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The View: Week of 10/11/2021

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18 hours ago, catlover79 said:

That's what they did at the outset - Joy, Meredith, Star and Debbie on the days Barbara was out.

Originally Meredith, Star and Debbie were on every day.  On the days Barbara wasn't there, Joy was there.

Edited by sugarbaker design
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How did Joy not know the Howards were brothers?  Clint has no career outside of his brother’s movies.

Scorp, they are telling stories from their book about their childhood.  All lovely stuff. No scandals there. 

Edited by Haleth
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12 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

I won't be able to watch until after work, so tell me what Opie Richie Ronnie Ron Howard said!

I’m looking forward to watching this tonight too. Downloaded the book this morning!

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I enjoyed Sunny bursting Sara's bubble of delusion that the Republicans wouldn't nuke the filibuster exactly the moment they would have to. They've put a crack in it already when they needed to. That's how they forced the Supreme Court to the extreme right.

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Sherri-I don't think it is a good idea to let everyone know that you keep your 9mm in your nightstand by your bed. Is this locked? I fear for Jefferey. Sherri has not changed. Still telling Jefferey's business. Still making bad decisions and broadcasting them. Every few years she forgets that she has diabetes....Jefferey reminds her....she diets because she needs to stay here for him--repeat.

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I was pleasantly surprised by S.E. Cupp.  She was very nice and explained her views well.  Because of her friendship with MM, I assumed she would be like MM but no she's much more nuanced.  I could live with her being the 5th host, although, Ana will always be favorite.  I just hope they pick someone like S.E. Cupp and not someone screaming their views.  The show is just so much better this year.  As for Sherri, I preferred her on "Everybody Loves Raymond".  She's a bit of an airhead but amusing.  She really shouldn't be broadcasting she has a gun. 


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4 minutes ago, Haleth said:

Yeah, smh about Sherri announcing she has a gun in her nightstand. I hope she keeps it locked. 

Does anyone believe Sherri had any sort of training on how to use a gun?  I can see her blindly shooting into a dark hallway.

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Sherri and her gun - I wonder if she mentioned the nightstand for the sake of making a joke (in the nightstand with her "special toys") rather than it being the actual location. OTOH, I suspect that a number of people don't secure their weapons so they can get them at a moment's notice. The problem, as I think Joy mentioned, is that unsecured weapons can be misused so easily, especially if there is a stressful situation (tie-in with the previous conversation about mental health!). 

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Sherri has been on a couple of shows that I've watched recently.  One is Call Your Mother, which was a stinker of a show, but I liked Sherri in it.  Another is Mr. Iglesias on Netflix, a cute, lighthearted show for all ages, that I laughed out loud a few times.  Gabriel Iglesias plays a high school teacher and Sherri is the principal.

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Quick dating - I agree with Sara and it is the advice I give people - you have to date someone for at least 1 year or 3 major holidays to get a pretty good sense of how they react to things. You'd hate to commit yourself to someone only to find out that they turn into a massive jerk with their family (or yours) at Thanksgiving because they have unresolved issues about holidays.

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Oh man! When did Opie/Richie get so old? That interview was just delightful. I was hoping for some more unknown stories about working with Andy Griffith. And to those that watched that show and Happy Days, Rance Howard, made several guest appearances on both shows.

I laughed at the story he told about how his mom, "cigarette dangling" as she crazily decorated the house for Christmas before Rance and Clint arrived.

They, none of them, did their research. Clint also appeared on The Andy Griffith Show as a lovable cherub dressed as a cowboy who never spoke. Probably because he was like 3 or 4 years old.

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3 hours ago, ifionlyknew said:

I don't mind Sherri on the View when she is being herself but when she slides into that character of oversexed woman panting for a man I'm out.  

Gotta be honest it was like bizarro world with them being complimentary when talking about Kim Kardashian.   I don't care if she was funny on SNL. I don't care if she a successful businesswoman. As far as I'm concerned KK and a bunch of other reality show stars have contributed to the dumbing down of America.    And Whoopi admiring Kris Jenner?  Blech.

During the Sherri clips they showed from her past years on the show they also included one where she told Prince to his face while sitting next to him that she dreamed of making love to him while growing up. He got up from the table and went to walk away. I can't remember now if he returned right away or not. I think that was one of the clips I paid more attention to because he's not around anymore.

I haven't seen today's episode but agree with others that Sherri broadcasting that she has a gun, where she keeps it and etc. was a stupid move. Count me in as someone who wonders if she has had any training on how to use it.

