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Message added by PrincessPurrsALot,

No spoilers.  Only post about what is in the episode or known at the time the episode was filmed. And, as always, be civil to other posters.  

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3 hours ago, TakeAPinotGrigio said:

I'm that fan, too. Brooks' absurdity delights me. And I'm genuinely interested in Leah as a character & like the juxtaposition she brings to the other women. She's completely over the top, but isn't that what we want from our Housewives? On the Dallas reunion Tiffany was scolding Stephanie for being so dramatic about the chicken feet & Stephanie said something like, "But we were reacting. We're paid to react. You were provoking bc you're paid to provoke and we reacted." It's made me see things in a whole new light. Of course, I know they're all always performing. But knowing that they all (not just people like Tamra) go into a scene thinking, "I have to make this BIG" changes my read of scenes & people.

ETA: I'm closer to Ramona's age than Leah's so that theory may not be so solid

ETA again: I felt bad that Eboni had to work that hard with Ramona. Yes, Eboni was polite. But classism is not polite. Why is it incumbent on Eboni to make the one at fault feel comfortable? Why are we judging Eboni for bringing it up instead of Ramona for doing it? I hate that it's always the person in the more vulnerable position who has to make it painless for the person who has caused pain. Harrumph. Okay, off my soapbox.


Agree that Leah is over the top, but she's physically destructive, and I'm not here for that. I want to see over the top lifestyles, homes, decor, fashion and vacations, not behavior. Besides, we already have Sonja to bring the crazy, and I find her more likeable (usually). 


As far as the Eboni/Ramona thing; I don't think Ramona did anything wrong. She referred to the people hired to help her as "my help". I didn't find anything derogatory about her tone or intent, plus, she was talking to herself at the time. She called her the wrong name, but, she was trying, and wasn't rude to her. ymmv. That said, I am glad that Ramona said she'd try to be more aware of how she addresses the hospitality service workers in the future, because it was not her intent to be degrading or offensive, and in hindsight, with some help from Eboni, she saw how it could have been interpreted that way.



eta: I can see the entertainment value in the absurdity that is Brooks Marks, but he annoys the crap out of me with his smugness.

Edited by SweetieDarling
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5 hours ago, SerenityNow721 said:

😢 I don’t love this show anymore.  And I don’t think I’ll be watching this season.

Yep.  It seems like we are being schooled by Leah and Ebony.  I don’t want to be schooled anymore.  I want fun and laughter like we are used to.  That’s why these housewives were # 1.  Not this season.

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21 hours ago, njbchlover said:

As much as I am not crazy about her, I would seriously love to see Bethenny Frankel return for a season and eviscerate Leah.  

Say want they want about Bethenny, but she brought the laughter.  Her thinking heads were gold.  Leah did a 180 this season.  What happened to her?  All of a sudden she’s the voice of reason?  Watching LuAnn about her drinking?  She has a lot to say for a newbie.  I want my old gang back.

  • Love 11
On 5/20/2021 at 7:58 PM, Ms Blue Jay said:

I am Leah's age and I do not like Leah!  So far I'm liking her better than last season.  I think that I will actually never recover from the disgust and trauma I faced from the vibrator being in the chicken dinner last year at Ramona's and I blame all that nonsense squarely on her.  That's all I can see when I look at Leah.  The vibrator in the chicken.

Yes, and how about talking about Bj’s and vaginas.  New lows and unnecessary.  That’s all Sonja’s doings too,besides Leah’s.

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On 5/20/2021 at 1:53 AM, Hiyo said:

Personally, I always found WWHL to be a low rent and less fun version of The Graham Norton show. I could make the same comparison between Andy and Graham...

As for Sonja, at this point she needs a real therapist to help her deal with her issues, even though more than a few of them are self-inflicted.

I think Sonja's been on the verge of a nervous breakdown for years.

She started on the show with a little bit of money left, but at this point the bottom of that barrel has been scraped raw.

I seriously doubt she ever "rented" her townhouse. There are too many DOB violations and in order to rent she had to bring it up to code - which she could not afford to do. I do wonder if she's been brought to court or fined by the city for hiring non licensed contractors and having work done without the proper permits.

