violet and green February 4, 2022 Share February 4, 2022 2 minutes ago, CeeBeeGee said: Like many others, I too think that Moon River should've been their song. Plus that other song "Hello, it's me," is horrible, and so unlike Big's usual musical taste. It seemed like a set-up to go with the flickering lamp, and for once there was a pay-off in this series, so I appreciate that, but I just can't see Big ever being into soft cock rock. 3 Link to comment
Penman61 February 4, 2022 Share February 4, 2022 (edited) 1 minute ago, violet and green said: Plus that other song "Hello, it's me," is horrible, and so unlike Big's usual musical taste. It seemed like a set-up to go with the flickering lamp, and for once there was a pay-off in this series, so I appreciate that, but I just can't see Big ever being into soft cock rock. Um…what is…that? I’m afraid to Google it… Edited February 4, 2022 by Penman61 3 1 Link to comment
JeanJean February 4, 2022 Share February 4, 2022 (edited) So rather than actually talk to her son whom she won't see for months, whose life has been up-ended, Miranda banters with him? Ugh. They could have used that scene to have used that scene to have her really talk with Brady. Carrie spoke more earnestly with Big's brother. "New" Miranda sucks. Too bad they couldn't have made Che a singer. I love Sara's voice. Edited February 4, 2022 by JeanJean 7 Link to comment
violet and green February 4, 2022 Share February 4, 2022 (edited) 5 minutes ago, Penman61 said: Um…what is…that? I’m afraid to Google it… Soft cock? It's just soft rock. ETA: You know, hard rock versus soft cock... Oh, never mind! It's a muso's term. Edited February 4, 2022 by violet and green eta 1 Link to comment
Penman61 February 4, 2022 Share February 4, 2022 4 minutes ago, violet and green said: Soft cock? It's just soft rock. ETA: You know, hard rock versus soft cock... Oh, never mind! It's a muso's term. Lol what’s a muso? Maybe there’s a good podcast I can call in to to find out? 6 3 Link to comment
27bored February 4, 2022 Share February 4, 2022 (edited) Hey. Well, you guys, we made it to the end of And I Just Don't Like That... Was it good for you? Yeah, me neither. Let's just be friends. Here are some random thoughts: So Cynthia Nixon told MPK that she wasn't gonna come back unless she got her pussy ate and got to smile like an idiot for no menopausal reason? A'ight. She said, "I want Miranda to learn her ABCs: adultery, bisexuality, and cunnilingus". And MPK said you go girl. And let's make Steve fifty-five going on eighty. Miranda, yes, we all know that you don't believe in God or Heaven or any of that. We remember your secular baptism for Brady. We also remember Carrie being a better sport about it than you were given the woman's husband died. Normally I wouldn't care about someone's atheism, but Miranda you've hardly been pragmatic this season. A finger made you risk it all, so shut the fuck up. And bitch why are you still letting Che call you "Rambo" like that's the cutest pet name ever? That shit wasn't cute the first time they said it. Where is your self-esteem? I guess if Che had called you Dumbass Middle-Aged Hoe you'd be like "hyuck that's me!" And am I the only one who rolled their eyes at the whole, "Brady and Louisa are backpacking through Europe" thing? The fuck? Not only is that a bad cliche, but it's a bad, dated cliche. Brady doesn't even seem like he could find Europe on a damn map much less backpack through it. And really, show? Not one word about Brady's mom divorcing his dad for a transperson? Nope. Nada. Brady's got a girlfriend who puts out, weed, Europe and a backpack. So he's good. Uh, I've kinda thought this for a few episodes, but...does Che give off Borderline Personality Disorder vibes to anyone? They were doing a lot just to tell Miranda they got a pilot and wanted Miranda to go with them. Maybe try a phone call? I don't know. And maybe don't drag out your elderly grandmas to a gay bar to let them know. Just a thought? Anyway, that pilot is gonna get picked up by TBS and last for two seasons. Why are Harry and Charlotte so scared to parent Rock? I was so glad Anthony walked in and told Rock to start rehearsing. They should've called him in again to hold court. They went out of their way to throw that they-mitzvah and Rock just wants to go all No Labels on them. Maybe they should've tried snatching their little ass when they went by Rose. Things might have turned out a little different. And I don't know if it's intentional or not -- it's probably not -- but I feel like Charlotte is being super fake whenever Miranda talks about Che. AT&T levels of phony. And Carrie. Oh, Carrie. Still amazes me that you haven't gotten on my nerves once this entire season. The scene with her and John's brother was nice. I saw that whole "where is he?" joke coming from a mile away, but it still made me smile. And I gotta admit: I teared up just a little when Carrie was standing on that bridge in that Orange Dreamsicle Weighted Blanket she was wearing. I literally said, "thank you!" when Carrie and the producer guy kissed. It was about time. Even though she's kinda two-timing the nice widowed teacher. I know it's delusional of me but I wish Kim and SJP could've made up and she would've come back. I feel like the show would've been better just for nostalgia purposes. Edited February 4, 2022 by 27bored 13 Link to comment
violet and green February 4, 2022 Share February 4, 2022 9 minutes ago, Penman61 said: Lol what’s a muso? Professional musician. 2 Link to comment
