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Actors You Just Can't Stand

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17 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

I was just watching The Hobbit and I'm always astounded thinking of Sean Connery turning down the role of Gandalf because he didn't understand it. They offered him $10 million per picture and 15% of the net. I don't understand how he couldn't understand the part. It's not that complicated. And if he found it complicated, he could talked to Peter Jackson, done some research online, picked up the books, listened to any of the many BBC radio plays, or put even the slightest effort into trying to understand the property that was being adapted. I've always found him to be a really lazy actor when he's just taking a paycheck. There is no light behind his eyes in those roles.

Anyone ever offered Sean Connery the role of Gandalf?  Whaaaaaaaa                                                   t?

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1 hour ago, dusang said:

Anyone ever offered Sean Connery the role of Gandalf?  Whaaaaaaaa                                                   t?




He would have been terrible.

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Good God! James Bond in Middle Earth. That would have been awful. I think lazy describes Connery's acting in his later years pretty accurately. Although I never really liked him. That includes his Bond. Too slimy. 

Just the small clip in the express article shows how good Ian McKellen is. The small flicker of fear in his eyes when the last door shuts on him. He knows he has no chance against Saruman. I can't imagine what Peter Jackson was thinking.

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2 hours ago, supposebly said:

Good God! James Bond in Middle Earth. That would have been awful. I think lazy describes Connery's acting in his later years pretty accurately. Although I never really liked him. That includes his Bond. Too slimy. 

Just the small clip in the express article shows how good Ian McKellen is. The small flicker of fear in his eyes when the last door shuts on him. He knows he has no chance against Saruman. I can't imagine what Peter Jackson was thinking.

I've never really liked him either even when I can admit he was pretty good in a particular role. Slimy is a good description of what I find unpleasant about him.

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On 9/4/2017 at 5:08 PM, HunterHunted said:

One of my biggest issues with her is that David O. Russell insists on casting her in roles where she is solidly 10 to 20 years too young for. In Joy, a 25 year old Lawrence was playing a divorced 35 year old mother of 3. Really?!?!? I get that Russell likes to use some of the same people over again (Mark Wahlberg, Jennifer Lawrence, Bradley Cooper, Robert De Niro, Christian Bale and Amy Adams), but try to cast appropriately. I find it curious that he's not casting inappropriately for any of the other actors he likes to use, just Lawrence. The woman who was the basis for her character in American Hustle was in her forties. Her character was written like a woman in her late 30s to 40s, but played by a 22 year old.

Scarlett Johansson who when she has to do serious or dramatic goes flat affect. She doesn't have the subtlety to do interesting performances in drama. I've been calling her "the thinking man's Carmen Electra." She mostly picks roles in "smart" films, but she's hot not good. She's better in the Marvel movies, but those allow her to do some comedy, which she's surprisingly better at.


Previously, this was Keira Knightly. I remember thinking to myself, "Wait, Keira was 18 years old when she did Love Actually and had these two 30-something guys fighting over her." If you're in that late teen/early 20's age range and you're not only doing teen movies exclusively, you're pretty much playing the love interest to men in their 30's or beyond.

I like Scarlett but pretty much the only dramatic role I liked her in was Lost In Translation, because her flat affect really worked for the character. I hated her performance in American Rhapsody, where she played a troubled teen girl who spent the first few years of her childhood living with a couple in Hungary after getting left behind by her parents who fled to America, who then take her back to live with them there when she's 7. It was a really interesting role and character history to play, and she just couldn't do it. She didn't do angsty, angry, maladjusted teenager well because she gives off such a flat effect. Her comedy roles are much better.

Is it wrong that I'm glad Bella Thorne's career seems to be stagnating in B-movies straight to Netflix or t.v. shows no one watches? I have had this irrational hatred for her since I was forced to watch Shake It Up with my niece. I couldn't stand that character, and Bella just seems to be stuck on perma-bitchface slathered in about a ton of make-up. She reminds me of pre-crack Lindsey Lohan, only without the charm to balance out the bitchiness. On the other hand, I'm glad that Zendaya has snagged herself a pretty plum role in the Marvel universe. That's going to keep her busy for the next 5 years or so.

Edited by methodwriter85
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10 hours ago, proserpina65 said:

I like Sean Connery in some things (he is the best Bond, imo) and not in others, but he would've been terrible as Gandalf.

