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S01.E02: Little Black Dress

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Miranda rushes to Carrie's side after a late-night call for help. Meanwhile, Charlotte tries to keep her emotions in check.

Original Air Date: December 9, 2021

Edited by Aulty
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I'm shocked that the biggest gutpunch was the card with the damned floral spray.  (And surprisingly appropriate, given how they explained the Samantha absence - it was a total Samantha move)  But damn...the funeral was nice. 

Susan Sharon - if it weren't for the voice, there's no way I would have thought it was the same actress.

Seeing Willie Garson just makes me so sad. 

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3 hours ago, BeatrixK said:

I'm shocked that the biggest gutpunch was the card with the damned floral spray.  (And surprisingly appropriate, given how they explained the Samantha absence - it was a total Samantha move)  But damn...the funeral was nice. 

I don't know. How I remember Samantha she was very pridefull, but in a situation like this she would have put that aside and flown in with the next plane.

I guess they don't really have a choice with the actress not wanting to come back, but if they were planning to kill off Big, they really should have killed her, too. There is no way she wouldn't have been there.

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1 hour ago, Zonk said:

I don't know. How I remember Samantha she was very pridefull, but in a situation like this she would have put that aside and flown in with the next plane.

I guess they don't really have a choice with the actress not wanting to come back, but if they were planning to kill off Big, they really should have killed her, too. There is no way she wouldn't have been there.

They are still holding out hope that the actress changes her mind for season 2. They left the door open for her.

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17 minutes ago, Harvey said:

They are still holding out hope that the actress changes her mind for season 2. They left the door open for her.

They are using this opportunity to project onto the character what they think of the actress. With all the behind the scenes drama they know she's not coming back. She didn't want to make the first two movies and because of her the third movie didn't get made.

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5 hours ago, BeatrixK said:

Seeing Willie Garson just makes me so sad. 

Me too. But I can't believe I am actually on Team Anthony than on Team Stanford.  Stanford was such an ass to John's secretary at the funeral. 

5 minutes ago, Harvey said:

They are still holding out hope that the actress changes her mind for season 2. They left the door open for her.

There's going to be a season 2!??!?

Didn't care for the NY scene callbacks.  Was hoping to see Ayden come to the funeral and/or John's ex wife as we did see her in the previews.  

Brady is such an asshole and shocked that Miranda and Steve brought up such an ass.  If my son was having sex with his gf in my house, I would smack him till next Sunday.  

I'm liking Che alot and the Professor. 

Charlotte being so emotional is typical Charlotte.  You would think after all these years, she would have learned to rein it in.  Damn Harry has some major patience with her.

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29 minutes ago, greekmom said:

Brady is such an asshole and shocked that Miranda and Steve brought up such an ass.  If my son was having sex with his gf in my house, I would smack him till next Sunday.  

Where else is he supposed to have sex with her? On the street?

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3 hours ago, greekmom said:
9 hours ago, BeatrixK said:

Seeing Willie Garson just makes me so sad. 

Me too. But I can't believe I am actually on Team Anthony than on Team Stanford.  Stanford was such an ass to John's secretary at the funeral. 

Did I just see Anthony fall out of love with Stanford? Stannie was so incredibly rude! And weirdly proud about being the best friend and getting to sit next to the widow at a funeral. I've always thought most of these characters had poor manners and were self-centered but this took it to a new level. (And yes, very sad to see the actor at this TV funeral and know he has passed on.)

When I first saw the flowers I thought Charlotte had sent them and she and Carrie would have an argument about Charlotte making it all about her in some ways. Then when Carrie was handed the card I knew they were from Samantha. And my first thought was the very public Twitter exchange when SJP offered Kim Cattrall condolences on the loss of her brother and KC dismissed them. I'm sorry SJP fans, I think she is sending KC another message with this one. It fits the Samantha character well to send gorgeous flowers and a simple, heart-felt note but there's more underneath. I hope the jabs are over now.

53 minutes ago, funnygirl said:

Susan Sharon! "Am I the only one who remembers what a prick he was to her?" lol

So many of us, so many...

