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S05.E09: The Ride

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54 minutes ago, Haleth said:

I'm starting to love Madison.  She and Beth are the best.  And Miguel.

I love Madison! But I'm so worried that the powers that be are gonna screw them up so that Kevin can reunite with Sophie [whom I hate] because everyone seems to think they are "soulmates" or some such thing.  I feel like that is forced -  they met when they were kids; married, divorced; have tried again and again, but they just aren't good together or good for each other.  Thought Mads was a twit at first, but she grew on me as Kate's friend and now I really like her and Kevin together.  And Miguel! What a guy.  I liked that Rebecca acknowledged how hard it can be for him to be her husband.  

  • Love 24
1 hour ago, Veronica said:

I did not see the whole episode. I watched the beginning last night and the ending this AM. I'll watch the entire episode later, but I loved th ending. I really do wish Rebecca would tell the kids, “I know you idolize him, but your father wasn’t perfect. He made mistakes. He stopped and took a shot of whiskey on our way home from the hospital with you.” 

"And then made my exhausted, depressed, physically and emotionally traumatized self drive with three screaming babies in the back seat!"

1 hour ago, Veronica said:

I like Madison and Kevin together. 

So do I. I want them to make it work.

34 minutes ago, Johnny Dollar said:

New drinking game. You take a shot of tequila every time someone calls their SO “babe”. If you can make it through the “This Is Us will be back in exactly one minute” break, you win. 

I would not be here to post today. I hate those breaks. Commercial breaks are for peeing and/or getting snacks! A minute is not enough!

26 minutes ago, AzraeltheCat said:

I love Madison! But I'm so worried that the powers that be are gonna screw them up so that Kevin can reunite with Sophie [whom I hate] because everyone seems to think they are "soulmates" or some such thing. 

I've seen that a lot in comments on the TVLine recaps. I don't get it. What is so special about Sophie, other than Kevin having a lot of emotional memories wrapped up in his relationship with her?

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Something I thought about later last night... at the beginning, future Deja is starting the first day of her "It's Just Babies" rotation, but she needs to get over the river and through the woods to her dying grandmother's house, and instead of discussing that with her boss (or whoever's in charge of her program), she asks another student(resident? not sure where she was supposed to be in her education) to cover for her (how is he supposed to do that, exactly, anyway?) and sneaks out to sit in front of the hospital and wait for her ride.

Might not be by blood, but she's definitely a Pearson.

I wonder who the dad of her baby is.

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36 minutes ago, AzraeltheCat said:

I love Madison! But I'm so worried that the powers that be are gonna screw them up so that Kevin can reunite with Sophie [whom I hate] because everyone seems to think they are "soulmates" or some such thing.  I feel like that is forced -  they met when they were kids; married, divorced; have tried again and again, but they just aren't good together or good for each other.  Thought Mads was a twit at first, but she grew on me as Kate's friend and now I really like her and Kevin together.  And Miguel! What a guy.  I liked that Rebecca acknowledged how hard it can be for him to be her husband.  

I feel the same way.  I cannot shake the idea that the main writers love the character of Sophie and the actress more than they love Madison (even if the actress playing her is the wife of the boss).  I don't trust the writers to walk the fine line between making Madison a character the audience roots for who tragically dies young and making her a stand-in for Sophie and a incubator for Kevin's kids.  And then there's the imbalance of power in the Kevin-Sophie relationship--Kevin is always having to apologize for being a fuck-up, Kevin finally being worthy of the emerald ring, etc.  

That being said, I do love how the story for Kevin and Madison has been written so far.  I love the idea that the way to win Madison's heart is not to be Jack Pearson.  Kevin and Madison grow closer every time they are real with each other instead of the Pearson Family Grand Gestures.  Kevin and Madison are building a life where they are equals.  

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I thought future future Deja (at the end) was the same actress as present Deja with grown up make-up on.  Good job casting crew.  

