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S02.E07: Flipping the Pieces

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2 hours ago, SnazzyDaisy said:

A filler episode.

Quite a number of inconsistencies, unbelievable and laughable things in this episode.

Baby Keith is not a newborn. A very empty theme park with no security guard on duty. Unlocked staff room. Easy break-in, no consequences whatsoever, very convenient for the plot. Mable yelling and repeatedly talking to Theo without looking at him and moving her lips. Come on! 🙄 Is Mable even wearing the same outfits that she wore in the subway?

Mabel’s backstory about trauma and suppressed memories is sad. And only on tv, she can magically recall on what actually happened that night. No bits and pieces.

I cannot believe that Charles and Oliver didn’t give GG’s phone number to Det. Williams for her to trace etc. They also didn’t mention and show her the CCTV footage from the diner. Why? 🤦🏻‍♀️

And we get another glimpse of the killer, this time with the knife.


The killer is Irma Vep!

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On 8/2/2022 at 1:30 AM, thuganomics85 said:

Especially whichever future Hamilton actress was in it.  Was it Renee Elise Goldsberry?!  Phillipa Soo?! Jasmine Cephas Jones?!

My money's on Renee. She's been on Broadway before Hamilton in this reality.

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My previous guesses for glitter guy were Oscar or Mabel's father, so that leaves Oscar.  Could it be the guy that Lucy's mother left Charles for?  Or the waiter?

I loved Theo playing Whack a Mole!

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I really enjoyed this episode. I think it pushed the plot enough to keep things going, but it also gave us some breathing space.  I think we’re gonna be speeding through the rest of the season, so that break may prove invaluable when the whole season is taken into consideration.

I too noted Theo looking at Mable while driving, and yelled.  But I wonder sometimes if maybe we all take our eyes off the road more often than we realize.  Not as long as we saw Theo while driving in Manhattan hopefully.  It wouldn’t surprise me if we were to see ourselves like we see people on TV, we’d be horrified. 

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This is the list of Questions through episode 7.  It will be updated after each episode.  Any comments/suggestions are welcomed!


  • Why was Bunny wearing the podcast hoodie? - because the gang gave it to her as a consolation gift when they didn't invite her in, when she brought champagne up to thank them for solving the mystery
  • How did the painting, and now knife, get put into Charles' apartment? - someone used the secret passage from his bathroom that Lucy showed them
  • Is there anything fishy about Detective Kreps saying Detective Williams is in Denver?  - No, and she came back early from maternity leave cause she couldn't stop thinking about the case


  • Bunny's death:
    • What was the significance of Bunny's dying word "savage" or "Savage" or "passage"?
    • What was the significance of Bunny's dying word "14"?
    • Why was Bunny in Mabel's apartment?
    • Who killed Bunny?
    • Was the knitting needle really Mabel's? - we saw in her flashback that her needle was not there when she went to grab it, but that is not definitive proof
    • Is the murderer the same as the person in the black boots who got off the elevator and came to her apartment?
  • Painting:
    • Why was the painting taken from Bunny's apartment?
    • Was the painting in Bunny's apartment already a forgery or did the thief replace it with a forgery? 
    • Was the painting put in Charles' apartment solely as an attempt to frame him for Bunny's murder?
  • What is the full story with Charles' father?
  • Oliver's bloody knife:
    • Who or what is the source of the blood, and how did the blood get on the knife?
    • Who put it in Charles' apartment and why?
    • Is the knife the same as the knife used as the murder weapon? 
  • Who sent the "get out of the building" text?
  • Who had they been texting with, since it wasn't Detective Williams?
  • Who did Bunny have lunch with at the diner?
  • Who did Lucy see in the secret passageway with a mask and wearing booties?
  • What was Nina going to put on the roof?
  • Why did Nina give Howard the black eye?
  • How did the crowd find out about Bunny's murder so quickly to be there outside the Arconia when our gang was taken out in handcuffs almost immediately after the police arrived?
  • Why did Lucy really contact Charles at this point?  How long had Lucy been hanging out in the Arconia's tunnels when we see her meet Charles, and what was down the tunnel passage that Lucy claimed "was a dead end"?
  • Matchbook found in Mabel's apartment:
    • Who dropped it in Mabel's apartment , and is that the same person who initially picked it up at the diner after meeting with Bunny there?
    • Whose bloody fingerprint is on the matchbook?
  • What is behind Detective Kreps' surly attitude?
  • Is there any significance to Mabel's father?
  • Since Ivan knew that Bunny died, why did he return the money and put it under her door? And did Ivan return ALL the money, since the envelope appeared thicker when Bunny first gave it to him.
  • Glitter Guy (GG):
    • Who is GG?
    • Did he have prior knowledge of the bag in the trash can, and if so, how?
    • Why did he have a photo of Lucy?
    • Did he know she had the matchbook in her bag, and if so, how?
    • Why did he attack Mabel on the subway?  Was it just to steal her bag with the matchbook?
  • If the video of Mabel attacking the guy on the subway had gone viral, why hasn't anyone come to arrest her?
  • Was the blackout a coincidence or sinister, and if sinister, who orchestrated it?