Edited by RedHawk
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I am glad that it was pointed out that Big was so often a prick at his own funeral. He was an interesting character and often likable. But…

I liked most of the funeral but the eulogy, read by Miranda, was terrible. For a second I thought it was supposed to be a ‘someone stop her, she’s drunk’ moment, but then I realized that it was intended to be beautiful and emotional. I can only assume that we’re supposed to think that Carrie was never was much of a writer.

Loved the support of the friends for each other, the realism about just taking a bit of medicine to get through the pain, and Charlotte’s terrifying plan to donate the secondhand funeral lox.

Edited by Lebanna
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And just like that, Lily Goldenblatt has (sort of) ruined Carrie’s life, twice!

Precious lesson - never adjust your plan for your friend and her kid.

I wish they would have killed Brady Hobbes instead of Big, that kid!😣

Miranda’s hair is fabulous!💥

Oh nooo! The iconic pair of heels that accompanied Carrie on both her happiest and saddest days of her life is now ruined…😭


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18 minutes ago, SnazzyDaisy said:

And just like that, Lily Goldenblatt has (sort of) ruined Carrie’s life, twice!

Precious lesson - never adjust your plan for your friend and her kid.

I wish they would have killed Brady Hobbes instead of Big, that kid!😣

Miranda’s hair is fabulous!💥

Oh nooo! The iconic pair of heels that accompanied Carrie on both her happiest and saddest days of her life is now ruined…😭


It was always about shoes, everything else was extraneous.

Masturbation killed Big. We all know that self-pleasuring is a tool of the Devil.

I like Miranda's hair also, and hey Charlotte, gray is IN due to the pandemic.

Brady is so annoying, which is in character for a 17-year-old boy. LOL!

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The Miranda Hobbs that I know would literally gargle broken glass before unironically describing herself as a “mama bear.”  But they’re already saddling her with a drinking problem (hopefully she still has A.A.’s number from when that hot cop gave it to her after she got totally smashed because every other girl in the room wanted him and she thought she didn’t measure up) and a serious case of white guilt verbal diarrhea, so we’ll see how much the character implodes this season.

Also, you can not name your son Brady Brady (or, fine, Brady Hobbs-Brady or Brady Brady Hobbs) and expect him to grow up to be well-adjusted.  Nothing he’s doing is outside the realm of normal teenage rebellion but I can see how the constant sexing could be annoying.  And wasn’t Miranda the one trying to score pot AND talked the cop out of Carrie getting a ticket for pot in the post-it episode where they get high to deal with the Berger breakup?

I feel bad because Willie Garson is a treasure and now Stanford’s being written as a total dick and a huge diva I don’t know if they will have the ability to redeem the character due to his death.  Also, I HATE that the writers completely expect us to forget that Stanford and Anthony were enemies before husbands.  Maybe they’re just reverting to old patterns.  I think both characters would have been served better by being with other people.  But, you know, they’re both gay, so, they HAD to end up together.

I liked virtually all of the outfits - even Carrie’s cuckoo hat! - Bitsy’s collar was the perfect amount of too much - at the funeral EXCEPT Charlotte’s -  too much peak-a-boob lace, she would NEVER.  That said, given how they’re writing everyone else out, I would have liked to see Nathan Lane again.  

I thought it was on-brand that Big had no actual friends at the funeral, just his brother and employee.  It was definitely a through-line in the original series that Big didn’t have many and/or friends.

The flowers were a lovely gesture, but I genuinely would rather have them either not mention Sam at all or have her be actually dead.  The writers and crew are seriously delusional if they can lure Kim back in after everything that happened.

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3 minutes ago, Lethallyfab said:

Also, you can not name your son Brady Brady (or, fine, Brady Hobbs-Brady or Brady Brady Hobbs)

Brady had Miranda's last name, using Steve's last name as his first. So, Brady Hobbs. And Brady Hobbs is a normal name. Brady is just being an annoying normal teenager.

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I loved that touch of the floral tribute being from Samantha, and so it stays. Lucky she sent it, as that was a tacky looking coffin.

This reboot is missing Samantha's energy and humour so badly, also badly missing Patricia Field.