One other thing about Kim K hosting SNL. I didn't watch but just read where one of Nicole Brown's sisters was mad about the OJ jokes that were made Saturday night. One of them mentioned was seeming making light of his physical abuse towards people and him leaving "marks". That whole segment about Kim on Monday basically came across like a paid promotional one.

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1 hour ago, Sped14 said:

I was pleasantly surprised by S.E. Cupp.  She was very nice and explained her views well.  Because of her friendship with MM, I assumed she would be like MM but no she's much more nuanced.  I could live with her being the 5th host, although, Ana will always be favorite.  I just hope they pick someone like S.E. Cupp and not someone screaming their views.  The show is just so much better this year.  As for Sherri, I preferred her on "Everybody Loves Raymond".  She's a bit of an airhead but amusing.  She really shouldn't be broadcasting she has a gun. 


S. E. gets a lot of flack here, but she's always been professional and lovely when I've seen her, polar opposite of Meghan. Matter of fact, I thought she was making fun of Meghan when she said this: 

"For the party, the republican party that makes pornography of patriotism and practically fellates the founding fathers… It is jarring and disorienting to watch them attack America this way!"

On a superficial note, S. E. is beautiful too. Who else looks that pretty in glasses?

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10 minutes ago, RealHousewife said:

S. E. gets a lot of flack here, but she's always been professional and lovely when I've seen her, polar opposite of Meghan

I remember watching her years ago on Bill Maher's Real Time and she didn't bother me.  

13 minutes ago, RealHousewife said:

I thought she was making fun of Meghan when she said this: 

"For the party, the republican party that makes pornography of patriotism and practically fellates the founding fathers… It is jarring and disorienting to watch them attack America this way!"

Sure sounds like her.

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1 hour ago, RealHousewife said:

S. E. gets a lot of flack here, but she's always been professional and lovely when I've seen her, polar opposite of Meghan. Matter of fact, I thought she was making fun of Meghan when she said this: 

"For the party, the republican party that makes pornography of patriotism and practically fellates the founding fathers… It is jarring and disorienting to watch them attack America this way!"

On a superficial note, S. E. is beautiful too. Who else looks that pretty in glasses?

Wow I too am surprised with Cupp.  She’s actually pretty logical.  And Sherri…he’s been I office for 8 months and in the middle of a pandemic with an opposing party that won’t do anything.  Not sure how much ore she expected him to do by now.  

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The cohosts had a political discussion and no tantrums were thrown.  Nobody rolled their eyes. They listened to each other and it was refreshing.  It sounded like five friends discussing current events like you would over brunch.  

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8 minutes ago, Rainyhawk said:

Wow I too am surprised with Cupp.  She’s actually pretty logical.  And Sherri…he’s been I office for 8 months and in the middle of a pandemic with an opposing party that won’t do anything.  Not sure how much ore she expected him to do by now.  

I think the critique from some is that those areas discussed when courting the black vote such as police reform or voting rights are not currently being discussed.   The expectation would be that those topics would also be included in the current bills for infrastructure, climate change, child credits, and Medicare drugs/dental etc.  that is currently being fought over.   Particularly knowing that it will be even harder to pass legislation next year during the mid term election year.   

S.E. Cupp is generally entertaining, specifically during the previous administration.  Prior to that she was more smug and more rigid.  Hopefully her more positive changes are due to gaining maturity.  She at least seems comfortable talking about other issues besides politics.   

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2 hours ago, KittyQ said:

Ron and Clint Howard were delightful! It is so refreshing to hear such sensible and thoughtful brothers talking respectfully about each other. Their parents did something right!

Yeah. Rance made sure Ronnie didn't get away with bratty behavior. One of my favorite stories is when he acted out, Rance disciplined him and then wee Ronnie went running to Andy--who turned and told him his dad was right.  And here's Clint as Leon at the 4:00 mark:


And one of my favorite Opie episodes: "Poor Horatio."😂


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4 hours ago, KittyQ said:

Ron and Clint Howard were delightful! It is so refreshing to hear such sensible and thoughtful brothers talking respectfully about each other. Their parents did something right!

They were!  I really liked them a lot.  They were the epitome of All American.  Just super nice guys.  I bet they could tell stories for days haha.  Ive followed Ron ever since his very first movie he directed and also starred in.  Highway chase movie with girl on the run. Forgot the name. Then he did Splash and everything was golden.  And he's passed everything to Bryce who's also a great actress.  Generational that family. And Clint.  It became a thing, if you're seeing  a Ron flick, the contest was finding Clint in some role. Brotherly love for sure!  💜

4 hours ago, Jaded said:

During the Sherri clips they showed from her past years on the show they also included one where she told Prince to his face while sitting next to him that she dreamed of making love to him while growing up. He got up from the table and went to walk away. I can't remember now if he returned right away or not. I think that was one of the clips I paid more attention to because he's not around anymore.

