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S17.E02: Is There a Favorite Wife?

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If Kody had ANYTHING important to do that would actually keep him SO BUSY don’t you think he would allow it all to be filmed? He must not work at all. The only things he seems to do to keep busy is ride around in his car, pick out shovels, and visit coyote pass! And it was so telling when he explained that he would rather pay someone to babysit his kids. Father of the year there! Not. 

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5 hours ago, invisiblegirl12 said:

did anyone else get a little side-eyed when Christine mentioned how much Caleb has wanted Ysabel to move in with them? Is this possibly a sneaky way of creating a polygamous household without actually coming out and saying it? And maybe even Maddie and Ysabel aren't aware of it, but from the outside looking in, it sure would appear like Caleb's got two young wives in one household... 🤔 

I didn’t get that at all. Ysabel is a mini- Christine who seems very warm and partial to young children. Caleb seems too tired to even worry about a second wife. And no way Maddie allows that. 

1 hour ago, mythoughtis said:

Caleb and Maddie are 3/4 of the way across the country from her family and I believe, from his.  They have two small children, with at least one with survival needs. He works and Maddie goes to college. A live  in babysitter related to Maddie is probably a miracle to him.  His family was not into polygamy.  His sister was married to Kody’s brother Curtis who did not believe in polygamy and was estranged from his and Kody’s dad as a result. 

Exactly. Maddie was raised by Christine and probably considers it a privilege to have Ysabel help her with her own children. 

1 hour ago, toodywoody said:

Did anyone see Paedons TikTok? The shade was great.

I like how Paedon has spoken truth about Kody and Robyn, but I’ve heard he’s said some prejudicial things about Leon. 

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6 hours ago, laurakaye said:
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The TLC intern made a slight error in naming this episode – “Is There a Favorite Wife” should’ve been, of course, “There IS a Favorite Wife.”  I guess we can let it go this time, young intern, but we’ve got our eyes on you.

We open on a Janelle talking head, where she admits – despite Robyn’s Kody’s 250-page binder listing the Brown Fahm’ly Covid Protoculls  - that she has Covid, as does Garrison, Gabe and Savanah.  She feels like crap.  This is great news for Kody, because it shows that not only did his protoculls work (since he doesn’t have Covid himself) but it means he’s free and clear from having to stop by Janelle’s house and deal with her no-good, free-loading sons for at least two full weeks.  It’s twisted but Covid is the best thing that happened to Kody Brown – he can be at Robyn’s beck and call and it’s not his fault he can’t go anywhere else!  It’s Covid-19’s fault!  He is blameless, you guys – and we’re just getting started.

Kody tells us - in a self-filmed segment from a cozy spot inside of his closet full of Ed Hardy bedazzled lavender shirts - that he simply won’t take accountability for the fact that Christine is leaving him, since her reason for leaving is that he rarely comes over to her house - he says that since Christine keeps insisting on traveling to see her kids in Utah, he can’t possibly come over and risk getting exposed to all her nasty cooties.  But since Kody was rarely at Christine’s house, his reasoning is moot.  He can’t get exposed if he’s never there in the first place.  But honestly, trying to reason with Kody Brown is like trying to reason with a toddler who missed a nap and has a full diaper, and Christine knows this - which is why she answers every one of his accusations throughout this episode with a steadfast certainty that we have not previously seen from her…clearly, taking care of all those children has come in handy for dealing with the biggest child of them all.