chitowngirl February 4, 2022 Share February 4, 2022 (edited) 23 minutes ago, JeanJean said: Too bad they couldn't have made Che a singer. I love Sara's voice. Absolutely! I was waiting for Carrie to give Miranda the same argument she got when she was moving Paris with Alex… I think Carrie and the Teacher were transition people for each other. Edited February 4, 2022 by chitowngirl 5 Link to comment
Hanahope February 4, 2022 Share February 4, 2022 i thought Harry and Charlotte were more shocked when Rock said she didn't want to be labeled as a New Yorker. OMG! 3 4 Link to comment
Lethallyfab February 4, 2022 Share February 4, 2022 (edited) 1 hour ago, 27bored said: She said, "I want Miranda to learn her ABCs: adultery, bisexuality, and cunnilingus". I am dying. We can add “dilettante, ego-driven, finger-banging and gratuitous” to that list. ETA: I forgot “ham-handed, impulsive and jeer-worthy.” Edited February 4, 2022 by Lethallyfab 2 9 Link to comment
JeanJean February 4, 2022 Share February 4, 2022 44 minutes ago, 27bored said: Hey. Well, you guys, we made it to the end of And I Just Don't Like That... Uh, I've kinda thought this for a few episodes, but...does Che give off Borderline Personality Disorder vibes to anyone? No, but Miranda has definitely caught a bad case of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. 2 Link to comment
TheBride February 4, 2022 Share February 4, 2022 In this final episode, the scene on the Paris bridge, was decent. Though, of course, Carrie (whom I hadn't liked since she treated Aiden so horribly) had to make it all about herself by wearing a ridiculously overdone ball gown. Huh??? She should have worn something simple, showing Carrie's iconic pink tulle. How unimaginative can these writers be...? 5 Link to comment
Rebecca berkowit February 4, 2022 Share February 4, 2022 2 hours ago, CeeBeeGee said: Okay, I'm only six minutes in and already I'm yelling at Miranda. STFU! How dare you shit on Carrie for wanting to believe in Heaven, wanting to think that some essence of Big lived on? Jesus Christ. Are you that threatened because someone else's beliefs change in a completely inconsequential way? Carrie specifically said "this makes me feel better" and Miranda was nothing but mocking. I fucking HATE this new Miranda. Her self-absorption is bordering on narcissism. Carrie, STOP TRYING TO WIN THE DISASTER OLYMPICS. You should've led with the Post-It story. Finally, a performance of Che's I can applaud--because they were actually good. Sarah Ramirez is a great singer, even if that whole set up was cheesy as hell. Miranda looked like one of the grandmothers at Che's announcement--that outfit made her look ancient. The actress playing Nya did incredible work in her scene in the office. Just fantastic, nuanced acting. Podcast guy's girlfriend--that OUTFIT! She was stunning! LOVED Carrie's obvious but polite skepticism re: Miranda's blithe "I'll have to fly to Paris from LA." Miranda's stupid, hopeful smile--UGH. This conversation is clearly a retread of the Carrie/Miranda conversation about moving to Paris with Aleksander. OTOH, Carrie is saying what we all feel. I really like Rabbi Jen. Rock was an absolute brat. Sorry. Charlotte and Harry have been fantastic parents, catering to them, trying to understand their needs. But waiting until THE DAY OF the b'nai mitzvah, embarrassing their parents like that, is unbelievably entitled and selfish. (Even if I did laugh at C&H's reaction to "not even a New Yorker.") Shame on them. Miranda looked much better with the red hair and the bronze shirt but too little, too late. Her character's been assassinated. Don't care what happens to her. Go away and never come back. Loved Carrie's outfit on the bridge. But why can't she put some of the ashes in the Seine and some in the family crypt? I like the teacher better than the producer. He seemed to come up out of nowhere. Quote Rock was an absolute brat. Sorry. Charlotte and Harry have been fantastic parents, catering to them, trying to understand their needs. But waiting until THE DAY OF the b'nai mitzvah, embarrassing their parents like that, is unbelievably entitled and selfish. (Even if I did laugh at C&H's reaction to "not even a New Yorker.") Shame on them. Great use of B’nei Mitzvah! That’s much better than They Mitzvah, and totally what it would have been called by normal parents. Someone should’ve looked this up. But, well, of course they didn’t. 3 4 Link to comment
Scarlett45 February 4, 2022 Share February 4, 2022 12 hours ago, Hana Chan said: The idea that she loved her husband, yet his ashes stayed in a cardboard box hidden away just rubbed me the wrong way. As did Carrie's attempts to date within months of Big's death. I admit that my family may be weird, but you’ve never met a bigger “Daddy’s Girl” than my Mom, and his ashes are still in the box on a shelf in the corner of her closet. He died in 2003. She says she feels that’s the safest place for him- she thought about an urn but she was terrified of him getting knocked over or something. I would’ve understood if Big had stayed in Carrie’s closet- or the family crypt in Connecticut would’ve been the next logical choice. I would’ve liked a scene with Lily telling Rock that they were going to go through with the “They-Mitzvah”, because Lily had to, and no way was Rock getting off the hook (that would’ve been a great sibling moment). Rock is being a brat, and I know the minor actors have limited hours to work, but she barely had a personality, it was all about how Charlotte was reaching to her. I would’ve preferred if Nya and Miranda had become friends AFTER Miranda took her class. A calendar year later and she’s still in her class?? Give me more Nya next season please. 1 4 Link to comment