I was unable to focus on the funeral as I was mentally trying to take that ridiculous little hat off Carrie's too-tight slicked hair. That style suited Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy (RIP). It does not suit SJP. Mind you, she wore it similarly for her first wedding, I think... So maybe that was a nod to that. 

The card from Samantha was a nice touch, the blue wedding shoes on the floor at Big's death was a nice touch if somewhat on the nose, but this show needs a lot more than a couple of nice touches.

I have high hopes for Gloria's role (played by Brenda Vaccaro, who is 82 and looking fine), and will just try to enjoy those moments with Standford and a few of the other cast, like Susan Sharon, and try not to get too fixated on the hideous stylings of this season and the bad script. Plus, the endless wokefest...

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This is the worst!  I’m sorry, when they remove the body you know which funeral home it’s going to.  And the theatrical funeral home people were just gross. Why is Charlotte, Miss Etiquette, wearing a sheer top dress at a funeral.  I think I’m done.  And poor Willie Garson looks so sick.  I wonder if he was thinking about his own funeral.

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It would be difficult not to reference it, but I thought the flowers were a nice callback to the episode where Miranda’s mom died where a bunch of white flowers sent Charlotte into the conniption of “I wanted to say ‘sorry for your loss,’ not ‘you’re dead, let’s disco’ “ and here they’re just what was needed.

I presume a man as business and legal-minded as Big would already have had his funeral and estate and will plans planned out prior to his death, but I’m betting that for the dramatic factor, something is going to introduce a wrinkle.


They’re been indications that Natasha is returning - what if he never updated the will from their marriage and now Carrie has to battle in court?


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Brady was born in season 4, which aired on 2001.  He’s around 20 years old.  I assumed “minor” meant under 21 in this case (I checked.  You have to be 21 to buy weed in New York).  

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2 minutes ago, PRgal said:

Brady was born in season 4, which aired on 2001.  He’s around 20 years old.  I assumed “minor” meant under 21 in this case (I checked.  You have to be 21 to buy weed in New York).  

I think Miranda said he was 17. 

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8 hours ago, Zonk said:

Where else is he supposed to have sex with her? On the street?

How about HER parents home? See if they like to hear the headboard smacking on the wall and used condoms on the floor.

43 minutes ago, sashayshante said:

Who the fuck gives a kid they don't know a hit of pot?

Speaking of Brady, the sex scene between him and his girlfriend was all kinds of gross. Why are we watching underage characters have sex? What was the point? They could have just had Miranda hear the banging of the headboard.

Exactly on both counts. What if Miranda and Steve have the headboard going with noises and stuff - Brady would certainly complain.

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10 minutes ago, greekmom said:

How about HER parents home? See if they like to hear the headboard smacking on the wall and used condoms on the floor.

Well yeah, I assume they are taking turns. Why wouldn't they?

11 minutes ago, GiveMeSpace said:

She did. Which makes that sex scene really gross. 

I assume when he is 18 in like two months it won't be "really gross" anymore?

I don't really get americans...

Edited by Zonk
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11 hours ago, Zonk said:

I guess they don't really have a choice with the actress not wanting to come back, but if they were planning to kill off Big, they really should have killed her, too. There is no way she wouldn't have been there.

I have been in the minority opinion that having Samantha be deceased (the breast cancer could’ve come back) would’ve been the appropriate choice. It would’ve honored the character, fit Kim not coming back AND fit with the theme of this revival. In a group of four friends, one dying in their 60s would not be uncommon.

The funeral was beautiful. 

Carrie was always needy- she needs people to sleep over on ROTATION and give her pills?? Calling Miranda the night it happened, perfectly normal- but having her and Stanford sleep over every night???

Brady was born in 2002, he would be 19 assuming this is real time and or even 20 if the pandemic is “behind” the characters. 

@PRgal says he was born in 2001- so he would be in college. Maybe no dorms post Covid, which would make sense why he was at home. 

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3 hours ago, MartyQui said:

This is the worst!  I’m sorry, when they remove the body you know which funeral home it’s going to.  And the theatrical funeral home people were just gross. Why is Charlotte, Miss Etiquette, wearing a sheer top dress at a funeral.  I think I’m done.  And poor Willie Garson looks so sick.  I wonder if he was thinking about his own funeral.