I did not like this episode - I'm over Jack, I tune out when he's on.  why is he so philosophical? I could see him in high school as a "greaser" type.  

And telling someone they're "unflappable" while they're "flapped" is just dumb.  Kate.....unflappable. funniest shit ever.   

anyone who knows what day and time Kevin will be out jogging without a shirt and tight shorts on....can you send me a calendar invite please?

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7 hours ago, ItCouldBeWorse said:

Kevin and Madison will also need more space-they are living in a 2 bedroom now, and I predict will not want to raise their kids anywhere near Hollywood.

Some people have referred to Kevin's future house as the cabin, but I thought it was "the house on the hill" that Jack had designed. I think that Kevin did decide to move away from LA, bought land by the cabin, and built Jack's house to raise his family.

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6 minutes ago, TV Diva Queen said:

And telling someone they're "unflappable" while they're "flapped" is just dumb.  Kate.....unflappable. funniest shit ever.   

I feel like he said that just so she would feel like she had to not freak out when he told her he lost his job.

(Also, how nice of his boss to tell him that over the phone, apparently knowing he was sitting in a parking lot waiting to take his new baby home. It couldn't have waited a few hours?)

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Just now, Good Queen Jane said:

Some people have referred to Kevin's future house as the cabin, but I thought it was "the house on the hill" that Jack had designed. I think that Kevin did decide to move away from LA, bought land by the cabin, and built Jack's house to raise his family.

I see the writers laying the groundwork in the past few episodes for Kevin to make his move back east.  He does build Jack's Dream House at some point.


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1 minute ago, Good Queen Jane said:

Some people have referred to Kevin's future house as the cabin, but I thought it was "the house on the hill" that Jack had designed. I think that Kevin did decide to move away from LA, bought land by the cabin, and built Jack's house to raise his family.

Yes, he found Jack's drawing of his dream house and made it real. (But I think the cabin is still there, as well?)

  • Love 9
10 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

I feel like he said that just so she would feel like she had to not freak out when he told her he lost his job.

(Also, how nice of his boss to tell him that over the phone, apparently knowing he was sitting in a parking lot waiting to take his new baby home. It couldn't have waited a few hours?)

yeah and that too.  when Toby was telling Madame Unflaps that he was laid off I was like "was that seriously his boss he was on the phone w at the hospital"?


ETA:  So now the newborn doesn't have health insurance?  Way to go former boss of Toby.  

ETA II: Or none of them for that matter. 

Edited by TV Diva Queen
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OMG, poor Annie was only about a day old before she was subjected to her first Randall Pearson monologue. That poor child.

I know people are allowed to change their minds but most people discuss how many kids they want to have beforehand. Randall was so fucking obnoxious when he kept bringing up having a third one on the way home from the hospital. Like Beth said, if you want a third one then carry it yourself for nine months. I know he was excited about Annie being born, but good lord, your wife just spent nine months growing a life inside her and two days pushing it out so now is not the time to bring up doing it again. She still hasn't recovered from this time so slow your damn roll!

Similarly, Kate trying to argue with Ellie about not wanting to be involved had me yelling, "OMG STFU!" at my tv. Kate, this woman just carried a child for nine months, gave birth, and signed her over to you. She is physically exhausted. She is emotionally drained. Your job as the adoptive mother is not to ARGUE with her. There's a good chance that after she's had some time to sleep and recover, she will reconsider and be open to having contact. Trying to convince her otherwise before she's ready is pointless and it's pretty insensitive to try to do that in the car when she's just been released from the hospital. Shut up and leave her alone. Even though she planned in advance to have her child adopted, that doesn't mean it isn't difficult and sad for her. Give her some time to process this all and let her have the space she needs instead of thinking that your day old baby MUST spend more time with her birth mother immediately.

11 hours ago, txhorns79 said:

I was surprised the paparazzi guy was willing to trade potential pics of Kevin with his new babies for ones of Kevin jogging (and the comment about wanting Kevin shirtless and package visible was just gross).  I would have thought the baby pics would be more valuable than jogging pictures.