TheBride February 4, 2022 Share February 4, 2022 Charlotte is a total ditz of a mother and Harry--who was a smart guy--can't stop talking about being Jewish. Who knows people like this???? Oy... Now that it's over (we hope forever), I vote Miranda as the worst transformation of a smart woman to a complete nincompoop. Ever. 8 Link to comment
Snazzy Daisy February 4, 2022 Share February 4, 2022 (edited) Che: “Who had the worst break-up?” Fans: “The POST-IT!!!” Carrie: “My husband died…” Fans: 😳😲😵😬🥴 There could only be 2 reasons why Miranda is going to LA with Che - (1) The thought of Che hooking-up with LA’s Rambo; (2) Che must have some really powerful fingers! Overall, this is what I think of the finale… Edited February 4, 2022 by SnazzyDaisy 3 6 Link to comment
CeeBeeGee February 4, 2022 Share February 4, 2022 1 minute ago, Rebecca berkowit said: Great use of B’nei Mitzvah! That’s much better than They Mitzvah, and totally what it would have been called by normal parents. Someone should’ve looked this up. But, well, of course they didn’t. Thank you! They probably used They because a lot of people might not understand what the plural of Bar/bat is*. I only know because I've had a million Jewish BFs, have Jewish relatives and friends and am always asking questions about Judaism, a culture I find fascinating. (I'm a huge history buff and I love that Judaism is a direct link to classical history--one of the very few ancient peoples that has continued, pretty much culturally intact (language, religion) through to modern times--unlike, say, the Romans, the Babylonians and so many others. Which is to say Rock was a BRAT. How dare you hurt your parents by rejecting that beautiful ceremony! The scene was first played for laughs--Charlotte running around frantically--and then as "ah, the perfect solution" but in reality, there's no way Harry and Charlotte wouldn't have been terribly hurt. I was lucky enough to attend my cousin's bar mitzvah and I was so proud of him! As well as the bat mitzvah of a little girl Broadway performer of whom I used to take care.) 7 Link to comment
Jillybean February 4, 2022 Share February 4, 2022 2 hours ago, TheBride said: Why does Charlotte talk so loud? It's bizarre!! The once refined Charlotte has been so shrill for all 10 episodes. I'm not sure if KD has been doing theater or if she's just decided to play Charlotte as manic. 7 Link to comment
Popular Post tennisgurl February 4, 2022 Popular Post Share February 4, 2022 Seriously, did no one, not one writer, actor, producer, intern, guy who brings the bagels, explain to the show runners how a podcast works?!? 15 10 Link to comment
gorgy February 4, 2022 Share February 4, 2022 And Just Like That, it's over... for now. Good enough episode. It definitely felt lighter than the beginning of the season, which is a definite plus. Apparently Poo-Che has to go now. They're home planet needs them. Honestly, seeing Che walking towards a stage gave me such anxiety of what was to come, but I will say they're a much better singer than they ever were a comedian. I can only hope next season Miranda is given the Samantha treatment and only appears via text from LA. God I hate what this series has done to her. Also, her dye job looked like shit. Herself, her homely son, and Che can stay gone. Oh, and was Miranda always this obsessed with Carrie? She came off so needy. Carrie's finally doing exactly what she should've been doing at the beginning of the series with hosting her own "podcast." Figured it wouldn't work out with the teacher dude longterm. It was a nice rebound relationship post-Big, but the actor reminded me of Berger. Speaking of Berger, the post-it note breakup is still worse than death, Carrie. Charlotte's over-the-top storylines continue unabated. I don't mind. She's basically become the comic relief of the show. Rock behaving like a 13 year old, so that checks out. The dream sequence was edited well enough, but the whole Paris thing seemed like it could've been done on a soundstage. It didn't really move me in any way. I called the Samantha meetup earlier, but that was as obvious as the "podcast" producer hookup. I still believe they should've waited to kill off Big until this season finale episode. Sex and The City was about single women and this should've been about married women. Charlotte - married with kids, Carrie - married with no kids, Miranda - married empty nester/possibly open marriage. That would require nuance and quality writers, which feels like asking for too much. Plus enough time could pass between seasons where it didn't have to feel so maudlin. Season 2, Carrie - widowed. whatever, I'll be back to swallow down the swill 1 3 Link to comment
SuzieQ February 4, 2022 Share February 4, 2022 Carrie was literally falling out of that dress in Paris. That's all I got!🤣 1 4 Link to comment
Snazzy Daisy February 4, 2022 Share February 4, 2022 AJLT’s stylists have ruined the dramatic sleeves! Carrie Bradshaw Bows Out Of And Just Like That In Sugar-Sweet Valentino Couture 1 2 3 Link to comment
