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S17.E10: Breathe

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Best parts of the episode: Lexie/Mark on the beach, Lexie/Mark together in the afterlife, and Mark checking in on Sofia, Callie and Arizona the same way Derek checks in on his kids. (sob). Owen texting Cristina about Meredith's stats. Maybe offscreen Cristina is texting Alex.

What timeframe is Grey's in now in regards to Covid? Spring 2020 or getting into summer or fall? Because Richard and everyone was reacting to Maggie's ventilator idea like it had never occurred to them but wasn't it a big thing around May-ish 2020 in New York when they had to start doubling up on vents? Something has to be up with Winston in his past that will come up later, because we the audience know almost nothing about him and it is entirely too soon for him to be proposing to Maggie; haven't they only known each other a couple of months?

Lexie touched Meredith on the beach, and IIRC that is the only person she's touched, so even though Meredith is off the vent I am still half-expecting her to take another downturn and die. Are Patrick's episodes over?

I wanted some lines to have Lexie and Mark acknowledge that they now have a hospital named after them. 

Worst part of the episode: Even Meredith's beach has a damn merry-go-round/carousal 🤣 

Edited by LexieLily
  • Love 12

I was so absurdly happy to see Mark and Lexie (and to see that they are together, at least on Meredith's beach). Also, Cristina texting Owen and demanding to see Meredith's stats totally tracks. 

After seeing the sadness and frustration of the pandemic on the show and in real life, seeing the doctors dancing was a lovely moment. 

39 minutes ago, pieinmyeye said:

Who are the two doctors (nurses?) in the room with the mom and daughter sharing the vent?

I believe they are the mother and daughter interns who started at the beginning of the season.

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This episode really got to me. Loved seeing Lexie & Mark again.

I think we are in early COVID times on the show hence the sharing ventilator story. I know Maggie didn’t figure it out, but someone in this real world did & what an amazing realization.  I’m glad the show is covering the pandemic & all that healthcare workers went through. It’s a story that shouldn’t be ignored in fiction.  I don’t need it on every show, but I’m glad it is on this one.

Edited by pennben
  • Love 9
44 minutes ago, pieinmyeye said:

Who are the two doctors (nurses?) in the room with the mom and daughter sharing the vent?

They're both part of this year's intern crop, mother and daughter together. We've barely seen them but the mother is played by Lisa Vidal so I expect more from them later.

23 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

 Something has to be up with Winston in his past that will come up later, because we the audience know almost nothing about him and it is entirely too soon for him to be proposing to Maggie; haven't they only known each other a couple of months?

She was his supervisor back during his residency (we found out about it in the medical conference episode last season). They were attracted to each other but I don't think that they consummated it because she was his supervisor and it wasn't in Seattle. They got together at the conference and had a long distance relationship till he arrived in Seattle earlier this season.

  • Useful 2
1 hour ago, pieinmyeye said:

Who are the two doctors (nurses?) in the room with the mom and daughter sharing the vent?

I had totally forgotten about them, but as others have said they were introduced earlier in the season as part of the new intern crop. The mother intern was really good with the patient.

It was really nice seeing Lexie and Mark again. 

  • Love 4

Seeing all the beach characters over the season is bittersweet because it highlights even more that the show is a shell of its former self these days. Derek, Mark, Lexie, and George are dead and Cristina only exists as disembodied text messages, while we have to put up with Contacts, Dr. McIrish who can't act his way out of a paper bag, and Owen and Teddy. So much Owen and Teddy.

3 hours ago, LexieLily said:

What timeframe is Grey's in now in regards to Covid? Spring 2020 or getting into summer or fall? Because Richard and everyone was reacting to Maggie's ventilator idea like it had never occurred to them but wasn't it a big thing around May-ish 2020 in New York when they had to start doubling up on vents?

Meredith talking about Bailey's birthday wish to make everyone laugh makes me think it's been several months at least.

Edited by chocolatine
  • Love 8

Awww, I loved seeing Mark and Lexie running and splashing in the water. As much as I have enjoyed seeing how many dead characters they have brought back this season, it really just reminds me how much more I used to like the show, the characters, the acting, and the plots.