Leftover unanswered from Season 1:

  • Why was Tim's phone not sent to be examined?
  • Why was the detective's request on drug testing Tim's body turned down?
  • Who put the note on Jan's door (or was it Jan herself)?
  • Who poisoned Winnie the dog?
  • Did Evelyn the cat die as Jan said, by coming into Tim Kono's apartment and walking through Tim's poisoned blood?
Edited by LuvMyShows
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It's amusing to see Theo and Mabel acknowledge that they couldn't understand each other and then still not slow down or start texting. And I was with her in thinking the sign for glitter looked fun. I liked their interactions. "No, I'm not going to calm down! Either the killer is in these files or I'm some kind of unhinged psychopath who goes into fugue states and stabs people. Either way, a girl likes to know these things about herself!" She has an excellent point. I loved seeing Mabel hug Charles and Oliver. The platonic chemistry Selena Gomez has with these two is just great. 

I look forward to whatever drama the blackout brings. It's a classic trope and I respect it.

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1 minute ago, bettername2come said:

The platonic chemistry Selena Gomez has with these two is just great. 

I look forward to whatever drama the blackout brings.

Dude, they are her grandfather figures... Better be platonic energy...

Blackout means Son of Sam pinching...

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35 minutes ago, tvfanatic13 said:

Is there anything to make of the fact that Detective Williams’ son appeared to be much older than he should be?

I think it's just typical for tv/movies to cast babies that are older to play newborns.  Probably because newborns aren't usually as cute as older babies (since they still have that fetal look to them) and because they're more at risk for disease and such, so you probably don't want to take them to a germ infested set.  So yeah, it's older babies or dolls.  

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15 minutes ago, Snapdragon said:

I think it's just typical for tv/movies to cast babies that are older to play newborns.  Probably because newborns aren't usually as cute as older babies (since they still have that fetal look to them) and because they're more at risk for disease and such, so you probably don't want to take them to a germ infested set.  So yeah, it's older babies or dolls.  

I have seen some very cute fetuses.

But yes I am also more inclined to believe that they used an older baby for logistics rather than to reflect the actual age of the baby.

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On 8/2/2022 at 12:49 AM, shapeshifter said:

If Will is going to turn out to be Teddy's son, is there a chance Theo is Oliver's son? 
--We did get the orgy word last week (IIRC) from Oliver.
--And Theo would really like to be a part of a little family like Oliver, Charles, and Mabel

That very thought was the first thing I came up with, given Oliver’s almost meltdown over the unknown results. It would fit with the family secrets theme if the season.  
They better not hurt Lucy!

Your telling me security at cony island is still using paper, and no photo I’d for them? After 9/11 I can’t believe they are that stupid to leave such a gaping security hole.

Im sorry, but Selena Gomez voice is the most boring thing around. It’s so monotone even when supposedly excited.It like she barely opens her mouth and talks with her teeth closed.

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17 hours ago, Snapdragon said:

I think it's just typical for tv/movies to cast babies that are older to play newborns.  Probably because newborns aren't usually as cute as older babies (since they still have that fetal look to them) and because they're more at risk for disease and such, so you probably don't want to take them to a germ infested set.  So yeah, it's older babies or dolls.  