Robyn – in a stunning black and purple shiny polyester leopard print blouse (seriously, WHERE does this woman shop?  From the 1981 JC Penney catalog?) – insists that Kody shares his time evenly and if they aren’t tracking that, it’s because they’re struggling – with what, I wonder?  The fact that Kody is never at anyone else’s house?  Because if they’re struggling with that, then clearly he is NOT spreading his time evenly.  Kody and Robyn Brown – Master and Mistress of Gaslighting and Double-Talk, ladies and gentlemen.  Suddenly a disembodied, nails-on-a-chalkboard voice screeches to us that Kody has always been super busy and energetic – who is this??  OH, it’s Meri – I forgot all about her.  She’s STILL here?  The camera flashes on her image and look, I know that wearing horizontal stripes makes one look wider and that the camera adds ten pounds, but WHOA – maybe it’s the camera angle but Meri looks far heavier than Janelle at this point.  The only Meri Brown I am familiar with has the flawless skin of Malibu Barbie and the slim physique of a seasoned athlete, so to come face to orange-tinted face with the real Meri Is jarring.  Janelle pops up and says that she never really knows where the hell Kody is…and I’d like to give the TLC production person a raise because these statements are intercut with images of Kody running aimlessly around the Vegas cul-de-sac like an unhinged lunatic, followed by a clip of him selecting the perfect shovel for scraping snow off of logs on Coyote Pass and – my fave – a drone shot of him standing alone on a pathetic mountain of dirt like he’s playing King of the Castle.  That’s what he’s doing when he’s not visiting his lesser wives and their pesky kids?  Busy my ass – busy hiding from everyone.  That’s likely why he won’t give up Coyote Pass – he’s probably building a tree fort with a sign that says “No Girlz Allowed” as we speak.

Robyn blathers about how Kody is just SO BUSY that she had to hire a nanny to help her with her kids because it wouldn’t be fair to ask Kody to help, since he’s got all of these other stupid obligations to his other kids…and then we hear from Big Daddy who tells us that he’d rather pay someone 20 bucks an hour to watch his kids rather than he himself “baby-sitting” (&^%#$) them because time is money and if he’s stuck in the house trying to keep Ariabellilbla from swinging off the chandelier, he doesn’t have time to check and see if anyone wants him to do a $100 Cameo (still no takers, big guy? Shocker) or to drive around in his convertible wearing his sun visor pretending to take important calls.  The man has obligations!  Just not to his family.  Except Robyn.  It’s simple, really.  But it still doesn’t explain why most of his talking heads are coming from inside his closet.

If you were worried that we wouldn’t get a segment of Robyn’s Dry Cries© (patent pending), fear not.  Look, this pandemic has been hard on her too.  Yes, Kody is at her house 99.9% of the time, but he’s grumpy!  And he’s stressed!  Those logs on Coyote Pass aren’t going to strip themselves!  So it’s not as much fun winning the game having him there ‘cause he’s not the happy-go-lucky doofus that she fell in love with.  As she expertly dabs at a non-existent tear, she tells us she misses her husband.  Oh, poor baby – cry me a dry river, Dark Queen.  You got what you wanted, but now you don’t want it anymore.  To which I reply – hahahahahahaha.  Have fun cleaning his weave from the shower drain on Planet Kody forever.

Back in Christine’s library, she and Kody are talking again.  Kody actually apologizes for being so angry at Christine last time they talked but before my ice-cold heart can melt just a bit, he tells us in a talking head that he thinks her leaving is an injustice to HIM.  He’s afraid she’s going to go around the country telling everyone what a massive jerk he is.  First, if Christine did do a country-wide tour to talk about her life, I would buy a ticket – but second, no one who watches this show needs her to tell us anything about what a dorkwaffle she married…we can certainly see that for ourselves.  Kody may have temporarily pulled the wool over the eyes of The Big Three, but I think it’s safe to say that none of us have been fooled with regard to Kody Brown since the end of season 1.

Let’s try to wrap this up because while this was a good episode for drama and truth-bombs, it’s basically Kody saying that he’s disgusted that Christine wants to break up his precious family – you know, the family that he has no intentions of seeing unless he happens to bump into Garrison at the 7-11 or something.  Speaking of Garrison, Kody tells us that this same narcissistic kid gave Kody a call telling him to peace out, see you never.  Kody is galled – GALLED – at the nerve of this brat who he explicitly ordered to move out of his mother’s house so Kody could spend 15 minutes every other month seeing Janelle and Savanah.  Who does Garrison think he is?  Janelle manages to make me laugh when she tells us that Kody can’t do jack about who lives in her house, since it’s her name on the lease.  Robyn pipes up saying that she’s rilly tried to talk to Gabe and Garrison but they shut her down every time (virtual high-five to G&G).  But then Janelle tells us that whatever minimal time and effort she’s currently getting from Kody works for her – unfortunately her boys don’t see things the same way…while it might be fine for Janelle to interact with Kody once every blue moon, her boys would actually like a relationship with their father.  Janelle has dropped lower than Meri in my wife rankings, because she’s actively allowing Kody to hurt her kids while filming it for our entertainment, so she can suck off to Planet Kody and play second fiddle to Robyn and “buddy” to Kody for eternity.

