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S01.E02: Little Black Dress

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7 hours ago, slowpoked said:

My husband walked right into our bedroom just as that sequence started to play out, and he watched the rest of the episode with me. Afterwards, he said that in those scenes, Carrie reminded him of his mom, back during the days immediately after his dad died. That he and his 2 brothers would rotate sleeping with her in the room because she couldn’t stand to be alone, that his mom would just toss and turn the entire night, or that she would tap to wake them up and she would just suddenly start crying. And his mom fell into a deep depression soon afterwards.

I am very sorry to hear of your mother in law’s sorrow after the death of her husband. I admit that I let past choice’s of Carrie’s (remember when Samantha had to spoon feed her after she was left at the alter) color my judgement. 

I don’t doubt Carrie feels awful and is grieving, but Miranda and Stanford have spouses/jobs of their own, so long as sleeping over every single night isn’t an inconvenience to them it’s nice of them to support Carrie. 

  • Love 5
7 hours ago, slowpoked said:

While I have always been Team Aiden, I’ve long accepted the fact that Big was always the endgame, and so while the funeral was sad, I’m glad someone still brought up the fact that he was such a prick to her for the longest time, playing a lot of mind games with her, etc. 

Someone on TikTok made a comment that Big winning Carrie sent a bad message that the fuckboy would win over the decent guy. I'll agree to that to a point because Carrie is a fuckgirl. She's just as manipulative and selfish as Big was in a lot of ways, so they were a good match. I don't know how in love they actually were, but they fit well together.

I'm trying to give this series a chance, but so much of it is really striking notes that just seem really off. These are not characters that are better at being revisited and all of their stories had been more or less settled. There wasn't any need to go back to the well like this. I think that a reboot would have worked better, with a new group of young women that could accurately reflect NYC today. This way they could have answered the criticisms about all of the leads being white (which they still are) and straight without shoehorning in a few supporting characters that don't seem to have their own storylines outside of playing morality pets. 

  • Love 12
9 hours ago, slowpoked said:

While I have always been Team Aiden, I’ve long accepted the fact that Big was always the endgame, and so while the funeral was sad, I’m glad someone still brought up the fact that he was such a prick to her for the longest time, playing a lot of mind games with her, etc. 

I watched that scene a second time just to be sure and it seemed to me that those two women were referring to what a prick Big was to his secretary, not Carrie.  The comment was made as they were shaking their heads looking at his secretary crying very loudly during the memorial service.  It seemed to me that they were commenting on how she cries for him but he wasn't very good to her (despite what she said previously).  Not sure but just my impression.

Edited by Yeah No
  • Love 1
2 hours ago, sashayshante said:

That's not what was gross about it. I don't think anybody is clutching their pearls over two teenagers having sex. What was gross was that the writers actually thought depicting a sex scene between two teenagers was interesting or provocative. It had no purpose. It contributed nothing to the story. Showing Miranda step on a used condom would have had far more impact.

I actually think it had a purpose if only to make Miranda and Steve look like child-whipped, inept parents.  And the noisy hard sex made their putting up with it even more ridiculous on their part.  They should engage in the same behavior while the kids are in the house trying to sleep, that would probably mortify them enough to stop doing it.  It's not about where they're having sex, it's about being discreet.  Nobody wants to hear their parent/child/friend/whatever having super loud sex in the next room.  And you don't have to be a prude to feel that way.  Some things are better left private and if not amount to a huge disrespect.  The fact that the parents are just putting up with it drives a point home about their inept parenting.

  • Love 23

Todd Rungren’s Hello, It’s Me is a tearjerker….when they played that at Big’s funeral I almost lost it.

Charlotte – I understood where she was coming from in feeling bad over what happened with Big.  I know if I were Carrie I’d initially be pissed with her until I realized that I chose to go to Lily’s recital.  She should have just said no and Charlotte would have had to deal with it.

