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2021 Auditions, Finals, and Training Camp


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17 hours ago, ShutterbugCAM said:

And we thought the show was getting too manufactured before. Now they're manufacturing reactions to things that don't need one. MRS could have just commented on how sad she was about Maddie not trying out this year. That would have done the job, but nooooo, she had to go over the top and fake being shocked about it. Can't wait to see what else is needlessly manufactured this season. -_-

Thing is…I’m not sure MRS went over the top on her own. From my view, I imagine that was scripted for her to have that exact reaction. 

  • Love 8
1 minute ago, Agent Gully said:

When were the official new All-Stars announced? Wouldn't that topic be raised with the gals they wanted on there at the end of their final contract with the DCC? In other words, wouldn't MRS have found out about Maddie at that time?

Not necessarily if she has nothing to do with the All Stars. If she's only there for judging & the show, she may not know what everyone is doing before they convene the judges at the start of the process -- but I'm sure they're told before prelims (now video auditions) who has retired so they'll know some types they might need to look for for replacements. But since MRS commented on Maddie's retirement post long before then -- she knew.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, pinkandsparkly13 said:

I think Elli's solo just looks okay. 

I agree! She is super cute and very good at DCC style (power pom). You could tell she was a favorite of J&K last year and she was noticed by others for this reason also. That solo was average and I’m sorry I know she isn’t popular here, but Maddie dances smoother and is more fluid. She also hits it harder than Elli. But Ashlee is the queen! 

  • Love 17
23 minutes ago, DancerMom said:

I agree! She is super cute and very good at DCC style (power pom). You could tell she was a favorite of J&K last year and she was noticed by others for this reason also. That solo was average and I’m sorry I know she isn’t popular here, but Maddie dances smoother and is more fluid. She also hits it harder than Elli. But Ashlee is the queen! 

I LOVE Ellie but I also have to agree on this.

  • Love 9
5 hours ago, DancerMom said:

I agree! She is super cute and very good at DCC style (power pom). You could tell she was a favorite of J&K last year and she was noticed by others for this reason also. That solo was average and I’m sorry I know she isn’t popular here, but Maddie dances smoother and is more fluid. She also hits it harder than Elli. But Ashlee is the queen! 

Someone mentioned that it was quite similar to her audition from last year (Elli’s), so I watched it for comparison sake. I think it was a hundred times stronger last year, albeit the same style. This year’s felt… clunky? Maybe it’s just the style and I’m not a huge fan of this style of dancing, but it felt clunky and flat-footed. I think her 2020 audition was a much better testament to her actual dance ability. 

I also think Maddie’s was always hyper-focused at auditions because girl has got some TRICKS. And she just makes it look effortless. Say what you want about her (and I would certainly not argue that she was the best of all time), but she is a PHENOMENAL dancer who always brought it at auditions. 

  • Love 10
10 hours ago, Survivor197 said:

Did anyone get dcc barbies this year?

You’d really hope Claire and Ashlee did (I think I’ve spelt Claire wrong here - typical English spelling of it sorry) considering they were meant to be some of the best solos or even Ava. 

10 hours ago, Bellisima08 said:

I agree there should be some segment that shows which veterans have left in the first episode. I know in some past seasons like Kashara's last year and the year Jinelle & Jenna retired they showed some goodbyes from the vets and I recall it happening more often in the earlier seasons. Even if it was just showing the pictures of those who are leaving would be good to remind us as I sometimes tend to forget who has left between the time they release their statements to when the show premieres.

I agree, it would also show the vets some respect and those girls have more than earnt respect. I know they’re not the main focus of the Cowboys but those women put themselves through so much for that team and to stay on it. It’s just show the little respect that those women deserve and it’s better too for the fans of the show who don’t have IG and see the vet retirement announcements. 

  • Love 6
On 9/19/2021 at 6:33 PM, PomPomPom said:

Jenna, Kashara, Maddie and Amy have danced in those slots at auditions in recent years.

She did? Do you recall what year? I remember her being called into TC last but not her getting a 1st or last solo.

8 hours ago, pinkandsparkly13 said:

I think Elli's solo just looks okay. 

