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S14.E07: This is My Decision Day

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Interesting how they withheld Chris getting a dog, huh? 🤔 They had us all thinking how cute it was that he was manifesting a dog & got one from his new wife. So sneaky! Just shows how long the matching process is & how their lives keep going, regardless.

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12 hours ago, Lindz said:

Interesting how they withheld Chris getting a dog, huh? 🤔 They had us all thinking how cute it was that he was manifesting a dog & got one from his new wife. So sneaky! Just shows how long the matching process is & how their lives keep going, regardless.

I'm not sure I understand this post. Are you saying the show told us that Alyssa helped Chris adopt a dog before they were married? 

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On 2/17/2022 at 4:23 PM, DrewPaul2010 said:

When she claimed she was willing to engage he should have said okay when are you moving and when can we go on dates like normal people?

"Ugh! I do not like the way you are talking to me. You are being very aggressive and I need to walk away."

On 2/17/2022 at 6:53 PM, Leschele said:

Michael and Jasmina...um he lied! Straight up lied. Smh. I lost respect for him there. If he'll lie over something so miniscule what else will he lie about? 

He really did. I'm actually surprised some viewers are letting it go with the excuse that he meant romantically. She said she lived with a male roommate and immediately asked him if he'd ever lived with a woman. His answer, "No. Never. That would be new territory for me."

For me, that's strike two after the she cut me off fiasco.

On 2/17/2022 at 7:17 PM, Lindz said:

O said HE was the reason they hadn't had sex. WOW! PLOT TWIST! I didn't see that coming! 😅 

I think Olajuwon feels insecure around Katina. She is sexy and outgoing and he probably think she dates good-looking professional men. He has a muscular body, but he's pretty humble and leads a humble life.

On 2/17/2022 at 7:57 PM, JapMo said:


  • Lindsey didn't hear ONE WORD that Pastor Cal was saying. She also didn't really listen to what Mark was saying. She's agreeing with everything but all she's thinking about is what she's going to say. 

This. The only reason Lindsey "listened" to Mark and didnt become verbally violent was because PC was sitting there. She thinks she is always right and if Mark stands up for himself she will go for the jugular and/or hit below the belt.

I wish she wouldn't do this bc I actually like her when she's being nice and would like for them to work. 

On 2/18/2022 at 1:14 AM, Lindz said:

  PC should've pointed that out!

PC is too much of a gentleman to call out the women when they really need it. Lindsey, Jasmina, and Alyssa needed to be set straight by him. His not doing so excuses their behavior. 

21 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

There was a scene where Lindsey was sitting at a table or counter and there was smoke coming from something next her. 

I think it was probably an essential oils diffuser.

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On 2/18/2022 at 10:07 AM, cardigirl said:

Count me in as someone who likes Lindsey for the most part. I'm not sure she's continuously drunk or drinking. 

I think Lindsey is trying to "help" Mark, by revising his diet and hydration habits. The clogged toilet reference was in relation to his poor diet. He seems to have an unexpanded palate and is afraid of green vegetables. Didn't he pack a bunch of junk food to take with him to Puerto Rico? Lindsey was (as I was) aghast. Or at least thinking, "Okay, I'll have to fix that." That she started in on him right away was not the best plan, baby steps are always better, but I get where she's coming from. And honestly, Mark needs the help. He's like some child who's never left home. My sister asked me if I liked Mark the Shark, and my response was that I think being Married at First Sight is the only way he would get married. (Okay, that's mean, but he does nothing for me.) 

Mark is resisting change, and Lyndsey needs to figure out that people have to want to change. Mark is not there yet. He's comfortable in his non-hydrated junk food-loving state. If she were to phrase it as she likes him and wants him to live longer, he might be more accepting. Who knows?  

And that perpetual surprised look on his face?  Not my cup of tea. 

#teamLindsey  (at the moment). 

Lindsey is a sweetheart and a caring person, but she is a fixer.  She shouldn’t try to fix Mark.  He will go at his own pace.  She has to lie back and be quiet.  It seems she’s on top of him every minute.  If Mark doesn’t respond, she disappears and sulks.  She has to let him be and give him space.  She is a ten, and it’s annoying him.  I’m married a very long time and have never acted like her.  My husband would have been gone.  We never sweat the small stuff.  Talking about his toilet habits was a big no no.  Looks like he’s done already, as he told her to “ have another drink”, while walking away.


