out word can stop or slow a conversation down without a long explanation and without laying blame. Most of my clients go with the phrase time out, with or without the hand signal. That way it can be used in any situation, not just with spouses and kids. I suggest to my clients they use a word that will make them laugh as it helps to release tension and resets the atmosphere. One of my clients was married with 3 teenage kids at the time. They hilariously settled on the word scrotum. I almost peed my pants when my client told me a story of when her daughter, the only girl, was fighting with a brother. The daughter was growing increasingly frustrated with her brother and yelled out - labia. Using the word safe is full of blame and likely triggering. Safe, IMO, is not a safe (lol) time out word at all. It figures that is the word the Browns would agree on. Edited December 19, 2022 by GeeGolly 9 3 17 Link to comment
LilyD December 19, 2022 Share December 19, 2022 3 hours ago, 65mickey said: What I want Sukanya to ask Kody is what to you think that Janelle feels when she sees you and Robyn living in a $900,000 house and she lives in a small apartment? What do you think that Christine felt when she sees you fawning over Robyn's girls saying that you were devastated that you had been able to see Aurora for 10 days when you all maybe had Covid. As much as I agree with what you are saying, we're talking about an idiot here who doesn't know the meaning of the words sympathy and empathy. There is no way he would understand how his actions upset other people. There is only one true vision of the world and what is going on, and that is his vision. So, unfortunately, it's going to be pointless to ask him to reflect on his behaviour towards others. You'll just get the same angry and accusative reply. 12 Link to comment
Twopper December 19, 2022 Share December 19, 2022 In the story about the Rice Krispie anniversary and the possibility of Meri and Kody kissing all I could think of was mykelti’s expression when Kody explained the hormonal exchange in a kiss. Kody will never want Meri’s hormones again. Ew!! Can’t believe I wrote this. not sure if safecis a time out word. I think something is not safe if it hurts their feelings or embarrassed them and “triggers” them. 4 1 Link to comment
barshi50 December 19, 2022 Share December 19, 2022 What? No one has mentioned that Meri brushed her hair? 3 20 Link to comment
toodywoody December 19, 2022 Share December 19, 2022 1 hour ago, MsMalin said: I find it unbelievable that rice crispy treats would take him from being totally repelled by her an hour earlier to wanting to reconcile. What is he, six years old? And even if he did decide to make it a go with her, what kind of pussy would he be if Christine lost her shit? He should explain to her the reasons why, not just back off like the asshole he is. So much for the communication he demands from his wives. I was kind of shocked at the beginning of the show when they flashed back to earlier days. They did all look happy and Codyvirus was showing affection to all of the wives vs now when he won't even touch them and we see his Shakespearean soliloquies about how he fought to love them. God, how hurtful of him to say he wasn't in love or attracted to Christine when he married her. On national tv. When Kidney had the bag or rice krispie treats and ate one, he looked awkward as fuck and like he was about to take off and run away from Meri. He did not look like ohhhhhh, maybe I'll reconcile with her. He looked like he wanted to run for the hills to get away from her. So I call bullshit on his sudden change of mind. And yes, the shit he's said is hurtful. Like dude I understand you don't want to be intimate with these women. Be up front eith them and let them be with someone who will love and cherish them. They are the mothers of most of your children and watch wtf you say. That shit is devastating to a person. And he's been a prick to Christine for years and now she's hearing that. Those words are so fucking hurtful. Then we have Jenelle asking Kidney if the roles were reversed would he be as upset like he was about Robyn and he never answered and got in her face with his bitch face. All three need to run as fast as they can away from him. 16 1 3 Link to comment
