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S17.E09: A Polygamist Divorce

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7 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

I think "walls up" Meri is the only one being even close to real here. Warped and skewed maybe, but IMO, closer to the truth than anyone else in this episode.

Meri is a goddam hypocrite. Her blind loyalty to a man who wants nothing to do with her is crazy and bizarre.

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10 hours ago, taragel said:

I assume Logan, Maddie and Hunter are close with Mykelti, Aspyn and Ysabel. He said Leon and Paedon are outliers who struggle to fit and everyone else is younger. (I mean Ysabel is technically part of the younger set, but obviously quite close with Maddie at least.) 

I love too how they don't consider the fact that the "kids" are all married and have two working eyes each and know what an at least somewhat healthy relationship should look like. And probably have seen the damn show. Robyn on the other hand...lying through her teeth about how "happy" everyone must have been in Vegas. Where  Meri and her catfish happened, where Christine and Kody had to take a therapist on their anniversary trip (which was maybe still the most sad episode of this entire shitshow) and where Janelle...well, Janelle just kept being Janelle. 

I am fully here for the Kody spiral next week. I caught Christine's middle finger extended too. Heee! I'm so glad he's miserable. And Robyn is by extension. Meri's gonna keep Meri-ing. (Boy, was she misnamed.) 

I saw that bird! 

8 minutes ago, magemaud said:

It looked like he was auditioning for a small town theatre production of a Shakespearean tragedy, especially with the dramatic “All that I have done...WASTED! 

(Which is where I burst out laughing.) 

I am SURE he and GoiteRob rehearsed this up at the Big House.

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I know this is storyline-driven, but why does Christine have to sit and endure judgment and “gaslighting” by Kody, Robyn and Meri?  She’s leaving and that’s the end of it.  Never complain, never explain, like the old saying goes.  She already stated her reasons, Kody refuses to own any of it, and Robyn is just living on her own planet.  Meri is a lost cause but that’s her choice.  Janelle sees the light and supports Christine.  Just get up and go, Christine.  Good riddance.

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Kody keeps talking about their church.  I thought their church kicked them out.  When was the last time they congregated with their church, 2012?  I would think their church would excommunicate the lot of them for faking polygamy on television lol.  It's just a married guy and his ex-wives.

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No doubt about why Kody says Leon and Paedon aren't really part of the family.  Leon is off in their own world and Paedon makes no bones about the family issues on Tik Tok.  He's been quite vocal there.

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11 hours ago, Tuxcat said:

Robyn is really only upset that everyone blames her for their misery. She's not actually upset about the misery. Robyn lost.

+1000 to this entire post, but especially the line above.  *chef's kiss*

11 hours ago, Tuxcat said:

Kody said "three of Christine's kids are close with three of Janelle's kids; that's it"

Kody, shouldn't that be "three of my kids with Christine are close with three of my kids with Janelle?"  So easy to say, yet he NEVER says it.  Ass.

3 hours ago, Granny58 said:

1.  Um, Kody, you don't need a bedroom for Truely yet.  She still lives in the same town as you.  You can spend the day with her and take her home at night.  Just more indication that he has no interest in doing so.

Have any of Kody's kids with Robyn ever had a friend sleep over?  Ever?  You don't need an entire separate room for Truely.  Buy an air mattress and put her in a room with one of the girls.  She doesn't need a whole room, a separate bathroom, her own maid and butler.  It's Flagstaff, not Downton Abbey.  ASS.

2 hours ago, JayDub1987 said:

Kody's little temper tantrum in the preview for next week actually made me shoot a little pre-bedtime whiskey out of my nose. That's gonna be so fun.

Note to self: put whiskey on the grocery list for next Sunday.

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55 minutes ago, magemaud said:

It looked like he was auditioning for a small town theatre production of a Shakespearean tragedy, especially with the dramatic “All that I have done...WASTED! Oh yeah, and the “knife in the kidneys” tirade...

(Which is where I burst out laughing.) 

Yeah Kody....pretty sure putting the effort into "loving" Christine is not telling her you no longer want an intimate relationship.

I can't wait to see him literally blow his top next week. Also I wonder about the choice of knife to the kidneys. Pretty sure kidneys are kind of hard to get to and not necessarily one's first choice of organ(s) to stab. Word salad-o-matic. Sh*ts just flying everywhere.

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1 minute ago, RedDelicious said:

Also I wonder about the choice of knife to the kidneys. Pretty sure kidneys are kind of hard to get to and not necessarily one's first choice of organ(s) to stab. Word salad-o-matic. Sh*ts just flying everywhere.