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On 2/17/2022 at 8:10 PM, Yeah No said:

A new chin?  That presumes she had an old chin to replace,  LOL 🤣  I loved the comment a couple of weeks ago about how she manages to have no chin and a double chin at the same time, LOL.  To whoever said that, it was genius!

That was me.  I take the Bao.


Edited by Gator Stud
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2 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

He did. Alyssa had nothing to do with Chris getting a dog. He had the dog before the show.

Did he?  How could he have said he was going to rescue a dog after the wedding but had the dog before the show?  I remember him telling Alyssa either at the wedding or soon after that he was thinking about getting a dog soon, but that was after the show already started.  I'm confused!  

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10 minutes ago, Intuition said:

Did he?  How could he have said he was going to rescue a dog after the wedding but had the dog before the show?  I remember him telling Alyssa either at the wedding or soon after that he was thinking about getting a dog soon, but that was after the show already started.  I'm confused!  

They showed a clip this week that I'm presuming was "never before seen" of them standing near the hotel elevator in their wedding garb, so probably sometime before or after the reception. He said that he had a rescue dog.

Not sure where anyone heard that he "got" a dog after the show.

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1 hour ago, kristen111 said:

Lindsey is a sweetheart and a caring person, but she is a fixer.  She shouldn’t try to fix Mark.  He will go at his own pace.  She has to lie back and be quiet.  It seems she’s on top of him every minute.  If Mark doesn’t respond, she disappears and sulks.  She has to let him be and give him space.  She is a ten, and it’s annoying him.  I’m married a very long time and have never acted like her.  My husband would have been gone.  We never sweat the small stuff.  Talking about his toilet habits was a big no no.  Looks like he’s done already, as he told her to “ have another drink”, while walking away.

I've read she's a nurse so she's definitely the care giving type but it looks like she's turned Mark into a project.  It's a fine line between wanting to "help" someone and treating them like they need a keeper and are not able to manage their own lives.  I think she's crossed the line with him into insulting him.  Men don't want another mother telling them what to do, especially an overbearing one, and especially if they had issues with their real mother like Mark does.  Lindsay would do better to adopt the "I'm on team Mark" attitude where she is ready, willing, and able to support him however he needs her, but to let him take the lead on how.  Only make suggestions here and there when appropriate and sparingly.  I've been married a long time too and my husband wouldn't put up with me if I were anything like her either!

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58 minutes ago, Intuition said:
3 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

He did. Alyssa had nothing to do with Chris getting a dog. He had the dog before the show.

Did he?  How could he have said he was going to rescue a dog after the wedding but had the dog before the show?

LOL I mentioned the "after the wedding" thing, but I meant that after the wedding, during one of the few times they spoke, Chris told Alyssa that he had a rescue dog.

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23 hours ago, cardigirl said:

Well, I guess I see it as her noticing he's not the healthiest individual. But different strokes, I guess. Maybe she should have let him take care of the crap at the apartment by himself. I certainly would not have wanted to deal with bedbugs, they are notoriously easy to bring into a place and notoriously difficult to get rid of. 

As for the Keurig, yes, there are better ways of telling someone those are not great for the planet. He doesn't strike me as someone who cares about that anyway. But the other things, like bringing him a water bottle (A Nalgene) in different sizes, I thought that was great. 

We'll see how it goes going forward. 

“Noticing” is noticing and keeping it to yourself, not trying to control someone after you know them less than two weeks.  She is a control freak.  No excuse that she wants to “help”.  She wants things her way.  

Smoke does not happen indoors with a hot drink.  Pot is more likely.  Maybe tobacco but I just don’t sense that.  She was on the balcony.  Why?  Airing thing out?  Pot is legal and I think people smoke it in their apartment even if it’s against a lease.  These couples probably don’t have leases since they don’t have rental agreements.a   What after what Lindsay did on the plane I don’t think she respects rules very much anyway. When she wants to do something she wants to do it and she probably will. 

Maybe a diffuser as someone suggested but they don’t put out smoke.

Edited by Kira53
Can’t edit on iPad.
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8 minutes ago, Kira53 said:


Maybe a diffuser as someone suggested but they don’t put out smoke.