I'll go as far as to say it's pretty bad. The moves themselves were fine, but the choreography looked choppily thrown together. And, as Kelli described truck driver Taylor, she was stompy. I was never a fan of Maddie's solos, but yeah, they were much better.

7 hours ago, RileyJDR said:

Thing is…I’m not sure MRS went over the top on her own. From my view, I imagine that was scripted for her to have that exact reaction. 

None of it makes any sense. So what if MRS already knew? She could only have had that reaction if she didn't know? It could have gone like:  Judy: "Did you hear that your favorite, Maddie, retired?" MRS: "I know!!! I am devastated!!....." 

  • Love 16

I was thinking about the amount of vets that have been cut/resigned/left due to injury in training camp the last few seasons and if they didn't leave which rookies would not have made the team. 

Last year if Breenan, Hannah and Lily weren't cut I don't think Jessica, Alora-Rose or Jada would have made it. I didn't include Meredith in this because I think it was inevitable she would have been cut. 

It's going to be interesting to see if Alora-Rose, Daphne, Lisa and Amanda hadn't left during training camp which rookies would not have made the team. 

  • Love 7
11 hours ago, vanillagum said:

Lol what song is this? Or you just hate it from the video? 

Elli's great but this solo was choppy and pseudo low-energy imo...but I give her huge props for doing a style other than "contemporary writhing on the floor with some splits in the air sprinkled in"

I thought the same thing! I felt like it was slow, lots of hops and tricks but it didn't really flow. To quote Kelli (eeeek) it's hard to entertain someone for 90 seconds. I wish it had more energy. Although perhaps it was supposed to be that way what do I know about hip hop. I'm not a huge Maddie fan but I think her solos were far more entertaining to me bc the music was faster and seemed to have more energy. 

Edited by TB12
  • Love 4
1 hour ago, allitator said:

I also think Maddie’s was always hyper-focused at auditions because girl has got some TRICKS. And she just makes it look effortless. Say what you want about her (and I would certainly not argue that she was the best of all time), but she is a PHENOMENAL dancer who always brought it at auditions. 

Yes I have to honestly agree with you.  Perhaps hip hop by a DCC just isn't my cup of tea and I've been unfair critiquing Maddie's style of it.  Because I didn't care for that other girl's either.  

She was a great "what do you think of me now" TCC and did really well during her tenure.  Never heard anything she said or did to put DCC in a bad light.  She was a great representative of the brand.  I hope she has a very happy life in her retirement.  Frankly, I would have never returned had Neil McCoy said that about my "look."  I wonder if he ever said anything to her about it (like an apology).

Did any of you notice none of the girls came into the building the first day wearing cut-offs, tank tops and the like this year?

  • Love 7

I don’t care for the hip hop solos from Maddie or Elli honestly. It’s hard to compare them though because Maddie’s was in a room full of people cheering, and with over-the-top gushing in the voiceovers, while Elli’s is not. I liked Maddie’s solo the first year did it, but by the second, the “hip hop Maddie - she’s so amazing” nonsense just sealed my skepticism and annoyance. The fact that Melissa is still carrying on about Maddie like a starstruck teenage girl is absurd. 

In general, I tend to much prefer hip hop in group pieces rather than solos.


Edited by Jess14
  • Love 15

All reality shows have some scripted comments and most viewers are not like us who would go back and watch Maddie's retirement and see if Melissa commented.  Of course she knew and Judy saying it and Melissa's comments were scripted so they could discuss point.  I had the same reaction on Carolyn is mentioned for point and she is further back this year.

Eli's solo was stompy.  I was not a fan of the song nor the solo and her solo last year was better.  It really did seem like a bunch of moves  just thrown together.  some goes with the music and some doesn't.  I actually got up this morning and watched it again to see if I missed something but nope.  Not that great.  Maddie sold her solos so much better with her facials, trick, and smoother moves.  

Ava's amazing solo and then her almost passing out from lack of stamina is nothing new.  There are so many TCC who have won Barbies and then got cut. A great solo can get you to camp but it won't necessarily keep you there.   Vk her first year, Dayton, Madeline Malloy I believe her first year, Erin, Briana (the tall one Kelli's crush) etc.  In fact Ava could be another Brianna. 

