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The View: Week of 2/22/2021

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True meaning of Meghan's comments to Whoopi about children's happiness:

"I don't care if my daughter, Liberty, is happy......because I, Meghan McCain, Co-host of The View, don't actually know what it feels like to be happy because I am a spoiled, miserable person - I just want her to be a self-proclaimed 'bad ass bitch' like me!!!!" 

Poor, poor Liberty!!  I feel bad for that child having Meghan for a mother.

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21 hours ago, ifionlyknew said:


The fact this doctor was charged for not wasting vaccines by tracking down eligible people is beyond ridiculous.  Especially since there are non eligible people hanging around vaccine clinics and getting vaccinated at the end of the day when there are left over doses and scheduled people haven't shown up.  


I don’t know,there is something missing from this story.  Not sure how I feel about a doctor taking home vaccines, administering them to family members?

And MM Northerners going to Florida has a lot to do with not paying state income taxes.  

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1 minute ago, hisbunkie said:

I don’t know,there is something missing from this story.  Not sure how I feel about a doctor taking home vaccines, administering them to family members?

The only family member he gave a shot to was his wife.  She was given the last dose. With very little time left before it would have expired. She has a lung disease which would have made her eligible.  In fact everyone he gave a shot to was eligible whether it was age or health condition.  He informed people in charge he had open vaccines and he was going to seek out eligible people. Which he did.  The only one who seemed to have a problem with what he did was the local DA. 

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7 minutes ago, hisbunkie said:

I don’t know,there is something missing from this story.  Not sure how I feel about a doctor taking home vaccines, administering them to family members?

Dr. Gokal said there was one remaining vaccine left, that was going to expire in less than a half hour. His wife was more than eligible. He had been calling and going to people's houses to give them the vaccine. 

So with the last one, a sick wife, who was also eligible, he vaccinated her. And this happened within the first week of the vaccine rollout. 

He explained what he did when he was on the show yesterday. Unless you don't believe him.

He's being charged with theft because he took the vaccines from the hospital/clinic that he worked at and went to inoculate those that were eligible to receive it.

Yet those health workers who were on the road in the snow storms, and wouldn't be able to deliver the vaccines, gave vaccines to drivers so the vaccines wouldn't go to waste. Nothing has happened to them.

Or what @ifionlyknew said more succinctly.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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43 minutes ago, LetsStartTalking said:

Sara felt the need to clarify that when she said 'We lost Sunny', she meant 'by technical difficulties' . 

I guess she thought millions of viewers understood 'we lost Sunny'  as 'she dropped dead during the commercial break' , so she felt the need to explain ?


I agree with this.  At least she didn't say, "Our thoughts and prayers go to Sunny's family.  We lost Sunny during the break."

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2 hours ago, LetsStartTalking said:
13 hours ago, Blissfool said:

I've noticed it and have thought...stuttering? ....but not quite. Stammer is a good word for it.

And yes she says "um" all the time.

Between this, and her never looking directly at the camera (viewers) as someone else pointed out, I think she still has a bit of 'stage fright' being on TV. I've heard interviews with other TV personalities who have been on television for decades, and still get nervous when the light goes on telling them they are live on television. The light distracts them, their train of thought , their head movement, etc. Remember, Sunny spent most of her career in a court room, not in front of a TV camera.

Being in the studio at the table with the others is probably easier for her--easier for give and take.  At home when she's "alone" on camera, perhaps she feels much more pressure.  I appreciate your opinion.

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I was washing & drying my hair while the show was on so granted I was only half-ass paying attention at best.  (Sometimes that's really the only way I can get through watching this mess; by only just barely paying attention.) Anyways, I thought I heard Whoopi refer to Jen Psaki as 'Jen Sackett' at first, and then the rest of times she added a french twist and started pronouncing it as Psaqué.  Ok, sure.🤷‍♀️?  Again, it could have just been me mishearing. 

And since Megamouth completely ignored me the first time I told her that blazers were not her friend,  I am telling her again that blazers are not her friend. 

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WHOA, SUNNY!   This is my take...and I hope I'm wrong.  Sunny says--almost sarcastically, "Haha, you know, Sara talks like someone who has gone to marital therapy, and-and-and, goes to therapy.  HaHaHa.  She knows all the right things to say. HaHaHa-uh-HaHa."  She goes on to say she (Sunny) doesn't know all the right things to say.  I took that as a mean little jab at Sara, disguised within the fake laughter.


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Meghan says that the CDC says schools can be opened safely without vaccinating teachers, blames democrats for the schools not being opened.   Meghan personalizes everything.  I am certain that if she had a teacher in her family,  her view would be the opposite. 

