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S16.E02: Four Wives, Three Fires

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I always assumed the biggest thing that prompted them from moving from Vegas was the big balloon payments that were coming due on the 4 houses.  Went from interest only to huge payments which they couldn't afford.  For them they make "some" money, but not enough to cover a huge construction project in AZ.   Kody has as much experience and knowledge about the details in a large construction project as a cat does in icing a cake while riding a bicycle. 

I read that Meri's big rental in AZ sold in July.  Has she moved permanently to the B&B?  Janelle's place sold and she lived in an RV over the summer, but put it in storage for winter, so where is she living now?

It's a joke now that he proclaims any connection to polygamy.   He is married to Robyn with three ex-wives.  He has no desire to emotionally or financially support his other kids - except when TLC will pay for filming. 


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I don't believe Christine thinks covid is a joke. I think she believes the joke is that the "family" is socially distancing...and I agree with her. If Robyn is so worried about her precious kids playing with Truely, then put a damn mask on the kids!...and let them enjoy playing OUTSIDE with one another.

Kody, you're an ass for pushing Robyn's agenda. Eventually her "incentives" will also begin to bore you, and you'll just have to wind up getting a grip anyway.

Edited by MsTree
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2 hours ago, MsTree said:

If Robyn is so worried about her precious kids playing with Truely, then put a damn mask on the kids!...and let them enjoy playing OUTSIDE with one another.

Seems obvious, right?

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7 hours ago, notnowimbusy said:

I always assumed the biggest thing that prompted them from moving from Vegas was the big balloon payments that were coming due on the 4 houses. 

I agree that this is the most obvious reason.  The choice of Flag was all on Sobbyn,

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I don't believe Christine thinks covid is a joke. I think she believes the joke is that the "family" is socially distancing...and I agree with her. If Robyn is so worried about her precious kids playing with Truely, then put a damn mask on the kids!...and let them enjoy playing OUTSIDE with one another.

By her own admission on Instagram and on this episode, Christine traveled a lot during the pandemic, and also hung out at Janelle's house without social distancing after Janelle traveled. Christine didn't give a shit, not only about Kody, but about spreading the virus to other people. 

As for this group, I always said there was nothing that bound the adults together once the kids were gone. Meri has no relationship with Christine or Janelle, and Christine and Janelle have no relationship with Robyn or Meri. Add in most of the adult kids leaving Flagstaff, and there is no reason for them to stay together. Janelle stays put because she is lazy and comfortable with her situation, but I wouldn't be surprised if she eventually moves to North Carolina. Meri has her whole own life going between Flagstaff and Perowan, with her own business and her own friends. They're already living completely separate lives. They're more estranged sisters than they are Sister Wives.



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On 11/30/2021 at 10:26 PM, Desert Rat said:

All of these things were "protocols" Kody and Robin made up. None of these things existed in Flagstaff, Arizona. The governor did close restaurants, salons, gyms, etc. for a few weeks or months. By August everything was open. No mask requirements ever, but some businesses did recommend them. Social distancing was not really a thing after May 2020. There were quarantines in jails and similar places, but outside of institutions no quarantine required. Young people like Gabe keep the country running so people like Robin could hide from reality in her closet. Who do they think prepared their food deliveries? Gabe is absolutely right, Kody/Robin rules had nothing to do with COVID. Either they wanted an excuse to avoid the family or they have severe anxiety disorder.  

I see Gabe being called selfish, especially because Janelle said she could die and it was not acknowledged, at least with the editing we saw. But let’s be real, Janelle is at a higher risk for dying because she is obese. Why is she not being called out? She as a normal functioning adult (and the parent) chooses not to lose weight, and stay at high risk, but is totally cool with banishing her son to an apartment. From my point of view, she is selfish one in this situation. Especially being that she still has a minor child who could be left an orphan. Yeah, I know technically she would have the sperm donor but he’s not an actual parent to any kids if they didn’t come from Robin’s womb, so she would be left without her only barely there for her parent. 

Gabe has Kody and Robin’s number. Some may not agree with his delivery, but he’s not wrong. Without Robin, Kody wouldn’t be following any protocols. I don’t believe it’s his MO. But it IS Robin’s. She has been calculating from day one, and her ultimate goal is to have Kody in a monogamous relationship with her. Who knows why, that’s another mystery, since he is no prize. But covid is the perfect opportunity to alienate him further from his family.