He didn't have any baby pictures. All he had were pictures of Kevin and Madison standing in front of his car.

8 hours ago, t7686 said:

As an aside, I always like when they show the realities of being a celebrity. Some shows overlook it (Nashville) so it’s cool when they do it here. I thought Kevin handled the fan well and Madison the paparazzi.

Nashville is a very different place with a very different attitude. Most celebrities who live there are able to go about their lives (go to the grocery store, pick their kids up from school) and the locals don't bother them. There are parts of LA that are the same way. When my sister lived there, she saw celebrities at Whole Foods and there wasn't anyone following them around to take pictures of them. There are other parts of LA where the paparazzi hang out because they KNOW that's where they will see celebrities so it's mutually expected that going to certain places means the celebs will be photographed.

Kevin is famous, but apparently not famous enough for the paparazzi to camp outside his house to get photos every time he leaves, so it makes sense to me that there wasn't a swarm of people at the hospital. It probably also helped a lot that no one knew he and Madison were engaged and that she was pregnant so she was an unknown element and her name wouldn't have registered to anyone at the hospital who would tip off the press. No one would have known that those were his babies until he showed up.

I liked that the paparazzo who was following them was the same kind of heartless jerk who commonly ends up in that kind of job. That was definitely realistic.

  • Love 10

Did anyone else think that Rebecca, Madison, and Beth looked unrealistically amazing coming home from the hospital just days after giving birth? Madison is wearing a turtleneck, jeans, and has apparently lost all the baby weight, Rebecca has shiny, flawless loose waves and is also wearing regular clothes, and Beth looks as fabulous as ever. I feel personally victimized.

”Maybe it’s something we can discuss...” Um, NO, Kate. The woman who just GAVE YOU HER BABY gets to decide how involved she is in that child’s life.

What was the purpose of Madison telling the guy she’d tip him off when Kevin jogs? Did he give her something in return?

The casting for Deja was spot on. They do such a good job!

Edited by Cathy Santoni
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12 minutes ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

He didn't have any baby pictures. All he had were pictures of Kevin and Madison standing in front of his car.

His purpose in following Madison and Kevin was presumably to get baby pictures.  Kevin mentions that someone on the hospital staff often tips these people off so they know when celebs are leaving and they can get pictures.  That's why it seemed like an odd trade to be able to get pictures of Kevin on a run, as those are presumably a dime a dozen.  


12 minutes ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

It probably also helped a lot that no one knew he and Madison were engaged and that she was pregnant so she was an unknown element and her name wouldn't have registered to anyone at the hospital who would tip off the press.

This is one of those things about Kevin's celebrity that is confusing.  He has an agent, and likely has access to a publicist.  From what I've seen of other celebrities, the pregnancy and engagement would have already been announced long before the birth, in order to get some free, feel good publicity by outlets like People or US Weekly.     

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It was nice to finally see Deja and Annie appear in the flashforwards. I didn't figure it out at first until the car scene, when Deja got in Annie's car and I immediately saw young Deja in that version. Impressive casting, really. And I like how that story played out. I should have figured there would be a full circle thing with a pregnancy, but it didn't really cross my mind at all. And I like how Randall got to stare at his three daughters as his mother is dying inside. It was kind of a reminder of what he has still.

I actually did like this episode, regardless of it focusing around a lot of newborns. I also understand that they simply couldn't have babies on set too much so I can handwave the fake babies in scenes, or the older babies in shots. 

Kate was being absolutely ridiculous in her overcompensating after the Randall stuff. Good thing she had Toby to bring her back to earth and have her realize that she can't pressure Ellie because of what HER plans were. 

