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S06.E21: Reunion Part 1

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What is a Holla! life??

This from Heather on her blog dated October 2012:

But before I get into my perspective on Part 1, I would like to take this opportunity to explain why I use the term “holla” and what it means.

I will start by telling you that I did not "plan it" as part of my opening title line for the show, it happened while recording my line, "My success is built on making women look and feel there best." In the studio while recording it one of our producers said, "It feel like it needs a 'Heatherism' on the end? Maybe try ending it with something that comes organically to you and we’ll see how it sounds?" “Holla" naturally flowed out of me as a positive shout out to all the ladies who over the past 4 years have been rockin' and lovin' bought my Yummie Tummie products and it stuck.

Now I can’t go anywhere without out getting a "holla" from folks I meet on the street, to every tweet #holla and even from my closest friends, who say "holla" when I walk into a room. On Twitter, my newest Jewish friends shout out to me with a "challah" (which is a Jewish bread that is pronounced very much the same way as holla, that among other things, is traditional to Friday night dinner), wishing me a lovely Shabbat and I LOVE IT ALL! It's so fun and feel good! I have always used "holla" as a positive "shout out," or as an "acknowledgement" that I use with friends. Some use it as a follow up, i.e.: "Holla back when you can" when leaving a message. "Holla" is a term that I picked up years ago and whether I am 30 or 42, I use it when it feels right, but it has never defined me until the show aired.

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I just think Heather is a nerd, and she is trying to be hipper, and she isn't naturally.  Like she stuck out like a sore thumb when she was hanging around Puff Daddy, so she adopted the lingo he was using.  If she had been hanging around Joe Giudice, she'd be saying, "It is what it is. What dya gonna do?"  This latest Mama stuff is new for her I think.  I don't recall her using it last season.  She reminds me of Bethenny jumping on the latest fad sayings, "He liked it so much, he put a ring on it," turns to the next person, "He liked it so much, he put a ring on it." or "Check yourself before you wreck yourself." Bleck.   It doesn't strike me as authentic Heather.


I think Heather is a sharp snake and this is all an act to make people think she is low key and cool with things.

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She's a business woman who takes great pride in being articulate when she speaks down to us in her talking heads.  So when she gets into the generic slang, it sounds unnatural for her.  Not because she is white, but because where she is in her life right now.  She is too "businessy" and too articulate and precise in every other moment in her life.  Not so casual or slangy.

This.  When she's speaking down to us or to one of her friends, she's very sharp, articulate and to the point even when she's drunk. (Or pretending to be drunk.)  She flips it on and off like a switch.

If she had been hanging around Joe Giudice, she'd be saying, "It is what it is. What dya gonna do?"  This latest Mama stuff is new for her I think.  I don't recall her using it last season.  She reminds me of Bethenny jumping on the latest fad sayings, "He liked it so much, he put a ring on it," turns to the next person, "He liked it so much, he put a ring on it." or "Check yourself before you wreck yourself." Bleck.   It doesn't strike me as authentic Heather.

And this. 

Edited by ryebread
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Is Reunion Part 1 airing for sure tonight? I was scrolling through the Time Warner program guide last night and it said "To Be Announced" in the 9pm slot. I also swear I saw an on-screen bug promoting Bravo showing some movie tonight at 8pm, though I can't remember which movie. And I could have been clouded by 3/4 of a bottle of white wine I had leftover from the weekend.


Anyone got the scoop?

The Bravo site says Part 1 is showing tonight at 9 and 10. Not sure what time zone that's for (I live in Mountain, the forgotten zone) but there's confirmation that it's airing tonight.


Awesome, thanks bref. The Bravo site makes my work computer go crazy for some reason. I blame my own personal Turtle Time session for my confusion. :)

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If Ramona doesn't open up about her marriage with Mario I'm done watching. We all know some of this is scripted and set up, but when they stop sharing anything real in their lives what's the point of watching poorly scripted TV with really awful actors? Plus, as much as we seen marriage after marriage dissolve on these shows it would be fascinating to watch a couple stay together. I'm not saying we need to see everything about the marriage by any stretch, but it sure would be interesting to see a couple rebuild their marriage and make things better.