On the flip side, I believe if covid didn’t happen, Christine wouldn’t have ever left him. Kody not being willing to be with his bio daughter for major surgery might have been the straw that broke the camel’s back. I guess if there is a silver lining, that might be it. 

Edited by Awfarmington
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5 minutes ago, Sandy W said:

Gabe took a lot of online flak when Kody was attempting to convince him that the move to Flagstaff would be in the family's best interest.  Gabe patiently listened to Kody's rationale as to why he should give up academic and athletic scholarships, knowing full well that the move was in Robyn's interest, not the family.

Gabe's response was "oh yeah, will you buy me a motorcycle?"  There was an online uproar over this remark, "the cheek of him" etc.  I interpreted his response as the sardonic equivalent of "oh yeah, will you buy me a pony?"  It sailed right over Kody's head when he took the response literally. 

Janelle's boys have the family dynamic figured out.  Logan taunted Kody by partaking of the roast pig at the Hawaiian luau and enjoying an adult beverage at Maddie's wedding.  Small but effective ways to get Kody's goat and let him know that their lives would not be controlled by Kody & Company's vision.  The sons at least are intellectually superior to Kody and see right through the paper dragon that calls himself a father to them.

I felt sorry for Gabe. It’s emotionally difficult being a teen/young adult and being dismissed, uprooted and marginalised by one’s own parent. It creates a lack of trust and resentment—which Kody rightfully deserves. 

Does anyone know if Gabe got similar scholarship offers in Flagstaff? Scholarships are such a great way for someone to do college—to rip a kid away from that is incredibly cruel. 

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5 minutes ago, TurtlePower said:

I felt sorry for Gabe. It’s emotionally difficult being a teen/young adult and being dismissed, uprooted and marginalised by one’s own parent. It creates a lack of trust and resentment—which Kody rightfully deserves. 

Does anyone know if Gabe got similar scholarship offers in Flagstaff? Scholarships are such a great way for someone to do college—to rip a kid away from that is incredibly cruel. 

I'm not sure that his accomplishments would be transferrable to another state or even if there was a wrestling program at the Flagstaff high school.  Gabe scored in the top 5 academically for the entire school in LV.  In any case, he buckled down and completed two years in one, all the sooner to gain his independence and follow in Logan's footsteps to maintain as much distance as feasible as quickly as possible.

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On 11/30/2021 at 2:29 PM, Sasha888 said:

Meri's the one who brings the catfishing up on the show, as she did this week. 


As long as Meri continues to talk about this as though she was doing nothing more than innocently trying to talk her insurance agent, viewers are going to snark on her.

I think it's a safe assumption that Meri herself is not initiating any discussion of the catfishing incident, but merely providing a required reaction to the producers raising it again. I get that people hate her self-serving framing of it, but I could see myself stonewalling that line of inquiry years after the fact, so I'm sympathetic. They may force her to say something, but if she'd rather play victim than grovel on demand, it doesn't bother me. YMMV.

I wonder how much of the desperation to leave LV was worry about the kids vs worry about Janelle going wild? 


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1 hour ago, Awfarmington said:

But let’s be real, Janelle is at a higher risk for dying because she is obese. Why is she not being called out? She as a normal functioning adult (and the parent) chooses not to lose weight, and stay at high risk, but is totally cool with banishing her son to an apartment. From my point of view, she is selfish one in this situation.

Well, it's not like she could magically drop 100 pounds instantly.  Every overweight person wished to be slim when Covid was aiming at the old, infirm, and obese.  

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30 minutes ago, kassa said:

I think it's a safe assumption that Meri herself is not initiating any discussion of the catfishing incident, but merely providing a required reaction to the producers raising it again. I get that people hate her self-serving framing of it, but I could see myself stonewalling that line of inquiry years after the fact, so I'm sympathetic. They may force her to say something, but if she'd rather play victim than grovel on demand, it doesn't bother me. YMMV.

I wonder how much of the desperation to leave LV was worry about the kids vs worry about Janelle going wild? 


I too would stonewall that line of inquiry by simply stating,--- it's history, everyone knows where the affected parties stand, let's move on shall we...

Instead, this "Strong Woman" chooses to publicly grovel for acceptance and a return to her previous standing at the feet of Kody, generating ridicule from the viewing public.  Kody has made it clear where she stands with him and all of her pointed little barbs at him roll right off his back because he really doesn't care what she thinks or feels.