They don't emit smoke, but they do emit vapor. It looked just like this in the scene. She was inside during the scene.


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2 hours ago, Intuition said:

I've read she's a nurse so she's definitely the care giving type but it looks like she's turned Mark into a project.  It's a fine line between wanting to "help" someone and treating them like they need a keeper and are not able to manage their own lives.  I think she's crossed the line with him into insulting him.  Men don't want another mother telling them what to do, especially an overbearing one, and especially if they had issues with their real mother like Mark does.  Lindsay would do better to adopt the "I'm on team Mark" attitude where she is ready, willing, and able to support him however he needs her, but to let him take the lead on how.  Only make suggestions here and there when appropriate and sparingly.  I've been married a long time too and my husband wouldn't put up with me if I were anything like her either!

Yes, she’s mothering him.  I think he’s finished.  She is what she is, and will not change.  I can’t see them going thru life together.  Looks like he’s had enough and wants out.  This week anyhow.  Right now, it’s looks bad for all of them.  Like they are having second thoughts.  Being matched is fine.  Getting married sight unseen is not fine.  

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29 minutes ago, Kira53 said:

Smoke does not happen indoors with a hot drink.  Pot is more likely.  ...

Maybe a diffuser as someone suggested but they don’t put out smoke.

"Smoke" was just one description of what it looked like.  I called it wisps.  I think what it was was vapor, which does happen indoors with hot drinks, and with diffusers.

I don't know anybody who smokes pot or nicotine as a cigarette--they all vape.  But what we saw was definitely not vaping.  I'm the one who suspected a hot drink, but I think that was because I've never seen a diffuser before; now that I know what they look like, I'm going with that.


I think Olajuwon feels insecure around Katina. She is sexy and outgoing and he probably think she dates good-looking professional men. He has a muscular body, but he's pretty humble and leads a humble life.

But to me, that's at odds with his being such a player.  Round heelers don't typically read as humble to me, and in fact probably the opposite.  But maybe he feels playerly confident only around a certain class of women.  Yikes.

One thing I've noticed about Katina that I can't not notice now is her way of mispronouncing words to end in "in."  Like "husbind" instead of "husband," or "apartmint" instead of "apartment." 

1 hour ago, Intuition said:

It's a fine line between wanting to "help" someone and treating them like they need a keeper and are not able to manage their own lives.

What stood out to me was when he was getting upset when talking to Cal, Lindsey said, "You want water?"  I can see offering someone a kleenex if they're snotting up the place, but surely this grown man knows if he wants water or not.  And he didn't. 

And why was he needing to divest himself of his possessions right then?  This was not the time to be deciding whether to keep the family plates.  Why didn't he just get a storage space or use a friend's garage instead of putting his stuff in Lindsey's tiny apartment?  More practical, plus he could put off the keep or toss decisions that must have seemed like a lot when added to getting married and evicted in the course of a few days.

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8 hours ago, Gator Stud said:

That was me.  I take the Bao.


I said it after the first or second episode. But I've also seen the comment from several others, so apparently it was a common response to Alyssa, lol.

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Olajuwon was kinda adorable showing off his house and its granny chic. Nice house, but def in need of an update. I'm mailing him a cookbook: The Compleat Betty Crocker for Men.

Steve's LEDs gave me a flashback to last season's 80s guy. Yikes.

Wish we'd seen Chris's place. Anyone remember what is was like on the home visit? Did Dr. P unearth anything embarrassing?

I liked Lindsey's place, especially the fireplace and the brick. Too cluttered, but cute. Between the inspirational decals and the box of 90210 DVDs, I'm thinking Shark is more Mark than Shark. But Lindsey had no business getting rid of his stuff.

Jasmina and Michael, oh my. I zone out during their segments. Can't say I know the first thing about them other than they're dour as hell. Does that mean they're actually a good match?

Alyssa on a dog rescue: Sees a puppy by the side of the road. Cuddles up for a selfie. Forces out a tiny ah-choo. Drops the pup into a cardboard box in her trunk. Drives to the nearest humane society. Walks to the door with the box o' puppy at an arm's length, her no-chin tucked into her neck, face screwed into a knot. Drops the box on the doorstep and runs.

Giddy-up, Apocalyssa! Ride off into the sunset and don't come back.


