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S16.E14: Live Eviction #4; HoH Comp #5

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I never had a relationship with my grandparents that Frankie obviously did so I'm not trying to be callous, but as soon as I peeked in the live feed thread today I knew Frankie was going to get HOH. And Zach is also HOH, so nothing changes.

I'm not sorry to see the back end of Brittany but I did think it was sweet her kids were there.

Donny, I don't know what the noms are going to be, but I hope you play in POV and win it. Just because.

Edited by mojoween

How is Frankie being HOH going to let him see his Grandfather?  Am soooooooo glad Donny stayed.  I thought we were going to see Brittany's personals on live TV.

They told him ahead of time that if he won HOH he would get a picture of his grandpa.  I think they should've just given one to him regardless, since this actually gave him an advantage in the competition.

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Wow, I didn't even recognize Amber with her hair straightened I kept saying to myself "who the hell is that on the sofa??"


"Seeing his Grandfather" is because people get pictures from home so it would def. include a pic of his grandfather for him to be remembered by.


Classy of Derrick to not ring in, he moves up a few pegs in my rankings for that.


On a lighter note, congrats to Hayden.

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This is becoming the Frankie show. ~sigh~ Could Derrick make it any obvious that he threw the comp to Frankie. All these floaters, can't they figure out who is in an alliance just by powers of observation? Why isn't anyone else forming one? Tired of Frankie, Derick, Cody & Zach. Caleb is one of them too, but at least his craziness is entertaining. Frankie: "I can't wait to see my grandfather!" What are they gonna do, send him a picture of Grampa Frank in his casket or did they take one in his hospital bed looking all confused? 

Edited by aurora296

I believe the thinking behind letting Frankie win HoH was that he'd be able to have pictures of his grandfather? Although I can't imagine BB would refuse to give him pictures if Frankie simply asked for them. That said, I'm going through some stuff with my grandmother currently, so I found it hard to watch Frankie learning of his grandfather's passing. They were obviously very close. 


BB needs to shake this game up. Another week, another Frankie/Derrick/Cody/Caleb/Zach HoH. Zzz...


The fact that I was only half listening + the fact I have seen all of the Dirty Harry movies = my reaction when I heard Derrick say, "You wanna see your grandfather, punk?"  


Okay, he didn't say punk, but I did get confused for a second, thinking that Derrick had just threatened to kill Frankie on live television.

Edited by Thalia
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The fact that I was only half listening + the fact I have seen all of the Dirty Harry movies = my reaction when I heard Derrick say, "You wanna see your grandfather, punk?"  


Okay, he didn't say punk, but I did get confused for a second, thinking that Derrick had just threatened to kill Frankie on live television.


I was just as confused, for a different reason.  Why wouldn't the PTB just give Frankie the photos?  If anything, they could have included them with the letter!  

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Derrick's  move can also benefit him from a game standpoint.  Frankie is in his alliance (the two of them seem to work together to keep things under control), the only people left in the competition were people that they feel they can ultimately control (so he thinks he isn't in any real danger), the house views him as a "good guy" for the sacrifice of being a "have not" (which he mentioned when Julie asked him if he threw it), and he knows that he will be eligible to play in the next HOH comp.

  • Love 3

WHAT THE FUCK was up with Caleb's breast-feeding sock monkey??? Is that his foster Amber-child? Showing his fatherly nurturing instinct? As train-wrecky entertaining as he is, he needs to be removed for Amber's safety. Not gonna happen, I know. If I were her family I'd hire an attorney now and start drafting that wrongful death paperwork.


I couldn't care less if we see people banging under the covers in night vision, but there's something about hearing close-up slurp-sounds from kissing that grosses me right out. The tepid Hayden-Dimwit match is boring.


Not sure what disturbed me more - the likely improper punctuation of "Thumb's Up For Coconuts" or the graphically phallic "head" on Michigan.


Victoria's a straight-up bitch. No need for that nasty, petty trash talk when voting someone out. If I recall, she also referred to Devin as "evil" or "devil" when voting him out - I have no patience for that shit.