Finally, I don’t know how it is in middle America, but ain’t no…damned…way would I even think it okay for my teenaged son to fuck in MY house!  What in the bluedilly hell was that about?  And for him to back talk her the way he did?  Ut-huh, see this is why I don’t have kids.

  • LOL 10
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1 hour ago, Hana Chan said:

Someone on TikTok made a comment that Big winning Carrie sent a bad message that the fuckboy would win over the decent guy. I'll agree to that to a point because Carrie is a fuckgirl. She's just as manipulative and selfish as Big was in a lot of ways, so they were a good match. I don't know how in love they actually were, but they fit well together.

I was never particularly team Big but I was definitely never team Aidan.  Aidan played mind games with Carrie in his own way.  He almost broke up with her because she smoked and then lied about it because she knew he made it a deal breaker.  I think that said it all, and his love, IMO was not unconditional.  Big on the other hand may have been skittish about commitment and had other conflicts getting in the way of their ending up together but those were eventually resolved.  And wow, I would never categorize Big as a fuckboy or Aidan as the "decent guy".  There was a lot more going on between Big and Carrie than him being a fuckboy.  Those are labels easily slapped onto them if only looking surface deep.  And Aidan, IMO was a little self absorbed and always seemed to want her to be someone else.  He never came off as getting her on a deeper level.

  • Love 13
2 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

I am very sorry to hear of your mother in law’s sorrow after the death of her husband. I admit that I let past choice’s of Carrie’s (remember when Samantha had to spoon feed her after she was left at the alter) color my judgement. 

Oh God, that part was way over the top! “Will I ever laugh again,” anyone?! No one died Carrie.

Thanks, my MIL is doing much better now. Time does allow for some healing. But seeing how people deal with grief differently over the years, and like someone said above, grief is irrational, I’ve learned to just give grieving people space, and not try to understand for my own benefit.

14 minutes ago, Yogisbooboo64 said:

Charlotte – I understood where she was coming from in feeling bad over what happened with Big.  I know if I were Carrie I’d initially be pissed with her until I realized that I chose to go to Lily’s recital.  She should have just said no and Charlotte would have had to deal with it.

Also, Carrie did ask Big if he wanted to go to the recital with her. One can also argue that if he had gone with her, it MAY be possible that he wouldn’t have suffered the attack. And even if he did, he would have immediately gotten help with a lot of people, and Carrie, beside him.

Edited by slowpoked
  • Love 5

This was a REALLY difficult episode for me for personal reasons.

I was a bit taken aback to see Carrie in such a "take charge/somewhat stoic" mode because previously she always seemed to rely on others to do everything for her. And it wouldn't at all surprise me if Carrie carries some unspoken resentment towards Charlotte because that's just who Carrie is. Remember when she told Miranda "You ruined my marriage"? I'll be curious to see if they revisit this. 

I'm confused as to why Susan Sharon was even at the funeral. Did she have some non-Carrie connection with Big? It seemed like a pretty exclusive affair but I did snort laugh at her remark at what a prick he was to her. 

The flowers got me and they got me GOOD. But there is no way that Sam wouldn't have been on the first flight from London holding Carrie's hand throughout the entire thing. God, I hate this feud or whatever it is. GIVE ME MY SHOW BACK!

I hate Brady. I think they're definitely intimating problems ahead for Steve and Miranda and if that means less of Brady, I'm all for it! 

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, MicheleinPhilly said:

I'm confused as to why Susan Sharon was even at the funeral. Did she have some non-Carrie connection with Big? It seemed like a pretty exclusive affair but I did snort laugh at her remark at what a prick he was to her. 