LOL, at Janelle going wild.  The family may have had concerns about her digging out her snakeskin leggings and showing up at the LV club scene.  No wonder she didn't want to line dance with her sister wives, she's a rocker chick at heart.

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19 hours ago, Desert Rat said:

Really? Wow!  In the last 6 months I have only worn a mask about 10 to 15 times and that includes time vacationing on the beach in California where things are supposedly more strict than Arizona. Last month when we were in Flagstaff no one was wearing a mask, except waiters at one restaurant. 

Same here in my part of NYS. I carry a couple of masks in my car, just in case I run into some situation where one is required. The only people who are routinely wearing them are those who are forced to by employers and yes, there are some folks who are just too frightened of the idea of catching the virus to be without one. 

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Same here in my part of NYS. I carry a couple of masks in my car, just in case I run into some situation where one is required. The only people who are routinely wearing them are those who are forced to by employers and yes, there are some folks who are just too frightened of the idea of catching the virus to be without one. 

I still wear a mask in most indoor public places. In the past 2 months, I have seen countless obviously sick people at the grocery store, pharmacy, etc, with no mask. Coughing and hacking from God knows what. And I have compromised family members. 

Christine really gives off the attitude that she doesn't care about Covid. Janelle pretends to care but doesn't follow the CDC rules as she claims. I think she just wanted Gabe out of her hair and knew she had a convenient apartment attached to the house to put him in. 





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13 hours ago, notnowimbusy said:

I always assumed the biggest thing that prompted them from moving from Vegas was the big balloon payments that were coming due on the 4 houses.  Went from interest only to huge payments which they couldn't afford.  For them they make "some" money, but not enough to cover a huge construction project in AZ.   Kody has as much experience and knowledge about the details in a large construction project as a cat does in icing a cake while riding a bicycle. 

Yeah but you can’t admit to your wives and confess on (inter)national tv that you are heading for a financial disaster, can you?Kody is a self-centered egomaniac who will always believe that he is right in everything he does, including that cringe-worthy presentation* of his.

* (Did anyone study that pointless board behind him? It’s in the picture higher up  page. It’s about the poorer population of LV and that those wouldn’t be able to afford their houses. What’s the point of that? Other than to brag?)

Edited by LilyD
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3 hours ago, Sandy W said:

I'm not sure that his accomplishments would be transferrable to another state or even if there was a wrestling program at the Flagstaff high school.  Gabe scored in the top 5 academically for the entire school in LV.  In any case, he buckled down and completed two years in one, all the sooner to gain his independence and follow in Logan's footsteps to maintain as much distance as feasible as quickly as possible.

I wonder why none of the girls ever did sports or tried for scholarships or went into the military. Is it the culture? Are females just supposed to be lumps that get married? 

Probably wouldn’t matter because Kody seems to favor the boys anyways. 

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1 hour ago, TurtlePower said:

Are females just supposed to be lumps that get married? 

In the Mormon cult, yes.  Females should always be sweet and subservient and baby making machines. I saw an interview with some college students at Brigham Young U and they said the whole purpose of going to college was to get the MRS degree.

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4 hours ago, Not Buyin It said:

Same here in my part of NYS. I carry a couple of masks in my car, just in case I run into some situation where one is required. The only people who are routinely wearing them are those who are forced to by employers and yes, there are some folks who are just too frightened of the idea of catching the virus to be without one. 

^^^ This 100% ^^^

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6 hours ago, Awfarmington said:

Gabe has Kody and Robin’s number. Some may not agree with his delivery, but he’s not wrong. Without Robin, Kody wouldn’t be following any protocols. I don’t believe it’s his MO. But it IS Robin’s. She has been calculating from day one, and her ultimate goal is to have Kody in a monogamous relationship with her. Who knows why, that’s another mystery, since he is no prize. But covid is the perfect opportunity to alienate him further from his family.

On the flip side, I believe if covid didn’t happen, Christine wouldn’t have ever left him. Kody not being willing to be with his bio daughter for major surgery might have been the straw that broke the camel’s back. I guess if there is a silver lining, that might be it. 

I don't know about Christine... maybe if they had stayed in LV she would have stuck around a while longer, but she has been dissatisfied with Kody for a long time. As a result of her refusal to keep sweet, and never the one to work through conflict, Kody has been backing away from her for a long time. By his own admission, he was never that into her in the first place. When they lived in close proximity to each other (Lehi, LV) it was easy enough - and expected - for him to drop by as he was right there. Put a little distance between them, and fewer kids he feels obligated to visit, and Kody is happy to leave Christine in the dust. Covid may have sped it up, but that train has been rolling down the tracks for some time. Why WOULD she stay when right over there, he's got a fully functioning marriage? Who WOULD want to live like that? 