It was interesting to see Kevin's struggle and fear of parenting throughout this episode. I thought it was good to see Kevin snap at that fan, only to bring it back and put on his fake celeb persona for a moment. I also didn't mind how Madison handled the gross paparazzi dude. Pretending to make a deal to get him to leave ASAP was the only way to get him to leave their family alone. Hopefully the guy doesn't know where they live after all of that. 

The Jack/Rebecca stuff was alright. Nothing we haven't really heard of before, but it was more the character moments that drove their plot.

  • Love 12
30 minutes ago, Cathy Santoni said:


”Maybe it’s something we can discuss...” Um, NO, Kate. The woman who just GAVE YOU HER BABY gets to decide how involved she is in that child’s life.

What was the purpose of Madison telling the guy she’d tip him off when Kevin jogs? Did he give her something in return?


I couldn't believe the birth mother agreed to being driven home by Kate and Toby.  That is already incredibly insensitive of them (they should have paid for a cab, or at the very least have one of the many Pearsons with nothing but free time drive her), then add to that Kate's verbal dickishness.

When Madison went up to the photographer, I assumed she would ask to see the photos and then delete them before he could get out of the car.  And never actually give him access in the future.  It's what I would have done.

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1 hour ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

There are parts of LA that are the same way. When my sister lived there, she saw celebrities at Whole Foods and there wasn't anyone following them around to take pictures of them.

NYC is the same; famous people are just around because they live there and nobody really pays them any mind. I've seen celebrities in Whole Foods, Starbucks, been seated next to them at restaurants (and not uber-expensive restaurants, either), on the subway, etc.

1 hour ago, Cathy Santoni said:

”Maybe it’s something we can discuss...” Um, NO, Kate. The woman who just GAVE YOU HER BABY gets to decide how involved she is in that child’s life.

I liked that Toby shushed Kate then. It was the right thing to do. And trying to force Ellie to spend time with the baby is the wrong take. Leave the door open; if she decides she wants to revisit an open adoption, make that available to her, but don't push. 

1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:

Impressive casting, really.

The casting folks for this show are phenomenal. Adult Tess and Young Tess look like they could be mother and daughter. I didn't figure out that it was Deja until they got to the house. Loved seeing Randall proud of his three grown daughters (I lost my father recently, so father/daughter stuff is sensitive for me these days).

4 hours ago, Quof said:

Do you prefer the baby mannequins or the 4 month old playing Hailey?

I laughed when I saw Hailey sitting up all bright-eyed, holding up her head. 

Edited by Empress1
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30 minutes ago, Cathy Santoni said:

What was the purpose of Madison telling the guy she’d tip him off when Kevin jogs? Did he give her something in return?

In return, he stopped following them which meant he didn't get pictures of the babies.

19 minutes ago, txhorns79 said:

This is one of those things about Kevin's celebrity that is confusing.  He has an agent, and likely has access to a publicist.  From what I've seen of other celebrities, the pregnancy and engagement would have already been announced long before the birth, in order to get some free, feel good publicity by outlets like People or US Weekly.  

Not every celebrity wants to use the details of their personal life for publicity. There are several in the last year or two who didn't announce their pregnancy, didn't announce the birth until months later, or didn't release the names of the babies. Some of the people working on the movie knew that Kevin had kids on the way but it sounded like he shared that information due to the scheduling and location logistics, not because he was announcing it to the world. I'm guessing he discussed it with Madison and he was trying to protect her privacy for as long as possible. As a celebrity, he knew that once the news was out, she would be in the spotlight and based on what we have seen of her, that doesn't seem like something she was interested in (and that's before you take into account that this is a person with an eating disorder who was suddenly twice as big as she used to be - that's definitely not the kind of person who wants their pregnant picture in the tabloids). If she were the fame whore kind of person who aspired to become a YouTuber/mommy blogger celebrity, she would have jumped at the chance to announce the pregnancy so she could get free stuff and lots of likes/views/followers before the twins were even born. I'm guessing Kate is going to be the one trying to protect the twins' privacy and not wanting to sell their pictures to People magazine.

