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S23.E28: Double Eviction #1

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So...that was slightly less suspensful than a Harlem Globtrotters vs The Washington Generals game.

Yes, Alyssa...it was all BS...everything that was fed to you all season was BS.

Good on you Claire for not hugging the people who sent you packing and after she puts it together at the Jury House there will be no cashing in the raincheck on those hugs.

Claire is right about X....despite all the early machinations by the producers it will still end the SAME way....with the Alpha Male of the house being crowned the winner. I think in the next couple weeks we'll stand by while The Cookout wastes time dispensing with non entities like Hannah and Azah when they should be doing everything possible to send X out at the first opportunity....but they won't.

X with the crocodile tears.

No Jury Buy Back? Please let there be one. How delicious it would be if Claire came back and won HOH and sent Tiffany to jury?

Speaking of Claire...now that she's gone...well I always am a fan of alternate universe stories....perhaps in another universe the bald chick never got COVID and Claire never came on the show and the Bald Chick immediatly caught on to The Cookout and shut down their game by week 2. That would be an interesting alternate reality.

Edited by North of Eden
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1 hour ago, Halting Hex said:

You're correct.  Last season, she not only told the evictees about the existence of The Committee, but gave them a roll-call of the membership.

Which, btw, did not include runner-up Enzo.  (He had a personal alliance with Cody, but was not part of the larger group.  In fact, his 6-person alliance included Da'Vonne and Bayleigh.)  So the idea that a "white alliance" ran the House last season is disputable.  A non-alliance member made F2.

Julie telling them about the Committee was pre-jury. Telling jury members about alliances would defeat the purpose of the jury being sequestered. She didn’t tell people about the Cookout pre-jury, which I think was in part to avoid controversy and in part because the Cookout (unlike the Committee) didn’t win all of those HOHs. For example, Derek X got out Christian, so it makes sense that she focused on that in Christian’s exit interview.

As for the Committee, they ran the house until all the non-Committee other than Enzo, who was basically a de facto Committee member (he had a final 3 with Memphis and Christmas’s too) was gone. They were explicitly clear that the Committee was over once David was evicted. Likewise, I assume that the Cookout is over now that all non-Cookout members are gone.

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4 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Claire doing her best Cody Nickson impression tonight.

STILL my favorite House exit ever.


3 hours ago, Michichick said:

I had it muted but I saw her just standing there. Did she think that once she incorrectly answered a question, she was done?

Pretty sure Azah didn’t pay attention in the rules and thought she was already eliminated after missing one question.

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3 hours ago, Melina22 said:

And X definitely threw the HOH right? 

Oh, most definitely. He did not want to be in Tiffany’s position of having to nominate his +1. But notice how handily he stomped the competition once he actually (for the first time, maybe) tried to win a comp. That does NOT bode well for Tiff and Hannah moving forward.

3 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

They're all so sweet to wish Tiffany's son a Happy Birthday.

When Alyssa wished a happy 14th birthday to Christian, I knew it couldn’t be THAT Christian (her curly headed hairflip showmance) but I have to admit my first thought was “well, maybe it’s his mental age?”

2 hours ago, NYGirl said:

So I have a question.  I sort of remember Julie telling the evicted houseguests in the past that there is an alliance they didn't know about.  Am I right or misremembering? 

She's not doing that this year. She's not telling them about the CO

She didn’t have to. Ky’s been doing it for her.

1 hour ago, Jess14 said:

Julie telling them about the Committee was pre-jury. Telling jury members about alliances would defeat the purpose of the jury being sequestered. 

Except production can’t care that much, or they would edit Ky’s messages. (And let’s face it, those messages are being heavily edited for time anyway.)

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I'm so anti-Tiffany that I couldn't even stand that she obviously told everyone to tell her son Happy Birthday while voting. I feel so bad about my negativity toward the situation. Like, really, I can't be content that a 15 year old kid is getting his HB shootouts on national tv?!

But then I remember that Tiffany even told Julie to tell her "happy birthday" a few weeks ago and then I roll my eyes all over again. 

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19 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

I like how Claire exited the house, but I don't know what to make of it.  Did she haul ass just to save time, or was something else going on?

Good question. Either she understood there just wasn't time for lengthy goodbyes, or else she was too upset and hurt in the moment to want to fake hug everyone. At the same time, she knew that once she processed everything she'd still like them, hence the comment that she'd hug them all another day. I really respect the way she handled things. It made me tear up. 

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1 hour ago, icemiser69 said:

Two hours of predictable boredom.  Just pile this two hour episode on all of the predictable stack of episodes that have already aired this season.  This is the season of unwatchable dreck.