A stunningly lame HoH. I sure hope everyone didn't throw it to Frankie. Sad, sad thing to have happen to the guy, but would you potentially give up your chance at a half mil? If I won, I'd ask the DR to provide his pics instead of mine, but no way I'm falling on my sword for someone who might likely put me up.

Edited by Dewey Decimate
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Wow, tonight's show made me cry a little.  It's always hard to mourn a loss, so it got to me seeing Frankie cry tonight, I felt for him.  I am sorry for his loss, it's gotta be hard going through that there and not be with your family.  I like Frankie, he may be a bit OTT at times and a lot of the show focuses on him, but he seems like a good guy.  I enjoy what he brings to the show and hope to see him around for a while. 


I also welled up when Brittany saw her kids.  Wasn't a big fan of Brit, but she obviously loves and missed her kids a lot so seeing their reunion was touching.  Her daughter is like her mini-me.  Also Brit had on some fabulous shoes.  Julie Chen did too.


Glad Donny is still safe.  Like the idea of Zach and Frankie as co-HOH's, mainly because I'm fascinated by their chemistry.  Still think Cody is ridiculously pretty...and actually Caleb is looking pretty good lately too (despite all his Amber creepiness)


Favorite line of the night happened when they were interviewing Nicole's little cousins in her home town and one said something like "Hayden is weird because he's always trying to make sex with Nicole".  Haha, from the mouths of babes...!  Well Hayden got his kiss, not sure if Nicole kissed him out of attraction, or just to get him to stop begging for a kiss. 


I would like to see some other houseguests get a little focus just because I forget they are there sometimes:  Victoria, Jacosta, Christine, Hayden.  We really don't know a lot about them or where their heads are in the game.  The guys definitely get more airtime and focus than the women.  I kind of wish Joey were still there as she seemed to have a little charisma and spark, moreso than a lot of the females this season. 


Still not hating anyone this season like last year.  There are some I don't like as much as others, but they all seem pretty decent.  I liked how they all banded together for Frankie.  They really are one, big, disfunctional family there!


This angered me even more!!!! Derrick gets to step in and play hero here? More like he didn't want to "get blood on his hands" and he knew he was safe with Frankie being HOH. It would have impressed me if, G-d forbid, one of the women had a family member pass and he threw the competition to them. Then Derrick would have moved up in my rankings. But this was just annoying to me. And he had to say it out loud too? For everyone to hear. "Hey everyone! Look what a great guy I am! I am going to sacrifice my chance at being HOH for this guy! Even though there is no chance i'm going on the block or going home! Look how awesome I am!!!!" 


Thank you. Derrick is a piece of shit. I hate this pig faced asshole.


Another boring week. Great. This is worse than BB12.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 7
I couldn't care less if we see people banging under the covers in night vision, but there's something about hearing close-up slurp-sounds from kissing that grosses me right out.​

It is so gross - I hate it on reality shows, in movies, whatever.  I'm all for kissing, don't get me wrong, but that sound - ugh.  


So disappointed in this HOH comp.  I was really hoping for a Donny win, not only because I fear he is going to end up on the block again, but also because I really want someone to start targeting the Detonators.  How much longer is this dual HOH crap going to last?  


I'm sorry for Frankie's loss, truly.  But throwing the comp to him because of it?  Bullshit. 

Frankie finding out about his grandfather and telling the house was a truly genuine, real moment. I feel for him being in that situation, although I also have no problem with him staying. But I'm going to have to roll my eyes over the whole throwing the HOH to him so he can have a picture of his grandfather. Pretty easy for the dominate alliance to do after they've picked everyone else off.

But I don't feel bad for the people picked off, because seriously? Horrible effort. Although maybe they hate country music as much as I do (I grew up in a small town in SE Texas, I have a right) and their ears started bleeding as soon as the song came on.

I wanted to feel for Brittany, after those goals and seeing her kids, but I just couldn't. It was the shoes. If I even wear a pair of tight heels and get a tiny blister, I can't wear them for days because of the pain. She talks about her toenail falling off, and plums under her nails, and she waltzes out in those things? Please.

  • Love 3

I wanted to feel for Brittany, after those goals and seeing her kids, but I just couldn't. It was the shoes. If I even wear a pair of tight heels and get a tiny blister, I can't wear them for days because of the pain. She talks about her toenail falling off, and plums under her nails, and she waltzes out in those things? Please.


