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S42.E10: Tell a Good Lie, Not a Stupid Lie

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34 minutes ago, HurricaneVal said:

Seriously, where are all these extra clothes coming from?  Is there a hidden Survivor closet out there in the jungle that some of them have found to supplement their wardrobes?  First it was Omar who somehow acquired an orange buttondown and plain orange t-shirt in addition to his ridiculous emu t-shirt.  Last night it was Jonathon with his floral tank top and pink overshirt.  Yet some of the others continue to look really grubby.

We commented on that too!  Especially in the scene prior to the reward challenge, when they are all soaking wet in their shelter at camp, they seemed to have jackets, sweatshirts, and even hats on.  But then in the very next scene they're all standing there in their underwear shivering.

Speaking of underwear... I say this every season... Why, oh why are we forced to watch some of them participate in their underwear, and others not?  What happened to the bathing suits they used to be allowed to wear?  

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I'm shocked that Jonathan survived. This reminds me of last season when Ricard was finally vulnerable, having lost his first individual immunity, and they ended up not targeting. It's frustrating to watch as a viewer, but I'm sure on the island lots more cogs are moving.

Maryanne continues to entertain me. Lindsey is also super impressive. Drea is playing a great game too. Hell, they all are at this point -- it's going to be a wild ride to the finale.

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3 hours ago, Haleth said:

I don’t know why Probst thought Jonathan wouldn’t follow Maryanne’s Jenga analogy. I thought it made perfect sense. 

I think he thought Jonathan would make the same mistake as last week, but seems he has learned about brevity and not letting himself be pulled into a discussion.  

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1 hour ago, fishcakes said:

Also WTF: Lydia Lindsay asking Hai if he wanted to vote out Jonathan when Jonathan was sitting RIGHT THERE.

I don't recall seeing Jonathan on screen at the same time, just cutting back and forth from him to Lindsay and Hai, so I highly doubt he was anywhere near them during their conversation. Just standard editing shorthand to remind the viewers who they're talking about (or create the impression that OMG HE MIGHT HEAR THEM)

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1 hour ago, cowgirlwen said:

What happened to the bathing suits they used to be allowed to wear?  

Tyler Perry happened. Apparently this Friend of Peachy didn't think swimsuits were realistic for marooned survivors, so instead we get underthings. 

Solid episode for me. I'm flexible on first run that I just want to be entertained for an hour. On rewatch I'll wish I had more reaction to last ep or internal camp stuff. But Omar's lie and his mustache-twirling giddiness were fun and the shortened version of Letters from Home/Loved One Visit was touching if brief. Emphasis on brief. 

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1 hour ago, cowgirlwen said:

We commented on that too!  Especially in the scene prior to the reward challenge, when they are all soaking wet in their shelter at camp, they seemed to have jackets, sweatshirts, and even hats on.  But then in the very next scene they're all standing there in their underwear shivering.

I assume they didn't want their jackets and sweatshirts to get soaking wet, so left them in the shelter. That way when they get back from the challenge they have something dry to put on.

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2 hours ago, HurricaneVal said:

What's the over/under on Maryanne actually keeping her mouth shut about her second immunity idol?

To be fair to Maryanne, she was feeling very comfortable in the kumbaya environment of the Taku tribe. Now she can sense that she is more vulnerable and probably more willing to keep her cards closer to her chest. If she starts feeling comfortable again, all bets are off. 

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3 hours ago, fishcakes said:

The monkey run was a real WTF moment, although there's probably a lot of that kind of thing given that they mostly have nothing to do and nothing to entertain them.

Also WTF: Lindsay asking Hai if he wanted to vote out Jonathan when Jonathan was sitting RIGHT THERE.

Something about Jonathan seems off to me compared to the start of the season.  I don't know if it's the fact that it's an individual game now (which we've seen both physically and strategically he isn't very good at), or if he's just on edge about being voted off, or what.  He just has this vacant stare most of the time.  And then that monkey run was really bizarre. 

Also, I feel like that's another strike against Lindsey for strategizing about voting Jonathan off when he was right there.  Unless he realized it was all for show, but still, Hai seems like he's smart enough that he should have noticed.

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1 minute ago, LadyChatts said:

Something about Jonathan seems off to me compared to the start of the season.  I don't know if it's the fact that it's an individual game now (which we've seen both physically and strategically he isn't very good at), or if he's just on edge about being voted off, or what.  He just has this vacant stare most of the time.  And then that monkey run was really bizarre. 