In conclusion, Ysabel has decided to move in with Maddie and Caleb in order to attend school, and Christine wisely admits that this will be great for Ysabel – to not only be away from Christine while she figures out how to break away from Kody, but so Ysabel can see what a real relationship looks like.  Kody pretends to be worried that Christine bailing on him will cause Ysabel to seek out unhealthy relationships, which is funny – look at your other kids, toolbag.  They moved away from you and they all seem to be doing just fine.  They’re just not that into you, Father of the Year.  Look in the mirror - actually, never mind - you'll just get distracted by your hair.  Jerk.

Episode 2 - it's getting rill, y'all.  Still boring, but rill.

Yes, @laurakaye! You brought it! 🔥

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2 hours ago, toodywoody said:

Did anyone see Paedons TikTok? The shade was great.

Are you talking about the one where he compares a man who brags about being strong and a leader, and actually isn’t, to his mother who doesn’t, but is? If so, I loved it. 

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13 hours ago, laurakaye said:

I’d like to give the TLC production person a raise because these statements are intercut with images of Kody running aimlessly around the Vegas cul-de-sac like an unhinged lunatic, followed by a clip of him selecting the perfect shovel for scraping snow off of logs on Coyote Pass and – my fave – a drone shot of him standing alone on a pathetic mountain of dirt like he’s playing King of the Castle.  That’s what he’s doing when he’s not visiting his lesser wives and their pesky kids?  Busy my ass – busy hiding from everyone.  That’s likely why he won’t give up Coyote Pass – he’s probably building a tree fort with a sign that says “No Girlz Allowed” as we speak.

I laughed like a lunatic. I have tears in my eyes. My sides hurt. @laurakaye your snark is so appreciated.


Kody: My kids claim I'm neglecting them...but really they feel bad about their own reactions to Covid.

Me: Or they're upset you're neglecting them.


Kody: Mean ole Christine is taking my kids away from meeeeee!

Christine: I still want you involved in the kids' lives (well, not still involved...involved for the first time). How about you come along to move Ysabel to NC?

Kody: Nah.

Edited by the-grey-lady
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6 hours ago, invisiblegirl12 said:

did anyone else get a little side-eyed when Christine mentioned how much Caleb has wanted Ysabel to move in with them? Is this possibly a sneaky way of creating a polygamous household without actually coming out and saying it? And maybe even Maddie and Ysabel aren't aware of it, but from the outside looking in, it sure would appear like Caleb's got two young wives in one household... 🤔 

Came here to say this.  Maddie better keep her eyes wide open. 

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2 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

It is standard for the parents to be ordered to NOT discuss marital problems or the other parent’s faults in the presence or earshot of the kids.  To air it all on tv is just disgusting.

1.  They knew the were selling their souls to the devil when they signed on, every single one of them.  That's what "reality" TV is about because....

2. They have viewers that continue to watch despite how disgusting and hurtful this all is to the kids.

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Every time a parent insults the other in front of a kid, that kid too feels the insult because both parents are part of them. And then of course there is parental alienation. Not good at all. Hopefully they are at least shielding Truely from this because she is young.

One thing I call bullshit on though is Christine repeatedly mentioning (at least once an episode) the hospital staff asking them where the dad is. They just don't do that. Families (as Christine well knows) come in all shapes and sizes.

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2 hours ago, ginger90 said:

Are you talking about the one where he compares a man who brags about being strong and a leader, and actually isn’t, to his mother who doesn’t, but is? If so, I loved it. 

Yes, I was laughing. 

It's always been my understanding that when a person has to tell you how good of a person, wife, father,  worker, sexual partner or anything else then they aren't. People who are all those,  don't have to say it over and over for people to believe it.

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42 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

Every time a parent insults the other in front of a kid, that kid too feels the insult because both parents are part of them. And then of course there is parental alienation. Not good at all. Hopefully they are at least shielding Truely from this because she is young.

One thing I call bullshit on though is Christine repeatedly mentioning (at least once an episode) the hospital staff asking them where the dad is. They just don't do that. Families (as Christine well knows) come in all shapes and sizes.

