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The View: Week of 5/17/2021

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Smacking my head!  Megan is yelling while Joy is trying to make a point about how Hannity & Carlson are spewing disinformation about vaccines....Megan just wants to attack Dr. Fauci again...she really has a beef against him!  

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5 minutes ago, Spartan Girl said:

I share Sunny’s frustration that there actually have to be bribes/incentives for some people to get vaccinated.

You shouldn't have to be rewarded for doing the right thing.  

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8 minutes ago, Spartan Girl said:

Whoopi’s response for unvaccinated people mewling about “discrimination” if there are vaccine passports was perfect: “Then get a damn shot!” Joy is right too, it’s not that uncomplicated.

I share Sunny’s frustration that there actually have to be bribes/incentives for some  people to get vaccinated.

Do you mean it's not that complicated?

I haven't seen a single show this week. Been on a nostalgia kick and have been watching one of my favorite shows from the 80s.

Just based on the comments, I think I'll just delete them all.

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Meghan, you're confused.  You don't have a resting bitch face.  You're just a bitch.

Whoopie caught herself, but, when Joy was talking about remembering the comedians who just died, Whoopie almost said, "I'll be glad to see you go."

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Besides, Sara is 43 (44 in September). Women can and do still deliver babies at that age. The Princess again shows not only her hatred but her ignorance as well.

Edited by catlover79
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I mean, Sara is 43 and has said in interviews that she had 3 children so close together because she felt like she didn't have time to waste if she wanted to get pregnant, so Meghan's comment didn't seem that out of line to me. I thought Sara got her back, though, during the catcalling conversation, when Sara said that having her face covered up doesn't seem to stop the catcalls. Haha.

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1 minute ago, ifionlyknew said:

What exactly did she say? Because if she thinks having functioning ovaries means you have more value as a woman or some shit I'm hoping someone sets her straight.

Meg was referring to the unwarranted fears that some people have (including people she knows) that the vaccines can cause fertility issues. Meg then said that she’s the only one left on the panel who is child bearing and might care about such things. 

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7 minutes ago, Angeleyes said:

Meg was referring to the unwarranted fears that some people have (including people she knows) that the vaccines can cause fertility issues. Meg then said that she’s the only one left on the panel who is child bearing and might care about such things. 

Funny how she always magically knows someone that believes whatever she is spouting. Reminds me of Elisabeth and "the friend" she would always talk about.

Edited by ifionlyknew
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2 hours ago, Axie said:

Meghan, you're confused.  You don't have a resting bitch face.  You're just a bitch.

Whoopie caught herself, but, when Joy was talking about remembering the comedians who just died, Whoopie almost said, "I'll be glad to see you go."

I think she said "sad," but perhaps I misheard.

I was very proud to hear several mentions of my state's governor, Roy Cooper, on the show today for doing the right thing in calling for the release of the videotape and a special prosecutor in this case!

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Did Meghan's hair dresser from DC finally make it to NY?  Assuming that Meghan is back in the NY studio, based on SM posts, her hair has actually looked better the last few days - at least, more professional.

That braided ridiculousness spouting out of her super-tight topknot is one of the worst hairstyles she's ever worn! 

And, I don't get her constantly going after Dr. Fauci, over and over and over again.  Dr. Fauci is NOT the head of the CDC, from where we are getting our guidance and recommendations.  And, as much as I hate to admit it, at times, their messaging has been confusing, so the networks call in Dr. Fauci, who has basically become the "face" of Covid care and advice, as he is the head of the NIAID, and was thrust into the spotlight by the previous administration.  Dr. Fauci attempts to explain the CDC guidances, and often, offers his opinions on them.  

So, he's NOT the one setting the guidances/recommendations by the CDC - he's the one trying to clarify them.  

If Meghan wants to be pissed about the "crap" messaging, I wish she would blame the CDC.


