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S01.E07: Sex and the Widow

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On 1/13/2022 at 9:47 AM, clubsauce said:

This is supposed to be fun! I have a phobia and literally had the beginnings of a panic attack when all the graphic sickness happened. I don’t want to see that! Again and again no less! 

So true! Sudden, unexpected projectile vomiting that went on and on. Not funny. 

Anthony talking about "shitting his pants on a date". Not funny. Miranda asking him to tell more about shitting his pants on a date. Please, NO. 

None of this is funny. It's disgusting.

  • Love 18
48 minutes ago, Yogisbooboo64 said:

As someone with that name and who is sooooo goddamned sick of it being used in such a derogatory way, what type of hairstyle would it be?  Sorry.  Just got my Irish up for a second and I'm not even Irish.

Point taken, and apologies for offending you. Yes, it has become a derogatory term, and that’s not how I meant it.

I began noticing when I was about early forties that middle aged white women have a certain look that made it hard for me to tell them apart. I was working in an office and struggling to remember the name of the woman who stopped in one day, and while mentally working through the list of candidates of women who matched that description, (white, middle age, blondish, around chin length hair) I realized that I too was that woman. (I’ve never had the type of Karen hair that Toodleloo posted above. Probably, a longer version of Miss Ellie on Dallas is more what I’m thinking. I see A LOT of that.) 

I haven’t seen the show so I can’t comment on Kristin Davis’s midsection, but I just read something in the New York Times about how that is very common after menopause. You can diet, exercise and do all the right things, but often, women naturally move from pear to apple shaped and it wouldn’t surprise me if that’s what she’s dealing with too. We also get to deal with what Amy Schumer referred to as turkey leg upper arms. 

I have to say, even if the show itself isn’t bringing up some of these points directly, it has indirectly contributed to some discussion about what aging looks like and how we want to treat it.

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On 1/13/2022 at 4:56 AM, ivygirl said:

I really, really liked the teacher. Gosh. I mean, he did BARF and everything 🙄, and it was therefore THE WORST DATE EVER ESPECIALLY BECAUSE CARRIE IS A WIDOW AND DON’T FORGET IT,* but hey, he’s an actual human. I can’t see Carrie staying with him, but at least he’s likeable, so far.  

* I did appreciate Anthony saying “You get one more of those!!!” It was an Anthony thing to say, but it also expresses how most of us feel.

Yes to both of these. Loved the teacher, thought he had great chemistry with Carrie, loved his sense of humor. And oh my God, I was DYING at the puking. I found that absolutely hilarious. For some reason I have several really strong reactions to other people puking--I think it's simultaneously funny and I tend to sympathy-puke. (In fact I was trying not to sympathy-puke watching this--I have an insanely high gag reflex.)

And Carrie--we all have great sympathy for what you've been experiencing. But it's not a grief Olympics. Stop trying to top other people's bad situations.


On 1/13/2022 at 6:02 AM, violet and green said:

And Charlotte refusing to apologize for knocking tiny little Harry over is also abominable.

This makes no sense to me whatsoever. Of all the characters, Charlotte is the one most similar to me and my background. I am a dyed in the wool WASP and grew up playing tennis, surrounded by family members who played tennis. (My grandmother almost certainly would've gone pro/been a high profile amateur had she not been from A Certain Kind of Background.) It was drilled into me that tennis is the gentleman's sport. (My mother strongly disapproved whenever she saw a man playing tennis shirtless--it's a gentleman's sport. Put on a shirt!) In the same spirit, in high school we would make the call as to whether your opponent's shot was in or out--we were all on the honor system and nobody abused it (AFAIK). This is why MacEnroe was so despised by the tennis elite during his career--his antics were considered unsportsmanlike and declasse. In fact my ultra-competitiveness was criticized by my family members--I had to point out to my dad that my competitiveness was the main reason I won, that in fact coaches had praised me for that instinct. All my life I've had to negotiate the tension between that instinct and my WASPy background, where competitiveness is looked down on. So I may have blood in my eye when I play but in tennis at least, yes, you would absolutely be expected to apologize if you knock someone over! And Charlotte has impeccable manners--that whole big thing (and shrieking at her husband in public? That is Not Done!) is completely out of character to me.


On 1/13/2022 at 11:26 AM, TakomaSnark said:

I assumed it was a nod/riff (or just plain rip-off) on the Airplane! joke.

That was my thought as well.


On 1/13/2022 at 12:21 PM, Baltimore Betty said:

If Miranda is Pansexual then Che is Potsexual, she cannot function without getting stoned, she seems to never have sex without smoking weed first.  I have a feeling this will wear thin on Miranda, that is why we do not say we love someone until we get to know them, Che has shown us that she has not problem luring someone who is in a relationship in to having sex with her, she is too stoned to read or message back a text...Miranda will get hurt and hopefully Steve will not take her back.

I am so, so tired of hearing about Che and their weed obsession. (I don't GAF about weed one way or the other but I get soooooo tiiiiiiirrrred when weed smokers talk about it all the time.) They are clearly an addict which means it's a mistake to Miranda to get involved (in addition to everything else). UGH that stupid cheesy grin as they made their way to the auction "stage." And that oh-so-plausible scene when the two UES moms are fangirling over them! Stop trying to make fetch happen, MPK. Completely contrived and embarrassing.


