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S02.E10: No Weddings and a Funeral


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"Avenge me, Keely. Avenge meee!" Playful, slightly lighter Roy is so much fun. I don't think there's any need to worry about their future, because it would be such a jarring note in this show to introduce cheating, especially with a couple as popular as Keely and Roy. Maybe if Roy had kept being a dick and making fun of Keely's emotional state, she might have been confused and felt like he wasn't right for her, but he redeemed himself.

Nate can definitely go with Rupert, and only Ted will be upset. But you can't help everyone, and sadly Nate seems to have embraced toxicity as a defence mechanism. He and Rupert would be the perfect match.

The spoiled, shallow footballer jokes never get old -

"What if they're a really nice pair of Yeezys?"

"What colour?"

"Bright red!"

The running gag of Dani not being able to wear shoes was funny too.

Jason Sudeikis' acting in this show just gets better and better, and it really reinforces the idea that comedians can be great dramatic actors. He manages to keep Ted's light, jokey nature but play it as a brittle veneer over everything that's happening in his head. The way Ted dispassionately revealed that he was the one who found his dad was heart-breaking

1 hour ago, Crs97 said:

I ship Sassy and Ted so much now.  She is a beacon of joy and fun that he desperately needs.  What I really want is is for him to have a panic attack that she can help him with (not to get rid of Sharon, whom I adore) but just to give Sassy another layer.  We know she is ruthlessly loyal; Ted can use as much of that as he can get, and he doesn’t feel comfortable letting very many in past his facade.

Yeah, Sassy is great, and she actually has a lot of the same qualities Ted has - loyalty, relentless positivity, positive reinforcement of others - but she's also (as far as we're aware) a lot more emotionally open and honest. Her takedown of Rupert was great, because she had no hesitation in telling him exactly what she thinks.

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I don't think Rupert was giving ammo to Nate. I rather think he's grooming Nate to get the ammo Nate has - mostly all the stuff from the Man City episode: A Manager with panic-attacks, an Assistant Coach under the influence and another Assistant Coach not caring to read scouting reports and a Director of Football Operations screwing up recruiting. That is enough for Rupert to leak to the press about a team in disarray or to use in a power struggle to wrestle the team back from Rebecca. Rebecca and  Sam would be the cherry on top but they might as well be a red herring. And I think this where the plot is heading and giving Bex's shares back somehow plays into that. But I have no clue how these things work to figure out the minutiae of his plan. 

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3 hours ago, Cupcake04 said:

 I kinda feel like Jason tapped into his RL situation in his scenes.

Me too.  From bits and piece of an interview with Brenden Hunt, it seemed very important to him that Jason win an Emmy- I know they are close. I think the breakup of his marriage (?) or de facto marriage really hurt Sudekis.  

Nonetheless, the cast did a masterful job on this episode. 

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7 hours ago, MissLucas said:

I don't think Rupert was giving ammo to Nate. I rather think he's grooming Nate to get the ammo Nate has - mostly all the stuff from the Man City episode: A Manager with panic-attacks, an Assistant Coach under the influence and another Assistant Coach not caring to read scouting reports and a Director of Football Operations screwing up recruiting.

I definitely think the Man City Confessions are going to come up again, whether it's a press leak or not (though I tend to agree that it will involve the press because why else have Trent Crimm show up to the pub to ask Ted about why he walked off the field?). But it will definitely involve Nate somehow. I think Nate thinks he's the most professional Richmond coach/senior staff because his "confession" wasn't a "weakness" or a mistake like the other confessions. Nate also got angry when he found out Ted asked Roy to run practice while Ted was out and was salty that Ted and Roy were both missing practice so close to the Man City game. I do think, though, that it would be ridiculous to ask Nate to be a head coach on a possible new team owned by Rupert (not ruling out a Coach Beard position, though) because he's only had one good play. It's not like a proven track record of successes.

Also, I want to explicitly say that I don't think having a panic attack is a weakness, but I think a lot of people would because 1.) mental health issues are still highly stigmatized, 2.) male mental health issues even more so, and 3.) British male mental health issues even more than that (a friendly acquaintance wrote an article for Vice "A Stiff Upper Lip Is Killing British Men").