In her defense she prepared herself to walk in those all week. She kept saying if she was evicted she wanted to look good walking out and was worried she wouldn't be able to walk in them and she almost didn't

Classy of Derrick to not ring in, he moves up a few pegs in my rankings for that.



I don't hate Derrick.  I have no idea if he is an empathetic and compassionate person.  I think he's ruling this game, and he's doing it without intimidation.  If nothing changes, I think he deserves to win.  I don't think Derrick was being classy.  He was being smart.  He and Frankie are virtually the same person.  Frankie will vote as Derrick would, and Derrick gets none of that messy blood on his hands they always talk about.  I find Derrick exceedingly clever in his game.  To talk to Donny about the surprise of Cody telling him he wouldn't put him up, followed by that very thing - and doing it without condemning Cody, yet sympathizing with Donny.  I think that's clever.


The fact that I was only half listening + the fact I have seen all of the Dirty Harry movies = my reaction when I heard Derrick say, "You wanna see your grandfather, punk?"  


Okay, he didn't say punk, but I did get confused for a second, thinking that Derrick had just threatened to kill Frankie on live television.


My mother, an unwilling and disinterested viewer, perked up at Derrick's statement.  "I thought he just said his grandfather's dead?"  It definitely sounded like a death threat - it was pure black comedy for me.


Wow, tonight's show made me cry a little.  It's always hard to mourn a loss, so it got to me seeing Frankie cry tonight, I felt for him.  I am sorry for his loss, it's gotta be hard going through that there and not be with your family.  I like Frankie, he may be a bit OTT at times and a lot of the show focuses on him, but he seems like a good guy.  I enjoy what he brings to the show and hope to see him around for a while. 




Glad Donny is still safe.  Like the idea of Zach and Frankie as co-HOH's, mainly because I'm fascinated by their chemistry.  Still think Cody is ridiculously pretty...and actually Caleb is looking pretty good lately too (despite all his Amber creepiness)


Favorite line of the night happened when they were interviewing Nicole's little cousins in her home town and one said something like "Hayden is weird because he's always trying to make sex with Nicole".  Haha, from the mouths of babes...!  Well Hayden got his kiss, not sure if Nicole kissed him out of attraction, or just to get him to stop begging for a kiss. 




While I didn't enjoy Frankie's grief, it was nice to see an honest emotion out of him.  I did feel for him.  Everyone was very supportive.  My only thought - Frankie's lucky that his grandfather didn't die a couple of weeks later.  At that point, Frankie wouldn't have all the women cooing over him and nestling him to their bosoms - they'd all be voted out, and with Frankie's assistance.


Glad Donny is safe, too.  I hate that challenge because it's very easily set up by the majority alliance - as evidenced by Donny being chosen for a second time when some hadn't gone once.


I'm disturbed by how attractive I find Caleb.  I know he's the bad guy.  I know he's practically a stalker.  He's like a pitiful devoted puppy.  Plus, I don't care for Amber.


I think Nicole is playing the role of Jordan 2.0.  Same look, same voice, same IQ, same reluctance to kiss on camera.

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Derrick was a major class act tonight, he threw that to Frankie knowing he was going to take slop for the week. I also thought that his diplomatic way of choosing who to go up was great, he wasn't picking based on hate/alliances, "who didn't go up yet?" He sent those two, a way to stay under the radar and not look like you're going after specific sides.



I knew Zach was going to win it because it would be a bad game move on her part to win HOH this early.

The same could have been said about Derdick. Don't see what's so great about letting Frankie win? He didn't want to win HOH and would have thrown it regardless to Frankie cuz he knew he was safe.

I agree, whoever Frankie nominates will most likely be whoever Derrick tells him to nominate.

Edited by choclatechip45
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CBS better have made damn sure that story about Frankie's Grandpa was true. I remember a long time ago on Survivor, Rob told all his cast mates that he lost his Grandpa to get sympathy and it was all bullshit......but it worked and he won.

My memory may be faulty about the person and the show, but this crap has happened before.