Not to mention, Truely nearly died of kidney failure because of Kody, so really any other choice would've been better than that.  Knife to the liver...the gallbladder...the elbow, etc.  I think he ALMOST said "knife to the heart" and changed it on the fly because that would mean he actually has a heart, and that Christine's leaving could break it.  And we all know Kody doesn't care about Christine - except when she's leaving him.

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3 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

I find it beyond sad and so, so selfish that Kody didn't go to Ysabel's surgery, but I also find it sad Christine turned it into such a big deal. 

How dare Christine make such a big deal about the fact that Kody couldn’t leave his wife, their 3 grown adult children, a 2nd grader and a kindergartner (plus their nanny who actually takes care of them) to go to Ysabel’s major back surgery.  

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If Maddie did really ask Christine what was going on with her and Kody, why did she tell her? Her marriage is none of Maddie's business. And IMO, no parent should talk smack about the other parent to the kids. Kody is their father, most if not all still love him and its up to them to figure him out. Its up to them to have, or not have, a relationship with him. It is not up to them to be Christine's shoulder to cry on, or up to Christine to point out his shortcomings. Christine actually said she called Janelle's kids and asked them if they'd still like her if she left Kody. Like really?

No one wants to think their dad is an ass and, IMO, if Christine keeps pushing the agenda it may backfire on her.

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7 minutes ago, Adeejay said:

How dare Christine make such a big deal about the fact that Kody couldn’t leave his wife, their 3 grown adult children, a 2nd grader and a kindergartner (plus their nanny who actually takes care of them) to go to Ysabel’s major back surgery.  

I hear what you're saying.

The way I see it is, how dare Christine put the weight of her divorce from Kody on her then 17 year old daughter. Ysabel stated she wanted her dad there, but she also stated she understood. Christine is supposed to be the adult here, not Ysabel.

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With Kody as the "father" in question Christine is probably safe.  There's a fine line to walk between being honest and bad mouthing the other parent.  My mother got the advice about not bad mouthing, but I thought she was dumb and a door mat for quite some time.  We finally talked years later and she was astounded at what I knew and that by her not acknowledging what was factual knowledge to me that I lost faith in her.  

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22 minutes ago, RedDelicious said:

I can't wait to see him literally blow his top next week. Also I wonder about the choice of knife to the kidneys. Pretty sure kidneys are kind of hard to get to and not necessarily one's first choice of organ(s) to stab. Word salad-o-matic. Sh*ts just flying everywhere.

This is probably telling in and of itself. Probably chose it because he has more than 1 and can spare it as long as he has the other functioning one - robyn.

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2 hours ago, 65mickey said:

That was Kody who said that to Janelle that when the kids turn 18 she should put them out let them be on their own.   He sort of forgot about Robyn's grown over 18 year old kids living the high life in the mansion.  Christine said that Gwyn wanted to stay in Flagstaff and finish college. Ysabel  chose to go live with Maddie. And we saw both Christine and Ysabel feeling ambiguous about her decision.  I have never gotten the impression that Christine wanted her children to get out of the house at 18. 

Christine said that as well. She said she does not allow children over 18 to live at home.

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Kody knows very little of the non-Robyn children. He gets even their ages wrong. He has no idea how his children get along.
There could be group chats that most of them participate in with in-jokes and gentle teasing. They could also be distant and uncaring to the bulk of their siblings. They could be mildly interested in what everyone else is doing but wrapped up in their individual lives.

We don’t know and neither does Kody.

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15 minutes ago, Madding crowd said:

Christine said that as well. She said she does not allow children over 18 to live at home.

I don't remember her saying that but in What context was it said? Many parents say that they willl not let a child live at home after 18 if they are not in school or working. I doubt seriously that she would throw one of her children out of the home when they turned 18.  She told Kody that she was thinking about not selling the house but leaving it so Gwyn to have a place to stay and to rent out to her roommates. I also remember her saying she didn't want Gwyn to feel abandoned by her moving to Utah. 

Christine in no way comes across to me as an unconcerned parent. Kody holds a lock on that title.

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32 minutes ago, Absolom said:

With Kody as the "father" in question Christine is probably safe.  There's a fine line to walk between being honest and bad mouthing the other parent.  My mother got the advice about not bad mouthing, but I thought she was dumb and a door mat for quite some time.  We finally talked years later and she was astounded at what I knew and that by her not acknowledging what was factual knowledge to me that I lost faith in her.  