Sean is my old man crush, but I agree that he would have sucked as Gandalf.

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On 9/8/2017 at 0:12 AM, methodwriter85 said:

reer seems to be stagnating in B-movies straight to Netflix or t.v. shows no one watches? I have had this irrational hatred for her since I was forced to watch Shake It Up with my niece. I couldn't stand that character, and Bella just seems to be stuck on perma-bitchface slathered in about a ton of make-up. She reminds me of pre-crack Lindsey Lohan, only without the charm to balance out the bitchiness. 

She is a favorite target at Dlisted. Her more...questionable fashion choices keep the snark coming there for sure. 

Edited by UYI
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  1. Russell Crowe
  2. Mel Gibson
  3. Nicolas Cage
  4. Channing Tatum
  5. Will Smith
  6. Katherine Heigl
  7. Vin Diesel 
  8. Drew Barrymore.
  9. Miley Cyrus 
  10. Kevin Costner
  11. Charlie Sheen
  12. Kristen Stewart 

Some of these guys started off okay in their acting careers, but then let their egos get the better of them; while the others simply don't have any talent at all other than to kick people into thinking they could actually act!

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5 minutes ago, Zola said:
  1. Russell Crowe
  2. Mel Gibson
  3. Nicolas Cage
  4. Channing Tatum
  5. Will Smith
  6. Katherine Heigl
  7. Vin Diesel 
  8. Drew Barrymore.
  9. Miley Cyrus 
  10. Kevin Costner
  11. Charlie Sheen
  12. Kristen Stewart 

Some of these guys started off okay in their acting careers, but then let their egos get the better of them; while the others simply don't have any talent at all other than to kick people into thinking they could actually act!

Wow! I might add to but would not change one name on your list.

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I don't care much for Jennifer Lawrence and its funny how that's not even an un popular opinion anymore.

Never saw the appeal of Channing Tatum. I hope that Gambit movie never happens.

I liked Johnny Depp long ago but no more.

Mel Gibson I rooted for you to end up with Michelle Pfeiffer in Tequila Sunrise now I cant even look at him.

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4 hours ago, Zola said:

Kevin Costner

I've heard some stories indicating he's a good guy, and I like the passion he had for getting Dances With Wolves made (including putting up some of his own money, the ultimate dedication in Hollywood), so I want to like him, but something about his acting has always bugged me, whatever role he's playing.  The movies of his I watch are few, and it's always in spite of him, and because of his co-stars or the story.

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On 9/8/2017 at 0:50 AM, AntiBeeSpray said:

Beyonce -- cannot stand her, she gets on my nerves

I'm just glad people have basically stopped trying to make her happen as an movie actress. It's not going to happen. She's fine as a music performer but her acting is serviceable at best, absolutely terrible at worst. She seems like she choose motherhood and her music career over trying to stay in the ring for acting...definitely the right call.

Channing Tatum reminds me of the Kevin Costner of now. In the sense that he's a nice guy everybody likes, and he can be really good in a certain range, but eventually he starts stumbling when he tries going beyond it.

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7 hours ago, Bastet said:

I've heard some stories indicating he's a good guy, and I like the passion he had for getting Dances With Wolves made (including putting up some of his own money, the ultimate dedication in Hollywood), so I want to like him, but something about his acting has always bugged me, whatever role he's playing.  The movies of his I watch are few, and it's always in spite of him, and because of his co-stars or the story.

I think that's the same issue I have of him - perceived or otherwise.

He was pretty decent in films like "JFK", "DWW" and "The Untouchables". But as his fame grew so too did his ego, and began getting quite uppity about his latter films, especially "Robin Hood:Prince of Thieves".

Apparently he became a tad pissed off at Alan Rickman's Sheriff of Nottingham's role dominating the film. And so he insisted the screen time of the role be cut right back, just so that audiences realised who the lead man was!

And I don't think he's done a decent film since.

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3 hours ago, Zola said:

And I don't think he's done a decent film since.

Not even Tin Cup?

Channing Tatum seems like a decent dude, but there's a reason his most successful roles have him playing dancers and/or meatheads.

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I liked Kevin Costner best in Silverado and maybe Bull Durham, when he seemed to still be having fun and enjoying what he was doing.  He got a little too self-righteous after Dances With Wolves (though I did like that movie a lot).