There is a part of me that believes that some of those "interns" are people who want to be in the entertainment business as models/actors and have appeared on the show with no pay to list the gig on their resumes.

The apartment she had in Columbus Circe also was not hers...just an agreement she made with the building to advertise it on the show. She  was only there for a few months during filming.

This last intern on the show - could be someone who actually interns for the Morgan family and they got her to appear for a few episodes. Quincy;s uncle and half brothers most likely have bailed Sonja out of a few situations - but nothing big.

She hasn't been returning the other ladies phone calls - because she has been hiding in the townhouse without electricity, water, and heat.

I think her only income is being on the show. The townhouse will never sell - it will be condemned by NYC first, She thinks her apple is secure if she behaves in a drunkenly manner - she just doesn't get that she's not coming across as a funny giddy tipsy girl - but a delusional enraged Mrs Havisham.

I liked how Ramona was when Luann spoke to Garth - RaNoodle was genuinely happy for her friend. Compare that to Sonja - who was seething with jealousy - I'm waiting for her to claim that Garth was her Luvah for 10 years




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On 5/20/2021 at 1:40 PM, eleanorofaquitaine said:

I think that Sonja thought she would be remarried by now, to someone at the same stature of her ex-husband. She's holding to the Morgan thing because she's had a difficult time processing the fact that she didn't land the second rich guy. 

Sonja also won't admit she over estimated the power of her pussy

She really thought by marrying an old man would make her rich and by having a child would secure her for life,

She wasn't even his first wife nor is Quincy his only child.

I think he was of the mind marriage wouldn't mean fidelity on his end, but he expected it from her side as he is the one with the funds.

I think when they separated and he filed for divorce she first thought she was still golden spending whatever she had thinking she'd be getting a huge settlement. She then quickly learned the bank was closed to her and suddenly, he was her best friend, it was a misunderstanding, other people got in his ear.


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On 5/20/2021 at 7:58 PM, howiveaddict said:

She had a Chihuahua the first episode.

According to her dad, a Roman Catholic Chihuahua

On 5/20/2021 at 7:58 PM, Ms Blue Jay said:

 That's all I can see when I look at Leah.  The vibrator in the chicken.


On 5/20/2021 at 8:59 PM, ButterQueen said:

I agree.  Leah is a dog with a bone.

A Bitch with a vibrator

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On 5/21/2021 at 11:04 AM, SerenityNow721 said:

Almost unwatchable.  Definitely not entertaining.  First and foremost, Leah is on a mission to take Ramona down.  Why?  A little bit of D-list celebrity fame has totally gone to her head.  Next year’s tag line:  “The crown is heavy, darling....”

Leah is pandering to Andy.

Near the beginning of the pandemic in NY - Feb or March 2020 - Andy got Covid. When he returned to WWHL one of the things he spoke about was being angry that he could not donate plasma because he was gay.

One of Leah's diatribes was saying there are people out there who wanted to donate and COULDN'T (she was sucking Andy ass with that comment)

I would really love for Ramona to say to Leah....


I invited you back to my home in the Hamptons after Tiki-Gate, I hosted a Burning Man party for you so



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4 minutes ago, SerenityNow721 said:

It will be pretty painful to watch the OG’s holding their tongues so as not to get on Andy’s bad side via Leah.  That was one thing about NY that I think everyone appreciated - that these girls could speak their minds and keep it moving.  

The OG's won't be holding their tongues. I think Ramona handled her perfectly.

No one will ever get an admission of guilt from Ramona - on anything


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On 5/19/2021 at 4:01 PM, Avaleigh said:

It is refreshing to see that there are viewers who are tired of Leah because a lot of people on social media seem to like her. I'm kind of worried about my second favorite RH franchise right now. 

I'm can't say that I'm looking forward to seeing the ladies gang up on Heather. I find Leah's fixation on Heather to be strange since they don't really know each other. She's already made up her mind to be mean to a person she doesn't really know. That doesn't seem right to me. She should form her opinion after getting to know Heather first. 