Amber, Carolyn, Jayln, Ashlee, Chandi Gina, all so strong.  Claire just wow.  I hope this year they can glam up Claire some because she has to be pure point material.  Claire is pretty but still has that little girl look.  Chandi has grown out of of hers.

And Kat.  someone pointed out that Kashara really came in to her own the third year, made show group, group leader and point (although I just watched her rookie season and she has always had the sparkle and was a better dancer than Kat) so I was trying to give Kat an open mind because I have been outspoken that every year I think she is going to get cut.  Her outfit was ridiculous, the cane stupid and I saw enough of the solo to figure out we did not see the rest because it's not great.  Kat's looks got her to show group but let's wait and see for how often Judy puts her in a performance.

I have watched the first show 3 times now.  Loved it.  I miss the old format and semis because it really shows how the girls perform under pressure.  It's a lot different to dance in front of Judy and Kelli and the gang.  I can't wait to see last year's rookie class trying to survive weeks of training camp.

And why is everyone saying Daphne is brave???  Why is it brave to risk further injury?  My heart goes out to her but it's like Brennan last year.  Somewhere in your head you should know your limits.  Brennan had not fully recovered from COVID and it showed. I know Daphne took the LSAT I hope Daphe puts all that determination into getting in to law school.  It is probably heartbreaking to end your dance career because of an injury but my memory she has other dreams.  IMO she looked healthier with the few pounds she has put on but you never know what the DCC world thinks.  of course I am in the NO MORE SCARECROWS club.  speaking of that Gina is sadly too thin.  

and the leaked cuts I can already see why.  Ava, Madislyn (how did she make training camp), Amanda etc

  • Useful 1
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15 minutes ago, parrotfeathers said:

Did any of you notice none of the girls came into the building the first day wearing cut-offs, tank tops and the like this year?

It looks like they came in dressed the way girls have for the first meeting of training camp in past years, instead of how they may have dressed for a mass open audition like prelims.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, ByTor said:

She did? Do you recall what year? I remember her being called into TC last but not her getting a 1st or last solo.

I'll go as far as to say it's pretty bad. The moves themselves were fine, but the choreography looked choppily thrown together. And, as Kelli described truck driver Taylor, she was stompy. I was never a fan of Maddie's solos, but yeah, they were much better.

None of it makes any sense. So what if MRS already knew? She could only have had that reaction if she didn't know? It could have gone like:  Judy: "Did you hear that your favorite, Maddie, retired?" MRS: "I know!!! I am devastated!!....." 

The exact same line came to me when I was watching it! Horsey and stompy. 😂

  • LOL 3
13 hours ago, KnyghtRyder said:

I honestly think it was a CMT MTT producer decision to recreate what might have been an authentic conversation between Judy and Melissa that CMT wasn’t there to film. I saw the clip and it just looked forced. Maybe Judy and Melissa had that same conversation -  organically - at some point.  And then the producers came in and said, “Let’s recreate that! But make it awkward! While walking to judging. And while you can literally see the girls on the field. Don’t worry about the viewers - they aren’t going to notice!”  

My co-worker was on a reality show at his previous job. I actually asked him recently about it. He said the producers would literally have them recreate conversations they had weeks prior because the original footage wasn’t what they wanted. Or they weren’t there for the initial conversation/phone call but they’d be there to film the follow up and they’d ask them to recreate what led up to that moment. They even went out and bought him a shirt *nearly* identical to the one he wore the day they wanted to recreate for additional footage because he couldn’t find the original shirt. So the producer went out and bought a lookalike one. And he said they ended up filming him at his desk from the collar up so you couldn’t see the difference. Even though the original conversation they were recreating did not take place at his desk. The content of the conversation was the same - just how it unfolded wasn’t authentic. If that makes sense. 

I agree on CMT making the decision to have this conversation be recreated.  I think most people would be surprised to see how much “input” comes from CMT.

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, Lexusprincess said:

And why is everyone saying Daphne is brave???  Why is it brave to risk further injury?

100%.  I was wincing throughout every scene Daphne was in.  I understand it's heartbreaking to have to let go of a dream but she wasn't being realistic.  She's not even 25-years old and her knees are destroyed.  I feel bad for her but trying to push through training camp did not seem like a wise choice at all.

