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Actors You Just Can't Stand

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Count me in. I refuse to like Cage even ironically, and when Ethan Hawke said, in all sincerity, that Cage was "the greatest actor of our generation", I just wanted to tie him to a chair (after bitch-slapping him), prop his eyelids open, a la A Clockwork Orange, and make him watch Michael Fassbender and Chiwetel Ejiofor in 12 Years a Slave, Peter Saarsgard in Shattered Glass, and pretty much any performance by Daniel Day-Lewis and then demand he say it again!

It might work better if he were instead forced to watch The Wicker Man, The Sorcerer's Apprentice, those Ghost Rider movies, and whatever other awful flicks Cage makes by the score in between National Treasure sequels. Though how someone who's worked with Denzel Washington can think Cage is the superior actor even if he's only seen the latter's good movies is a complete mystery to me.


I'll freely cop that my dislike for Timothy Spall is totally irrational and based on a visceral reaction rather than his acting talent or anything I've heard about him. Doesn't make him any easier for me to tolerate onscreen though.


I think I initially had a similar reaction to Shia Leboeuf when I first saw him in Constantine, but he's since gifted me with an overabundance of more valid reasons to loathe him.

I don't think that really disproves what Snowprince was saying, though. Regardless of whether men or women are in power behind the scenes, that doesn't alter the fact that in this thread I've seen Julia Roberts being called horse-faced. And I doubt the nickname 'Sarah Jessica Seabiscuit' was invented by some movie director. However much of a horror Roberts might be to work with, Christian Bale with his public meltdowns and Daniel Day-Lewis with his delicate artiste soul are probably just as horrific to have to interact with when things aren't going to their satisfaction. I like Bale's acting, and objectively I think Lewis is talented even if I also think he needs to stop wearing his anus as a neck-warmer ( someone else re Oprah Winfrey) but I wouldn't want to hang out with either of them and I notice their looks don't get dissed when their 'tudes are being discussed. So the question is, why does it manifest differently?

Because physical beauty is one of the standards women are judged by.  I can't say my experience is universal, but I've observed that men tend to judge other men by accomplishments, performance, and/or certain material possessions. And that's how "haters" will commonly attempt to tear a male down.  So it doesn't baffle me that men go for the jugular in that way.  That's what I meant that the intent is the same.  It's all malice to me.      

Women are socialized by this as much as men are, so I don't understand why women are held to some different standard on this.  Feminism doesn't preclude being mean, never has.  I feel, sometimes, women aren't allowed to be human, and all that entails.  Picking apart a woman's looks can be part of that, and in most settings, women can get away with expressing that in a way men can't or don't (which is fair, just making an observation).  Doesn't mean men don't do it.  IMO, there's an implication that if women criticize other women over their looks, they're somehow MORE cruel (than men).  Not buying it. Not because women can't be cruel, that's part of humanity, but that it's somehow inherent or steeped in womanhood.  And like I stated upthread, we don't know for sure WHO is behind the keyboard. 

Anyway, I don't think anyone has to defend why they dislike an actor or actress.  Short of stalking, invading their right to privacy, and/or seeking harm towards someone, I just don't think it's a big deal if an average moviegoer doesn't like someone, no matter how superficial the reason.  I've heard about this massive hate for actresses like Anne Hathaway, and I can only assume I missed the tidal wave because I don't generally read industry media.  And I know that women are much more highly scrutinized than men are, but I don't think that's only from other women.  In addition, it feels like these opinions are taken personally, when very few of us have any sort of actual relationship with these people. *shrugs*
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Anyway, I don't think anyone has to defend why they dislike an actor or actress.  Short of stalking, invading their right to privacy, and/or seeking harm towards someone, I just don't think it's a big deal if an average moviegoer doesn't like someone, no matter how superficial the reason.

Thank you for this.  It needed to be said.  I thought that was what this thread was for.

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ribboninthesky1  I think you are spot on in your assessment in regards to gender.  But I would also throw in that some actresses (ie. Roberts imo) who deliberately cultivate that aspect of being judged.  Once they have been deemed "pretty" by the masses, they don't do much to go past that.  So their looks are the metric that are used thanks to both sides of the issue as it were.


This is true for males as well.  In fact I think it might be more prevalent among males.  I think the likes of Clooney, Pitt, Cruise and more than my fingers care to type of actors who are A- list and flavors of the month, year decade love to drape themselves in false modesty even as they make sure they can preen and posture and get a tongue bath about how hot and handsome they are.  And get the ego stroked even more for being such a regular guy despite those cheekbones and hair and teeth.