On 1/13/2022 at 12:41 PM, ifionlyknew said:

I noticed that to. Why is it so hard for this show to show good hygiene?  Especially since we as viewers are still in the middle of a pandemic.

Richard at least tried to be charming. 

I loved Richard. Yes, he ultimately hurt Samantha (although at least it gave us that great moment--"carry on, ma'am") and after that I didn't like him but he was so dashing and I loved how he called her gorgeous all the time.

Steve not washing his hands afterward--VOMIT. But I still love Steve and I hate what the writers are doing to him.

On 1/13/2022 at 2:02 PM, Rai said:

If there's anything cultural Jews can really claim, it's self-deprecating humor. There's nothing new or exaggerated about that. Seinfeld was one long self-deprecating joke, particularly when it came to George. Curb Your Enthusiasm is even more so. I say this with all the self-deprecating love this particular Jew can express: Let Harry own his deficiency in sports or at least claim he has one. It's our thing.

I loved seeing an interview when Jason Alexander was saying how people would tell him that "all my friends say I'm just like your character!" and he would want to say to them "uh.these people are not your friends."

Carrie's hair and dress at the auction were gorgeous.


21 hours ago, Trillian said:

They really missed their chance.  It almost fits: “For what lady, sir?””Mrs John Preston”. “Mrs Preston is in mourning, sir…”. Could’ve been epic.  

Oh God, that would've been perfect! And then everyone could've busted into the Virginia Reel. One of the very best scenes in both the movie and the book.

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53 minutes ago, SFoster21 said:

does anyone recall Candace Bergen dressing Carrie down for dating Baryshnikov, portrayed as 20-30 years her senior?  Because Carrie, for my money, has always punched above her class with men (real life, too! Matthew Broderick, ferchrissakes), but would she have her pick of great looking comfortably wealthy NY men at her age?  Just imo.

Yup, I haven't even started on the charmed life that Carrie leads that when she is (not really) ready to date again she only needs to look at four good-looking men who are mostly a tad younger than her, pick one, "and just like that" she's got a date. And he's great-looking, fit, pleasant, etc. And now a second date. Sheesh. Another thing we have to suspend disbelief over.

He's after her money. LOL.

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7 minutes ago, Maysie said:

I began noticing when I was about early forties that middle aged white women have a certain look that made it hard for me to tell them apart. I was working in an office and struggling to remember the name of the woman who stopped in one day, and while mentally working through the list of candidates of women who matched that description, (white, middle age, blondish, around chin length hair) I realized that I too was that woman. (I’ve never had the type of Karen hair that Toodleloo posted above. Probably, a longer version of Miss Ellie on Dallas is more what I’m thinking. I see A LOT of that.)

Guess I never fit that stereotype. This is me when I was 50.



  • Love 9
42 minutes ago, luna1122 said:

I hope Steve says "oh thank God. I'm so tired of you, you thankless shrew. Also, I have a 36 year old girlfriend. I was just staying til Brady went to college."

"And I want the house, so that you don't have to stay in Brooklyn any longer." Shout out to the old show. 

I'm assuming it's the same house, just updated a bit. 

Charlotte's temper tantrum on the street was as nauseating as her "set the date" and "Do you know how lucky you are to have me," bullshit in Season 5 (or was it 6?) Harry was right to walk off then, and he should have left her standing in front of her friends, looking embarrassed this time. 

For those puzzled by the Becky Barnett reference. That was Nicole Ari Parker's character in Boogie Nights.

Jack Horner: Where are you going?

Becky Barnett: I gotta go wash my vagina.

Jack Horner: How long will you be?

Becky Barnett: Two seconds. You want it clean, don't you?

Edited by ChicksDigScars
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On 1/13/2022 at 8:46 AM, Snow Fairy said:

Hate hate hate Miranda's story.

And does the actor that play Steve actually have some hearing problem or?

I don't think so. I saw him on tv on New Year's Eve (part of the local Chicago news coverage) and he seemed totally with it. I think he is on one of the Chicago (Fire, PD, Med) shows. They were doing Chicago trivia and he was whipping off answers faster than any of his co-stars.

I'm also laughing at his portrayal because my dad is 80 and wears hearing aids and even HE acts younger than Steve does on this show. FFS.

  • Love 7
17 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

I thought that they drank too much and got sick? The guy seemed nice. I thought he was attractive. I am glad Carrie is going out with him again. 

I'm a Jon Tenney fan so it was nice to see him on my screen. His character is nice which won't work for Carrie. Remember what happened to Aiden? She only likes jerks. 

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1 hour ago, RedHawk said:

So true! Sudden, unexpected projectile vomiting that went on and on. Not funny. 

Anthony talking about "shitting his pants on a date". Not funny. Miranda asking him to tell more about shitting his pants on a date. Please, NO. 

None of this is funny. It's disgusting.

Seriously. I have no problem with acknowledging the fact that women have bodily functions too, but we don't generally find bathroom humor all that funny, do we?