By orchestrating the move to Flagstaff, Robyn has succeeded in not only putting distance between the other wives and Kody, but in seperating the other wives from their grown children. Of course the original three will feel pulled to be nearer their children, naturally exacerbating their distance from Kody as a result, whether that be through travelling a lot to visit them, moving or leaving the fambly. The only one who gave up nothing, and came out ahead by moving to Flagstaff is Robyn. Dark Wife, indeed.

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2 hours ago, Thistle Howl said:

I don't know about Christine... maybe if they had stayed in LV she would have stuck around a while longer, but she has been dissatisfied with Kody for a long time. As a result of her refusal to keep sweet, and never the one to work through conflict, Kody has been backing away from her for a long time. By his own admission, he was never that into her in the first place. When they lived in close proximity to each other (Lehi, LV) it was easy enough - and expected - for him to drop by as he was right there. Put a little distance between them, and fewer kids he feels obligated to visit, and Kody is happy to leave Christine in the dust. Covid may have sped it up, but that train has been rolling down the tracks for some time. Why WOULD she stay when right over there, he's got a fully functioning marriage? Who WOULD want to live like that? 

By orchestrating the move to Flagstaff, Robyn has succeeded in not only putting distance between the other wives and Kody, but in seperating the other wives from their grown children. Of course the original three will feel pulled to be nearer their children, naturally exacerbating their distance from Kody as a result, whether that be through travelling a lot to visit them, moving or leaving the fambly. The only one who gave up nothing, and came out ahead by moving to Flagstaff is Robyn. Dark Wife, indeed.

Robin is a master of the long con. Ironically, her prize is a boob. Wait until she has completely alienated him from every wife, and has Kody 24/7, while the other wives are free of him. 

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4 minutes ago, Awfarmington said:

Robin is a master of the long con. Ironically, her prize is a boob. Wait until she has completely alienated him from every wife, and has Kody 24/7, while the other wives are free of him. 

So true. I guess this is why I can't muster up as much hatred for Robyn as most viewers - because she's not going to "win" anything anyway. At the end of all this, when this train wreck finally gets cancelled, Robyn will have payments up the wazoo that will probably cause bankruptcy, and an aging, has-been D-list reality "star" husband with the attention span of a gnat who thinks only of himself.

Some prize. The wonder of it all is that anyone is even fighting her for him.

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6 hours ago, LilyD said:

* (Did anyone study that pointless board behind him? It’s in the picture higher up  page. It’s about the poorer population of LV and that those wouldn’t be able to afford their houses. What’s the point of that? Other than to brag?)

That was an odd poster and apparently none of the 5 Browns considered that it meant few people could afford to buy your cult-de-sac homes, so be prepared for a long wait before selling them at a reduced price!  Which is exactly what happened.

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2 hours ago, Awfarmington said:

Robin is a master of the long con. Ironically, her prize is a boob. Wait until she has completely alienated him from every wife, and has Kody 24/7, while the other wives are free of him. 

Unless....her long con is to actually get rid of all the current wives, wait for the dust to settle, then start bringing in a crop of new wives with Robyn clearly and officially sitting on the First Wife throne. Think about it...the chance to finally have the Fambly Culture she's been so unfairly denied this time around...? I'm sort of kidding here, but it also wouldn't surprise me in the least...

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54 minutes ago, lamadeleine said:

Unless....her long con is to actually get rid of all the current wives, wait for the dust to settle, then start bringing in a crop of new wives with Robyn clearly and officially sitting on the First Wife throne. Think about it...the chance to finally have the Fambly Culture she's been so unfairly denied this time around...? I'm sort of kidding here, but it also wouldn't surprise me in the least...

A risky game though.  Meri thought she was firmly entrenched on the throne, and look what happened there.  History could repeat itself.

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1 hour ago, lamadeleine said:

Unless....her long con is to actually get rid of all the current wives, wait for the dust to settle, then start bringing in a crop of new wives with Robyn clearly and officially sitting on the First Wife throne. Think about it...the chance to finally have the Fambly Culture she's been so unfairly denied this time around...? I'm sort of kidding here, but it also wouldn't surprise me in the least...