Edited by MerBearStare
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9 hours ago, Crs97 said:

There was something masterful, yet almost too artistic about it for me.  I thought Jason’s cracked stoicism made Hannah look a little like she was chewing the scenery during Rebeca’s reveal, but both stories were powerful and both delivered them well in character.

YES! The juxtaposition unintentionally created the effect of Hannah seeming OTT. Rebecca is finally being honest with her mother and so completely explodes, and Ted is trying so hard to keep it together while also doing with Dr. Sharon what he promised and telling her anything, and he is scared shitless as he does it. Hannah and Jason were both perfect and brilliant, and I think the back-and-forth short-changed them.

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1 minute ago, KarenX said:

All good points but…

Where was Rupert’s baby? Did they abandon the baby to the church? Is it sleeping under a pew and they forgot? Has it been adopted by someone on the team? Why doesn’t Rupert or Bex have her when they say goodbye? Did Nora take her? Sassy doesn’t have her either!



I wondered this, too!

I managed to fanwank that they had run out to put the sleeping baby in the car moments before, then got in line to say their goodbyes. Not perfect, but it helped me sleep. 

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20 minutes ago, KarenX said:

All good points but…

Where was Rupert’s baby? Did they abandon the baby to the church? Is it sleeping under a pew and they forgot? Has it been adopted by someone on the team? Why doesn’t Rupert or Bex have her when they say goodbye? Did Nora take her? Sassy doesn’t have her either!



Wasn’t there a nanny type person following them with a pram? So I assume she was just a little ahead of them?

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I am wondering how much Jason Sudeikis’ personal situation informed the Roy-Keeley-Jamie storyline. On the one hand, I would think that the writers would want to avoid a story in which a woman ditches an established relationship to get together with a younger man. On the other hand, maybe this is something they want to explore — the end of a relationship in which there are no villains. I personally would hate it and think it would run counter to everything we know about Keeley, but I can see the writers wanting to go down that road.

Edited by virginia blue

I had the same question about little Diane, but you can see an older woman in a brown coat rocking a pram behind them when they are saying goodbye.  I assumed that once Rupert got everyone to notice him with the baby, he handed her off to the help.  In fact, the nanny had to get the pram down the steps, and neither Rupert nor Bex looked concerned or offered to help.

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5 hours ago, KarenX said:

Where was Rupert’s baby? Did they abandon the baby to the church? Is it sleeping under a pew and they forgot? Has it been adopted by someone on the team? Why doesn’t Rupert or Bex have her when they say goodbye? Did Nora take her? Sassy doesn’t have her either!

As many have already pointed out there was an older lady with a pram behind Rupert and Bex wearing a approximation of the  Norland College nanny uniform. Most people will have seen it on the Cambridge children's nanny at christenings and royal weddings when she's herding the munchkins around. Because of course Rupert would have nanny from the same college as Prince George's nanny.


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12 hours ago, virginia blue said:

I am wondering how much Jason Sudeikis’ personal situation informed the Roy-Keeley-Jamie storyline. On the one hand, I would think that the writers would want to avoid a story in which a woman ditches an established relationship to get together with a younger man. On the other hand, maybe this is something they want to explore — the end of a relationship in which there are no villains. I personally would hate it and think it would run counter to everything we know about Keeley, but I can see the writers wanting to go down that road.

Rather than Keeley-centric I think this is resetting the Roy-Jamie conflict after their "moment" in Man City.

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I don't think the Jamie confession has anything to do with Jamie other than his character growth.  We have seen the redemption arc all season, we have seen him turn to Keeley before, after they broke up, and if memory serves we have seen him express happiness for her that she has Roy.  I think that he simply needed to say it - death and funerals have a way of making you want to be better, be open, more humane, and when you combine that with his own moments with and about his father, that is what got him there.  

This! I think a love triangle would make the show jump the shark and I bet the writers know that. A triangle wouldn’t add anything to the series and would only be unnecessary drama. To me, this show is all about personal growth, warts and all, and how people overcome their worst to find their best selves. A triangle would just be average sitcom fodder and I think-hope-the show is better and more creative than this.