I thought it sounded off too.  Would medical staff be that insensitive about something that is none of their business?   Medical personnel don’t know your specific situation.  There could be money issues that prevent one parent from being available, safety issues, legal reasons, bad history, restraining orders, health, etc.  I attend all my dad’s medical appointments and procedures and I have never been questioned about where my mom is.  They assume I’m there for good cause and don’t pry.  

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1 hour ago, GeeGolly said:

Every time a parent insults the other in front of a kid, that kid too feels the insult because both parents are part of them. And then of course there is parental alienation. Not good at all. Hopefully they are at least shielding Truely from this because she is young.

They may be shielding her from this in person, in real time, but all of the kids are going to watch this show someday, or hear about it from a friend who has. It is bonkers to me how much dirty laundry these people air publicly, and how many mean or humiliating things they say to/about each other on camera. That can't possibly be good for anyone, other than the TV paycheck it provides for the family.

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10 hours ago, laurakaye said:

Speaking of Garrison, Kody tells us that this same narcissistic kid gave Kody a call telling him to peace out, see you never.  Kody is galled – GALLED – at the nerve of this brat who he explicitly ordered to move out of his mother’s house so Kody could spend 15 minutes every other month seeing Janelle and Savanah.  Who does Garrison think he is? 

 manages to make me laugh when she tells us that Kody can’t do

First, Laurakaye, you need to get a job writing a sitcom. Very funny but true post.

I was so pissed off when Kody said his kid was a narcissist. What parent who loves his child says that on national tv? 

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9 hours ago, invisiblegirl12 said:

did anyone else get a little side-eyed when Christine mentioned how much Caleb has wanted Ysabel to move in with them? Is this possibly a sneaky way of creating a polygamous household without actually coming out and saying it? And maybe even Maddie and Ysabel aren't aware of it, but from the outside looking in, it sure would appear like Caleb's got two young wives in one household... 🤔 

I believe that Caleb's intentions are good. Ysabel looks up to him and he wants to help her. Not everyone in this world is suspicious and bad. Maddie and Caleb love, and want to help, Maddie's little sister. That's what I think.

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11 hours ago, laurakaye said:

Speaking of Garrison, Kody tells us that this same narcissistic kid gave Kody a call telling him to peace out, see you never.  Kody is galled – GALLED – at the nerve of this brat who he explicitly ordered to move out of his mother’s house so Kody could spend 15 minutes every other month seeing Janelle and Savanah.  Who does Garrison think he is? 

First, Laurakaye, you need to get a job writing a sitcom. Very funny but true post.

I was so pissed off when Kody said his kid was a narcissist. What parent who loves his child says that on national tv? 

It is interesting to think about how this show started off years ago: sort of like a documentary to show us the life of a plural marriage and dispel myths. Now it seems that Christine was faking it for at least 10 years, Meri was discontent, Janelle just likes being left alone, the kids are full of resentment and Robyn can't raise her own kids let alone mother 10 others. And Kody is now fed up with plural marriage. Gee, how's polygamy working out for the Browns now?

Koddy has become very bitter and hateful. At least in the beginning of the series he seemed happy and loving to the wives and kids. I think things changed once everyone lived separately and the wives realized they like it that way.

Funniest sight ever: Kody acting like he was King of the World! standing on top of his dirt pile.

Edited by MsMalin
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4 hours ago, kassa said:

I have loved watching Christine's transformation. She was the most indoctrinated and terrified of life outside of polygamy, but watching her children (biological and otherwise) grow up and embrace monogamy, find supportive spouses and happiness, and find peace in their households without Kody drama has really set her free. She had seen her mother break away so she knew it could be done, but something about those circumstances which we've never been told clearly made it not seem like an attractive option.  Guess the COVID space and perhaps some well timed prompts from the kids made her realize that she was already alone, and being alone and FREE would be better.

I think her mom was alienated from the family after she left, and that Christine was concerned she'd lose the relationships with Janelle's adult/young adult children if she left. We saw her relief that Maddie still considers her a permanent member of the family, for example.