2 hours ago, Lethallyfab said:

It would be difficult not to reference it, but I thought the flowers were a nice callback to the episode where Miranda’s mom died where a bunch of white flowers sent Charlotte into the conniption of “I wanted to say ‘sorry for your loss,’ not ‘you’re dead, let’s disco’ “ and here they’re just what was needed.

I presume a man as business and legal-minded as Big would already have had his funeral and estate and will plans planned out prior to his death, but I’m betting that for the dramatic factor, something is going to introduce a wrinkle.

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They’re been indications that Natasha is returning - what if he never updated the will from their marriage and now Carrie has to battle in court?


A man like Big in a "big" city is going to go to a certain funeral home, often one that has handled a generation or two of his family before him. Carrie should have known (Samantha would have known) the specific place. And likely at some point Big would have indeed set up a trust or at least a will and made his basic wishes known. It would be just like Carrie and their relationship for her to know nothing about it, and to never have inquired. And I think the secretary's mention of "papers" is going to mean there will be wrinkles in the inheritance. Will she lose the big apartment and go back to her original one? Will she learn that both exes were still getting alimony?

OTOH, maybe after having a heart attack he did what some people do and denied the reality of death, did not make plans (or didn't update them). Either way, there's going to be problems for Carrie. 

Edited by RedHawk
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22 hours ago, greekmom said:

Charlotte being so emotional is typical Charlotte.  You would think after all these years, she would have learned to rein it in.  Damn Harry has some major patience with her.

Charlotte could be emotional but she had PERFECT manners. She would never make Big’s death about her. I could see her breaking down with Harry/the girls, but she would hold it together for Carrie. 

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3 hours ago, RedHawk said:

It was always about shoes, everything else was extraneous.

Never underestimate the power of a pair of 👠 and a little red 💄😘

3 hours ago, RedHawk said:

Masturbation killed Big. We all know that self-pleasuring is a tool of the Devil.

Nope… the Pelotons are evil! 😂

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13 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

I have been in the minority opinion that having Samantha be deceased (the breast cancer could’ve come back) would’ve been the appropriate choice. It would’ve honored the character, fit Kim not coming back AND fit with the theme of this revival. In a group of four friends, one dying in their 60s would not be uncommon.

The funeral was beautiful. 

Carrie was always needy- she needs people to sleep over on ROTATION and give her pills?? Calling Miranda the night it happened, perfectly normal- but having her and Stanford sleep over every night???

Brady was born in 2002, he would be 19 assuming this is real time and or even 20 if the pandemic is “behind” the characters. 

@PRgal says he was born in 2001- so he would be in college. Maybe no dorms post Covid, which would make sense why he was at home. 

Miranda said Brady was 17, so he has been de-SORAS'ed (soap term, for the uninitiated - Soap Opera Rapid Aging Syndrome!), a bit, or so it would appear.

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8 minutes ago, WendyCR72 said:

Miranda said Brady was 17, so he has been de-SORAS'ed (soap term, for the uninitiated - Soap Opera Rapid Aging Syndrome!), a bit, or so it would appear.

Or de-aged in this case. 

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I have to admit this episode was rough for me.  Between Willie Garson and all the references to death and funeral homes it was like 2020 all over again for me.  My father died of Covid in NYC early in the pandemic plus I lost other people in NY in the past year so I was having a bit of PTSD from this.  I wonder if anyone else was on overload with all the morbidity and depressive scenes.  I gave Carrie slack for needing people to sleep with her in shifts.  If I lived alone when my father passed I would have appreciated that and I'm pretty tough.  I don't know what I would have done without my husband at that time.  I have zero family so it was all on me to deal with by myself.  I thought it was a very nice touch, but Willie, GAH, what are they going to do now that it seems like the show was already making him even closer to Carrie than before?

And ack, Miranda, wow are the devolving her or what?  Suddenly she's even less socially adept than she ever was and making a fool of herself every 5 minutes.  And then there's now the drinking.  Not pleasant to watch them make her a caricature of herself.  I sense a big life change is coming for her.