Edited by njbchlover
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38 minutes ago, Angeleyes said:

Meg was referring to the unwarranted fears that some people have (including people she knows) that the vaccines can cause fertility issues. Meg then said that she’s the only one left on the panel who is child bearing and might care about such things. 

Uh-huh. Then there are the cases where pregnant women who got the vaccine--and their babies had the needed antibodies to fight the virus. But I keep forgetting. Can't have facts shown or thrown in her lying ass face.

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22 minutes ago, catlover79 said:

I was a bit surprised that they didn't discuss the 1/6 Commission, but maybe they will tomorrow. Thank goodness Ana will be there to counter The Princess' nonsense.

They probably didn't discuss it because Meghan didn't want to.  Remember- according to her - this happened four months ago, and she's already talked about it too much.  It's time to discuss more pertinent things - you know - like not being interested in parenting discussions when you're a new parent, not discussing relationship topics when you're a relatively new bride, not discussing why wearing a mask is a good thing and Dr. Fauci is sending "crap" messaging, talking about going to Vegas and gambling and drinking shots and complaining that the current administration is not listening to any of her ideas.

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1 hour ago, TheGreenKnight said:

I heard that, too. I think it's much more likely Sara has another child than McCain does, considering how McCain often acts as if she only had a baby out of obligation rather than actual desire. Just the other day she bitched that she has no interest in talking about parenting... Probably because the help does more parenting than she does.

In other words: Just because McCain is the only one here who acts like a bratty little schoolgirl doesn't mean she is the only one within child-bearing age in the group.

 Heard that and thought there is no low she won't go. Miserable person. I should know better than to start watching again. 

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4 hours ago, cinsays said:

But if you FF thru Sara's responses, how do you know what she's saying has/doesn't have value?

Past experience: She has a history of contributing nothing important. I can enjoy the show much more without listening to her comments.

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2 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Do you mean it's not that complicated?

I haven't seen a single show this week. Been on a nostalgia kick and have been watching one of my favorite shows from the 80s.

Just based on the comments, I think I'll just delete them all.

Oops! Thanks, I fixed it!

Also which 80s show are you watching?

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At this point, everybody is actively participating in allowing Meghan McCain to get away with treating her co-workers like pieces of shit on a daily basis.  The network, the show producers and even the other ladies are participating in it in their own way.  It's the same shit, every day.  And it's escalating.  I guess everybody is just agreeing to play along in their own way ... to what end game, I don't know... better ratings?  Raises?  I have no idea. 

But to say that McCain holds all the cards is an understatement at this point.  It seems as though in the last month or so, not only does she hold all the cards, but she's since been given a key to the castle and the golden ticket and whatever else expression you can think of to behave even worse without any repercussions.  It's being encouraged now in my opinion. 

Edited by Cementhead
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2 minutes ago, Bliss said:

I'm not a nasty person (really!), but I'm secretly wondering if that hair"do" will swallow MM whole.

Like in that movie Bad Hair. LOL. Maybe that is what all these hair pieces are leading to. let us pray.

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3 hours ago, BuckeyeLou said:

Smacking my head!  Megan is yelling while Joy is trying to make a point about how Hannity & Carlson are spewing disinformation about vaccines....Megan just wants to attack Dr. Fauci again...she really has a beef against him!  

The loss of her old face masks is unforgivable! 

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2 hours ago, Angeleyes said:

Meg was referring to the unwarranted fears that some people have (including people she knows) that the vaccines can cause fertility issues. Meg then said that she’s the only one left on the panel who is child bearing and might care about such things. 

But -   this is a show FOR and ABOUT women - like the women watching on TV, not just the women on the panel.  Whether or not the vaccine is safe for pregnant women IS something to talk about, and Meghan isn't the only voice.  Women on the panel, and women watching, all have or will have friends, family, who are pregnant or plan to be.  Other people DO care about issues that don't affect them directly.  

