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S09.E18: All Apologies

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The whole finale, and for the most part the whole season, was just so staged and felt fake. When the most dramatic thing that happens is one of the husbands being angry at another husband for something that was said in the first 4 or 5 episodes, there clearly wasn't enough to cobble together a decent season. On top of that, most of the drama that did happen apparently happened either when the cameras were not rolling, or they decided not to show it to us. What is with all of the fucking flashbacks? We got another one tonight when we saw that Tamra came over to talk to Vicki about Brooks.  For almost 3 years Vickie's storyline has for the most part been about the fact that Tamra cannot stand the dick that is Brooks. So they have a big "come to Jesus" talk about it but we only see a snipet or two?  In the past on most shows, you have maybe one incident that supposedly happends off camera, and the audience is left to judge for themselves what might have happened.  Not this season, not on this show. Did Tamra ever tell Shannon that the Dubrow's wanted to take them down? What actually went down at the Valentine's Party? Was Shannon trying to convince the other gals to stay away from Tamra on the plane home? Did Tamra really tell Shannon that she didn't really want Heather in her Wedding Party? And what happened with Danielle? She was acting fine with Tamra tonight at the party, so that brings up the question as to why she was so absent for the most part. 


ETA: And for fuck sake, can someone please explain to Vickie that there is no shame in being the size that she is - NONE. There is shame in trying to force her body into a dress that is at least 2 sizes too small for her. She would look prettier, smaller, and sexier if she would discard her vanity and buy a frock that fits the body she lives with.


Well, Bravo did make the announcement that they were going to add more full "scripted" shows next year. The new cast members on the BH show are all actresses with long resumes in Soaps, which makes me wonder how much these HW shows are really staged/scripted any more! Right now I would guess that they are 90% soft/semi-scripted/staged with about 10% real life. LOL, there is very little "reality" in the Real HW shows now.   JMO

You DO have to spread your legs to get on the bull Miss Terry but what Eddie said is totally ok (in front of your 80 yr old mother and 4 kids under 10 which you made abundantly clear, hello scripted)? David was cool as a cucumber and I loved it. It just made the Dubrows look that much worse.



The reason Terry did not call out Eddie, is because Terry was lying.  He said he was not angry about "the take the Beadors down comment" at Lizzie's dinner party, but because David dare say something vulgar around his kids and his precious 80 year old mother at the hoedown/ground breaking party.  The truth was Terry never heard these comments himself but someone (either production or Tamara) told him about it much later.  He thought he was going to come off as the manly protector of women/children and David would look like a neanderthal.


The Dubrows also lost any credibility by trusting Tamara implicitly, even though she is a black hole of deception, but ragging Shannon on the smallest of things and never accepting any of her apologies (and she made many attempts to mend broken fences).  They said they are above gossip, but we saw them gossiping behind everyone's back and taking Tamara's word (who even Vick knows can not be trusted) as gospel.  They actually came off as pretentious fools.


Heather, we do not care you have a chef.  It was that some of the foodies on the board were a little taken aback about you family being in awe of fairly simple dishes.  However, if Miss Terry has to ask if pink fish is salmon at Lizzie's dinner party, maybe you guys are not gourmands. I will remember never to hand you an open menu.  We also do not care if you have rescue dogs or dogs from a breeders...it is you who made a big deal about it.


I think Heather has gone the reality tv victim route of anyone who does not like her is jealous of her wealth. Maybe her best friend Tamara can guide her on how to deal with all the "haters".

  • Love 9

How ironic that Heather and Miss Terry cannot accept an apology.  I recall from a reunion a quote that Heather said, after she had apologized,  ""I said I'm sorry, do you want me to pop a vein?"   I wish she and Miss Terry would just pop off my screen.  


The Hall of Fame award for crying with no tears or real emotion goes to..............Tamra Judge. Does she have an onion in the kleenex to help her cry?  It's not working.    Now Vicki was really crying.  She needs to get over it already.

Heather and Terry were really assholes tonight. I haven't been a fan of Shannon or David all season, but how they handled the Dubrows obnoxiousness puts points in the Beador book for me.

Every time Tamra tries to cry, she reminds me of Lindsey Bluth trying to cry on Arrested Development. Lindsey was such a lizard person who couldn't approximate a human emotion if you paid her in Prada. Unfortunately Lindsey was a tv character, Tamra is all too real in her lies, insincerity, narcissistic behavior.

