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S17.E10: The Knife in the Kidneys


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Robyn isn't stupid, she is fully aware of her own reputation (Brown family scapegoat).. I have wondered how she manages to walk across the street, go shopping or go on the school run, knowing what people really think of her. Few people are able to withstand such evil gossiping and mean whispering. It doesn't even matter if there is any truth in the rumours, it just hits and hurts you. So how she is able to live with this, is beyond me. Unless of course, she never gets out of her house and ignores the internet.

Kody probably isn't aware on how the world perceives him and Robyn. In his world, he is right and the wives are to blame. People who don't see this obvious fact are just plain stupid, so I doubt he really cares what others think. They're wrong anyway.

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I hope that Janelle sticks around just long enough to get her money back from Robyn and Kody. I guess what happened to her money was that she deposited it in the family savings and Robyn and Kody pulled it out to make a down payment on the $900.000 mansion.  There should have been some safeguards on that money like who could withdraw funds from this account. If the money is gone then I would bet that Robyn and Kody have been using it as a personal account.  Janelle needs to demand that Kody either give her back her money or sell the lot that is in his and Robyn's name that they own free and clear and use that money to repay her. Everytime I think about how Janelle allowed these people to dupe her out of her inheritance, retirement and the proceeds from the sale of her house I want to scream. Janelle is a decent person who trusted that they would do right by her but Kody and Robyn have no conscience. I would expose these two as thieves and crooks if it was the last thing that I did. 

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1 hour ago, Kellyee said:

I've never been divorced, so can someone tell me if divorced people actually get together to scream and whine at each other in group settings with no legal representation?

Except they are not divorced.  They were never married.  It's an asshole and his keep sweet side piece baby mama. 

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6 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

Kody making sacrifices, lol.

The OG3 made all the sacrifices, year in and year out. Kody has been coddled, chased and taken care of all those years while his baby mommas made do.

Kody wouldn't know a sacrifice if one hit him in the face.

As in why should "I" suffer for HER choices when Robyn has hot water...

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But then we get multiple episodes of Robyn crying and praying to god they find a rental because she doesn't want to buy and delay building out on Coyote Pass.  She is leaving it all in God's hands and God apparently wants her to buy a home worth close to a million dollars.  And the money for that, as per Janelle this episode, came from the same family pot as the downpayment for Christine's home.  And with that the family pot is depleted.  But we also learned last episode or so when Kody is whining about the RV that there were in fact PLENTY of rental properties but apparently none of them were good enough for Robyn. But clearly just fine for Janelle. 

I find the Brown family finances to be fascinating. 

Four homes were sold in Vegas. So where are the proceeds from Meri's house and from Janelle's house, assuming that Christine and Robyn took their "proceeds" to buy the homes in Flagstaff (and now Christine is taking the proceeds from Flagstaff to put toward her new home/life in Utah)? Did those go toward Coyote Pass (a downpayment and perhaps mortgage payments but insufficient to pay off the land so it can be subdivided and developed)? Did Robyn take more than her fair share to buy the Brown Family Manse? Did money in this capital expenses fund go toward operating expenses, further depleting it?

I understood what Janelle was saying - it's her turn to buy something and she wants to finish buying Coyote Pass and build her house there. I think that is totally fair. But the deciding factor is whether they have the money available (actual money, not credit, which is where I think they are getting out of their comfort zone) to finish payments on Coyote Pass. There is no arguing this point and the money is either there or it isn't. Not much room for argument - just have a look at the bank balance. I suppose it's possible that they have assets other than cash; maybe Janelle wants them to take a second (or third, or fourth, or fifth) mortgage on Robyn's mansion or convert some other non fluid asset into cash. But mostly they either have enough money or they don't.

I think that paying for Coyote Pass plus obtaining and maintaining four separate (and in at least two cases, very expensive) homes has finally started to catch up with them. They have have insufficient savings to finish paying off Coyote Pass and, until they do that, they can't build there. Their regular, daily expenses are so high that they really have no hope of catching up and saving enough to pay off Coyote Pass unless they really do some belt-tightening, which none of them seem willing or able to do.

I had to laugh when Janelle was talking to the wives about how it was starting to get cold and Robyn was noting that the winters in Flagstaff out on the property could be difficult. If she is such a devoted sister wife, wanting the entire family to be together and get along, wouldn't that have been the perfect opportunity for to offer to have Janelle and Savannah spend the winter in her mansion? Yet she didn't do that. Hmmmmmm...