And it was very rude of her, since she's saying either that Sarah is too old to have kids, or that she knows that Sarah cannot have kids.   None of your business, Meghan!   

I will never stop being astonished at Meghan not wanting to talk about any parenting issues.  Certainly nobody wants this show to be endless debates about cloth vs disposable diapers, or potty training methods, but her opposition to any topic that involves raising kids is bizarre, bordering on pathological.   I would expect SOME updates on baby Liberty, like her crawling, walking, food preferences, an occasional cute story.  Yes, if The View were a serious MSNBC show, where it was ONLY about politics, I can see keeping your personal life at home.  But this is The VIew.


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3 hours ago, Axie said:

Meghan, you're confused.  You don't have a resting bitch face.  You're just a bitch.

It is impossible to have resting bitch face while constantly yammering.

Sara has the body of a 35 year old and MeAgain has the body of a 50 year old, so I wouldn't base fertility on chronological age, Missy.

Edited by deirdra
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3 hours ago, Spartan Girl said:

Whoopi’s response for unvaccinated people mewling about “discrimination” if there are vaccine passports was perfect: “Then get a damn shot!” Joy is right too, it’s not that complicated.

I share Sunny’s frustration that there actually have to be bribes/incentives for some people to get vaccinated.

Exactly…actions, or non actions in this case, have consequences.  Something Meghan might want to note for her tribe members.  And it’s her tribes responsibility to convince their tribe members to get the shot…they won’t listen to anyone else.  Don’t know why she keeps on and on about how it’s everyone else’s (I.e. Biden, White House, scientists, Dems) responsibility to convince them and then turns around to note that Republicans don’t need Dems telling them what they should do and she doesn’t believe the scientists!   Pick a lane Princess!

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Misc thoughts:

Sob.  Kaleel ripped my heart open.  I just want to comfort him.  Note to TPTB, please stop with the sturm and drang music after a sad or tragic segment. Im sure we all can tell when its not a good segment. 

MM: omg you bested yerself. That fishtail was whip worthy.  You beat the previous besteds 'Minnie Mouse', and 'Princess Leia'.  Take it to Vegas will ya already.  Get some liquid therapy for that RBF.

Joy:  you were great all ep!  The RBF slayed me hahahah

Sara: saw commercial for a series on Hulu called Everythings Going to be Ok.  It was fast but there was a quick take of i think the football coach.  Sure looked to me like Sara

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5 hours ago, After7Only said:

At this point I think production want the blow ups and friction between those 2.  I watch my share of trashy reality TV where women behave badly.  The swipes between MM and Sarah I can take.  Sunny icing out MM completely for a month or so, entertained the petty in me.   But the way MM treats a woman old enough to be her grandmother is just disrespectful and not pleasant to watch.    Joy can take it, but she's earned the right not to. 

I agree. Monday's blow up felt staged, with the way that Joy had already spoken at the beginning of the topic, but then Whoopi basically cued her up to ask McCain a question at the end. It felt like Joy at least was acting. I don't think McCain is acting, but it would be pretty easy for the show or the other ladies to cooperate with the show to trigger one of her meltdowns for media attention since she can't handle even the *slightest* criticism. Any pushback at all and she has a screaming fit of epic proportions.

Perhaps the show is trying to have Joy and McCain interact at the end of every segment now since it's likely Whoopi doesn't want them to return to the studio until the beginning of next season in September. For some reason today Sunny looked angry at the top of the show before anything had even happened. I wonder if it's because only McCain and Joy are being allowed to speak twice, whereas she and Sara only speak once and Whoopi rarely gets to give her view at all unless she's really pissed enough to stop production's scramble to commercials to give her two cents. Or maybe Sunny was angry for the same reason I was, that McCain keeps getting to speak last despite being the one most likely to misinform.

Edited by TheGreenKnight
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I think I will quit The View and just start watching Tim's recap. He is dead balls on about everything especially how stale and predictable they are. Insane that they did not talk about Trump's legal troubles.