Jillybean February 4, 2022 Share February 4, 2022 44 minutes ago, Rebecca berkowit said: Great use of B’nei Mitzvah! That’s much better than They Mitzvah, and totally what it would have been called by normal parents. Someone should’ve looked this up. But, well, of course they didn’t. The Fug Girls ranted about this in their Episode 9 recap. 4 Link to comment
NotMySekrit2Tell February 4, 2022 Share February 4, 2022 (edited) Samantha has turned into a phone screen, and Big into a lamp. Maybe Miranda will die in a landslide between seasons and come back as an orange and gray cat that hangs around outside Carrie's building. Carrie can have conversations with it. "How did you get out on that ledge?" [Cat blinks.] "Mysterious, huh? Well, I had another date tonight. It wasn't great." [Cat yawns.] You know she's going to be that person in the studio audience "Whoo!"-ing and screeching the loudest at Che's every line, if it's that kind of sitcom. And if it isn't, she'll be very disappointed. "I thought it was going to have a live studio audience! I wanted to 'whoo' at everything you said!" Edited February 4, 2022 by NotMySekrit2Tell 19 3 Link to comment
TheBride February 4, 2022 Share February 4, 2022 Best scene: Steve [David Eigenberg] Best dressed: Seema Worst dressed: Anthony Best line: Samantha Worst acting: Charlotte Most obscure: Lisa Todd Wexley Most disliked: Miranda Most arrogant: Che Worst character transformation: [tie] Miranda and Harry Most missed: Franklyn Worst kid treatment: Brady Hobbes Most stoic: Carrie 3 Link to comment
TheBride February 4, 2022 Share February 4, 2022 8 minutes ago, SnazzyDaisy said: AJLT’s stylists have ruined the dramatic sleeves! Carrie Bradshaw Bows Out Of And Just Like That In Sugar-Sweet Valentino Couture I thought it was all wrong and Carrie made that scene about her. They should have put her in her signature pink tulle. The gown was over-the-top for a walk on the bridge with your dead husband's ashes. 8 Link to comment
TheBride February 4, 2022 Share February 4, 2022 And Just Go Away. 4 4 Link to comment
TheBride February 4, 2022 Share February 4, 2022 20 minutes ago, SnazzyDaisy said: AJLT’s stylists have ruined the dramatic sleeves! Carrie Bradshaw Bows Out Of And Just Like That In Sugar-Sweet Valentino Couture Best line on twitter about this gown: "When you’re in Paris and you’re dressed like a croissant...." 12 1 Link to comment
ItCouldBeWorse February 4, 2022 Share February 4, 2022 14 hours ago, T Summer said: When Miranda said to Carrie you really think Big is in heaven, I thought for a moment she was going to touch on all that angst Big put her through before he decided to marry her... but then I quickly thought: no one would do that to someone still so raw and in the early stages of the grieving process. That was my 1st thought, too! 14 hours ago, T Summer said: That freaking ball gown! Ridiculous is right! So our new billionairess goes out and buys what's no doubt a designer ball gown and coordinating accessories and an updo to go with it,to walk on a bridge in Paris and release Big's ashes... I was impressed that the gown had a pocket for her phone. I can't imagine ever putting anything in that ashy bag in the future, The ash box appeared way too big for the quantity of ashes that were eventually dumped from the purse. 14 hours ago, T Summer said: Rock should've been clear about not doing the "theymitzvah" before the day and all the expense and people traveling to Harry and Charlotte's. Rock probably knew that Charlotte wouldn't have listened. And if Rock didn't know their part a few days before the event, they weren't going to miraculously learn it in time. The problem was the 2 previous Rabbis who never mentioned that Rock wasn't practicing. That was Rock's way of signaling that they weren't going to do it. ( I do have trouble believing that Charlotte never listened to Rock practicing, which would have at least revealed that Rock wasn't prepared.) Also, even children who recite the very smallest bit of religious liturgy give a bar/bat mitzvah speech, so did Charlotte never ask to hear that? Rock could have written a speech about not wanting to be limited by categories, but also appreciative of the upbringing their Jewish parents had given them. They apparently had a nice, home-cooked Friday night dinner regularly, so they could have talked about traditions they enjoyed as a family. Finally, the posters who complain that Charlotte and Harry should have forced Rock to publicly do something they were absolutely refusing to do either don't have children, or have very compliant children. Maybe Rock is the most stubborn child ever, but unless you seriously threaten such a child to the point where they fear you, I don't see how you could force them to do something that they are both dead-set against doing and have not prepared for at all. 3 Link to comment
Snazzy Daisy February 4, 2022 Share February 4, 2022 13 minutes ago, TheBride said: I thought it was all wrong and Carrie made that scene about her. They should have put her in her signature pink tulle. The gown was over-the-top for a walk on the bridge with your dead husband's ashes. Carrie should have turned Big ashes into a cremation diamond instead, keeping him closer to her. We know she loves accessories. The writers and the stylists should know that too. A missed opportunity! 10 Link to comment
Scarlett45 February 4, 2022 Share February 4, 2022 1 minute ago, SnazzyDaisy said: Carrie should have turned Big ashes into a cremation diamond instead, keeping him closer to her. We know she loves accessories. The writers and the stylists should know that too. A missed opportunity! My Mom wants to be a Diamond but then she says “don’t spend that money!”🤣 that would be fitting for Carrie and Big. 2 Link to comment