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His purpose in following Madison and Kevin was presumably to get baby pictures. 

And given that Kevin is famous for being the Manny, I imagine pictures of him with his own babies would probably be the pictures that would generate the most from him. I'm surprised the pap didn't insist that Madison trade him "shirtless photos with the babies" pictures to get him to leave them alone on this day. Madison has taken to being a Mom like a duck to water. She likes taking care of people, so that makes sense. She didn't know what to do with herself when pregnant and gaining weight, but now that they are here, she has people to take care of.

When Beth was pregnant with Tess, Randall went blind from the stress (she told William this in the second episode). I'm a little surprised how nonchalant they are being with Annie. I thought Beth would be checking up on how Randall was doing stress wise while Randall would have been enjoying the moment more. Instead, he pesters his wife who just spent two days pushing out Annie for a third. Randall, read the room. 

Lots of people are getting laid off remotely these days (it probably beats being called into the office for the first time in 11 months just to be told you've been laid off).  Tech is doing pretty well though, so hopefully he is not laid off for long. Kate knows Kevin will help with finances, so that is why she isn't flappable on this topic. Toby generally walks on eggshells around her, so I'm not sure why he's calling her generally unflappable. If anybody in that relationship is unflappable, it is Toby. He is expected to just accept everything and accommodate everything. Kate needs to read the room about Ellie as well.

Jack was completely overwhelmed, but desperately trying to hide it. Although asking Rebecca to drive probably wasn't the best idea, it is nice that he recognized that this was a situation where he needed help. He rarely does that. Why couldn't he let the cop help him put in the car seats?

  • Love 11

The use of "Everything I Own" by Bread at the end of this episode was the best choice of music I have heard since "Baby Blue" by Badfinger was used in Breaking Bad.  Amazing.  

Considering everything the writers, editors, etc., are up against to get these episodes out, they're seriously knocking it out of the park.  

Kudos, show, and thanks for all you're doing in getting these episodes out for the viewers.  

  • Love 14
2 hours ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

  I love the idea that the way to win Madison's heart is not to be Jack Pearson.  

Yes!  Neither to be Jack Pearson nor even  Liam Neeson. 

Madison loves the Good Kevin and brings that forward.  I've always liked her, even when she was ditzy, she was a loyal and generous friend to Grumpy Kate.

To me, Sophie always seemed to be leading Kevin on a little.  I thought she knew she didn't want to be married to him again, but  liked knowing he was always in the background  carrying a big ol' torch for her.  The time she left her nice new man at her mother's funeral to go riding around with Kevin?  Uh uh.  I hope never to see Sophie again unless it's an episode where Kevin realizes he dodged a bullet and won a prize.

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1 minute ago, Persnickety1 said:

Considering everything the writers, editors, etc., are up against to get these episodes out, they're seriously knocking it out of the park.  

Has the pandemic made these episodes particularly difficult to write or edit?

36 minutes ago, kili said:

Jack was completely overwhelmed, but desperately trying to hide it. Although asking Rebecca to drive probably wasn't the best idea, it is nice that he recognized that this was a situation where he needed help. He rarely does that. Why couldn't he let the cop help him put in the car seats?

Did the cop actually offer to help?  I thought he just asked Jack why he had so many car seats, and then told him they appeared to have been installed backwards.  I was born about a year before the Big 3 and asked my mother about the car seats she used.  She didn't completely remember, but thought it was something similar to what they showed on the show, except it faced frontwise and could go in the front seat as needed.  With my sibling, who was born in the early 70s, they just sat him on their lap.  They never had a car seat for him.    

  • Love 5
13 hours ago, Mountainair said:

Just have to say I loved Sophie the Giraffe making an appearance! All three of my kids had one and whenever someone I know is having a baby I gift them one as well. I actually had a Sophie randomly make an appearance at my front steps a few weeks ago joking with my husband that it was a sign to have another baby (my youngest and last baby is almost 5) but I think some baby must have dropped it on their stroller walk. I left it out on display in case they came back for it. Those things are seriously like gold! 