On a shallow note, none of the costumes so far has been as offensive as I'd feared but the season is young yet.  I still miss Patricia Field's work here.  It just had that certain something that's now lacking.  The skirts are longer and a little too matronly in shape for me.  I'm 63 and I thought some of that stuff was a little aging.  Also, couldn't they do something about Sarah and Cynthia's faces looking so haggard and wrinkled?  Maybe a filter?  I'm 7 years older than Sarah and don't look that wrinkled even in HD.  I think if Kim Cattrall had come back she'd look about the same age as the rest of them now.

I feel like they waited too long to do this reboot.  5 or 6 years ago maybe it might have come off better.  NYC has changed a lot and even more since the pandemic, and not all the change has been good.  Without going into detail on how, it just isn't the safe happy fun place it was in the time of the first series.  This show is not going to be a lighthearted romp like its predecessor and that downer may spoil it for a lot of people including me.  Them making a fool out of Miranda for her lack of wokeness is cringeworthy and IMO doing a disservice to her character.  I would have expected her to be more sophisticated.  They've turned her into someone from another century.  And us older people remember a more congenial atmosphere in NYC, which is one of the most open, inclusive and alternate lifestyle friendly places anywhere.  It didn't get that way because there are a lot of people like this un-woke Miranda around.  These should be the last people that need to be shamed by the show for being un-woke so why make them that way?  Is it virtue signaling from Michael Patrick King?  And the way they're handling it certainly isn't comedy either.  I almost think the show is dissing everyone woke and un-woke.  Not loving that aspect.

Edited by Yeah No
Wrong name!
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While I have always been Team Aiden, I’ve long accepted the fact that Big was always the endgame, and so while the funeral was sad, I’m glad someone still brought up the fact that he was such a prick to her for the longest time, playing a lot of mind games with her, etc. 

Speaking of, can someone kindly remind me who was that character in the OG series? One of Big’s ex-gf? She’s so familiar, but I couldn’t quite put a name or a character to her.

2 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

Carrie was always needy- she needs people to sleep over on ROTATION and give her pills?? Calling Miranda the night it happened, perfectly normal- but having her and Stanford sleep over every night???

My husband walked right into our bedroom just as that sequence started to play out, and he watched the rest of the episode with me. Afterwards, he said that in those scenes, Carrie reminded him of his mom, back during the days immediately after his dad died. That he and his 2 brothers would rotate sleeping with her in the room because she couldn’t stand to be alone, that his mom would just toss and turn the entire night, or that she would tap to wake them up and she would just suddenly start crying. And his mom fell into a deep depression soon afterwards.

Edited by slowpoked
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Not gonna lie, even with the animosity between the actresses, I was hoping that Samantha would be waiting at Carrie's apartment after they left the funeral.  Flowers were a nice touch, though.

Honestly, I wasn't a big fan of Miranda during the original series, so seeing her constantly put her foot in her mouth doesn't bother me.  I felt worse for Prof Wallace having to be on the brunt of Miranda's "well-intentions."  However, Miranda was 100% right with Brady.  Sex with his GF aside, Brady's a disrespectful little shit and the fact that he automatically turned to casually vaping at the funeral because he was "a little sad" would have been the last straw for me, too.  I'm glad Miranda put her foot down with Brady and with Che.  Miranda was right, you don't just take drugs from any random stranger because you don't know what the hell you're actually getting.  Brady being a minor just made it worse.  Che looked stupid as hell in that scene and should have known better.  

It seems that they doubled down on Charlotte being a complete nitwit like they had later in the series and in the films.  I wanted someone, anyone to take her aside and ask her to stop making Big's death about her feelings and actually support her friend.  I was actually waiting for Miranda or Harry to do just that.  It wasn't right that Carrie had to speak up about it.  And the fact that Charlotte thought Carrie secretly blamed her...really?  They've known each other for over 20 years and that wasn't believable at all.  Just made Charlotte look even more awful and self-centered.

Stanford...they really don't need to make him look terrible considering that Willie Garson has passed.  Like with Charlotte, I was hoping someone would pull Stanford aside and tell him that he was just acting like a jerk in the guise of being supportive.  His behavior towards Gloria was beyond rude and completely lacking in compassion.  Not a good look on him at all.