My take on that was he was pretending saying come on then!  He had his guitar and a woman, he was set haha

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On 10/11/2021 at 3:42 PM, GHScorpiosRule said:

My brain isn’t working. If Sherri is co-hosting all week, and Sippy Cupp is on tomorrow and Wednesday as guest co-host, that makes six. So either Whoopi, Joy, Sara, or Sunny will be out. Do I have that right?

Whoopi will probably be out the rest of the week.  Wonder what she's working on

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8 hours ago, KittyQ said:

You'd hate to commit yourself to someone only to find out that they turn into a massive jerk with their family (or yours) at Thanksgiving because they have unresolved issues about holidays.

You mean like how I get when someone forgets to bring the cranberries?!

Jk 😜, but don't forget them please. 

7 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

On a superficial note, S. E. is beautiful too. Who else looks that pretty in glasses?

Lots of people look pretty in glasses, but she looks pretty in those glasses.

3 hours ago, ForumLou said:

My take on that was he was pretending saying come on then!  He had his guitar and a woman, he was set haha

That's the way I took it too. Like, "I'm ready, let's go."

Sherry was also on an episode or two of Friends playing Ross' coworker at the museum. 

I think she just said her gun was in her nightstand along with her toys in order to set up the joke. "If you break into my room you're either gonna have a happy ending or just an ending." I'm sure gun is in a more secure location. Hopefully. 

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We need a logical panelist on this show.

Whoopi is in her own world, Sunny is just too emotional, Joy is like Meghan McCain only liberal, and Sara is sweet..but almost too hopeful.  And Ana is funny, but a tad judgmental.

Not sure Ms. Cupp is that person, but I'm willing to keep seeing future guest hosts to see one that isn't driven by emotion..and can call out both parties when they're in the wrong.

Tall order I know.

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That is one thing about Sherri I have never liked at all - a joke about a gun in the house with a 16 year old? 

She was scared, now she isn't because she has a gun and the whole world knows about it now and where it is kept.



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Although the hosts were professional, respectful of each other and had a real discussion, five cohosts on at the same time is one too many cohosts. They kept jumping in when I wanted to hear just a bit more from each of them before heading to another commercial.  

I enjoyed seeing Opie & Clint. Rance, Jean & Clint were mostly character actors, while Ronnie was the star once he got the part of Opie.  But he never really wanted to be a star, just a normal boy, then director & producer.

Edited by deirdra
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9 hours ago, ifionlyknew said:

I remember watching her years ago on Bill Maher's Real Time and she didn't bother me.  

9 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

SE was also on MSNBC for a year in 2012-13 

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Sherri said President Biden is a "typewriter president." That he's not on social media.  He is on Twitter. He informs, but he doesn't rant,  so nobody notices.  And he makes speeches.

The problem is that the media will cover if his approval rating slips a few points. (Even though its better than trump's was), or if he stumbles, or if he can't get a bill passed. They don't cover his successes nearly as much as his missteps. And Sherri says he hasn't fulfilled his promises? He's not even a quarter of the way through his term!

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Sherri screwed up big time in my opinion. She used to tell Jeffrey stories when he was little. He's 16, and she's on tv talking about his mental health. Not cool.

Sunny thinks counseling should be available at all colleges. Does she think it isn't?  Colleges have student counseling centers.  Even elementary and high schools in most states have counselors - a social worker,  and the ability to refer kids to low cost community counseling centers.

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9 hours ago, tinkerbell said:

Sunny thinks counseling should be available at all colleges

If  I am not mistaken Sunny was downplaying the need for therapy just last week or the week before. Of course she might have only been talking about herself.  

9 hours ago, tinkerbell said:

Sherri said President Biden is a "typewriter president." That he's not on social media.  He is on Twitter. He informs, but he doesn't rant,  so nobody notices.  And he makes speeches.

I must be old because I miss the days of only hearing from Presidents when they gave a speech or press conference.  

9 hours ago, tinkerbell said:

The problem is that the media will cover if his approval rating slips a few points. (Even though its better than trump's was), or if he stumbles, or if he can't get a bill passed. They don't cover his successes nearly as much as his missteps.

This is true.  The media will highlight even the slightest negative thing while ignoring any positive thing.  They make everything "breaking news" even when it's not.

9 hours ago, tinkerbell said:

And Sherri says he hasn't fulfilled his promises? He's not even a quarter of the way through his term!

A lot of what Biden promised can't be accomplished with just him signing an executive order.  He isn't a king nor does he think he is.

11 hours ago, JAYJAY1979 said:

Whoopi is in her own world,

Have to agree with you on that.