ItCouldBeWorse February 4, 2022 Share February 4, 2022 (edited) 15 hours ago, T Summer said: Andre is just wrong for leaving the professor uncertain about whether he wants to stay together. Nya is hoping that he will miss her more than their non-existent child. This may be an unpopular opinion, but if he feels that he will always regret not having a child, then he shouldn't stay with her. They want different things. It does not mean that he doesn't love her, but he is allowed to want something that she does not. And unless he does a complete turn-around, his regret about not being a father will always be hanging there. Edited February 4, 2022 by ItCouldBeWorse 18 Link to comment
ItCouldBeWorse February 4, 2022 Share February 4, 2022 (edited) On 2/3/2022 at 7:55 AM, NotMySekrit2Tell said: Re: "Coordinating accessories," honestly, I wasn't loving the color combination of the gown and gloves. I guess it worked, technically (i.e., a "fruity" theme), but I thought the gloves were too strong. I was trying to think of what would have been better. If not good ol' white gloves, then maybe a silvery shade? I know they weren't, but to me they resembled long rubber dish-washing gloves, which would be appropriate if she were actually touching the ashes. On 2/3/2022 at 10:34 AM, SailorGirl said: And then for Rock to go up on stage to join the rest of the family? That was a serious WTAF, among many. To me, that made sense. Rock still loves Charlotte and is proud of her. Rock isn't leaving their family. On 2/3/2022 at 10:41 AM, SailorGirl said: oh, and . . . Harry wouldn't marry Charlotte because she wasn't a Jew but his kid gives a middle finger to Judaism and its all just fine and dandy because its tied into identity issues? Give me a friggin' break. Original Harry and new-Jew Charlotte would not have hand-waved that. But realistically, what could he have done? Bribes didn't work. Should he have threatened to hurt Rock? (And Rock is still Jewish, whether or not they had a ceremony). On 2/3/2022 at 11:37 AM, SlovakPrincess said: Charlotte's giant pink dress for the "theymitzvah" ... what in the world and why and no. Yeah, that was the least flattering outfit she's worn all season. Kind of frumpy. As to Carrie's Paris outfit: Edited February 6, 2022 by ItCouldBeWorse 2 Link to comment
babyhouseman February 4, 2022 Share February 4, 2022 I've been watching the shows over the last few days and enjoying all the posts here. When I first heard of SATC way back when, I didn't think I'd like it. I didn't care about fashion and glamourous NYC stuff, but I was surprised at how much I did like it. I agree that Miranda just went totally off the rails. I was so disappointed. I agree she should've been divorced from Steve or the story should have been more well told. It wasn't even true to her character. Miranda had always been so cynical and independent, and Che comes along and she just loses it like a teenager? I know people change over the years, but that was such an abrupt change. About Steve's hearing aids, that wasn't handled right. I've been wearing hearing aids since I was 13. I'm now 49. Hearing aids aren't a perfect fix, and background noise can be hard for users. Miranda couldn't even be sympathetic about that. It was like Steve was some old lump who got in the way of her being with her true love Che. 15 Link to comment
ItCouldBeWorse February 4, 2022 Share February 4, 2022 8 hours ago, slowpoked said: One thing that I may have missed in the Che saying goodbye to the podcast team - wasn't it implied in an earlier episode that the big boss of the podcast was the woman in the wheelchair? I'm surprised she wasn't there when Che bid goodbye. She was the social-media director, I believe. 7 hours ago, JeanJean said: And yes, Carrie is shitty for burying him on another continent right after his brother asked about burying him in the family mausoleum. 7 hours ago, JeanJean said: And you're right. It sucks that anyone who wants to "visit" with Big (even if only his brother is left) has to fly abroad (although I guess money is no issue for them). Big's brother can place a plaque with his name on it in the family mausoleum. Even if one believes in an afterlife, visiting someone's ashes is not visiting the person. People who desire a place to visit require a location that will focus their minds on the departed. A plaque inside the family mausoleum would accomplish that. 2 hours ago, Scarlett45 said: I would’ve preferred if Nya and Miranda had become friends AFTER Miranda took her class. A calendar year later and she’s still in her class?? Give me more Nya next season please. They are way too friendly with each other considering Nya is Miranda's professor who still has to assign her a grade, all jokes about -A aside. Also, why did Miranda say she would have to finish class remotely (Was the class taught in hybrid form? Was Nya's class Miranda's only class?) when she was leaving for the airport with Brady, who was embarking on his summer trip? Wouldn't her class(es) have been over by the summer, when she was supposed to be interning? What month was Carrie and Big's anniversary, anyway? The 9th of ____? 6 Link to comment