So...Ari is already overly annoying and other kids at school hate her? Keep that Brown legacy alive, kiddo! 

That poor kid is a lot like her dad.


Quick question: now that Christine has cut these raging lunatics out of her life, who will Robyn pretend to cry about.


Edited by Elizzikra
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10 hours ago, Irate Panda said:

Is my English off more than normal or is this just another Kodyism but can somebody explain to me what the bird that ate the mouse means? Did he mean the cat that ate the canary or is there an actual bird mouse saying?

I think he meant cat that ate the canary, but he’s such an idiot who knows?  

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IIRC, when buying the LV homes only Meri and Kody initially qualified for a mortgage. I'm guessing the timing was right for them and their bankruptcy had fallen off their credit reports. It seems no one had money beyond TLC money at that point. During their time it Vegas it appeared all their mortgages were paid out of the family pot, as no one had jobs. By the time they moved to AZ the OG3's were making their own money and paying their own bills. This is where Janelle got screwed. She's been counting on her fair share of the sales of the Vegas homes, but apparently its sitting in Coyote Pass, or Kody is lying about having.

$35,000 in debt Robyn who it seems hasn't worked a day in her life is sitting in a million dollar mansion. Watch your back ladies.

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Just now, Elizzikra said:

I had to laugh when Janelle was talking to the wives about how it was starting to get cold and Robyn was noting that the winters in Flagstaff out on the property could be difficult. If she is such a devoted sister wife, wanting the entire family to be together and get along, wouldn't that have been the perfect opportunity for to offer to have Janelle and Savannah spend the winter in her mansion? Yet she didn't do that. Hmmmmmm...

Exactly what I thought, except maybe Janelle already said NO to that.  For the record, I don't think Sobbyn would have offered (they can't even find a room for Truely), but benefit of the doubt and all that. 

does anybody know how much Coyote Pass cost?  

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It was amazing to watch someone who doesn't love Christine carry on like a toddler when she wanted to remove herself from that loveless relationship.  Robyn is a sniper from the side and is just a nasty woman. Meri is gleeful because someone else is getting dumped on and for once Kody sees her as an ally (sorta not really but she doesn't know that).

And Ari- she got the worst of both DNA donors jeez, rewarded for being such a junior drama queen. And they ignore his other children's first day of school. Nice.

Fun times.

Edited by Chicklet
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4 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

IIRC, when buying the LV homes only Meri and Kody initially qualified for a mortgage. I'm guessing the timing was right for them and their bankruptcy had fallen off their credit reports. It seems no one had money beyond TLC money at that point. During their time it Vegas it appeared all their mortgages were paid out of the family pot, as no one had jobs. By the time they moved to AZ the OG3's were making their own money and paying their own bills. This is where Janelle got screwed. She's been counting on her fair share of the sales of the Vegas homes, but apparently its sitting in Coyote Pass, or Kody is lying about having.

$35,000 in debt Robyn who it seems hasn't worked a day in her life is sitting in a million dollar mansion. Watch your back ladies.

Don't forget, she's sitting in that mansion with a nanny.

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30 minutes ago, Castina said:

Kody is saying the money is gone but Janelle seems to indicate it was depleted after the homes for Christine and Robyn were bought but is back to the same level again as when they agreed to give Robyn the downpayment for her home. 

Well if the family pot has refilled itself and I take that with a grain of salt, Janelle should write herself a check for the same amount that they gave Christine and Robyn. That is if she is still listed as a designated signer on the account. It wouldnt surprise me if they convinced her to remove her name and have the account in Kody and Robyn's name. 

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3 hours ago, TurtlePower said:

Kody’s choice of words = classic emotional abuser.

“It was only about YOU” — not it wasn’t Christine held it together for the family.

”I’m the only one saying something” Um, no.

This dude seriously had anger and accountability issues.

And Meri and Robyn? Zero empathy. None. And what is Meri still doing there? Kody just burned her — AGAIN — and Meri’s like “oh that stung”. Meri, Kody has sent out a wasp nest of stings towards you. He doesn’t want to “work on the relationship”. What. Are. You. Still. Doing. There.

And poor Janelle. She doesn’t ask for much and Kody’s being a jerk to her now. I hope she draws a line in the sand for herself and that she’s the next to go when he crosses it. 

This is another show recently where i have come to the realization of how much I dislike the people in it.  Kody is a raging misogynistic lunatic and Meri and Robyn can have him, they deserve no more.  I do love how Christine has handled herself and her decision to leave and that she has acted calmly, never wavering even minutely and she has been respectful to everyone.  