I believe Sam and Rebecca’s fling was handled well.  It’s in line with the theme of the show that she broke it off because it wasn’t the right thing at the right time for her. In my mind, if she really felt that Sam was The One she would have had more of a struggle with the boss/employee thing and the story would have landed there. But I think this was about Rebecca stepping outside her lane to learn that not all her suitors need to be rich old white guys. I adore Sam and can’t say I wouldn’t have had a really hard time saying no to all that wonderfulness! What a way to rebound!

I actually want Nate to go off and work for Rupert-they totally deserve each other. Unfortunately I bet it’s not as cut and dried as Rupert buying a team and poaching Nate (but seriously, please make it so). I can see where Rupert might have bought a team, but I sense he’s such a hardcore footballer that choosing Nate of all people to coach would be a major misstep. Nate is known for one great call and isn’t as valuable to Rebecca as Ted or Roy (especially on a personal level). But something is afoot and I am curious about where it’s going. When Nate said he’d like to be a tiger, I noticed Ted and Beard each reacted to that, so my guess is that they each are seeing things in Nate that they find a bit troublesome. However, Nate and Beard seem to be on their own paths these days and don’t appear to be engaging much outside of work. Also, even if they sat down and compared notes, what would they be able to do, other than shadow Nate and make sure he’s never in a position to be potentially abusive? In any case, I hope that something happens that separates Nate from the team and he learns some lessons on his own, like Jaimie did. It’s to the point where I don’t want to see him on the screen-he makes me cringe.

I was really taken aback by the state of Ted’s apartment, and I think it underscores just how hard things are for him now. I am so glad he has Dr Sharon and I feel confident that she’ll help him get through all of it, but holy hell what an ugly ride it’s going to be (her “tell me something that you loved about your father” was brilliant). I’ve known two people who killed themselves and it’s shocking enough just to experience that sudden loss, but finding the body takes it to a whole other level of trauma. I recall a discussion with my one friend and I noted that gunshot could be considered an act of violence towards the person who discovers the body, which she hadn’t considered (though it ended up being her chosen method). So when I think about teenage Ted, coming home from school, hearing the shot, finding the body, calling 911 and calling his mom-damn but that’s a lot for anyone to experience but when you’re basically still a kid and it’s your dad…It’s amazing Ted kept it together as long as he did.

 I thought the cuts of Ted and Rebecca telling their stories was very well done. Granted, Rebecca’s didn’t have quite the drama of Ted’s (and not much would), but it was a crucial point in her life that dictated many of her future choices, just as Ted’s was. I think to just have one scene of each telling their respective stories would have minimized Rebecca’s story and where she ended up by the end of the episode. As it was, it built the tension for each of them and showed how two vastly different episodes can have similarly significant consequences. I don’t know how they could have told those stories as effectively in the same episode otherwise and I thought it was pretty brilliant.

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The very best and most successful relationships are rooted in friendship. You want to like and love the person you are with. It's not simply about attraction and having things in common. So I see no reason why, once they are both healed and ready, Ted and Rebecca can't or shouldn't be together romantically. In fact, I am in the camp that hopes it goes there - even if it's in the very last moment at series end. 

Edited by funnygirl
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I’m glad others have asked about Diane (and that still others were more observant than I re: the nanny). 
I rewatched (again), and I so love that Ted asked Dr. Sharon for a hug and in the way that he did it. That rang so true to me; I have been in therapy numerous times and  with each of those folks, asked permission to give them a hug at least once. It’s such a funny thing: This other person knows such incredibly intimate details of your life, perhaps things that most other folks don’t know, yet you have a professional relationship, so you don’t regularly hug or do it without asking for consent. It can be nerve-racking. The feeling when they say, “Yes,” or “of course” is one of the nicest in the world. I’m so glad that Ted asked for what he needed and wanted, and I’m glad that Dr. Sharon was genuinely happy to hug him.

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On 9/25/2021 at 8:51 AM, Crs97 said:

There was something masterful, yet almost too artistic about it for me.  I thought Jason’s cracked stoicism made Hannah look a little like she was chewing the scenery during Rebeca’s reveal, but both stories were powerful and both delivered them well in character.  We also got the details of Ted’s dad without getting the details, if that makes sense.


