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S11.E06: The Liberation of Erika Jayne

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47 minutes ago, Kiss my mutt said:

I’m still thinking about that THC oil and why she would use a sexual enhancer before Sutton’s party. Oh yeah, so she could use the words vagina and clit. 

Oh it's worse than that; she oiled up her tweeter (as Kyle calls it) not to pretend she is  attending a tupperware  party  in Paris at Sutton's, but to make dumplings at Crystal's home, with her cousins. 

On the other hand, thanks for the tip Kyle.  😉


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54 minutes ago, Kiss my mutt said:

I’m still thinking about that THC oil and why she would use a sexual enhancer before Sutton’s party. Oh yeah, so she could use the words vagina and clit. 

See, cynical me was thinking it's some sort of lead-in to her next marketing adventure: selling 'toys'. Mm-hmm. Otherwise, it was weird time/place, unless she did just want to say vag and clit, lol.

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On 6/23/2021 at 8:40 PM, French Fries said:

Somebody give Erika an Emmy!

I came here to say this exact thing!!! 

Wonder if she's harnessing her inner actress from the time she guest starred on Eileen's soap. She is coming across very convincing but parts are all true like "...when it comes for me...and it  *WILL* come."

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2 hours ago, WaltersHair said:

This is why I asked about the apartment in LA/ Hollywood. She said she used it during filming for the Housewives so she didn't have to go all the way home to Pasedena. She was filming when she dropped the divorce decree, so I assumed she could just stay at the 'clubhouse' full time instead of moving straight into the rental home. That clubhouse was full of pricey furnishings and art.

Plus she dropped him at work, moved out and he was served with papers the next morning.  Didn’t he come home from work and wonder where his wife and her stuff went?  

She was more than happy to put up with his treatment of her until the money dried up.  Who is she kidding?  

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42 minutes ago, emmawoodhouse said:

I wonder who picked Tom up from work that day if EJ bailed. 

Maybe she forgot to mention the part about giving him bus money? 😂 I wonder if she packed his lunch, too, in a brown bag with his name on it?

It all sounds so rehearsed and contrived when she's speaking.

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3 hours ago, Cosmocrush said:

Oh it's worse than that; she oiled up her tweeter (as Kyle calls it) not to pretend she is  attending a tupperware  party  in Paris at Sutton's, but to make dumplings at Crystal's home, with her cousins. 

On the other hand, thanks for the tip Kyle.  😉


Oh gosh, that’s even worse! I’m surprised she didn’t make a joke about oiling her “dumpling”!

Edited by Kiss my mutt
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On 6/24/2021 at 2:57 PM, Cosmocrush said:

Yes, a woman who shops by having the store close just for her is clearly used to getting her way.   I wonder if Whole Foods shuts down for her too?  

That is the perk of having a black American Express card, I have had two, (not my amex cards) in my hot little hands and it killed me that I had to behave myself and not jump on line and shop!


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8 minutes ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

I wonder why the women who helped Crystal prepare the dumpling mise en place (Crystal’s cousins? I forget) didn’t join the HWs in eating them. 

I like both Sutton and Crystal. I would love to know how Sutton’s divorce lawyer orchestrated the truckloads of cash for her.



Maybe production. Maybe they did and it wasn’t shown … 

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1 hour ago, Baltimore Betty said:

That is the perk of having a black American Express card, I have had two, (not my amex cards) in my hot little hands and it killed me that I had to behave myself and not jump on line and shop!


Seriously?  They close the store for you if you use a black Amex?   Wow.  Probably just as well I don't have one, lol. 

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16 minutes ago, blixie said:

It seemed like this was their business they run "dumpling parties" I figured that's why there were monogrammed aprons/plates with a cutesy thing about dumplings. So they were focused on running the party v. participating in the party. 

They were Crystal's cousins.  She showed a pic of them together as kids and talked about growing up making dumplings with their grandmother.   I think they did it as a favor to Crystal.   The cutesy things came from Crystal.  

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1 hour ago, Cosmocrush said:

Seriously?  They close the store for you if you use a black Amex?   Wow.  Probably just as well I don't have one, lol. 

I will go thru life never having a black AMEX and I am ok with it, the attractiveness of having the funds that go along with it...yes, that would be nice.

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3 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

I wonder why the women who helped Crystal prepare the dumpling mise en place (Crystal’s cousins? I forget) didn’t join the HWs in eating them. 

I like both Sutton and Crystal. I would love to know how Sutton’s divorce lawyer orchestrated the truckloads of cash for her.