kassa December 19, 2022 Share December 19, 2022 (edited) 1 hour ago, MsMalin said: I find it unbelievable that rice crispy treats would take him from being totally repelled by her an hour earlier to wanting to reconcile. I thought it was the reverse order. She gave him the treats BEFORE their ill-fated car ride during which he rejected her advances. Which means the interviewer raised her hopes for a few seconds before revealing when the supposed fleeting window of reconciliation happened. And when she heard it was that day because of the rice krispie treats, she knew the whole thing was a lie because he so blatantly snubbed her on camera hours later. I felt bad for her there, because she's been holding out for any kind of dimmest ember of possibility, she's told one actually DID exist, only to realize it was just a self serving lie on Kody's part. The "I told the other wives I was thinking of reconciling" thing was an obvious lie, but I do think his heart was temporarily touched by the gift. First of all... a ton of his favorite snack, given to him outside of other company so he can keep it in his truck and eat it all himself. Also, I think it triggered older memories and seemed to have been given without strings attached - something that would genuinely please him. He's probably sentimental. Later, on the car ride, he was reminded of everything else he doesn't care for and it faded. The later invention that he was about to take Meri back into the inner circle was just to make Christine look bad. I know Christine comes off as phony to people. I think she's just naturally enthusiastic and earnest, and the early show propping up of polygamy was also her trying to convince herself that staying was a good thing. Now that she actually has some genuine independence and freedom I'd expect that enthusiasm to come through again in celebration. May she enjoy it. I haven't read their book, but have seen enough comments from people who have to have come away with the idea that Kody was extremely brutally frank in that book that he was never attracted to Christine and the sight of her eating Nachos repulsed him (or something like that). If I knew about it years ago, she had to have. So his initial disinterest in her was well established at least since that book came out. I'm enjoying Janelle's matter of fact acceptance, and her candid wry dismissal of Kody and Robin's spin. In the past she would be accepting of other people's positions in a conflict, but imply that everything would work out fine and it was just a rough patch that would all be worked out, no big deal. Now *shrug* "Nothing these people do or say makes sense to me. I just want my fair share." I'd say Robyn suffers from dry eye, but I have it and the irony is your eyes water all the time! A yawn will send me reaching for a tissue, let alone defending myself on national television. Edited December 19, 2022 by kassa 7 2 8 Link to comment
laurakaye December 19, 2022 Share December 19, 2022 2 minutes ago, barshi50 said: What? No one has mentioned that Meri brushed her hair? My daughter has seen a couple of SW videos on Tik Tok. She asked me, "which wife looks like a sad golden retriever?" The answer, when I got some more context, was Meri. 8 Link to comment
SunnyBeBe December 19, 2022 Share December 19, 2022 I did notice Meri had a different hairstyle, but couldn’t figure out the details… wasn’t the most flattering on her, imo. She has nice hair, so I’m not sure what the difficulty is in presenting it. I wonder if she was struggling to stay relevant, since the season didn’t feature her that much and it was primarily done for attention. 2 Link to comment
Popular Post Meow Mix December 19, 2022 Popular Post Share December 19, 2022 Kody is lying outright about the reconciliation business. It's so obvious and I am very disappointed that the host didn't press him on the whole thing. At least she exposed the lie by asking him what the awesome gift was that triggered his desire to reconcile. Several things I noticed about that whole mess: Kody first claimed it was a birthday gift Meri gave him. The krispy treats were for their anniversary at the start of their horrible date. When the host finally asked Kody what the gift was, there was a very long silence. If a gift makes that kind of impression on you, you don't need to sit there forever trying to remember what it was. He had to think of a gift Meri gave him and that was the only thing that came to mind. So the lie was pretty much exposed right there. Kody's claim about Christine's response made no sense. When was this family gathering? Who was there? There have been plenty of times one or more of his wives have gotten angry over a decision he made, but that never stopped him from going ahead with whatever he wanted to do. Notice, though, that he never comes right out and says that Christine's reaction made him rethink reconciling with Meri. This is so that he can rewrite this whole thing later when it blows up in his face because once again, it's a lie. When the host gives Meri the details of this supposed reconciliation, even Meri doesn't believe it. She has to be careful what she says because she sadly still holds out hope, but you can see that on some level she knows that Kody and Robyn made the whole thing up. If indeed Kody was so moved by the magical krispy treats, when did this epiphany happen? We have