My sister got a Sophie Giraffe for her first born (who happened to be all the parents first grandchild). They didn't know anything about why those giraffes are so beloved, but they all confidently called her "Sofia." It was so funny how mad it made my (sleep deprived first time mother) sister when all 7 grandparents (yes 7) would discuss Sofia. 

It's the little things in life that make me laugh. 

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, ams1001 said:

Yes, he found Jack's drawing of his dream house and made it real. (But I think the cabin is still there, as well?)

I think Nicky is living in the cabin, with Kevin's house up on the hill.

Casting = A+  Like some others, I thought it was the actress who plays Deja in aged makeup. Spot on!

I, too, was side-eyeing Randall's 'branches' speech and then being so inclusive of Deja and his grandbaby-to-be. Don't get me wrong, I love that he feels this way about her, and he should - but it's kind dissonant with his current obsession with his birth parents and feeling outside of the family that raised him. I wish the writers hadn't made me dislike him so much (he started out my fav character) and I'm not sure what they can do to redeem him now, since they seem bent on having the entire world justify him. Honestly, I don't think the show is doing adoption any favours in any of the story lines. 

My name is gonzosgirrl and I love Jack Pearson, faults and all. I am not tired of his story at all. *phew* that felt good. 🙂


  • Love 14
1 hour ago, txhorns79 said:

His purpose in following Madison and Kevin was presumably to get baby pictures.  Kevin mentions that someone on the hospital staff often tips these people off so they know when celebs are leaving and they can get pictures.  That's why it seemed like an odd trade to be able to get pictures of Kevin on a run, as those are presumably a dime a dozen.  


This is one of those things about Kevin's celebrity that is confusing.  He has an agent, and likely has access to a publicist.  From what I've seen of other celebrities, the pregnancy and engagement would have already been announced long before the birth, in order to get some free, feel good publicity by outlets like People or US Weekly.     

but I don't think Madison wants that life.  Didn't she say that before he left for Canada?  

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  Hailey will know who her birth mother is when the time comes. This is not a Randall situation.  If Ellie does not want to be involved in the baby's everyday life that is just fine, in fact it will make life a lot less complicated.  Did Kate ever stop to think that Ellie has another child who is not old enough to understand the situation completely?  Who may wonder if her mother will give her away too?  Or if Hailey is her sister, why doesn't she live with them?  

Edited by 3 is enough
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5 minutes ago, txhorns79 said:

Has the pandemic made these episodes particularly difficult to write or edit?

Apparently they've been battling lockdowns even before the season started airing.  Here in CA, the lockdowns are like playing musical chairs except with open/close, open/close, open/close.  I believe they had to shut down filming at least twice during this season.  

Also, Dan Fogelman tweeted a few weeks ago giving a shout out to all of the people behind the scenes working up until the night before one of the episodes aired and how people didn't realize what they were up against.   

IMO, the people that work on this show have really gone above and beyond to try to get these episodes out as quickly as they can (unlike TWD, where they didn't appear to be quite as devoted, but that's a whole 'nother rant I keep to TWD threads ;-).  

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9 minutes ago, txhorns79 said:

Has the pandemic made these episodes particularly difficult to write or edit?

Did the cop actually offer to help?  I thought he just asked Jack why he had so many car seats, and then told him they appeared to have been installed backwards.  I was born about a year before the Big 3 and asked my mother about the car seats she used.  She didn't completely remember, but thought it was something similar to what they showed on the show, except it faced frontwise and could go in the front seat as needed.  With my sibling, who was born in the early 70s, they just sat him on their lap.  They never had a car seat for him.    

I am 3 weeks older than the Big Three, and I asked my mom if my car seat was backwards in the beginning, she said yes.  She also said that those looked like the car seats she used for me and my older brother.  