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I thought I remembered possibly from the EXPERTS visits to the prospective matchees' homes perhaps that Chris said he had a dog crate because he was going to get a dog. I am pretty sure he did not have one at that point but had the crate. So people like the EXPERTS thought- oh he is going to get a dog, and she rescues dogs and has a dog, they would be perfect together clearly!

I guess he adopted it in the interim between the expert visit and the wedding??

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On 2/17/2022 at 9:10 PM, qtpye said:

I hate to point out something so shallow but Alyssa's mother seems nice but homely.

I wonder if she spoiled Alyssa because Alyssa was probably a fairly cute kid? This might have led to her overvaluing Alyssa, as explained by the Washington Post article and resulting in Alyssa seeing herself as a superior individual.

Can we please stop blaming mothers for their children's flaws. Alyssa a bitch and that's all on her. Not her mother's fault or how she raised her. Sadly, her mother's kindness did not rub off on her. 

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8 hours ago, Polliwollidoodle said:

I thought I remembered possibly from the EXPERTS visits to the prospective matchees' homes perhaps that Chris said he had a dog crate because he was going to get a dog. I am pretty sure he did not have one at that point but had the crate. So people like the EXPERTS thought- oh he is going to get a dog, and she rescues dogs and has a dog, they would be perfect together clearly!

I guess he adopted it in the interim between the expert visit and the wedding??

OK, now this makes more sense.  Thanks, I remember that and that's where I got the idea that he didn't have the dog just yet.  It's possible that I didn't hear his dialogue with Alyssa after the wedding where he said he actually got the dog.  

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9 hours ago, Desert Rat said:

Can we please stop blaming mothers for their children's flaws. Alyssa a bitch and that's all on her. Not her mother's fault or how she raised her. Sadly, her mother's kindness did not rub off on her. 

So true, as is the reverse.  I hate when someone acts like a decent human and the comment is "oh, their mom raised them right."   Well actually no - I was practically raised by wolves, I just managed to become a decent, civilised person because I chose to.

So is there any word if C/A are still contractually bound to film - and what about those hefty fines we were all made aware of last week?

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10 hours ago, Desert Rat said:

Can we please stop blaming mothers for their children's flaws. Alyssa a bitch and that's all on her. Not her mother's fault or how she raised her. Sadly, her mother's kindness did not rub off on her. 


I blame the parents for everything, even if one of my wife's two grown up children does something wrong I will turn to her & jokingly say "I blame the parents" or " I blame the manufacturer" as they are not my kids.

Also when the grandchild is playing up I will turn to her & say "this one needs to be returned to the manufacturers to be reset".

Edited by Welshman in Ca
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10 hours ago, Desert Rat said:

Can we please stop blaming mothers for their children's flaws. Alyssa a bitch and that's all on her. Not her mother's fault or how she raised her. Sadly, her mother's kindness did not rub off on her. 

For the most part parenting makes a huge difference in how a child turns out, but not in all cases.  There are children that defy all odds and become decent people after being raised by wolves, and there are children that are raised by good, kind people that grow up to be horrible people.  I don't think we'll ever know the true story about Alyssa.  Her mother may be nice and kind, but may be screwed up in ways that are easy to hide on camera.  All the psych. literature I have read says that narcissists and spoiled brats are made, not born.  Even well-intended parents can raise a spoiled brat narcissist.  Too much "niceness" is not good for a child.  If in trying to be good to the child the parent over compliments them into thinking they are perfect and gives them everything they want without any question they don't also grow up to be nice people.  Parents have to know when to compliment and when to challenge to create nice people.   Alyssa's mother seems like a misguided nice person who thought that she should never criticize or say no to her daughter.  Unfortunately she created a monster.  I'll bet that even after all Alyssa did and said on the show her mother won't ever tell her straight out that she may have made a mistake.  That's why Alyssa grew up thinking she could never be wrong.

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On 2/18/2022 at 12:04 PM, StatisticalOutlier said:

Not Olajuwon, who people here were thinking is a garbage man.  He's talking about Katina moving in there, so I assume he doesn't have roommates.  I'm guessing he didn't have to shell out to wine and dine all the women he was having sex with, and could put the savings toward a house.