54 minutes ago, ChicksDigScars said:

Charlotte's temper tantrum on the street was as nauseating as her "set the date" and "Do you know how lucky you are to have me," bullshit in Season 5 (or was it 6?) Harry was right to walk off then, and he should have left her standing in front of her friends, looking embarrassed this time. 

Charlotte is my favorite because she's just the best gal out of the bunch imo. While she's typically sweet, her behavior this last episode did remind me of that Charlotte! Honestly though, she's human and is going to have crappy moments like we all do. 


4 hours ago, RedHawk said:

It's hard to remember "they, them" when in this episode's sex scene Che was wearing makeup that made Che look quite feminine: mascara, eyebrow pencil, lipgloss, etc. Of course a non-binary person can wear whatever makeup they want at times and at others wear none, it's just that my brain read the feminine look as two women. 

Love the PeeWee Herman reference! 

When I watched this episode I thought, Che does have a beautiful face. 

Edited by RealHousewife
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2 hours ago, SFoster21 said:

does anyone recall Candace Bergen dressing Carrie down for dating Baryshnikov, portrayed as 20-30 years her senior?  Because Carrie, for my money, has always punched above her class with men (real life, too! Matthew Broderick, ferchrissakes), but would she have her pick of great looking comfortably wealthy NY men at her age?  Just imo.

I remember that. It had to do with all the older, good looking single men dating younger women and meanwhile someone like Candace was left on the shelf. I remember she ended up at the end with Wallace Shawn who is not quite a Baryshnikov (though I'm sure he is a delightful man). 

  • Love 4
4 minutes ago, libgirl2 said:

I remember that. It had to do with all the older, good looking single men dating younger women and meanwhile someone like Candace was left on the shelf. I remember she ended up at the end with Wallace Shawn who is not quite a Baryshnikov (though I'm sure he is a delightful man). 

When I was in my mid 40s I did online dating.  Men my age didn't want women my age. They wanted women in their 20s.  You know who did want women my age? Men in their 30s.  They wanted women who were more settled in life, not looking to get married or have kids.  When I first heard of this reboot I initially thought they would have one of the women deal with the realities of dating when older and apparently the writers thought vomiting on a date was one of those realities.  

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11 minutes ago, ifionlyknew said:

When I was in my mid 40s I did online dating.  Men my age didn't want women my age. They wanted women in their 20s.  You know who did want women my age? Men in their 30s.  They wanted women who were more settled in life, not looking to get married or have kids.  When I first heard of this reboot I initially thought they would have one of the women deal with the realities of dating when older and apparently the writers thought vomiting on a date was one of those realities.  

I have a friend who divorced in her early 40s and had the hardest time finding a "good guy". She had one guy who took her for all the money she had and then left. She had another guy who was pretty nice but he would not make any kind of commitment. Finally at 60, she met a guy her age and is very happy. Though she is not rushing it which she did with the first guy. 

Edited by libgirl2
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I guess I am in the minority but I laughed out loud when Carrie and the Professor were puking on the street, they were both nervous and probably drank too much and didn't eat much and they were having a really good laugh and then as some call it they experienced a reversal of fortune or hoarked, together.  I normally don't laugh at stuff like that but it struck me as the perfect way to end to a date that started awkwardly.

Don't get me wrong, the rest of the episode was not good.

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More thoughts:

I don't buy that with all the rich people at that auction, no one would bid on Carrie. I once was the auctioned prize date for a friend's theater fundraiser and the bidding was hot and heavy, and my friends were all poor actors. But they were kind and chivalrous people who were aware of the potential humiliation factor and didn't want me to experience that. FFS the guy who won didn't even collect on his prize! He was just a kind person. Not one of those divorced dads could do the decent thing?

I also found the robotic reading of Miranda's texting very funny. And I loved her delivery of "he has a toddler"--that whole scene was terrific.

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Re Charlotte shrieking at Harry in the street: is this the first time we've ever heard Charlotte say "fucking" (at least, as an adjective)? I have to say I felt like she'd been possessed. It was the most un-Charlotte outburst I've ever heard, and made zero sense. She's always so concerned about appearances and it just doesn't add up for her to be shouting at her husband on the street. 


I guess things work out OK since in the preview for next week she's talking about blowing him. 


Edited by Jillybean
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3 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I guess I am in the minority but I laughed out loud when Carrie and the Professor were puking on the street, they were both nervous and probably drank too much and didn't eat much and they were having a really good laugh and then as some call it they experienced a reversal of fortune or hoarked, together.  I normally don't laugh at stuff like that but it struck me as the perfect way to end to a date that started awkwardly.

Don't get me wrong, the rest of the episode was not good.

I didn't enjoy the puking (I don't know if this is women writers thinking they have to keep up with the guys)  but in retrospect, I think it did illustrate that the two of them were so uncomfortable, they drank that much.

Edited by JeanJean
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2 hours ago, Maysie said:

Point taken, and apologies for offending you.

You're good, lovely.....but if I ever meet the muhfucka that thought this up, they will have a date with my foot!

2 hours ago, ChicksDigScars said:

For those puzzled by the Becky Barnett reference. That was Nicole Ari Parker's character in Boogie Nights.

Jack Horner: Where are you going?

Becky Barnett: I gotta go wash my vagina.

Jack Horner: How long will you be?

Becky Barnett: Two seconds. You want it clean, don't you?