There are also legal restrictions preventing TV shows and movies from using newborns in their productions.

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On 8/2/2022 at 11:23 AM, kay1864 said:

I don’t think a cop can force you to unlock your phone to see what pictures might be on there. So… No evidence for an arrest. 

The police can force you to unlock your phone with your fingerprint or your face, but not with your passcode. This is why if you think you're going to be arrested or interrogated, you should shut down your phone or trigger the passcode requirement (with iPhones, hold down the power button and either volume button). The general rule is that they can compel you to use something you have (your face, your fingerprint), but not something you know (your passcode).

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I'm confused about a few things...

1. How is Lucy in Charles' apartment, if they just left there to go to the diner?  And why did they leave the apartment to go to the diner, with Mabel still missing? 

2.  Where did the louvered doors that Bunny's killer went through lead to?  I'm assuming the vent in Mabel's room/closet, but Mabel didn't know about that at the time.  So she would have thought the killer was still in the apartment when she was sitting on the floor with Bunny bleeding out. 

3.  So the answer to Mabel's blackouts is that they began when she was a kid watching her dad die, and now she just represses memories of bad things that happen to her?  That's just weird. 

All that aside, I still really love this show. 

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4 hours ago, chaifan said:

1. How is Lucy in Charles' apartment, if they just left there to go to the diner?  And why did they leave the apartment to go to the diner, with Mabel still missing? 

Lucy has both a key and knows her way around the Arconia passages. 
A change of scene can be helpful when trying to think; they had texted Mabel where they were. 

4 hours ago, chaifan said:

2.  Where did the louvered doors that Bunny's killer went through lead to?  I'm assuming the vent in Mabel's room/closet, but Mabel didn't know about that at the time.  So she would have thought the killer was still in the apartment when she was sitting on the floor with Bunny bleeding out. 

Mabel blacked out about/forgot seeing the guy with the knife escaping into her closet. It makes sense that Mabel wasn’t thinking about him while Bunny was uttering her dying words in Mabel’s arms.

BTW: I’m guessing the killer dragged Bunny at knife point into Mabel’s apartment via the passageway and killed her in Mabel’s apartment so there wouldn’t be a trail of blood, plus, dead weight Bunny would be hard to get all the way to Mabel’s.

Cool addition to graphics: While rewatching the episode to check the scene of the killer escaping through Mabel’s closet, I noticed the Title Sequence had the cracks on the façade of the Arconia in the shapes of puzzle pieces. 
That’s new, right?


4 hours ago, chaifan said:

3.  So the answer to Mabel's blackouts is that they began when she was a kid watching her dad die, and now she just represses memories of bad things that happen to her?  That's just weird. 

It’s a little more extreme than most people’s memory slips, but not that weird. 
I’m glad that memories of extreme physical pain are not readily accessible, so Mabel having emotionally painful memories buried is probably the same. And fortunately most of us don’t go around thinking of every embarrassing thing we’ve ever done. 

4 hours ago, chaifan said:

All that aside, I still really love this show. 

🙌 Yes! 👏 

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1 hour ago, shapeshifter said:

Cool addition to graphics: While rewatching the episode to check the scene of the killer escaping through Mabel’s closet, I noticed the Title Sequence had the cracks on the façade of the Arconia in the shapes of puzzle pieces. 
That’s new, right?

Every Opening Scene is slightly different and contains a clue about something that will be important in that episode.

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I've rewatched this episode a couple of times, and I dislike that Mabel and Theo shared so much of their inner thoughts to each other, but only the audience understood it. After Mabel gives that very heartfelt speech about not knowing herself, Theo says he didn't get any of it, and she says it's probably better that way.  Then Theo, in ASL, spills about how he thinks about that moment on the roof with Zoe, and he still is not sure if she slipped or he pushed her. But Mabel doesn't know ASL, so why have him perform that lovely monologue, if she's not going to be able to know what he is saying? 