With Susan Sharon, Bitsy, etc. in the mix I really think they just brought back as many bit players from the series as possible in order to attempt to mollify the Samantha fans who are disappointed by her absence. I'm a big Samantha fan and the presence of random characters who were in 1-2 episodes is merely annoying. I do like the implication that Carrie pissed off Susan Sharon without knowing why, it speaks to how self-absorbed Carrie has always been. Now we know she alienated both Samantha and SS. Though I agree with everyone who has already stated the reason for Samantha's absence has been poorly executed and doesn't ring true to the character. Carrie introduced Miranda as her ride-or-die. Nope. That was always Samantha.

Edited by Jillybean
  • Love 5

I always thought of Miranda as Carrie's #1 BFF. 

Carrie being so matter of fact and calm while handling the funeral arrangement seemed so out of character, but you never  know how you'll handle a crisis, really. She's numb with shock and grief. I think. The funeral was stark and beautiful. The flowers did call to mind when Miranda's mom died and they sent a mass of white flowers. I'm ok with the whole Samantha situation and thought the flowers and the card were nice. 

Carrie's dress was stunning.

Hello Its Me was a bit of a gut punch. 

So Big had a brother and a secretary we never knew about. James Naughton as his brother was kind of a nice touch, I could see that. Brenda Vaccaro has aged more gracefully than some of our main characters. 

So Bobby Fine died of Covid. Dang. And he and Bitsy had a kid, right, who'd be around Brady age or so? 

Wonder if we'll ever know why Susan Sharon is so mad? 

Charlotte being such a self involved, weepy cupcake is annoying and hopefully over with. 

I know John Corbett said he was doing the show but they never announced it officially the way they did all the other gurst stars, and no pics have been leaked. Was he just fucking with us?

I assume we'll see more Big flashbacks, cuz didn't they film in Paris too? We def haven't seen that yet. 

Carrie trying to fall asleep but then seeing handsome young Big as soon as she closed her eyes and gasping...I felt that. 


  • Love 12

The weird tonal shifts in this episode were giving me a headache. The show at times handled mixing comedy and drama really well, but this just felt weird and awkward. Their attempts at trying to be sincere while also making jokes just made it feel in bad taste, they weren't funny and most of them, like Stanford kicking the secretary out of the front row, were I think supposed to be funny but just felt off-putting. And not just because its really uncomfortable seeing Willie at a funeral. Obviously the show couldn't have known what would happen but it just adds to the depressing atmosphere. Big's death, whether or not you liked him, just adds a somber tone to a show that used to be so much fun. Even when things got dark they managed to have some fun, but now I just feel uncomfortable. Seeing younger Big in the video set to Hello, Its Me was the only time I really felt like it was working. 

I was hoping that this show would be about how women in their 50s/60s showing that you can still go out and live your best life as you get older, that you don't need to stop having fun the second you hit 45, but I have no idea what its actually turning out to be. Why have all of the ladies gotten personality transplants since we last saw them? They got older, they didn't turn into totally different people. Charlotte is always really emotional but she used to be able to put aside her sadness for just a bit to support her friends, like when she went to Brady's birthday after her miscarriage, she certainly would make her friends husbands death all about her. All of the ladies could be rather clueless about their massive privilege, but its so weird that they gave the "clueless white lady" role to Miranda when that feels a lot more like Charlotte. I just cant see Miranda from the show constantly bumbling her way through any conversation with a person of color. I am also not looking forward to her and Steve having marital problem, we already did that in the first movie and I would hate to see my favorite couple apart. Is Charlotte going to be the only person coming out of this season with her life in tact? 

Its not even just teen having sex that makes it weird for me (I watch a lot of teen shows) its that its Brady, a character we last saw as a baby and now we only see necking with his girlfriend. Its all just a part of the shows theme of making things as awkward as possible. 

  • Love 10
4 hours ago, Yogisbooboo64 said:

Finally, I don’t know how it is in middle America, but ain’t no…damned…way would I even think it okay for my teenaged son to fuck in MY house!  What in the bluedilly hell was that about?  And for him to back talk her the way he did?  Ut-huh, see this is why I don’t have kids.