Also, I feel like that's another strike against Lindsey for strategizing about voting Jonathan off when he was right there.  Unless he realized it was all for show, but still, Hai seems like he's smart enough that he should have 

With regard to the monkey run

1. There was a whole conversation we didn’t get to hear

2. This was his attempt to lighten the mood 

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1 minute ago, LadyChatts said:

Something about Jonathan seems off to me compared to the start of the season.  I don't know if it's the fact that it's an individual game now (which we've seen both physically and strategically he isn't very good at), or if he's just on edge about being voted off, or what.  He just has this vacant stare most of the time.  And then that monkey run was really bizarre. 

Also, I feel like that's another strike against Lindsey for strategizing about voting Jonathan off when he was right there.  Unless he realized it was all for show, but still, Hai seems like he's smart enough that he should have noticed.

He could just be getting worn down and feeling the impact of the later stages of the game. Many of them are less cheery than they were at the beginning (even Maryanne).

And as far as Lindsay goes, again, I don't think Jonathan was right there when she was talking to Hai. It wouldn't have been for show, because that conversation theoretically happened when Lindsay was targeting Jonathan before she realized everyone wanted Hai out instead. So I think both she and Hai are smart enough not to talk about a target when they're anywhere close by. Maybe when I'm not at work (😬) I'll watch the epi again and see if there's any footage in that scene where Jonathan is in frame with the other two. It's editing trickery, I tell you!

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15 hours ago, ByaNose said:

Also, the ocean looked angry and the immunity challenge. I wonder when this was filmed? Was it due to some hurricane or cyclone issues? It’s crazy how rough it is since they’ve filmed there for several years now in Fiji and I’ve never seen it this bad and miserable. 

Since they moved filming exclusively to Fiji, they have twice had to shut down production and evacuate the camp due to hurricanes. It has been this bad before, and it has also been worse. I don't think there were any Fijian weather Gods trying to extract revenge on the cast and crew this season.

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5 hours ago, tracyscott76 said:

I don't recall seeing Jonathan on screen at the same time, just cutting back and forth from him to Lindsay and Hai, so I highly doubt he was anywhere near them during their conversation. Just standard editing shorthand to remind the viewers who they're talking about (or create the impression that OMG HE MIGHT HEAR THEM)

I think he was there because there were indeed a few shots of Hai and Lindsay talking with Jonathan in frame; it wasn't just cuts back and forth.

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46 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I think he was there because there were indeed a few of shots of Hai and Lindsay talking with Johnathan in frame; it wasn't just cuts back and forth.

And, while they were that close I think the mics just really picks up what they’re saying to us (the viewer). Maybe, not so much to Jonathan or even Drea behind them. I couldn’t believe it because Lindsay seemed to say it somewhat loud (not screaming though) and, then camera shows that Jonathan and Drea are right there in the shelter. I guess if they were really trying to listen to them they might have heard it. In general, there is so much going on with the camera guys and other tribe members they probably aren’t even paying attention to them. I’d love to hear what former (and current) players have to say on the topic of what you hear or not hear. 

Edited by ByaNose
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4 hours ago, tracyscott76 said:

I don't recall seeing Jonathan on screen at the same time, just cutting back and forth from him to Lindsay and Hai, so I highly doubt he was anywhere near them during their conversation. Just standard editing shorthand to remind the viewers who they're talking about (or create the impression that OMG HE MIGHT HEAR THEM)

He was sitting with Drea a few feet away in the shelter as they were crouching in front of him talking about him, albeit quietly. There were plenty of shots that showed the short distance between them, it was mad!

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Well, I stand corrected. I'll just have to assume it's as @ByaNose suggests, and that the mics make it seem like they're talking louder than they are. It did seem like they mumbled Jonathan's name pretty quietly but I am mystified as to why they risked that. I shall chalk it up to the steadily growing madness that is slowly eating away at this group of overall decent, normal people.

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8 hours ago, iMonrey said:

Well, that's too bad, I kind of liked Hai. But the editing made it pretty obvious he was going home tonight by inserting that mini bio. Clearly the show was holding onto that for a particular episode.

Now I don't know who to root for. I liked Jonathan up until last week. I've never warmed up to Maryanne, she's just a little too precious for me. Hate Mike, the big dummy, and just meh on Romeo, Lindsay and Drea. So . . . go Omar? I guess? He's OK but when they start cackling about how they're running the show it's really an unattractive look.