21 minutes ago, zamp33 said:

The thing is kids see things. And if you lie to them and tell them no everything is fine, then it backfires and there is years of therapy to repair. As we are viewers, we were not privy to the conversation we do not know how Christine answered that question. It is not black and white and there is alot of gray area. We should not make assumptions that Christine immediately trashed Kody. The fact she said that "I am sad that my kids did not get to know what an amazing person Kody is" says a lot. And the fact that Kody wouldn't go see Truley after their trip because he did not want to see Christine - take her in the car and go out - that also was telling 

My kids were at the point where they were telling me to leave - I was in a similar situation in the hospital with my child who had a life threatening infection  (my ex would not bring anything to the hospital when we asked) and when we had to go home he said - Mom things were so much better here in the hospital you have to ask Dad to leave. 

We don't know either side, we can surely speculate, heck that is why we are all here! but, again, I am coming from the perspective of a mom with kids who left a toxic situation, we do not know the whole story but children know and when you pretend it is worse for them. I agree do not trash the other parent but children know more than you think. 

Again every situation is different. I just hope by sharing my story it might help people see that in dealing with a narcissist it is so different because to the narcissist it is about winning, control and manipulation. 

I agree with you both. Every situation is different and the line to walk is very thin. Parents need to validate what the kid or kids feel, but they don't then need to make it about themselves. 

What is Ysabel supposed to think when Christine says, its about the kids? Gwen already had one foot out the door and Truely didn't even notice Kody wasn't around. My point is let the kids, including Ysabel, form their own opinion about Kody and don't say your marriage is over because of the way their dad ignored them. Its not their fault. We're talking 25 years and 5 kids later. The failure of the marriage lays with Christine, Kody and polygamy.

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4 hours ago, JayDub1987 said:

Kody's little temper tantrum in the preview for next week actually made me shoot a little pre-bedtime whiskey out of my nose. That's gonna be so fun.

Robyn acting like she's personally offended by the fact that someone would dare defy her lord and savior Kody Brown was a BLAST. 

Meri, you're a stupid cunt muffin who TRIED TO DO WHAT CHRISTINE IS DOING! It's no one's fault but your own that you fell for a catfish scam and weren't smart enough to break away from the cult.

I would've given anything if Christine had looked at Robyn during her whole "You have to go to the church and ask for a divorce" thing and said, "Bitch. I left your little fucked up cult, and I don't have to ask anybody for anything." Alas, Christine is classier than me.


sister wives drinking games for you !!!😂😂😂😂

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5 hours ago, Granny58 said:

The frikkin' nerve of Robyn to tell Christine she is lying!!!  

Robyn's sweet fake facade has been torn down this episode. She was downright malicious and had the nastiest scowl on her face.  I don't get why Christine leaving has affected her so much. 

I wonder how Meri will feel when she see's Kody saying he doesn't consider himself married to her, doesn't love her and doesn't care if she leaves to "marry" someone else. But....she will continue to stay until the TLC checks stop and the show is cancelled. Same with Janelle. She will stay as long as the checks keep rolling in. 

That said, somebody please remind Meri of her emotional affair and the fact that she was so ready to walk out the door and leave them all in the dust if her catfisher was real. Why won't any of them say that? Too heavy for TV? It will only damage the family further? It's ok for them to rake Christine over the coals but Christine can't bring up what Meri did?  I hate Kody with a passion but don't blame him at all for wanting nothing to do with Meri. She proved she wasn't loyal, and his favorite word is "betrayed". She put the proverbial betrayal nail in the coffin and he will never get over it. 

Lastly, I am so sick of seeing them all sitting around in their circle outside and rehashing this split over and over again. It's getting boring and repetitive. They and the producers will milk it until there is nothing left to milk.

Edited by bichonblitz
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37 minutes ago, Art Of Noiz said:

Part of my mindfuck when I lived with a user/ and abuser was the charm he turned off and on. He always hit me in places bruises wouldn't show, and never enough to debilitate me so I couldn't go to work. I was the one with a steady job, he laid asphalt. One night he knocked me around, the next day while I was at work, he made rounds to two of my friends. One told me she could tell how much he loved me. She was serious. There were many people totally surprised when they found out why I left. 

My feeling about Kody is ..he is verbally and emotionally abusive at the least to all his wives and children. His image is at stake. He probably has a market for his g*n kits within the AUB. Blood Atonement. AUB militia.

Robyn's self created image is crumbling. She's like a cornered raccoon. Vicious. I believe she is a toxic non physical charmer/abuser.

Who do I need to go beat with a shoe??  With a brick attached maybe.   

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6 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Robyn's sweet fake facade has been torn down this episode. She was downright malicious and had the nastiest scowl on her face.  I don't get why Christine leaving has affected her so much. 

I wonder how Meri will feel when she see's Kody saying he doesn't consider himself married to her, doesn't love her and doesn't care if she leaves to "marry" someone else. But....she will continue to stay until the TLC checks stop and the show is cancelled. Same with Janelle. She will stay as long as the checks keep rolling in. 