It makes sense that Hannah was more over the top though, she's been carrying this as a secret from her mother for years. That would weigh on any daughter. Ted obviously has things he still needs to work through, and the two events were traumatic in different ways, but Hannah keeping such a secret for so long and finally putting it all out there to her mother would be very OTT in the moment. 

18 hours ago, KarenX said:

All good points but…

Where was Rupert’s baby? Did they abandon the baby to the church? Is it sleeping under a pew and they forgot? Has it been adopted by someone on the team? Why doesn’t Rupert or Bex have her when they say goodbye? Did Nora take her? Sassy doesn’t have her either!


This was my first thought too! LOL! I mean I figured Bex wouldn't forget her baby, but it was still like where's the baby? 

Did Ted lose his dad and Hannah walk in on hers on the same exact day? I watched this episode at like 2 in the morning and between the cuts back and forth and having been up for like 20 hours, I've been thinking it was the same day. 



Edited by Fostersmom
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Regarding the Roy-Keeley-Jamie situation, one of my favorite scenes was when Jamie showed up right after Roy and Keeley first got together.  Roy didn’t get jealous, just ended up with a taste for mushy peas.  I really hope he is confident enough in their relationship again that Jamie’s confession doesn’t phase him.

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1 minute ago, Blintzie said:

Given the writers’ penchant for not going down the typical sit-com path, I think Keeley is going to tell Roy about Jamie’s confession, out of a desire to not keep secrets from him, and Roy’s going to say something like, “Oh, I know. Of course the little prick loves you. Why wouldn’t he? And if I thought he had a f@cking shot in hell of getting you back, I’d kick his f#cking ass, but I know he doesn’t. Because what we have is the best.” And then I’m hoping he’ll propose to Keeley!

I agree. It will be like season one and the paparazzi pictures of Ted and Keely Rebecca commissioned to cause trouble.   

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I finally watched this one.  I had put it off as a recently lost my sister and will be heading to her funeral soon.

I thought it was well done, all of it.  And I cried.

Ted talking about his father allowed him to remember the good in his dad and to admit that he feels guilty that he didn't remind his dad of all the things that he did so well.  That if he had done so, maybe his Dad wouldn't have killed himself.

With Rebecca you could feel the pain of a child that keeps a secret for a parent.  I appreciated that she told her mother that she hated her for staying with her cheating father.  And then she was closer to her mother, after sharing the secret.

I'd be happy for Rupert to fall off a ladder and die (off camera, please).  I am not interested in that story line at all.  I do agree with everyone, he is buying another team.

What I think the Jamie confession did for Keeley is remind her that she is special, not as a beautiful woman, but as a kind, caring person.  I appreciated that Jamie said he was becoming the best person he could be, that Keeley saw he could be.  Keeley and Roy are the easiest people to like in the whole show.  

And i love Ted and Rebecca too.  Okay, Higgins is great too.  And Dr Sharon.  And the whole team, except Nate.  I like Beard, but his girlfriend can be on that ladder with Rupert.


Edited by Ms.Lulu
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7 hours ago, Ms.Lulu said:

What I think the Jamie confession did for Keeley is remind her that she is special, not as a beautiful woman, but as a kind, caring person.  I appreciated that Jamie said he was becoming the best person he could be, that Keeley saw he could be.  Keeley and Roy are the easiest people to like in the whole show.

In the days since, this is where I've come to. I think Jamie was telling her as a messed up "thank you" and Keeley didn't know what to do with it. But I did like the Jamie was just "saying his piece" as it were and not expecting that she'd want to leave Roy or do anything about it. I want to believe that they aren't going to do a big "Keeley has a decision to make" thing in the last couple of episodes. I'm also torn on whether this was the first time Roy told her he loves her because it didn't feel that way (and she didn't say it back), but maybe it was. I'm just nervous because we've seen everyone else in the dark forest, but so far Roy and Keeley have managed to be sunshine and light (okay, she yelled at him once, but he drew her a bath and it was fine), so I waiting for the other shoe to drop with them too. :(

While I like that this show trusts its audience to fill in the blanks as it moves forward in time, I'm a little annoyed that there's not follow up on Jamie and Roy and the team in the locker room. I know this episode takes place mostly at a funeral, but even at the end of last week's episode, there's no mention of how to support Jamie or what needs to happen there. I feel like what happened after Jamie finished crying on Roy's shoulder actually plays a huge part in how we're supposed to feel about the Jamie/Keeley moment, but we don't know what that was.