I was surprised that neither Jack nor Rebeca decided to hop into the back of the station wagon to watch the babies.  I realize that might have been a bit difficult for Rebecca in her condition, but seatbelt laws in Pennsylvania in 1980 were a bit lax.  I remember traveling to my great-grandmother's house and immediately unbuckling my seatbelt when we crossed from Ohio to Pennsylvania.  I also remember riding in the back of my dad's pickup to get Dairy Queen and riding in the back of my parents' station wagon with cousins. 

  • Love 4

I hope that Randall either adapted his branches speech or didn't do it very much when he was talking to Deja, I cant imagine having your adopted father say how much he wanted biological children to continue his biological (real) family would make you feel great. So if Randall just wants kids who share his DND, how does Deja being pregnant make things come full circle? Her child wouldn't share his eyes or bone structure either, and isn't that what Randall apparently wants? Is it different because Deja is also black? She's just as adopted as he was, except she had a whole traumatic time in foster care and remembers losing her mom while Randall was also a Pearson. 

Randall's obsession with his biological family, including him apparently never being able to understand himself and find peace until he learns about his bio family, is starting to send a sort of uncomfortable message about adoption at times. 

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3 minutes ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

I realize that might have been a bit difficult for Rebecca in her condition, but seatbelt laws in Pennsylvania in 1980 were a bit lax. 

At least according to Wikipedia, Pennsylvania did not require occupants of cars to use seatbelts until 1987. 


5 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:


Randall's obsession with his biological family, including him apparently never being able to understand himself and find peace until he learns about his bio family, is starting to send a sort of uncomfortable message about adoption at times. 

There are times when it has felt like the message being sent by the show is that adopted children cannot have peace unless they know the full circumstances of their biological families. 

  • Love 11

Honest question: what job did Toby get laid off from? Seriously, how was he earning a living because he was the only one working outside the home. Adoption is a fairly expensive process isn't it? Somebody is paying these hospital bills right? 

I assume that Dairy Queen paid for that product placement. If so it was money well spent. I was craving a Blizzard all through this ep.

Madison feels like an entirely different character than the one we met at the beginning but I like her and I'm happy her birth experience was a positive one after all the suspense with Kevin's arrival.

I really felt for Ellie and her need for space. Kate was being overbearing and I'm glad Toby read the room a little better.

Randall talking to Beth about having a third child when she just spent two days in labor is just so...Randall.

12 hours ago, SadieT said:

I don’t get Randall’s family tree story that was seemingly supposed to come full circle with Deja being pregnant. If Randall doesn’t consider his parents and his siblings his real tree because they’re not blood related, does he not consider Deja a real branch because she’s adopted and technically her baby won’t be biologically like Randall either?

Randall made that analogy when Annie had just been born. That was before learning about William and his birth mom and before Deja came into his life. We've watched him work through his issues. He even greeted all three girls at the cabin as his "three beautiful branches."

Edited by marceline
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5 minutes ago, marceline said:

Honest question: what job did Toby get laid off from? Seriously, how was he earning a living because he was the only one working outside the home. Adoption is a fairly expensive process isn't it? Somebody is paying these hospital bills right? 

He was apparently some kind of IT manager or something. We saw him at work at least once, when Kate goes to see him there, and he had a private office in an otherwise open space (hence I assume he was higher up than the other workers we saw). I don't think they've ever been very specific (and the "career" section on the character's fandom wiki is blank).

  • Love 7
50 minutes ago, txhorns79 said:

Did the cop actually offer to help?  

Yes, he did and Jack went all macho I can do this on him.

15 minutes ago, txhorns79 said:

At least according to Wikipedia, Pennsylvania did not require occupants of cars to use seatbelts until 1987. 

Correct.  And, since we're talking about Pennsylvania laws, you CANNOT buy a bottle of booze in a gas station.  You have to go to a state run store to get hard liquor.  Wine and beer were just recently (within the last 5 years or so) allowed to be sold in stores.  So yeah, do some research.