That said, somebody please remind Meri of her emotional affair and the fact that she was so ready to walk out the door and leave them all in the dust if her catfisher was real. Why won't any of them say that? Too heavy for TV? It will only damage the family further? It's ok for them to rake Christine over the coals but Christine can't bring up what Meri did?  I hate Kody with a passion but don't blame him at all for wanting nothing to do with Meri. She proved she wasn't loyal, and his favorite word is "betrayed". She put the proverbial betrayal nail in the coffin and he will never get over it. 

Lastly, I am so sick of seeing them all sitting around in their circle outside and rehashing this split over and over again. It's getting boring and repetitive. They and the producers will milk it until there is nothing left to milk.

Right, and can you help me recall, for comparison purposes, what did the sister wives say to Meri when they were in a restaurant and Meri told them she thought of not going back?  I can’t recall her exact words, but it was after the Catfish….they were out of town I think.  

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2 hours ago, 65mickey said:

That was Kody who said that to Janelle that when the kids turn 18 she should put them out let them be on their own.  

Christine said that a few times, too. The last time shortly before they moved to Flagstaff. She said something to the effect when the kids turn 17, it's time for them to leave home. 

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1 hour ago, islandgal140 said:

Sobyn made up a complete conversation in her mind. She came over looking for any opportunity to fight. Did she really think any little technical detail she brought up would stop what was happening?!?! 

She absolutely did.  She even said so in a confessional, where she tried to put on her "I'm so confused!" face and wondered how she heard the conversations that she didn't hear because they never happened.  Robyn needs to write hers and Kody's scripts better - she's confusing her revisionist history with reality.

12 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

What is Ysabel supposed to think when Christine says, its about the kids? Gwen already had one foot out the door and Truely didn't even notice Kody wasn't around. My point is let the kids, including Ysabel, form their own opinion about Kody and don't say your marriage is over because of the way their dad ignored them. Its not their fault. We're talking 25 years and 5 kids later. The failure of the marriage lays with Christine, Kody and polygamy.

The failure absolutely lays with Christine, Kody and polygamy.  Christine saying it's about the kids - I took that as frustration and exhaustion on her part for trying so hard to play up Kody as this great dad for years and years when his actions told a different story.  I think she had an impossible balance between doubling-down to make her marriage work (since her own parents divorced) with seeing how differently Kody treated Robyn and her kids.  Kody almost let Truely die, he asked Ysabel to get on a plane by herself for surgery, he calls Paedon one of the family misfits and who knows what kind of relationship he has with Gwen (as I recall, Gwen was the one who, as a little girl, asked Logan to accompany her to the school's father/daughter dance so she may have had Kody's number for quite some time).  Kody failed at polygamy.  Christine failed by allowing herself and her kids to be treated like non-entities for as long as she did.  It's not the kids' fault at all, but if they noticed how miserable Christine was and they encouraged her to leave and be happy, then I can see where she would say she's doing it for the kids.

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We are to believe that Christine never entered into dialogue about her "loveless marriage?" I find that impossible to believe. She's on national television throwing digs for the last couple of season. No way there is not 'family conversation' about this all the time.

Again it's an unpopular opinion but as much as Kody had obviously manipulated COVID to his advantage, so did Christine. Their marriage was already broken. Recall when Kody took Meri on their "side of the highway anniversary date." His rant at that time was about Christine. Her refusal to live in one house. And her separation anxiety from Aspyn and Mykelti... The split had already occurred emotionally. 

The situation with COVID was used by both of them to divide and conquer. Rally the troops and pull supporters. 

I don't fault her AT ALL. YAY CHRISTINE!!  But I really can't buy everything that Christine sells when she's been selling "sister wives" for over 10 years. 

15 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

That said, somebody please remind Meri of her emotional affair and the fact that she was so ready to walk out the door and leave them all in the dust if her catfisher was real. Why won't any of them say that? Too heavy for TV? It will only damage the family further? It's ok for them to rake Christine over the coals but Christine can't bring up what Meri did?  I hate Kody with a passion but don't blame him at all for wanting nothing to do with Meri. She proved she wasn't loyal, and his favorite word is "betrayed". She put the proverbial betrayal nail in the coffin and he will never get over it. 

It's not exactly the same. Recall the rock family that Kody built. If Meri left, the structure would still be stable. But when Christine leaves the entire castle comes crashing down. Christine is taking the family with her. And that is why Meri is upset.

