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S25.E05: Week 5


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28 minutes ago, mamadrama said:

And you can't expect anything back in return. 

And you have to get out of your head and take a leap of faith. Doing something humiliating.

I’m a little confused about Chris Harrison. Did he get a nose job to add a hook? 

Man that MJ looks really rough in some angles. I guess she’s a new girl, Mariah. Really striking. Is she a model? 

  • Love 3
31 minutes ago, Jaclyn88 said:

It seems like Matt is babysitting Kit for the evening and she has a crush on her sitter . He looks like a grown man and she looks like a little girl and the way she talks , she sounds like a Teenie bopper . I know this show likes the young , but 21 is way too young and I wish they’d set the contestants to an older age . After all it’s not a dating show , it ends with an engagement ( that never last , but still .) It’s hard to take seriously when he looks like he could be her fathers age . 

Also , she just cried in her talking head and said that she’s never been able to find love with a romantic partner . You’re 21!!! Holy moly . 

So true — 21!!!!! 😂.  But at that age, you probably think that way.  Oh my.  

Would never want to live my 20’s again.  Well, except for the end 20’s.  So much searching.

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RIP Victoria.  Perhaps she'll learn the literal meaning of the word literal on the other side.

"In what context is calling someone a Ho OK?" has to be my favorite bachelor quote ever.  That shut her down pretty quickly.  He was smart to not engage her at the end.  I think she's used to talking over and around people and letting her words just hang there is the best trick.

  • Useful 1
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Well, this was uncumfterble. 

So Victoria said she was literally going to die. Is that why she's not around anymore? What was literally tragic was that hideous and ill-fitting dress she was flouncing around in. 

Was it Rachel who said she had been waiting her whole life for him at the ripe old age of 24? 

I think Kit is kinda cute but she is 21 and acts it. Not that there's anything wrong with being that age and single.

It looked to me like MJ and Jessenia were reciting lines. They both should go.

I find Matt painfully dull. One of the most dramatic parts of this show was the ribbon on the bottom of the screen showing all the school closures in Massachusetts. Not making light of Noreasters which can be nasty, but I live on the west coast and wish this incessant rain would turn to snow. 

  • LOL 6
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In one of life's great ironies, the locked-down version of The Bachelor is in the same fix as the women:  trapped in a gilded cage watching helplessly as the birds peck at one another.  He's making the same mistake as many of his predecessors, expressing sympathy that is interpreted as romantic interest and doubling his guilt quotient when his sympathy and his romantic interest both fade away.

One non-spoiler bit of news about Victoria is that she is aware of and responding to the very large anti-fan club she has already drawn.  Like many others of her generation and mindset, she expresses her defiance in a very strange manner:  by posting a bikini photo.  Unfortunately for her, the bikini's contours convey some facts that are better left between Vic and her OB/GYN.

This was a difficult episode – for us, not the Bachelorettes.  SW PA (only politicians and persons out of state call it ‘Pennsylvania’) is hundreds of miles from the nearest body of salt water but a few isolated incidents are like taffy on a machine puller – twisted and worked until they become a different concoction altogether.  Just a few moments of excitement were drawn out into a rather stultifying two hours.

‘Strangers on a golf cart path’ is a weak pastiche of Sinatra but the new girls and the old manage to pass each other without exchanging pleasantries.  Katie has, by necessity or choice, become the enforcer of the house which is just as well while Victoria is still there.  Matt arrives to tell them all just how disappointed he is and describes the ‘qualities he’s looking for in a wife’ in the same tone of voice one might use when buying a new SUV.  The buzzwords are flowing like the Monongahela now:  toxic environment, culture of bullying, mob mentality, safe space.  Hmm…maybe Matt spent more time in the women’s residence hall at Wake Forest than the athletic dorm.  Katie takes another pull on her G&T and debates asking the masked-up bartender for a little more Dutch courage.

Brittany is worried about her life being ruined which is a bit dramatic but nowhere near as dramatic as Anna’s steady march to the gallows.  She appears to lose an inch in height with every step taken alongside Matt.  She’s attached an I Dream Of Jeannie topknot and could probably use some magic, real or TV version, to extricate herself from this no-win situation.  Not even elliptical passive voice helps her cause as the mic gain is cranked high enough to hear the HVAC hum.  Anna’s departure is inevitable and to her credit she keeps the tears to a minimum and admits she made a grievous strategic error.