  • Love 6

It reminded me a little of the Aviva leg throwing.  And add to that the construction comment.  That's the real Terry coming out.  It's not pretty.


Good comparison. I agree. Miss Terry had that dramatic monologue all planned out, and then David ruined his plan by apologizing immediately upon entering the party. And to make it worse, the apology was real and sincere, and he repeated it multiple times. Poor Miss Terry. His Emmy-winning speech was now botched. So what did he do? He threw it at David at the most random time, and made a fool of himself. What a dick. (My thesaurus says that's a synonym for penis).

  • Love 20

My mother-in-law is a meddling, emotional vampire who can't understand that her son has his own family, and she is now extended family, so I have very little sympathy for Vicki. I'm biased (and VERY pro leave-and-cleave) but I watched that scene at the end disgusted and pissed because of all the guilting she was doing. Briana is an adult with a family; she isn't taking anything away from Vicki because it's not Vicki's. She is allowed to be sad, but to taint Briana's experience like she was doing is messed up and I can't respect that or feel sorry for her. I've watched my husband deal with a mother like that and myself have had to deal with the dreaded monster-in-law... it's awful. I'm glad Briana is at least strong enough to leave and break away from the co-dependency.

I now have a feeling Lizzie did say fuck after their exchange about it tonight. She has been caught not remembering drunken events, so I wouldn't be shocked to find out she doesn't even remember what she said and is just trying to save face.

I'm sure Terry and Heather will twist themselves into being victims after they watch themselves tonight, but I really hope they're made aware of how people are reacting to their behavior. I'm sure they think they are such a darling, well-loved couple and the epitome of class, but they are far from it. They seem to be very image-conscious, though, so I'm waiting for some bs apology to the Beadors and construction workers. Loved David tonight. And loved Bravo playing Eddie's comments, as well. Also loved Christian's construction worker comment, but like a PP, wish he'd had David's back when he (David) reached out a little later in the exchange.

One last thing-- I know Shannon comes from money, but does David? And Heather and Terry, anyone know about their upbringing? I ask because they seem so new-money. And they really do seem jealous of the Beadors, like the Beadors have "real" wealth and all that entails, socially etc.

Edit: fix autocorrect error

Edited by Harperlee1
  • Love 3

David, you are so made of win!!  He has a constant glimmer in his eye, regardless if he's discussing his crumbling relationship with Shannon or being called a penis by Miss Terry.  He's like Elaine's boyfriend on Seinfeld--"I'm the Wiz, I'm the Wiz!"


Vicki looked the best when she was wearing jeans and a t-shirt before her party.  


I love how the ONLY time they showed a close-up of Danielle's husband's face was when they passed out the penis gifts.  Oh Bravo, tell us what happened with him!!! 

  • Love 13

I love how the ONLY time they showed a close-up of Danielle's husband's face was when they passed out the penis gifts. Oh Bravo, tell us what happened with him!!!

Yes! And there was one other time that I can't remember what happened/was said, but it was something to the same effect. Can't believe I can't remember now because it made me chuckle at how obvious they were with the editing, cutting right to his face, then away... he definitely pissed someone off haha.

Eta: I think what I'm thinking of is when he hugs Christian as he walks in and is all, perhaps a bit effeminately, "look at you in your little white jacket." I feel like there's another one, too. Gah, can't remember.

Edited by Harperlee1
  • Love 5
I think Heather has gone the reality tv victim route of anyone who does not like her is jealous of her wealth. Maybe her best friend Tamara can guide her on how to deal with all the "haters".


I see her as more of a famewhore who misread the season before going into it, and instead adjusting partway through she chose to roll with things and then actively stir it up by dragging in random off camera bullshit.  Which I guess is me acknowledging that I still kinda like her for some reason, though I think she and her husband (catch him on "Botched" on E!, home of Klassy Entertainment) are fake as hell.  


Mentioning Nene makes me want to restate my desire for a HW crossover show a la the Real World/Road Rules challenges of yesteryear.  Have them battle for charity.  Stick 'em on a bus and have them go cross-country shilling their wares.  I care not, let's just get the mash-up started before the entire franchise is too weak to spin it off (might be there already).

  • Love 8

Tamra's expression when the good doctor was delivering his rant was sheer evil.



THIS.  Miss Terry may have been commenting on David's smirk but he should have checked out Tamra's glee when he called David a penis.  Everyone looked shocked, horrified and embarrassed except for the Trailer Park Queen who was laughing.