We're down to seven people and there are five advantages/idols in play. That's . . . ridiculous. It really pissed me off Maryanne got another idol immediately after playing one. With all these different idols and advantages, I think once they're played, they should be out of the game. For good. It might also be a good idea if they made it a rule that once you played a hidden immunity idol you couldn't play one again. Anything to cut down on all these gimmicks. They're all designed to fuck with the players and it ruins their strategy.

and I believe that idols are placed in certain peoples path to affect the outcome, weve seen it again and again. sadly, it makes me not trust the show. 

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22 hours ago, vb68 said:

Omar is in serious danger of outplaying himself. He sets it all up on Hai and then says "Nah. Too easy! Let's do Jonathan!"  You don't change a vote just out of boredom or to impress yourself. He better realize it won't be good for him if he gets caught orchestrating Jonathan's, aka his number one ally's, demise. 

Usually I reasonably trust the game, but I was wondering if maybe production prompted hm to give that little speech since Hai's ouster was so obvious and they'd need something for the suspense

20 hours ago, ByaNose said:

They quickly moved on from last weeks Tribal Council. They knew they had a great episode to air in real time but they also knew they weren’t gonna any of the aftermath. Frankly, I was shocked. I don’t know why but I assumed they would because it was the first time for the tribe to be altogether. Anyhoo, move along. Nothing to see here and off to a reward challenge. Pretty crazy!

I was just as happy without it - better than beating that horse until it's dead and gone.

9 hours ago, fishcakes said:

I think it was a mistake not to vote out Jonathan when they had the chance. Everyone seems willing to vote out either Jonathan or Hai at any time and Jonathan is more likely to go on an immunity run (Hai has done well in the challenges, but Jonathan has a wider range of physical skills, it seems). OTOH, Hai is more likely to turn things around for himself strategically than Jonathan is, so maybe it's a wash. I don't know. This is the downside for me of having a generally likeable cast; I'm a little disappointed no matter who goes. I thought Hai's gracious exit was genuine; it reminded me of Jay's exit in MvGenX. He wasn't mad about being blindsided either and went out thanking everyone for the great time.

I think there have been enough strategic players this season that they may not be worried about losing to Jonathan in the end.  I certainly don't think Lindsay needs to worry about him "ruining her game" right now.  I think that last week with the small group he got all excited about "making a big move" and kind of made an ass of himself (he's cold and starving too after all!); even if he's not strategic I think he has the self-awareness to realize he didn't do it well.  As for Hai I don't really care if it was genuine or not - I appreciate that he was a good sport.

9 hours ago, iMonrey said:

It might also be a good idea if they made it a rule that once you played a hidden immunity idol you couldn't play one again. 

This would be a good rule.  Then the finder would have to figure out who they should trust and give it to.

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1 hour ago, DEL901 said:

I don’t remember Omar questioning his sexuality.  He said he was a virgin because of his faith, but I don’t remember anything else along those lines.  

I remember it the same way you do.  He also said they had been dating for six years.  Now he mentions they went to Hawaii together.  Pretty expensive to get two rooms. 

Edited by mythoughtis
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1 hour ago, DEL901 said:

I don’t remember Omar questioning his sexuality.  He said he was a virgin because of his faith, but I don’t remember anything else along those lines.  

I vaguely remember that now. Your memory is much better than mine when it comes to keeping track of storylines. There is definitely a "twin beds" vibe with Omar and his girlfriend, but maybe my gaydar needs a charge?

Edited by ZeeEnnui
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Good episode, though I'm thinking the show REALLY needs to think about keeping their players safe. I didn't want to see Maryanne shivering in the cold before the Reward Challenge. I definitely didn't need proof that she wasn't wearing anything under her top. Gave me flashbacks to Tracy in S16. Looking back, if Penner hadn't gotten killed by that one challenge, Tracy would've taken his eye out.

Speaking of Maryanne . . .I'm rooting for her. Why fight it? I know she'll probably break my heart, but she's been fun to watch. Not only was she happy in scoring a new idol, she was gleeful that she didn't have to say something stupid to activate it.

Did Jonathan get votes before this episode? The guy is a menace in Challenges. Someone mentioned that the RC might have been shortened because of the crap conditions. He might have beaten Lindsay if there was a full Challenge. Of course, it was a Challenge coming down to a carnie game, and that's a great equalizer. Also . . . . he can run like a monkey. That probably excites Probst even more.