I can't decide if the faux rosé thing is helping Luann or not. For some people the non alcoholic beer, wine, mocktails etc. are helpful, but for other people it can be a slippery slope. I'm not sure how it is for Luann but I continue to be proud of her for making the effort to continue to be sober. 

Leah did a terrible job of trying to articulate her point and just made Luann feel like she was being criticized. Leah seems to think that she knows it all when it comes to a person maintaining their sobriety and last season made it obvious that this isn't the case. 

Sonja really needs to rethink how much alcohol she drinks in a day. Does she want to be the Slurinda of this season? That's where it seems like she's headed. The OTT anger over the Wells Fargo comment was embarrassing to watch.

Hmmm .. alcohol seven days a week is expensive.  Can Slurinda afford it?  She must be drinking by candlelight with a fur coat on in her townhouse all winter.  Maybe she didn’t pay her phone bill too.

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On 5/21/2021 at 5:10 PM, Hangin Out said:

Say want they want about Bethenny, but she brought the laughter.  Her thinking heads were gold.  Leah did a 180 this season.  What happened to her?  All of a sudden she’s the voice of reason?  Watching LuAnn about her drinking?  She has a lot to say for a newbie.  I want my old gang back.

I think I enjoy Eboni for the same reason I enjoyed Season 1 Bethenny.  Both of them were "punching up" when they pointed out the faults of other housewives -- Bethenny because she wasn't as (supposedly) monied as the other cast members, and Eboni because she doesn't have the benefit of white privilege.  They were both the smart, reasonable Greek choruses of the show.  

That said, I may be alone in this, but I would watch the shit out of a RHONY: O.G. in which they reverted to the original cast.  The women have so much history with each other.  Honestly, I'll continue to sit at my table for one, meekly sipping my pinot grigio, but... I've been secretly wanting Jill Zarin to return for years.  *ducks tomatoes* 

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1 hour ago, ladle said:

I think I enjoy Eboni for the same reason I enjoyed Season 1 Bethenny.  Both of them were "punching up" when they pointed out the faults of other housewives -- Bethenny because she wasn't as (supposedly) monied as the other cast members, and Eboni because she doesn't have the benefit of white privilege.  They were both the smart, reasonable Greek choruses of the show.  

That said, I may be alone in this, but I would watch the shit out of a RHONY: O.G. in which they reverted to the original cast.  The women have so much history with each other.  Honestly, I'll continue to sit at my table for one, meekly sipping my pinot grigio, but... I've been secretly wanting Jill Zarin to return for years.  *ducks tomatoes* 

I absolutely detested Jill by the end, but I've been rewatching seasons 1 and 2 over the last month and would give anything to have that cast again. Magic.

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On 5/19/2021 at 11:46 AM, Cosmocrush said:

Agreed.   The speed in which she goes from fine to completely trashed is remarkable.   I'm not a doctor but there has to be more than alcohol at work there.   It used to be kind of amusing but at this point it's just sad.  

I suspect she is mixing benzos with alcohol, which is dangerous. But I also think she just drinks a lot. She might be having a few by herself before she joins the women for the group events, and so it looks to them that she’s getting drunk quickly. 


One thing I learned last night is Luann definitely has a drinking problem at the very least and is an alcoholic at most.   Not being able to sit with other people drinking without it being an issue is a sign.   I think instead of being in some sort of program, Luann is white knuckling it.   That's not going to la

Another sign is Luann admitting she didn’t remember how she got home a few times, so she was blackout drunk. 

I cannot stand Leah. Despite her condescending attitude, I don’t think she’s going to stay sober either. In some of the previews for the upcoming season she looked drunk. 

Edited by Sweet-tea
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On 5/20/2021 at 5:37 PM, ChitChat said:

Unfortunately for LuAnn, she keeps putting herself in situations (this show for example) that will test her sobriety.    LuAnn needs a whole new set of friends (non-drinkers) and to ditch this show if she has any hope of staying sober.  

I still find Eboni to be a bit condescending.  Yes, it was a calm discussion (yay for that!), but the look on Ramona's face in her TH tells me that she really didn't appreciate it either.  Ramona smiled and made it nice, so at least there was some civility to the discussion.  I hope they will move on from it now.  