And then, by the end of the car ride back to the Pickle Diner, she tries ASL, which Theo assures her she said it correctly. Cute joke, but it left me wondering if we are supposed to think they really understand each other better now?  

I love the character of Theo, and I would love some sort of friendship with Mabel to come out of this episode, I'm just not sure what the show really had the characters finding out about each other.   (I admit, I overthink this show a LOT.)  Help?

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59 minutes ago, cardigirl said:

I'm just not sure what the show really had the characters finding out about each other.

I think it is what we find out about the characters, Bunny is not a horrible monster and Nina actually cared deeply for her. Theo is not terrible, he was just forced into a terrible situation. You believed that you could never like either character, it is OK if you do.

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10 hours ago, chaifan said:

and now she just represses memories of bad things that happen to her? 

I think it's a little more than that -- she is also repressing the GOOD that comes with those bad memories. We see her in her dad's hospital room and the voiceover leads us to believe that she doesn't remember what happened to him there. Then, later, we see her snuggle up to him in his hospital bad -- a sad memory, to be sure, but also touching and probably a comfort. She blocked out his death, yes, but also the comfort they gave to each other. She has to learn to confront her pain so that she can be complete and own her own life.

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2 hours ago, cardigirl said:

I've rewatched this episode a couple of times, and I dislike that Mabel and Theo shared so much of their inner thoughts to each other, but only the audience understood it. After Mabel gives that very heartfelt speech about not knowing herself, Theo says he didn't get any of it, and she says it's probably better that way.  Then Theo, in ASL, spills about how he thinks about that moment on the roof with Zoe, and he still is not sure if she slipped or he pushed her. But Mabel doesn't know ASL, so why have him perform that lovely monologue, if she's not going to be able to know what he is saying? 

And then, by the end of the car ride back to the Pickle Diner, she tries ASL, which Theo assures her she said it correctly. Cute joke, but it left me wondering if we are supposed to think they really understand each other better now?  

I love the character of Theo, and I would love some sort of friendship with Mabel to come out of this episode, I'm just not sure what the show really had the characters finding out about each other.   (I admit, I overthink this show a LOT.)  Help?

They were able to say those monologues to each other because they knew they wouldn't be completely understood. It was freeing because they could say the thing to someone but also take it back when the person didn't understand it. That made perfect sense to me. 

I thought Theo's last line about pretending she'd gotten her ASL right wasn't saying they understood each other more now (which they did) but that they accepted each other. He didn't feel the need to correct her language at that part, because he understood what she was trying to say. They didn't need to have all the details about their feelings for them to understand each other better now.

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3 minutes ago, sistermagpie said:

They were able to say those monologues to each other because they knew they wouldn't be completely understood. It was freeing because they could say the thing to someone but also take it back when the person didn't understand it. That made perfect sense to me. 

I thought Theo's last line about pretending she'd gotten her ASL right wasn't saying they understood each other more now (which they did) but that they accepted each other. He didn't feel the need to correct her language at that part, because he understood what she was trying to say. They didn't need to have all the details about their feelings for them to understand each other better now.

This makes sense, but those monologues helped the audience understand the characters more, I just wanted it to be so in the story. I'll just have to wait and see what happens going forward. Arrrrrgh. And never ride in a car with Theo driving since he doesn't keep his eyes on the road. 😄


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3 hours ago, cardigirl said:

I've rewatched this episode a couple of times, and I dislike that Mabel and Theo shared so much of their inner thoughts to each other, but only the audience understood it. After Mabel gives that very heartfelt speech about not knowing herself, Theo says he didn't get any of it, and she says it's probably better that way.  Then Theo, in ASL, spills about how he thinks about that moment on the roof with Zoe, and he still is not sure if she slipped or he pushed her. But Mabel doesn't know ASL, so why have him perform that lovely monologue, if she's not going to be able to know what he is saying? 

And then, by the end of the car ride back to the Pickle Diner, she tries ASL, which Theo assures her she said it correctly. Cute joke, but it left me wondering if we are supposed to think they really understand each other better now?  

I love the character of Theo, and I would love some sort of friendship with Mabel to come out of this episode, I'm just not sure what the show really had the characters finding out about each other. 