Omar got into Mike's head, and Hai paid the price. I don't think Mike is a dummy or that Omar is that clever. Omar just gave him enough where Mike bought it.

No one whipped out advantages. I think there should be a cap on how many one player can have. I don't think Drea is a lock to make it to the end . . . but I'm half-expect her to play all five Exodia cards to stay in the game.

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25 minutes ago, ZeeEnnui said:

I vaguely remember that now. Your memory is much better than mine when it comes to keeping track of storylines. There is definitely a "twin beds" vibe with Omar and his girlfriend, but maybe my gaydar needs a charge?

I think Omar is just kind of a gentle, beta-type man who in our current society gets labeled gay.  He has said he's a virgin because of his faith; I don't know why people date for six years without getting married (if they're waiting for marriage to have sex) but he's not the first I've heard of and probably won't be the last.  

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11 minutes ago, princelina said:

 I don't know why people date for six years without getting married (if they're waiting for marriage to have sex) but he's not the first I've heard of and probably won't be the last.  

It could be something simple like wanting to finish school or being new to a job. People put off marriage for all sorts of reasons. He also doesn't seem super concerned with the sex aspect. I think he's thirty? If you've waited that long a little longer probably wouldn't matter -- unless you want to start a family.

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15 hours ago, fishcakes said:

I think it was a mistake not to vote out Jonathan when they had the chance. Everyone seems willing to vote out either Jonathan or Hai at any time and Jonathan is more likely to go on an immunity run (Hai has done well in the challenges, but Jonathan has a wider range of physical skills, it seems). OTOH, Hai is more likely to turn things around for himself strategically than Jonathan is, so maybe it's a wash. I don't know.

It was a great example of the classic Survivor conundrum: do you vote out the physical threat or the strategic threat?  This time, they decided on the strategic threat.


5 hours ago, ZeeEnnui said:

Okay, I guess I'll be the one to say it. Am I the only one that was shocked that Omar had a girlfriend?!? For some reason, I thought Omar had a talk earlier in the season about maybe being unsure of his sexuality. But, I do watch a lot of TV so I could have my character arcs crossed. Honestly, I can't believe he can get a woman with eyesight. I don't know too many women with working eyeballs that can date a man wearing a bright orange ostrich shirt. The Nature Company went out of business like twenty years ago. Move on, Omar. 

To be fair:

  1. Omar is a veterinarian (or vet student) specializing in birds.  In fact, in a Secret Scene it was revealed that he's the one that named the merge tribe, as "Kula" is the Fijian word for their national bird.  (The rest of the tribe doubled it up because "Kula Kula" sounded that much cooler.  😋)  So it's kind of on-brand for him to wear an avian-themed shirt.
  2. The shirt might not have originally been his idea.  We know that Cochran never wore a sweater vest before they gave him one for SoPa.  They could have given Omar that shirt also (in part for the branding and for initial tribe-color purposes).
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9 hours ago, ZeeEnnui said:

I vaguely remember that now. Your memory is much better than mine when it comes to keeping track of storylines. There is definitely a "twin beds" vibe with Omar and his girlfriend, but maybe my gaydar needs a charge?

Not every man who wants to be a virgin is gay. At least thats my thought process. 

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Maybe the extra clothes are left-behinds from former Survivors. One day, when this show is over, there will be a Survivor rummage sale. Maybe Omar 's ostrich shirt will be there next to Philip's pink undies (the ones that didn't burn up) and Russell's charred hat.

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10 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

Good episode, though I'm thinking the show REALLY needs to think about keeping their players safe. I didn't want to see Maryanne shivering in the cold before the Reward Challenge. I definitely didn't need proof that she wasn't wearing anything under her top. Gave me flashbacks to Tracy in S16. Looking back, if Penner hadn't gotten killed by that one challenge, Tracy would've taken his eye out.

Speaking of Maryanne . . .I'm rooting for her. Why fight it? I know she'll probably break my heart, but she's been fun to watch. Not only was she happy in scoring a new idol, she was gleeful that she didn't have to say something stupid to activate it.

Did Jonathan get votes before this episode? The guy is a menace in Challenges. Someone mentioned that the RC might have been shortened because of the crap conditions. He might have beaten Lindsay if there was a full Challenge. Of course, it was a Challenge coming down to a carnie game, and that's a great equalizer. Also . . . . he can run like a monkey. That probably excites Probst even more.