As someone who FLOVES this movie, I love you!  Heh, I sometimes say that scene to myself as I'm about to take a shower.

What is the episode where Miranda was with Robert?

Edited by Yogisbooboo64
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So I realized why I don't care about the separate storyline of Dr. Nya and her husband. They're very attractive as in beautiful with charming personalities. They're a happily married couple going through fertility issues. Umm, where have we seen that before, Show? It's been done. I guess the difference here is that Nya isn't at all sure she wants a child and Charlotte very much wanted one. I have read and heard all the discussions on the issue of have kids or don't have kids so don't find the rehash compelling.

  • Love 11
10 hours ago, Pestilentia said:

These three ladies are all so immature in so many ways. How mature actresses can bemoan the lack of substantive roles for women of age, get an opportunity like this to illustrate otherwise, then walk on screen acting like lovestruck teenagers boggles my mind. And yes, I'm looking at SJP and CN- you had such an opportunity and instead chose to try and relive glory days of the old SATC. Their core viewers grew up, why can't they? Mature women have plenty of issues worthy of exploring (do none of these women have aging parents?). Eh, enough.  Just such a wasted opportunity.

I agree completely. I'm thoroughly convinced that despite their stated intention to make a show about older women, the writers and producers have no real desire to grow or evolve the show and its characters, but instead are trying to relive the "glory days" as you say. This is the mistake most reboots make and why many of them fail.

Why is someone as materialistic and high maintenance as Carrie okay with downgrading from life as a multimillionaire's wife with her DREAM closet to the tiny one bedroom she lived in as a struggling writer? Even without experiencing a drastic upgrade in lifestyle and tax bracket, people's needs change. I guess they can keep playing up the whole "I'm in mourning and I'm seeking comfort in familiarity/mirroring fan nostalgia" shtick. Okay, yea, grow up already.

Edited by Roccos Brother
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1 hour ago, ifionlyknew said:

When I was in my mid 40s I did online dating.  Men my age didn't want women my age. They wanted women in their 20s.  You know who did want women my age? Men in their 30s.  They wanted women who were more settled in life, not looking to get married or have kids.  When I first heard of this reboot I initially thought they would have one of the women deal with the realities of dating when older and apparently the writers thought vomiting on a date was one of those realities.  

I was super hoping Carrie would treat herself to a hot, young stud (like perhaps a physical therapist), and enjoy one of the perks of being a woman of a certain age. Guess only smart gals like Samantha get to enjoy themselves on that level.

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2 hours ago, candle96 said:

I don't think so. I saw him on tv on New Year's Eve (part of the local Chicago news coverage) and he seemed totally with it. I think he is on one of the Chicago (Fire, PD, Med) shows. They were doing Chicago trivia and he was whipping off answers faster than any of his co-stars.

I'm also laughing at his portrayal because my dad is 80 and wears hearing aids and even HE acts younger than Steve does on this show. FFS.

Yeah, David Eigenberg is sharp as a tack on Chicago Fire and functions perfectly. (Although, someone here pointed out he admitted to wearing hearings aids in an interview.) The old, doddering bullshit is probably a way to try and justify Miranda's ongoing cheating bullshit with Che. Which...no. Not cool with me.

I didn't watch, but those who did said David Eigenberg had a bit of a spark for a sec when Miranda tried to half ass "rekindling" with Steve...

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1 hour ago, CeeBeeGee said:

I also found the robotic reading of Miranda's texting very funny. And I loved her delivery of "he has a toddler"--that whole scene was terrific.

I like Nya and her husband normally, but that scene is not really my humour.  Hard for me to find the humour when pedestrians are constantly getting mowed down in my city and the government does nothing to change the situation.

One positive about this show is that I do like seeing Carrie's old apartment, but, meh, I could just watch the original series for that too!  I still CAN'T HELP BUT WONDER why she would sell her and Big's place so fast.  It's not like she needs the extra money.  She even could think about having one of her friends move in with her temporarily to keep her company.  (Anthony, etc.)

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
  • Love 4
43 minutes ago, RedHawk said:

So I realized why I don't care about the separate storyline of Dr. Nya and her husband. They're very attractive as in beautiful with charming personalities. They're a happily married couple going through fertility issues. Umm, where have we seen that before, Show? It's been done. I guess the difference here is that Nya isn't at all sure she wants a child and Charlotte very much wanted one. I have read and heard all the discussions on the issue of have kids or don't have kids so don't find the rehash compelling.

I don’t care about the storyline either, but for different reasons that I realized this episode.  Anyone remember the fan theory about SATC that Miranda, Charlotte and Samantha didn’t exist outside Carrie’s imagination?  That theory was spawned because there were virtually no scenes of those women interacting outside Carrie’s presence.  Yes, people eventually were able to identify such scenes but it was also true that the original show revolved around Carrie. It was a consistent theme. AJLT is trying, not only to revolve around the 3 leads equally, but now has Dr Nya, whom no one knows or feels nostalgic about, with her own separate plot line that has nothing to do with any of the leads. It’s jarring and out of place.

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7 hours ago, RedHawk said:

 HBO may be thinking they have a huge hit on their hands, but I wonder what the stats will be for rewatches. 