Me and you are <here>. Teenagers having sex isn't an anomaly, but do the normal thing and fuck when your parents aren't home, Brady. Even kids in 80s teen movies knew to throw parties and have sex when their parents were out of town. I'm not mad at progressive parenting, but have a little decorum. 

It would've made more sense for him to be his real age (20), home from school due to COVID, and since he no longer has privacy, he got busted having sex with Luisa at home. 

But having headboard-banging sex while his parents are in the next room? And his parents not being the least bit fazed was surprising. 

I'm not spoiled, so I guess Brady was de-aged so he'll be closer to Lily's age. I'm sure the show will hook them up later on.

Kudos to the casting for Rose. She has Evan Handler's face and Kristin's hair. 


Edited by Sheenieb
  • Love 18
21 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

but its so weird that they gave the "clueless white lady" role to Miranda when that feels a lot more like Charlotte. I just cant see Miranda from the show constantly bumbling her way through any conversation with a person of color.

Yes, that part really bothered me, because I never thought of Miranda as being very, very conscious about a person's race or skin color suddenly in her 55 years of existence. She had a serious relationship with Robert (Blair Underwood), and the topic of his race or skin color or that they were a biracial couple NEVER came up. Miranda, her friends, and other people, just treated the relationship as normal as all her other relationships.

But while choosing Miranda for this particular storyline seemed dubious to me, I did like the show's effort to depict the awkwardness of white women delving into racial issues and tripping themselves up, even with the best and truest of intentions.

Like most of you, if anyone would get tripped up by the political correctness of current times, it would have been Charlotte. Didn't she have difficulty processing Samantha's ertswhile relationship with her lesbian lover, Maria?

  • Love 8
7 hours ago, violet and green said:

Brady, who was born in 2001, and who should be 20 by now... Still living at home. That would be a better fit for this scenario. Yet another weird decision from the scriptwriter.

Maybe he was trying to save money and commute to school rather than staying in a dorm.  Or maybe wherever he's going is only allocating dorm space to those from out of town thanks to the pandemic.  Who knows?  

I'm not hating this at all and I was really afraid I would.  I don't miss Samantha either.  Judging by comments I am surely in the minority, but that was always my least favorite character of the bunch.  I'm glad Carrie and Big were written to have been happy.  Brenda Vaccaro is surely meant to have a featured storyline.  Remember when she and Michael Douglas used to be a thing?  As I recall they were in a lengthy relationship long ago.  

I'm glad it's back and they are not pretending that these actors haven't aged.  

  • Love 2
25 minutes ago, slowpoked said:

But while choosing Miranda for this particular storyline seemed dubious to me, I did like the show's effort to depict the awkwardness of white women delving into racial issues and tripping themselves up, even with the best and truest of intentions.

Like most of you, if anyone would get tripped up by the political correctness of current times, it would have been Charlotte. Didn't she have difficulty processing Samantha's ertswhile relationship with her lesbian lover, Maria?

I actually think it is pretty accurate.  I know a few highly educated and successful people who dove deep into anti-racism, so much so that it became somewhat performative despite intentions truly being in the right place.  When people become zealots, regardless of the platform, it generally doesn't play out well.

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, Jane Tuesday said:

Do normal teenagers try to suck their girlfriend's tonsils out at family funerals these days? What a world we live in.

How old is he supposed to be? Over 18? He'd have his bags packed if he was my kid. 

Even though he should be a bit older, he is 17 in this revival. And a shit. But a lot of teens are difficult, etc., so that is what I meant by "normal".

  • Love 3
3 minutes ago, WendyCR72 said:

Even though he should be a bit older, he is 17 in this revival. And a shit. But a lot of teens are difficult, etc., so that is what I meant by "normal".

And it’s not unusual for people in their early 20s to still be at home, especially if they’re going to school in town.  In some cultures, it’s expected that one be home until they marry (changing now since everyone married later or not at all).  