Omar got into Mike's head, and Hai paid the price. I don't think Mike is a dummy or that Omar is that clever. Omar just gave him enough where Mike bought it.

No one whipped out advantages. I think there should be a cap on how many one player can have. I don't think Drea is a lock to make it to the end . . . but I'm half-expect her to play all five Exodia cards to stay in the game.

Jonathan got two votes at the Lydia boot (I believe from Chanelle and Tori?), but no other votes until this episode.

I think Drea and Omar are the only ones remaining who haven’t yet received a vote.

Edited by jsm1125
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12 hours ago, ZeeEnnui said:

Okay, I guess I'll be the one to say it. Am I the only one that was shocked that Omar had a girlfriend?!? For some reason, I thought Omar had a talk earlier in the season about maybe being unsure of his sexuality. But, I do watch a lot of TV so I could have my character arcs crossed. Honestly, I can't believe he can get a woman with eyesight. I don't know too many women with working eyeballs that can date a man wearing a bright orange ostrich shirt. The Nature Company went out of business like twenty years ago. Move on, Omar.


I’d date someone like Omar in a heartbeat, & I liked that shirt 😊

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4 minutes ago, IslandGirl said:

I’d date someone like Omar in a heartbeat, & I liked that shirt 😊

Agree and I don’t mind the tshirt because he is a vet with an exotic animals specialty which is crazy hard to get into.   

Regarding a comment upthread on the new clothes for some…personally I noticed Jonathan’s new T.    I read somewhere there are rules about what to bring and they go through your stuff and get rid of anything that violates the rules (e.g. has a corporate logo).  If you disregard the rules, you might not have much approved.  

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I don't know, but when I saw that they have more clothes now, I assumed it was because Parvati recently made her complaints public about the show making them play in their underwear (she apparently had been lobbying the producers for more clothes for a while). Aside from the dignity aspect of it, it turned out that a lot of the women were getting UTIs because they were wearing the same damp, dirty underwear for 39 days, and felt like they couldn't take them off to wash and dry them because they had literally nothing else to wear while doing that. Here's an article from last year that talks about it. Both Andrea and Karishma had UTIs that got so bad they required hospitalization and IV antibiotics after their seasons ended.

Edited by fishcakes
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Oddly enough, this cast seems to have same vibe for Jonathan as Season 41:had for Xander. They were both challenge threats but not strategic threats and they aren’t worried about either. Although, I think Xander had a little more on the ball. I like Jonathan though but what they air isn’t always the perception out on the island. They might let him get to the Final 3 thinking he won’t get any votes. Time will tell. 

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On 5/4/2022 at 10:28 PM, GenerationX said:

Random thoughts on episode 10 "Bai":

  • One of the coolest loved ones segments (and I normally loathe them)

I thought it was cool and a little creepy at the same time.

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I vaguely remember that now. Your memory is much better than mine when it comes to keeping track of storylines. There is definitely a "twin beds" vibe with Omar and his girlfriend, but maybe my gaydar needs a charge?

Eh. I tend to raise an eyebrow when men use religion as an excuse to stay virgins. There was a certain Bachelor I know of who used the same excuse, and I recall a couple of dating virgins on Amazing Race years ago who'd been together for over 10 years and had never had sex. 

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19 hours ago, iMonrey said:

Eh. I tend to raise an eyebrow when men use religion as an excuse to stay virgins. There was a certain Bachelor I know of who used the same excuse, and I recall a couple of dating virgins on Amazing Race years ago who'd been together for over 10 years and had never had sex. 

That Bachelor never used religion as a reason he was a virgin.   

And when someone says they are adhering to the tenets of their faith, I generally just believe them.  Some people take this seriously…my own nephew for example who, due to his religion, wasn’t even on a 1-1 date with his fiancé until she accepted his proposal.  

Edited by DEL901
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6 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

Maybe the extra clothes are left-behinds from former Survivors. One day, when this show is over, there will be a Survivor rummage sale. Maybe Omar 's ostrich shirt will be there next to Philip's pink undies (the ones that didn't burn up) and Russell's charred hat.