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38 minutes ago, Girl in a Cardigan said:

While I like that this show trusts its audience to fill in the blanks as it moves forward in time, I'm a little annoyed that there's not follow up on Jamie and Roy and the team in the locker room. I know this episode takes place mostly at a funeral, but even at the end of last week's episode, there's no mention of how to support Jamie or what needs to happen there. I feel like what happened after Jamie finished crying on Roy's shoulder actually plays a huge part in how we're supposed to feel about the Jamie/Keeley moment, but we don't know what that was.

This. While I really enjoyed this episode, it feels to me like there was an episode missing between episode 8 and this - which makes me more annoyed that they actually had the opportunity to *make* that bridge episode when Apple asked for extra, but instead went with the Beard standalone. From what Keeley said it seems like it's been about two weeks since then, and I really feel like we should've seen the aftermath. It's a weird moment to leave without any follow-up, given how heavy that ending was, and it doesn't make sense with Ted and Sharon for me, either - have they really waited two weeks to have that important session after he called her and told her about his dad?

If we don't get get some form of moment with Roy and Jamie acknowledging what happened I'm going to be really disappointed. Or Ted and Jamie.

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14 hours ago, Fostersmom said:

It makes sense that Hannah was more over the top though, she's been carrying this as a secret from her mother for years. That would weigh on any daughter. Ted obviously has things he still needs to work through, and the two events were traumatic in different ways, but Hannah keeping such a secret for so long and finally putting it all out there to her mother would be very OTT in the moment. 

Also, Ted was talking to a therapist while Rebecca was talking to someone she loves, but has been angry at for years. It makes emotional sense for their reactions to be very different and, taken in isolation, Rebecca being as calm and dispassionate as Ted would have felt very strange. It's just the juxtaposition that's a bit jarring.

12 hours ago, Blintzie said:

Given the writers’ penchant for not going down the typical sit-com path, I think Keeley is going to tell Roy about Jamie’s confession, out of a desire to not keep secrets from him, and Roy’s going to say something like, “Oh, I know. Of course the little prick loves you. Why wouldn’t he? And if I thought he had a f@cking shot in hell of getting you back, I’d kick his f#cking ass, but I know he doesn’t. Because what we have is the best.” And then I’m hoping he’ll propose to Keeley!

That seems more likely. Keely being weird because Jamie said he loves her and she really wants everyone to be happy - how will Roy react? How can she avoid hurting Jamie? etc - then, when Roy finds out his reaction is exactly as you suggest and, rather than being jealous, he's completely matter-of-fact about it and secure in himself and their relationship.

Bill Lawrence has done big, 'shippy drama before but this show just doesn't seem like the place for it.

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I want to believe that they aren’t going down the crappy triangle route but there’s something about the way Keeley looks at Jamie that makes me uneasy. She looks at him like there’s a lot of unresolved feeling. If I hadn’t seen season one I’d have thought the relationship was a lot deeper on her side than it actually was.

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I kinda think there are many interpretations of Keeley's expression after what Jaimie said.

My overwhelming thought is she was just shocked.  I know it is tv land, but for me, nothing about  Jamie's actions toward Keeley throughout season1 telegraphed any deeper emotions.  He just seemed to enjoy having sex with an older, hot model.  So his declaration shocked me as much as Keeley. 

I wonder if hr shock stemmed as much from someone telling them they were in love with her out of the blue as much as it was specifically Jamie that said it?

What heartens me is that Roy coming right up afterward, apologizing straight out, also saying he loved her and she went in for the hug as if that is exactly what she needed from him right at that moment and it grounded her again.  So I am hopeful the show won't go the triangle route.


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5 minutes ago, DearEvette said:

I kinda think there are many interpretations of Keeley's expression after what Jaimie said.

My overwhelming thought is she was just shocked.  I know it is tv land, but for me, nothing about  Jamie's actions toward Keeley throughout season1 telegraphed any deeper emotions.  He just seemed to enjoy having sex with an older, hot model.  So his declaration shocked me as much as Keeley. 