Agree! Actually, I think anyone trying to stay sober should not be on the HW shows. But I guess the money and fame is too tempting for most of them. 

Edited by Sweet-tea
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On 5/19/2021 at 4:01 PM, Avaleigh said:

It is refreshing to see that there are viewers who are tired of Leah because a lot of people on social media seem to like her. I'm kind of worried about my second favorite RH franchise right now. 

I'm can't say that I'm looking forward to seeing the ladies gang up on Heather. I find Leah's fixation on Heather to be strange since they don't really know each other. She's already made up her mind to be mean to a person she doesn't really know. That doesn't seem right to me. She should form her opinion after getting to know Heather first. 

I can't decide if the faux rosé thing is helping Luann or not. For some people the non alcoholic beer, wine, mocktails etc. are helpful, but for other people it can be a slippery slope. I'm not sure how it is for Luann but I continue to be proud of her for making the effort to continue to be sober. 

Leah did a terrible job of trying to articulate her point and just made Luann feel like she was being criticized. Leah seems to think that she knows it all when it comes to a person maintaining their sobriety and last season made it obvious that this isn't the case. 

Sonja really needs to rethink how much alcohol she drinks in a day. Does she want to be the Slurinda of this season? That's where it seems like she's headed. The OTT anger over the Wells Fargo comment was embarrassing to watch.

Let me get this straight.  They are bringing in Heather to specifically straighten out Leah?  This should be interesting to watch.  Any bets?



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On 5/19/2021 at 9:45 PM, 65mickey said:

Dorinda was never great. Although I will admit that lots of people liked her and thought that she was very witty at first. But I always found her to have a mean nasty streak when she drank, and I didn't see the humor in that.  Glad that she is gone especially since she was grooming Leah to be her sidekick.

I didn’t care for her.  She treated John like dirt, then got nasty with the cast.  I only liked her house in the Beserkshires.

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I thought it was odd that Luann bought Sonya the same blouse in the same color she bought for herself. What kind of gift is that? If she really wanted to do something for Sonja she could have said - pick out whatever you want and I’ll get it for you. 
Also- note to Leah- Sonja stating that Lu looks better in the blouse is not “self loathing”. I think that is what Leah said. The color black and the style was much more flattering on Luann than Sonja- it’s ok keep it real. 

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I think it says a lot that I’m totally aligned with Leah, both in terms of politics and in terms of wanting to knock Ramona down a peg, and yet I still find Leah SO tedious and unlikable. 

I was confused during last season’s reunion when Andy seemed to be painting Leah as the darling of the show. I thought we all detested her! I was wrong! 

Edited by ladle
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1 hour ago, Ms. Me said:

I thought it was odd that Luann bought Sonya the same blouse in the same color she bought for herself. What kind of gift is that? If she really wanted to do something for Sonja she could have said - pick out whatever you want and I’ll get it for you. 
Also- note to Leah- Sonja stating that Lu looks better in the blouse is not “self loathing”. I think that is what Leah said. The color black and the style was much more flattering on Luann than Sonja- it’s ok keep it real. 

Sonja looked like she was doing pilgrim cosplay.  Or maybe she was prepared to be tried for witchcraft.  

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On 5/19/2021 at 7:49 PM, Hangin Out said:

We all know that Ramona gets mixed up.  That’s part of her charm.  Leah is making a big deal out of nothing to make Ramona look stupid.  Ramona was a business woman, made her own money, was married and has a beautiful daughter .  What exactly are Leah’s accomplishments?  She’s edgy and lives in a small apartment.?  Ramona bought her own beautiful house in one of the best towns in the State.

I’m not sure I find Ramona’s “mix ups” charming.  They always seem to benefit her or denigrate someone else.  Yes she was a business woman, bought a home and had a daughter.  Not all that unusual, just a bigger house than most.  I wouldn’t judge their value on the size of their businesses or apartments.   

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On 5/19/2021 at 10:33 PM, Cosmocrush said:

One thing I learned last night is Luann definitely has a drinking problem at the very least and is an alcoholic at most.   Not being able to sit with other people drinking without it being an issue is a sign.   I think instead of being in some sort of program, Luann is white knuckling it.   That's not going to last.  