They can join Evie's Amazing Technicolor Underpants in the cast-off pile [shudder]

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4 hours ago, fishcakes said:

I don't know, but when I saw that they have more clothes now, I assumed it was because Parvati recently made her complaints public about the show making them play in their underwear (she apparently had been lobbying the producers for more clothes for a while). Aside from the dignity aspect of it, it turned out that a lot of the women were getting UTIs because they were wearing the same damp, dirty underwear for 39 days, and felt like they couldn't take them off to wash and dry them because they had literally nothing else to wear while doing that. Here's an article from last year that talks about it. Both Andrea and Karishma had UTIs that got so bad they required hospitalization and IV antibiotics after their seasons ended.

Thanks for that link.   Someone should make Tyler Perry walk around in wet, filthy underwear for a month.   What a callous and condescending display of privilege -- this billionaire asshole thinks it would be great if all the poor saps willing to endure physical and emotional deprivation on national TV for a chance at winning a million dollars suffered even more. 


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16 hours ago, jsm1125 said:

I think Drea and Omar are the only ones remaining who haven’t yet received a vote.

Per the Reddit poster that does Perfect Game threads in r/survivor, you are correct.  They are the only two left in contention without any votes.

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4 minutes ago, Tachi Rocinante said:

When is production going to construct balance challenges that are more comparable, given people's different weights and sizes? 

Or do they think that strength should even things out? 

There are some challenges where they account for things like height. But I think trying to adjust whatever they're balancing on based on foot size or weight or whatever other factors come into play might be a bit too difficult to really accomplish fairly.

Overall, it tends to balance out. For some kinds of challenges, being big is an advantage, and for others, being small is an advantage.

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7 minutes ago, Tachi Rocinante said:

When is production going to construct balance challenges that are more comparable, given people's different weights and sizes? 

I don't think they could, nor should they. Everyone has their own strongest quality. You shouldn't make water challenges easier for poor swimmers or puzzle challenges easier for poor solvers.

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On 5/6/2022 at 9:37 AM, ByaNose said:

Oddly enough, this cast seems to have same vibe for Jonathan as Season 41:had for Xander. They were both challenge threats but not strategic threats and they aren’t worried about either. Although, I think Xander had a little more on the ball. I like Jonathan though but what they air isn’t always the perception out on the island. They might let him get to the Final 3 thinking he won’t get any votes. Time will tell. 

I'd say S41, no one expressed concerns about getting Xander out, him going on an immunity run, etc. People have expressed those concerns about Jonathan even if they haven't yet pulled the trigger.

And while Xander was good at challenges, Jonathan has been crazy good, bordering on otherworldly. Xander had pretty much no one in his corner for most of the individual game, whereas Jonathan has Mike, and he at least can be said to have some level of alliance with his three tribemates. 

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Ozzy was amazing at challenges too…ew just reading about the underwear and then remembering couples who have fooled around it is just gross!

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Glad Hai is gone... he truly did think of himself in the drivers seat and everything was being done at his direction.  I do still like Jonathan so I am happy that he survived.  However, it seems evident that Hai was booted because he dared to go against King Mike and Mike's butthurt feelings.  Mike was upset that "Hai LIED" and made him look bad in front of Rocksroy.  It was complete and utterly 100% personal that Mike wanted to go after Hai.  I agree that it was a good move to get out Hai, but Mike is too much of an idiot to think about things strategically.  He just votes against whoever disrespected him.

I'm kind of surprised that we didn't see a scene of Mike confronting Hai.  Omar tells a lie and says that Hai thinks Mike is his puppet.  If this was your #1 ally from the beginning, wouldn't you go and talk to that person?  "Hey Omar says this..." and then Hai would say "I never said that" and then it comes out that Omar lied.  Did Omar not think that all the way through or did he just know Mike well enough to say that Mike would say "He's dead to me!  Hai will be OUT" and not bother talking with Hai?

On 5/5/2022 at 8:45 AM, peachmangosteen said:

Very boring ep but there were some good lines like 'Bye Hai!' and Mike's 'We're gonna cut the snake off this head.' I lost it at that one lol.

Mike saying that made me laugh.  Reminds me of my boss who frequently uses malapropisms and butchers them, he thinks he is being smart but nobody bothers correcting him.  My favourites of his are "when push comes to shovel" and "let sleeping dots lie".

On 5/5/2022 at 11:44 AM, HurricaneVal said:

Seriously, where are all these extra clothes coming from?  Is there a hidden Survivor closet out there in the jungle that some of them have found to supplement their wardrobes?  First it was Omar who somehow acquired an orange buttondown and plain orange t-shirt in addition to his ridiculous emu t-shirt.  Last night it was Jonathon with his floral tank top and pink overshirt.  Yet some of the others continue to look really grubby.