If Victoria’s cleavage last week was unsexy, this week’s version just might cause puberty to reverse itself among unfortunate males subjected to the garish spectacle.  Vic is wearing a bra whose only apparent function is to clash with her dress color – because the bra certainly isn’t performing any other of its assigned duties.  The gap between Victoria’s girls is so wide that FedEx informs us it can’t guarantee overnight delivery between them.

Victoria’s antics are an odious combination of hyperventilation, bearing false witness, playing the victim and self-delusion – all delivered in that mewling accent as she neurotically strokes her own hair.  If they ever decide to remake ‘Misery’ they might want to consider casting Victoria in the role of Annie especially as she’s LA-based already.  Matt has dispensed with the nervous tics of tongue and lips as he listens to Victoria’s inanity and instead has the same reaction as the rest of us by grinding his molars flat.

As with many things Bachelor, a term like ‘cocktail party’ loses its old meaning and takes on a new less appealing one.  There aren’t many cocktails and it isn’t much of a party.  If Fleiss, Harrison et al want the most dramatic season ever™ they might consider increasing the booze rations.  Victoria has served whatever small purpose the producers had in mind – to keep her on after several weeks would have tipped the biggest fix since the Black Sox World Series.  The audio engineers have never been shy about inserting repetitive or incongruous sound effects – a hawk screeching, a cymbal crashing.  They missed an opportunity to overdub the sound of a lavatory flushing as Vituperative Victoria made her long-awaited exit.

The tricky part of capturing bright fall colors in SW PA is that the leaves are often dulled and knocked off the tree branches by SW PA’s other autumnal arrival:  rain.  The region has just 67 official clear days per year which means 300 other days of cloudy or worse.  The confluence of three rivers and a variety of mountain ridges encircling the area mean a lot of the undesirable stuff gets funneled into and remains in SW PA.  If the ladies think today was a dreary day then tomorrow might be just the same.

CH arrives wearing his tracksuit from the Pat Boone collection.  Pieper is talking very rapidly again but staring long, slow daggers at Rachael who has, to no one’s surprise, received a single date card.  Mercifully, the fashion parade is mostly of shots of the petite Ravishing Rach in her various dresses and the fitting of footwear with the parallels to Cinderella too obvious to mention, especially with the carriage and horses that appear later.  Matt’s clothing changes are limited to a kind of smoking jacket with an obi sewn onto the front.

Sending Rachael back to the lodge with armfuls of shopping bags was cruel enough.  Presenting her with a royal blue evening gown in front of the others was adding insult to injury.  And what was wrong with the red one, considering Matt declared it his favorite already?

Rachael may be hiding a brow technician in a secret location on the property because hers are flawless.  She claims she lacks confidence despite all evidence to the contrary.  Not sure we’re buying it from Our Girl, but Matt certainly is.

The next morning’s group date involves mucking out horse stalls which must keenly remind them all of Victoria’s recent exit.  MJ is doing a rather frantic over-the-top performance involving those threatening creatures known as…chickens.  Her mother-hen strut comes to a halt when Pieper gets pasted by Matt, long and loud.

One suspects that ‘Jessenia’ is a Latinate word for poison ivy.  She has given MJ a good rash and the irritation and itching are already maddening.

Kit has smiled more in this 24 hr period than she has in all the previous weeks.  A cooking date doesn’t involve any actual cooking but she doesn’t seem to mind.

MJ may not have committed The Full Anna but she’s still on thin ice with Matt who imagines he’s teaching kindergarten not Finding Lurve.  It’s a shame because I know and (platonically) love a hair stylist friend who is just as headstrong and hard-charging but means no harm.  MJ has some sharp elbows but Jessenia is one of THOSE types – someone who knows she isn’t going to win but will take out as many of her perceived enemies as she can before leaving herself.

Edited by Rainsong
  • LOL 12
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Victoria is *literally* dying, and Kit's nerves are *literally* eating her up (or whatever she said, I started laughing at another use of literally in the same episode.

Matt and Rachel have never been in love, but thankfully the 2-3 hours they've spent together have made miracles happen. 

Also, Matt during the date with Rachel, thinking back to the first conversation they had...

Me: They had a previous conversation?