Luann hired a sober coach who was with her throughout the season, so she does appear to take the situation seriously. Programs like AA are not for everyone, hoping she's found a path that works for her.

Why is Leah so threatened by Heather's visit?

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6 hours ago, Ms. Me said:

I thought it was odd that Luann bought Sonya the same blouse in the same color she bought for herself. What kind of gift is that? If she really wanted to do something for Sonja she could have said - pick out whatever you want and I’ll get it for you. 
Also- note to Leah- Sonja stating that Lu looks better in the blouse is not “self loathing”. I think that is what Leah said. The color black and the style was much more flattering on Luann than Sonja- it’s ok keep it real. 

I thought it was a really nice gift.  Luann thought that the shirt looked fabulous on herself and wanted the same moment for Sonja.  I have friends with similar styles to me and I take mental notes of when they compliment something of mine and I buy them something similar.  It usually works out well. I think it's more thoughtful than "Buy anything" or trying to take a guess at what they MIGHT like.

People have done the same for me and it always works out well, too.  I also had a friend/acquaintance once say "Please tell me if you're ever getting rid of that" about one of my jackets. 😄

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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1 hour ago, snarts said:

Programs like AA are not for everyone, hoping she's found a path that works for her.

I'm glad to hear that LuAnn hired a sobriety coach while she was filming.  Maybe it was her coach that suggested she drink her mocktail in a wine glass so that she wouldn't feel as if she stuck out like a sore thumb amongst her castmates while at dinner.  If that's what it takes to help keep her sober, then more power to her!  Baby steps, LuAnn!  I'm rooting for you! 

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4 hours ago, snarts said:

Why is Leah so threatened by Heather's visit?

I think Leah is threatened by Heather because Heather is a more successful version of Leah. Both are women who pride themselves on being a bit “street” while really being upper class women with no real street cred. However, Heather’s self made clothing business is way more successful than Leah’s business. Also, Heather has had a long term successful relationship with her husband. If Heather is there, Leah pales by comparison. Leah would no longer be the “cool downtown” voice schooling the Upper East Side Ladies.

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8 minutes ago, NYCFree said:

I think Leah is threatened by Heather because Heather is a more successful version of Leah. Both are women who pride themselves on being a bit “street” while really being upper class women with no real street cred. However, Heather’s self made clothing business is way more successful than Leah’s business. Also, Heather has had a long term successful relationship with her husband. If Heather is there, Leah pales by comparison. Leah would no longer be the “cool downtown” voice schooling the Upper East Side Ladies.

I agree. Heather put in a lot of hard work before she was on the real housewives. It feels like to me that Heather was successful before being on the real housewives and was hoping to have the real housewives be an opportunity to leverage her visibility. On the other hand, I feel like Leah was hoping the real housewives would help her to create a brand.

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10 hours ago, Ms. Me said:

I thought it was odd that Luann bought Sonya the same blouse in the same color she bought for herself. What kind of gift is that? If she really wanted to do something for Sonja she could have said - pick out whatever you want and I’ll get it for you. 

That’s a good point. Lu is strange sometimes. I still don’t think she’s very intelligent.

ETA: Even offering to buy it for her in a color more flattering on Sonja would have been better.

Edited by hoodooznoodooz
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This season blows. Leah always on everyone’s case when she’s the biggest asshole on the show is not entertaining. I would not look to that idiot for guidance on etiquette or Covid protocol. 
Sonja, you are not cute and you are far too old to get so drunk. She’s fixing to be the next Dorinda. 
I’m okay with Lu, Ramona and Eboni. So far I like how Eboni carries herself. 

  • Love 14
11 hours ago, NYCFree said:

I think Leah is threatened by Heather because Heather is a more successful version of Leah. Both are women who pride themselves on being a bit “street” while really being upper class women with no real street cred. However, Heather’s self made clothing business is way more successful than Leah’s business. Also, Heather has had a long term successful relationship with her husband. If Heather is there, Leah pales by comparison. Leah would no longer be the “cool downtown” voice schooling the Upper East Side Ladies.

