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Jeopardy! Season 39 (2022-2023)


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21 minutes ago, Clanstarling said:

I did okay with the rest of the game, but sadly not FJ.

Now, if I'd only asked myself what More and 3 16th century queens had in common...

I actually got FJ, but only from having watched Jeopardy! daily since Alex died, and "The Tower of London" having been a correct response to various clues. 
I have very limited recall ability with historical names, places, and dates, and have never been to Europe. 
So you, @Clanstarling (and others upthread),  only missed FJ because of the "Burden of Knowledge," whereas I had no such burden.😉
I only had one card to play, and it happened to be the right one.




18 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

However, Jerry Brown did chat me up at the American Library Association Annual Conference in San Francisco, mid June of 2001 when he was mayor of Oakland. 
Maybe he thought I was some other librarian?

18 minutes ago, Clanstarling said:

Nah, I think he was chatting you up because you are you.

Aw, thanks, @Clanstarling.
You just made my day.  🥰

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15 hours ago, dgpolo said:

I think saying please after asking for something is just so ingrained in some people it just comes out, regardless. People have done so on Jeopardy for decades.

Yes, they have. But what's missing now is the addition of "Alex" after the "please". That really made me roll my eyes 🙄.

I *still* expect to hear the announcer say Alex Trebek as he introduces the host at the opening. Every time.🌷

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FJ did take me a minute to figure out.  I wanted to say Westminster Abbey but I knew Thomas More was executed for treason and therefore should not be buried in hallow grounds but bodies have been moved before.  Then it hit me that it was the Tower of London, but the 3 queens part of the clue did not make sense--Anne Boleyn , Catherine Howard , who's the third queen?  Lady Jane Grey is a deep cut and her being called a queen of England versus an usurper is debatable. 

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26 minutes ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

who's the third queen?  Lady Jane Grey is a deep cut and her being called a queen of England versus an usurper is debatable. 

I looked it up and it is Lady Jane Grey.  I thought it might be Mary, Queen of Scots but she was not an English queen. 

My first thought was Westminster Abbey but that seemed wrong so I switched to Tower of London.

My only ts's were J. for Travanti and stays.

I like having a new champ every day.

Edited by Trey
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3 minutes ago, Trey said:

I haven't looked it up but I think the third queen is Mary, Queen of Scots.  Could be wrong of course.

My first thought was Westminster Abbey but that seemed wrong so I switched to Tower of London.

My only ts's were J. for Travanti and stays.

I like having a new champ every day.

No, the third queen was Lady Jane Grey per Ken.  Mary Queen of Scots was never imprisoned in the Tower of London, she was held in various castles in Northern England and was tried and executed there.  She was later reinterred in Westminster by her son King James VI and I.  

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I got FJ.   I always go BUM-BUHM when I watch.

I got the missed clue of comme çi comme ça.  That was my favorite response in french class when the teacher asked ça va?  So fun to say.  LOL.

I got the entire category of D adectives right. Had a better first round than second.  Apparently I know nothing about Jasons because I only got 90210.

4 hours ago, annzeepark914 said:

Is that Johnny Gilbert's voice at the J6 game? To me, it sounds like him or even Alex!!

Last time I played it sounded like it was still Alex.  Haven't played for a few months.

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7 hours ago, annzeepark914 said:

I *still* expect to hear the announcer say Alex Trebek as he introduces the host at the opening. Every time.🌷

Me, too.


January 20:

73% / 57% / 66%

Decent first round…ran D Adjectives, missed one in Moonstruck and Sound, and two in the rest. Not so great second round…ran nothing, missed one in Science and Streets, two in American Lit, and three in the rest. Not sure about Tses; was eating dinner while I watched and didn't mark any. No TS but FJ was an instaget. Pretty good week for the FJ contest, at least.

My pedantic side is forcing me to point out that "NSFW" is not an acronym.

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My brain felt a bit foggy tonight, so my game was comme çi, comme ça. But I did get a TS! (Guess.)

I also got FJ, even though I’ve never seen Law & Order. But I do know the opening sound, because it’s been used and parodied everywhere. So I figured that had to be it. (I also considered Oz, but while that theme has grunting, there is no stomping.)