It was a one hour episode. Just felt like two, maybe? (The two hour episode is next week.)


41 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

Good question. Either she understood there just wasn't time for lengthy goodbyes, or else she was too upset and hurt in the moment to want to fake hug everyone. 

Yeah, I don’t know what was going on there, either. I thought maybe they’d asked her not to stop for hugs because of time constraints, but then Alyssa took her sweet time in Hug Alley. I’m guessing Claire is upset for now, but I expect she will get over it quick because she does understand Tiffany’s position and she doesn’t seem like the type to hold grudges. I like Claire, too. Not a great player, but seems like a pretty great human being and friend.

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6 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Except production can’t care that much, or they would edit Ky’s messages. (And let’s face it, those messages are being heavily edited for time anyway.)

I disagree. Goodbye messages have always been part of the game. A player choosing to reveal critical information in a goodbye message is very different than Julie, a non-player, revealing information. One is a game move, while the other is not. 

I agree that that the goodbye message that we see are edited, but I assumed that players saw full goodbye messages after the show.

6 hours ago, Cotypubby said:

The biggest surprise of the evening was hearing that Derek does know how to pronounce the word “evict.”

Did anyone else notice how Julie slowly over-enunciated the word "evict" when she asked Derek F "Who do you vote to EVICT?"?  I think she was intentionally trying to lead him to say it correctly.  (Kind of like you would say to a 2-year old, "Repeat after me... spa-get-tee".)  I'm wondering if they've discussed his mispronunciation with him in the DR's?

Edited by cowgirlwen
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10 hours ago, Melina22 said:


For me, this was the most intense BB episode ever. I KNEW the end of this season wasn’t going to be boring. 

Yes. Well, I'm not sure I'd say enjoyable for me personally, but it sure will be intense and emotional. Since I hate to be bored, I'm thrilled. 


I guess I approached it from a statistics point of view. Alyssa was completely outnumbered, and outside of one comp had never shown that she was capable of doing anything other than being hot. 

I feel like most of this season (outside of a couple little "blowups" that quickly got moved on from) has been a campfire, "Kum-ba-ya" singalong. I wanna see people betray each other. I wanna see lies and deceit. That's why I watch these shows. If I wanted to watch people get along all the time, laugh and giggle, I'd go hang out at my parents' house. I watch these shows to see people do whatever it takes to get ahead and win money. This year has been sickeningly sweet overall.

10 hours ago, Callaphera said:

I don't think it'll be exciting at all. We'll lose two more next week, leaving us at F4 which is the point where it grinds to a complete halt. Every alliance has a clear hierarchy and this one is no exception. While there is the potential (maybe? if they get rid of the sneeze guards on the lane?) of someone clown shoeing themselves in the second double, the odds aren't great for it. There may be some fireworks from Tiffany but we've only had one argument this season, this isn't a volatile cast. What we're heading for is three weeks of smug condescension from Xavier and Kyland and to watch the women go out one-two-three in a neat, orderly, and calm fashion.


As long as X or Hannah ultimately wins, I don't care. As I mentioned up there, I'm so incredibly bored with all the niceness (90% of which is total horse shit) this year. I'm hoping that we at least get a full-blown Tiffany meltdown. Hell, maybe they'll decide to vote out DereF and he'll show us how "dangerous his mouth is."  There's finally potential for some interesting interactions about who's getting the axe. 

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30 minutes ago, JayDub1987 said:

wanna see people betray each other. I wanna see lies and deceit. That's why I watch these shows. If I wanted to watch people get along all the time, laugh and giggle, I'd go hang out at my parents' house.

No question that different people watch BB for different reasons. Some want to see brilliant strategy, others want to laugh and be entertained. Some enjoy watching the psychology of it, and others aren't happy unless there's lots of drama, fighting and backstabbing. Obviously there's overlap. 

Theoretically, each person will eventually get a season that gives them exactly what they want. For me, so far, that's this season, but I know there are others who hate it. Maybe next season will be what they're hoping for. 

Then there are people who hate everything about every season of BB, and I have to ask myself why they're doing this to themselves. 😁

Edited by Melina22
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I think Derek F slipped up and spoke properly.  His possible dreams of selling Evote t-shirts just went up in smoke. 

Look . . . either he's been saying it wrong on purpose and screwed up this time, or he's been saying it wrong by accident and lucked out this time. Either way? Dumbass.

Once Alyssa lost POV the show lost all hope of any drama or suspense. And I can't believe Julie played out the charade to the bitter end. "Alyssa or Kyland . . . which one will be going to the jury house next?" Really? Really, Julie? You're really going to play this like we don't know? Seriously? I mean, I guess she can't say "stay tuned to watch Alyssa get voted out after the commercial break" but then again, why the hell not? It just seemed idiotic to play this like there was any choice here.