Also, Heather knows how to behave in public/ around other people.  

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On 5/22/2021 at 11:36 AM, KungFuBunny said:

I think Sonja's been on the verge of a nervous breakdown for years.

She started on the show with a little bit of money left, but at this point the bottom of that barrel has been scraped raw.

I seriously doubt she ever "rented" her townhouse. There are too many DOB violations and in order to rent she had to bring it up to code - which she could not afford to do. I do wonder if she's been brought to court or fined by the city for hiring non licensed contractors and having work done without the proper permits.

There is a part of me that believes that some of those "interns" are people who want to be in the entertainment business as models/actors and have appeared on the show with no pay to list the gig on their resumes.

The apartment she had in Columbus Circe also was not hers...just an agreement she made with the building to advertise it on the show. She  was only there for a few months during filming.

This last intern on the show - could be someone who actually interns for the Morgan family and they got her to appear for a few episodes. Quincy;s uncle and half brothers most likely have bailed Sonja out of a few situations - but nothing big.

She hasn't been returning the other ladies phone calls - because she has been hiding in the townhouse without electricity, water, and heat.

I think her only income is being on the show. The townhouse will never sell - it will be condemned by NYC first, She thinks her apple is secure if she behaves in a drunkenly manner - she just doesn't get that she's not coming across as a funny giddy tipsy girl - but a delusional enraged Mrs Havisham.

I liked how Ramona was when Luann spoke to Garth - RaNoodle was genuinely happy for her friend. Compare that to Sonja - who was seething with jealousy - I'm waiting for her to claim that Garth was her Luvah for 10 years




Yes!   Love the reference to Miss Havisham.   Sonja's a 2021 Havisham - perfect.

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My almost nine-year-old walked into the room as I was watching this and asked me "why are these women acting so immature?" LoL I agree, they're immature. 

I had some good Laughs this episode though.  I liked when Leah (who I can't stand) called out Ramona for spitting her food all over the place. LuAnn had some good lines. I liked Ramona's criticizing of Leah's outfit especially while Ramona has the usual "I skinned a muppet for this look." The O.G's have to stay but Sonja needs to never drink. Shocked that halfway into the vineyard, nobody saw her going south. Imagine how much alcohol you can down while other women are distracted in anothet squabble over nothing?! Not shocking. I hope LuAnn can stay sober.  I agree that past a certain age, not remembering the night before or how you got home is very embarrassing, dangerous and unhealthy.  All those things at a younger age also but remaining a class act up in age is imperative. I like Eboni so far. I am glad Dorinda is gone. Heather returning as a guest? IDK about that one. 

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On 5/23/2021 at 1:19 PM, Ms. Me said:

I thought it was odd that Luann bought Sonya the same blouse in the same color she bought for herself. What kind of gift is that? If she really wanted to do something for Sonja she could have said - pick out whatever you want and I’ll get it for you. 
Also- note to Leah- Sonja stating that Lu looks better in the blouse is not “self loathing”. I think that is what Leah said. The color black and the style was much more flattering on Luann than Sonja- it’s ok keep it real. 

Hope that the store cut the tags off of both their blouses, so Sonja couldn't go back and return it!  

The blouse looked better on Luann because she is more statuesque than Sonja, on whom the oversized puffy sleeves were overpowering. 

And Leah needs to stop playing armchair psychologist in her talking heads.  Her comments are just stupid.  

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Bravo really seems to love day drinking. There are some shows where it's as if the entire premise is built around day drinking and the fallout that ensues. I know it's fun to do and I'm not even completely averse to it, but no day drinking event I've ever been to has ended well for the entire group I was with. I don't know if it's being outside, not eating/hydrating enough or actual duration (it's probably the duration). If you think about it, in the prime of anybody's going out years, nobody hit the scene until 10PM at least, and most bars close at 2AM. So in theory that's 4 hours and you've probably already eaten dinner. Day drinking, you're likely working on a couple cups of coffee and some snacks for breakfast and off you go for 6-8 hours, with maybe some lunch in between. That's a recipe for disaster and especially not a good formula for Sonja.