It was cute to see how happy Linc was to be back in the OR. He was obviously expecting to take care of his own kid but to have the pandemic hit and then suddenly find himself taking care of four kids 24/7 is A LOT. I can't blame him for being excited to go back to work.

I get that Cormac is very overprotective of his sister in law, but I was with Jo when she got exasperated with him constantly interrupting her.

Ha, I loved that Cristina insisted on Owen sending her a picture of Meredith's monitors. That was such a Cristina demand, but I also love whenever anyone gives Owen shit.

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5 hours ago, chocolatine said:

Seeing all the beach characters over the season is bittersweet because it highlights even more that the show is a shell of its former self these days. Derek, Mark, Lexie, and George are dead and Cristina only exists as disembodied text messages, while we have to put up with Contacts, Dr. McIrish who can't act his way out of a paper bag, and Owen and Teddy. So much Owen and Teddy.

Meredith talking about Bailey's birthday wish to make everyone laugh makes me think it's been several months at least.

It is bittersweet. The characters I loved are dead or gone and the ones that are left either suck or are just kind of there.

  • Love 16

I really enjoyed this episode, it was far more upbeat than the last few.  Seeing Mark and Lexie on the beach with Meredith was awesome (I now know why I prefer the early years, the characters were less annoying).  Hopefully, we have no more set backs with Meredith and she gets better.  I want to see her at home helping Amelia and Linc with her own kids and letting them have some down time too. 

Hayes' sister in law was interesting, and watching Teddy with Amelia was not annoying. 

I like Maggie's man (I can't think of his name) and the only thing that really irked me was Jo and Jackson together at the end.  Seriously, they just don't work for me!  

  • Love 4

Great Episode

Yea for Lexie and Mark!

Yea for Owen being nice to Koracik!

Yea for McWidow's sister in law surviving!

Yea for sharing vents!

Yea for Maggie getting a relationship with someone not annoying and who makes her less annoying!

Yea for Amelia being decent to Teddy

Boo for crossover events

Boo for Teddy (stop giving her credit Owen, she did her job)




  • Love 5

I was never a Lexie fan so when she popped up in previews last week, I was not moved--but then pleased that they actually surprised me with Mark showing up. Meredith's interactions with them were good. 

I like Maggie's new guy so I'd appreciate that they don't turn him into evil or something. He's good looking and his this warmth about him. I'd like him to be cool, competent doctor, show. Thanks.

My favorite moment might have been Avery and Jo and the end when she says 'your mom is so intimidating" and he responds with "why are you talking about my mom in this moment?" (not exact quote) That cracked me up

Sadly Glasses still lives. 

I'd forgotten about the new interns but they are already better than Glasses. 

I liked everyone having a happy moment.

McIrish doctor is hard to take. I'm ok with "crusty person who tends to say sarcastic things a lot as a way to shield his true softer self" but it looks like this guy goes beyond that and is just rude constantly and I tend to ignore it due to the accent. They need to make him a more real person.

Amelia with Teddy was good. Being supportive but telling her the truth was solid. 

As a mom, I was glad they explained that Leo gets car sick. Because otherwise, I was horrified. If someone showed up at my house and just asked for a shirt because their toddler threw up on the way, without explaining car sickness, I would want them to back out of my house immediately. The last thing you need in a house with multiple kids is a stomach bug. Those things spread like the plague! and can take out your entire squad. My boys and husband once all came down with one within 30 minutes of each other (as opposed to our usual, one person per night routine). As I spent hours scrubbing my carpet I willed myself not to get sick and I didn't (I have no scientific basis for this but I tell myself the virus has to already be inside me--no way I could have avoided it--so I'm just going to will myself not to get sick 🙂 )

  • Love 3

So again, in Shondaland, time means nothing.  We're clearly on Jeremy Bearimy time here!