They generally separate the housewives from any civilians unless the presence of the civilians drives the storyline. It wasn't unique to Crystal's cousins. 

They can't really have the type of housewives' interactions unless they are at their own table. 

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2 hours ago, Cosmocrush said:

Seriously?  They close the store for you if you use a black Amex?   Wow.  Probably just as well I don't have one, lol. 

I think it would be very easy to have Lamborghini shut down their show room so that a segment of a national television show can be filmed. Most companies would pay for the ability to get their product on national television and nothing in that segment showed the car in a poor light - if you are a car person it was "aspirational". 

It really is a question of money. If you are a good enough customer of a store and the store knows that closing it for an hour or so you can shop privately will offset any revenue lost from the few people who might have bought something during that time but who wouldn't if they couldn't buy it at that moment.

Celebrities often get stores to shut down or more commonly to open up when they would otherwise be closed. I seem to remember that Michael Jackson had a private thing at FAO Schwartz or his children. 

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Finally, Sutton wore something I totally respected on her body type! The buttton-down midi fit & flare brown suede dress was so good on her. Wish she'd wear these types of things more often. It took years off of her to look so contemporary. Those boxy dresses she typically wears make her matronly & ruin her shape.  Even the shapeless tops she wears with pants are 👎

On Sutton-  I agree she was acting strangly upon entering the room on Crystal. But, I also agree when she says Crystal is that high school mean girl. Maybe the condescension of "I don't know what's going on in *here* but I'm giving you your coat..." was meant, in Sutton's mind, to bring the power balance & feisty gal attitude back on her end. I feel sorry for Sutton. I see she's a generous person & generally a decent person. She's just painfully insecure. I wish she'd get a good therapist & win some confidence. 

I like that Kyle was that friend that won't leave a girlfriend alone until she's taken care of her health. Kudos. That & her impersonations of people like with her sis Kathy this ep are spot-on. That's all I'll say that's nice about Kyle bc I don't like her at all. 

Rinna is about 5 years too late on the lip kit market. Stick with QVC, or HSN Rinna🙄

I want that oil Erika rubbed on her intimates.  That's all.

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On 6/24/2021 at 3:22 PM, 90sfan said:

What I found ridiculous too is everyone's reaction to Erika saying her new car was a Range Rover. They all looked it at her with pity/shock as if she had just bought an old clunker.

How could you! Schoolchildren of the future will sing folk songs about Erika's tragic fall from Lamborghini to *new* Range Rover! 😉

On 6/24/2021 at 2:48 PM, Yours Truly said:

It's like she's a doll in a horror flick.  The ones that scare the fuck out of everyone just by sitting in the corner unmoving, big eyes wide open. 

I've always found Erika's appearance unsettling, but couldn't find the words to explain it. You've nailed it with the creepy doll comparison.

On 6/24/2021 at 3:29 PM, 65mickey said:

But after saying this I do hope that put this behind them and they probably would have if Kyle had not stirred the pot again gleefully hoping to reignite an argument. 

This! For the record, I'm Team Crystal although I hated hated hated the way she weaponized mental illness terminology. I think both Crystal and Sutton were trying to bring this conflict to an end, but Kyle keeps it alive. It's definitely part of her MO to resurrect and beat dead horses in the name of "honesty" and "clarity." To be fair, Kyle isn't the only one who does this, but I feel she does it the most. How many times will she and Dorit have serious conversations about real or imagined slights?

Edited by Vanderboom
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18 hours ago, Kiss my mutt said:

I’m still thinking about that THC oil and why she would use a sexual enhancer before Sutton’s party. Oh yeah, so she could use the words vagina and clit. 

Ha, I have my medical card and was about to purchase the "Oh!" intimacy oil but then thought really $69 (ha, I just realized that pricing is probably intentional)?  So I made my own weed lube (same process for infusion for making edibles -- you bake weed for 30 minutes to decarb it, then infuse with coconut oil and  pressure cook in a water bath for 30 minutes).  I was hoping that it would work as well for me as it did Erika.  I might've felt a little something but certainly not the "lit" feeling that Erika talked about (which of course she just wanted to bring attention to her parts down there for her next geriatric wealthy man). 

So, bottom line:  I'll stick to making gummies with infused oil and keep it out of my nether regions.

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I don't particularly care for either Sutton or Crystal, and I was firmly on Crystal's side during the race conversation, but... Sutton is right about one thing: Crystal is a consummate mean girl.  "She walked in on me while I was naked!  Isn't that weeeird?!" to multiple people? Straight out of the Regina George playbook. 