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I dont think MM was offending Sarah. She said a lot of women are concerned about how the vaccine will affect fertility. Then she said, "I assume all the women on the show are done having babies, except for possibly me...."

I, too, assume my 40+ year old coworkers are done having babies. I mean, they could, but I assume they're done. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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4 minutes ago, Blissfool said:

I dont think MM was offending Sarah. She said a lot of women are concerned about how the vaccine will affect fertility. Then she said, "I assume all the women on the show are done having babies, except for possibly me...."

I, too, assume my 40+ year old coworkers are done having babies. I mean, they could, but I assume they're done. 🤷🏻‍♀️

But Sarah just had her last baby two years ago and she isn't exactly dry on the vine. Also you know what they say about assuming...I doubt Sarah cares though. She seems to be in a much better place these days-likely that better place is physically far away from the fake hair princess.

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Just let Joy say her piece Meghan before you not only interrupt but you talk over her.  You e been on there long enough to know how this works.  Also, she never mentions the fact that her tribe is where it is on the vaccine because of her tribes cult leader…just admit that trumps messages throughout the pandemic are the reason many in her tribe don’t want the vaccine,  and yes, many, if not most, are watching Fox and getting their info there.  Also I’ve read/heard comments from enough republicans,  who aren’t getting vaccinated, that it’s a way to “own” the libs, make fin of them, etc.  Meghan herself has done that with the masks.  Joy was right about everything g she said but it doesn’t fit meghans anti Biden anti anything Dem agenda.  She is really becoming unwatchable…I thought it might improve after trump was gone, but nope.  

And why is she so enthralled and captivated About going to Vegas to drink and gamble and mingle?  I really don’t get it…if she was 10 years younger, single, childless….maybe?  Just seems weird.  There are so many places around the world one can go once vaccinated that aren’t Vegas…so why?  

Edited by Rainyhawk
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3 hours ago, Blissfool said:

I dont think MM was offending Sarah. She said a lot of women are concerned about how the vaccine will affect fertility. Then she said, "I assume all the women on the show are done having babies, except for possibly me...."

I, too, assume my 40+ year old coworkers are done having babies. I mean, they could, but I assume they're done. 🤷🏻‍♀️

She hates Sara and was using her fertility as a weapon to lord it over Sara and to shade her.  Sara is in her early 40's and she can still pregnant if she wanted to do so.  

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35 minutes ago, Pearson80 said:

She hates Sara and was using her fertility as a weapon to lord it over Sara and to shade her.  Sara is in her early 40's and she can still pregnant if she wanted to do so.  

Yes, because she is a rude bitch, and especially when she can stick it to Sara.

I think it is so interesting that MeAgain thinks she is friends with Sunny. She bought Sunny the "vaccinated" hat. She texts with Sunny all the time about her mothering challenges.

She threw Sunny under the bus through her PR and Sunny iced her out for quite some time. Then someone close to Sunny must have advised her to pretend to be friends with MeAgain.

I have no doubt that at the Hostin dinner table, they chuckle about this.

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Meghan can be nasty, but Joy is a pro. Don't feel bad for her. She loves the sparks because she loves all the press the show gets, no matter where it comes from. She's been on the show forever, and she knows what people are watching it for. She's mentioned it before.


Edited by DB in CMH
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Just watching the ep now, and MeAgain, when she was talking over Joy, said that the anti-vaxxers she knows are highly educated and from Los Angeles.

Wait, didn't MeAgain say she hated living in LA and had no friends then? So these must be the RHOBH or whatever.  Her "friends".

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12 hours ago, njbchlover said:

Did Meghan's hair dresser from DC finally make it to NY?  Assuming that Meghan is back in the NY studio, based on SM posts, her hair has actually looked better the last few days - at least, more professional.

That braided ridiculousness spouting out of her super-tight topknot is one of the worst hairstyles she's ever worn! 