I doubt she would risk that, she has what she wants at this point (God knows why). To bring in others would risk a new "Dark Queen" might emerge and replace her...younger, slimmer, bootylicious, she can't risk that. Karma is going to get her in the end...

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15 hours ago, TurtlePower said:

I wonder why none of the girls ever did sports or tried for scholarships or went into the military. Is it the culture? Are females just supposed to be lumps that get married? 

Probably wouldn’t matter because Kody seems to favor the boys anyways. 

In one of the earliest episodes, Mariah declared that she was going to go to a military academy and become a doctor.  Kody shot her down, explaining that military academies would never accept polygamists.  Mariah did get a partial scholarship to Westminster, where she was going to go pre-med, then switched to PA.  

Maddie got a full, 4-year scholarship to University of Utah or Utah State.  She was going to be the first polygamist Supreme Court justice.  She dropped out within 1-2 years to marry Caleb.  She claims that she is now studying to be nurse.

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5 hours ago, Grifter Lives said:

In one of the earliest episodes, Mariah declared that she was going to go to a military academy and become a doctor.  Kody shot her down, explaining that military academies would never accept polygamists.  Mariah did get a partial scholarship to Westminster, where she was going to go pre-med, then switched to PA.  

Maddie got a full, 4-year scholarship to University of Utah or Utah State.  She was going to be the first polygamist Supreme Court justice.  She dropped out within 1-2 years to marry Caleb.  She claims that she is now studying to be nurse.

I think Mariah is now getting an MSW (masters in social work) instead of a PA…

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1 hour ago, Elizzikra said:

I think Mariah is now getting an MSW (masters in social work) instead of a PA…

Yeah, well, that's been dragging on for years.  Most of her postings when she was supposedly in school were shots of her doing bad yoga poses in her apartment or drinking coffee in the neighborhood bistros.  No evidence that she has ever completed anything or graduated befpre bailing out of Chicago. 

And now she is off doing heaven knows what.  Apparently her employer has put the kibosh on her inflammatory postings since she's been curiously absent from her preaching pulpit.

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22 hours ago, TurtlePower said:

I wonder why none of the girls ever did sports or tried for scholarships or went into the military. Is it the culture? Are females just supposed to be lumps that get married? 

Probably wouldn’t matter because Kody seems to favor the boys anyways. 

I believe that Gwen has done activities. I remember a photo of her in what looked like a military uniform when she was in LV, possibly ROTC. She has always had a rigid posture since the beginning of the show which can come from dance/gymnastics etc.

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6 hours ago, ginger90 said:
7 hours ago, Grifter Lives said:

She claims that she is now studying to be nurse.

She has ditched nursing.

Maddie talked big about something and then quit? Color me shocked. 🙄


7 hours ago, Grifter Lives said:

In one of the earliest episodes, Mariah declared that she was going to go to a military academy and become a doctor.  Kody shot her down, explaining that military academies would never accept polygamists.

Well...he actually didn't shoot her down, he encouraged her to do it. The discussion they were having was in regards to her not wanting to be in public school in Lehi. Kody was telling her that she was going to need more than their church's home school coalition education to get into Annapolis. He told her the Naval Academy was the "best of the best" and told her he was very pleased with her.

In a later episode, Meri explained piously that Princess Mariah just couldn't stand to stay in public school, because the other children swore so terribly. So, she was back in church school, while the other Brown kids remained in public school.

Yes, you heard me right...Mariah, Queen of the F Word, bothered by the filthy language. 🤣


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23 hours ago, TurtlePower said:

I wonder why none of the girls ever did sports or tried for scholarships or went into the military. Is it the culture? Are females just supposed to be lumps that get married? 

Probably wouldn’t matter because Kody seems to favor the boys anyways. 

I haven’t caught them actively discouraging the girls to go to college but they aren’t encouraging it either. I think Kody and the wives are perfectly happy to see the girls married and be stay-at-home moms. The men can provide for the family so college is not a number one priority for them. (I won’t say what I think about that btw) 

In addition, it’s the cheap way out. Most of us work hard to get one or two kids through college. Imagine having to provide college funds for 18! (I’m guessing that Maddie pulling out of college was a financial relief to Kody and Janelle.) Every kid that doesn’t go to college or joins the army is one less for college funds. That is..if they contribute towards the kids’ college funds at all…. 