The season premiere said it's April 2020 - the pandemic hits Seattle.  There have been no significant time jumps, and in fact some episodes happened the very next day from the week before (Deluca's death, for example).  Didn't Meredith get sick in the first or second episode?  So it should have been April, first week of May at the latest that she becomes unconscious.  But Bailey was born in May, and she said they celebrated his birthday - all together.  Yet also in the April season premiere, she said she hadn't seen her kids in two weeks and was living in the hotel, same as Maggie, to keep them safe from the virus.  So, in conclusion, time means nothing, no one knows when it is, or how much time has passed - and THIS SHOW MAKES NO SENSE.  Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.

As for the rest of the episode, it was pretty good.  Maggie's idea of sharing the ventilators was great, and based on my above conclusion, she could have thought of it in May 2020, or March 2021, or July 2025, or December 1994.  Who knows! 😂  I guess we'll pretend that maybe she thought of it simultaneously as the doctors in New York thought of it in the real world.  Winston can stay, he's cute, and makes her less annoying.

Speaking of annoying - thank you, Amelia, for explaining how therapy works to Teddy!  Maybe now Teddy will try again and also become less annoying too.

I wasn't a huge Lexie fan either, as someone else also noted above, but yes to seeing Mark again!!  He's still so hot.  I did immediately notice that Lexie went to push Meredith on the swing and touched her, so I thought it was foreshadowing that Meredith was a goner.  But then their talk about how it's all hard but you still gotta live anyway, changed Meredith's mind and she wants to live again?  I guess we'll see. 

Richard was cute when he was dancing and told Maggie she could get a raise for thinking of the ventilator idea.

Are the texts from Cristina some foreshadowing of a Sandra Oh guest return?  Hmm...  Though, on second thought, I've heard that she doesn't want to return, and they have the built in excuse - she can't travel from Europe during a pandemic.  So I won't hold my breath.  


Edited by FnkyChkn34
fixed typo
  • Love 5
7 hours ago, chocolatine said:

Seeing all the beach characters over the season is bittersweet because it highlights even more that the show is a shell of its former self these days. Derek, Mark, Lexie, and George are dead and Cristina only exists as disembodied text messages


4 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Awww, I loved seeing Mark and Lexie running and splashing in the water. As much as I have enjoyed seeing how many dead characters they have brought back this season, it really just reminds me how much more I used to like the show, the characters, the acting, and the plots.


Bringing back all of these fan favorites from the glory days in a single season (with April slated to come back and who knows who else in these final episodes of the season) leads me to firmly believe they are planning a series finale.  How can they possible top what they've done this season with the surprise returning guest stars and providing closure/tidbits on beloved fan favorites?  Maybe for the finale they'll do a flash forward beyond the pandemic to have Cristina show up or have her make an appearance via Zoom?

  • Love 5
11 hours ago, LexieLily said:

What timeframe is Grey's in now in regards to Covid? Spring 2020 or getting into summer or fall? Because Richard and everyone was reacting to Maggie's ventilator idea like it had never occurred to them but wasn't it a big thing around May-ish 2020 in New York when they had to start doubling up on vents?

I wondered about this too b/c it seemed like by May 2020, everyone had figured out the doubling up and that some month, some doctors from my state (SC) invented some some sort of device that allowed FOUR people to share a vent.  

Edited by AzraeltheCat
  • Useful 4
53 minutes ago, RedbirdNelly said:

I was never a Lexie fan so when she popped up in previews last week, I was not moved--but then pleased that they actually surprised me with Mark showing up. Meredith's interactions with them were good. 

I like Maggie's new guy so I'd appreciate that they don't turn him into evil or something. He's good looking and his this warmth about him. I'd like him to be cool, competent doctor, show. Thanks.

Same for me re Lexie, and the excitement of seeing Mark.  And yes, Winston is great, let's continue with that please. 

55 minutes ago, RedbirdNelly said:

McIrish doctor is hard to take. I'm ok with "crusty person who tends to say sarcastic things a lot as a way to shield his true softer self" but it looks like this guy goes beyond that and is just rude constantly and I tend to ignore it due to the accent. They need to make him a more real person.