However, I don't think you can judge everything on their residences.  As pointed out above, Lindsey appears to live in an expensive area and therefore has an apartment that is much smaller than she could afford if she lived somewhere else.  Plus, she seems to travel a lot, and apparently chooses to put her money toward that instead of a bigger living space.

All that said, I think the marital apartments are kind of soulless, but there was one overhead shot that showed them being right on the water.  I doubt it's in the middle of all the exciting stuff for young people, but I thought it looked pretty attractive.

There was no ashtray--just wisps of something.  At first I thought it was smoke, but then decided it was probably a hot drink.  (She does have a husky smoker-type voice, though.) 

But maybe both she and Mark are smokers.  I shake my head at the matches the "experts" make, but putting a nonsmoker and a smoker together would be insane even by those low standards. 

Probably burning sage.  I thought she did that in the 3rd episode.

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I’m very happy for Chris that he ended the sham marriage to that asshole.  I doubt Cal wanted to say much to her because she’s the type who will call him aggressive for standing up to her and act like a victim. 
Mike and Jasmina are doomed. Mark and Lindsey will not make it. I have a little hope for Katina and O as well as Steve and Noi. 

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On 2/16/2022 at 8:56 PM, LennieBriscoe said:

He. Has. BEDBUGS! Lindsey should insist that he leave EVERYTHING behind! 

Yep, he has bedbugs.  I would have to think long and hard before taking anything more than the cats to Lindsey's place. 

But when they were in his apartment, Lindsey pointed to something on the floor (it might have been something she stepped on) and said, "What is that?"  Mark replied, "My 90210 tapes" (I think) and she said, essentially, you are not taking those.  Not, is this something you really want?  Or, I really don't think we should take them; how do you feel about it?  

Instead, it was these are NOT coming to my place. I've made this decision End of story.

 I could live with my partner's total decision making for a while, but eventually it would be a real sticking point in our relationship.

Watching their interactions, I'm thinking Mark may have to have a come-to-Jesus meeting with Lindsey before it's all over, I know I would.


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I'm glad Chris finally dropped the boring script he'd been reciting on the honeymoon  about being all in if she'd say she'd try & her expecting perfect & got straight to the business of requesting a divorce. 👏😂

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On 2/18/2022 at 5:29 PM, becauseIsaidso said:

I am so pissed off! I  missed it and ALL the possibilities I have of seeing it again - On Demand, Lifetime, etc,

I watch on Amazon...no commercials, and you can buy one episode at a time, or the whole season.

On 2/18/2022 at 2:43 PM, Sycophant4Lease said:

Too funny!  At first I thought it was serious, cause I only read the post and didn't look at the pics, and I was thinking "How can this idiot defend Alyssa"  Then I realized that the idiot was me, and it was actually masterful sarcasm!

On 2/17/2022 at 2:21 AM, Racj82 said:

At this point, pets are treated like actual kids to the point where there is doggy daycare (even at jobs in some cases) sitters, etc.

And remember, Jasmina even called it 'school'.

On 2/16/2022 at 8:36 PM, JenE4 said:

O wants Katina to spend all of her time in the kitchen but not worry herself with how it looks. You just concentrate on stirring the pot on the stove—no need to look at the granite. You got dishes to do, you won’t be looking through the window at those coffee curtains!

On 2/17/2022 at 1:50 AM, gingerandcloves said:

Olajuwon was kinda cute showing his place to Katina. You can tell he's really proud of it. It's a nice looking house, but I agree with Katina, it could use some redecorating.

He kept asking her if she liked various aspects of the house, but he was sooo not interested in hearing her actual opinion if it differed from his.  It's like he was asking the opinion of a visitor, rather than of someone who may very well end up actually living there.

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On 2/18/2022 at 12:46 PM, Sycophant4Lease said:

What a true gaslighting, police defunding, aggressive and abusive BASTARD this guy is.  How dare he have such a horrible opinion regarding injustices.

But if he EVER shows up in Houston, I'd like to buy him a beer.  And take him to a local place to purchase some boots.

Take that, ACE.


Alyssa was obviously dropping the Defund slur to get half of America to hate him. She is like scum, but that would be insulting to scum.  I'd buy him a beer too if he ever came to LA.  She better find a guy fast before they hear about this show. She ....like is like....totally undatable. 

