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S10.E09: Lucas' Journey LIVE CHAT

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Guys there is a Facebook fight on my feed…poster says that no one should comment on weight ever….someone commented saying they agree but they recently worked hard and lost 100 pounds and welcome positive comments. Poster said that feeds into the negative narrative about weight, shame on them, and weight does not equal health and they only seek validation because society is fucked up. Commentor said that their doctor said they needed to lose weight due to health issues. Another person commented saying that they are healthier now then they were when they were thin but in the same breath said they were diagnosed with diabetes and lost 40 pounds due to diet changes soooooo…..I’m just reading this thread and making popcorn like fight night. 

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I know I have been prone to calling boredom early and often, but seriously folks.  What a snoozefest (I actually think he might even do it) and we are 40min in and only on page 5.  It is a slow night for all involved.

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5 minutes ago, aliya said:

They showed 2 seconds. It would be difficult to tell the rigor from that snippet.  Most people use some kind of commercial curriculum. Some curricula are offered by the state. There are also programs  developed by religious organizations. 

I know a number of people who have home schooled over the years and taught homeschooled students as a professor in a grad program. Somehow they manage to learn to read and write.  

My son plans to homeschool his child and if I still have brain cells working, I'll probably do the teaching. In many communities, there are homeschool groups so the kids can get special enrichment classes, do sports, etc. In most cases, it's not what people think, tho I will agree that some political or fundamentalist groups do things differently.

No snark just curious…how does that work if one applies to college or university ? Is there a way to record and submit transcripts ?

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Just now, MsVixen said:

Off topic, Pounders.  I see that a few of you participate in "1000 Pound Sisters" snark.  How come no one mentioned there was a live chat for that?  Monday nights could do with a pick me up!

I usually catch them on repeat so I don’t get to party in the live chat. Their show is a little too late in the evening and a little too boring and gross to keep me up that late.

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4 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Remember Shelley from Celebrity Rehab? "He's not willing to do whatever it takes. He's willing to do what he thinks it should take". I've never forgotten that. 

I loved Shelley!!!!! She spoke the truth, period. 

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5 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

I gave one of those to my boss for Christmas years ago, she served it as dessert at a dinner party! It was enough for something like 6 people!

Yeah, it's a lot. 40 minutes in and I still have 3 pieces left.

But my thumb hurts so I'm eating away the pain. 😛 (Never mind I was obviously going to eat it anyway.)

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52 minutes ago, sainte-chapelle said:

Guys there is a Facebook fight on my feed…poster says that no one should comment on weight ever….someone commented saying they agree but they recently worked hard and lost 100 pounds and welcome positive comments. Poster said that feeds into the negative narrative about weight, shame on them, and weight does not equal health and they only seek validation because society is fucked up. Commentor said that their doctor said they needed to lose weight due to health issues. Another person commented saying that they are healthier now then they were when they were thin but in the same breath said they were diagnosed with diabetes and lost 40 pounds due to diet changes soooooo…..I’m just reading this thread and making popcorn like fight night. 

I posted a pic of me in a pair of pants that I made on a sewing forum. They were size 18. A poster commented 'How do make those 18s look like a size 10??" She was commenting about the fit, not my size, but the Fat Acceptance banshees showed up and began shaming that "size 10" was NOT a compliment and size shouldn't be considered or mentioned at all, and that size 18 was BEAUTIFUL, yada yada. 

Me: "Everybody here can call me a size 10! Call me a size 8 and I'll send you money!"

I got banned. 

Edited by Suzywriter
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Just now, DropTheSoap said:
4 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

What? The family is going to diet with him? A first!

Some families say they'll do the plan. I'm reserving judgment.

This family is not going to do the diet with him. Sis already said “my kids are gonna hate me.” Plus she wants Lucas to stay immobile so he will take care of her kids. 

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2 minutes ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

They take turns sneaking out for Little Debbie brownies and fast food.

Oh Little Debbie and I had a tragic breakup. I'm still not over her siren song and they are so foul. But I miss her.

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5 minutes ago, String Theory said:

Why is he seeing Dr. NOW?  His sister seems to have all of the answers.  She's  got her own built in sitter why should he change?  Odd family dynamic...

She seems to oddly parent him, too. Like, he’s smart enough to school your children, maybe you don’t have to treat him like a dim witted child who needs handheld through life. 

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Just now, charmed1 said:

I usually catch them on repeat so I don’t get to party in the live chat. Their show is a little too late in the evening and a little too boring and gross to keep me up that late.

I do, too.  To be honest, I really can't handle Tammy's "love life".  Plus, she makes me think of a Beluga Whale with that forehead.

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4 minutes ago, MsVixen said:

Off topic, Pounders.  I see that a few of you participate in "1000 Pound Sisters" snark.  How come no one mentioned there was a live chat for that?  Monday nights could do with a pick me up!

Didn't realize there was one.  I keep saying I'm not going to watch that show anymore, but if there's opportunities for group snark, I'm in!

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3 minutes ago, sainte-chapelle said:

Guys there is a Facebook fight on my feed…poster says that no one should comment on weight ever….someone commented saying they agree but they recently worked hard and lost 100 pounds and welcome positive comments. Poster said that feeds into the negative narrative about weight, shame on them, and weight does not equal health and they only seek validation because society is fucked up. Commentor said that their doctor said they needed to lose weight due to health issues. Another person commented saying that they are healthier now then they were when they were thin but in the same breath said they were diagnosed with diabetes and lost 40 pounds due to diet changes soooooo…..I’m just reading this thread and making popcorn like fight night. 

All the fat, weight positive people are in their 20s, and not very smart.

Let them get to 45 (maybe), and their knees will smarten their dummmmmm asses up!

 Preach! YMMV

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6 minutes ago, MsVixen said:

Off topic, Pounders.  I see that a few of you participate in "1000 Pound Sisters" snark.  How come no one mentioned there was a live chat for that?  Monday nights could do with a pick me up!

I tried. I just can't with those two.

(The baby is adorable, though.)

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30 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

That's a lotta jam...is it sugar-free, do ya' think?

Off topic. I’m watching football and reading along here. But I must share: My mom gave me some raspberry chipotle jam for Christmas. Apparently she and her friend had it at some resort and now cannot live without it. BF and I were a bit skeptical at first, but it is quite good with biscuits; and, most importantly, it is *not* sugar-free 😂 

Snark on my friends! 

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