My problem is that while I grew up loving movies I find now they are just too flat.  Too many are cobbled together to achieve a certain goal over simply telling a great story via cameras and performances.  To the point that I find way too many popular beloved actors are more performers,  Even those with plenty of Oscar noms to  their nom (sorry).


Being a good performer is not a bad thing.    A good performer can entertain and even enthrall.  But a good performer is not a good actor.  Meryl Streep at the top of her game is an incredibly good actor.  George Clooeny is always a performer.  Sometimes good.  Sometimes so self-derivative it is painful to watch.  I have enjoyed many of his films.  But I see Doug Ross in all his roles.  Heck even watching the old repeats of Roseanne on Nick at Night and Booker is nothing but the beta test of Doug Ross in perpetuum.  Which like I said, can work.  Even in a bland weak Ocean's Eleven (Doug Ross fails medical school and turns to crime) or in Gravity in a nice counterpoint role (Doug Ross enters the Air Force and goes to space).


I guess I am just too contrary and have a twitchy anus.  Try blowing smoke up it with this so called Oscar worthy actor and all I have is irritation both intellectual and physical.

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I guess I am just too contrary and have a twitchy anus.  Try blowing smoke up it with this so called Oscar worthy actor and all I have is irritation both intellectual and physical.

Well said. I guess don't mind him as an actor because whenever I watch a George Clooney movie, I've already accepted that whatever character he plays is going to be some variation of George Clooney himself. Charming, witty, a bit immature, but always the good guy--even if he's playing a criminal. Not to mention that Clooney is very easy on the eyes.


He's my male version of Sandra Bullock, whose best movies all feature pretty much the same character: funny, self-deprecating, likeable, pretty but "unrefined," and usually smart/clever/resourceful. I never get tired of seeing this character. On the other hand, I haven't enjoyed her performances where she departs from this formula (The Blind Side, The Proposal, 28 days, Forces of Nature). To clarify, Sandra Bullock wasn't horrible in those roles, but she seemed miscast.

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To me, this is the kind of thing that can be applied to actors going back to the golden age of Hollywood and beyond. I mean, was Cary Grant ever anyone other than Cary Grant? Or Clark Gable or Audrey Hepburn, Grace Kelly, Robert Redford, whoever.


There are movie stars and then there character actors. The movie stars can never really disappear into roles the way the chameleons can. I figure their appeal is that people just like seeing them.

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There are movie stars and then there character actors. The movie stars can never really disappear into roles the way the chameleons can. I figure their appeal is that people just like seeing them.

George Clooney said exactly this in an interview with Charlie Rose: he compared himself to Spencer Tracy in that you always knew you would get Spencer in a role and ended the interview by saying he was a good actor within a limited range. I like people who understand their limitations.

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Wow......tough room.  I think just about everyone has been covered.


That's why I like this forum. We can talk freely about those actors that affect us in a visceral way (negatively), and no one is supposed to judge us by saying that an actor "is one of the finest actors/actress of our generation, blah, blah, blah."


Speaking of which, I don't truly hate any actors, but these come close:


Samuel L. Jackson: I liked him as the crack-addicted son in Jungle Fever and the IT guy in Jurassic Park, and I used to like his portrayal of Jules in Pulp Fiction. But that's until I realized that he always plays some variation of Jules---BOOMING voice (even when he's whispering), bug-eyed indignation (I know SLJ has naturally big eyes, but he BUGS them out whenever he feels that righteous indignation), and some indescribable "slick" quality that makes him seem cold.


Christian Bale: He played villains in his first two big movies (American Psycho and Shaft), and it's hard for me to move past my image of him as a bad guy. Even in the Batman movies, I can't shake the feeling that there's an evil person lurking in there somewhere. It has nothing to do with his acting--I think he's very talented. But I just can't accept him as a hero.


Zoe Saldana: I should like her. Being a woman of color in Hollywood is tough, and Zoe hustles and manages to get work on a consistent basis. But something about her acting screams, "I'm so hot, I'm so sexy, I'm such the It girl right now."





If we can extend this to pro wrestlers, there's something about Randy Orton's face I just can't stand. He's a perfectly good performer, I just hate seeing him in closeup.

I didn't know how he looked, so I Googled him. You're right, Joe. I saw at least 20 photos of Randy Orton, and in every one, he's giving "a look." Even candid pictures from inside the ring when he's not facing the camera. He's not a bad-looking dude, but his constant posing makes him seem cartoonish--to me, at least.