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On 5/22/2021 at 2:45 PM, ladle said:

I think I enjoy Eboni for the same reason I enjoyed Season 1 Bethenny.  Both of them were "punching up" when they pointed out the faults of other housewives -- Bethenny because she wasn't as (supposedly) monied as the other cast members, and Eboni because she doesn't have the benefit of white privilege.  They were both the smart, reasonable Greek choruses of the show.  

That said, I may be alone in this, but I would watch the shit out of a RHONY: O.G. in which they reverted to the original cast.  The women have so much history with each other.  Honestly, I'll continue to sit at my table for one, meekly sipping my pinot grigio, but... I've been secretly wanting Jill Zarin to return for years.  *ducks tomatoes* 

Scooch over.  I am right there with you.

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6 hours ago, Kdawg82 said:

I liked when Leah (who I can't stand) called out Ramona for spitting her food all over the place. LuAnn had some good lines. I liked Ramona's criticizing of Leah's outfit especially while Ramona has the usual "I skinned a muppet for this look." as a guest? IDK about that one. 

I forgot about the spitting food moment! Thanks, that was soooo funny. (I think Ramona called someone else out on this, too, many seasons ago. Was it Dorinda’s John?)

I also laughed when Ramona cited Leah’s overkill of animal prints, as another one of her crimes. Sonja reminded her that she was wearing a lot of animal prints, too. Then Ramona insists, “I’m only wearing two, one, two,” while hitting those animal prints with her hand.

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On 5/24/2021 at 10:21 AM, Cosmocrush said:
  On 5/23/2021 at 10:52 PM, NYCFree said:

I think Leah is threatened by Heather because Heather is a more successful version of Leah. Both are women who pride themselves on being a bit “street” while really being upper class women with no real street cred. However, Heather’s self made clothing business is way more successful than Leah’s business. Also, Heather has had a long term successful relationship with her husband. If Heather is there, Leah pales by comparison. Leah would no longer be the “cool downtown” voice schooling the Upper East Side Ladies.

EXACTLY what I wanted to say!

I was not necessarily a fan of Heather's during her season(s?..was there more than 1?) but I don't recall any malice from her at the time.   She behaved appropriately as a married woman and mother, I think. I can't wait in a way to see the smack down. 

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On the shallow note:

I don't usually like Ramona's fashion. I think she's the worst dressed for me so far out of this cast.  Sonja is second or equal. I think a lot of Sonja's struggle to stay thin is to fit in all her classic Ralph Lauren, Chanel, etc clothing that may have remained timeless as she can't spend $ on expensive brands these days. For her proportions, she usually tries to hide her tummy but results in her looking bigger on top than she is. 

Leah is pretty horrible in fashion herself. Shocking she "owns a clothing brand." I don't see ANYONE ever wearing MTTM clothes. Not on TV or in life. 

I think Eboni may end up a best dressed this season with LuAnn. Eboni in the beige sleeveless turtleneck looked good. 

Bethenny, while I don't really miss her at all, KNOWS how to dress. She has amazing style.  I enjoyed seeing her serving up the style. (As long as she doesn't sport her 11 year old daughter's clothes🙄)


Edited by Kdawg82
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In light of Sonja's epic rant about how going to Wells Fargo was destroying her daughter's inheritance, I offer a quote from an article in the Wall Street Journal regarding the merger of Morgan and Chase Banks:


Indeed, neither family has significant ownership in the banks, and the news was of little more than passing interest to many of the heirs. "I don't think that anybody in the family can have any emotional reaction. Nobody in the family had been really involved in the bank for a number of years," says John A. Morgan, a great-grandson of Pierpont Morgan and an investment banker himself at a small firm, New York's Morgan, Lewis Githens & Ahn Inc.

Little did they know that Sonja Morgan, nee Tremont, would have such a visceral reaction to someone mentioning lower rates at Wells Fargo.  Perhaps their mistake was talking to people with direct Morgan lineage.  😄 

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Message added by PrincessPurrsALot,

No spoilers.  Only post about what is in the episode or known at the time the episode was filmed. And, as always, be civil to other posters.  

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