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This.  When she's speaking down to us or to one of her friends, she's very sharp, articulate and to the point even when she's drunk. (Or pretending to be drunk.)  She flips it on and off like a switch.

I don't see a problem with this, how I speak at work or in a formal or professional setting is much different than how I speak hanging out with my friends or drinking (or drinking and hanging out with my friends). I can be very precise and articulate or I can give a 'girl please' and a head roll. It depends on what I'm talking about, where I am, who I am speaking with and the mood I am in.

I also have a southern accent and it comes out hard when I've been drinking or when I visit my family. My husband laughs because he knows when I've been chatting with one of my good hometown friends because I get a little twang back, and her husband knows when she's been chatting with me because she says 'fuck' more.

I really don't see any issue with Heather, but I like Heather so I'm not looking for anything. Holla girl!

  • Love 18

I'm not talking about Heather being ghetto or Aviva being racist.  I don't think it is natural for Heather because it just doesn't seem to flow naturally off her, MMV.  She reminds me of Bethenny when she does it.  Like when she grabbed the mic at Carole's party.  It seemed "put on."  Like she was "acting."  Her motherfuckers seemed very natural and flowed right out. Authentic there.  The "Hey Mama!" seems like her "hey I'm easy like Sunday morning" role that she likes to play.  It's just my perception of her.  


Of course I do agree that she might act differently in different environments with different people - but these people are all the same - rich. When she was purse shopping with Carole (her real friend) she spoke very similarly to the way she does when she is doing business or hanging with Jonathon or reprimanding Sonja or Kristen.  She seems to pull the slang out of a hat when the mood suits her.


FWIW I generally like Heather.  I even began to like her Holla! at the end of the reunion last year because she was the only person who seems to handle it normally.  I am just beginning to think that she can never admit she may be wrong, she is a bit of a know it all, and she likes to be in control the scenes they shoot.   

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DAMN. Luann has had it. OFFICIALLY. (per Detox from Rupaul's Drag Race) I love it. She might have to add an extra chapter to her manners book on shutting people down. 


Andy is once again a horrible host for these things. I have to agree with the guest on his talk show who I can't remember that said he needs a co host for these things.

Edited by rustyspigot
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I really don't see any issue with Heather, but I like Heather so I'm not looking for anything. Holla girl!

That's most likely my problem in a nutsheill. I just don't like her. I can't put my finger on why other than she just seems fake to me.  From the big wide, Giada De Laurentiis smile (LOL Can't stand her either) to my intuition that she would turn on a dime on a friend to....aw, never mind.  I just don't like her.  It's intuitive.  Just feel it in my bones. 


Has she given me the reasons to dislike her that Aviva has?  Nope.  I just think she's fake.  And I really hope NYC gets another season, primarily so that can be further exposed.

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I've never liked Andy as a host of these things. He needs more power to his voice to gain control when things go off the rails.

Reunion shows always bore me, so I admit to being preoccupied while watching. Aviva seeing no problem dropping the f bomb in front of kids.. Not ok. I curse like a sailor, when my kids aren't around (ironically, my brother is a US Sailor and told me they get in serious trouble if they are caught cursing). That was totally inappropriate!

I would be offended if my husband gave me a boob job as an anniversary gift. Im sure she asked for it but I'm sure Josh was in 100% agreement. Alas, the parallels to the Beadors on the OC continue.

Thought Luanne (suprisingly) and Sonja's dresses were the worst. I'll watch again and change my mind I'm sure.

I hope next week continues with the Ramona/Mario talk and she's not able to get out of it.

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Ramona - you did not throw a sponge dear. If the plastic was as hard as tumbler plastic as Heather and Kristen said - that does not equal plastic. Stop trying to minimize!

I loved Kristen telling Aviva to 'shut the fuck up' at the end of their back/forth of the kid scene. LOL!!! The Ramona missing memo 65 years ago!!! I cracked up!!!

Get it together Andy!

Who knew LuAnn was jealous of Sonja because she's on the show!?! Last I checked LuAnn was ON the show! Comedy!

Edited by Llama
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I would be offended if my husband gave me a boob job as an anniversary gift. Im sure she asked for it but I'm sure Josh was in 100% agreement.