Because of all the talk here about Troy’s “uh”s and “please”s, I did notice them tonight. After first realizing that I still hadn’t noticed at all, so I started to listen for them. And then? Didn’t bother me a bit. I thought he sounded polite.


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And after I just praised them!  As noted above, NSFW is not an acronym.  Grrr.

I can't believe the Fort Knox clue was a DD.

I only ran adjectives in the first round, but at least I got all but one in the rest.

I managed to run two categories in DJ, streets and French.  But I missed three Jasons, and two each in the rest.

FJ was an instaget, and I'm not quite sure why as I don't watch any of that franchise (I watched SVU for a while eons ago), and that's not at all how I'd describe what the dun-dun sounds like; I guess jail cell + 1990 subconsciously led me right to it.

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7 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

Because of all the talk here about Troy’s “uh”s and “please”s, I did notice them tonight. After first realizing that I still hadn’t noticed at all, so I started to listen for them. And then? Didn’t bother me a bit. I thought he sounded polite.

I noticed at the beginning for the same reason, but I quickly stopped noticing it as the game went on.


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2 hours ago, bankerchick said:

This is not a comment on which strategy was better, but it does appear that since James Holzhauer was on, nobody starts at the top of the category and works their way down anymore.  They either do all the high value ones first, or they focus on the 3rd and 4th clues, looking for the Daily Doubles.

Amy used to start at the top of the category. I'd like to see categories where each answer relates to each other so you have to start at the top.

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12 hours ago, possibilities said:

wondered if Oz had an equivalent theme sound, but I never watched Oz, so I didn't know.

I watched Oz (for the first time---thank you HBO Max!) a few months ago and know it started 1996, so it wasn't that. I did know L&O started in 1990 (although I'm not sure I could hear all those sounds in the theme music), so I went with that. 

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15 hours ago, Deskisamess said:

Anyone else think Troy looks like Bill Hader?

Around the mouth, certainly. I've been wondering who he reminds me of, and Hader may well be it.

14 hours ago, Browncoat said:

I thought of the correct FJ response, but didn't write it down -- I didn't think it started that long ago!  Note to self:  write something down!

Our house rules are to wait until just before the end of the music and then say it out loud. But we don't count for thinking it (or other answers), otherwise I'd have much better games and wouldn't groan each time I got it wrong because I ignored the answer that was in my head. 😆

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3 hours ago, Deskisamess said:

Starting at the top and working your way down always seemed like an unwritten rule. But as already mentioned, it seem to change after James. I dont really mind, but it is fun to see someone run a category from top to bottom.

IMO, starting at the top now seems so archaic. But those were the (good old) days when Jeopardy was a bit more relaxing to watch. Post-James, when contestants are roaming all over the board hunting for the daily doubles, there seems to be a bit of an edge to Jeopardy...and many of its contestants. 

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My biggest issue with not starting at the top is that it makes it easier for me to lose track of which clue they picked so I can mark the right cell on my scorecard. Sometimes I don't hear the category and/or amount and I have to hope they show the board again before the next clue is chosen so I can see which box went blank.

They still occasionally have categories where the top clue is what helps you make sense of what they're going for in the responses, so they don't get as many correct as they might if they didn't start at the middle/bottom, but maybe they're doing that less often given the way contestants have been playing in the past few years.

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3 hours ago, Deskisamess said:

I dont really mind, but it is fun to see someone run a category from top to bottom.

I can understand 100% why they play the game as they do now - get as much money as quickly as possible and hopefully have a fair amount of cash when they find the Daily Double, and if I were on the show today that's how I would play.  However, as a viewer, the old way was easier to keep track of the category and as someone mentioned upthread, sometimes there is a trick to the category where it might take a clue or two to figure out what they're looking for.

The goal of the players (earn as much $ as possible) is not necessarily the same as the goal of the viewers (to be entertained while testing our own knowledge.)

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I totally got FJ as I actually was watching a L&O rerun mere minutes before watching Jeopardy. Although for some reason, I thought the show started in 1989.. Mike Post's name is all over a lot of classic TV theme songs and I knew he did the theme to Law and Order but didn't know he was connected to that sound effect. Cool....