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I like Channing Tatum but I do hope that he doesn't go the route of Chris Pratt and start taking himself too seriously.  Like Chris Pratt, I just do not see him as a serious actor or action hero.  I agree that Channing is at his best playing dancers and meatheads in comedy roles, and he should stick to that.  

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@Zola, I think Miley agreed with you, because as she grew into an adult she seems to have given up acting entirely and focused solely on her music (where I actually do think she's talented--I love her voice).

And Kevin Costner may not be the best actor, but whatever charm he has is displayed to full effect in Field of Dreams (along with his tight ass in a good pair of jeans...sorry, got distracted for a second). 

I would never compare him looks wise to Channing Tatum, though, ever. Channing Tatum is the living embodiment of the duh face. HARD pass. 

Edited by UYI
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Kevin Costner's face is what I would call "real handsome". Like he's the handsome next-door neighbor in your subdivision. He kind of filled the "Everyman" quotient back in the late 80's/early 90's, the salt-of-the-Earth All-American good guy somewhere between youth and old.

Channing Tatum is what I consider the nice jock guy that you liked even though he wasn't the most handsome, because his bod and his charisma made up for his lack of real looks.

I do think both of them lucked out in that they came along with the right vibe/look at exactly the right time, although it sounds like Channing doesn't have the ego trips that Costner does. The only person he had any kind of bad blood with was Alex Pettyfer, and everybody seems to hate him. How Alex Pettyfer hasn't run back to England with his tail in between his legs I'll never know.

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James Woods has always emitted  creep  vibes on screen to me so the latest allegations don't surprise me! And, on a shallow note, I've never understood the appeal of someone who looks like a hotheaded flounder- even during his own youth.

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6 hours ago, Blergh said:

James Woods has always emitted  creep  vibes on screen to me so the latest allegations don't surprise me! And, on a shallow note, I've never understood the appeal of someone who looks like a hotheaded flounder- even during his own youth.

Sean Young once said she wished the rumor that she super glued James Woods' penis to his leg during the filming of The Boost was true. She may be bat shit insane, but that's one thing I'll always love her for. 

Edited by UYI
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On 9/7/2017 at 11:50 PM, AntiBeeSpray said:

Beyonce -- cannot stand her, she gets on my nerves

On 9/9/2017 at 11:47 PM, methodwriter85 said:

I'm just glad people have basically stopped trying to make her happen as an movie actress. It's not going to happen. She's fine as a music performer but her acting is serviceable at best, absolutely terrible at worst. She seems like she choose motherhood and her music career over trying to stay in the ring for acting...definitely the right call.


She's not emotive and worse she can't enunciate. People with accents can become successful actors, but she's a mush mouth.

On 9/10/2017 at 7:32 AM, starri said:

Channing Tatum seems like a decent dude, but there's a reason his most successful roles have him playing dancers and/or meatheads.

On 9/10/2017 at 8:01 PM, methodwriter85 said:

Channing Tatum is what I consider the nice jock guy that you liked even though he wasn't the most handsome, because his bod and his charisma made up for his lack of real looks.


His facial features are too small for his face. For the longest time, I could not understand why he had a career, but then I saw Haywire and Magic Mike. He's physically very gifted. I don't think he plays to his dance strengths enough. He's done these big dumb action movies when he should only be in an action movie by an auteur (George Miller) or the guys who did John Wick and Atomic Blonde. But if he can't work with someone like that, then he should stick to comedy.

On 9/10/2017 at 8:01 PM, methodwriter85 said:

The only person he had any kind of bad blood with was Alex Pettyfer, and everybody seems to hate him. How Alex Pettyfer hasn't run back to England with his tail in between his legs I'll never know.

That Alex Pettyfer is still haunting Hollywood is astounding to me. He has a series of underwhelming films, douchey interviews, a douchey "Thank you" tattoo on his crotch, a reputation for being problematic, a feud with Channing Tatum, and rumors that he abused Dianna Agron. Why is anyone hiring this dude?

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1 hour ago, HunterHunted said:

That Alex Pettyfer is still haunting Hollywood is astounding to me. He has a series of underwhelming films, douchey interviews, a douchey "Thank you" tattoo on his crotch,

Really? I find that I can't decide if I hate this move or love it. On the one hand, it's kind of polite. On the other, it's either deeply overconfident or, worse, just confident enough.

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And I don't think he's done a decent film since.