Seriously, how does Josh give Kristen a gift of breast implants? Does that mean he has thousands of dollars that he gives when she wants something - and she otherwise doesn't have access to it? If she has that kind of arrangement with him, she's dumber than she appeared all season. This is why she was whiny all season - Daddy controls the purse strings, I guess, and is able to bestow gifts upon her - that are also "gifts" to himself. 


Kristen, you need to have your own money. 

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Didn't Kristin get new boobs after having her kids? Her daughter is what, two years old? Just how often does she have to change them out?

I agree MoutainAir, how offensive to have them be an anniversary gift. If you want plastic surgery, you discuss it with your spouse and if in agreement, you discuss cost. But then again I don't use the blow job bartering system.

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I thought Andy had a "no props" rule, so what the hell was that plastic cup Ramona pulled out? Ramona going on about the "plastic wine shaped.......glass" not being a big deal and everyone needing to move on is just so irritating. I'm glad Andy brought up Mario fucking that chick and I hope those bitches take Ramona down!

I'm one of the last hold outs for Ramona but she blew it this season. And now to try to " shudderdown" discussion of Mario's after bringing up LuAnn's husband's infidelity ain't gonna cut it. I, too, hope Andy keeps at her.

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Best part of the reunion was Sonja rambling on about her 40 employees and her wine in the can business offer. That whole spiel of hers is worth transcribing just for laughs.

Who knew being a real estate developer, flipper, or even being a regular person who sold a house would make you a lifestyle branding expert. Dumb Martha Stewart has probably only sold a handful of houses while lifestyle branding expert has sold a dozen places. Sonja is clearly the bigger lifestyle brand. I just think about all those valuable lifestyle brand items from the Catholic Church, the US government, and King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia. The woman is a delusional moron who uses her weird unique definitions to try to move the goal post on whether she's a failure or not. And it needs to be repeated always and often, the court ordered bankruptcy trustee and the judge who ruled against you are not your employees Sonja Tremont Morgan of the Looney Tunes Morgans.

Ramona is an asshole. She doesn't get to demand that the others move on from her assault on Kristen.

Luann is coming off ahead in the reunion.

If Heather was truly speaking ugh "ghetto" she would dismiss Aviva with a "bye Felicia!"

Edited by HunterHunted
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Sonja is a sad woman. I kind of wish they would make her leave the show. Obviously the fake lush life of the show (comped parties, exotic trips, interns by the handful) have her thinking she really is living the life. Meanwhile, her houses are being sold off and she is solidly in debt. So in debt that making repairs to get hot water in her house, and stocking the fridge with something other than pickles isn't doable. That is POOR in my book.

I don't care how much property she is sitting on. Property she is holding onto, I think, because she knows when she sells it the money goes to her outstanding bills.

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What made me realize Sonja and reality parted ways was when mention was made of her having elements of Grey Gardens.. and she went on and on about how sweet and wonderful they were while Carole was looking confused and Luann basically said they were mentally insane.  That seemed to stop Sonja, but only for a second.  I am also glad that Luann pointed out what many have stated on various boards... that Sonja has changed from season 3 till now.. and not for the better.

Edited by JAYJAY1979
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Loving Luann.  She's just shutting down the nutcases on the other couch.


Sonja thinks that being referenced as a Grey Gardens in the making is a compliment?  And her reasoning about how her lawyer, her investment adviser, her trustee, etc. was interesting.  Did she actually say her JUDGE?  She pays a judge?  At best she could say they were contractors because lord knows she doesn't provide any benefits (and no it's not like friends with benefits Sonja), does not do any type of payroll reporting and so on...........It was just a way to get off of the topic of the interns and how she gets away with having free help to do shit that either she does not want to do or is too scatter brained to do herself.


Aviva can leave any time now.  She is such a cold, humorless creature.   The whole does she have asthma bs - you could drill it down to one thing:  no one likes or trusts her.  It's like the boy who cried wolf.  You keep crying wolf, wolf, wolf and there's nary a wolf around or maybe a dog that kinda looks like a wolf, people stop believing a word you say.  They're just tired of her.  She always looks like she just sucked on a lemon.  She looked like she was always just waiting to jump in with some pre-rehearsed lines, but she's just not very good at this - stiff and unnatural.  