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25 minutes ago, Cementhead said:

And since Megamouth completely ignored me the first time I told her that blazers were not her friend,  I am telling her again that blazers are not her friend. 

As a young wife, my mother had a cute/curvy figure--big on top.  My father wanted her to wear "tailored suits," and she tried to explain that hers wasn't the best body type for those fitted suits (one of which was plaid). He was relentless--until he dumped us. Maybe BEN is the artiber of the clothing/hairstyles "Marie Antoinette" presents to us.

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7 minutes ago, tinkerbell said:

Meghan says that the CDC says schools can be opened safely without vaccinating teachers, blames democrats for the schools not being opened.   Meghan personalizes everything.  I am certain that if she had a teacher in her family,  her view would be the opposite. 

AGAIN with the half-assed information. The CDC says for schools that are properly ventilated-that allow for clean air (paraphrasing here) can reopen without teachers having to be vaccinated. The reason why so many are closed are due, in large part because of lack of ventilation.

So she can just STFU and kiss my ass.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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1 hour ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Dr. Gokal said there was one remaining vaccine left, that was going to expire in less than a half hour. His wife was more than eligible. He had been calling and going to people's houses to give them the vaccine. 

So with the last one, a sick wife, who was also eligible, he vaccinated her. And this happened within the first week of the vaccine rollout. 

He explained what he did when he was on the show yesterday. Unless you don't believe him.

He's being charged with theft because he took the vaccines from the hospital/clinic that he worked at and went to inoculate those that were eligible to receive it.

Yet those health workers who were on the road in the snow storms, and wouldn't be able to deliver the vaccines, gave vaccines to drivers so the vaccines wouldn't go to waste. Nothing has happened to them.

Or what @ifionlyknew said more succinctly.

I’m guessing that didn’t happen in Texas?  Texas administrators have a whole lot to answer for. 

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Just now, AryasMum said:

I’m guessing that didn’t happen in Texas?  Texas administrators have a whole lot to answer for. 

Nope. I think it was Oregon? Don’t quote me as I can’t remember. While some refused the vaccine, enough agreed so none of the vaccines had to be thrown away.

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2 hours ago, Haleth said:

Be prepared for tweets from Meghan excoriating the Biden admin for putting kids in cages, even tho Jen P explained how it’s vastly different.

One of the new USPS board members is the former asst post master general, so it’s pretty ironic he was picked to be one of the people who will oversee and remove DeJoy. Karma. 

Regarding the first paragraph:  

Meghan, in the immortal words of Andy Dufresne - How can you be so obtuse. Is it deliberate?

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10 hours ago, LetsStartTalking said:

Meganutz , Dolly Parton called and wants her 1967 look back. She said she wears it better than you.

Dolly is much better than her, on many levels. While Dolly humbly rejected a request from her home state of Tennessee to build a statue in her honor, it's a wonder that Meganutz hasn't demanded that Arizona do the same thing for her.

  Meghan being Meghan, she looks but doesn't see, hears but doesn't listen and talks loud but says nothing.

Edited by DollEyes
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14 minutes ago, AryasMum said:

Regarding the first paragraph:  

Meghan, in the immortal words of Andy Dufresne - How can you be so obtuse. Is it deliberate?

Short answer is yes. Long answer is Meghan is going to play the false equivalency and whataboutism for at least the next four years.

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Just now, RealHousewife said:

She's a racist apologist as far as I'm concerned. 

I've gotten out of the habit of PVRing this everyday but may start now because it really sounds like she's lost the plot completely now and there may be hope that at least one of the co-hosts, or possibly a guest, will actually come right and and say this to her face.  If this happens I want to be there for it.

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2 hours ago, Back Atcha said:

WHOA, SUNNY!   This is my take...and I hope I'm wrong.  Sunny says--almost sarcastically, "Haha, you know, Sara talks like someone who has gone to marital therapy, and-and-and, goes to therapy.  HaHaHa.  She knows all the right things to say. HaHaHa-uh-HaHa."  She goes on to say she (Sunny) doesn't know all the right things to say.  I took that as a mean little jab at Sara, disguised within the fake laughter.


Sunny constantly brags about her husband and kids. I think it was a jab too. 

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2 hours ago, movingtargetgal said:

Today Meghan looked like a demented Miss Kitty from Gunsmoke.  


Now, now,-let's leave the lovely Miss Kitty out of this! Even dressed for her work as Madam at the saloon, she would never wear that mess that Meghan wears. Megs wishes she had a tenth of the class of a Miss Kitty.