DiabLOL February 4, 2022 Share February 4, 2022 How did a grown man like Big end up what looked like a small cup of ashes? Miranda was unkind and impatient with Steve all season. She couldn’t even be bothered to kindly help him find his hearing aid and was so pissed that dumping him was now going to take longer. All she could think about was resuming her fingerbang rom com. The writers turned him into Mr. Magoo. 6 Link to comment
txhorns79 February 4, 2022 Share February 4, 2022 11 hours ago, bichonblitz said: I still have a hard time believing hipster Che would have the least bit of interest in frumpy Miranda. Why? Every single bit of her wardrobe screamed "old lady" to me and the wigs were awful. There are really fantastic natural wigs out there these days but Miranda's helmet head looked so cheap. I originally thought Miranda was going to be mistaken for one of Che's grandparents while she was sitting with them, leading to Miranda having a realization about the relationship, but nope. 1 hour ago, ItCouldBeWorse said: But realistically, what could he have done? Bribes didn't work. Should he have threatened to hurt Rock? (And Rock is still Jewish, whether or not they had a ceremony). Realistically, they would have had a much longer discussion with Rock about responsibility and family. They would have pointed out that Rock presumably would have been throwing away years of work, would be really hurting Charlotte and Harry and was showing such immaturity that current privileges Rock enjoys would need to be seriously rethought. Ultimately, Rock couldn't be forced, but they would need to see that their actions had serious consequences. 15 Link to comment
ichbin February 4, 2022 Share February 4, 2022 2 hours ago, TheBride said: Charlotte is a total ditz of a mother and Harry--who was a smart guy--can't stop talking about being Jewish. Who knows people like this???? Oy... I do. Only in the couple I knew he was a total ditz of a father and she couldn't stop talking about being Jewish. With the exception of Harry attempting to use bribery, the only character who handled the situation with any degree of realism was Anthony. All of the Charlotte centric storylines this season would have been best left on the cutting room floor. The writers surely could have come up with something better than they did. 1 hour ago, ItCouldBeWorse said: The ash box appeared way too big for the quantity of ashes that were eventually dumped from the purse. The only ashes I have seen in real life were those of a small woman and there were a whole lot more of those than what would have fit in that bag. I would hope it is because the writer's decided to have Carrie put a portion in that Connecticut family gravesite, but sadly I am sure it was only a matter of it being decided that purse would be perfect for the outfit in that scene. 4 Link to comment
ichbin February 4, 2022 Share February 4, 2022 27 minutes ago, ItCouldBeWorse said: Also, why did Miranda say she would have to finish class remotely (Was the class taught in hybrid form? Was Nya's class Miranda's only class?) when she was leaving for the airport with Brady, who was embarking on his summer trip? Wouldn't her class(es) have been over by the summer, when she was supposed to be interning? What month was Carrie and Big's anniversary, anyway? The 9th of ____? How long was that semester anyway? It was nearly a year from the time she started until she left. 6 Link to comment
ruby24 February 4, 2022 Share February 4, 2022 Why does Brady exist if they're not even going to let him have ANY reaction to his mom divorcing his dad for a queer relationship with a non-binary comedian? That's probably the most bizarre part. I mean, wtf? It is SO WEIRD what they think they need not bother showing. It's impossible that he was totally cool with that and not shocked or upset at all about his parents splitting up when they've been together all his life. I can't believe they didn't even consider that. And show? People don't call in live to podcasts. That is such an embarrassing error I also can't believe it made it to air. If Carrie wants to have a radio show put her on Sirius. 20 Link to comment
Amethyst February 4, 2022 Share February 4, 2022 Damn, that was underwhelming. I really liked Rabbi Jen, but with them lacking the context as to why Carrie and Miranda were arguing, their little speech felt artificial. It definitely goes deeper than Miranda being in love and Big being dead. The timing for the whole conversation was terrible and I couldn't blame Carrie for being caught off guard. Miranda knew the girls would be surprised, that's why she didn't tell them. Although maybe the internship wasn't important to Miranda and it just seemed like it was. God knows her marriage wasn't important to her. Speaking of God, really tasteless of Miranda to bicker about religion at the table. Miranda, your friend is still grieving and it costs nothing to be silent. It's not like she wants anyone to criticize her life. Miranda and Che going to LA is a silver lining as far as I'm concerned. They can stay there. Miranda will be miserable because she'll be away from all her loved ones and the job/education she wanted, but I really don't care. Actions have consequences and she'll have to learn the hard way. Loved Seema hooking up with the club guy. Hope she's having fun. I'm thinking Nya's husband is going to cheat on her and/or ask for a divorce. Besides a few side glances, there was really no build up for Carrie and Franklin but I get it. She and the other guy had no passion. I'm just glad that the teacher didn't end up a jerk or anything. Hope he finds a woman who really likes him. Charlotte