As to the episode itself, nothing much I can add.  I would have slapped Randall silly if he asked about kid 3 that day.  And apparently Beth got her way, anyway.  Good for you!  And seriously, the whole family tree thing was bullshit.

Kate was ridiculous.  "Oh, but we had plans..."  Screw your plans, shit happens, things change.  At least Toby was sensible about it.

I'm starting to like Kevin & Madison together, which means something tragic is going to happen.

Casting for this show does deserve all the awards.  I actually thought it was Lyric Ross, who plays Deja.  That's how good the casting was.

Edited by madmax
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3 hours ago, ams1001 said:

Something I thought about later last night... at the beginning, future Deja is starting the first day of her "It's Just Babies" rotation, but she needs to get over the river and through the woods to her dying grandmother's house,

At first I thought you meant she needed to go to her grandmother's to immerse herself in the alligator- and snake-infested water to cleanse her soul.  Wrong grandmother

  • LOL 7
12 hours ago, SadieT said:

I don’t get Randall’s family tree story that was seemingly supposed to come full circle with Deja being pregnant. If Randall doesn’t consider his parents and his siblings his real tree because they’re not blood related, does he not consider Deja a real branch because she’s adopted and technically her baby won’t be biologically like Randall either? Maybe it’s just me but that whole metaphor bothered me. I think Randall puts too much weight in the biology of his family when there’s a lot of different ways to have a family and blood isn’t everything. It’s especially odd because he adopted a child and I feel like he still sometimes acts like blood is the most important factor in determining family. 

With Randall, I don't think it's about biology so much as it's about race. He wants a family that looks like him in the sense that it's a Black family - and having the same eyes as him is icing on the cake.

The main trauma of his early childhood (which he's never really recovered from) seems to be less about the stigma of being adopted, and more about being adopted into a family where he felt out of place, and disconnected from his Blackness.

  • Love 14
2 minutes ago, Blakeston said:

With Randall, I don't think it's about biology so much as it's about race. He wants a family that looks like him in the sense that it's a Black family - and having the same eyes as him is icing on the cake.

The main trauma of his early childhood (which he's never really recovered from) seems to be less about the stigma of being adopted, and more about being adopted into a family where he felt out of place, and disconnected from his Blackness.

I kind of thought that myself.  Which gave me a fleeting thought at the end - what if Deja's baby was fathered by a white man?  How would that fit into Randall's world? 

  • Useful 4
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2 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

Well if Toby goes by TIU rules, we will get flashbacks of some guys life story during the next episode and by the end of the episode it turns out the guy is a producer for the next Star Wars movie. He sees Toby doing a whole public spectacle where he reenacts classic Star Wars scenes for his new baby and he hires Toby on the spot as a technical adviser. 

And the producer's brother is the man Kevin saved from the burning car, so Kevin is starring in the movie. And Beth is choreographing all the dance scenes that they have suddenly added to all future Star Wars movies.

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1 hour ago, txhorns79 said:

Has the pandemic made these episodes particularly difficult to write or edit?

Since LA has the new mutation of covid, 1 out of 5 people in LA county were covid positive around Jan 1. This has shut down or delayed all TV production in Southern California.

But, Mandy Moore was 7 months along at this point in filming. No one wants to infect the pregnant lead! Also, these recent episodes have required babies on set. Babies aren't really on set on any shows right now. They can't wear masks, get vaccinated, or stay 6 feet away. 

They should have done a full body shot of Rebecca as they were walking out of the room. Mandy's (surprisingly small real life pregnant) belly is spot on for how she'd look after delivering triplets. Most moms leave the hospital with their new babies still looking pregnant. Even princesses (Kate and Meghan).

ETA: editing has been done at the last minute, missing things such as ovulation tests instead of pregnancy tests. Writing is tricky because right now almost every scene has to take place in a car.

Edited by BoogieBurns
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