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On 2/19/2022 at 11:27 AM, Kira53 said:

“Noticing” is noticing and keeping it to yourself, not trying to control someone after you know them less than two weeks.  She is a control freak.  No excuse that she wants to “help”.  She wants things her way.  

Smoke does not happen indoors with a hot drink.  Pot is more likely.  Maybe tobacco but I just don’t sense that.  She was on the balcony.  Why?  Airing thing out?  Pot is legal and I think people smoke it in their apartment even if it’s against a lease.  These couples probably don’t have leases since they don’t have rental agreements.a   What after what Lindsay did on the plane I don’t think she respects rules very much anyway. When she wants to do something she wants to do it and she probably will. 

Maybe a diffuser as someone suggested but they don’t put out smoke.

If she wants to smoke weed she should smoke weed.  What is anyone gonna do about it? Especially if it is medicinal weed.  Tobacco in an apartment is way different.  Like if you smoke weed in a hotel room, the next day, the smell is completely gone.  With tobacco, not at all.

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On 2/19/2022 at 6:37 PM, kikicat said:

I said it after the first or second episode. But I've also seen the comment from several others, so apparently it was a common response to Alyssa, lol.

Yeah I think I remember that.  You can take the Bao too.

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17 hours ago, Maccagirl said:

I wonder what Noi would do if she already had two children and then became pregnant with twins? 

I have a feeling that if she talked to all those friends and relatives of hers who have three children and asked them if that was what they planned on when they first got married, she might be surprised at the answers.

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16 hours ago, LuvMyShows said:

I watch on Amazon...no commercials, and you can buy one episode at a time, or the whole season.

Too funny!  At first I thought it was serious, cause I only read the post and didn't look at the pics, and I was thinking "How can this idiot defend Alyssa"  Then I realized that the idiot was me, and it was actually masterful sarcasm!

And remember, Jasmina even called it 'school'.

He kept asking her if she liked various aspects of the house, but he was sooo not interested in hearing her actual opinion if it differed from his.  It's like he was asking the opinion of a visitor, rather than of someone who may very well end up actually living there.

Did anyone hear that Pastor Cal said Olaj decided not to have intercourse and then he asked Katrina if that made her feel sexually unwanted?

What the Hell was that about?

If anything I thought Olaj was focusing too much on Katina's physically (that he found her attractive) and not thinking enough about her emotionally.

I might have misheard or misunderstood what was going on.

Edited by qtpye
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I still think that there was no way that the choice to not have sex is O's. He was ready from the minute he saw her. SHE is the one taking her time and I think, he was trying to cover for her by saying it was his choice. First, that makes her look worse - like she WANTS to be with him, and second, it is a lie. Has there ever been a season where hardly any of the couples actually have sex? I know there are a few couples, but it seems like, at this point, all we know for sure is Mark and Lindsey. Probably Steve and Noi (unless the first time she saw him naked, she called it "cute.")

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On 2/22/2022 at 10:03 AM, Retired at last said:

I still think that there was no way that the choice to not have sex is O's. He was ready from the minute he saw her. SHE is the one taking her time and I think, he was trying to cover for her by saying it was his choice. First, that makes her look worse - like she WANTS to be with him, and second, it is a lie. Has there ever been a season where hardly any of the couples actually have sex? I know there are a few couples, but it seems like, at this point, all we know for sure is Mark and Lindsey. Probably Steve and Noi (unless the first time she saw him naked, she called it "cute.")

On the after party, Katina said the no sex was a mutual decision. 

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3 hours ago, Retired at last said:

I am sure it was she said no and he said OK. That's mutual.

THIS. No way on God's green earth "Isaac" would turn down sex if given the opportunity. He is keeping a united front, but that was all her.....

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Alyssa keeps saying she's a good person. She keeps saying it because she thinks that we'll buy it sooner or later.. Not going to happen.  Thank goodness Chris hold the plug,  because she was going to keep milking it for her time on TV.

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On 2/23/2022 at 7:05 PM, antfitz said:

Alyssa keeps saying she's a good person.

She constantly says that, and also how hard she worked to get there.  What's so hard?  Filling out paperwork and having one on one meetings? Everybody else has to. You don't hear them whining.  