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10 minutes ago, LilyD said:

I haven’t caught them actively discouraging the girls to go to college but they aren’t encouraging it either. I think Kody and the wives are perfectly happy to see the girls married and be stay-at-home moms. The men can provide for the family so college is not a number one priority for them. (I won’t say what I think about that btw) 

In addition, it’s the cheap way out. Most of us work hard to get one or two kids through college. Imagine having to provide college funds for 18! (I’m guessing that Maddie pulling out of college was a financial relief to Kody and Janelle.) Every kid that doesn’t go to college or joins the army is one less for college funds. That is..if they contribute towards the kids’ college funds at all…. 

Honestly, I don't think they were paying for any of the kids college.  Meri was probably helping Mariah, but other than that, possibly Robyn's two oldest might be getting help.  All the rest of the kids probably have student loans.


8 hours ago, Grifter Lives said:

In one of the earliest episodes, Mariah declared that she was going to go to a military academy and become a doctor.  Kody shot her down, explaining that military academies would never accept polygamists.  Mariah did get a partial scholarship to Westminster, where she was going to go pre-med, then switched to PA.  

Maddie got a full, 4-year scholarship to University of Utah or Utah State.  She was going to be the first polygamist Supreme Court justice.  She dropped out within 1-2 years to marry Caleb.  She claims that she is now studying to be nurse.

I don't think I heard them say she got a full 4 year scholarship.  I'm not sure if she even finished a full year of school.

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On 12/2/2021 at 8:29 AM, Not Buyin It said:

Same here in my part of NYS. I carry a couple of masks in my car, just in case I run into some situation where one is required. The only people who are routinely wearing them are those who are forced to by employers and yes, there are some folks who are just too frightened of the idea of catching the virus to be without one. 

Man, I haven't taken my mask off!  And it isn't just because of my employer.  I don't want me or my family dying ass up in ICU saying goodbye via Ipad like 800K+ people.

I felt the family should have been their own bubble.  Quarantining apart was stupid.

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I’m in Snohomish County, north of Seattle. Must wear masks indoors unless eating or drinking (I think this applies to all of Washington). In King County, where Seattle is, you must show proof of vax in numerous situations, and that is also spreading outward to other locales like where I live. I rarely see anyone out and about without a mask, although that changes the farther away you get from the metropolis that is the Puget Sound area.

Masks just feel normal at this point and it’s allowed a lot of life to resume with less risk to health. I know we’re seeing Kody & Co as of late last year, so I hope they’ve figured out that masks would help them be able to gather. Even though they were already complaining about no one wanting to gather, well before Covid. 

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I felt the family should have been their own bubble.  Quarantining apart was stupid.

I think at least two of the sons are essential workers and had no choice but to go in to work. And even if Janelle and Christine quarantined and never went anywhere, would Kody show up more than once a week to visit? In a previous season, Christine complained that her kids would go up to a week without seeing Kody even once. And this was well before the pandemic.

Christine and Janelle should have been more careful, but not because of Kody. They should have worried more about themselves, their kids, and public health. But the reality of their family is that Kody would have barely shown up to visit anyway, and I suspect Robyn would have found reasons to keep her kids isolated from Janelle and Christine no matter how much they quarantined. The real problem is that the family dynamic is toxic, and that was true before Covid. Kody was hinting that he might be done with polygamy before Covid hit. I think the reality of 4 wives and 18 kids just became too much for Kody to handle, and he found Covid as a convenient excuse to stop making rounds at 4 different houses.




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4 hours ago, Kellyee said:

I think at least two of the sons are essential workers and had no choice but to go in to work. And even if Janelle and Christine quarantined and never went anywhere, would Kody show up more than once a week to visit? In a previous season, Christine complained that her kids would go up to a week without seeing Kody even once. And this was well before the pandemic.

Christine and Janelle should have been more careful, but not because of Kody. They should have worried more about themselves, their kids, and public health. But the reality of their family is that Kody would have barely shown up to visit anyway, and I suspect Robyn would have found reasons to keep her kids isolated from Janelle and Christine no matter how much they quarantined. The real problem is that the family dynamic is toxic, and that was true before Covid. Kody was hinting that he might be done with polygamy before Covid hit. I think the reality of 4 wives and 18 kids just became too much for Kody to handle, and he found Covid as a convenient excuse to stop making rounds at 4 different houses.




Absolutely.  It's not as if Kootie would have supported them with paying their bills!  Mr. JackWagon doesn't get what earning a living is like anymore, if he ever did.  And that goes double for Mrs. Legally Wed JackWagon.  