Yes! I never thought he was good fit with Mer.  I like him better with Jo [and she and Jackson have no chemistry, so let's just nip that relationship in the bud] but damn!  the man would not stop interrupting her -- wanted to slap him. 


So, so tired of Teddy and Owen.  Love Cristina texts! 

58 minutes ago, RedbirdNelly said:

Sadly Glasses still lives. 

Ha, this made me laugh! The problem with his intern class [and maybe the new ones] is that they are just sorta there and annoying, but don't have much interaction.  Obviously, our original 5 had conversations, and fights, and relationships, etc. And then, other than Lexie, the interns were just here and there, not a cohesive group. Then we got Jo, Stephanie, Shane and Leah, and they were more like the original 5 [not that i liked any of them really] but were shown fighting or being friend or both.  But Glasses et al all exist separately.  And what happened to Casey Parker? He was my favorite of all of that intern class and he disappeared.  

  • Love 5
3 minutes ago, elang4 said:

So I’m obviously in the minority but I really like Schmidt! I find him endearing and I think he’s grown so much since he started. I don’t understand the hate for him.....😳

Some people must like him, he’s on a network show.  When I don’t like people on this show, it’s more like I don’t like their storylines not them.  For a while, his story lines were all foils.  He was bumbling doctor.  He’s being written better.  Now it’s Teddy’s turn to be tormented by the writers 

  • Love 3
18 minutes ago, elang4 said:

So I’m obviously in the minority but I really like Schmidt! I find him endearing and I think he’s grown so much since he started. I don’t understand the hate for him.....😳

I don't mind him either.  He's actually relatable, in a way.  He's not perfect, he's made mistakes and he definitely has self doubts.  He's also still trying to find himself and figure out his place in both the hospital and the world as a whole.  He's... human.  

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1 minute ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

I don't mind him either.  He's actually relatable, in a way.  He's not perfect, he's made mistakes and he definitely has self doubts.  He's also still trying to find himself and figure out his place in both the hospital and the world as a whole.  He's... human.  

Exactly! That’s how I feel. You can definitely relate to him. 

  • Love 2
29 minutes ago, AzraeltheCat said:

I wondered about this too b/c it seemed like by May 2020, everyone had figured out the doubling up and that some month, some doctors from my state (SC) invented some some sort of device that allowed FOUR people to share a vent.  

It actually SHOULD still be May 2020, early June at the latest.  So Meredith's comment about Bailey's birthday and wanting to make them laugh during the pandemic makes absolutely zero sense.  

1 minute ago, elang4 said:

Exactly! That’s how I feel. You can definitely relate to him. 

Oh, and his awkward little "rap" to the patient?  I mean... who hasn't done something like that in their lives? 😂

  • Love 2

Awww, I loved seeing Mark and Lexie running and splashing in the water. As much as I have enjoyed seeing how many dead characters they have brought back this season, it really just reminds me how much more I used to like the show, the characters, the acting, and the plots.

Yeah - in a way this gimmick is backfiring because it just makes me think "I remember when I actually cared about these characters." I don't even care that much about the few original cast members that are left anymore. That said, DAMN, Eric Dane still looks good. 

I don't know why everyone was dancing around when they took Meredith off the ventilator. Haven't they already tried that once before and she seemed OK at first but then relapsed and had to go back on it? Premature dancing. I kept expecting the monitor to suddenly go beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.

Edited by iMonrey
  • Love 13
18 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

Yeah - in a way this gimmick is backfiring because it just makes me think "I remember when I actually cared about these characters." I don't even care that much about the few original cast members that are left anymore. That said, DAMN, Eric Dane still looks good. 

I don't know why everyone was dancing around when they took Meredith off the ventilator. Haven't they already tried that once before and she seemed OK at first but then relapsed and had to go back on it? Premature dancing. I kept expecting the monitor to suddenly go beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.