I think it's a case of not realising what you had until it goes away. For the most part season 1 Jamie was an immature little jerk, but already in episode six, after they're broken up, he still seeks her out to talk and she's the one who gets him to go to the 'sacrifice ceremony'. Considering their other interactions later that season (him coming to thank her for teaching him not to get in his own way, etc), after the growing up he's done this season I'm not at all surprised that he's looking back at their relationship through a different lens. What I don't see is the reason why Keeley would still have feelings for him. Unless she also has a thing for wounded birds, which, well... Understandable.

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On 9/24/2021 at 1:28 AM, pennben said:

Are they intentionally making Nate look older with the graying this year? Also, of course Nate is going to end up going off with Rebecca’s ex. He’s probably gone & bought another team, no reason to think of otherwise for him giving up shares of the team to Rebecca. 


On 9/24/2021 at 3:01 AM, AngieBee1 said:

I think so and I think that's the joke, like the episode where Ted thought Dr. Fieldstone was getting closer in the bleachers and each time they showed her, she indeed was closer.  I think all the stress is getting to Nate hence the grey hair because at the end of last week's ep he just had the greying temples. 

I just started re-watching season 2 episode 1 and there wasn't any gray at all!


ETA: A friend and I just started looking through season 2 episodes and it looks like gray sideburns/temples didn't start until episode 6. Yes, I'm trying to avoid working, why do you ask?

Edited by AheadofStraight
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On 9/26/2021 at 5:21 PM, Blintzie said:

Given the writers’ penchant for not going down the typical sit-com path, I think Keeley is going to tell Roy about Jamie’s confession, out of a desire to not keep secrets from him, and Roy’s going to say something like, “Oh, I know. Of course the little prick loves you. Why wouldn’t he? And if I thought he had a f@cking shot in hell of getting you back, I’d kick his f#cking ass, but I know he doesn’t. Because what we have is the best.” And then I’m hoping he’ll propose to Keeley!

Yeah, I don't get the sense that Jamie's confession is going to be a huge problem. Blintzie, I read this in Roy's voice. Thank you for the laugh (and the spot-on voice, too)!

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2 hours ago, Turtle Wexler said:

Given the writers’ penchant for not going down the typical sit-com path, I think Keeley is going to tell Roy about Jamie’s confession, out of a desire to not keep secrets from him, and Roy’s going to say something like, “Oh, I know. Of course the little prick loves you. Why wouldn’t he? And if I thought he had a f@cking shot in hell of getting you back, I’d kick his f#cking ass, but I know he doesn’t. Because what we have is the best.” And then I’m hoping he’ll propose to Keeley!

@Blintzie, are you secretly one of the show's writers??  😎

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On 9/27/2021 at 2:11 AM, Girl in a Cardigan said:


While I like that this show trusts its audience to fill in the blanks as it moves forward in time, I'm a little annoyed that there's not follow up on Jamie and Roy and the team in the locker room. I know this episode takes place mostly at a funeral, but even at the end of last week's episode, there's no mention of how to support Jamie or what needs to happen there. I feel like what happened after Jamie finished crying on Roy's shoulder actually plays a huge part in how we're supposed to feel about the Jamie/Keeley moment, but we don't know what that was.


I completely agree with this, and felt that it was very sloppy writing. The entire second season had been leading up to some sort of emotional breakthrough/reckoning between Jamie and Roy, and it's an incredibly odd that they have now ignored it for two full episodes. Also, it seems clear (at least to me) that Jamie knew that Roy and Keeley were in the midst of a spat, and for him to take advantage of that seems incredibly disrespectful to Roy in a way that undermines whatever personal growth he (Jamie) has experienced, as well as the fragile relationship he's starting to build with Roy. 

Also, did the writers forget (or assume that we'd forget) the entire scene with Jamie and his agent? He was willing to move to Spain or Germany to play football again. Literally his only other choice was to go on another reality show and take ecstasy for three weeks. So he's deliberately lying when he tells Keeley he came back to Richmond for her; he came back because he had nowhere else to go. 