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2 hours ago, Starlight925 said:

I don't know 'nothin bout that oil Erika was talking about, but I was dying for her to get up and have it stained the back of her dress, or the sofa.  A la Vicki Gunvalson, when she peed on the bed.

Oh geez, puss oil stains! And I thought Adrienne Maloof's self-tanner stains were rude. 

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On 6/23/2021 at 8:42 PM, French Fries said:

She said ".....whatever you are doing in here."

It was a big nothing.

On 6/24/2021 at 12:43 PM, Keywestclubkid said:

Because crystal isn’t crying fake tears and rolling her face to “soothe” herself and isn’t being over emotional in her reactions to a woman who is acting unhinged she is a bitch? No she just isn’t acting just as unhinged as Sutton. 

Try perimenopause or  menopause on for size before claiming any middle aged  woman is crying fake tears or being over emotional.

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On 6/24/2021 at 3:22 PM, Joan van Snark said:

The 4 bedrooms are all probably giant en suites with their own bathrooms and huge closets.  Erika's 'chapel' is probably a converted bedroom.  I hope she spent some time on her knees repenting in there before she moved out.  Then there are probably other rooms that could be bedrooms as others said being used as closets, game rooms, offices, etc.

I don't think that house was butt ugly as others have commented.  It was actually very tastefully decorated, if slightly dated.  Love the yellow chinese wallpaper in the dining room.  Doesnt look like Erika had a hand in decorating it other than her photos pasted all over the walls.  

The outside of Kyle's house is great but the inside, not so much.  She needs to fire Fay as a decorator.


21 hours ago, serenitynow said:

Plus she dropped him at work, moved out and he was served with papers the next morning.  Didn’t he come home from work and wonder where his wife and her stuff went?  

She was more than happy to put up with his treatment of her until the money dried up.  Who is she kidding?  

He toddled over to Morton's went home and didn't even notice anything different. That's what he says happened.

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45 minutes ago, OdinO. said:

It was a big nothing.

Try perimenopause or  menopause on for size before claiming any middle aged  woman is crying fake tears or being over emotional.

I hear from my older girlfriends that it's no joke. I've wondered how much of the housewives' crying and outbursts are due to hormonal stuff, like Erika in Hong Kong. I think Sutton's tears are 100% genuine and understandable. I think she's truly sensitive and is probably dealing with various life changes. 

I do judge Kyle for her tears sometimes though. I'm sure some of it is real because she's human. But since season 1, she'd go back and forth between being very aggressive and then crying like a little girl. Maybe some of it is due to how we're raised? Some people are raised to avoid crying as much possible, especially boys/men. This is obviously not healthy to the vast majority of us. Some people are raised that crying is strength and there's never any shame in it. This may be unpopular in 2021, but I don't entirely agree with that. I definitely think crying is normal and healthy. However, as adults, I do personally think it's silly to just cry anywhere and over anything. I also think people who use tears to manipulate do exist, especially actors who can cry on cue. 

Edited by RealHousewife
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19 minutes ago, RealHousewife said:

I hear from my older girlfriends that it's no joke. I've wondered how much of the housewives' crying and outbursts are due to hormonal stuff, like Erika in Hong Kong. I think Sutton's tears are 100% genuine and understandable. I think she's truly sensitive and is probably dealing with various life changes. 

I do judge Kyle for her tears sometimes though. I'm sure some of it is real because she's human. But since season 1, she'd go back and forth between being very aggressive and then crying like a little girl. Maybe some of it is due to how we're raised? Some people are raised to avoid crying as much possible, especially boys/men. This is obviously not healthy to the vast majority of us. Some people are raised that crying is strength and there's never any shame in it. This may be unpopular in 2021, but I don't entirely agree with that. I definitely think crying is normal and healthy. However, as adults, I do personally think it's silly to just cry anywhere and over anything. I also think people who use tears to manipulate do exist, especially actors who can cry on cue. 

The hormones are powerful and when they aren't balanced, you might cry about a random ice skater in competition on TV getting bad scores like I did a few months ago. No manipulation involved. Just wacky hormones and someone else feeling bad was enough for a real primal cry.

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27 minutes ago, OdinO. said:

The hormones are powerful and when they aren't balanced, you might cry about a random ice skater in competition on TV getting bad scores like I did a few months ago. No manipulation involved. Just wacky hormones and someone else feeling bad was enough for a real primal cry.