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Christine has decided she no longer believes in plural marriage because her part of a plural marriage is really no marriage at all.  Meri for some reason wants to stay in a plural marriage; she wants to renew her sexual relationship with Cootie, so she's staying.  She's happy, I guess, with the lifestyle being on the show affords her, and she probably spends a lot of her time pushing those leggings she sells.  So she stays, but she's not really in what I would call a plural marriage.  Janelle "gets what she wants" from Cootie; I'm assuming no sex and no pressure to do much of anything she doesn't want to do--again, not really a plural marriage.

Robbery is perfectly happy to stay in a plural marriage because she isn't really in one, either.  She and Cootie are monogamous--there's not even "favorite" involved here--she's his *only* wife in reality.  I don't think you can say it's really her *fault,* exactly, but she certainly has done nothing to discourage the little pecks on the cheek and just general warmth Cootie shows to her and not to any of the other wives.

In earlier seasons, it did seem to me that he was at least trying to spread the Cooties around, but gradually I think he just said fuck it.

No, Cootie, this is all on your shoulders.  You've alienated a lot of your children and lost the wifely love of 3/4 of your women.  You should've tried harder not to be so obviously in love with Robbery.  Most of us, I think, roll our eyes at the suggestion of polygamy, assuming it's a cheap and easy way for a man to whore around without worrying about getting the clap; if that were true, wouldn't Cootie be able to service even Mery?  He could lie there and think of Joseph Smith.

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Here is an idea Robyn, take care of your children.  You don’t work and you don’t need a nanny.  I don’t remember Kody ever taking care of any of the children.

Can you believe that Kody charges $99 for a cameo.  Maybe that’s were he got the $200 per hour from.  Good lord are people crazy.  Meri charges $60 and Christine $40.  

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Drives me crazy to hear a parent talk about babysitting their children. It’s not babysitting, it’s called being a parent. These children that you brought into the world need attention from their father, not just a nanny you’ve hired because you can’t be bothered to parent.  That goes for you too, Robyn.  And do something about your eyebrows, they remind me of sperm. 


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I don't know about Janelle leaving Kody. Christine said on the show that Janelle is Ok with her arengement with Kody. She gets what she needs from it. Basically to call him a husband and maybe once in awhile to have him pay a visit. But her kids likely would be happy if she got out of this arrangement. I hope she does leave but I will not hold my breath. 

I can see where Janelle is content with her relationship with Kody but I think she is devoted to her kids and I think what will push her over the edge is Kody's treatment of them. It wouldn't surprise me if she was the next to go.


Drives me crazy to hear a parent talk about babysitting their children. It’s not babysitting, it’s called being a parent. These children that you brought into the world need attention from their father, not just a nanny you’ve hired because you can’t be bothered to parent.  That goes for you too, Robyn.  And do something about your eyebrows, they remind me of sperm. 

Such a disconnect - in one breath, Kody is talking about how he would rather pay someone to watch his kids than do it himself and in the next breath, he's complaining about not having strong relationships with them. Hmmmmmmm....

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5 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

Every time a parent insults the other in front of a kid, that kid too feels the insult because both parents are part of them. And then of course there is parental alienation. Not good at all. Hopefully they are at least shielding Truely from this because she is young.

One thing I call bullshit on though is Christine repeatedly mentioning (at least once an episode) the hospital staff asking them where the dad is. They just don't do that. Families (as Christine well knows) come in all shapes and sizes.

My husband works in a hospital and during the worst of Covid, most people couldn’t have any visitors and minors could only have one person with them. It’s doubtful they would be telling her her dad was coming, she isn’t five years old. 

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10 minutes ago, Madding crowd said:

My husband works in a hospital and during the worst of Covid, most people couldn’t have any visitors and minors could only have one person with them. It’s doubtful they would be telling her her dad was coming, she isn’t five years old. 

Actually my daughter had surgery in July and someone said to her that her dad could also come in….I’m a single adoptive parent so that’s not likely lol.  It may have happened, just an off hand remark, especially if she mentioned she’s wearing her dads hoodie. 

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OMG! I can't believe what I just saw!! And at the end his fear of losing his relationship with Ysabel if she left. DUDE/Douche that happened when you didn't go with her  to her surgery! Your fault and no one else's...

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8 hours ago, mrs ra said:

If Kody had ANYTHING important to do that would actually keep him SO BUSY don’t you think he would allow it all to be filmed? He must not work at all. 