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9 minutes ago, Amethyst said:

Stanford...they really don't need to make him look terrible considering that Willie Garson has passed. 

I would think that storyline is already in the books since Willie was still able to shoot the series while in relatively better health. And well, they couldn’t reshoot those scenes or rewrite their storyline after he has passed.

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6 hours ago, Lethallyfab said:

(hopefully she still has A.A.’s number from when that hot cop gave it to her after she got totally smashed because every other girl in the room wanted him and she thought she didn’t measure up)


Still one of my favorite lines from the OG series. Never fails to make me laugh.

I "enjoyed" (weird to say about such a sad story) this episode more than the first one, because it focused more on relationships and humanity, etc.  I'm guessing the humor and happiness will start to come back further along. Darkest before the dawn and all that.

Will never stop missing Samantha, who would have definitely flown out on the first flight and been right at Carrie's side from the second she arrived.

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4 hours ago, Zonk said:

Well yeah, I assume they are taking turns. Why wouldn't they?

I assume when he is 18 in like two months it won't be "really gross" anymore?

I don't really get americans...

American here and literally my responses have all been the same as yours save for painting 300 million people with the same brush.  

Kid is 17 a perfectly normal age to be having sex having sex in his home a perfectly safe place to bee having sex and wasn't terrible considerate about te fact that other people lived in his house because 17. 

I was also fine with the Big masturbation bit from episode one and find it WILDLY implausible that Carrie would have no knowledge of Big's masterbation because 20 years or be uncomfortable speaking about masturbation on a podcast because I mean Carrie....   I was a teenager when this show first aired.  I didn't learn about masturbation from this show but I bought my first hitatchi magic wand because of it.  

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2 hours ago, slowpoked said:

Speaking of, can someone kindly remind me who was that character in the OG series? One of Big’s ex-gf? She’s so familiar, but I couldn’t quite put a name or a character to her.

I think the actress is most memorable for her voice, not her face.  Susan Sharon is from early on (Season 2, Episode 2, “The Awful Truth,” to be exact, and, yes, I googled!) - she was in an emotionally and verbally abusive relationship with her husband, stayed with Carrie for a while to avoid said husband, gave Carrie a cashmere pashmina that Carrie returned for the money (cue the pun ‘why do you think they call it CASHmere?’), was regifted Charlotte’s yappy dog when Charlotte didn’t want said dog anymore (Elizabeth Taylor would NEVER!) and somehow that dog fixed the problems in her abusive marriage.  Absolutely nothing happened on-screen then or since to indicate why she was so icy towards Carrie or her friends in this episode - it was all just “she knows what she did!”  Okay, but the audience…doesn’t?

Speaking of Hitachi Magic Wands, one of my favorite moments is when Samantha has to return her “back massager” and advises all the gals in the store how to purchase the best “back massager.”

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Nicole Ari Parker's shredded, pierced, burlap sack was an interesting choice.

Do people really order extravagant flower toppers for coffins without knowing what the family wants?

On 12/9/2021 at 7:02 PM, Lethallyfab said:

The Miranda Hobbs that I know would literally gargle broken glass before unironically describing herself as a “mama bear.”  But they’re already saddling her with a drinking problem

And since it looks like Che was flirting with her, they may go there, too.

For all Charlotte know, if Big hadn't been home alone that night, he might have had the heart attack while driving Carrie and himself to the Hamptons, which would have been worse.

Edited by ItCouldBeWorse
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13 hours ago, RedHawk said:

And my first thought was the very public Twitter exchange when SJP offered Kim Cattrall condolences on the loss of her brother and KC dismissed them. I'm sorry SJP fans, I think she is sending KC another message with this one. It fits the Samantha character well to send gorgeous flowers and a simple, heart-felt note but there's more underneath.

I am glad I wasn't the only one thinking that they might've set that scene up with another dig at Kim. Those self-righteous bits are not a good look on SJP and the producers.

Its all so out of character for Samantha who would've been on the first flight back from London.

Also, is it just me or was that bleak, cold gallery funeral not really in line with the Big character? He sure liked the elegant and exquisite things in life - but the vintage leather, whiskey and cigars version.