And she can't tell her perv father that he was inappropriate?  No, because he's one of her major storylines.  She's really stupid if she thought anyone would find him to be compelling.    


Ramona has a lot of nerve saying she was just throwing a liquid at Kristin.  She threw a glass - made of hard plastic at someone at pretty close range.  It was assault, not just being unladylike.  It's not like you farted in public - you took an object, threw it at someone and caused her bodily injury.  Plus, she reached for the oar.  What was she going to do with that oar?   Then when the questions start about Mario, she wants Andy to go to the next package, then says she wants it shut down now.  Uh, you're not in charge.  You were the one who signed up to show your life on tv.


The other women - eh, nothing has bugged me too much yet with them.  Carol's hair looks like straw though.  

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If Ramona doesn't open up about her marriage with Mario I'm done watching. We all know some of this is scripted and set up, but when they stop sharing anything real in their lives what's the point of watching poorly scripted TV with really awful actors? Plus, as much as we seen marriage after marriage dissolve on these shows it would be fascinating to watch a couple stay together. I'm not saying we need to see everything about the marriage by any stretch, but it sure would be interesting to see a couple rebuild their marriage and make things better.

What do you want her to say?  He cheated and I am devastated.  Or it is a work in progress?  I am torn-she needs to admit there is a reason she filed for divorce but I am really not into to seeing her breakdown and cry.   

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Sonja, Ramona, and Aviva just make me tired. All of them are delusional. And if Andy buckles to Ramona about her marital issues after all the things she's thrown at Luann I'll scream.

They just showed a preview of part two on WWHL, and Andy does not buckle when Ramona tries to shut down the conversation. But I don't know how much she's going to give. She kept saying "allegations" as LuAnn addressed the cheating rumors.

What do you want her to say?  He cheated and I am devastated.  Or it is a work in progress?  I am torn-she needs to admit there is a reason she filed for divorce but I am really not into to seeing her breakdown and cry.

The only thing I think she owes people is to acknowledge that the shoe is now on the other foot. She has been HORRIBLE to almost every HW, esp. LuAnn, about husbands, marriages, cheating allegations, etc... All the while playing up her marriage and how great Mario is at every turn. Talk about people in glass houses. Now that she's been humiliated by a cheating spouse, you would think she'd realize how hurtful she was to those she gossiped and trash-talked about, and maybe even show some remorse.

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They just showed a preview of part two on WWHL, and Andy does not buckle when Ramona tries to shut down the conversation. But I don't know how much she's going to give. She kept saying "allegations" as LuAnn addressed the cheating rumors.

I thought Carole and Heather laid down the law on talking about other people's marriages?  LuAnn lied the first two season, and has since admitted it, saying she was married.  She then used Season 3 as her I was married for 16 years and he cheated.  Then she screwed the pirate and thought everyone was out of line for calling her on it.  Well, LuAnn you were dating and cheating during the time-big difference between you and Ramona.  Why is it these folks need to go for the jugular?  It was not okay when Ramona and Carole called LuAnn out so what makes it okay when LuAnn does it?


I think Ramona is an idiot most of the time but she is not a cheater.

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Seriously, how does Josh give Kristen a gift of breast implants? Does that mean he has thousands of dollars that he gives when she wants something - and she otherwise doesn't have access to it? If she has that kind of arrangement with him, she's dumber than she appeared all season. This is why she was whiny all season - Daddy controls the purse strings, I guess, and is able to bestow gifts upon her - that are also "gifts" to himself. 


Kristen, you need to have your own money. 

Eh, I get it.  Not WKing for her at all, but there are plenty of times my husband and I discuss and make a big purchase and call it a gift, either to both or one of us.  It's not really something he can go pick out and give to her in a wrapped package.  I just can't feel offended for her, especially since it seems she wanted and enjoyed the gift. 


I can't help but root for Sonja.  I don't know why, but I really want her to be successful in some way.  Maybe I am pulling for the underdog?


I really hope Ramona is handed Mario's ass in part 2.  And I hope she is reminded of how she considered everyone else's problems fair game, so not it is her turn.