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45 minutes ago, Shelbie said:

I loved Christine telling Robyn that nope she needed space from the family and wouldn’t be available for any more bullying and Kody histrionics. She alone would decide when it suited her to be around the others. Public gatherings like Logan’s wedding and future weddings when Kody can’t hold the floor might be fun for her when she can talk to the people she likes and ignore those she doesn’t.

So, was the question that Robyn had to Christine about continuing to see the other wives, code for will you still film with us for the show?  And, that’s why Robyn lost it when she got to her car?  It hit her that if Christine won’t film with her, Kody and Meri, they can’t be on the show.  😝

I think Meri was devastated at Kody’s knife in the kidney response to Christine leaving him, but with Meri…..he’d probably just offer to loan his truck for her, while giving her a send off party.  That must sting.  

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9 hours ago, Joan of Argh said:

And I don’t know if everyone remembers but what happened to the Janelle that was ready to pull out her check book and buy Cottonwood?

she was strutting around that property bragging how SHE controlled the family finances and she might just pull out her check book and buy it, to hell with everyone else!

but now she’s talking like she’s at their mercy and she basically has no say or control of the family finances at all?!?!

It’s so weird, right? I don’t totally understand their family finances, but it seems like Kody depleted the family funds to buy a huge house for Robyn, leaving nothing for Janelle. So in the end, it’s almost like Kody got to have his single home mansion dream, but instead of all of the wives living there, just Robyn gets to live there, and to hell with the others.

Also, Kody’s moronic rationale for not selling off Christine’s parcel of land to pay off the rest of the property so they could start to build was so illogical. He said they couldn’t do that because they needed to keep it to keep the full value of the property. No shit Sherlock. But if you can’t afford the entire property, you might need to sell some of it off so you can afford the rest. It’s not rocket science. I think he sees selling off part of the property as yet another failure, and we all know Kody can’t tolerate validation of his failures. His ego regularly exacerbates all of his mistakes in life.

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Then Kody - He never loved her….the sacrifices he made to love her - Which is it?

My interpretation of what he was really saying in this moment was "The sacrifices I made to [pretend to] love you!" He wasn't attracted to her; he's admitted that multiple times. So in his mind it was a big sacrifice to suck it up and pretend to be affectionate and pretend to love her. I wish he would just listen to himself and realize -- what kind of person would want to stay with someone who considers having to love them a HUGE sacrifice?

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9 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I wonder if when Robyn is in line at the grocery store or bank, she gets these mean scowls from people who recognize her. I mean, you know they would recognize her.  I bet she doesn’t go out much, so she can avoid being called names or called out on her behavior.   

Or because of her covid protaculls 😂 she'll stretch that out as long as she can...im surprised she hasn't added monkey pox just to suit her needs 🙄

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2 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

while giving her a send off party

It shows you haven't lost your faith in mankind to think he would give her a party.  

2 hours ago, Spectator said:

Robyn is realizing that the family really fell apart when she entered it and she’s processing the guilt about that. So she was crying about that.

Nope, no guilt. 

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I wonder if Janelle has direct access to the family account and whether or not she can remove mo ey without Kodys permission. I'm guessing every withdrawal needs his signature or presence but if not, J should just remove the money due her and leave. No drawn out fir TLC departure, just fucking leave and go back to Utah because KoDouche will never step foot in Utah because, yanno, the authorities are just lined up at the border waiting to catch him...

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Robyn is realizing that the family really fell apart when she entered it and she’s processing the guilt about that. So she was crying about that.

I don't think that she feels guilty at all. She feels like the victim; the one who settled for "scraps" and the one the other wives treated like dirt (well, Christine, anyway). She was crying because Christine doesn't want to be her friend; like a kid who gets turned away from the cool kids' table at lunch.

Oh - and for the drama. And to make it seem like she really, really values a relationship with Christine for herself and her children - and Christine had dashed that "last little bit of hope."


Also, Kody’s moronic rationale for not selling off Christine’s parcel of land to pay off the rest of the property so they could start to build was so illogical. He said they couldn’t do that because they needed to keep it to keep the full value of the property. No shit Sherlock. But if you can’t afford the entire property, you might need to sell some of it off so you can afford the rest. It’s not rocket science. I think he sees selling off part of the property as yet another failure, and we all know Kody can’t tolerate validation of his failures. His ego regularly exacerbates all of his mistakes in life.