I wonder what the stats are for people who tried and then gave up. I'm guessing there's a sharper decline in viewers after the Che Finger Bang of Doom episode.

5 hours ago, RedHawk said:

In the glam-rock '70s and gender-bending '80s I loved seeing men in makeup. And so often they looked much better than I did. Sigh.

Rikki Rocket on the cover of Look What The Cat Dragged In had to have confused more than one guy back in the day.

4 hours ago, SFoster21 said:

does anyone recall Candace Bergen dressing Carrie down for dating Baryshnikov, portrayed as 20-30 years her senior?  

"There's a very small pool. It's very small. It's a wading pool, really. So why are you swimming in my wading pool?"

I'm not a woman in her 50s (I'm 39), but I still use "So why are you swimming in my wading pool?" when I hear of a guy around my age dating some chickie in her 20s. I'm at a point where I understand that a guy I meet may be divorced with kids, but even they date the 20-somethings. I just... why are they swimming in my wading pool???

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I'm fine with Carrie being back in her old apartment. Her apartment with Big felt more Big to me than Carrie, or at least it felt like the Carrie she was with him. She somewhat became a robotic-rich person to me during the movies, and I find her more recognizable now. When she was walking with Miranda in this episode and she giggled, I thought, "I remember her!" (Which is what she said at the plastic surgeon's). And she certainly has the money to store things. 
It could also be a neighborhood thing. NYC neighborhoods all have their own character. I would go back to my old apartment in my old NYC neighborhood in a heartbeat. 

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59 minutes ago, RedHawk said:

So I realized why I don't care about the separate storyline of Dr. Nya and her husband. They're very attractive as in beautiful with charming personalities. They're a happily married couple going through fertility issues. Umm, where have we seen that before, Show? It's been done. I guess the difference here is that Nya isn't at all sure she wants a child and Charlotte very much wanted one. I have read and heard all the discussions on the issue of have kids or don't have kids so don't find the rehash compelling.

Exactly. It made more sense with Charlotte for me because she really wanted a family and was younger. As someone who wasn't particularly interested in having a family in my 20s and will be an older mom if I become one, aren't there limits to that? I can see not realizing or being ready until your 30s or maybe 40s, but struggling with it at 50? IDK. I would get it if Nya went through a lot in life and this was her chance to have a baby she really wanted. But that's not it. And again, they're inconsistent with age. You have Steve at just several years older acting like he's in his 70s, and you have Nya more like a 40-year-old. 

  • Love 4
On 1/13/2022 at 8:45 AM, Conotocarious said:

I had a worse thought. I think Steve taking a timeout to wash his hands was supposed to show how they had no passion or spontaneity as a couple.

What bothered me more was Steve didn't wash his hands AFTER, and started packing up the leftovers ... ewww.

In regards to spontaneity, didn't Steve say that Brady and the girlfriend could come walking in any minute? Sorry, but the thought of my teenager walking in on that - in the kitchen - would kill any spontaneity.  Why didn't they step into the bedroom?

  • Love 11
35 minutes ago, RealHousewife said:

Exactly. It made more sense with Charlotte for me because she really wanted a family and was younger. As someone who wasn't particularly interested in having a family in my 20s and will be an older mom if I become one, aren't there limits to that? I can see not realizing or being ready until your 30s or maybe 40s, but struggling with it at 50? IDK. I would get it if Nya went through a lot in life and this was her chance to have a baby she really wanted. But that's not it. And again, they're inconsistent with age. You have Steve at just several years older acting like he's in his 70s, and you have Nya more like a 40-year-old. 

How old IS Dr. Nya? I'm not good at ages unless they're shouted out like the main characters' have been, but I assumed mid 40s (nearly 10 years younger than Miranda) since they're still trying IVF. Although, I know a woman who gave birth at age 55 using IVF and a donor egg. :-0  

I thought she was getting scammed when she tried a 4th time but it worked and she and her husband now have a darling daughter. So there's hope for Dr. Nya but then she's not even sure she wants a child. Whatever, we've all heard the debates for a while now. Couldn't they have some other issue that she and Miranda could bond over? 

Edited by RedHawk
  • Love 2
12 hours ago, Roccos Brother said:

I agree completely. I'm thoroughly convinced that despite their stated intention to make a show about older women, the writers and producers have no real desire to grow or evolve the show and its characters, but instead are trying to relive the "glory days" as you say. This is the mistake most reboots make and why many of them fail.

Why is someone as materialistic and high maintenance as Carrie okay with downgrading from life as a multimillionaire's wife with her DREAM closet to the tiny one bedroom she lived in as a struggling writer? Even without experiencing a drastic upgrade in lifestyle and tax bracket, people's needs change. I guess they can keep playing up the whole "I'm in mourning and I'm seeking comfort in familiarity/mirroring fan nostalgia" shtick. Okay, yea, grow up already.

The show doesn't know what it wants to depict. It's all over the place. This morning I read an article in which MPK talked about writing the show. Although he didn't intend it this way it revealed everything I had surmised about how they want to be realistic about older women and yet be in Carrie Fantasyland at the same time. Thus it's disjointed and fails so many of us. I was going to post it in the Media thread so we could chat about it but can’t find it again, so if anyone knows the article post it there. 