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No way was X crying over Alyssa’s elimination, he was crying at history being made!

This is for Will Mega, Cassandra (RIP) and Monica, Danielle, Marcellas, Ollie, Marvin, Libra, Kaila, Chima and especially Howard, Candace and David A. (those final three got the rawest of deals).  I didn’t cry but got serious goosebumps and clapped along with everyone in the CO.

We are going to have the first African American BB winner this year ya’ll, and I’m fucking PUMPED!

Edited by Yogisbooboo64
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Alyssa and X are just good friends right?  No romance there.  She was romantic with Christian.

Tiffany is playing a good manipulative game but I don't like her.

I can't believe Derek F. is still just floating along!  He does nothing.  He just is!

Kyland  has what one might call a shot eating grin!  He's just annoying.

I don't much care for the race card.  I prefer the best player win!

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3 hours ago, Melina22 said:

No question that different people watch BB for different reasons. Some want to see brilliant strategy, others want to laugh and be entertained. Some enjoy watching the psychology of it, and others aren't happy unless there's lots of drama, fighting and backstabbing. Obviously there's overlap. 

Theoretically, each person will eventually get a season that gives them exactly what they want. For me, so far, that's this season, but I know there are others who hate it. Maybe next season will be what they're hoping for. 

Personally, I’m super big on the strategy and super not on the drama and cults of personality - but hey, maybe that’s just me.  😁


3 hours ago, Melina22 said:

Then there are people who hate everything about every season of BB, and I have to ask myself why they're doing this to themselves. 😁

Self-flagellation can be enjoyable for some, if they’re into that sort of thing.

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16 hours ago, crimson23 said:

It's groundbreaking for sure, but explain to me how this is any  different than the all the white HGs getting together to vote out the minorities.  

It was never just about other alliances being mostly white.   It was always about a pattern of behavior of white houseguests over 22 seasons.  Where POC were often stereotyped and marginalized from the dominant alliances.    

The CO built good relationships with most of the houseguests outside of their alliance.  They did not hang out with just their alliance or refuse to talk game with non alliance members.  I doubt any of the other contestants will later say they felt isolated by the CO.    

The CO is very similar from the always suggested, but never realized "all girls" alliance.   Intended to ensure a female winner on shows that tend to favor alpha males.  

Edited by After7Only
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3 hours ago, Nashville said:

Personally, I’m super big on the strategy and super not on the drama and cults of personality - but hey, maybe that’s just me.  😁

I’m a strategy fan, too. I can listen to them map out game moves for hours. (Clearly, considering how much time I spend on feeds.) The downside of good strategy is that the results can be boring to watch. This season looked like a steamroller, but a lot of work, planning and fine-tuning went into making it happen. 

Of course, I would prefer to see lots of strategy from 2 or 3 camps, where everyone is making strong moves and nobody gets everything they want. That’s just harder to find in the modern BB model.

2 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

If Derek F was screwing it up on purpose, I would thing there would have been a reason for it.

I really, really don’t think any of Deref’s “evotes” have been intentional. This is not the only word he has mispronounced or messed up, it’s just the one he has had to say the most times, so it’s been the most noticed. Some people have surmised that he has dyslexia— I don’t know about that, but I do think he has some kind of learning disability that makes certain words or letter combinations difficult. Which has nothing to do with intelligence or wacky word mispronunciation schemes.

And now look what you people have brought me to. You’ve made me defend Derek F. 

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2 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

I want a season where anything can happen on BB.  For the most part over the years it has been boringly predictable.

You really should look up the past two Australian seasons. You literally never know what's going to happen, it's a completely different game. Mainly it's because theirs isn't so structured... also there are no vetos or HoH rooms.

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Derek f still hasn't said it right. He went from " I evote"  to "I evict"  adding in a "sadly to" or something similar. He has never once said "I VOTE to evict".

Maybe he was told that evote wasn't a word, that he needed to correct it to evict, but he's still not there yet.  

Along those lines, I really want the whole "I loveyougregandbobby andpeterandmarsha, happybirthdaygrandma, congratulationsjan!" to STOP.  Its annoying, and it gets worse every season. 


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5 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

Alyssa and X are just good friends right?  No romance there.  She was romantic with Christian.

Tiffany is playing a good manipulative game but I don't like her.

I can't believe Derek F. is still just floating along!  He does nothing.  He just is!

Kyland  has what one might call a shot eating grin!  He's just annoying.

I don't much care for the race card.  I prefer the best player win!