When are these chicken-shit participants going to start playing? Pretty soon one of these creeps have to step up and have blood dripping from their hands.       


Cripes, this is supposed to go on until September?.........ROTSA RUCK with the ratings CBS!!!!

Edited by dimo

Of course it was a game move, and a pretty good one since that was the sentiment of the house.  Derrick neither wanted nor needed to win HOH this week.  I'm frustrated that it will suck the life out of the live feeds for the week, but I tip my cap to the move by Derrick. 

Agreed.  My only consolation is that he will be on slop for a week.   Speaking of which, loved how Christine named Zach as the shoo-in Have Not for laziness and then ended up on the list herself. 


Who dressed the Chen-bot tonight? That top was...unfortunate. And paired with yoga pants? Tsk, tsk.

I was wondering how she could hold her head up with all that hair.  Good grief, there had to be five pounds of extensions on her head.  I did love the shoes though. 

I thought the Chenbot looked lovely. 

It was really sweet to see Brittany reunited with her kids. 

When Frankie and Zack were named the 2 hoh's my husband joked that they don't need the 2 hoh rooms. lol. Has anything happened between them yet? 

I felt no sympathy for Cody. He didn't need to nominate Donny as the replacement, he is a big boy and can make his own decisions, but didn't. I hate when they nominate someone they don't want to and then cry about it. 

  • Love 1

I'm kind of torn on the Frankie thing. I think it's nice that the house wanted him to see his grandfather but if I were one of his nominees I'd be upset if I went home for it. I wish they'd made some sort of agreement that whoever Frankie's nominees are will win Bob so his nominations don't stick but that would mean the other nominees would have to throw it and no one (except Caleb) is going to purposely stay on the block. I'm going to go with its a nice thing for them to do I think. Even if I am naive. If I were ever in that situation I'd appreciate someone doing that for me :)

I've never seen a season with a coup d'tat but I feel like this would be a perfect one. These stupid detonators 're every week and things need to be shaken up. Is it something that had to be won in the past?

Frankie's Grandfather passed. People were discussing it in the spoiler threads as it happened and there was some discussion as to whether or not his family would tell him. Given that his sister is a pop star, I doubt that the family would be able to play along with such a fabrication.


Johnny Fairplay's friend told him that his Grandmother had died but he did not win the game. He did win that particular reward challenge but not the game. CBS was surprised to hear from the friend that Grandma had died because they have a system in place if there is a family emergency so that they can help contestants get whatever news and decided to stay or leave. CBS called his family and found out that Grandma was alive and well and that he had set it up in advance as a play for sympathy. Grandma was at the Reunion show to discuss said strategy.


I believe the common feeling was that it was slimy and brilliant at the same time.

This whole thing pissed me off to no end. The entire show tonight did. The whole point of not having contact with the outside world is so that it DOES NOT INFLUENCE THE GAME inside the house. Yes, I think they should have told Frankie about his grandfather. But having a competition that allows people to throw it to Frankie because of this news that came from the outside is blatant cheating (not like it is the first or last time producers have manipulated the situation). They could have easily done a crapshoot comp or one of those where they don't see the other's answers and they have to answer questions. I am very sorry that Frankie's grandfather passed, I truly am. That doesn't make any of this right though. Production could have given him a picture, and actually should have. He got a special letter from home so why not a picture with that?


Word, word, and word, WiCked WitCh.  And also? Word.  Also, "Knockouts" is a game that works well with a divided house (as in BB8 or BB9, where Jessica and Adam's victories changed the momentum of the game) or with a determined competitor who can beat the odds (Rachel, BB12).  With half the house in an alliance and the other half trying to throw it and stay invisible, it's just a fucking joke.  


I mean, the last four standing were the four eligible Defecators.  Oh, joy.  Quelle surprise.  How exciting. And other sarcastic phrases.  And we reached that point by having Zach look at Derrick/Frankie/Christine/Nicole and, with no strategic basis left for choice, select the two girls.  Misogynistic trash.