When she met with her friend and told that pack of lies, I wondered....did she really know they were lies? That shit rolled off her tongue effortlessly.  Is she really that clueless as to how shallow and vain she looks? She can't even claim bad edit for a lot of it (the crew must have had a field day sifting through her scenes). 

This is a 30-ish woman who went on a show that has a pretty terrible success rate for marriages at first site and thought she was going to get the man of her dreams.  Has that ever happened on this show?  I think there's maybe one example....Bobby & Danielle. Bobby was head-over-heels for Danielle from day one.  Jason & Courtney on Season 1 really meshed together well right from the start and stayed married for several years.  Austin & Jessica clicked pretty quickly.  But on the whole, I can only think of Bobby as the one person over the moon right away. I'm not counting Eric & Virginia cause she was plastered and he was distracted by her youth and body.  

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1 hour ago, JapMo said:

She constantly says that, and also how hard she worked to get there.  What's so hard?  Filling out paperwork and having one on one meetings? Everybody else has to. You don't hear them whining.  

Oh she did so much! Tanning, Botox, lip filler, hair extensions, and she probably bought a whole new wardrobe. Plus those ten wedding dresses didn’t buy themselves.

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6 minutes ago, Elizzikra said:

Oh she did so much! Tanning, Botox, lip filler, hair extensions, and she probably bought a whole new wardrobe. Plus those ten wedding dresses didn’t buy themselves.

And don't forget the eyelash extensions.

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On 2/20/2022 at 11:20 PM, rebel2u said:

Yep, he has bedbugs.  I would have to think long and hard before taking anything more than the cats to Lindsey's place. 

But when they were in his apartment, Lindsey pointed to something on the floor (it might have been something she stepped on) and said, "What is that?"  Mark replied, "My 90210 tapes" (I think) and she said, essentially, you are not taking those.  Not, is this something you really want?  Or, I really don't think we should take them; how do you feel about it?  

Instead, it was these are NOT coming to my place. I've made this decision End of story.

 I could live with my partner's total decision making for a while, but eventually it would be a real sticking point in our relationship.

Watching their interactions, I'm thinking Mark may have to have a come-to-Jesus meeting with Lindsey before it's all over, I know I would.


I think every thing was going into storage.  Why did she have to control what he put in storage? She wasn’t kind to help.  She wanted to make him feel like he owed her.

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On 2/23/2022 at 5:16 PM, Ilovepie said:

THIS. No way on God's green earth "Isaac" would turn down sex if given the opportunity. He is keeping a united front, but that was all her.....

I think Olajuwon is very much wanting to not be Isaac with his wife. I believe that Katina agrees.  He is serious about the marriage and doesn’t want to treat her like those other women.  He really want her to be his queen, a woman of value.  Issac was disconnected to those woman. If you listen to him on the after party you will find him to be sensitive and reflect cave he has good insight into other people’s behavior and I believe this is extremely intentional. It doesn’t mean that he’s not sexually attracted but he’s had enough sex to know that that is not enough for what he wants in a marriage he does want connection and Katina seems to accept him and push him to be his best self.

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10 hours ago, JapMo said:

She constantly says that, and also how hard she worked to get there.  What's so hard?  Filling out paperwork and having one on one meetings? Everybody else has to. You don't hear them whining.  

When she met with her friend and told that pack of lies, I wondered....did she really know they were lies? That shit rolled off her tongue effortlessly.  Is she really that clueless as to how shallow and vain she looks? She can't even claim bad edit for a lot of it (the crew must have had a field day sifting through her scenes). 

This is a 30-ish woman who went on a show that has a pretty terrible success rate for marriages at first site and thought she was going to get the man of her dreams.  Has that ever happened on this show?  I think there's maybe one example....Bobby & Danielle. Bobby was head-over-heels for Danielle from day one.  Jason & Courtney on Season 1 really meshed together well right from the start and stayed married for several years.  Austin & Jessica clicked pretty quickly.  But on the whole, I can only think of Bobby as the one person over the moon right away. I'm not counting Eric & Virginia cause she was plastered and he was distracted by her youth and body.  

Woody and Amani meshed really well and so did Karen and Miles.

There was also the guy from Africa with the double ovens and his wife....forgot their names.

Bennett and Amelia worked for a while but then got divorced.

Yeah, the good matches are few and far between.

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