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On 11/28/2021 at 9:39 PM, Sasha888 said:

This is why I can't stand Meri. Not one thing about this "situation" (call it what it is Meri, you had an online affair) is her fault. 


I don't think Meri's relationship to Kody can be salvaged, and I don't think it could've been a few years ago, but he might not outright detest her if she told the truth: that she was lonely, met someone online, had an emotional affair, and was planning to leave the fambly.

Her refusal to take responsibility for her own actions is infuriating.

And no, I am not suggesting that Kody is great at taking responsibility himself, and I'm not saying I don't loathe him; just talking about Meri here.

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So because Robyn’s kids couldn’t handle not seeing Kody for two weeks, Ysabel had to not see him for 6 weeks while she was having and then recovering from a major operation and then quarantining for two weeks after? Real nice, Robyn.

Frankly Kody is the last person I’d want to see when recovering from surgery so maybe Ysabel is the winner here but he is her dad and I suspect it didn’t feel great for her to see where she sits in his list of priorities. 

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Also my mom is high risk and I was a lunatic about COVID precautions (and still am in a lot of ways - I don’t eat indoors at restaurants still, I always wear masks inside out in public) and even I felt comfortable being outdoors with family in the summer of 2020. We would distance but got together for backyard drinks (byob and snacks) but no one freaked out if people were momentarily not distanced while we were outside. Robyn and Kody are being ridiculous especially since Kody was going between the houses anyway. 

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On 12/2/2021 at 10:08 AM, TurtlePower said:

I felt sorry for Gabe. It’s emotionally difficult being a teen/young adult and being dismissed, uprooted and marginalised by one’s own parent. It creates a lack of trust and resentment—which Kody rightfully deserves. 

Does anyone know if Gabe got similar scholarship offers in Flagstaff? Scholarships are such a great way for someone to do college—to rip a kid away from that is incredibly cruel. 

I felt really bad for him, too. I have 2 sons who’ve played travel and AAU sports (I imagine it’s the same for kids who dance, sing, or play an instrument, etc. competitively) and know how much time and effort it takes for kids to establish themselves in the schools and on their teams. It’s not like Gabe was going to be able to just show up in Flagstaff and be able to establish himself in his senior year. What bothered me was that there was no regard or real acknowledgment of Gabe’s hard work or sacrifice. In a time when teenagers can really get caught up in serious problems and go astray, they should have been thankful that Gabe was such a self-starter on such a promising path. 

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37 minutes ago, readheaded said:

 It’s not like Gabe was going to be able to just show up in Flagstaff and be able to establish himself in his senior year. What bothered me was that there was no regard or real acknowledgment of Gabe’s hard work or sacrifice. In a time when teenagers can really get caught up in serious problems and go astray, they should have been thankful that Gabe was such a self-starter on such a promising path. 

That lack of acknowledgment placed Gabe on a virtual tightrope.  He could easily have toppled off with a "screw you" attitude.  Instead, he maturely kept his eye on the end goal and navigated himself to the next level.  I think Gabe has a great future ahead of him.

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4 hours ago, TeeMo said:

So because Robyn’s kids couldn’t handle not seeing Kody for two weeks, Ysabel had to not see him for 6 weeks while she was having and then recovering from a major operation and then quarantining for two weeks after? Real nice, Robyn.

And this is such crap.  How old are King Sol and Araibellobla now....10 and 6?  So Robyn and Kody couldn't sit them down and explain that daddy has to be away for awhile to help take care of Ysabel?  They could.  They chose not to.  Not to mention, Sol and Ari haven't ever had to exist without Kody right there, unlike all of his other kids who got his literal crumbs.  Robyn is full of it when she dry-cries that her precious children can't go without Kody....that's exactly how she always intended for it to be.  And Kody sucks as a human for allowing it to be this way.


2 hours ago, Sandy W said:

That lack of acknowledgment placed Gabe on a virtual tightrope.  He could easily have toppled off with a "screw you" attitude.  Instead, he maturely kept his eye on the end goal and navigated himself to the next level.  I think Gabe has a great future ahead of him.

Thanks to Logan, Hunter, Garrison and maybe Paedon too.  I firmly believe that behind the scenes, these young men are helping each other navigate life without a father.