Because after thirty years she matters to no one and it's hitting her - all over again.  She maintained a "marriage" really as a membership card. But now, she won't even have access anymore. She's out. The family is gone- done. Finished.  Christine's leaving means Meri is completely cut out. And after thirty years, that's tough to realize - again. She has no return on her investment.

Yes much of that is her own fault!!!

But I can understand why she says she feels angry and betrayed.  It's tough to realize that you are truly alone after all that time. Kody gave up on them. And Christine gets to leave with the investment.

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14 minutes ago, Elodia said:

Christine said that a few times, too. The last time shortly before they moved to Flagstaff. She said something to the effect when the kids turn 17, it's time for them to leave home. 

I remember her saying that, but looking back, could it have been what Kody has wanted? She did try to please him in anyway even calling that disgusting noodle head her "handsome mahhn"? He seemed to also want to kick Janelles kids out due to them not following Robyns protuculls and specifically saying they were over 18 as well

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5 hours ago, Art Of Noiz said:

Robyn's self created image is crumbling. She's like a cornered raccoon. Vicious. I believe she is a toxic non physical charmer/abuser.

Robyn has always been nasty and vicious.  It's just that she kept herself in check.  If you want a glimpse of the real Robyn, watch Season 6 Episode 9 - “Sister Wives on the Rope”.  They are at a Town Hall meeting where attendees asked the Browns questions on polygamy.  One attendee asked Robyn a simple question and she viciously screamed at the lady, “Don’t Make me a victim, Sweetie”.  Everyone was shocked.  Even her sister wives.

Edited by Adeejay
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45 minutes ago, 65mickey said:

I don't remember her saying that but in What context was it said? Many parents say that they willl not let a child live at home after 18 if they are not in school or working. I doubt seriously that she would throw one of her children out of the home when they turned 18.  She told Kody that she was thinking about not selling the house but leaving it so Gwyn to have a place to stay and to rent out to her roommates. I also remember her saying she didn't want Gwyn to feel abandoned by her moving to Utah. 

Christine in no way comes across to me as an unconcerned parent. Kody holds a lock on that title.

She said she doesn’t allow kids to live with her after high school is over and none of them did. She didn’t say anything about it being related to work or school. 

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I stopped watching this series soon after Meri got her wet bar in Vegas. I dipped back in for the catfish scandal, remembered how annoying Kody is, and dipped right back out. I saw articles about Christine leaving, so I'm back, mostly because I'm trying to ignore real world stuff, and if Kody Brown is good for one thing, it's shutting down my brain. Anyhow, I have...


When did Kody change his religious beliefs? I vaguely remember the church refusing to baptize one of the girls (Maddie, maybe?), unless she cut off her family. Was it after that?

Did any of them ever discuss leaving their religion on the show, before last night?

Do Meri, Janelle, and Robyn still practice it?

I wasn't surprised to hear Christine say she was out. It makes sense with the "divorce." I was surprised when she said, "Neither of us (Kody & her) are part of that religion any more."

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Well, that episode was most entertaining. Robyn goes on and on about how Christine and Kody can't be divorced because they didn't get permission from the church, and go to extensive counselling that the church requires before they allow you to divorce. Cut to Christine saying that she doesn't belong to the church any longer, and neither does Kody. Lol. 

Then Kody says in a TH that he doesn't consider himself to be married to Meri any longer. What? Why isn't Robyn pointing out to Kody that he can't just ditch Meri, when she has pointed out to Christine that she can't just ditch Kody? SMH. 

I don't for a minute think that Meri is staying because she thinks that Kody might some day fall and hit his head, and forget that he has no use for her. She is staying for the paycheck, and that is her storyline.

Kody (and Robyn) meanwhile are freaking out because they are afraid the gravy train may be drying up. Christine is leaving, Meri is a sister wife but not a wife, and Janelle looks like she could walk at any time. After all these years, the thought of losing TLC money must be frightening.

The best scene though, and the one that made me laugh out loud, was the preview where Kody declared that he sacrificed to love Christine. I think it is the other way around, Kodster. But a narcissist is gonna narc. 