Andy showed the footwear of all the women on WWHL, and man if Aviva and Luann didn't have some ugly ass shoes.

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Lulu drag 'em hunty! She may be perched on the ass end of the couch but she clearly owned or should I say powned round 1. A fresh golden apple just dropped into her hand because she was serving bitches and secured a full time job if NYC is blessed enough to get another season!

So according to Sonja's definition of what an employee is, the Walmart personnel who scanned my 6 pack of Hanes Her way, spatula, milk and other items is my employee. The lady at the Chinese restaurant who took and fulfilled my order of spare ribs, pork fried rice and crab rangoon is also my employee. Good to know. Also never knew that flipping real estate meant you were a lifestyle expert. Wow, the things I don't know. Here I was all this time calling them house flippers. Somebody better tell HGTV and Jeff whathisface from Flipping Out. I must admit that hers was the most fascinating segment. I will have to watch it again but apparently every time someone sends her an email about a possible new venture she counts that as a business she has. Half her segment seemed like incoherent jibberish. I do agree with Luann that Sonja has changed for the worse and the show has gone to her head. Sonja is so much more affected than she used to be. I can't stand they way her lips are in a constant state of being pursed. Makes her look like a catfish that every fishermen in their right mind would throw back.

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A few quotes from Aviva's blog. Oh my... Discuss among yourselves.

By the way, I often loosen my prothesis when I'm sitting to promote blood flow. I can get the gizmo on and off faster than Heather can flick her ghetto fabulous switch blade. Ready, Heather? DRAW!

Asthma? Still? Boringo. This was like a modern day Inquisition and it didn't matter whether or not I was ill. Instead of basing judgements on medical facts, judgments about my health have been based on five post-menopausal bitches.

They just showed a preview of part two on WWHL, and Andy does not buckle when Ramona tries to shut down the conversation. But I don't know how much she's going to give. She kept saying "allegations" as LuAnn addressed the cheating rumors.

The only thing I think she owes people is to acknowledge that the shoe is now on the other foot. She has been HORRIBLE to almost every HW, esp. LuAnn, about husbands, marriages, cheating allegations, etc... All the while playing up her marriage and how great Mario is at every turn. Talk about people in glass houses. Now that she's been humiliated by a cheating spouse, you would think she'd realize how hurtful she was to those she gossiped and trash-talked about, and maybe even show some remorse.

What other women-it was only LuAnn.  She has not called out anyone else.  Not Alex, Sonja, Kristen, Heather, Aviva, Jill, Bethenny or any other HW.  I think because Ramona was committed in her marriage the others want to tear her down.  Ramona is a bitch what they do is lower themselves by celebrating the demise of her marriage.

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I can't help but root for Sonja.  I don't know why, but I really want her to be successful in some way.  Maybe I am pulling for the underdog?


I don't see her as an underdog.  She committed fraud against innocent people and cost them a lot of money, plus a loss of reputation in the industry.  And despite a legal judgment against her, she's been dragging her feet on selling her townhouse, thereby not paying those people the money she owes them.  I just can't feel bad for her with that in mind.

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Bravo used subtitles tonight… strange, but if Andy's still not going to insist that the women talk one at a time, then subtitles are the next best thing, I guess.


I thought all the ladies looked very pretty.  And the showcase reel on Kristen reminded me of how lovely she really is.


Since Ramona eventually apologized to Kristen during the season, when the glass-throwing incident was brought up tonight I wondered why, instead of bringing a plastic cup to minimize the event, she didn't simply reiterate her original apology, which did sound honest and heartfelt when she (finally) made it.  

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What other women-it was only LuAnn.  She has not called out anyone else.  Not Alex, Sonja, Kristen, Heather, Aviva, Jill, Bethenny or any other HW.  I think because Ramona was committed in her marriage the others want to tear her down.  Ramona is a bitch what they do is lower themselves by celebrating the demise of her marriage.

She really insulted Heather's husband and directly compared him to Mario, who catches everyone's attention!  Clearly, he gets a little too much attention from the ladies.  I think Heather has the right to respond to that and throw shade at Ramona.

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