And, I don't get her constantly going after Dr. Fauci, over and over and over again.  Dr. Fauci is NOT the head of the CDC, from where we are getting our guidance and recommendations.  And, as much as I hate to admit it, at times, their messaging has been confusing, so the networks call in Dr. Fauci, who has basically become the "face" of Covid care and advice, as he is the head of the NIAID, and was thrust into the spotlight by the previous administration.  Dr. Fauci attempts to explain the CDC guidances, and often, offers his opinions on them.  

So, he's NOT the one setting the guidances/recommendations by the CDC - he's the one trying to clarify them.  

If Meghan wants to be pissed about the "crap" messaging, I wish she would blame the CDC.


And Meghan McCain went to what Medical School? Attacking Fauci has become popular with the right. I just have to laugh at her total lack of any scientific knowledge or understanding of medical data. Seriously...this girl needs to STFU and stay in her own lane...you know the one where you talk about cancel culture, trash liberals, complain about gun laws and Planned Parenthood. The Princess of Arizona is out of her comfort zone saying anything about Fauci and his work. I think that gigantic Rapunzel braid on the top of her extra large head is draining her brain.

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So MeAgain randomly tried to plug her idiot husband's gig on Fox, and slammed Joy while doing it. Classy.

I had not heard about the Andrew Brown killing/murder. So I just did a few minutes of research. Wish that Show could do that much. 

Explain please why multiple officers are calling on a black man for a warrant on drug charges? They have nothing better to do? And then when he flees in a car, they decide to shoot him in the back of his head? Because he had drug charges? Really? Why are they even shooting?

Yeah, no systemic racism whatsoever.

And are none of these cops actually watching the news and know what is going on? Why do they continue to do this? I realize this was their weekly entertainment before, but come on!


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13 hours ago, Rainyhawk said:

Also, she never mentions the fact that her tribe is where it is on the vaccine because of her tribes cult leader…just admit that trumps messages throughout the pandemic are the reason many in her tribe don’t want the vaccine,  and yes, many, if not most, are watching Fox and getting their info there.  Also I’ve read/heard comments from enough republicans,  who aren’t getting vaccinated, that it’s a way to “own” the libs, make fin of them, etc.  Meghan herself has done that with the masks.  Joy was right about everything g she said but it doesn’t fit meghans anti Biden anti anything Dem agenda.  She is really becoming unwatchable…I thought it might improve after trump was gone, but nope.

I knew she would get worse.  Her team lost and she hates that.  Her whole identity is built on which political party she belongs to.  She cannot separate herself from it.  So if her team is in the doghouse she thinks people are putting her in the doghouse. Now she of course could avoid that by not attacking people she views as her opposition but she won't do that.  

9 hours ago, bannana said:

Just watching the ep now, and MeAgain, when she was talking over Joy, said that the anti-vaxxers she knows are highly educated and from Los Angeles.

Wait, didn't MeAgain say she hated living in LA and had no friends then? So these must be the RHOBH or whatever.  Her "friends".

Most likely these are people she saw on Twitter. And I question Meghan's definition of "highly educated". Meghan has a degree from an Ivy League college so........

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Meg can’t understand why Chris Cuomo won’t talk about his brother on air. Because she can’t not talk about her father.

Edited by Haleth
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8 minutes ago, Haleth said:

Meg can’t understand why Chris Cuomo won’t talk about his brother on air. Because she can’t not talk about her father.

Also Chris Cuomo is a professional.

Edited by ifionlyknew
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Sure Megs, let’s talk about the hard stuff in your family.  She can’t even take criticism of her party without melting down like an emotional sixth-grader.  When talking about Matt Gaetz her response was an hysterical “it’s gross, it’s yucky!! Ok?? Are you happy? Why don’t I disavow him?  Because they have to do something to him first!! Like what?? I don’t know! I’m not a lawyer”.   

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