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I have a very irrational dislike of Shailene Woodley, and I'm not even entirely sure why. I think it's all the Divergent hype (read the book, thought it was stupid and didn't make any sense, and the fact that I kept hearing everywhere that it was so much better than The Hunger Games etc) and the fact that she was suddenly everywhere. I kind of like book The Fault In Our Stars, but seeing her in it just puts me right off.


I'd probably feel similar about Theo James but I really liked him in Bedlam, so he has some good will from me, but even he can't make me watch the movie

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I LOVED the movie Descendants and didn't notice her that much other than she was good in her role.  Since then, oh boy.  She is young and in that stage where you can be very pretentious and "cool" in counter culture thinking.  She will grow out of that but until she does, count me out. 


I hated The Descendants, and I thought Woodley gave maybe the only good performance in that thing. I like Clooney well enough, but found his performance mannered and self-indulgent. The bigger problem was the script, since I don't believe that actual human beings behave like the characters in the movie.


Speaking of mannered and self-indulgent, I don't know if I care enough about Nicolas Cage to muster up hatred for him, but I think he's lazy and self-regarding as an actor. Leaving Las Vegas is another movie I think completely undeserving of the praise heaped on it.  Cage doing his thing in it didn't help.


Steve Carrell.  I couldn't stand him in The Office, and the only movie I ever liked him in was Little Miss Sunshine.  Otherwise, I avoid him like the plague.

Are you sure it's not just the character Michael Scott, who can be very annoying. He was one of my favorites on The Daily Show and I like him in Little Miss Sunshine, The 40 Year Old Virgin, Crazy Stupid Love.


I just saw The Quiet Man again recently I know some people hate John Wayne for things like politics or his limited range but I like him in certain things. Barry Fitzgerald, however I can't stand. Hate that leprecaun accent. I mean everybody in that movie sounds like an Irish Spring commercial but he's the worst. I like the Irish accent when other people speak it Liam Neeson, Luna from Harry Potter...etc.


I now realize what actually annoys me most is when people do a fake Irish accent, like I'm watching an old rerun of Bonanza and somebody busts one out and it's like nails on a blackboard! And even though Fitzgerald's accent is real it sounds so fake. All those actors(like "Finnigan" in an old Star Trek episode) were probably imitating him!

Edited by VCRTracking
Are you sure it's not just the character Michael Scott, who can be very annoying. He was one of my favorites on The Daily Show and I like him in Little Miss Sunshine, The 40 Year Old Virgin, Crazy Stupid Love.

I guess you're right, it's Michael Scott.  However, I have seen Steve Carrell in those other two movies and I still don't find him funny.  I didn't hate him like I did Michael Scott, but...

Ellen Pompeo and Renee Zellweger - both for the same very shallow reason.  Chipmunk cheeks, squinty eyes and annoying voices.  They are probably perfectly lovely women in real life, but I can't watch them on the big screen or the small screen.


I'm too lazy to go to imdb to check, but I have seen early performances by both women and their eyes do NOT have that squinty eyed ridiculousness.  What happened?  Did they both have botched eye jobs?  Cheek implants?  Developed allergies to their bowels after repeatedly climbing up their own ass?  Inquiring minds want to know!

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She was fantastic in Introducing Dorothy Dandridge, but I maintain that (like Kirsten Dunst) she burned up her entire lifetime supply of acting talent in one great performance and had nothing left to use in any of her subsequent projects.


I firmly believe that's a thing. That a shite actor/actress can have a fluke and turn out one good performance. 

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I'm not sure about Pompeo but Zellweger definitely had some work done to her face after Jerry Maguire. Her natural face shape includes a little squinty eyed but, for some reason, she had a procedure that enhanced it and now she is so severely squint eyed that it looks like she suffers from major sight degeneration. She also had her lips done, resulting in that perma-pout that is so popular with reality stars.

Okay I'm gonna kick it old school and propose that the following be banned from TCM:

Sandy Dennis- No acting whiner should have never been allowed on the same soundstage as Liz Taylor & Richard Burton

Alan Ladd-what genius thought this giant pussy belonged in westerns?

Angela Lansbury-just annoying every time she breathes

Leslie Howard-another giant pussy. Really Scarlett? You dog after Leslie for 4 goddam hours, when Clark Gable is right there???

I firmly believe that's a thing. That a shite actor/actress can have a fluke and turn out one good performance. 


I think most decent actors, when matched to the right role and director, can turn out something truly special. I think with Introducing Dorothy Dandridge, Halle had that moment. She's had other good performances and some very bad ones, but having a little talent can be enough when the other factors line up. 