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, txhorns79 said:

I will say that I loved that her rescue dog was named Richard Burton.  Though it makes me sad to think that Elizabeth Taylor (and perhaps her puppies) have since passed away. 

Yeah I am sure Elizabeth Taylor and likely her puppies have passed. Elizabeth Taylor was an adult dog when she was given to Charlotte, and she had her puppies about 16yrs ago. A puppy could still be alive but not likely. I do think it's wonderful that Charlotte rescued another dog though. After the joy Elizabeth Taylor brought to her when she was struggling with infertility, I could see Charlotte wanting to "pay it forward" and heading up a dog rescue so that other dogs could bring joy and hope to the lives of people who were sad how Charlotte was sad.

Charlotte is just the type that would be involved with something like that. Also its precious she rescued an English Bull Dog and not a "cute" or prissy Cavalier King Charles Spaniel again. (I think Bulldogs are so ugly they are cute, but they are not a "purse dog".)

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Sheenieb said:

I'm not spoiled, so I guess Brady was de-aged so he'll be closer to Lily's age. I'm sure the show will hook them up later on.

Kudos to the casting for Rose. She has Evan Handler's face and Kristin's hair. 


Now I would bust a gut laughing if Brady tried to pull that crap at the York-Goldenblatt of him and Lily getting caught and kicked out by Charlotte.

I would even love it if Harry slapped him up a bit.

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46 minutes ago, BrindaWalsh said:

Add me to the list.  No way.  And there's no way my parents would have been okay with it either.  EVER.  I get that living in the city means they can't be in the backseat of a car on a deserted dead end street like all of us in the suburbs used to do, but come on.  When you are 17, IF you are going to have sex in your house while your parents are home, you're doing it super quietly because even if Miranda and Steve are trying to be all progressive and understanding, I don't believe for a second that both 17 year olds would be all in like that.  At least one of them, it not both, would have been absolutely mortified at such a concept.  They are SEVENTEEN.  Not 27.  And honestly, have a little respect for your parents, they don't want to hear you have sex any more than you want to hear YOU have sex.  At 17 OR 27.   

I feel like they know that with Samantha out of the show they needed the sex component somewhere and they are trying to achieve it through the teenagers.  But...no.  Not at 17 and not in the room next door.  I found it pretty unrealistic.  Raise your hands if you've simply sat there while your 17 year old is having headboard banging, screaming at the top of your lungs sex in the room next door?  Anyone?

I get really frustrated with the "normal teenagers! teens being teens!" - we've seen where that attitude got us with "boys just being boys!" let's not repeat it in teenage-land.  Yes, teens will have sex, yes they will be obnoxious, yes they will push boundries.  But that does NOT mean that we just shrug it all off and shirk the responsibility of teaching teens what's appropriate and what's not, even when they roll their eyes at us.  Sorry Miranda and Steve, it's not Brady, it's you.  

If I were a teen, or tween, I'd want to be friends with Rose. She seems awesome.  

The 2 best parts of this episode was the envelope from Samantha - didn't see it coming at all and I bawled - and Rose jumping up and cheering for Lily (very Smith cheering on Samantha).

All of this. I was baffled that Miranda yelled at Brady (and Che) for the weed but shrugged off the headboard, wall banging sex with his girlfriend. I did think the hug in the closet between Steve, Miranda and Brady was sweet.

I also loved Rose jumping and cheering for Lily.

It seems like they are at least trying to keep the door open for Samantha to return. They lost touch but that could change. Not that I think KC will come back or that she is obligated to. I do hope they will keep the Sam mentions to a minimum. We know were she is, we know where she stands with the characters, there is no need to keep bringing her up.

I kept thinking no way, they can't kill Big, maybe the next episode he'll just be in the hospital. Seeing the body bag and the funeral was a gut punch.

I'm liking the new characters so far, although they are dressing Nicole Ari Parker in some ugly outfits. 