Edited by RedHawk
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I like Carrie again more each week, but I have to say: Her not telling Miranda that Che would be at the school event is up there with not calling 911 for Big.

I don't know if Charlotte coming off as such a harpy all the time is partly from her lips being permanently pursed from whatever she had done to her face, especially in the mouth area. But Charlotte used to be much more likeable.

Her face now has a permanently disapproving expression. So even if Charlotte isn't really being pissy, it comes off as she is.

Edited by JeanJean
  • Love 4
50 minutes ago, debbie311 said:

What bothered me more was Steve didn't wash his hands AFTER, and started packing up the leftovers ... ewww.

In regards to spontaneity, didn't Steve say that Brady and the girlfriend could come walking in any minute? Sorry, but the thought of my teenager walking in on that - in the kitchen - would kill any spontaneity.  Why didn't they step into the bedroom?

Brady's lack of boundaries make perfect sense, doesn't it?


46 minutes ago, RedHawk said:

How old IS Dr. Nya? I'm not good at ages unless they're shouted out like the main characters' have been, but I assumed mid 40s (nearly 10 years younger than Miranda) since they're still trying IVF. Although, I know a woman who gave birth at age 55 using IVF and a donor egg. :-0  

I thought she was getting scammed when she tried a 4th time but it worked and she and her husband now have a darling daughter. So there's hope for Dr. Nya but then she's not even sure she wants a child. Whatever, we've all heard the debates for a while now. Couldn't they have some other issue that she and Miranda could bond over? 

They haven't given the character's age, but the actress is 50. 

I also wish they could have bonded over something else. I wish Miranda and Steve were happy together, and Brady were a nice, normal kid. I get the show needs drama, but why does it have to be constant cheating with this couple? And such cringey sex? 

Edited by RealHousewife
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56 minutes ago, debbie311 said:

What bothered me more was Steve didn't wash his hands AFTER, and started packing up the leftovers ... ewww.

In regards to spontaneity, didn't Steve say that Brady and the girlfriend could come walking in any minute? Sorry, but the thought of my teenager walking in on that - in the kitchen - would kill any spontaneity.  Why didn't they step into the bedroom?

I think Steve wanted that but nooooo, Miranda needed to have her little Che fantasy with Steve as a convenient stand-in. Bleccch!

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, WendyCR72 said:

Yeah, David Eigenberg is sharp as a tack on Chicago Fire and functions perfectly. (Although, someone here pointed out he admitted to wearing hearings aids in an interview.) The old, doddering bullshit is probably a way to try and justify Miranda's ongoing cheating bullshit with Che. Which...no. Not cool with me.

I didn't watch, but those who did said David Eigenberg had a bit of a spark for a sec when Miranda tried to half ass "rekindling" with Steve...


Correct, Eigenberg has hearing loss and wears aids. MPK decided to make that a part of Steve.


“For starters, Steve is partially deaf because David Eigenberg is actually battling hearing loss in real life.

“When [showrunner] Michael Patrick [King] reconnected with David Eigenberg about the show, the very first thing that David said was, ‘I got hearing aids.’ It was literally what he led with,” said Zuritsky. “That actually wound up being Steve’s tone about his aging [in the show].””

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1 minute ago, Toodleoo said:


Correct, Eigenberg has hearing loss and wears aids. MPK decided to make that a part of Steve.


“For starters, Steve is partially deaf because David Eigenberg is actually battling hearing loss in real life.

“When [showrunner] Michael Patrick [King] reconnected with David Eigenberg about the show, the very first thing that David said was, ‘I got hearing aids.’ It was literally what he led with,” said Zuritsky. “That actually wound up being Steve’s tone about his aging [in the show].””

Okay, but there is still no reason writing Steve like he is 90 when the actor is just fine on TV elsewhere. It's lazy bullshit, really. Just because the actor tells the writer he has hearing aids, they didn't have to turn him into Father Time's decrepit cousin.

  • Love 16
2 minutes ago, WendyCR72 said:

Okay, but there is still no reason writing Steve like he is 90 when the actor is just fine on TV elsewhere. It's lazy bullshit, really. Just because the actor tells the writer he has hearing aids, they didn't have to turn him into Father Time's decrepit cousin.

Totally agree.

The article goes on to say this, which makes it seem like the writers just think the viewers just don’t get it (eyeroll):

…”No one on And Just Like That…’s creative team actively hates Steve, or is exacting some sort of vendetta against him. “Everyone on the show, every single person, loves David Eigenberg as a human being,” she said. “We love him as an actor. We love Steve. We are really invested in the Steve-ness of him. He’s so full of life, and the Steves out there are good guys.”

“But Miranda’s journey is representing another reality out there, which a lot of people go through—the reevaluations and transitions in life,” added Rottenberg. “Grown couples grow apart, and people come to epiphanies about what their spouse is or isn’t fulfilling for them. Miranda’s story was very representative of a certain path that a lot of women find themselves on.”

“We didn’t set out to make virtuous characters necessarily,” said Zuritsky. “Even beloved people have crises. Even moral, generally wonderful people make choices that aren’t necessarily admirable or virtuous. But they do them anyway because they’re going through something, or they’re working through a crisis.” Zuritsky also wonders if the criticism of Steve’s story line is rooted in some “lopsided gender issue…you feel angry at her and more protective of him.” 