1 hour ago, AnimeMania said:

I think it is what we find out about the characters, Bunny is not a horrible monster and Nina actually cared deeply for her. Theo is not terrible, he was just forced into a terrible situation. You believed that you could never like either character, it is OK if you do.

Yes, the not-conversations between Mabel and Theo in this episode were mostly exposition for the viewers, but, thanks to good writers, this was So. Much. More. than a typical information dump on a show via dialog (or, more often, monologue, with almost no pretense of dialog). 

But I do think too that most of us have had "conversations" like this with people whose language we did not know and who did not know ours. Some communication does happen in these instances, and often with the help of hand gestures. 

I did rewatch this, but I still wasn't quite sure if Mable and Theo were picking up on the important words each was using.
This post kind of nails it:

44 minutes ago, sistermagpie said:

They were able to say those monologues to each other because they knew they wouldn't be completely understood. It was freeing because they could say the thing to someone but also take it back when the person didn't understand it. That made perfect sense to me. 

I thought Theo's last line about pretending she'd gotten her ASL right wasn't saying they understood each other more now (which they did) but that they accepted each other. He didn't feel the need to correct her language at that part, because he understood what she was trying to say. They didn't need to have all the details about their feelings for them to understand each other better now.

This episode reminded me of years ago when I overheard 2 college students asking one another about databases to use for research for an assignment they had. I happened to have been familiar with the assignment, so I gave the answer to their question. They said thank you, but then both looked at me oddly. Finally one asked if I spoke Arabic.  I hadn't noticed they were speaking Arabic because I was focused on something else and only happened to catch the English words used for the assignment. I said no. They still looked non-plussed, but then thanked me again for the answer they needed. 

I'm guessing this kind of thing happens quite often, and happened between Mabel and Theo to some degree.
But like @sistermagpie says, Mabel and Theo used their lack of shared language to freely speak things they had not felt they could say to anyone, but needed to say.

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On 8/2/2022 at 12:30 AM, thuganomics85 said:

Damn, after being so use to him as Hiram on Riverdale, it was crazy seeing Mark Consuelos on a show that is actually good

That's where I know him from.

I haven't watched Riverdale in a minute. I've heard the most recent season is bad so don't know if I'll ever watch it.

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12 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

Cool addition to graphics: While rewatching the episode to check the scene of the killer escaping through Mabel’s closet, I noticed the Title Sequence had the cracks on the façade of the Arconia in the shapes of puzzle pieces. That’s new, right?

Go to Reddit. Someone has put in extra efforts to come out with graphics and descriptions of every opening credit Easter eggs since S1. 👍🏻

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43 minutes ago, SnazzyDaisy said:
13 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

Cool addition to graphics: While rewatching the episode to check the scene of the killer escaping through Mabel’s closet, I noticed the Title Sequence had the cracks on the façade of the Arconia in the shapes of puzzle pieces. That’s new, right?

Go to Reddit. Someone has put in extra efforts to come out with graphics and descriptions of every opening credit Easter eggs since S1. 👍🏻

I couldn't find them on Reddit (post link?) but I have this ridiculously big TV from my son-in-law (too big for my daughter's taste) so I can easily grab screens with my phone camera (since Hulu blacks them out when streaming), and then with a few more steps, voila, jigsaw puzzle pieces in the title sequence for "Flipping the Pieces":




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59 minutes ago, jsm1125 said:

I wonder why we haven’t seen Mabel’s aunt once this series, or why she wasn’t arrested or brought in for questioning once the subway incident went viral.

I was just thinking the same.
Is Mabel's aunt in a nursing home with dementia? 
Is she still alive?
Did she join a convent?

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15 hours ago, jsm1125 said:

I wonder why we haven’t seen Mabel’s aunt once this series, or why she wasn’t arrested or brought in for questioning once the subway incident went viral.

I thought they said she was traveling the world.