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4 hours ago, Wicked History said:

Also, did the writers forget (or assume that we'd forget) the entire scene with Jamie and his agent? He was willing to move to Spain or Germany to play football again. Literally his only other choice was to go on another reality show and take ecstasy for three weeks. So he's deliberately lying when he tells Keeley he came back to Richmond for her; he came back because he had nowhere else to go. 


I don't think that has to be a deliberate lie. People can have any number of motives for doing a thing.


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4 minutes ago, General Days said:


I don't think that has to be a deliberate lie. People can have any number of motives for doing a thing.


But the writers didn't set this scenario up with any nuance or ambiguity; they made it very (and humorously) clear that Richmond was ultimately his only option. If they're revising Jamie's character to be somewhat honest and trustworthy, he would have just said he fell in love with her when he came back to Richmond—not that he came back to Richmond for her (unless, of course, the writers are striving to show that he's still a bit of a liar/player, despite his attempts at growth?). It feels like the writers either missed a step, or didn't fully connect the dots from the earlier scene to this one, which stuck me as odd for a show that otherwise seems meticulously planned. 

I don't know. I don't need it spelled out. Jamie wanted to return to football, but no one would take him. He returned to Richmond, but I doubt he had any expectation the team would take him back. He might have realized once he got back to London (and stalked Keeley on her lunch hour) that she was the real reason.

Don't get me wrong. I don't want Keeley and Roy to split, and certainly not over Jamie Tartt, but I don't think Jamie has to be lying there. Sometimes, I don't know why I do something until after it's done.

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28 minutes ago, General Days said:

I don't know. I don't need it spelled out. Jamie wanted to return to football, but no one would take him. He returned to Richmond, but I doubt he had any expectation the team would take him back. He might have realized once he got back to London (and stalked Keeley on her lunch hour) that she was the real reason.

Don't get me wrong. I don't want Keeley and Roy to split, and certainly not over Jamie Tartt, but I don't think Jamie has to be lying there. Sometimes, I don't know why I do something until after it's done.

This is where I land. Other than Ted, Keely was the only person who believed he could be more. It’s not surprising he has feelings for her. He may not have been aware of it at the time but he sought her out first when he was struggling. I don’t feel they missed anything, I wasn’t surprised by his confession. I would be surprised if Keely decided she wanted to give him another chance.  While she may be good for Jamie, I don’t know what she’d get out of the relationship. Roy is a much better match for her.

My husband is a lot like Roy, so if she rejects him, I will take it very personally. 

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15 hours ago, Wicked History said:

Also, did the writers forget (or assume that we'd forget) the entire scene with Jamie and his agent? He was willing to move to Spain or Germany to play football again. Literally his only other choice was to go on another reality show and take ecstasy for three weeks. So he's deliberately lying when he tells Keeley he came back to Richmond for her; he came back because he had nowhere else to go. 

I mean, technically he ended up coming back to Richmond *because* he left City to get away from his dad, and maybe Keeley's influence on him had something to do with that, too. I'm willing to cut the writers slack on that one, because I can see how he means it. ETA - And consciously or subconsciously, for me I think Richmond was always at the back of his mind when he left City to begin with. It was probably the first place where he felt things could be different, that *he* could be different.

(And I'm not sure he just meant coming back to Richmond the football club when he says that to Keeley, I think he meant in general. He didn't come back and go straight to Ted to ask to come back and play - he came back and went to her, saying "I don't know what I'm doing and I wanted to talk to someone about it, and when I think of talking I think of you".)

Edited by Schweedie
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5 hours ago, Schweedie said:

I mean, technically he ended up coming back to Richmond *because* he left City to get away from his dad, and maybe Keeley's influence on him had something to do with that, too. I'm willing to cut the writers slack on that one, because I can see how he means it. ETA - And consciously or subconsciously, for me I think Richmond was always at the back of his mind when he left City to begin with. It was probably the first place where he felt things could be different, that *he* could be different.

(And I'm not sure he just meant coming back to Richmond the football club when he says that to Keeley, I think he meant in general. He didn't come back and go straight to Ted to ask to come back and play - he came back and went to her, saying "I don't know what I'm doing and I wanted to talk to someone about it, and when I think of talking I think of you".)