Costner did star in 'Thirteen Days', a movie about the Cuban missile crisis. It was quite good. He obviously couldn't play either of the Kennedy brothers (no resemblance) but he played an aide. That role was inflated till it seemed like the Costner character was a third Kennedy.

Edited by shang yiet
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2 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

Alex Pettyfer is still haunting Hollywood is astounding to me. He has a series of underwhelming films, douchey interviews, a douchey "Thank you" tattoo on his crotch,

Could be worse.  Imagine if the tattoo said "you're welcome."

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2 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

That Alex Pettyfer is still haunting Hollywood is astounding to me. He has a series of underwhelming films, douchey interviews, a douchey "Thank you" tattoo on his crotch

1 hour ago, Joe said:

Really? I find that I can't decide if I hate this move or love it. On the one hand, it's kind of polite. On the other, it's either deeply overconfident or, worse, just confident enough.


2 minutes ago, scriggle said:

Could be worse.  Imagine if the tattoo said "you're welcome."


Yes, I suppose it could be much worse.

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5 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

She's not emotive and worse she can't enunciate. People with accents can become successful actors, but she's a mush mouth.

His facial features are too small for his face. For the longest time, I could not understand why he had a career, but then I saw Haywire and Magic Mike. He's physically very gifted. I don't think he plays to his dance strengths enough. He's done these big dumb action movies when he should only be in an action movie by an auteur (George Miller) or the guys who did John Wick and Atomic Blonde. But if he can't work with someone like that, then he should stick to comedy.

That Alex Pettyfer is still haunting Hollywood is astounding to me. He has a series of underwhelming films, douchey interviews, a douchey "Thank you" tattoo on his crotch, a reputation for being problematic, a feud with Channing Tatum, and rumors that he abused Dianna Agron. Why is anyone hiring this dude?

Yeah. She is a good music performer, but her face itself isn't emotive. I checked her IMDB, and her last live-action feature film role was all the way back in 2009 with Obsessed. I guess she decided it wasn't worth it? The only thing she did after that was her documentary and an animated movie. She was long attached to a remake of A Star Is Born, which Lady Gaga is doing instead. And with her starting to knock on the door of 40, Hollywood probably isn't as interested as they were back in the 2000's. I'm still kind of surprised she hasn't made some Tyler Perry movie as a strong black woman who escapes her abusive husband and rebuilds her life with the help of Madea and poor but handsome gardener who looks like Shemar Moore.

You're right, Channing Tatum needs an action movie that plays up his physicality, something like Atomic Blonde.

And yeah. Alex is hot and that seems like about the only thing he has going for him. I don't know how he's still getting parts.

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10 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

People with accents can become successful actors, but she's a mush mouth.


Are they ever going to get off the pot with Channing Tatum's Gambit movie?  He has the new Kingsman movie coming out next week, and he's listed as starring in the Van Helsing remake.

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This year, I realized that I can't stand Jennifer Lawrence. I didn't really have any feelings about her one way or the other, but over the last couple of years, I've come to view her as overrated. Her performances in Silver Linings Playbook and American Hustle were particularly awful, IMO.

Edited by Gillian Rosh
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1 hour ago, Silver Raven said:


Are they ever going to get off the pot with Channing Tatum's Gambit movie?  He has the new Kingsman movie coming out next week, and he's listed as starring in the Van Helsing remake.

Yep, accent. Beyoncé has an Houstonian AAVE accent.

I don't think Gambit is ever going to happen. While the X- men in general and Wolverine are commercial draws, individual mutants have yet to prove popular enough to support a film. The Wolverine subfranchise only proves how popular the character is. The films were barely successful enough to justify continuation and managed to scuttle a bunch of other Origins films. Logan was the first Wolverine film to be critically successful. It along with Deadpool proves that if you have a team that really understands the character, you can successfully create a film worth seeing. So far no one has put together a film treatment of Gambit that seems to be worth a damn. One of the biggest problems with him is that for the first part of his character's biography, he was kind of a dirtbag. His background is really similar to Starlord, Peter Quill. Gambit was kidnapped as baby, raised by the Thieves Guild, and worked for Mr. Sinister. The other issue is that unlike Deadpool or Wolverine, his solo adventures are a lot harder to separate from the X-Men.

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On 8/12/2014 at 9:35 AM, annzeepark914 said:

Another mouthbreather is John Cusack.  Is there a reason for these actors keeping their mouths open when not speaking?  Sinus issues, maybe? or do they think it's sexy?