I personally think they should eliminate the jump split and go back to the fan split.  The jump split is just too dangerous.  I also think the leg lift and hair flip is stupid.  I think the fan split is prettier than both the leg lift and jump split.

ETA: Fan split (I don't know what it is actually called) at 2:45

With the talent and precision they have today, this could be a very visually appealing element and certainly a lot more safe.

Also, justice for the dip front shorts!

Edited by RedDelicious
  • Love 16
10 hours ago, DancerMom said:

I agree! She is super cute and very good at DCC style (power pom). You could tell she was a favorite of J&K last year and she was noticed by others for this reason also. That solo was average and I’m sorry I know she isn’t popular here, but Maddie dances smoother and is more fluid. She also hits it harder than Elli. But Ashlee is the queen! 

Absolutely agree with you. In her solo, Elli dances really sharp and hits every single thing as hard as possible, which is great when performed with a group as a whole, especially on a football field where they need to project. But when performed as a solo, it doesn't translate the same. It looks a little chaotic. Whereas Maddie has texture in her dancing- like you said, fluid, and then sharp moments as well. 

  • Love 7


45 minutes ago, RedDelicious said:

100%.  I was wincing throughout every scene Daphne was in.  I understand it's heartbreaking to have to let go of a dream but she wasn't being realistic.  She's not even 25-years old and her knees are destroyed.  I feel bad for her but trying to push through training camp did not seem like a wise choice at all.

I personally think they should eliminate the jump split and go back to the fan split.  The jump split is just too dangerous.  I also think the leg lift and hair flip is stupid.  I think the fan split is prettier than both the leg lift and jump split.

ETA: Fan split (I don't know what it is actually called) at 2:45

With the talent and precision they have today, this could be a very visually appealing element and certainly a lot more safe.

Also, justice for the dip front shorts!

The hair is EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I say justice for the big poms, so much fun! I like the dip front shorts just lose the star right below the dip... 

  • Love 9
50 minutes ago, RedDelicious said:

100%.  I was wincing throughout every scene Daphne was in.  I understand it's heartbreaking to have to let go of a dream but she wasn't being realistic.  She's not even 25-years old and her knees are destroyed.  I feel bad for her but trying to push through training camp did not seem like a wise choice at all.

I personally think they should eliminate the jump split and go back to the fan split.  The jump split is just too dangerous.  I also think the leg lift and hair flip is stupid.  I think the fan split is prettier than both the leg lift and jump split.

ETA: Fan split (I don't know what it is actually called) at 2:45

With the talent and precision they have today, this could be a very visually appealing element and certainly a lot more safe.

Also, justice for the dip front shorts!

I like it that way, it looks pretty.  Reminds me of how we kicked in the 80's.  Jump split is dangerous, especially if someone next to you is off.  My almost 50 year old knees are shot from all the jumping and dropping to the floor we did way back.    

  • Love 7
5 hours ago, allitator said:

Someone mentioned that it was quite similar to her audition from last year (Elli’s), so I watched it for comparison sake. I think it was a hundred times stronger last year, albeit the same style. This year’s felt… clunky? Maybe it’s just the style and I’m not a huge fan of this style of dancing, but it felt clunky and flat-footed. I think her 2020 audition was a much better testament to her actual dance ability. 

I also think Maddie’s was always hyper-focused at auditions because girl has got some TRICKS. And she just makes it look effortless. Say what you want about her (and I would certainly not argue that she was the best of all time), but she is a PHENOMENAL dancer who always brought it at auditions. 

I agree Maddie has a lot of tricks, but for a self-proclaimed studio rat, she still does not finish moves, has poor extensions, and falls out of turns. 

24 minutes ago, Isolabella said:

Absolutely agree with you. In her solo, Elli dances really sharp and hits every single thing as hard as possible, which is great when performed with a group as a whole, especially on a football field where they need to project. But when performed as a solo, it doesn't translate the same. It looks a little chaotic. Whereas Maddie has texture in her dancing- like you said, fluid, and then sharp moments as well. 

Disagree about Maddie's fluidity. I think she looks disconnected most of the time.