The reality, however, is that “sometimes your friends make choices that you might not agree with or that might be concerning, but you sort of have to let them make their own choices. Sometimes it’s hard.”

Zuritsky compared the Steve outcry to criticism of Big’s death. “This reminds me of the uproar after the first episode…how could we do that? Why would we do that?” But both women said they’ve also heard from people who have responded gratefully to the story line: “‘Thank God. Please. What’s taking so long? Get out of there. You’re in a loveless marriage.’”

Viewers understand how unfulfilled Miranda is by her marriage—but her blatant disregard for that union seems borderline cruel when Steve is so seemingly in the dark about Miranda’s unhappiness. “The show isn’t about Steve, but what about his fulfillment?” I asked them. “How is he feeling?”

“You’re going to get that scene,” assured Zuritsky. “You’re going to get that scene.”

The writers did have an inkling that there would be Steve-related outcry, however, when it came time to film the new series. “Our assistant-directing department made buttons for the whole crew,” Zuritsky said. “You could choose a ‘Team Steve’ or ‘Team Miranda’ button. It was very funny.”

The writers declined to say who was better represented amongst crew, but they did note that Eigenberg handled the situation just like his puppy-dog character would. “He took a ‘Team Miranda’ pin,” said Zuritsky. “That’s so David Eigenberg. That’s just what Steve would do. You have to realize that there are hundreds of people who work on the series, and they’re sort of our first glimpse of what the audience is going to feel.”

“To me, it falls under the same umbrella of why are we coming back to do this show if it’s not going to be different?” said Zuritsky. “The decision to [make And Just Like That…] was not born out of commercialism. Creatively, we wanted to see what happened to these women.... Where are they? What have they gone through? What are new stories for these women? How are they rooted in the real-life experience of women in their 50s? What do women go through?””

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It just seems to me that the writers are trying to diss Steve and Harry…..and the guy who Carrie went on a date with.  Why?  So they can justify the actions of the women?  It’s so obvious and juvenile.  I recall spotting a setup like that on the Brady Bunch in 1971.  I was expecting growth from a little of life’s lessons from the ladies, but it seems they’re just mean and unreasonable.  

And the writers seem to get some kind of kick out of indiscriminate sex.  So Anthony chimes in that he was getting a hand job from a wait staff person?  Why do they think that’s impressive?  Is he crazy?  This is a school fund raiser.  The immaturity of the script is astounding.  And that’s about the best thing I can say about this episode. I hope some people who have some clout with HBO or the producers can explain to the TPTB what is wrong. It’s sad and for the first time…..I can say that I won’t subscribe to HBO to see another season of this series.  GASP?  It’s been my favorite since season one, but this is ridiculous. 🙄

  • Love 14
2 hours ago, Alice Mudgarden said:


I'm not a woman in her 50s (I'm 39), but I still use "So why are you swimming in my wading pool?" when I hear of a guy around my age dating some chickie in her 20s. I'm at a point where I understand that a guy I meet may be divorced with kids, but even they date the 20-somethings. I just... why are they swimming in my wading pool???

I visited New York when I was 25 with two girlfriends. We were looking for the subway and this woman offered to show us the way. So nice. She walked and chatted. She asked if we were moving to NY. I said thinking about it. She pointed at my friends and asked "what about you two?" Then she said, "I just want to know who's competing in my category". 

That was 30 years ago and I still laugh.  Same sentiment as the wading pool.

  • LOL 7
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16 minutes ago, Toodleoo said:

Totally agree.

The article goes on to say this, which makes it seem like the writers just think the viewers just don’t get it (eyeroll):

…”No one on And Just Like That…’s creative team actively hates Steve, or is exacting some sort of vendetta against him. “Everyone on the show, every single person, loves David Eigenberg as a human being,” she said. “We love him as an actor. We love Steve. We are really invested in the Steve-ness of him. He’s so full of life, and the Steves out there are good guys.”

“But Miranda’s journey is representing another reality out there, which a lot of people go through—the reevaluations and transitions in life,” added Rottenberg. “Grown couples grow apart, and people come to epiphanies about what their spouse is or isn’t fulfilling for them. Miranda’s story was very representative of a certain path that a lot of women find themselves on.”

“We didn’t set out to make virtuous characters necessarily,” said Zuritsky. “Even beloved people have crises. Even moral, generally wonderful people make choices that aren’t necessarily admirable or virtuous. But they do them anyway because they’re going through something, or they’re working through a crisis.” Zuritsky also wonders if the criticism of Steve’s story line is rooted in some “lopsided gender issue…you feel angry at her and more protective of him.” 

The reality, however, is that “sometimes your friends make choices that you might not agree with or that might be concerning, but you sort of have to let them make their own choices. Sometimes it’s hard.”

Zuritsky compared the Steve outcry to criticism of Big’s death. “This reminds me of the uproar after the first episode…how could we do that? Why would we do that?” But both women said they’ve also heard from people who have responded gratefully to the story line: “‘Thank God. Please. What’s taking so long? Get out of there. You’re in a loveless marriage.’”