One of them made the comment that she was breathing over the vent.  Plus if her covid tests are coming back negative so that she doesn't have any more virus in her system, it is probably safe to say that she really is out of the woods this time.  She wasn't on the ventilator before they thought she was healed, right?  So the vent let her body actually rest and heal this time around.  That's my take, at least, but of course... Lexie touched her, so she could still die. 🤷‍♀️

  • Love 4

Also, STFU Teddy - and show - for saying that Meredith and Amelia "really are sisters" because little Ellis looks like Amelia. Uh, that's because it's her brother's child and any resemblance comes from the Shepherd genes. 

Doubly annoying that this was uttered in the same episode as Meredith being on the beach with her actual sister, Lexie Grey. 

I never liked the tptb's push for ThE sISteRhOoD. 

  • Love 15
5 hours ago, RedbirdNelly said:

McIrish doctor is hard to take. I'm ok with "crusty person who tends to say sarcastic things a lot as a way to shield his true softer self" but it looks like this guy goes beyond that and is just rude constantly and I tend to ignore it due to the accent. They need to make him a more real person.

As an Irish person I recognise him from a soap in Ireland and was thrilled when he showed up on Greys. However I’m over him now and want him gone. I don’t feel he fits in at all. The attempts at developing him past “widower” have stopped. He’s just gruff in an awkward way. It’s clear the powers that be have realised he kind of sucks and have aborted the plan to put him with Meredith. Jo is the only one he’s mildly tolerable with but I think that’s because Jo this season has become a more light hearted character. Jackson and Schmidt are also funnier and more bearable with her.  I’m worried that putting him with Jo is going to do more damage to her character rather then make him any better.

I’d happily see him off but we all know letting go of crappy characters has never been Greys strongest trait. 

  • Love 7

I never watched for Lexie and Mark but it makes me happy that they are together now. And apparently hair continues to grow in the afterlife.

The proposal to Maggie seems fast in terms of storytelling time but I want to see her happy at last so I hope it sticks.

It feels like Owen forgave Teddy and started singing her praises awfully fast.

5 hours ago, RedbirdNelly said:

McIrish doctor is hard to take. I'm ok with "crusty person who tends to say sarcastic things a lot as a way to shield his true softer self" but it looks like this guy goes beyond that and is just rude constantly and I tend to ignore it due to the accent. They need to make him a more real person.

The actor X the character just isn't working for me.  There's so little energy, it can't overcome the judgmental, superior attitude they gave him when he arrived. Even now, he won't let Jo finish a sentence to explain to him what's going on.  Several characters have come on this show described as being at the top of their specialties, Derek, Addison, Teddy ... but they still had to earn our respect with their abilities (or not). There's nothing that McWidower has shown us that he's that special, especially given how he treated Deluca who has shown himself to be the better diagnostician.

They're really pushing him in a relationship with Mer, now his SIL telling him that the boys are asking about the surgeon that he's got feelings for (Mer). But I hope that they swerve to Jo now.  With Jo not fun and flirty like Linc with Amelia but it's not dead air as it is with Meredith.

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

Lexie touched her, so she could still die.

When Meredith died/hung out in the afterlife way back in season 3 she touched a lot of dead people (and her dead dog) and popped back. Of course there's no way to know if the dead surgical floor and the dead beach work the same so time will tell, lol.

I wish there was a moment with Mark and Derek too but so many dead, so little time. Meredith and Lexie falls flat for me because Meredith never appeared close to her and barely said a word when she died. But I did enjoy seeing both Mark and Lexie. 

  • Love 3
5 hours ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

So, in conclusion, time means nothing, no one knows when it is, or how much time has passed - and THIS SHOW MAKES NO SENSE.  Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.

After the Intern "year" lasting three seasons and two Halloween's in one calendar year  or else most of S4 happening in some kind of Groundhog Day I haven't been able to take any timeline seriously from the beginning. They clearly didn't care when they had Izzie have three "great loves" in a few months among other things. 

Edited by Featherhat
  • LOL 5
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6 hours ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

Speaking of annoying - thank you, Amelia, for explaining how therapy works to Teddy!  Maybe now Teddy will try again and also become less annoying too.