Screw you, Bravo, for letting that twunt slip by yet again without any repercussions and turning that beautiful dinner into yet another Dubrow v. Beador fuckfest.  If Tamra is not handed her ass at the reunion, I'm quitting you.*


*Okay, probably not really but does it sound good?

  • Love 12

I see her as more of a famewhore who misread the season before going into it, and instead adjusting partway through she chose to roll with things and then actively stir it up by dragging in random off camera bullshit.  Which I guess is me acknowledging that I still kinda like her for some reason, though I think she and her husband (catch him on "Botched" on E!, home of Klassy Entertainment) are fake as hell.  


Mentioning Nene makes me want to restate my desire for a HW crossover show a la the Real World/Road Rules challenges of yesteryear.  Have them battle for charity.  Stick 'em on a bus and have them go cross-country shilling their wares.  I care not, let's just get the mash-up started before the entire franchise is too weak to spin it off (might be there already).

I completely believe that Heather misread the season. Reality TV is made in the present, but perfected in the editing room. I think Heather thought it was going one way to later see it zag the opposite way later.

As much as I want a real housewives all-stars season, I think their egos are too inflated for what would probably amount a real housewives version of Big Brother. I think the Real Hotwives of Orlando is the closest we'll will get to all-stars: they've got their Kim Richards, their Kyle Richards/Alexis Bellini hybrid, Nene/Phaedra hybrid, Lisa Vanderpump/Sonja Morgan hybrid, Gretchen Rossi, Teresa Guidice, and their Danielle(OC)/Dana Pam hybrid.

  • Love 2

Good grief - as painful as it might be to have your kid move away....cannot Vicki and Tamra save the tears and wish them well, then shed them?


It is not like one can't text, photos, videos, Skype (or what ever the latest is), call, or visit. It is life. If one has the means, that is.


And it is not like those "kids" are teens or in their early 20's anymore. But it is always about V and T and how it affects THEM rather than the best for the "kids" - however that might work out. Not going to change the kids minds at the point, in any case.

  • Love 5

Yes! And there was one other time that I can't remember what happened/was said, but it was something to the same effect. Can't believe I can't remember now because it made me chuckle at how obvious they were with the editing, cutting right to his face, then away... he definitely pissed someone off haha.

Eta: I think what I'm thinking of is when he hugs Christian as he walks in and is all, perhaps a bit effeminately, "look at you in your little white jacket." I feel like there's another one, too. Gah, can't remember.

YES! That was awesome. Look at youuu in your white jacket! I was dying.

Wow, the previews really didn't prepare me for how much less respect I could have for the Dubrows. Truly vile. I think if that Beadors vs Dubrows WWHL poll was taken again tonight, it would be even more of a landslide.  


And having watched the Social Edition of last week's episode, I no longer buy the Dubrows' WWHL explanation that the "Terry is so mad at David" convo had to happen because Vicki brought it up. The way that Heather introduced the topic (with no reference to "what Vicki said"), and Shannon's cluelessness about what Heather is even talking about, makes me think she was told to bring it up by production, or (more likely) she just wanted to have one more thing for Shannon & David to apologize for. 



I feel like there's another one, too. Gah, can't remember.


Maybe the Valentine's Day party anal sex discussion where they made a point of showing him in close up? 

  • Love 3

Tamra ran out of season before she could redeem herself.  I have zero sympathy for any of Tamra's "troubles" especially the custody issue-why drink and say such crude things in the midst of on going dispute?.  Her eagerness to play stupid games such as Marry, Shag, Kill and get so upset is just another example of her incredible jealousy over anyone younger or hotter.  I am still trying to understand how Lizzie saying if Eddie were to "marry" her she would like to have a Mexican Italian baby is so devastating to Tamra.  Tamra and Eddie aren't having children because Eddie doesn't want to have a child with Tamra.  A word of advice to Tamra don't assume your husband doesn't want to bang someone because you don't like her or are mad at her.  I think Tamra needs to move to the Real Housewives Retirement Home.


The Beador vs. Dubrow battle had a clear winner.  Heather needs a new line besides get a Thesaurus she used it already on Tamra.  Heather idles at condescending and very effortlessly accelerates to full blown patronizing superiority. How do any of these women stand to be around her is beyond me.  Now that Terry got his show I wonder if the Dubrows are going to stick around?  There is just no way Heather will ever moved forward from the self-inflicted smack down she and Terry created.  What was with the construction comment?  How would one not perceive Terry was implying that construction employees were somehow less than?  Dumb was a kind way to characterize Terry's obvious bias and stereotyping of construction workers.