...or the rages that can happen over quite trivial matters, like running out of trash bags when it's garbage pick-up day! Lol Emotion roulette, you never know what will set it off, or what emotion you'll get. Getting old is so fun!

I've wondered if some of the blow ups with the HW's at times had a bit of menop involvement, then add cameras, and faux friends, and hoo gurrl.

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34 minutes ago, OdinO. said:

The hormones are powerful and when they aren't balanced, you might cry about a random ice skater in competition on TV getting bad scores like I did a few months ago. No manipulation involved. Just wacky hormones and someone else feeling bad was enough for a real primal cry.

I laugh, only because menopause is all over for me!  But you're right.  The hormones (or lack thereof) DO play with your emotions, temper, appetite, EVERYTHING.  Just know, all those symptoms go away after a while and you can get back to your normal self.

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On 6/25/2021 at 5:57 PM, Hangin Out said:

Now that shows are opening up, will Erika be doing her “ pat the puss”act again with the boys?  She might need a job, then again she could waitress.  Things come full circle, unfortunately.

She might have to waitress. I doubt those shows made enough to cover expenses. She does not have Tom subsidizing her ambitions anymore. 


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On 6/25/2021 at 11:08 PM, Kdawg82 said:

Finally, Sutton wore something I totally respected on her body type! The buttton-down midi fit & flare brown suede dress was so good on her. Wish she'd wear these types of things more often. It took years off of her to look so contemporary. Those boxy dresses she typically wears make her matronly & ruin her shape.  Even the shapeless tops she wears with pants are 👎


Not trying to be argumentative but I must respectfully disagree - that type of dress, tight around the middle with the buttons straining, was the last thing she should have been wearing!

7 hours ago, OdinO. said:

It was a big nothing.

Try perimenopause or  menopause on for size before claiming any middle aged  woman is crying fake tears or being over emotional.

I have cried publicly about 2-3 times a year (starting when I was was giving a speech in high school English class at age 15 😳 )- not every month, but every uncontrollable crying jag was during my period.  Even though I am now old enough to not have had a period for about 2 years I still get the uncontrollable crying jag a few times a year, and assume it's those same monthly hormones.  Leave the face roller at home!

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On 6/23/2021 at 8:42 PM, Chicklet said:

Erika is quite the actress and this story is something she concocted with Tom and his lawyers. Not buying a word of this.

Okay so…unpopular opinion: I actually don’t think Erika and Tom had a marriage of equals, and I do believe that being married to Tom was likely very unpleasant at times. Without dipping my toe into Spoiler Lake, let me just say: I don’t think Tom is some great guy. Do I think that Erika was willing to ride that out and reap the benefits of being married to Tom? Yes. Do I think that what she’s sharing is actually the reason they’re getting divorced? Nope. But I don’t think she’s making this up out of whole cloth, which is why is may sound convincing— even to those of us who know better. 

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you can get back to your normal self.

You can have zero fucks to give. It is liberating.

Did we see Kyle's dog intently watching one of the screaming matches? That made me laugh.

Sometimes Erika's makeup is ironic or retro, but that image with the Sharpie eyebrows (TM Michael K at Dlisted) and fat greasy lips is frightening. 



Edited by pasdetrois
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26 minutes ago, ladle said:

Okay so…unpopular opinion: I actually don’t think Erika and Tom had a marriage of equals, and I do believe that being married to Tom was likely very unpleasant at times. Without dipping my toe into Spoiler Lake, let me just say: I don’t think Tom is some great guy. Do I think that Erika was willing to ride that out and reap the benefits of being married to Tom? Yes. Do I think that what she’s sharing is actually the reason they’re getting divorced? Nope. But I don’t think she’s making this up out of whole cloth, which is why is may sound convincing— even to those of us who know better. 

Agree, esp. the bolded!

But at the time this was filmed, Erika was keeping the others completely in the dark, and it was only just starting to get publicized.  

At that time, Erika was doing her pre-damage control:  poor me, I have to move into a smaller rented house, I have to give up my Lambo.....poor, poor me, Tom was such a mean old man and treated me like a 2nd class citizen.

Erika, honey, you married this man for his money.  Not for his charm or his love.  If he treated you as a non-equal, you knew it.  And at the time of the filming, you knew about all the other stuff, yet you stayed for years.