showed the most amount of growth during this reboot. During the series (before she met Harry) Charlotte would have lost her mind having a family who was non-traditional, especially her children. But she's clearly matured and like Lisa said, Charlotte does whatever she can to ensure that her family is happy. I'm guessing that she and Harry didn't force Rock to study for the they-mitzvah because they were assuming they already would study, and also not trying to put pressure on them. But damn, Rock just blowing the whole thing off just reeked of brattiness and selfishness. I was waiting for them to say how they understood how much time and money their parents had spent. Finding the right rabbi. Inviting all those people, getting all that food. That wasn't just done out of obligation. Carrie really thought she was doing something in that dress, huh? I don't care if it was couture, it looked like a reject prom dress from the 80s. Of course she's carrying Big's ashes in a clutch purse shaped like the Eiffel tower. Eye roll. They're not slick with that text. So Carrie and Samantha have reconciled...yet we don't see it. 8 Link to comment
luna1122 February 4, 2022 Share February 4, 2022 I can't sleep (bad weather and my BFFs dad in the sad process of dying) and I watched the episode again. And when it was over, I flipped around to find something else to watch, and E! is showing an SATC marathon, and the episode on: The One. It's just insult to injury in the Miranda debacle. I read yet another interview today, maybe linked from here, I can't remember, where the showrunners insist that Miranda had never been in love before. That she only married Steve because they had a baby. Which is just such bullshit. The Miranda of this episode is most definitely in love with Steve. I have no problem believing she just...isn't, anymore. It happens. But don't fucking tell me she never was. And MPK wrote this freaking episode! He's just apparently completely forgotten it. Also, during the bat mitzvah coffee bar scene, Miranda is drinking the extra foamy cappuccino and licks some off her upper lip. How are we NOT supposed to think about the movie and the foam mustache and the Brooklyn Bridge? Ugh. The Harry of this episode and Harry now almost look like 2 different people. Its not just the age, he really looks better with a little more weight. He looks so much older than he is, imo. I watched the documentary. Mostly I was just in it for the clothes. I liked it, for that reason, anyway. 12 Link to comment
ferjy February 4, 2022 Share February 4, 2022 8 hours ago, JeanJean said: Was Carrie's orange ball gown made from Miranda's old Sex and the City orange sheets a la Carol Burnett and Gone With The Wind? Ha! They might as well have had the headboard holding up the sheets at the shoulders. It really was awful. 5 3 Link to comment
CarpeFelis February 4, 2022 Share February 4, 2022 14 hours ago, chediavolo said: Would have loved to see her be carted off to a French jail. I kept expecting to see the cops show up and arrest her for dumping the ashes! Then instead of texting Samantha to meet for drinks she’d be texting her to come bail her out. Just imagine the reactions she’d get, showing up at the jail in that outfit. Pink rubber gloves and all. (Hard to tell, maybe they were leather, but they sure looked like rubber gloves.) 1 7 Link to comment
TheBride February 4, 2022 Share February 4, 2022 6 hours ago, ItCouldBeWorse said: I know they weren't, but to me they resembled long rubber dish-washing gloves, which would be appropriate if she were actually touching the ashes. To me, that made sense. Rock still loves Charlotte and is proud of her. Rock isn't leaving their family. But realistically, what could he have done? Bribes didn't work. Should he have threatened to hurt Rock? (And Rock is still Jewish, whether or not they had a ceremony). Yeah, that was the least flattering outfit she's worn all season. Kind of frumpy. As to Carrie's Paris outfit: Charlotte was the most disappointing in this series. Kristen Davis has forgotten how to act and she was enormously frumpy throughout the series, not to mention loud, and (as someone else said on this forum) manic! 7 Link to comment
chediavolo February 4, 2022 Share February 4, 2022 6 hours ago, ichbin said: I do. Only in the couple I knew he was a total ditz of a father and she couldn't stop talking about being Jewish. With the exception of Harry attempting to use bribery, the only character who handled the situation with any degree of realism was Anthony. All of the Charlotte centric storylines this season would have been best left on the cutting room floor. The writers surely could have come up with something better than they did. The only ashes I have seen in real life were those of a small woman and there were a whole lot more of those than what would have fit in that bag. I would hope it is because the writer's decided to have Carrie put a portion in that Connecticut family gravesite, but sadly I am sure it was only a matter of it being decided that purse would be perfect for the outfit in that scene. And we don’t know if she even had the decency to inform his family she was dumping his ashes in another country. 7 Link to comment