  • Love 13

Shannon and David were so delicious tonight.  I loved how she kept her cool, almost icy (in a good way), tone throughout the discussion.  I also loved David's "I see what you're doing there, Terry, and I will have no part in it" attitude.  These shows have devolved into a "reality" game, and these two rookies picked up on it and were all win.  One thing that I really wish had been mentioned was the whole circumstance of David's "crude" remarks.  The Dubrows had a mechanical bull and encouraged women in dresses to ride it, at a party, with an open bar.  On what planet would that NOT invite intoxicated, sexual remarks?  Mechanical bulls are the go to trope for sexual situations in movies and TV.


And I wish to the Bravo gods that someone, anyone, on the show would remind Vicki she picked up her kids and moved halfway across the country.  I know some of y'all have mentioned it here in the past, but I'd love to see it happen on the show.

  • Love 13
Truly vile. I think if that Beadors vs Dubrows WWHL poll was taken again tonight, it would be even more of a landslide.



I just saw a clip of WWHL and a caller asked Heather if she thought Tamara had been manipulating her the last three years.  Both Terry and Heather said Tamara was a straight shooter and could not imagine why she would lie for no reason.  They were acting as if there was no evidence of Tamara's dishonesty.


Since this is Dr. Dubrow's fourth reality show, you think he would be much better at the game.

  • Love 3

I heart David, even more now.  Cool as a cucumber, coming out like a cool cucumber.  Miss Terry, his short and curlies got all twisted up.  Someone needs to knock some boots with their staff.  Heather would scare me.  "Don't do that."  "Put it there".  Yikes.  Just thinking of doing Miss Terry makes me lose 20 pounds immediately.


Miss Terry, go look at more boobies and tell helmet head with the square forehead Tamballs that that hair does not do her any favors to your work.  Oh, Miss Terry, you need more hair implants. 


Crooksie keeps his mouth shut during fights at the dinner table. He's like, "woo, glad it's not me." Vickster can cry all she wants but she's happy her daughter is gone so Crooksie can sleep over!  Hollar! 


I hate Tamballs, but when Crooksie hugged her and exhaled "uhhhhh" I wanted to vomit. 


Christian don't play these dumb games.  He shuts it down.  Love it!  I loved that he just got up and left this drama. Teeths is just thinking about putting his spanks on and his next ride.  I swear I saw his bowels move at that table, he wanted to get the hell out of there.


"Kentucky fried titties"  Really Tamballs?  Your face doesn't fucking move.  You have a daughter who doesn't want to live with you.  STFU.

Edited by Lablover27
  • Love 13

When Heather sneered, "That's NOT what he SAID" at Vicki's dinner, her face transformed into something frightening.

Have you ever seen the movie Coraline, where the pseudo-mom morphs over time from a sweet, cheery maternal figure into the awful spider-monster-thing? At the beginning of that transformation, there are just these glimpses of a scary countenance lurking under the apple pie exterior. That's what Heather reminded me of in that scene.

  • Love 17

I guess I'm trying to figure this out, I know it's  been cute to call Terry,  'Miss Terry,' but you're equating him with  a women in his behavior...who are you really insulting? Terry steps so low and is catty like a women?

    It's kind of like saying this about a male  'he throw/runs like a girl'.


Terry can be an real asshole, call him out on that,


I believe it comes from another message board.  Slade thinking he was the 6th housewife ~  Miss Terry just loves to get in all the drama ~ He's like the 6th housewife. 


I'm all for addressing him as Asshole Terry though.   But he probably does run like a girl ;)  Just kidding. 


This is just my opinion.  Posters being snarky.  Nothing personal.  All in good fun.  But he probably throws like a girl.  Just kidding, I couldn't help it.  I wouldn't turn down a free boob lift from the doctor though. 


I will stop calling him Miss Terry if it's offensive.  I don't want anyone to be offended by my snarky posts. 

  • Love 5

I will be back to comment on the episode, but let me just say that the Miss Terry and Heather hate on here is absolutely beautiful.  Bravo to you all!


It overlapped way over into the Twittersphere, too.


My snarky "friend" told him he came off as elitist and judgmental and it was not a good look.


He actually replied....Excuse du jour?  "I had been given misinformation and was defending my wife."


I think the only reason I...oops, my "friend" got a reply was because I was one of the first to tweet to him and it was getting a shit-ton of "favorites."  


Lame excuse, Doc...Lame excuse.  