11 hours ago, JAYJAY1979 said:

Sunny is just too emotional,

I don't think she is too emotional.  Sometimes her opinions are based on her emotions which makes her human.

11 hours ago, JAYJAY1979 said:

Joy is like Meghan McCain only liberal,

Not true.  In addition to what @GHScorpiosRule  said Joy isn't afraid to criticize her own party.  She has friends who have different beliefs. She doesn't use inflammatory rhetoric to try to make her point.   She isn't perfect and doesn't pretend to be.

11 hours ago, JAYJAY1979 said:

Sara is sweet..but almost too hopeful.

If Sara wants to be hopeful and look for the bright side of things then good for her.  

11 hours ago, JAYJAY1979 said:

And Ana is funny, but a tad judgmental.

We are all judgmental.  It's human nature. I personally think Sunny is more judgmental. 


11 hours ago, JAYJAY1979 said:

Not sure Ms. Cupp is that person, but I'm willing to keep seeing future guest hosts to see one that isn't driven by emotion..and can call out both parties when they're in the wrong.

Whoopi, Joy, Sunny and Sara have all called out Democrats and Republicans.  

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I was very concerned to hear Sherri say she had purchased a gun. She had just spoken about Jeffrey and his seeming depression.  And she brings a gun into the house! I so wish she would stop speaking about Jeffrey.

I don't really believe that she keeps it in her bedside table. But if not, what use is it? My neighbor's husband is a hunter and has lots of guns. He also has guns for "protection. Because they have children she said he keeps them very secure. She explained to me that his guns are in a gun safe in one room, his ammo is in a safe in another room, and the keybox that holds all the keys is in their bedroom closet and he keeps the key to the box on his key ring.My question was if someone is breaking into your house in the middle of the night, how long would it take to get his gun and load it. She had no answer.

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1 hour ago, ifionlyknew said:

The media will highlight even the slightest negative thing while ignoring any positive thing.  They make everything "breaking news" even when it's not.

So true.  And being Canadian we get this when we watch news coverage for our own country and for the US so a daily double whammy.  I've long since stopped bracing myself when the "breaking news" banner comes on my TV.  It rarely is.  And one thing I've learned in the last few years is that the media does focus on the negative even if they have to ignore the actual story to do it.  They could cover the second coming of Christ and I swear the headline would be "major traffic jams reported when..."

Edited by SusannahM
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I can think of one former host whose head would be exploding about now with the talk about Colin Kaepernick.

Every football franchise is too scared to death of their fans to hire Colin.

Sara, hate to break it to you but odds are your kids wouldn’t be playing college or pro football anyway.

I’d like to lock Manchin and Sinema in a room with Elizabeth Warren. No letting them out til they come to an agreement.

SE had me agreeing with her again today. 

Edited by Haleth
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4 hours ago, ifionlyknew said:

Not true.  In addition to what @GHScorpiosRule  said Joy isn't afraid to criticize her own party.  She has friends who have different beliefs. She doesn't use inflammatory rhetoric to try to make her point.   She isn't perfect and doesn't pretend to be.

I so agree. If there's anyone on the show who is even a smidgen like McCain, it's Whoopi. Her ego is enormous and she often keeps topics from being discussed openly or at all. Even she isn't as bad as McCain though.

Edited by TheGreenKnight
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My apologies to Whoopi Goldberg.  I've been carping about The View's awkward and clumsy transitions for at least the past five years and primarily blaming her for it.  Yet today, we have Sherri interrupting Sen. Warren mid-abortion-sentence to say "let's talk about something lighter."

Geez . . . Get it together, show.

Cat Facepalm GIF

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47 minutes ago, Haleth said:

Every football franchise is too scared to death of their fans to hire Colin.

That plus since he’s been out of football for so long (through no fault of his own), it’s possible that objectively he might not be able to play. But if the team cut him regardless of the reason, can you imagine the blowback?

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Didn't Sherri make a big deal, years ago, about getting a cane corso mastiff dog for protection?   I wonder what happened to it, that she now needs a gun.  Most dog owners realize that a dog doesn't have to be a killer to protect you, even the friendliest dog will bark at an intruder. 

And I agree, having gun in her nightstand and a son who has special needs and might have some depression is not a good idea.  No doubt, her little anecdote about Jeffrey saying "Mama i want a girlfriend!" isn't going to help him. 

Though, I do think that Sherri's "gun in the nightstand with her sex toys"  was just to set up her punchline.  Sometimes she's not being authentic, she's doing stand-up.   A lot like Whoopi's story about dating a guy who didn't know Paul McCartney was in the Beatles.  

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