And apparently Azah and Hannah are so boring that you forgot to even discuss them! Don't worry, most of this cast has been pretty forgettable.

8 minutes ago, tinkerbell said:

Derek f still hasn't said it right. He went from " I evote"  to "I evict"  adding in a "sadly to" or something similar. He has never once said "I VOTE to evict".

Maybe he was told that evote wasn't a word, that he needed to correct it to evict, but he's still not there yet.  

Along those lines, I really want the whole "I loveyougregandbobby andpeterandmarsha, happybirthdaygrandma, congratulationsjan!" to STOP.  Its annoying, and it gets worse every season. 


THANK YOU! I hate the nonstop shout outs on eviction night. Get rid of somebody and leave. Nobody cares that you said their name on TV.

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24 minutes ago, tinkerbell said:

Along those lines, I really want the whole "I loveyougregandbobby andpeterandmarsha, happybirthdaygrandma, congratulationsjan!" to STOP.  Its annoying, and it gets worse every season. 

What really gets annoying is when it all just runs all together as they try to say 20 people's names between the voting sofa and the door.

Apparently they did but the kibosh on shout out people's Instagrams because we saw that happen exactly once. 

I've long lobbied for this crap to stop but maybe at this point you have to meet a middle ground here and say 'Okay, you can vote and then greet two people then you have to head for the exit'. At least it won't be a constant half muttered stream of names said as fast as possible when moving away from the mic and toward the door.

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10 minutes ago, candall said:

Xavier did kick ass building the puzzle, but I scoffed at him in the earlier challenge when he addressed the camera to announce there would be no more throwing comps--flex flex--but then was completely incapable of wielding a big pair of tweezers.

I was shocked how quickly he completed that puzzle while others had like two pieces slotted in.

But he did clearly throw the comic book comp (with the 'boom' 'pow' etc) so he gets a minus there.

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On 9/9/2021 at 11:20 PM, Kip Hackman said:

Really? To me, this was the least tense DE, ever.  Five against one.

Things should get interesting now, though.


Yes, the HOH made me nervous because if one of the guys had won, then Tiffany or Hannah could have been in danger (e.g. if Alyssa won POV). Once Hannah won, it was smooth sailing for the rest of the episode. 


Derek f still hasn't said it right. He went from " I evote"  to "I evict"  adding in a "sadly to" or something similar. He has never once said "I VOTE to evict".

Maybe he was told that evote wasn't a word, that he needed to correct it to evict, but he's still not there yet.  

I'm just sick to death of this show always casting some clown as their token gay guy. Look at the history, all the way back to Marcellus. Beau, Lawon, Ragan, Andy, Frankie, Jozea, JC, Tommy. It's always some over-the-top cartoon character come to life. 

Derek F may or may not have some sort of learning disability. He may or not actually be a dumbass. But the fact remains they cast him because he fits the bill as the "funny gay guy."

I resent the fact that the gay guy is always cast for "laughs."

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2 hours ago, swimmom said:

I really liked a contestant a long time ago named Binky ( I think). Anyone else remember him?

You mean Bunky? Season 2 the gay guy who became friends with Conservative Kent? Funny you should bring that player up on 9/11. It had quite the effect on the game when the finale was forced to air amid the wall to wall coverage and as Kent voted I still remember him saying the game paled in importance to what had just happened. Then there was production telling the houseguests about the attacks and not really shedding the full enormity of the tragedy and just telling Monica her cousin was just "missing" at the WTC....when missing meant no hope.

12 hours ago, iMonrey said:

I'm just sick to death of this show always casting some clown as their token gay guy. Look at the history, all the way back to Marcellus. Beau, Lawon, Ragan, Andy, Frankie, Jozea, JC, Tommy. It's always some over-the-top cartoon character come to life. 

Derek F may or may not have some sort of learning disability. He may or not actually be a dumbass. But the fact remains they cast him because he fits the bill as the "funny gay guy."

I resent the fact that the gay guy is always cast for "laughs."

Instead of stereotypes right out of central casting it would be nice if they could just cast a regular guy who just happened to be gay. Best example of that was the SURVIVOR player who was later tragically killed on the job at the railroad.

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And Monica Bailey came in third in BB2. And Danielle Reyes came in second in BB3. And Jun Song won BB4. So much for the theory about racist alliances running rampant throughout BB history. Speaking of Song she dragged her child into this CO controversy by quoting him on Twitter. Shame on her.

Julie should be called on the carpet by CBS for her “child of god” remark to Claire. And if she keeps that religious s**t up straight through to finale night they’d finally have a good excuse to get rid of her once and for all. Enough is enough.

Edited by TimWil

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