He said in this episode that during COVID that he wasn't working.  So he must have been busy busy busy avoiding Robyn & the kids - hiding in the closet or garage or perhaps driving nowhere in his car.  I recall one of Kootie's videos-while-driving last season where it sounded like he was just out for a 2-hr drive to nowhere.

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Was I the only one laughing their ass off when Kody was hiding in the closet during his interview? I mean dude lives in a mansion and he’s in the closet to get some peace and quiet. I was just picturing Robyn zonked out on the sofa ordering more figurines while little Aerosol can was swinging from the rafters screaming. Part of me hopes she’s as chaotic as Kody and gives him and Robyn no peace whatsoever.

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3 hours ago, Emmeline said:

Here is an idea Robyn, take care of your children.  You don’t work and you don’t need a nanny.  I don’t remember Kody ever taking care of any of the children.

Can you believe that Kody charges $99 for a cameo.  Maybe that’s were he got the $200 per hour from.  Good lord are people crazy.  Meri charges $60 and Christine $40.  

If memory serves, Kody was “babysitting” - coddling Robyn’s high strung screamers - while Truely slowly died under the supervision of her teenaged sisters.  

I wouldn’t want him responsible for any sentient being. Christine finally drew the line with Kody’s neglect of Ysabel, but he’d proven years earlier that her children were not important to him. 

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43 minutes ago, deirdra said:

He said in this episode that during COVID that he wasn't working.  So he must have been busy busy busy avoiding Robyn & the kids - hiding in the closet or garage or perhaps driving nowhere in his car.  I recall one of Kootie's videos-while-driving last season where it sounded like he was just out for a 2-hr drive to nowhere.

I wish he would take an endless drive to nowhere.

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I was so sick of the entire focus last season being Covid, looked forward to something different this season but no, Kodvid is still yapping about Covid.  It's his excuse for everything, being a shitty husband, a shitty dad.  He complains about Christine taking Truely eight whole hours away (OMG a one day car ride!) when all through the pandemic he wouldn't even touch her.  Meanwhile, Robyn lets a nanny in their house, who caught Covid at one point.  Then of course Christine leaving has nothing to do with him, it's all her and her "issues."  Mr. No Accountability strikes again.

Edited by Dobian
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14 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

He has to go hide in the garage or better yet the closet to get some peace.

I was coming here to ask why he films himself in a closet with his plaid shirts hanging all around him, so thanks for the explanation 

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I was coming here to ask why he films himself in a closet with his plaid shirts hanging all around him, so thanks for the explanation 

Kody might spend most of his time at Robyn's house, but I have a feeling he doesn't spend all that much time interacting with the kids. I'm guessing he is on his phone or in the garage "seeking peace" more than he's playing with or talking to her children. I doubt Robyn gets much assistance than Christine got. The only difference is that Kody actually hangs out with Robyn and talks to her.  And that's why Kody is so annoyed that Christine wouldn't "mother" Robyn's kids. He wanted Christine to play nanny so Robyn wouldn't be distracted and could focus on him, and would probably stop complaining that he doesn't help. 

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16 hours ago, EarlGreyTea said:

I thought it was genius of Christine to graciously invite Kody to help Ysabel move in. That way, he can't complain that she is keeping him from Ysabel, she shows she can be civil, and she gave him several good options that got around his COVID fears.

Deliciously brilliant, because now the ball is in his court and he can't  blame Christine or anyone else for not accommodating his ass.

I don’t know if Christine has been working with a counselor who helps people get out of terrible relationships or what but she’s approached all of her conversations with Kody about leaving in a much cleverer way than I would have guessed she would have. Giving him all these options to help with Ysabel’s move was the example this week and last week it was just repeatedly asking “why do you want me to stay?” because she knew he was incapable of saying anything close to “because I love you.” 

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9 hours ago, Onecattoo said:

Actually my daughter had surgery in July and someone said to her that her dad could also come in….I’m a single adoptive parent so that’s not likely lol.  It may have happened, just an off hand remark, especially if she mentioned she’s wearing her dads hoodie. 

This year the rules are relaxed, Ysabel’s surgery was during the Covid shut downs.

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Hard to know what she meant by the doctors asking.  Ysabel could have been face timing with him from her bed and he was talking about how he couldn't wait to see her and the nurse/doctor assumed that meant he would be joining her after she was discharged. Hell, she could have deflected and implied he was coming as soon as he could travel with the covid restrictiosn and then the doctor was talking to Christine, assuming it was going to happen and would lift her spirits. 