EDIT: as for the mask thing, I made a decision to just wear one every time I go anywhere, period.  It's better than me sitting in my car in the grocery store parking lot thinking, "well she has one, they don't....but he does....she doesn't....what should I do?"  I don't care anymore if I get the side-eye for masking, plus I am in the dumpster fire that is Michigan and I remain stunned at the fact that the mask wearers near me are in the firm minority.  

Edited by laurakaye
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37 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

And this is such crap.  How old are King Sol and Araibellobla now....10 and 6?  So Robyn and Kody couldn't sit them down and explain that daddy has to be away for awhile to help take care of Ysabel?  They could.  They chose not to.  Not to mention, Sol and Ari haven't ever had to exist without Kody right there, unlike all of his other kids who got his literal crumbs.  Robyn is full of it when she dry-cries that her precious children can't go without Kody....that's exactly how she always intended for it to be.  And Kody sucks as a human for allowing it to be this way.


Thanks to Logan, Hunter, Garrison and maybe Paedon too.  I firmly believe that behind the scenes, these young men are helping each other navigate life without a father.

EDIT: as for the mask thing, I made a decision to just wear one every time I go anywhere, period.  It's better than me sitting in my car in the grocery store parking lot thinking, "well she has one, they don't....but he does....she doesn't....what should I do?"  I don't care anymore if I get the side-eye for masking, plus I am in the dumpster fire that is Michigan and I remain stunned at the fact that the mask wearers near me are in the firm minority.  

Ari is that old already? Robyn acts like she and Sol are toddlers! My word.

The parents should be thanking their lucky stars that their kids are turning out so well! Maybe the constant chaos and upheaval has made up their minds to work (I almost wrote strive lol) for stability, security, or a good solid education, so they don't have to live the way their parents chose to live.


I'm still a freak over covid precautions and am really glad that mask wearing has been mostly normalized. I wore one years ago during flu season, but it was such an anomaly, that I got comments along with stares. Now, I'll wear one forever, especially during flu/cold season, if by some miracle covid retreats. I do get side-eye, and many times am the only person at the store with one on, but I don't give a hoot! 

Edited by WhatAmIWatching
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I don't think Cody cares if the 3 other wives leave as long as Robin stays. I think he will just get younger wives so that he can have more children. I think that's what he really wants is more kit is more kids and younger wives. If that happens, Robin will find cheese on the bottom after a while.

Does anybody in here know what Cody said to Robin when they were making the smores?? Is supposedly it wasn't nice and Mary overheard it.

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41 minutes ago, antfitz said:

I don't think Cody cares if the 3 other wives leave as long as Robin stays. I think he will just get younger wives so that he can have more children. I think that's what he really wants is more kit is more kids and younger wives. If that happens, Robin will find cheese on the bottom after a while.

Does anybody in here know what Cody said to Robin when they were making the smores?? Is supposedly it wasn't nice and Mary overheard it.

I think the only reason Kody cares about whether the other wives stay is because without multiple wives, there is no reality show. A show about Kody and Robyn, or even Kody/Robyn/Janelle would be even more boring that it already is, regardless of whether Jenelle builds her greenhouses (which she never will).

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1 hour ago, antfitz said:

Does anybody in here know what Cody said to Robin when they were making the smores?? Is supposedly it wasn't nice and Mary overheard it.

Meri said she heard Robyn tell Kootie to make a s'more and give it to Meri.  Not necessarily bad, but not Kootie's idea and it makes us wonder what Robyn hoped to get out of it.

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2 hours ago, laurakaye said:

EDIT: as for the mask thing, I made a decision to just wear one every time I go anywhere, period.  It's better than me sitting in my car in the grocery store parking lot thinking, "well she has one, they don't....but he does....she doesn't....what should I do?"  I don't care anymore if I get the side-eye for masking, plus I am in the dumpster fire that is Michigan and I remain stunned at the fact that the mask wearers near me are in the firm minority.  

Ditto.  Michigan, home of the Michigan Militia (with a chapter down the road from me) and Morons remains tops in the nation for new cases for the fourth week. I am the same way about masking, no debates with myself, just wear the damned thing.  It's not that big a deal and I foresee it lasting for a very long time so may as well just get used to it. 

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37 minutes ago, deirdra said:

Meri said she heard Robyn tell Kootie to make a s'more and give it to Meri.  Not necessarily bad, but not Kootie's idea and it makes us wonder what Robyn hoped to get out of it.

Bonus jewels in her tiara?  She's trying to LOOK like she gives a shit about the "fambly" that actually she wants nothing to do with.  Sobbyn is a snake in the grass.

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