I have noticed that whomever loads up the Jeopardy episodes ahead of time has been seriously lagging this week...

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6 hours ago, ams1001 said:

My biggest issue with not starting at the top is that it makes it easier for me to lose track of which clue they picked so I can mark the right cell on my scorecard. Sometimes I don't hear the category and/or amount and I have to hope they show the board again before the next clue is chosen so I can see which box went blank.

They still occasionally have categories where the top clue is what helps you make sense of what they're going for in the responses, so they don't get as many correct as they might if they didn't start at the middle/bottom, but maybe they're doing that less often given the way contestants have been playing in the past few years.

Thank you. Now I don't feel like a dunce! Too many times my response was so off the wall that I was relieved to be the only person in the room. This is when I haven't heard the category so I'm off in a different world response-wise. I also need to do a better job of *listening* to the category request.

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Count me among those who miss the old days of going one category at a time, top to bottom. Most of the time, I’m playing Jeopardy while preparing dinner, so I’m only getting the audio. When they start skipping around, I sometimes get lost and have no idea what category they’re in.

I understand why they do it, but It messes with my performance so I hate it. I’ve also noticed that there are very few categories with sequential-play themes anymore, likely because the writers realize there’s no point.

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18 hours ago, Ailianna said:

Even though he did a lot of tv music, as soon as I saw "Mike Post" I immediately said Law & Order.

I thought Rockford Files (well for 27 seconds I thought 'the James Garner detective show where he lives in a trailer and drives a Firebird,) knowing it was wrong but I was pretty sure that show had a Mike Post theme.

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It's so funny.  I blindly guessed Capricorn.  When the first contestant's answer was revealed, but before Ken said anything it hit me why it was right.  LOL.  A right guess is a right guess.

I got the missed clues of pink lady and cop. that sounds like it could be a bad tv show.

I got the entire category of side right.


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January 23: Meh.

67% / 70% / 69%

J!: Ran nothing...missed one each in Medications, Side Effects, and Chess Pains (and the one I missed was the guy I've heard way too much about recently, but couldn't think of his name), two in City Name Changes and Boating, and three in Oscar Winning Formula.

DJ: Ran Novels, missed one in Afghanistan & Pakistan, TV Connectors, and Words of Peace, two in Where'd Ya Go? and four in Potent Potables (a category I usually do better in).

FJ was a near-instaget (took me a few seconds; not that good with constellations).

TS: There were no TS in the first round! Only three in the second (plus a missed DD). The only one I got was Adventure (despite never having seen either show).

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2 minutes ago, annzeepark914 said:

In other news, I learned that Ken isn't going to be replaced on Jeopardy.

That would make sense, given his popularity.

As with so many, the FJ of [Tropic of] Capricorn was an instaget for me, but the subject of ASTRONOMY & GEOGRAPHY is kind of in my wheelhouse, so at least I didn’t waste Think Music time on panicking.

Edited by shapeshifter
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Today, I learned that trying to play Jeopardy immediately after waking up from a nap is not the best idea. Lots of “uh…” and “yeah, that!” after answers were revealed. I did get FJ, though. Total guess, and I’m still not sure why I said it. But it counts!

2 hours ago, annzeepark914 said:

In other news, I learned that Ken isn't going to be replaced on Jeopardy. What's going on with these articles that seem to be trying our patience with hints of new hosts?

I tried to find the article that you’re referencing, but was unsuccessful. I’m not impressed with the journalistic cred of the US Sun, though, from what little I read. It appears to be one of those rags that make stories out of nothing, just for sensationalism. For example, here’s a quote from a story about Troy’s interview segment today (talking about how his teacher would tell the class to be more like Ken Jennings, prompting eyerolls from Troy):


The straight-faced contestant assured: "But I'm glad we can put the past in the past.”

Ken laughed it up and nervously turned to the camera to address Duncan's slightly sinister share.

“If your quiz bowl coach is watching, I slacked off a lot in high school, I'm so sorry!" Ken assured as the crowd went wild over the quashed resentment on the board.

“Nervously”? “Slightly sinister”? “Quashed resentment”? OK.

Have there actually been reports that Ken was going to be replaced? I haven’t seen any.

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