But if it was more than once within very specific circumstances there's something very wrong with that medical staff.

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9 hours ago, Gramto6 said:

OMG! I can't believe what I just saw!! And at the end his fear of losing his relationship with Ysabel if she left. DUDE/Douche that happened when you didn't go with her  to her surgery! Your fault and no one else's...

*And* he confessed earlier that his big worry was that Christine would hook up with some "sleazo" (hmmm... you worry that history would repeat itself, Cootie?) who would "take all my money--he even made her promise that wouldn't happen.  *Then* it's "oh, yeah... um... I'd miss my kids, too."

He says he doesn't mind *watching* them but doesn't want to do activities with them.  As a mother of just two, I know what that means.  "As long as I can sit here and watch my football game/work on my Ponzi scheme while the kids play quietly and leave me alone, I'm happy to take care of them while you go get your Pap smear."  But he has zero interest in going hiking with them or in any other activity that would interrupt his whatever-it-is-he-does.

It's almost as if Cootie sees his children (and sometimes his wives) as accessories to bolster his image of a poly dad.

Why hasn't he talked to the other poly dads we've seen him describe as friends?  How do they keep their wives happy?  How do they conceal their favoritism?  We've seen "therapy" slide off his back like grease off fried bologna.

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19 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Obviously, Kody has something wrong with him.  I’m not kidding….I think there is something very off and I now don’t believe it’s caused by Robin.  I wonder if he’s had a physical exam.   

Has he always had such a high pitched, scratchy voice? It's so annoying!

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39 minutes ago, Mothra said:

Why hasn't he talked to the other poly dads we've seen him describe as friends?  How do they keep their wives happy?  How do they conceal their favoritism?  We've seen "therapy" slide off his back like grease off fried bologna.

Kodvid has no friends.  No one outside of his "wives" would want anything to do with him.

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42 minutes ago, Mothra said:

But he has zero interest in going hiking with them or in any other activity that would interrupt his whatever-it-is-he-does.

Which circles back to: What. Does. Kody. Do.? We never did get a full explanation of Type A personality Kody and what he has going on that keeps him so busy. All the wives say is that they don't know what he's out doing, yet he's always on the go.  Do these people ever talk? Are the wives not allowed to ask questions? It's all just so strange. 

Edited by bichonblitz
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There was a pretty striking difference between Kody's demeanor in the last meeting with Christine where he seemed resigned and not all that unhappy to wrap things up with her on a reasonable note, and the angry talking heads raging about betrayal and abandonment and the loss of his child (even though they have more than the one).  Wonder who what got him all riled up and offended about a situation he wasn't all that riled up or offended about in the moment? 

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If Kody wasn't watching Robyn's kids that day, I don’t think he would have went hiking with Christine's family. I think he thought the day is shot anyway so he may as well go hiking. Plus Christine would help him watch Robyn's kids.

If he wasn't babysitting that day, the count with Christine's family would be 2 outings in 800 days instead of 3 outings in 800 days.  

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5 hours ago, kassa said:

Hard to know what she meant by the doctors asking. 

My theory is that Ysabel was coming out of anesthesia and could have appeared to be crying for her father, and someone in the room thought they would calm her by saying something along the lines of, “it’s okay, honey, he’ll be here soon.” From my own experience with anesthesia, I was told I said some crazy things as it wore off. 

4 hours ago, Mothra said:

but he has zero interest in going hiking with them or in any other activity that would interrupt his whatever-it-is-he-does.

Wasn’t one of Christine’s complaints was that the ONE time he did go hiking with her kids he brought Robyn’s kids along because he was “babysitting”? Nice way to palm them off on their older half siblings to entertain.  

Edited by magemaud
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 A quote of Christine talking about Ysabel's surgery.

"I was there with Ysabel the whole time in New Jersey for the surgery. And I remember them pointing out, like, 'Are you here alone? Where's your husband?' I'm like, 'Oh, he's not here.' And they're like, 'Whoa, isn't that hard?' And I'm like, 'No, it's hard for her. It's hard for Ysabel, but it's not hard for me.'"

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