  • Love 10

Vicki, if you're going to fake-apologize to the people of Oklahoma, you should probably first learn that they aren't referred to as "Oklahomians."


Heather, your smirking, sarcastic "apologies" were worse than no apologies at all.


Terry, calling David a construction worker is like calling Mark Zuckerberg a computer geek.  The dude owns a multi-million dollar company.


Tamra, you dumped your first born on your mother years ago.  Stop acting like the umbilical cord is still attached.


Lizzie and Shannon, hopefully you now realize what Bravo is all about, and will depart the show this year with your marriages still intact. 


Danielle, at least you got a free trip to Bali out of this horribly editied nightmare of a season.

  • Love 9

It overlapped way over into the Twittersphere, too.


My snarky "friend" told him he came off as elitist and judgmental and it was not a good look.


He actually replied....Excuse du jour?  "I had been given misinformation and was defending my wife."


I think the only reason I...oops, my "friend" got a reply was because I was one of the first to tweet to him and it was getting a shit-ton of "favorites."  


Lame excuse, Doc...Lame excuse.  

Love this.  I'm going over there.

Princess Terry is a hunk of butt release.

Laughing my ass off...releasing Princess Terry.  

Edited by Lablover27
  • Love 6

So I love Heather and am ambivalent to Terry. But I can't understand their reaction last night at all. They refused to take a sincere apology and instead screamed about it. Yes, that was "screaming/yelling." Bad move.


Also, this is the third time that the taking down the Beador's comment came up and the third time Vicki did not say Tamra said it. I am beginning to wonder whether Vicki invented that in her end-of-the-season TH's after Tamra betrayed her. 

  • Love 7

So I love Heather and am ambivalent to Terry. But I can't understand their reaction last night at all. They refused to take a sincere apology and instead screamed about it. Yes, that was "screaming/yelling." Bad move.


Also, this is the third time that the taking down the Beador's comment came up and the third time Vicki did not say Tamra said it. I am beginning to wonder whether Vicki invented that in her end-of-the-season TH's after Tamra betrayed her.

Feel the same way. I was disappointed in the way they behaved last night, but I still like Heather.

Unlike others, I don't believe the Debrow's are sitting around horribly upset about the fact that they are clearly not liked as Shannon and David are. I think they both came on this show with a completely different agenda than others do. Terry in particular is well aware of the "reality world" he lives in. He wanted to continue on the reality ride, and Heather was looking for additional acting opportunities. With the exception of a handful of other other HW's who are able to parley this into anything bigger, they have achieved what they wanted from the show. They didn't come on with silly expectations to make it with swimsuits, gyms or jewelry, but with the interests/roles that had already brought them some success. That makes them smarter than the average HW. Terry's new show has already been renewed and is garnering ratings about on par with this show in a very short time with little awareness. Heather has continued to get additional roles over the last year.

I doubt that we will see the Dubrow's breaking the 4th wall or blaming a lot on production. I think they get what they are doing and how it all works and they are fine with it as long as it gets them what they want in the end. I don't think that either of these folks are actually very drama filled in real life, and are fine to bring the drama that is necessary to create a narrative if it works out well for them. They are the ones being talked about this morning more than anyone else, which is a very different position for them to be in. I don't think it bothers them in the least.

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What I have noticed on the RH franchises lately is that the cast members act out during the last episode, which is usually a party, in an effort to ensure their continued contract with the show. WE saw it in NY with the Aviva leg throw, now OC, with the Terry hissy fit and the Tamra meltdown. My guess is we will see it in NJ also. Terry and Heather LOOVVE being on reality TV. Tamballs needs the paycheck. They need to make sure they are asked back. THe easiest way to achieve that is to do do something dramatic at the end of the season. That way the viewers will want to see what happens during the next season. Which sucks because those end of season parties used to be a way to celebrate the end of season. Now it's just a bunch of fake drama. 

Edited by poeticlicensed
  • Love 7

I'm sorry, but this finale was so staged. The apology from David, he had a hard time NOT laughing as he said it. The same with Terry's little snit at the table directed to David. It was BAD acting IMO! LOL Neither looked right or sounded real/honest from either guy, it felt staged and rehearsed. They need new writers! lol   JMO


That was pretty much my take on it as well.  Manufactured drama for the sake of having drama.

  • Love 3

The only thing Terry accomplished was to show the viewers what a little bitch he truly is.   The "construction" comment flew all over me - I detest people like that.   Kudos to David for not getting into it.   Why it even came up again is beyond me.  David apologized (and graciously) as soon as he walked in. End of story. And where was Terry's anger about Eddie's comment?