When you look at some very weak actors (ex. Taylor Lautner), they're probably never going to have a moment like that and the very strong ones (ex. Tilda Swinton) are able to adapt to different roles and directors to create moments again and again. Plus you get the smart actors. They're not as talented as the best but they realize what roles work for them, or who inspires their best performances and take advantage of that to produce great things despite their limitations. (Leonardo DiCaprio fits here.)


Halle's problem is really two problems and only one is really her fault. She doesn't know how to best present herself and doesn't see what roles fit her range. That being said, the larger problem is Hollywood offering her every role out there for a Black woman because she's the only Black woman they consider bankable. And when she already doesn't know how to pick roles, having things offered to her because of how she looks and not how she acts only increases the chance for her to go wrong.


I'm not sure about Pompeo but Zellweger definitely had some work done to her face after Jerry Maguire. Her natural face shape includes a little squinty eyed but, for some reason, she had a procedure that enhanced it and now she is so severely squint eyed that it looks like she suffers from major sight degeneration. She also had her lips done, resulting in that perma-pout that is so popular with reality stars.


Check out new pictures of her. She's had her eyes done again to open them up. She's unrecognizable. Its like looking at Jennifer Grey. Like, who is that?

She was fantastic in Introducing Dorothy Dandridge, but I maintain that (like Kirsten Dunst) she burned up her entire lifetime supply of acting talent in one great performance and had nothing left to use in any of her subsequent projects.

Agreed. She was also fantastic in Alex Haley's Queen. She seems to do her best work on TV (though she was hit or miss in the show Extant). Or maybe the reason why she did so well with the IDD and Queen was because the material was so relatable to her background.

An actress I can't stand, Tea Leoni. I think she's a terrible actress. Every role I've seen her in, it was as if she was just reading off a piece of paper, no passion, emotion, charisma whatsoever. She is annoying to watch. For the life of me I can't understand why she gets any roles.

The same goes for Channing Tatum. He's has a great body and from what I've read is the nicest guy ever, but he cannot act to save his life. I can't stand to watch him and feels he sucks the life out of all the movies he's in.

Edited by Enero

Agreed. She was also fantastic in Alex Haley's Queen. She seems to do her best work on TV (though she was hit or miss in the show Extant). Or maybe the reason why she did so well with the IDD and Queen was because the material was so relatable to her background.

An actress I can't stand, Tea Leoni. I think she's a terrible actress. Every role I've seen her in, it was as if she was just reading off a piece of paper, no passion, emotion, charisma whatsoever. She is annoying to watch. For the life of me I can't understand why she gets any roles.

The same goes for Channing Tatum. He's has a great body and from what I've read is the nicest guy ever, but he cannot act to save his life. I can't stand to watch him and feels he sucks the life out of all the movies he's in.

I really love him in the 21JS movies. He has great comedy timing. Now he's receiving Oscar buzz for his upcoming role in Foxcatcher.

I have a few but at top of my list now is Lena Dunham! I am also a slightly overweight, always the bridesmaid type of gal too. Because of that, people seem to think that I should like (worship) Dunham. I thought she was fine when Girls first came out. I think she is now just overbearing. 

Edited by Enigma X
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Britt Robertson! I wish Hollywood would stop giving her lead roles because I've hated her in everything I've seen. Y'all can't imagine how annoyed I am that she's in Tomorrowland; Tomorrowland is my favorite Disney theme park area, and I'm a sucker for that retro future aesthetic, so this movie should be right up my alley. But with Britt and George Clooney, it's like Disney's going for a compendium of actors I can't stand. Woe. 

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Vince Vaughn is someone I try to avoid now. Plays the same character in everything and usually whatever he's in is also awful, so works out well to avoid him in general.

Ooh, yes, totally. Avoid, avoid, avoid! Although, I kinda liked his Norman Bates, funnily enough *dodges thrown rocks*

This, of course, reminded me of his partner Owen Wilson. I can't stand him, his face, his roles. Luke, however, can get it.

The Hangover ruined Zach Galifinikisadisisis (or however you spell it), Ed Helm and Bradley Cooper for me. I can go back and enjoy Bradley in old stuff, like Alias and Wet Hot American Summer, because I used to really like him. But since The Hangover I just can't with his new roles. His oscar nominations causes an error in my brain place.

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Kim Raver.  It's to the point that I actually get angry when I find out she's been cast in something new.  As far as I know, she's never done anything to anyone, but just the sight of her face annoys the hell out of me.  


John Cusack's already been mentioned, but I had to bring him up again.  I hated his character in "Say Anything", which I first saw when I was very young, and that dislike has endured to this day.  


Ben Affleck and Matt Damon -- just a no all around.


Joseph Gordon-Levitt -- At some point in the past few years, he became completely unbearable to me.

Edited by Rina99

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