Edited by UsernameFatigue
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14 hours ago, Onecattoo said:

1. Kody will never own up to his relationship with his children being his responsibility and no one else’s.  Absolutely nothing has stopped him from picking up a phone or tablet and speaking directly to and connecting with his children for years!  They are not Robyn’s and Christines kids, they all have a father and they are HIS kids too. His lack of connection with them is a direct result if his own behavior toward them, and his own lack of participation in their lives.  Refusing to so much as stop by and pick Truly up for a one-on-one dinner after her long trip is just example 1,000,000 of all the ways he sucks as a father. 
2. How Robyn “misunderstood” some comment so grossly and reacted like a lunatic was bizarre.  She is clearly SO threatened by her awareness that the world sees the truth of her impact on the entire family and how her desire to ensure her kids got their due that she is the root of the family disintegration and she simply cannot stand it.  She came with an agenda and jumped in with both feet to call Christine a liar when just just week she admitted she knew Christine was unhappy and talking about leaving Kody in Vegas. 
3. Meri coming to the realization that when Christine simply states she’s no longer married to Kody since their marriage was spiritual and associated with a church none of them have attended for years, the marriage is in fact over…. it means no matter that Meri “stays”, Kody has actually already done the exact same thing to her so in fact he is NOT her husband and she’s not married because he has outright said multiple times he doesn’t consider himself married to Meri - that was fun!  On a side note…that hurts doesn’t it Kody?  You do not like it when someone else just decides they aren’t married to you anymore and just walks away without giving you the opportunity to agree that you will end your relationship.  Maybe you’ll have a little empathy for how Meri feels now (or not, you are a raging narcissist).  Yes Christine, you do just get to decide you’re divorced. 
4. Christine and Janelles kids are all pretty great.  They also have never treated Robyn's kids badly at all…that’s all just gaslite victimization. 
5. Kodys derangement next week looks enjoyable to watch. 
6. Christine has many faults and has made a lot of mistakes over the years, but she truly has stood up to Kody, Meri and Robyn’s tactics with grace and calm (for the most part) control.  Good for her. 
7. Kody…it cannot be any surprise to you that many of your adult children see right through you and your failure as a husband and parent, and have little interest in pretending you are a good guy any longer.  It’s your fault, not their mothers…cannot say that enough. 
8. If Janelle doesn’t either outright declare divorce or quiet quit, I’ll be disappointed.  
9. Kody…no one has ever thought you legitimacy to polygamy, you’ve always shown it’s a terrible way to live most of the time. 
10. Shut up Robyn. 

THIS!! 1000%

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31 minutes ago, UsernameFatigue said:

Well, that episode was most entertaining. Robyn goes on and on about how Christine and Kody can't be divorced because they didn't get permission from the church, and go to extensive counselling that the church requires before they allow you to divorce. Cut to Christine saying that she doesn't belong to the church any longer, and neither does Kody. Lol. 

When Robyn left her first husband did she get permission from the "church" or was she physical with another man to make the divorce official? After all she keeps telling us she had a lot of options and "chose" the family

Edited by zamp33
fixing a sentence
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4 hours ago, Sedona said:

I also found it weird that Christine made it a point to say Ysabel is close to Janelle’s daughters instead of saying Ysabel is close to her sisters, because they are her sisters even if “half”.

Yes, they're her sisters, but I heard Christine's point being that they're not Robyn's children. 

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2 minutes ago, zamp33 said:

When Robyn left her first husband did she get permission from the "church" or was she physical with another man to make the divorce official? After all she keeps telling us she had a lot of options and "chose" the family

Oh, you know that Kody made her eyes roll back all the way to those weird eyebrows she's always rocking.

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1 hour ago, Tuxcat said:

It's not exactly the same. Recall the rock family that Kody built. If Meri left, the structure would still be stable. But when Christine leaves the entire castle comes crashing down. Christine is taking the family with her. And that is why Meri is upset.

But I can understand why she says she feels angry and betrayed.  It's tough to realize that you are truly alone after all that time. Kody gave up on them. And Christine gets to leave with the investment.

I don't feel sorry for Meri; she deserves everything that she is getting.  "Congratulations, you're leaving the family!" sarcastically said the woman who was on her way out until her suitor turned out to be a catfish.  Every time she opens her mouth to say anything negative about Christine, someone should remind her of her little speech in that restaurant in Alaska.  I think Meri is just jealous that Kody is losing his ever-loving mind over Christine leaving but is on national television telling her to go the eff away.  I can’t begin to imagine what she would have done if after the catfish saga, the family had treated her the way they are treating Christine. 

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5 hours ago, Elodia said:

I think so too. Kody treated her and her (!) kids like shit for ages, but only when he told her there would never be intimacy between them again she chose to pack his stuff and leave. I mean, I get that. But it's not because of her kids. It never was.

I think it was both of those things and probably a lot more...things accumulated over the years...i think she tried to make excuses for him for a very long time, but when he continued to be an ass, there was eventually going to be "the straw that broke the camel's back"...she stayed for the children, hoping for some semblance of a relationship and family...he contributed zero to all boxes and she had enough

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5 hours ago, laurakaye said:

Season 17, Episode ?? – The Calm Before the Storm

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We are RIGHT on the precipice of watching Kody completely lose his mind, y’all.  The first part of this ep was filler, but the second part – the MEETING – was like seeing a massive thunderstorm on the horizon and watching it creep slowly towards your house.  And I have questions.  So many questions.  Let’s unpack!