I see what you're all saying, and I would be willing to give him the benefit of the doubt had he not inquired about playing for other countries. If his agent had said that Real Madrid wanted him, he'd be in Spain right now. It was only after he realized that wasn't a possibility that he went to Keeley for advice. 

Edited to add: I think the writers are smart and inventive enough to avoid a love triangle. I think Jamie's confession will be more relevant in terms of his relationship with Roy. And yes, @Trillium, she best not hurt him! 

Edited by Wicked History
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Roy is the epitome of an open book. If any part of his personality irks Keely, he has shown several times that he is more than willing to work on it. Since this show is being praised for being somewhat unconventional, it’s OK to have at least one of the main relationships succeed, without introducing a cliched triangle or forced conflict. Come on show. You’re better than that. 

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On 9/26/2021 at 12:15 PM, Fostersmom said:

Did Ted lose his dad and Hannah walk in on hers on the same exact day? I watched this episode at like 2 in the morning and between the cuts back and forth and having been up for like 20 hours, I've been thinking it was the same day. 

I’m pretty sure both events happened on the same Friday the 13th in 1991.

On 9/26/2021 at 3:14 PM, Ms.Lulu said:

I like Beard, but his girlfriend can be on that ladder with Rupert.

Ugh, yes. It’s pretty on-brand that Jane is into funerals. I’m really glad Beard put away his phone when Rebecca started speaking, though. That would have been WAY out of line. 

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I appreciated the episode's intentions in paralleling Rebecca's and Ted's monologues. But mostly I thought it was bit tone-deaf in execution?. Just a tiny bit.

Rebecca's father cheating on her mother and her being profoundly hurt and betrayed he never spoke about it is nowhere near close enough to Ted's father killing himself basically in front of his son. I mean, I'm sure it was very emotionally draining for Rebecca but I don't think after 30 years it would have as much impact on her as the show would try and make the viewers believe. The scene was saved by allowing Ted to have his story to himself without interruption at least, and the both duos involved were acting their hearts out in those scenes. 

The entire Sam/Rebecca deal is just weird. I'm all for consenting adults to fall in love and finding their soulmate. But Sam just turned 20 in s1. Come on, show, do better than that. You just can't lampshade this thing by Rebecca going "oh, I was grooming you, oh, I'm a pedo, oh, I'm your boss", and still make her fall for him anyway.

The writing for Sam doesn't help matter any, as well. In season 2 Sam turned into a full-blown Gary Stu, imo: beautiful, kind, everyone's favorite, incredibly charming, wise beyond his years in all matters of life including, but not limited, romantic relations, with all the perfect responses to Rebecca at any given moment in time, solid pillar of community... For some unknown reason he's not written as the actual real person at all (unlike other characters). 

I think the only real moment Sam had in the entirety of season 2 was when he had a temper tantrum towards Ted about possible return of Jaimie. That actually remined me that this is a just kid who missed his family in s1 and ranted about Harry Potter to Rebecca.

Speaking of the characters that turned into hollow shells of themselves. Sassy became the most annoying randomly wacky character only seen in any given wacky British sitcom. She was three-deminsional once upon a time in s1. Coach Beard's Jane Payne now has more depth than her.

I seem to be criticizing the show too much but I actually enjoyed season 2 quite a bit despite everything I just said.

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9 hours ago, CooperTV said:

I appreciated the episode's intentions in paralleling Rebecca's and Ted's monologues. But mostly I thought it was bit tone-deaf in execution?. Just a tiny bit.

Rebecca's father cheating on her mother and her being profoundly hurt and betrayed he never spoke about it is nowhere near close enough to Ted's father killing himself basically in front of his son. I mean, I'm sure it was very emotionally draining for Rebecca but I don't think after 30 years it would have as much impact on her as the show would try and make the viewers believe. The scene was saved by allowing Ted to have his story to himself without interruption at least, and the both duos involved were acting their hearts out in those scenes. 

I don’t wholly disagree, but I think the show was also trying to show us that trauma is trauma. It isn’t a competition. Rebecca’s experience with her father shaped her and affected her profusely. As did Ted’s. Yes, we may perceive - as outsiders - that one is “worse” but one’s body doesn’t, and one’s brain doesn’t.

I mean, I absolutely see what you mean but also...it’s trauma. 

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