I think what Amelia said needed to be said because there are too many people who are already reluctant to go to therapy and when the first one they try isn't a good fit, they just throw up their hands and say therapy doesn't work and never go back. I tell people that finding the right therapist is like finding the right person to cut your hair or finding the right massage therapist - it's like dating because not everyone will be a good fit for you, so you have to keep trying until you find the person who is right for you. Even if someone else swears their person is the absolute best, that doesn't mean they will be the best for you. A lot of it is about compatibility and it's okay if the first person you try isn't The One.

But hey, maybe Teddy will be like Owen - one breakthrough session and miraculously cured!

7 hours ago, RedbirdNelly said:

McIrish doctor is hard to take. I'm ok with "crusty person who tends to say sarcastic things a lot as a way to shield his true softer self" but it looks like this guy goes beyond that and is just rude constantly and I tend to ignore it due to the accent.

I agree, especially after this episode showed that it's not just that he's sarcastic to hide his soft underbelly. Constantly interrupting is just plain rude. There's no need for it. Jo was doing her best to be thorough and provide the best care for his sister in law and apparently he couldn't wait half a second for her to finish her sentences. That goes past sarcastic exterior to asshole. Let her do her job. Hold your fucking tongue so that she can get to the end of a sentence. Cutting her off half a second before she's done speaking isn't going to get your sister in law into the OR any sooner. I was really glad that Jo stood up for herself. Being worried about someone you care about isn't a good enough excuse for being consistently rude to a colleague.

  • Love 5
28 minutes ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:


I agree, especially after this episode showed that it's not just that he's sarcastic to hide his soft underbelly. Constantly interrupting is just plain rude. There's no need for it. Jo was doing her best to be thorough and provide the best care for his sister in law and apparently he couldn't wait half a second for her to finish her sentences. That goes past sarcastic exterior to asshole. Let her do her job. Hold your fucking tongue so that she can get to the end of a sentence. Cutting her off half a second before she's done speaking isn't going to get your sister in law into the OR any sooner. I was really glad that Jo stood up for herself. Being worried about someone you care about isn't a good enough excuse for being consistently rude to a colleague.

This exactly--I liked McIrish at first and I really don't mind a snappy come back person (love Koracik despite his flaws) but

* they've now just made him constantly rude. I realized last night I was giving him a pass due to the accent but he's really just rude and it makes no sense to cut off Jo constantly

* not his fault but I'm tired of the trope of "person with close connection to doctor comes in to the hospital; doctor freaks out just certain not enough is being done; everything is actually being done; and other doctor has to say "we've got this." That bit happens too much. 

  • Love 6

I hope that Winston is a decent guy, and that they're going to let Maggie be happy. I liked this episode. People were talking, mostly not being dicks, and the dancing with happiness, re: the shared vents, was good to see. I guess there will be a time jump at some point, in order to catch up to the vaccines becoming available. 

Meredith has to be okay. I know they said she's off the vent now, but that could change, all for drama. All of these people coming back, talking about the kids needing her - she has to be okay. How long was she on the vent? I thought her son was born during a bad thunderstorm, when the power went out. I'm trying to remember when she was well enough to be at home for her son's birthday. 

McWidow was a dick. It may have been out of concern, but he was over the top. They did that with George, too, although he was worried about Burke and Cristina hiding something. 

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I think what Amelia said needed to be said because there are too many people who are already reluctant to go to therapy and when the first one they try isn't a good fit, they just throw up their hands and say therapy doesn't work and never go back. I tell people that finding the right therapist is like finding the right person to cut your hair or finding the right massage therapist - it's like dating because not everyone will be a good fit for you, so you have to keep trying until you find the person who is right for you. Even if someone else swears their person is the absolute best, that doesn't mean they will be the best for you. A lot of it is about compatibility and it's okay if the first person you try isn't The One.

But hey, maybe Teddy will be like Owen - one breakthrough session and miraculously cured!