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, PRgal said:

Maybe he was trying to save money and commute to school rather than staying in a dorm.  Or maybe wherever he's going is only allocating dorm space to those from out of town thanks to the pandemic.  Who knows?  

No, I meant he should be 20 years old, and still living at home as many do these days - he should be 20, from the show's own history, but Miranda has stated he is 17.

Edited by violet and green

I love it! It's a little awkward in some parts and some of the writing choices are really strange (Miranda being so clueless and bumbling) but I'm so so so thrilled that it's back!!!

I miss Samantha so much (she was my favorite by far) but it is what it is and I was happy with how they put it to bed with the flowers and card.

There are so many shows these days but not many to my taste and despite it's imperfections I feel like this is a little bit for me as I adored the original and watched the entire series at least 3 times!


  • Love 3
14 hours ago, ItCouldBeWorse said:

Nicole Ari Parker's shredded, pierced, burlap sack was an interesting choice.

Do people really order extravagant flower toppers for coffins without knowing what the family wants?

And since it looks like Che was flirting with her, they may go there, too.

For all Charlotte know, if Big hadn't been home alone that night, he  might have had the heart attack while driving Carrie and himself to the Hamptons, which would have been worse.

It's usually the family who orders them or if no family close enough to the deceased, then a dear friend or group of friends. But maybe Samantha, knowing Carrie well, knew that Carrie would go the "no flowers" route and the coffin and room would look so bare.

12 hours ago, Aulty said:

I am glad I wasn't the only one thinking that they might've set that scene up with another dig at Kim. Those self-righteous bits are not a good look on SJP and the producers.

Its all so out of character for Samantha who would've been on the first flight back from London.

Also, is it just me or was that bleak, cold gallery funeral not really in line with the Big character? He sure liked the elegant and exquisite things in life - but the vintage leather, whiskey and cigars version.

Right. The "he would hate this" remark from Carrie at the traditional funeral home was more like she hated it. "Old people and death." Big would have attended many funerals in similar rooms and expect his to be much the same. Only Carrie had to try to make a funeral "chic".

7 hours ago, MicheleinPhilly said:

This was a REALLY difficult episode for me for personal reasons.

I was a bit taken aback to see Carrie in such a "take charge/somewhat stoic" mode because previously she always seemed to rely on others to do everything for her. And it wouldn't at all surprise me if Carrie carries some unspoken resentment towards Charlotte because that's just who Carrie is. Remember when she told Miranda "You ruined my marriage"? I'll be curious to see if they revisit this. 

I'm confused as to why Susan Sharon was even at the funeral. Did she have some non-Carrie connection with Big? It seemed like a pretty exclusive affair but I did snort laugh at her remark at what a prick he was to her. 

The flowers got me and they got me GOOD. But there is no way that Sam wouldn't have been on the first flight from London holding Carrie's hand throughout the entire thing. God, I hate this feud or whatever it is. GIVE ME MY SHOW BACK!

I hate Brady. I think they're definitely intimating problems ahead for Steve and Miranda and if that means less of Brady, I'm all for it! 

So Susan Sharon was at the funeral which also seemed to be some sort of invitation-only with place cards kind of event. Usually funerals of regular people are open to whoever reads the obit and shows up. Sometimes there are private funerals of course, and often the first couple of rows are roped off for family and close friends, but place cards for seating? How did they know exactly who was going to attend? RSVP? Did Susan Sharon have a seating card? Carrie would/should have seated Big's secretary on the front row to her far right or just behind her on the second row, not back in the crowd. It's just not reality but worked for drama, I guess. Shrug.

Edited by RedHawk
  • Love 3

Historically, Carrie has never been my favorite. I did understand her coldness toward Charlotte in this episode though. Charlotte's grief was just too much for a widow dealing with the early stages of death to deal with. Miranda is likely the rock, the friend who can likely support Carrie and not make it about how she feels about the situation. Charlotte was just too much this episode. She needed to find a more appropriate venue for airing her grief, like with Harry. She was making Carrie's loss about her own guilt and grief. I would probably have sent her home from the funeral home and not called her when the ashes arrived as well. It seemed understandable.