that day on film, so we know he couldn't stand Meri then and she says even when the camera was off he wanted nothing to do with her. So, when did that change and why did it then change back to what we have seen since then? He has said flat out he wants nothing to do with her many times and he treats her like a stranger when they meet. The time she was at the RV with Janelle is very telling. Honestly, this whole thing is so bizarre and transparent. Usually their stories have some basis in something that actually happened that is spun to support whatever claim they are making. But this one has no basis in reality whatsoever and makes me wonder if Kody and Robyn are starting to believe their own delusions. They may just be stupid enough to think they can pass this lie off, but I worry that they are starting to blur reality and fiction in their lives. 13 8 4 Link to comment
GeeGolly December 19, 2022 Share December 19, 2022 11 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said: I did notice Meri had a different hairstyle, but couldn’t figure out the details… wasn’t the most flattering on her, imo. She has nice hair, so I’m not sure what the difficulty is in presenting it. I wonder if she was struggling to stay relevant, since the season didn’t feature her that much and it was primarily done for attention. Ugh, don't get me started on the beauty industry, "trends" and societal expectations as a whole... but I think Meri falls prey to what many do, following the latest trends. And Meri, like many, don't consider if it works for them and don't have the tools and/or talent to pull off most of the trends. IMO, Meri looked her best with her own softer, more natural version of Kody's noodle hair. She might wanna soften the eyebrows too. And while we're at it, lighten up on the eye liner. 9 1 Link to comment
GeeGolly December 19, 2022 Share December 19, 2022 (edited) For what its worth - my take on the reconciliation saga is this: I think Kody likely had more than a few times when he considered getting back with Meri. I'm guessing at least one of those times he mentioned it to Christine and she nonconfrontationally said something like, can we work on our marriage first. I don't for one minute think any wife influenced Kody's feelings about taking Meri back though. IMO, Kody has never taken Meri back because he thinks a man, a 'real man', who has been cheated on would never reconcile. Its more important to him to be seen as a 'real man' to his male friends and males fans (lol) than to do what he wants. So while there may have been a Rice Krispy moment and a Christine fit, IMO, neither had anything to do with the other. Edited December 19, 2022 by GeeGolly 19 1 1 1 Link to comment
SunnyBeBe December 19, 2022 Share December 19, 2022 I’m not sure how old Meri is, but it seems she’s stuck on makeup application from the 90’s. I have to resist doing that too. It sort of dates you, imo. Don’t get me started on brows! 🫣 lol. I’ve given up on that. So many bizarre options. 1 4 Link to comment
Adeejay December 19, 2022 Share December 19, 2022 16 minutes ago, Meow Mix said: Kody is lying outright about the reconciliation business. It's so obvious and I am very disappointed that the host didn't press him on the whole thing. At least she exposed the lie by asking him what the awesome gift was that triggered his desire to reconcile. Several things I noticed about that whole mess: Kody first claimed it was a birthday gift Meri gave him. The krispy treats were for their anniversary at the start of their horrible date. When the host finally asked Kody what the gift was, there was a very long silence. If a gift makes that kind of impression on you, you don't need to sit there forever trying to remember what it was. He had to think of a gift Meri gave him and that was the only thing that came to mind. So the lie was pretty much exposed right there. It wasn't so much a lie as a memory issue. Kody said it was a birthday gift that almost made him change his mind about Meri, and he mentioned the Rice Krispies Treat. However, as we saw, the Rice Krispies treats were an anniversary gift. About three or four years ago, for his birthday, Meri painted four pictures with 23 trees in each. He was so moved by the gesture that he thanked her in private for such a symbolic gift. It most definitely was the paintings, not the rice Krispies gift that got to him. However, it didn't move him enough for a reconciliation. 3 1 9 Link to comment
ginger90 December 19, 2022 Share December 19, 2022 (edited) 3 hours ago, Meh said: Didn't that AUB church kick Kody out because of the way he was treating his wives? Not equally? I believe it was because they went public by doing the show. Edited December 19, 2022 by ginger90 6 2 1 Link to comment