I agree on what Amelia said about therapy, as well as your comment comparing it to dating. I spent too long with a therapist who wasn't right for me. My current one isn't a perfect fit, and we've had our conflicts, but I've made lots of progress with him. And he's basically the opposite of a therapist who just sits there and goes "mm-hm" (or whatever she said he said) every 4th word--he gives lots of input. What she said I think is what people often think a therapist is, someone who just sits there, smiles, nods, and is like "Oh, that's sad" the whole time. (Or the opposite, with Robin Williams in Good Will Hunting.) So they wonder how that will help them. So maybe Amelia's words will help people.

Teddy needs a therapist who will challenge her on how some of her own actions (like cheating) have led to her unhappiness. While at the same time letting her know that Allison's death wasn't her fault.

And, ugh, that Owen therapy episode...

40 minutes ago, Anela said:

I hope that Winston is a decent guy, and that they're going to let Maggie be happy. I liked this episode. People were talking, mostly not being dicks, and the dancing with happiness, re: the shared vents, was good to see. I guess there will be a time jump at some point, in order to catch up to the vaccines becoming available. 

Meredith has to be okay. I know they said she's off the vent now, but that could change, all for drama. All of these people coming back, talking about the kids needing her - she has to be okay. How long was she on the vent? I thought her son was born during a bad thunderstorm, when the power went out. I'm trying to remember when she was well enough to be at home for her son's birthday.

I also hope Winston is a good guy. I haven't liked Maggie in a long time (especially not with Jackson--ugh), but I feel like Winston brings out a likable side of her and that they're really good together. I don't want him to have some deep dark past or some double life. And I admit that his proposal made me cry...

With Meredith, I've read that being on ventilators for a long time (a few weeks) can lead to a decline in both physical and mental function, such that rehab is needed. So that could be an interesting avenue for them to pursue, if she needed to work her way back. I kind of hope they won't just go with the standard she wakes up and then is back to work a week later, seemingly none the worse for wear.

I feel a show that handled something like this really well was Homicide, with Frank having a stroke and needing to work his way back from it, failing a shooting test, etc.

  • Love 9

I thought Mer would magically come off the vent just as the mother took a bad turn, thus freeing up a vent.

The timeline on this show has NEVER made sense.  It's even worse now, when they're trying to work around a real life event with real times.

Episode was good, better than the last one by a country mile, and better than most this season.  I hope it starts picking up again.  I could use a time jump about now.


12 minutes ago, MarylandGirl said:

With Meredith, I've read that being on ventilators for a long time (a few weeks) can lead to a decline in both physical and mental function, such that rehab is needed. So that could be an interesting avenue for them to pursue, if she needed to work her way back. I kind of hope they won't just go with the standard she wakes up and then is back to work a week later, seemingly none the worse for wear.

I feel a show that handled something like this really well was Homicide, with Frank having a stroke and needing to work his way back from it, failing a shooting test, etc.

I do wonder if that will be addressed.  Maybe she won't recognize them when she wakes up.  And yes, Homicide handled this perfectly.  But then again, Homicide did most everything perfectly, with the exception of Detective Sheppard.


  • Love 5
2 minutes ago, madmax said:

I thought Mer would magically come off the vent just as the mother took a bad turn, thus freeing up a vent.

The timeline on this show has NEVER made sense.  It's even worse now, when they're trying to work around a real life event with real times.

Episode was good, better than the last one by a country mile, and better than most this season.  I hope it starts picking up again.  I could use a time jump about now.


I do wonder if that will be addressed.  Maybe she won't recognize them when she wakes up.  And yes, Homicide handled this perfectly.  But then again, Homicide did most everything perfectly, with the exception of Detective Sheppard.


Ugh, Detective Sheppard... And I wish Homicide was available to stream someplace, but don't think it is?

Back to the current Grey's ep, as soon as they had both mother and daughter there, and they were both getting worse, it was like, "Obviously, there's going to be one vent left, and they'll have to choose which one gets it." I hadn't thought of the possible Meredith freeing one up option. Other than a bit of predictability in that sense, agree that it was a good ep.