  • Love 11
15 minutes ago, TooMuchRealityTV said:

Historically, Carrie has never been my favorite. I did understand her coldness toward Charlotte in this episode though. Charlotte's grief was just too much for a widow dealing with the early stages of death to deal with. Miranda is likely the rock, the friend who can likely support Carrie and not make it about how she feels about the situation. Charlotte was just too much this episode. She needed to find a more appropriate venue for airing her grief, like with Harry. She was making Carrie's loss about her own guilt and grief. I would probably have sent her home from the funeral home and not called her when the ashes arrived as well. It seemed understandable.

Is it possible we'll see some "growth" from Carrie over the next 8 episodes? And maybe the other women? That could be why they've been set up this way: Carrie still self-absorbed, Miranda not comfortable in today's culture, Charlotte still trying to project an image of perfection to the world ("I want us all in florals.").

I do like the new characters.

Edited by RedHawk
  • Love 4
30 minutes ago, TooMuchRealityTV said:

Charlotte's grief was just too much for a widow dealing with the early stages of death to deal with.

I totally agree, and didn't fault Carrie at all for just not wanting to deal with her.

But... I had a ton of sympathy for Charlotte.  I am a really easy crier.  Like, REALLY easy.  Especially if someone I care about is in pain.  When I go to a visitation, and they have the pictures and videos, it's all I can do to not be a blubbery mess.  I know it's not appropriate, and I try to control it, but I'm not always successful.


2 hours ago, WendyCR72 said:

Even though he should be a bit older, he is 17 in this revival. And a shit. But a lot of teens are difficult, etc., so that is what I meant by "normal".

No, I get that.  I think they just went too far.  A 17-year-old backtalking his mom in private, smoking pot at home, sneaking around with his girlfriend, I could totally buy.  But the screaming sex-fest while his parents are in the next room, hitting up a random stranger for pot on the sidewalk, and making out with his girlfriend at a little kid's recital*?  That's way beyond normal teenage rebellion, IMO.  Are we supposed to think he's deliberately setting out to embarrass his mother to get her attention?  It doesn't seem so.  He's just coming off as really, really stupid, like he doesn't have a basic grasp of how to go about in society.

*I misspoke above, it was at the concert, not the funeral.

  • Love 21

Right. The "he would hate this" remark from Carrie at the traditional funeral home was more like she hated it. "Old people and death." Big would have attended many funerals in similar rooms and expect his to be much the same. Only Carrie had to try to make a funeral "chic".

I actually thought when we caught that scene of Carrie watching the couple at the restaurant that you'd see Carrie move away from a funeral with a coffin and service entirely and do something that was more about celebrating the life of Big, as opposed to trying to go funeral chic.  Is there a Big version of an Irish wake - something at an old New York location, with Moon River playing and cigars and scotch and all that?  I think what Carrie did was certainly better than what the funeral home was offering, however I'm not sure it was very Big.  

I really don't want them to make Miranda an alcoholic.  

  • Useful 2
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13 hours ago, violet and green said:

Charlotte is being written as overemotional and self-indulgent and making things about her - when that was Carrie's schtick before - but what really shocked me was the intense meanness in SJP's eyes when she slammed the door on weeping Charlotte outside that froufrou funeral place.

Haha I thought that was a great acting choice by SJP.

She was clearly over Charlotte's self indulgent nonsense. I'm glad she expressed her rage, albeit in a very controlled mannered. I wanted to smack Charlotte so it was good to know Carrie was pissed too!


  • Love 6

I’m kind of surprised that at the funeral we still never get any indication of any members of Carrie’s family, her background still remains a mystery. I get the focus is on the core cast members but to add a bit of realism it would’ve been nice to see a family member engaging with her if even for a minute of screen time.