I was wondering the same thing, they seemingly have way more clothes than any cast has ever had.  I remember the seasons when the cast just had "the clothes on your back".  During Pearl Islands, I remember Andrew Savage wearing a suit, at least he had the jacket which would have helped with warmth.  I remember Ryan Opray's underwear getting so worn that there were holes in it and he got a needle and thread from somewhere to try and sew it.  Casts never used to get new clothes midway through the show.  Reminded me of the early days of Big Brother when there would be the shopping day and they'd get 60 seconds to go through and grab whatever new clothes they could.

Just looking at Jonathan alone... he started off with the biblical cosplay tunic and the yellow tank top.  Now he seems to have some loose pink shirt and a white patterned tank top.  And completely new this week was some kind of long sleeve grey dryfit underarmour-type shirt.  And yet they still don't get swimsuits.

However, Romeo seems to only wear the red white blue horizontal striped shirt.  Does he have anything else?  And does he not have shorts?  I would rather not have to see him in his little bright blue boxer briefs.

That article about UTIs is concerning.  Tyler Perry wants them in underwear or as he claims "worn looking swimsuits".  So they can look more like they are actually stranded on a deserted island?  Dude, that concept went out 41 seasons ago when Gretchen during the very first season was surprised to learn that they actually weren't going to be using any survival skills.  I'm sure Tyler Perry would prefer if the entire cast is completely naked, all the time.


Edited by blackwing
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On 5/4/2022 at 10:02 PM, vb68 said:

Exactly. He's a goat. The person who drags along because nobody likes and/or respects their game. He's kinda irrelevant at this stage.

Omar is in serious danger of outplaying himself. He sets it all up on Hai and then says "Nah. Too easy! Let's do Jonathan!"  You don't change a vote just out of boredom or to impress yourself. He better realize it won't be good for him if he gets caught orchestrating Jonathan's, aka his number one ally's, demise.   

I thought it was very clever stroking Mike's enormous ego, though. That was a super good read.

Lindsay still looks like a younger Edie Falco to me.

It was a smart move of Lindsay to choose Mike to begin with, he's showing himself as that blindly loyal, emotional player and between being flattered to be chosen and then the reward of the loved ones videos, she's reeled him in. 

But Omar also made the most of the same opportunity and he has shown himself to be really astute about how to talk to each individual on their level. And I'm not sure I actually think he's getting more cocky, I get the feeling that he's been saying the same types of things in his talking heads for the whole time, but he was more of a background character at first and now that he's emerging as a major player, they're using more footage. That may just be my impression, but I've been struck from the beginning by how seemingly genuine he is in face-to-face conversations and yet how different his tone is in replaying those conversations in his interviews. He definitely has social game skills that I wouldn't have predicted if I was looking at pre-show first impression kinds of media.

I'm rooting for him because he's had great ideas and managed to pull strings without seeming like a ringleader. And he doesn't have the obvious physical advantages of a Jonathan-type and doesn't have a gajillion show advantages, it would be nice to see someone win without riding an idol or other twist.

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On 5/5/2022 at 5:40 PM, violet and green said:

He was sitting with Drea a few feet away in the shelter as they were crouching in front of him talking about him, albeit quietly. There were plenty of shots that showed the short distance between them, it was mad!

IIRC it was raining during the conversation, which could explain a lot; a heavy downpour in a tropical forest is one of the best white noise generators ever devised by nature.  😄

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My favorite bit out of the entire episode: Omar’s Hai’s TH about lying to Jonathan and saying he thought Jonathan “bought it” hook, line and sinker - followed immediately by Jonathan recounting his conversation with Hai to Omar with the comment “the worst lie I’ve ever heard.”  😆

Edited by Nashville
Hai, not Omar
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38 minutes ago, Nashville said:

My favorite bit out of the entire episode: Omar’s TH about lying to Jonathan and saying he thought Jonathan bought it hook, line and sinker - followed immediately by Jonathan recounting his conversation with Omar with the comment “he [Omar] was totally lying.”  😆

You mean Hai, not Omar.

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I always find it odd when people on Survivor get so angry over someone lying to them. It's a major part of the game. Someone is going to lie to you, and you're going to lie to someone. 

I like to imagine them playing poker with friends back home and having a big falling out because Kyle from down the street pretended to have a good hand when he only had a pair of threes. How could he??! I'll never forgive Kyle!

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