Just discovered this little gem while browsing:  http://www.zergnet.com/news/172847/20-worst-actors-in-hollywood

Do NOT go to that "little gem" - it's a scam page designed to get you to make the maximum number of clicks and get the most info about you. Notice that for each "page" you have to click twice to get the description. It is a too common web scam. 

An actress I can barely stand to look at because of her distorted, unreal face is Jennifer Westfeldt. She was actually pretty before all the procedures. Not too fond of her fake breathy baby voice either.

Edited by JJaniero
clicked save by mistake before I was finished
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On 9/10/2017 at 0:47 AM, methodwriter85 said:

I'm just glad people have basically stopped trying to make her happen as an movie actress. It's not going to happen. She's fine as a music performer but her acting is serviceable at best, absolutely terrible at worst.

I thought Beyoncé was entertaining in 'Austin Powers in GoldMember,' and I liked her dramatic turn as Etta James in 'Cadillac Records.' But I totally agree with you otherwise.  

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45 minutes ago, topanga said:

I thought Beyoncé was entertaining in 'Austin Powers in GoldMember,' and I liked her dramatic turn as Etta James in 'Cadillac Records.' But I totally agree with you otherwise.  

She was hilarious as foxy cleopatra. Off GP, I couldn't deal with her as Etta. 

I love Obsessed, while acknowledging that it's awful and so is she in the movie. But I'll never get over the attic fight in 5 inch heels.

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On 8/4/2014 at 9:15 PM, RubyWoo72 said:

Jonah Hill

Megan Good

Jada Pinkett and her son

Shia LeBouf

Megan Fox

Eddie Murphy

Zoe Saldana

Scarlett Johansson

No logic to any of these, really. They just bug me. Maybe in the way their mouths shape their words, or the arch of their eyebrows, or the inability to actually emote on screen. Maybe all of the above.

I agree with you apart from Scarlett Johansson because she has really nice big, round and beautiful eyes.

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On 9/10/2017 at 4:49 AM, Zola said:

And I don't think he's done a decent film since.

Zola, check out Open Range.  If you have Showtime, it's running quite a bit this month.  Maybe it won't change your mind about Costner but I think it's a great movie with superb talent. (Robert Duvall and Annette Benning join him in the cast.) It's one of those movies that I stop to watch no matter how many times I've seen it.

Tops of my hate list:  Angelina Jolie.  

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17 hours ago, Watermelon said:

I love Obsessed, while acknowledging that it's awful and so is she in the movie. But I'll never get over the attic fight in 5 inch heels.

Oh I loved that fight!  I think that she and Ali Larter had a great laugh after they did that fight.   

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I didn't think there were that many...until I really started thinking about it:

Felicia Day

Ben Foster

Terrence Howard

Amy Poehler

Jonah Hill

Emma Stone

Natalie Portman

Kristin Chenoweth

Leslie Mann

Seth Rogan

Jennifer Lawrence

Kevin Kline

Adam Scott

Jane Lynch

Dominic Monaghan

Kumail Nanjiani

Thomas Middleditch

T.J. Miller

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23 minutes ago, WritinMan said:

I didn't think there were that many...until I really started thinking about it:

Felicia Day

Ben Foster

Terrence Howard

Amy Poehler

Jonah Hill

Emma Stone

Natalie Portman

Kristin Chenoweth

Leslie Mann

Seth Rogan

Jennifer Lawrence

Kevin Kline

Adam Scott

Jane Lynch

Dominic Monaghan

Kumail Nanjiani

Thomas Middleditch

T.J. Miller

Interesting list...more than the usual Julia Roberts and Tim Cruise. 

Im curious: why don't you like 

  • Adam Scott 
  • Kumail Nanjiani
  • T.J. Miller?
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On ‎09‎/‎30‎/‎2017 at 9:15 PM, WritinMan said:

Kristin Chenoweth

Her presence in a movie or on tv is enough to make me not watch.  It's both her voice and her little girl mannerisms which make her intolerable for me.

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On ‎10‎/‎3‎/‎2017 at 2:35 PM, proserpina65 said:

Kristin Chenoweth

Her presence in a movie or on tv is enough to make me not watch.  It's both her voice and her little girl mannerisms which make her intolerable for me.


That's how I feel about Jennifer Tilly.  So annoying.

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