Honestly I feel like Maddie was shoved down our throats more than anyone else ever and I add fuel to the fire of WHY DID YOU SCREW UP AND WE GET THIS SHOVED AT US HOLLY, JENNA, ERICA. I know it's been years but geez. 

  • LOL 5
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2 hours ago, RedDelicious said:

100%.  I was wincing throughout every scene Daphne was in.  I understand it's heartbreaking to have to let go of a dream but she wasn't being realistic.  She's not even 25-years old and her knees are destroyed.  I feel bad for her but trying to push through training camp did not seem like a wise choice at all.

I personally think they should eliminate the jump split and go back to the fan split.  The jump split is just too dangerous.  I also think the leg lift and hair flip is stupid.  I think the fan split is prettier than both the leg lift and jump split.

ETA: Fan split (I don't know what it is actually called) at 2:45

With the talent and precision they have today, this could be a very visually appealing element and certainly a lot more safe.

Also, justice for the dip front shorts!

Oooooo that fan split looks so cool. Although I still think the jump splits are iconic. 

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, RedDelicious said:

Also, justice for the dip front shorts!

Hah! I was with you til this comment. I think the front-dip shorts are ugly and very dated. They don't flatter the dancers figures in still photos IMO. In motion they aren't so bad. I am surprised they used them all the way up to around 2000, not sure the exact year they finally changed. Right before the hair straightener and chunky highlights emerged 😄

I forgot to add: thank you for the clip, loved watching the blast from the past

Edited by StellaCL
  • Love 8

I don't think the jump split is worth endangering the cheerleaders' bodies.     The fan split looks good too.    As spectacular as the jump split is, look at all of the injuries over the years from doing it, especially if everyone doesn't jump at the same time.    I wonder how many of the cheerleaders have had continuing issues from the damage of doing jump splits?  

I do think that during the auditions, or on videos, there should be a requirement to have high kicks, and do a split easily, or they shouldn't even consider that person for a tryout.

  • Love 15

Ooh, I like that fan split.  Pretty!  I think it would be visually appealing too since right now the jump split is unnecessarily dangerous and can also look sloppy due to height differences.   Maybe it just takes too long with the 36 cheerleader lineup?  They could start from either side and end in the middle?  

(But also, 1990's ladies...LINES!!!)

  • Love 14
1 hour ago, UnicornKicksBack said:

I agree Maddie has a lot of tricks, but for a self-proclaimed studio rat, she still does not finish moves, has poor extensions, and falls out of turns. 

Disagree about Maddie's fluidity. I think she looks disconnected most of the time.

Honestly I feel like Maddie was shoved down our throats more than anyone else ever and I add fuel to the fire of WHY DID YOU SCREW UP AND WE GET THIS SHOVED AT US HOLLY, JENNA, ERICA. I know it's been years but geez. 

Right. It wouldn’t even be so bad if they framed it like they did with Jinelle - where they didn’t try to pretend that she was one of the greatest DCCs ever, but noted how she was such a great teammate, great at camps, etc. I’m not downplaying Maddie’s career. She obviously gave a lot to the team and is a good dancer, but the need to pretend like she is some world class hip hop dancer and performer and on par with some of the strongest DCC dancers is too much. 

  • Love 14
6 minutes ago, loveaux said:

catching up on everything now, and i can say, i missed the hell out of y'all 🤣

on another note, taylor's solo was not impressive. it was a lot of, let me walk around a be pretty. i'm catching up on the threads so i'll have a more indepth saying sometime soon 🤗

Hey girl hey!

Can someone please post the link to Taylor's solo now i'm intrigued. I went back a few pages but don't see it, thanks... :-) 

  • Love 8
3 minutes ago, StellaCL said:

Thank you and wow was that underwhelming. Honestly I never understood how she made the team other than being besties with Kelli's daughter. Yes she's a lovely young lade, a teacher and a great role model but imo this is a dance team & she never seemed to have the power and projection Kelli preaches... 

  • Love 7
16 minutes ago, Holly85 said:

Even miller will be in episode 3 


So happy! Evan is my favorite choreographer  😊

29 minutes ago, PomPomPom said:

Do you think she is TPTBs new "comeback girl"

The question will be if Ava even wants to try out again? She is so talented and gorgeous, and only 19 - I would encourage her to have bigger dreams than DCC. 

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