If Frankie wants to see his gramps so badly, maybe someone could stomp on his throat 2400 times while wearing Brittany's soccer shoes from the comp?  I mean, did you see this piece of shit vehemently flinging his forearms around the moment the door closed behind Britt, as if to show everybody that the hug he gave her was fake (yeah, we guessed that already, asshole) and now he's "shaking off the poison" from her touch?  My god, is he in third grade or something?  Does he have Brittany cooties?  What a worthless douchebag.  


(His co-HoH is no better, if Zach's the one who made that "Bye, Brittany, see you never" snotty remark as her picture went to black.  Although I thought I heard Zach laugh at that, so unless he's the type to laugh at his own jokes, that was somebody else.  Possibly Cody, although it sounded more like Hayden, who's been on my radar as a stealth asshole for a while now.  [Caleb, Derrick, and Frankie's voices are different.  Donny, of course, wouldn't say that.])


Meantime, it's hard to work up sympathy for the "other side of the house" when most of them are either useless floaters, mean girls, or both.  Victoria is on my list after tonight, that's for sure.  I noticed that Jocasta was the only remaining woman who said goodbye to Brittany. (Donny gave her a sincere farewell; Derrick and Frankie faked it, I don't know how honest her interaction with Caleb was.)  I'll be kind and give Amber a "scared of becoming a target" pass, but Christine/Nicole/Victoria are now just living down to the image I've gotten from the feedcappers.  (I don't spoil myself, but I do read the feeds after the fact.)  The irony of course is that Victoria is too stupid to realize that the "butt-to-butt bed buddies" can't stand her, and Nicole is too stupid to know that Beakface Christine is going to drop her the first chance she gets.  (Seriously, the idea that Nicole is a clever player waiting for her opportunity goes right out the window when you realize that she's completely oblivious to Christine taking all these secret meetings with the Defecators, despite the fact that Beakface pulled the wool right over her eyes the exact same way in the Bomb Squad days.  But at least Beakface isn't a pretty girl, and I guess that's all Chunky Thighs cares about.  Blech.)


So, I'm kind of running out of people to give a shit about, even faster than last season.  We're down to Donny (who's isolated), Amber (who's passive and still wedded to the "flirt" strategy) and Reverend Bowtie, who's a decent human but is both pathetic and kind of insane.  I mean, I kind of hope Caleb wins the whole thing now, but that wouldn't really be a "good" outcome, I admit.


And now we can "look forward to" a week of "Will Zach let Frankie fuck him on live TV?" queerbaiting (show me Aaryn and Jessie's lesbian sex tape from last year's Jury House and I might perk up, but I honestly don't care if Zach pulls a train in the HoH…not that I think anything is likely to actually happen) and the Defecators targeting and eliminating either Donny or Jocasta.  (Frankie wants to keep Caleb as his Amanda for a while longer, so Amber/McCrae probably gets another pass here.)  If I had a brain in my head, I'd tune out until next Thursday.  Or maybe September.


On a positive note, it was sweet that Brittany got her kids to greet her, post-eviction.  "We have someone here who's happy to see you" was standard practice in the "Julie's gazebo" days of S1-S5…is this the first time it's been done since then?  I can't recall.  Still sweet, although maybe whichever adult has been taking care of the kids in the interim could have been there, too.  The kids looked a little scared, I'm just saying.  But still, aww.

  • Love 2

I've always hated hearing the houseguests say they want to win HoH so they can see their loved ones, but Frankie wanting to win so he can see his dead grandfather was downright creepy. Because pictures of people and actual people aren't the same thing you doofus hamsters and if you can't remember what your kids or your grandfather looks like, without visual aids, for a few weeks, something's wrong. At least Zach said he was looking forward to pictures of his family and redeemed himself a little from Wednesday's show when he reminded Caleb that he had "gave'n" Amber his blankets.

Watching Nicole's father talk about how hard-to-get his daughter was, then immediately cut to Nicole and Hayden under the covers seeming ready to do the deed was so gross to me. I know people do it on the show and that their families might be watching, but I don't want to watch them watch, okay?

Derrick seems to be the only one there who is trying to win. They keep wanting to vote out people like Victoria who are no threat at all and keeping the big threats like Caleb the challenge beast and Donny the most popular player ever.

Edited by JudyObscure
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Oh, Cody, cry me a river. You are a grown man, you can make your own decisions. You did not HAVE to put Donny up, so spare me all your regret about doing so. 