It's that, but I think it's also that they bought Coyote Pass as four separate parcels of land and they redrew the boundaries to get the land divided up as they wished. They can't sell Christine's piece (or any of them) according to their new boundaries - they would have to sell one of the original parcels. Which, I would think, they could do but just don't want to. Also, I'm not sure how easy it would be to find a buyer, particularly at whatever price they paid. As I recall, that land had been for sale for awhile before they bought it and since one has to run utilities to the property, it would be expensive to develop.

Edited by Elizzikra
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11 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I wonder if when Robyn is in line at the grocery store or bank, she gets these mean scowls from people who recognize her. I mean, you know they would recognize her.  I bet she doesn’t go out much, so she can avoid being called names or called out on her behavior.   

I am sure this is a job for the 'nanny'.

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5 hours ago, 65mickey said:

I hope that Janelle sticks around just long enough to get her money back from Robyn and Kody. I guess what happened to her money was that she deposited it in the family savings and Robyn and Kody pulled it out to make a down payment on the $900.000 mansion.  There should have been some safeguards on that money like who could withdraw funds from this account. If the money is gone then I would bet that Robyn and Kody have been using it as a personal account.  Janelle needs to demand that Kody either give her back her money or sell the lot that is in his and Robyn's name that they own free and clear and use that money to repay her. Everytime I think about how Janelle allowed these people to dupe her out of her inheritance, retirement and the proceeds from the sale of her house I want to scream. Janelle is a decent person who trusted that they would do right by her but Kody and Robyn have no conscience. I would expose these two as thieves and crooks if it was the last thing that I did. 

Janelle should put a lien on Robyn's house.  

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5 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

I find the Brown family finances to be fascinating. 

Four homes were sold in Vegas. So where are the proceeds from Meri's house and from Janelle's house, assuming that Christine and Robyn took their "proceeds" to buy the homes in Flagstaff (and now Christine is taking the proceeds from Flagstaff to put toward her new home/life in Utah)? Did those go toward Coyote Pass (a downpayment and perhaps mortgage payments but insufficient to pay off the land so it can be subdivided and developed)? Did Robyn take more than her fair share to buy the Brown Family Manse? Did money in this capital expenses fund go toward operating expenses, further depleting it?

I understood what Janelle was saying - it's her turn to buy something and she wants to finish buying Coyote Pass and build her house there. I think that is totally fair. But the deciding factor is whether they have the money available (actual money, not credit, which is where I think they are getting out of their comfort zone) to finish payments on Coyote Pass. There is no arguing this point and the money is either there or it isn't. Not much room for argument - just have a look at the bank balance. I suppose it's possible that they have assets other than cash; maybe Janelle wants them to take a second (or third, or fourth, or fifth) mortgage on Robyn's mansion or convert some other non fluid asset into cash. But mostly they either have enough money or they don't.

I think that paying for Coyote Pass plus obtaining and maintaining four separate (and in at least two cases, very expensive) homes has finally started to catch up with them. They have have insufficient savings to finish paying off Coyote Pass and, until they do that, they can't build there. Their regular, daily expenses are so high that they really have no hope of catching up and saving enough to pay off Coyote Pass unless they really do some belt-tightening, which none of them seem willing or able to do.

I had to laugh when Janelle was talking to the wives about how it was starting to get cold and Robyn was noting that the winters in Flagstaff out on the property could be difficult. If she is such a devoted sister wife, wanting the entire family to be together and get along, wouldn't that have been the perfect opportunity for to offer to have Janelle and Savannah spend the winter in her mansion? Yet she didn't do that. Hmmmmmm...

That poor kid is a lot like her dad.


So you are saying there is a benefit to not having Kody around.  HA!  That kid is going to be a nightmare.  I felt for Sol.  He seems like he would enjoy living in a quiet home with Meri.  

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3 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

So, was the question that Robyn had to Christine about continuing to see the other wives, code for will you still film with us for the show?  And, that’s why Robyn lost it when she got to her car?  It hit her that if Christine won’t film with her, Kody and Meri, they can’t be on the show.  😝

I think Meri was devastated at Kody’s knife in the kidney response to Christine leaving him, but with Meri…..he’d probably just offer to loan his truck for her, while giving her a send off party.  That must sting.  

With a reminder to fill it up before returning it.  When these folks run out of $, Robyn will have been unemployed for about 15 years.  Good luck getting a job.

1 hour ago, bichonblitz said:

How did I miss how huge Meri's ass is? When she got up to walk away (and follow Robyn) without saying goodbye to Christine I noticed what a big load she's carrying. 