The filler portion was actually nice, if I’m being honest.  We see pictures of Christine, Truely and Ysabel on their trip to Maddie and Caleb’s in NC.  The trip took 6 days, they made several fun stops along the way.  Truely complains about riding in the cramped back seat, and tells us that she’ll miss Yizzie (love the nickname) about a 7 out of 10, which means that she will miss her very much.  Ysabel and Christine discuss, in turn, their dependence on each other, especially through the last difficult year, and while they will miss each other, they need to be apart for both of their sakes.  Wise words from Ysabel – it’s good that she recognizes that it might not be healthy for her mom to lean so hard on Ysabel, and also that she’s looking forward to spending time with a couple that has a good relationship, unlike her own mother and sperm donor.  Hunter joins them for dinner, and looking at this particular gathering of Browns who actually seem to enjoy each other’s company is a sharp contrast to just how much some of these people can’t stand to be in the same room together.  As far as I’m concerned this gathering is because of Christine, period.  I hope Kody and Robyn watched this and felt regret, but we know that narcissistic sociopaths don’t have those kinds of fillings.

Now for this next portion, I hope y’all have empty bladders because you’re going to laugh so hard, you might tinkle!  You guys – It’s Meri and Just Jen, the besties from Fridays with Friends!  Here on our teevees!  They are so FUNNY, I can hardly make out what they’re saying from all the laughing!  Meri tells us that Just Jen dropped everything to help her when her mom passed, which again – my heart isn’t so cold that I can’t recognize that it was a nice thing to do for Meri, considering her own family did next to nothing.  Between the raucous non-stop giggle fest, Meri says that Jen is her BFF but not her sister wife!  Hahaha!  Then Meri says, “sorry Robyn!”  And I rewound this portion a couple of times to try and understand if this was a burn on Robyn  - if it is, I don’t really get it, but then we segue abruptly from Lizzie’s Laugh Fest to the biggest sourpuss to ever grace reality tv – Robyn Brown, who mopes that some sister wives are indeed besties, and that’s what she wanted from her own sister wife relationships but it’s not working out that way.  Gee, I can’t imagine why that would be?  Poor lonely Robyn, all alone in a mansion with Mr. CrazyPants.  Hahahahaha, now THAT’s funny!  Kody also chimes in with his grumpy assessment that Meri has basically been a pain in his ass since Day One so he’s glad that there’s one person in Meri’s universe that actually gives a damn about her, ‘cause it ain’t him.  Man, he is SUCH a jerk.  But  he’s only getting started in this episode.

Let’s just skip the part where Christine and Truely are re-arranging furniture, and Christine’s realtor comes by to tell her that she’s sold her house, and get to the MEETING.  Dun-dun-DUNNNNNNNN.

Christine has beckoned everyone to her home (not for long!) to discuss something important.  In turn, we see Janelle, who thinks she knows what Christine is up to, Robyn who is just all stressed out (sure, Jan), Meri who is filling lots of emotions like betrayal and hurt, and Kody who is just angry at Christine, angry that she’s leaving, angry that she just gets to do whatever she wants, etc.  This should be a super fun meeting!

Christine takes a deep breath and tells everyone that her house has sold and she’s moving the following week.  Janelle immediately says “YAY!” and wow, does this piss Kody off!  His perm is in a tizzy when he interviews that he doesn’t understand why Janelle is so happy for Christine, because Kody is furious that Christine has the gall to leave his ass – and in the next breath, he tells us how he’s never going to beg her to stay with offers of his undying love because he doesn’t even LIKE Christine.  SO WHICH IS IT?  Why is he so steamed that she’s leaving when he can’t even stand the sight of her?  Why does he not care at all if Meri runs off to Disneyland with a banana but he goes apoplectic when Christine finally has enough of his emotional abuse to go where she’s actually loved?  Sidebar here – I think the final straw for Christine was when everyone – Janelle included – gaslit her on her desire to move to Utah and Meri told her to look at the stupid mountains.  That is when I think something snapped in Christine’s mind and gave her clarity that she no longer needed to stick around and be ignored and belittled on the daily.  So for Kody to pretend to be enraged that he had no notice of anything Christine has been doing to prepare to leave him is literal crap – he knew.  HE KNEW.  His pwecious widdle ego has taken a big hit, by the wife he always thought would shut up and keep sweet, and he cannot stand it.