Cherylyn December 19, 2022 Share December 19, 2022 18 minutes ago, Adeejay said: It wasn't so much a lie as a memory issue. Kody said it was a birthday gift that almost made him change his mind about Meri, and he mentioned the Rice Krispies Treat. However, as we saw, the Rice Krispies treats were an anniversary gift. About three or four years ago, for his birthday, Meri painted four pictures with 23 trees in each. He was so moved by the gesture that he thanked her in private for such a symbolic gift. It most definitely was the paintings, not the rice Krispies gift that got to him. However, it didn't move him enough for a reconciliation. Your right, the Rice Krispies treat was an anniversary gift, and yes the paintings were very thoughtful and symbolic, but really? He was so touched by a gesture he couldn’t remember what the occasion was, he couldn’t remember the paintings when asked? I’m sure Meri is hell to live with, especially with the other wives, Christine and Janelle are much more personable, can be light hearted and have a zest for life. Meri, like Robyn, is miserable most of the time, which may be why they get along. Well, there you have it, my armchair psychology, for what it’s worth. I do think living with a nutcase like Kody would drive anybody nuts. 12 1 2 Link to comment
Popular Post javajeanelaine December 19, 2022 Popular Post Share December 19, 2022 I didn’t think Kody could sink any lower, but surprise! He did. That panting about how Christine and Janelle wanted to marry him is beyone the pale. The face Sobbyn makes when she fake cries is revolting. 19 6 3 Link to comment
bichonblitz December 19, 2022 Share December 19, 2022 (edited) 2 hours ago, barshi50 said: What? No one has mentioned that Meri brushed her hair? I can't figure out what this woman is trying to do with her hair. It usually looks like a rats nest with too much crunchy gel in it. Kind of like Kody's. It's worse when she wears it straight like last night. You can really see the damage. I think she's perming it. It's always in horrible dry condition which amazes me because in the photo's of her younger years with Kody she had beautiful long, healthy hair. They ALL looked awful last night in their Walmart clothes. Hey, nothing against Wally World. I shop sweaters and cute T shirts at Walmart sometimes but I think I would step it up a bit if I was being filmed for TeeVee. Hair, makeup, clothes, everything. Dreadful! That includes Kody. His hair was the worst I have ever seen it. They all had too much powder on their faces which made their skin look dry and lifeless. P.S. I never liked Rice Krispie Treats. Any idiot can make them and if I was forced to eat them they better at least be the ones made with chocolate rice krispies.Lol! Edited December 19, 2022 by bichonblitz 6 1 1 Link to comment
bichonblitz December 19, 2022 Share December 19, 2022 13 hours ago, mythoughtis said: Didn’t get the Janelle reveal but we did get hints Hang tight. There are 3 more parts to this mess. 4 1 2 Link to comment
Roslyn December 19, 2022 Share December 19, 2022 2 hours ago, GeeGolly said: I've been a therapist for decades and have many therapist friends, coworkers and colleagues. The word safe is not a typical therapy word, at least not in these parts, unless its about suicidal ideation, homicidal ideation or domestic violence. The only thing I can think of that makes sense to me is a therapist may have suggested the use of a time out word, a word that signals a conversation or situation is too much in the moment. Having a time out word can stop or slow a conversation down without a long explanation and without laying blame. Most of my clients go with the phrase time out, with or without the hand signal. That way it can be used in any situation, not just with spouses and kids. I suggest to my clients they use a word that will make them laugh as it helps to release tension and resets the atmosphere. One of my clients was married with 3 teenage kids at the time. They hilariously settled on the word scrotum. I almost peed my pants when my client told me a story of when her daughter, the only girl, was fighting with a brother. The daughter was growing increasingly frustrated with her brother and yelled out - labia. Using the word safe is full of blame and likely triggering. Safe, IMO, is not a safe (lol) time out word at all. It figures that is the word the Browns would agree on. From my years of watching this show and other polygamy shows and reading about the Mormon religion in general I suspect that the "safe" word is part of their religion language. Kinda like Kody's "run their will into mine"... He uses this term and then can't actually explain it when asked. However with the Browns..."safe" has taken on its own life and seems to actually mean many different things. 8 2 Link to comment