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Charlotte is being written as overemotional and self-indulgent and making things about her - when that was Carrie's schtick before - but what really shocked me was the intense meanness in SJP's eyes when she slammed the door on weeping Charlotte outside that froufrou funeral place.

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4 hours ago, bybrandy said:

Kid is 17 a perfectly normal age to be having sex having sex in his home a perfectly safe place to bee having sex and wasn't terrible considerate about te fact that other people lived in his house because 17. 

That's not what was gross about it. I don't think anybody is clutching their pearls over two teenagers having sex. What was gross was that the writers actually thought depicting a sex scene between two teenagers was interesting or provocative. It had no purpose. It contributed nothing to the story. Showing Miranda step on a used condom would have had far more impact.

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9 hours ago, Zonk said:

Well yeah, I assume they are taking turns. Why wouldn't they?

I assume when he is 18 in like two months it won't be "really gross" anymore?

I don't really get americans...

Are they taking turns? Because I betcha dollar to donuts they are not.  When Miranda caught Brady vaping she said "No <girlfriend's name> for a week!" .  If they were taking turns, Brady would just shrugged off the comment and said: "So I'll stay at her house for the week!"

BTW - I'm not American. 

7 hours ago, Yeah No said:

As a 63 year old American and native NY-er no less, it wasn't where Brady and his girlfriend were having sex, it was the total lack of respect for his parents in their own home.  I think it's gross not to have any sense of discretion and to just grunt and bang so loudly like that.  My own parents didn't care if I had sex with my boyfriends in their house as long as they didn't know about it.  Obviously they took great care not to let me know about it when they had sex.  It took being discreet.  If Brady can't manage to control himself he can find somewhere else to have sex. 

This exactly.  Brady has no respect for Miranda or Steve.  Steve has totally tuned him out with his hearing loss. Miranda trying to be the "cool mom" is putting up with Brady's disrespectful shit. 

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8 minutes ago, sashayshante said:

That's not what was gross about it. I don't think anybody is clutching their pearls over two teenagers having sex. 

I mean the following exchange happened above:   

"I think Miranda said he was 17."  
"She did.  Which is what made that sex scene really gross."


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1 hour ago, violet and green said:

but what really shocked me was the intense meanness in SJP's eyes when she slammed the door on weeping Charlotte outside that froufrou funeral place.

Well, yeah. I'd have some deep contempt for a friend that guilted me into going to her kid's piano recital which in turn caused me to be away from my home while my husband was suffering from a heart attack that killed him. Yes, Carrie was projecting her anger at herself for going onto Charlotte, but that rage is totally understandable given the situation. Grief isn't rational.

There's a reason they compared Samantha's split from the group as a death. It was certainly foreshadowing but I also think it was a parallel of sorts to Carrie's anger at Charlotte. With Carrie and Charlotte, Carrie was in Sam's position. Obviously, Charlotte wasn't intentionally trying to lure Carrie away from Big nor did she force Carrie to attend just like Carrie wasn't trying to embarrass Sam by firing her as a publicist. Charlotte wasn't trying to hurt Carrie but Carrie was still hurt by Charlotte's actions. In a small way, I think it helped notoriously self-absorbed Carrie see things from Sam's perspective. There's been a lot of talk about how toxic Carrie really was. This could be a way the writers are trying to make Carrie more self-aware and empathetic.

1 minute ago, bybrandy said:

"She did.  Which is what made that sex scene really gross."

The operative word there is "scene." The sex scene was gross. Two 17-year-olds moaning and grunting like porn stars.

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6 minutes ago, sashayshante said:

This could be a way the writers are trying to make Carrie more self-aware and empathetic.

By making her spiteful about Samantha, and mean towards a distraught and guilty Charlotte, and ineffectual during her husband's dying moments, and uptight and cold and petty at the actual funeral? 

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8 minutes ago, sashayshante said:

The operative word there is "scene." The sex scene was gross. Two 17-year-olds moaning and grunting like porn stars.

If that bothers you, make a note to stay clear of Netflix's critically acclaimed Sex Education 🙃

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