I had watched an earlier episode during the day - the one where Vicki tells Heather that she thinks Heather looks down on the rest of them. Oh, Heather assured her that was not so - but her idiot husband proved Vicki right last night.  I can't even imagine how they talk to staff, and the people working on their house.


As for Tamra, she was bound and determined to ruin that dinner party. And Heather can shut up about Shannon any time.   Again, over and done with.


IMO Bravo should really rethink the involvement of the husbands in these HW shows.  Some of them are bigger famewhores and worse than the wives (looking at you Terry, and Jim Marchese, for that matter).  They don't help the show at all.  Fine to see them from time to time - like NY or BH, but continually inserting them into the "drama" is getting old.  

Edited by mwell345
  • Love 11

When Heather sneered, "That's NOT what he SAID" at Vicki's dinner, her face transformed into something frightening.

Have you ever seen the movie Coraline, where the pseudo-mom morphs over time from a sweet, cheery maternal figure into the awful spider-monster-thing? At the beginning of that transformation, there are just these glimpses of a scary countenance lurking under the apple pie exterior. That's what Heather reminded me of in that scene.

 That was truly truly horrifying. Ohh that "face" made my cat run out of the room and I was running right behind her.

  • Love 6

I love Vikki's backyard.  I've loved her backyard since the beginning.  I would pick her house over any other house across all the HW franchises just for her backyard.  Outdoor kitchen....love it!!  That pool is too die for!  She went all out decorating it last night too.  I thought it looked great!


I'm always the weird one that likes housewives that no one else likes.  I like Heather.  I don't mind Tamra.  I love Vikki.  That chick cracks me up!  I love Nene and Theresa Giudice too.  I loved watching Camille.  I never, ever liked Brandi even when everyone else did so now I'm glad no one else can stand her either.  Couldn't stand Taylor either.  


Orange County is basically done for the season.  Just have the reunion left.  NY...just finished.  Feels like Atlanta just finished.  NJ is up now.  What HW show is up next?  Beverly Hills?  I could really go for some Beverly Hills housewives.  When are they airing?

  • Love 3


Is Tamra's son Ryan what they call a 'mountain man'???   Yikes.

No, he's what they call a late 20's son who's still floundering and looking for something/someone to cling to who'll give him direction away from his psychotic mother and the scripted piece of crap reality show she's embraced for a paycheck. I suspect that this plot twist may be the only thing in Tamra's life which didn't come from a producer's meeting and some staff writers typewriter.


Am I the only one who had issues with Vicki's dress? I don't mean the white one (tragic, though that was) but the one, also 3 sizes too small, with the keyhole in the front highlighting her smushed together fake boobs? Not a good look.

  • Love 8

Ha ha, I did laugh at the scene with Tamra on the phone acting melodramatic while Eddie is silently cooking his ground turkey in the background. Yeah, you can tell he doesn't give a shit about Tamra's histrionics.


Something that surprises me in these shows is how most of the husbands seem very interested in the drama among the women. In my real-life experience, I have found men to be pretty unreceptive and unreponsive when I try to engage them in any cattiness or gossip. Which, actually, kind of makes me like them more.


When Terry goes all bug-eyed when engaging in gossip, it makes me lose all respect. Oh, wait, I never had any for him in the first place. Miss Terry, you are the worst!

  • Love 8

I love Vikki's backyard.  I've loved her backyard since the beginning.  I would pick her house over any other house across all the HW franchises just for her backyard.  Outdoor kitchen....love it!!  That pool is too die for!  She went all out decorating it last night too.  I thought it looked great!


I'm always the weird one that likes housewives that no one else likes.  I like Heather.  I don't mind Tamra.  I love Vikki.  That chick cracks me up!  I love Nene and Theresa Giudice too.  I loved watching Camille.  I never, ever liked Brandi even when everyone else did so now I'm glad no one else can stand her either.  Couldn't stand Taylor either.  


Orange County is basically done for the season.  Just have the reunion left.  NY...just finished.  Feels like Atlanta just finished.  NJ is up now.  What HW show is up next?  Beverly Hills?  I could really go for some Beverly Hills housewives.  When are they airing?

The Real Housewives of Melbourne is about three episodes in, and it's very, very fun. It is available on On Demand. Lots, loads, of snark potential. Check out the Forum on this site. Maybe go to the Gina thread. What a hoot!

  • Love 4

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