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1 hour ago, Not4Me said:

I’m kind of surprised that at the funeral we still never get any indication of any members of Carrie’s family, her background still remains a mystery. I get the focus is on the core cast members but to add a bit of realism it would’ve been nice to see a family member engaging with her if even for a minute of screen time.

Other than Miranda's mother who died and the sister(s) we saw at that funeral, and didn't we learn that Carrie's father abandoned her and her mother when she was young (?), we haven't seen or heard of any family belonging to Samantha or Charlotte. It always seemed an odd story choice, but after so many seasons you just went with the lack of close family connections as part of who they were as friends. Four orphan gals in NYC...

  • Love 1
7 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

Its not even just teen having sex that makes it weird for me (I watch a lot of teen shows) its that its Brady, a character we last saw as a baby and now we only see necking with his girlfriend. Its all just a part of the shows theme of making things as awkward as possible. 

That's exactly how I feel. I had sex as a teen and I'm pretty much the only person in my friend group that thinks teens having sex is a normal part of development (I have one friend who will boast that she never had sex in high school while also bragging about how much coke she did in high school.... like, uhhh...ok?). But I remember Brady as a baby so it squicks me out to see him having loud, obnoxious sex. 

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So obviously they're setting Miranda up to be an alcoholic, but I wonder what causes her to drink? It seems like her life is generally on track, aside from her shitty son. Speaking of which, I wonder why they retconned Brady's age? 

The venue Carrie chose for Big's funeral didn't seem any better than the place that looked like an assisted living facility. The white was so sterile and cold. Stanford kicking the secretary out of the front row was not cool. At the very least he could've been nicer about it.

I didn't blame Carrie for not calling Charlotte. 

I'm not trying to be ageist here, but there comes a point when middle-parted, slicked back hair is a no-no. I think the styling is making SJP look so haggard. I appreciate that she hasn't gone nuts with the plastic surgery, but she would look so much better if she did the wavy, shoulder-length bob she had in S6. 

  • Love 7
14 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

So obviously they're setting Miranda up to be an alcoholic, but I wonder what causes her to drink? It seems like her life is generally on track, aside from her shitty son.

I guess a lot has happened since she quit her job where the guy kept putting his hand up to her face to shut her up, and then went to work for a group that seemed to be a perfect fit for her.  Maybe parenting led her to drink.  ;)  

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45 minutes ago, cpcathy said:

Brady was one of the most well-cast, cutest kids I’ve seen on TV, now he’s just an asshole. Why couldn’t they make him 20 and in college? It seems any spawn of Miranda’s would be high achieving, I don’t get this sexed up Brady. 

Yes, he could be 20 and a college student who had to move back home due to Covid, as so many did. The loud sex would have been awkward for Miranda and Steve, but they would have been accustomed to him being a young adult who had his girlfriend sleep over sometimes. I still didn't need to see the two going at it (and doing a very badly acted job of it as well) like we need teenaged soft porn.

  • Love 4
13 hours ago, Yeah No said:

I was never particularly team Big but I was definitely never team Aidan.  Aidan played mind games with Carrie in his own way.  He almost broke up with her because she smoked and then lied about it because she knew he made it a deal breaker.  I think that said it all, and his love, IMO was not unconditional.  Big on the other hand may have been skittish about commitment and had other conflicts getting in the way of their ending up together but those were eventually resolved.  And wow, I would never categorize Big as a fuckboy or Aidan as the "decent guy".  There was a lot more going on between Big and Carrie than him being a fuckboy.  Those are labels easily slapped onto them if only looking surface deep.  And Aidan, IMO was a little self absorbed and always seemed to want her to be someone else.  He never came off as getting her on a deeper level.

I never cared for Aidan, either, for the reasons you mentioned.

I didn't care for Big or Jack either, but Aidan was no saint.

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