Viewers understand how unfulfilled Miranda is by her marriage—but her blatant disregard for that union seems borderline cruel when Steve is so seemingly in the dark about Miranda’s unhappiness. “The show isn’t about Steve, but what about his fulfillment?” I asked them. “How is he feeling?”

“You’re going to get that scene,” assured Zuritsky. “You’re going to get that scene.”

The writers did have an inkling that there would be Steve-related outcry, however, when it came time to film the new series. “Our assistant-directing department made buttons for the whole crew,” Zuritsky said. “You could choose a ‘Team Steve’ or ‘Team Miranda’ button. It was very funny.”

The writers declined to say who was better represented amongst crew, but they did note that Eigenberg handled the situation just like his puppy-dog character would. “He took a ‘Team Miranda’ pin,” said Zuritsky. “That’s so David Eigenberg. That’s just what Steve would do. You have to realize that there are hundreds of people who work on the series, and they’re sort of our first glimpse of what the audience is going to feel.”

“To me, it falls under the same umbrella of why are we coming back to do this show if it’s not going to be different?” said Zuritsky. “The decision to [make And Just Like That…] was not born out of commercialism. Creatively, we wanted to see what happened to these women.... Where are they? What have they gone through? What are new stories for these women? How are they rooted in the real-life experience of women in their 50s? What do women go through?””

I knew it.  I knew the writers would act like they are telling some insightful meaningful empowering story with Miranda.  Sorry not sorry but for me it's a story about a wife cheating on her husband and not considering the ramifications of that.

Edited by ifionlyknew
  • Love 21
3 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Those writers are sooooooooo out of touch.  With life, with women, with 2022, with adults, with reality.  But we already knew that.

Can you imagine being given the opportunity to write the next chapter of some pretty beloved characters and this is what you come up with? What in the serious fuck were they thinking?

  • Love 16

Aye yai yai. This show. How many more episodes? First off, Carrie's apartment has its own microclimate where four seasons pass in the span of 3 months, apparently. Secondly, who made the choice to have the title come across the screen like some 90s movie of the week? It's never not jarring. Thirdly, I don't have a thirdly. I don't even like the word thirdly.

My computer must've overheard my tv because "Che Diaz" was trending on twitter when I started watching. I got a lot more laughs out of those tweets than I did in any episode up until this point. I didn't realize how much Che was despised outside of this board. It simply confounds my brain how unfunny Che is. One woman at the school benefit talked about watching their comedy special 10 times. WHAT?!?!? Like, the original Sex and The City wasn't necessarily my sense of humor, but it had a wit and cleverness in writing that came off as an original voice in its time. This new show's writing is bad, bad, bad. This weird reliance on awkward comedy, like projectile vomiting and shitting-your-pants hijinks is just so charmless. That along with the low energy, plodding editing makes it this that much harder to want to like. 

Another episode where the newbies are simply there as plot contrivances. Oh look, Seema just so happened to have signed Carrie up for dating apps and then got switched out for Anthony as the fourth because we gotta get him in for some reason. Charlotte's pointless "sorry, not sorry" storyline intermingling with LTW was straight-up filler. Who's left? Oh yeah, Che. That's enough of that. Dr. Naya and the never-ending pregnancy talk. It just keeps going on interminably. Her story would have made a good single episode of some sort of anthology series, which is probably a better vehicle for a Sex and The City revival. Carrie as the host of a podcast, a la Frasier Crane, and each episode focuses on a guest or call-in or a cohost and each person can cross paths with each other or OG cast members in integral and natural ways. Instead we got the third movie stretched out into a season.  Oh well.

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They clearly don't want to make Steve into a bad guy because they like him but that's making Miranda look fucking worse! Is she the only person who doesn't realize he's a good guy who doesn't deserve this? After all this time? Are we supposed to see her as the villain here, because I do. It's like she doesn't care about him at all, not even as a human being.

It seems like the only problem they have is no sex life (they have not said they have ANY other problem and in the episode with the funeral they made it seem like they still loved each other with the hug and all- or at least he loves her), so theoretically, she should still care about him as a friend, right? A person she's not into romantically anymore, but nevertheless, an ACTUAL person with feelings?

Because her actions thus far have not shown any of that to be true. She's an asshole. And he tried! He was wanting it and seemed sad when she changed her mind. Again, the asshole is HER.

Edited by ruby24
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I will admit, I am loving the fact that they are feeling the need to defend themselves publicly over what they have done to Steve on this show. The audience reaction and the media reaction now, has been horrendous and they know it. Good.

And another thing- saying it's the same as the reaction to killing off Big? Nah. I don't think it is. I think this is worse because Steve is a fan favorite in a way that Big wasn't (I can promise you there are more fans of Miranda/Steve then there were Carrie/Big- for one thing she had a competing and possibly larger fanbase that preferred Aidan) and  killing someone off is in some ways not as bad as what they are doing here.

Splitting up a fan favorite couple in a way that doesn't upset people is probably impossible, but you could maybe do it IF Miranda took his feelings into account, didn't cheat on him, and said she still loved him as a friend to cushion the blow or something. Having her treat him like complete shit when he's seemingly done nothing to deserve it is fucked up.

Edited by ruby24
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