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Going to put this here rather than in media because it deals with this episode.  I agree with their choice for

The Performer of the Week: Selena Gomez

By Team TVLine / August 6 2022, 7:00 AM PDT

THE PERFORMER | Selena Gomez

THE SHOW | Only Murders in the Building

THE EPISODE | “Flipping the Pieces” (Aug. 2, 2022)

THE PERFORMANCE | Week after week, Gomez delivers an emotionally astute performance, deftly mining Mabel Mora’s trauma. But it was Tuesday’s episode, which got to the root of her selective memory, that afforded Gomez her greatest showcase of all.

So much of Mabel’s journey, especially in Season 2, has been about her desire to run from her past and start anew. You could sense in Gomez’s gravelly tone just how much it pained Mabel to remember those she has lost, telling Theo just how difficult it is to walk past the front gate of the Arconia, only to be reminded of Zoe, or to walk past Tim’s door and be haunted by visions of his dead body. But in order to break free of her psychological scars, Mabel would first have to confront the greatest of them all: losing her father to stomach cancer when she was just 7 years old.

“I didn’t know how to cope with him dying, so I didn’t,” she told Theo, hesitating after each and every word as if this was the first time she’d ever discussed his death out loud. “Instead, I flipped the pieces over in my mind until I couldn’t see the image anymore.”

But as she continued to talk about it openly, there was also a real sense of catharsis, which manifested itself not only in Gomez’ delicate delivery, but in her eyes. As she flipped the metaphorical puzzle pieces in her mind and watched as they floated away, a single tear was all Gomez needed to express the weight being lifted off Mabel’s chest. Her wounds hadn’t magically healed — only now could she fully access her memory of Bunny dying in her arms — but she could move forward and find a way to live with her pain, rather than box it away.

Edited by dbklmt
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1 minute ago, Ceindreadh said:
23 hours ago, DonnaMae said:

Is it legal for a deaf person to drive a car?  

Why wouldn't it be? 

They can't hear sounds of other vehicles, such as a police siren or fire engine.

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I agree they could have worked more on the communication between Mabel and Theo, but regardless I was glad to see him back in the show.  His monologue was touching and well acted.  I think the critical signs in it, trip or push, were clear enough.  And him miming pulling out fillings was a grimly comic reminder of the fact that he had a lot to deal with growing up on top of being deaf.

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On 8/3/2022 at 8:58 PM, paigow said:

Dude, they are her grandfather figures... Better be platonic energy...

Blackout means Son of Sam pinching...

Not nowadays,  Selena Gomez is 30, Martin Short is 72, pretty rare to find 2 generations in a row procreating at 21!  However I agree with your point that the chemistry is platonic,  the hug was definitely father/ daughter feels.

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Other people have mentioned this, but this episode really brought it home that the theme of this season is fathers.  Mabel lost her father at seven; Charles lost his father early and he was a mysterious character; and Oliver doesn't know whether he is Will's father.  Then we have Theo at odds with his father and Lucy looks upon Charles as a father figure.  I think there is more.  I'm just hoping for a lot of resolution.

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On 8/2/2022 at 11:33 AM, tennisgurl said:

It was great seeing Mark Consuelos show up as Mabel's dad

I read Mark Consuelos, but I thought of Mark Dacascos:

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On 8/7/2022 at 2:14 PM, MisterGlass said:

I agree they could have worked more on the communication between Mabel and Theo, but regardless I was glad to see him back in the show.  His monologue was touching and well acted.  I think the critical signs in it, trip or push, were clear enough.  And him miming pulling out fillings was a grimly comic reminder of the fact that he had a lot to deal with growing up on top of being deaf.

What I can't get past is that regardless of whether it was push or trip, he let someone else spend 10 years in jail for it

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On 8/3/2022 at 9:57 AM, meep.meep said:

My previous guesses for glitter guy were Oscar or Mabel's father, so that leaves Oscar.  Could it be the guy that Lucy's mother left Charles for?  Or the waiter?

I loved Theo playing Whack a Mole!

I still think Luiz is glitter guy and Cinda framed Mabel to boost her podcast.

As for why Mabel hasn't been arrested most police departments wouldn't arrest her or even investigate on the video alone. There have been too many cases of those being faked. Until glitter guy comes in to file a complaint or turns up in hospital they will just add it to a file most likely. They could also just be waiting to arrest her for murder and use it against her but with these cops I doubt it.