* Meri posted on her IG that she's been traveling for 23 days and whooping it up with only stopping home once. She's never there so she can stop pretending how hurt she with Christine leaving. Janelle is on her way out. She is really fed up with all of them. Robyn is freaking out at being left alone with Koduche! Cry, cry , cry in Meri's arms. What in the hell was that about? 

I did not find it entertaining to watch Christine sitting there taking their abuse and staying quiet. Not enjoyable. Stand up for yourself, woman.  Throw some shade to their faces not in your confessionals. That would have been worth watching. 

She really should have told K/R/M to please excuse yourselves from the property, I will not be abused in my own home.  Gotten up, walked in the house and locked the door.  That would have been film worthy TLC!!!!

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3 hours ago, Spectator said:

It’s so weird, right? I don’t totally understand their family finances, but it seems like Kody depleted the family funds to buy a huge house for Robyn, leaving nothing for Janelle. So in the end, it’s almost like Kody got to have his single home mansion dream, but instead of all of the wives living there, just Robyn gets to live there, and to hell with the others.

This is what I suspect too. Basically it’s simple math: all 4 LV houses were purchases for a price of around $450,000 and they were sold for 535 (Christine) 575 (Meri and Janelle) and 609 (Robyn) Which leaves a decent profit of $494,000.
But that money definitely doesn’t buy you a huge lot of land and two houses in Flagstaff! And Robyn’s house was allegedly listed for about $890,000 at the time,

So, it’s my guess too that the family money was used as down payments for Coyote Pass, Christine’s and Robyn’s house and that there is nothing left for Janelle and Meri. (Kody and Robyn allegedly loaned against their mansion twice already btw.)It’s extra sad considering the fact that Janelle used her entire inheritance to buy the Lehi house (which was sold at a loss) and poured her pension funds in the family pot as well (can’t remember the exact source for that) and is now left empty-handed….

Edited by LilyD
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38 minutes ago, goofygirl said:

Surely the nanny is gone by now, with both the golden ones in school?

Nah. Now that the first day is over, someone has to get the kids up, feed and dress them, pack the school lunches, take them to school, pick them up, supervise homework and get them baths, teeth brushed and to bed. I think the nanny maybe gets a "break" during 9 and 3 (when she picks up the kids' rooms, does laundry, cleans the house and prepares dinner). 

You know, all that annoying, time consuming, parent-y stuff...


This is what I suspect too. Basically it’s simple math: all 4 LV houses were purchases for a price of around $450,000 and they were sold for 535 (Christine) 575 (Meri and Janelle) and 609 (Robyn) Which leaves a decent profit of $494,000.
But that money definitely doesn’t buy you a huge lot of land and two houses in Flagstaff! And Robyn’s house was allegedly listed for about $890,000 at the time,

They would have paid 3% each to a buyers and sellers agent (did Janelle manage to sell at least one of the houses? If so, they would have saved that). Also what had to be significant costs to move, including the ongoing rentals of storage units and the Hauls...

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19 minutes ago, LilyD said:

This is what I suspect too. Basically it’s simple math: all 4 LV houses were purchases for a price of around $450,000 and they were sold for 535 (Christine) 575 (Meri and Janelle) and 609 (Robyn) Which leaves a decent profit of $494,000.
But that money definitely doesn’t buy you a huge lot of land and two houses in Flagstaff! And Robyn’s house was allegedly listed for about $890,000 at the time,

So, it’s my guess too that the family money was used as down payments for Coyote Pass, Christine’s and Robyn’s house and that there is nothing left for Janelle and Meri. (Kody and Robyn allegedly loaned against their mansion twice already btw.)It’s extra sad considering the fact that Janelle used her entire inheritance to buy the Lehi house (which was sold at a loss) and poured her pension funds in the family pot as well (can’t remember the exact source for that) and is now left empty-handed….

Now I'm wondering if one of the equity withdrawals from K & R's home in the last year-ish was to buy Janelle out,  on her way out the door. 

Edited by eskimo
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8 minutes ago, Elizzikra said:

Nah. Now that the first day is over, someone has to get the kids up, feed and dress them, pack the school lunches, take them to school, pick them up, supervise homework and get them baths, teeth brushed and to bed. I think the nanny maybe gets a "break" during 9 and 3 (when she picks up the kids' rooms, does laundry, cleans the house and prepares dinner). 

I believe the nanny also has to kind of lift up Robyn's goiter and give it a good scrubbing daily.

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