What I want to know is - why is that when there's someone on the block that I WANT to go home (i.e. Caleb last week) I never believe the editing chicanery that's meant to make you doubt who's leaving? But then last night, when I did NOT want Donny to go, I was totally falling for it for a minute???


But I got seriously annoyed at Derrick and the rest for their reasoning. Just last night we saw Derrick insisting that Caleb shouldn't go home, because he only had issues with Cody, while Brittany would surely come after ALL of them. Yet now he's insisting that Britanny wouldn't come after him....but Donny would. Such BS. 


I did love the way everyone was there for Frankie when he heard about his Grandpa. And it was nice of Derrick to throw the comp so he could have HOH, although I don't think it was 100% altruistic. He may be perfectly comfortable with Frankie doing the dirty work for him. And now we're stuck with another boring HOH team. For once I'd like two people that aren't very close. Clearly Jascosta and Victoria are going back up. And them maybe Amber and Donny? Hayden and Nicole? 


I really liked how they determined the have-nots this week, especially since the hamsters had no idea what they were doing. So interesting that ole "Beast Mode Cowboy" was one of the least active ones in the house. 


Statistics for this year:


44—votes for doing what "the House" wants, versus

2—pity votes for Pao-Pao.


Come the fall, CBS will be showing NFL football on Thursday nights.  How they're gonna top the nailbiting excitement of these votes, I don't have a clue.


Oh, and the two votes for Pao came from Donny and Jocasta, one of whom seems certain to leave this week.  Well, that'll show them, won't it?  "Conform or be cast out!"  (And also?  Sigh.)


Big Brother 12, the previous record-setter for this sort of tedium, ended up with a score of 51 votes "with the House" to 3 votes in dissent.  (Britney and Kathy voted to keep Monet in Week 2, Kathy voted to keep Kristin in Week 4; this total doesn't count the 1-0 evictions of Britney and Enzo, which were perforce unanimous.)  But we have 3 more players this season (16 to start instead of 13) so I'm sure we can shatter that record for ovine obedience.  If the HGs keep on marching in lockstep, we can get all the way to 88-2 this season. Baa!  Baa!  Baat first…

Edited by DAngelus
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I'm kind of torn on the Frankie thing. I think it's nice that the house wanted him to see his grandfather but if I were one of his nominees I'd be upset if I went home for it.


The thing is, if it wasn't Frankie it would have been Derrick. So it's likely the nominations would be exactly the same either way. There cannot be many members of the house left that don't realize that at this point.

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Speaking of "the Amanda edit," I laughed out loud at Christine's Deer in the Headlights look when Julie asked her to name the laziest people in the house.  Because unless she's in a competition, I've never even seen Christine standing.  She's like Amanda from last year, always lolling around in one of the beds.  Although, in Christine's defense, she's yet to take up with a wart eater. 

  • Love 1

When a friend of mine wondered whether or not they would tell Frankie about his grandfather passing, I responded "Of course they will!" Both because it's the right thing to do as a human being, but also because it will engender even MORE sympathy and affection for Frankie, which the producers must love. Yes, it's a terrible tragedy, and I did feel a little bad for Frankie, but at the same time, I don't think I've ever seen him express an honest emotion in the house, so I'm not sure how much of his mourning is genuine and how much is more theatrics. I'm actually tempted to check the live feed thread to see how he's acting now, and if he's milking it. And I feel terrible for even suggesting that, but… this is Frankie, who never met a camera he didn't like.


Okay, so obviously it's going to be Victoria and Jocasta, but they're starting to run out of floaters. Who's left after them? Nicole? Hayden? Amber? So maybe in four more weeks we'll finally see some interesting game moves as the alliance is forced to turn on itself… Sigh...

  • Love 1

Speaking of "the Amanda edit," I laughed out loud at Christine's Deer in the Headlights look when Julie asked her to name the laziest people in the house.  Because unless she's in a competition, I've never even seen Christine standing.  She's like Amanda from last year, always lolling around in one of the beds.  Although, in Christine's defense, she's yet to take up with a wart eater.

No, but she definitely doesn't have a problem with psoriasis....

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