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On 8/3/2022 at 4:41 AM, SnazzyDaisy said:

I cannot believe that Charles and Oliver didn’t give GG’s phone number to Det. Williams for her to trace etc. They also didn’t mention and show her the CCTV footage from the diner. Why? 🤦🏻‍♀️

My perception was they were holding things back in order to reveal them dramatically on their podcast. 

But I agree with you that the episode was weak. That's starting to be a trend. The season has now officially devolved from "strong" to "somewhat pleasant."

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On 8/3/2022 at 5:41 AM, SnazzyDaisy said:

I cannot believe that Charles and Oliver didn’t give GG’s phone number to Det. Williams for her to trace etc. They also didn’t mention and show her the CCTV footage from the diner. Why? 🤦🏻‍♀️

41 minutes ago, Milburn Stone said:

My perception was they were holding things back in order to reveal them dramatically on their podcast. 

Ooo, it didn't occur to me that they were being cagy with Detective Williams just to prevent their podcast from getting spoiled (in every sense of the word "spoiled"). 
I thought they were worried about self-incrimination. 
Maybe both?

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On 8/3/2022 at 5:41 AM, SnazzyDaisy said:

I cannot believe that Charles and Oliver didn’t give GG’s phone number to Det. Williams for her to trace etc. They also didn’t mention and show her the CCTV footage from the diner. Why? 🤦🏻‍♀️

And we get another glimpse of the killer, this time with the knife.

55 minutes ago, Milburn Stone said:

My perception was they were holding things back in order to reveal them dramatically on their podcast. 

But I agree with you that the episode was weak. That's starting to be a trend. The season has now officially devolved from "strong" to "somewhat pleasant."

It's a device in writing books, movies and tv shows to have the audience aware of events or thoughts but the characters are not. I'm often frustrated by a book or show because if the characters just TALKED to each other, the problems would be solved. I guess it creates drama and keeps the story going.

And did anyone else keep trying to see everything on the murder board? I know Theo's and Jan's pictures are up there, I forget who else, but it would be just like this show to plant some clue there. 

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On 8/2/2022 at 1:50 PM, sistermagpie said:

I really did love the bit about him and Mabel only sometimes understanding each other. TBF, it's usually like that with any language on TV. However much English a person needs to be in the scene they will have. So I always appreciate it when they actually inject some reality of somebody saying, "I understood nothing of what you just said." And they did it both for Mabel and for Theo, so it wasn't like Theo was the one who was deficient. Was really glad to see him getting a part in this ep.

Maybe my favorite part of the episode that they showed both of them befuddled by what the other was trying to say. I liked the conversation when he handed her the card saying "I can only understand 1/3 of what you are saying", and her reaction about how different it is on TV. I especially like the words on the bottom of the screen showing that what Mabel actually signed when thanking Theo for taking her was actually something about a fish ;-p

What I didn't like was the ease with which they broke into Coney Island and wandered around for HOURS like the place was deserted and has zero security. Okayyy.......

Gut Buzz Zero. Please show, never stop the Gut Milk jokes. I live for them.

The Chorus Line stuff, and Charles and Oliver confessing all of the people who have touched the knife. So funny!

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3 minutes ago, Ilovepie said:

What I didn't like was the ease with which they broke into Coney Island and wandered around for HOURS like the place was deserted and has zero security. Okayyy.......

Theo had grown up as a grave robber, as he himself signed about in this episode, so I have no problem with him knowing how to break into Coney Island after hours. They even had Mabel acknowledging his skill at forcing a key to unlock the gate.
If it was 6 a.m. or so, it might be deserted.

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34 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

Theo had grown up as a grave robber, as he himself signed about in this episode, so I have no problem with him knowing how to break into Coney Island after hours. They even had Mabel acknowledging his skill at forcing a key to unlock the gate.
If it was 6 a.m. or so, it might be deserted.

Yeah I buy him being able to pick they lock, but they were breaking into buildings - are we supposed to buy that there is no security system there or cameras? That is just not believable to me for such an iconic location.

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