She'll never have to waitress.  Unfortunately, she has a huge enough following, that I can see GoFundMe's raising enough money for her to live her fabulous life.  Wouldn't be surprised one bit if she does an "Erika Jayne Comeback Tour", and sells out millions.

She's creating this narrative that we all need to be sorry for her, but in the next scene, Mikey and the gang are arranging 2 full bedrooms worth of clothes.  Can we put a value on those?  Poshmark the whole lot, and you'll raise half a million dollars.

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Re: the Crystal mean girl behavior -- I will take a stab at explaining it.

Sutton feels everyone understands that she is emotionally vulnerable and socially awkward. Some people, and I am guessing Sutton is one of them, are kind of "in their own heads" a lot, and so take things extra personally and sometimes see harm where none was intended. (The kick was a good example -- Crystal thought she was keeping Crystal in on the joke by doing that, Sutton felt excluded by it.)

Crystal, after agreeing to let it go, then went on to go into great detail about the event to anyone "who asked". She emphasized the weirdness of it and made plain how upset she was to the HWs who asked her about it. Because they'd agreed to let it go, Sutton expected Crystal to not talk about it anymore, period. The fact that she did then to go on to talk about it with Sutton's friends is "mean girl".  (Oh but they asked, sooo I had to answer. No, you didn't.) Like it was an effort to get others on side with her, after she said she'd let it go. Then, on the boat, she tells a clearly emotionally vulnerable woman that she's manic and crazy, in a rather cool way. There is a "preying on weakness" vibe to that scene that comes across as mean girl. 

Having said that, I don't discount the fact that Sutton might be used to using tears as a way to shut a conversation down, and that she expects once she busts out the tears, for everyone to just forget what happened because Sutton "is upset". I'm not a fan of that kind of behavior either, as I find it pretty manipulative too.


And I had a revelation this morning: Erika reminds me of.....the Sharon Stone character in Casino. Tell me I'm wrong!


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17 hours ago, WhatAmIWatching said:

...or the rages that can happen over quite trivial matters, like running out of trash bags when it's garbage pick-up day! Lol Emotion roulette, you never know what will set it off, or what emotion you'll get. Getting old is so fun!

I've wondered if some of the blow ups with the HW's at times had a bit of menop involvement, then add cameras, and faux friends, and hoo gurrl.

So funny!  For me, it wasn't tears but irrational irritation/anger!

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On 6/25/2021 at 6:50 PM, WhatAmIWatching said:

Maybe she forgot to mention the part about giving him bus money? 😂 I wonder if she packed his lunch, too, in a brown bag with his name on it?

It all sounds so rehearsed and contrived when she's speaking.

Why doesn’t ole Tom drive himself to work or have a driver?  An important man like that doesn’t have a driver?

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On 6/24/2021 at 3:45 PM, eleanorofaquitaine said:

Erika is used to presenting one image to the world - and it's one that she tightly controls. That's what we saw last night. And I guess we'll have to see if that holds up in the coming episodes. 

Perhaps Erika doesn’t even know who Erika is.   Tom “raised” her.  The only reason Erika Jayne was  allowed to see the light of day was due to it served some purpose for Tom.

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On 6/24/2021 at 2:48 PM, Yours Truly said:

Not sure if I'm ready of Erika's story line. Seeing her this episode sort of made my skin crawl. Not because of all the accusations but because of her steely, delivery of everything. Now that's creepy. It's like she's a doll in a horror flick.  The ones that scare the fuck out of everyone just by sitting in the corner unmoving, big eyes wide open. 

At this point, I wouldn’t believe one thing she says.  It’s like everyone should be afraid of her.  They should throw her off.  I for one do not like her demeanor.  Never did actually.  From always praising Tom, she did a sudden flip.  Now he’s the bad guy all of a sudden.  Of course they don’t believe her story, but they don’t want to rattle her cage.

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1 hour ago, LeLalique said:

Perhaps Erika doesn’t even know who Erika is.   Tom “raised” her.  The only reason Erika Jayne was  allowed to see the light of day was due to it served some purpose for Tom.

Speaking of light of day, to me that house was so creepy.  No light, heavy old fashioned drapes, old expensive dark furniture.  Didn’t she have any say in the furnishings?  Did relatives past come up from the basement at night?

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10 minutes ago, Hangin Out said:

Speaking of light of day, to me that house was so creepy.  No light, heavy old fashioned drapes, old expensive dark furniture.  Didn’t she have any say in the furnishings?  Did relatives past come up from the basement at night?

Cold, dark and full of ghosts in the closet...just like its owners

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