itsadryheat December 19, 2022 Share December 19, 2022 The thing with people like kody, they are not worth the effort it takes to communicate. His bloated ego and insecurities frame everything, and will not allow any deviation from his perspective. There will never be an apology, heck there isn’t even an acknowledgment. All heil the king, or else spin, gaslighting, outright lies, anger, temper tantrums, revisionist history, emotional banishment. I also found the most interesting comment he made was fear of being poor. Looks like he may have to face his fear-don't see a TLC kody robin show in his future. Jenelles comment while in her little bedroom that "kody likes nice things" may be put to a test. Time to live within your "real job". 14 4 1 Link to comment
MsMalin December 19, 2022 Share December 19, 2022 That was some new bombshell information that Meri told last night: she wanted to go public about their marriage being over but Codyvirus nixed the idea because he didn't want to deal with the public reaction to it. Yes Cody, you ARE a coward. Everyone has been on Meri's ass for sticking with you when in reality she wanted to announce a split but you didnt. Yet the only thing that scares you is being poor. No, your ego will let you make people live in misery because you don't want to look bad. You are trying to gaslight everyone but you are so busted. 13 6 1 Link to comment
SunnyBeBe December 19, 2022 Share December 19, 2022 I don’t recall that”safe” term in their descriptions of how they feel about certain people until late Vegas or early AZ. Maybe around the catfish incident…? 5 Link to comment
laurakaye December 19, 2022 Share December 19, 2022 36 minutes ago, itsadryheat said: The thing with people like kody, they are not worth the effort it takes to communicate. His bloated ego and insecurities frame everything, and will not allow any deviation from his perspective. There will never be an apology, heck there isn’t even an acknowledgment. Khaos Kody is scary good at spewing a cacophony of nonsense so thick, no one can parse it out, including himself. I wanted Sukanya to try, but where do you even begin to unravel the spider web of crap that is Kody's brain? He manages to double and triple talk over himself in a way that I don't think I have ever seen before on teevee. 30 minutes ago, MsMalin said: That was some new bombshell information that Meri told last night: she wanted to go public about their marriage being over but Codyvirus nixed the idea because he didn't want to deal with the public reaction to it. Yes Cody, you ARE a coward. Everyone has been on Meri's ass for sticking with you when in reality she wanted to announce a split but you didnt. Yet the only thing that scares you is being poor. No, your ego will let you make people live in misery because you don't want to look bad. You are trying to gaslight everyone but you are so busted. So many things....he didn't want to go public with his and Meri's breakup? But it was on television. Did he mean social media public? And yet, he point blank says that if Meri wants to ride off into the sunset with a banana, he's cool with it. BUT! Don't announce it publicly! Even though they already did, on tv! And then there's Meri who supposedly wanted to go public at one point but is still hanging onto this guy by the thread of her split LuLa leggings, so which is it? You wanted to announce a public breakup but you're not going anywhere? These two are basically the same person, and then throw the Dark Queen's evil whisperings into the mix, it's a wonder that any of them remember their own names sometimes. And Kody? If poverty is the only thing that scares you, you might want to get Sol and Ariabelibla working on tagging up all of Mommy's Precious Moment/Willow Tree figurines for the inevitable massive garage sale you're going to be having in a few months to pay the mortgage on the mansion, 'cause your TLC gravy train is coming to a swift end, you moron. 12 2 4 1 1 Link to comment
toodywoody December 19, 2022 Share December 19, 2022 52 minutes ago, Roslyn said: From my years of watching this show and other polygamy shows and reading about the Mormon religion in general I suspect that the "safe" word is part of their religion language. Kinda like Kody's "run their will into mine"... He uses this term and then can't actually explain it when asked. However with the Browns..."safe" has taken on its own life and seems to actually mean many different things. The run their will into mine, someone please tell me wtf he was talking about. Or is he saying that no matter wtf they wanted, it was his way or the highway. But once again before Robyn came along, he just let them do whatever and didn't want to be bothered with anything to do with the hard stuff. He just wanted it all handled by them so he could bounce his way around and be the fun parent. 10 1 1 Link to comment
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