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I forgot to weigh in on McIrish.  Yeah, not liking the guy much.  Hot accent, but shitty personality.  He does seem a tad bit warmer with Jo.  I wouldn't mind that pairing.  She can become insta-mom, he can help her adopt Baby Luna, and they can move to Ireland.

11 hours ago, MarylandGirl said:

And I wish Homicide was available to stream someplace, but don't think it is?


Unfortunately, no.  But I do have the entire series on DVD.  😁

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On 4/2/2021 at 6:57 AM, RedbirdNelly said:

I was never a Lexie fan so when she popped up in previews last week, I was not moved--but then pleased that they actually surprised me with Mark showing up. Meredith's interactions with them were good. 

I also was not moved like I feel 99% of the watchers were when Lexi showed up in the preview. I was never a fan of hers and I didn't like her being paired with Mark.  However, I was happily surprised when Mark showed up and yes that man is still good looking!  

Edited by Fireball
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I never watch previews because I don't want to know something ahead of time, but last week, one of my friends had to go and blurt out that a woman with long dark hair and pale skin was on the beach with Meredith.  I said that was probably Lexie, and then he remembered Lexie (he didn't watch the show much at all back then).  But fortunately, I was able to be totally surprised by the appearance of Mark and I even let out a sob.  Of everyone who has been killed off or otherwise left, I miss Mark most because I thought his friendship with Callie was really great. 

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On 4/2/2021 at 3:36 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Awww, I loved seeing Mark and Lexie running and splashing in the water. As much as I have enjoyed seeing how many dead characters they have brought back this season, it really just reminds me how much more I used to like the show, the characters, the acting, and the plots.

It’s kind of ironic— they want to stoke fan nostalgia and create interest by bringing back old favorites, but by doing so they’re  reminding people people how far the show has declined.  It’s a damned if you do, damned if you don’t (turn back time) situation.

I’m on record as saying I’m sick of the ghosts, which is still true, but I have to admit it made my heart swoon to see Mark again. Next to George, his was the saddest death for me.

On 4/2/2021 at 8:39 AM, Earmuffs Mom said:

Bringing back all of these fan favorites from the glory days in a single season (with April slated to come back and who knows who else in these final episodes of the season) leads me to firmly believe they are planning a series finale.  How can they possible top what they've done this season with the surprise returning guest stars and providing closure/tidbits on beloved fan favorites? 


Kristina Vernoff has said that this season was planned to serve as a potential finale, because when they were filming it, the show’s fate was still undetermined. If they’ve decided whether or not to continue, I haven’t heard. But I assume that’s why they decided to bring back the ghosts, to provide a little closure in case this was their last chance. I also assume they’re saving Christina for when they know for sure the finale is actually happening. So her text to Owen can be foreshadowing of an imminent visit, or if the show is renewed, it’s probably just a text. 

Spoilery guesses aside, I fully expected Meredith to code in the middle of that group dance. It really makes me wonder what they have planned for her. Will she wake up and begin a bright future with McWidower and her kids, or will she do a Mark-style fake out where she appears to have survived, but then doesn’t?

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6 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Spoilery guesses aside, I fully expected Meredith to code in the middle of that group dance. It really makes me wonder what they have planned for her. Will she wake up and begin a bright future with McWidower and her kids, or will she do a Mark-style fake out where she appears to have survived, but then doesn’t?

The thing is, despite that they seem to be moving away from Mer and McWidower (kinda) and have pulled out the possibility of MerDer reuniting in the after life either soon or eventually, I don't think they're going to want to kill Meredith for the simple fact that she had three kids who've already lost their Dad and despite the "village" do they really want to end the series with them being raised by Amelia/Link and Maggie etc? 

I see a miraculous recovery (again) and a final season with a possible Cristina visit to assure us they've got each other forever and Mer by herself romantically with possibilities and/or another Derek visit to show he's with them all if PD is still available. 

I remember Shonda swearing up and down that Mark/Lexie's ending was actually happy for them and they were together forever knowing Sofia was well loved and she finally managed to make it canon on screen which is kind of impressive even in this show where Denny has more appearances as a dead guy than an alive guy. 

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