T Summer February 4, 2022 Share February 4, 2022 1 hour ago, TheBride said: Charlotte was the most disappointing in this series. Kristen Davis has forgotten how to act and she was enormously frumpy throughout the series, not to mention loud, and (as someone else said on this forum) manic! Ugh! I'd rather watch Che's standup than Charlotte's fake manic over the top beyond atrocious "acting"! When Che started singing I cringed and thought please don't let this last long. Other than not being funny, I don't have anything against Che. Che has a beautiful smile and charisma. It's all Miranda, or rather Cynthia Nixon and MPK who I blame for ruining this SATC revival by insisting they tell the Cynthia Nixon story. Yes, I skimmed an article that called it a revival as well as...get this: season 7 of SATC! Those two things plus arguably the funniest most watchable part of the quartet being a no show were plenty enough to ruin it. That plus the writers focusing on telling their own stories and answering past criticisms of the show having lacked diversity and just generally virtue signalling all over the place made it nearly unwatchable. Only to those who have to stay up on everything SATC and have plenty of time on their hands.```raises hand`` As long as I'm expressing my musical opinions (which I'm sure no one cares No offense to anyone who likes him or the song, but I was incredulous in ep 1 that Big's (who would've lived through the music of the 60's +70"s and beyond) favorite song was Todd Rundgren's Hello It's Me??? The dancing with Carrie to Moon River was part of him sharing a memory of his parents "who had the moves" hitting the town to go dancing, That it was "not corny, classic". I just have to believe he was into better music. He'd have been the age of a baby boomer, right? None that I know listen to Moon River or Hello It's Me. 1 2 Link to comment
MommySusan1 February 4, 2022 Share February 4, 2022 Are there any "deeper" viewer of the original show out there? I don't recall Big being that close to his brother. Of course, with half hour shows, each character had entire lives outside of what we were shown. The same thing applies to what several people have mentioned about Brady's reaction to his parent's split & Miranda's relationship with Che. They had to decide what things to show and Brady has never been a focus of the show like the main four, so his perspective/reaction was never going to be a focus. Link to comment
Baltimore Betty February 4, 2022 Share February 4, 2022 5 hours ago, Amethyst said: Charlotte does whatever she can to ensure that her family is happy. I'm guessing that she and Harry didn't force Rock to study for the they-mitzvah because they were assuming they already would study, and also not trying to put pressure on them. But damn, Rock just blowing the whole thing off just reeked of brattiness and selfishness. I was waiting for them to say how they understood how much time and money their parents had spent. Finding the right rabbi. Inviting all those people, getting all that food. That wasn't just done out of obligation. Carrie really thought she was doing something in that dress, huh? I don't care if it was couture, it looked like a reject prom dress from the 80s. Of course she's carrying Big's ashes in a clutch purse shaped like the Eiffel tower. Eye roll. Rock refusing to go thru with the The Mitzvah seconds before the ceremony is supposed to start is really a shame, to force her would have sent the wrong message about religion being forced upon her but at the same time it would have been nice if Rock could have done this one thing for her parents, to please them, to honor them, it seems like Charlotte and Harry did not teach Rock the importance of doing something for the sake of someone else, on the the other side of that coin Rock should never lose sight of who she is...Rock could have just done it, said the words and enjoyed the party after. I mean Char took the time to get Rock that ill fitting pink suit with draw string pants, tie and Chuck Taylor tenny's and that still didn't sway her to just do it, (I know, that's the Nike slogan but it's on theme). Did Lily not have a Bat Mitzvah? Was this Charlotte's only chance at hosting one? The Eiffel Tower purse that Carrie used was actually part of a charitable design collab from some model in support of some charity, I can't remember and don't feel like Googling it. I do remember that Big had given Carrie one of those Judith Leiber bags shaped like something or other and she was so not loving that bag but here we are with the La Tour Eiffel purse which I was betting she would have dropped in the Seine when she dumped the ashes. 12 hours ago, JeanJean said: "New" Miranda sucks. And so did New Coke. 4 Link to comment
Hana Chan February 4, 2022 Share February 4, 2022 6 hours ago, luna1122 said: It's just insult to injury in the Miranda debacle. I read yet another interview today, maybe linked from here, I can't remember, where the showrunners insist that Miranda had never been in love before. That she only married Steve because they had a baby. Which is just such bullshit. The show runners and CN seem to think that none of us remember the original series. The problem is that we did and we remember what happened. Otherwise they wouldn't have spent so much time and effort with the press and fluff reviews to try to convince us that we're wrong and the storyline is actually really fantastic for Miranda. The fact that the series is over and they're still doing damage control just shows how wrong they were. So glad that CN was happy to reenact her own life on the show. Hope that it was worth staining SITC's legacy to accomplish that. 11 Link to comment
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