3 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

She's a racist apologist as far as I'm concerned. 

Yes, she absolutely is. If I recall correctly, she was also pretty okay with kids in cages when Trump was president, but now she has all the concerns. It is so funny to watch her try to be badass while questioning someone and then seeing her ridicuolous get ups. 

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3 minutes ago, GiveMeSpace said:

Now, now,-let's leave the lovely Miss Kitty out of this! Even dressed for her work as Madam at the saloon, she would never wear that mess that Meghan wears. Megs wishes she had a tenth of the class of a Miss Kitty.

Yes, she absolutely is. If I recall correctly, she was also pretty okay with kids in cages when Trump was president, but now she has all the concerns. It is so funny to watch her try to be badass while questioning someone and then seeing her ridicuolous get ups. 

Yes, not too long ago Joy brought up the kids in cages, and Meghan was like "oh god" because Joy got passionate. So dismissive of a heartbreaking issue. 

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7 hours ago, Haleth said:

Be prepared for tweets from Meghan excoriating the Biden admin for putting kids in cages, even tho Jen P explained how it’s vastly different.

One of the new USPS board members is the former asst post master general, so it’s pretty ironic he was picked to be one of the people who will oversee and remove DeJoy. Karma. 

I thought I’d read that these were unaccompanied kids..kids who didn’t come with their families but alone.  Is that correct or is M yet again wrong in her statements?  If I’m correct, totally different!  And quite honestly it’s really hard to take anything she says seriously with that hair...it’s not even good pageant hair... more like the hair you see on Toddlers and Tiaras!  What look is she going for here?  And the flat cut ends of the two front strings...what’s that?  Just awful all around.  At least no glitter in the part and the eyes aren’t too bad.  Finally, do you think Ben never lets her talk at home and that’s why she has to put every thought in her head into her comments in the show? 

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19 minutes ago, Rainyhawk said:

I thought I’d read that these were unaccompanied kids..kids who didn’t come with their families but alone.  Is that correct or is M yet again wrong in her statements?  If I’m correct, totally different! 

Yes, Psaki was talking about unaccompanied minors and how to take care of them until they can vet more permanent safe accomodations.

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1 hour ago, ifionlyknew said:

Can someone please tell Meghan how to pronounce bona fides.   It is not bona feedes. Also it sounded like she said Matrioux and not Matrix.

This is hilarious. And yes, it confirms Meghan pronounced “Matrix” like “May-tree-ix,” three syllables.

And in other news I really hope Ana gets to weigh in on the (Mr.) Potatohead controversy tomorrow.




Edited by TimWil
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10 hours ago, WonderWuman73 said:

Oh dear my little pony showed up today. You can tell MM doesn’t watch CNN and MSNBC because they’ve been covering Andrew Cuomo scandal for a few weeks now.  Why the hell is she still there? She can badmouth the Dems all she wants but clearly she doesn’t own a mirror nor realize her constant praise of Tucker Carlson and DeSantis  is by far worse in my opinion. Go away Rainbow Brite 

  More like Rainbow "Not Too" Brite, if her ignoring facts, defending Carlson and DeSantis and whatever passes for her hair and makeup are any indication.

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10 hours ago, TimWil said:

This is hilarious. And yes, it confirms Meghan pronounced “Matrix” like “May-tree-ix,” three syllables.

It has to drive Joy crazy since she was an English teacher.  If I was around someone who was always mispronouncing words I would have to correct them.  I am beginning to understand why Meghan feels so entitled and smug. It's because she gets away with everything.  Is there anyone who has told her you fucked up and you need to make it right?

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11 hours ago, 2JEWELL said:

Did she say “make no doubts “?  Omgosh, I hope they didn’t pay too much for that higher education of hers!! 😂

Yes, she did say that.  A few days ago she said "hold their thumb to the ground" mixing two or three common idioms, like "hold them to account" or "under their thumb".  She misuses or mispronounces words at least once an episode.

Edited by deirdra
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4 minutes ago, deirdra said:

Yes, she did say that.  A few days ago she said "hold their thumb to the ground" mixing two or three common idioms, like "hold them to account" or "under their thumb".  She misuses or mispronounces words at least once an episode.

I will never forget "the cast has dyed" or pronouncing posthumous as an after mashed chickpea dish.  

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25 minutes ago, LetsStartTalking said:

I wonder how Meganutz will close out the week ? She's so far coiffed up as Marie Antoinette / Dolly Parton, The Little Mermaid, Princess Leia, Cinderella, Mini Mouse...who will she be today ?

It’s extremely disappointing.  Today she’s just Megaphone McCain.

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