Robyn dries a non-existent tear and says that Christine can’t just leave – doesn’t she have to go to the church and ask for a divorce?  BUT – then Robyn interviews that Christine no longer follows their faith, but neither does Kody.  I don’t know why that was a shock to me, but it was.  And trying to follow Robyn’s logic that they have to go to their church leaders to be officially divorced when neither one is in the faith AND they were never legally married?  Make NO sense.  Robyn is trying her hardest to muddy the waters and confuse Christine, but lady – you don’t know who you’re messing with anymore.  This isn’t the meek third wife who humbly begged your forgiveness for her jealousy with the gift of an embroidered craft from Hobby Lobby – this is the new Christine who wants to burn it all down to the ground and start from scratch.  Robyn is clearly frazzled when every arrow she throws at Christine is calmly rebuffed, and it’s a beautiful thing to witness.  Kody says that he never signed any divorce papers and again, how could he when there was nothing to sign?  These two – I swear they practice their righteous indignation in the mirror before every family meeting.  It’s both hilarious and unsettling to watch them go at Christine like bad cop/bad cop.  Meri’s sad hair interviews that if Christine leaves and Kody just goes along with it, does that mean she’s not married to Kody either?  YES, GIRL.  This is EXACTLY what it means.  But Meri says what we all knew all along – she’s going to hang around like a wart on Kody’s butt on the off-chance that Kody doesn’t rilly loathe her and someday, might just want to work things out.  Immediately we cut to Kody who says, “Nope.  Never gonna happen.  No way.”  I laugh out loud – the editors are having some fun this season.

Kody goes on to yammer about how Meri no longer fits in with the family, which is a shitty thing to say out loud, but this jerk takes it a step further – he also tells us that Leon and Paedon also don’t fit in the family.  By whose definition?  Kody’s?  Really?  I was stunned that he said that out loud, on camera.  My instinct is that he picked on Leon and Paedon because both of them have been outspoken on social media about how they don’t respect Kody but that doesn’t mean they don’t “fit in the family.”  It means he has no use for them.  That’s different from not “fitting.”  Is he trying to hurt his kids, and then when they don’t react, cut them even deeper?  He is honestly a monster.

Wrapping up this shitstorm, Christine tells the gathering that things were bad between her and Kody as far back as Las Vegas, to which our resident Eyebrow Expert says, “that’s a lie!”  You guys, what are we even watching anymore?  Should this show be re-named to “Everyone Gaslights Christine?”  Or maybe “This is Us Trying to Take Down Christine?”  Just because Robyn pretended not to know about the tension between Kody and Christine, she tells Christine that things were great in LV and Christine is just making things up and…….my fingers hurt from rage, once again.  The fact that Christine didn’t get up and slap Robyn right off her lawn chair absolutely amazes me.  We end this episode perfectly, with Christine telling us that she is leaving with a clear conscious, because who wants to be married to a man who plays clear favorites and constantly breaks his kids’ hearts?  Not her.  SHE OUT.

BUT NEXT TIME on Sister Wives…..THE STORM ARRIVES.  Bring popcorn and cheap wine, it's gonna be GOOD.

Wish I could love this more than once! Thank you for the spot on post and also for the laughs ☺

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20 minutes ago, Adeejay said:

I don't feel sorry for Meri; she deserves everything that she is getting.  "Congratulations, you're leaving the family!" sarcastically said the woman who was on her way out until her suitor turned out to be a catfish.  Every time she opens her mouth to say anything negative about Christine, someone should remind her of her little speech in that restaurant in Alaska.  I think Meri is just jealous that Kody is losing his ever-loving mind over Christine leaving but is on national television telling her to go the eff away.  I can’t begin to imagine what she would have done if after the catfish saga, the family had treated her the way they are treating Christine. 

My attempts at validating Meri's feelings does not equal me "feeling sorry for her." I'm just saying she is having normal feelings of anger, frustration, betrayal and pain. Of course she's responsible for that. Of course she's been problematic. But they all have. And while the storyline during the catfishing scandal didn't spell it out - it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know how Kody must have actually reacted to that. And to know how the others did too.  Meri was cut out from the family. All relationships severed. Yes, by her own doing. But let's not act like the "adults" were not all talking about her "betrayal" then. 

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reading comments and have come to 2 conclusions.  I think it was the many factors of Christine's life (nonintimate marriage, basement wife, AND Kody's lack of engagement with the kids) that just built up and made her decide.   Not any one specific thing.  

Also, I think if I were in Meri's or Janelle's position, I might stick around too.  What the heck, where will they get that kind of money again?  And the spotlight on TV!  They don't give a crap about Scroty, no matter what Meri says.  They do their own thing.  Why not milk it for all it's worth.  

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