I don't know, Rachel just seems to know what to say. She's a smart one. Though she might be overshooting the Bachelorette audition right into the often less successful F1 position.

It doesn't feel genuine even in Bachelor land. But it could be due to the editors giving us days of Victoria bringing all her toxic-free joy and nothing from the non-drama crew.

  • Love 11

The hypocrisy of the Bachelor is on full display.  Messages given that they have to "fight for your man", then tasks where they throw paint on each other,  and then actually FIGHT in a ring, are juxtaposed with Matt being SHOCKED that there is some quarreling, name-calling, etc., when he's not looking.   

The producers set this up -  women are cheered on while they are made to beat up another woman, because it's in the context of a "group date."  but when the date is over and they are together with nothing to do but wait to see who Matt chooses next -  what are they supposed to do with all the competitive energy that was revved up?   I'm not defending the villains, just saying that the women are put in a situation that evokes jealousy and resentment, told to act on it physically, but then are expected to be over it and treat their "rivals"  like they are all best friends having a pajama party.  That can be a tough set of expectations for women in their 20's.

Edited by tinkerbell
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I was married at 21. Obviously, at the time it's the oldest I'd ever been, so I didn't feel that I was too young. Looking back now, over the (very) many years since, I know that I was but a child. My daughter also married at 21. Watching Kit play house on her slumming-it date reminded me how young that age really is. Especially for someone who's been cosseted her whole life, gold Bentleys and all. 

I like Rachel. She knew how to handle her Pretty Woman date. This seems really early for the Bachelor to be announcing that he's falling in love, but I can't recall if he nodded when Rachel said it first. It looks like he does that a lot.

Great to see Victoria finally extinguished. Didn't Kit also say something was literal but is actually not? I feel like she did but I can't recall the specific utterance. 

I'm on Jessenia's side of the showdown, because whatever her motive may be she is at least telling the truth. I thought MJ was pretty the first week, but she looks really rough a lot of the time now. 

A farm date is a big "no" for me. I've been to farms several times but it's not something I enjoy. My respect to those who are pros at this like @saber5055

Edited by Arkay
ETA @crazyDog thanks...I see now while I was typing you had posted about Kit's "literal" statement
  • Love 8
1 hour ago, Jaclyn88 said:

It seems like Matt is babysitting Kit for the evening and she has a crush on her sitter . He looks like a grown man and she looks like a little girl and the way she talks , she sounds like a Teenie bopper . I know this show likes the young , but 21 is way too young and I wish they’d set the contestants to an older age . After all it’s not a dating show , it ends with an engagement ( that never last , but still .) It’s hard to take seriously when he looks like he could be her fathers age . 

Also , she just cried in her talking head and said that she’s never been able to find love with a romantic partner . You’re 21!!! Holy moly . 

That's absolutely hilarious and accurate. Since day 1, every time she's on screen I think about how she looks like a little girl, and Matt as the babysitter hanging out with her for the evening is spot on. She seems reasonably nice (at least in this episode; she joined in on some of the cattiness in previous episodes and seemed pretty tight with Victoria at the beginning of this one) but it's hard not to roll my eyes at a 21-year-old opining about how she wasn't sure before now if she'd ever find love. Girl, please. And I know that everyone's got problems and all that, but hearing a rich person talk about how rich they are and how being rich makes life so hard also just makes me roll my eyes.

  • LOL 2
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She said you called her a ho.

Well, that was taken out of context...

What context exactly would calling someone a ho be acceptable?


When Victoria went into the restroom and was obviously talking so that her words would be picked up by the sound crew and broadcast, who in the restroom was she talking to exactly? 

So now she states that she is the only worthy one and if Matt chooses someone else then clearly he has a problem and is not worthy of her. And thereby establishes her superiority over all the others in the face of possible elimination.  And also establishes herself as unstable and spoiled rotten. 

  • Love 6
4 hours ago, Thumper said:

Does everyone’s broadcast have this female narrator? It’s like she is giving stage directions. (“He looks down at the ground.” Etc) Is this new?

That sounds like your TV is set on visually impaired. It's like closed captioning but instead of reading the words there is narration so you can 'see' it by its being described.

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3 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

Why do the producers of this show think that watching grown ass people be really shitty to each other is amazing entertainment?!

Honestly? I started watching this stupid show way back when for the express purpose of watching pretty girls act like fools with each other. It's my primary entertainment value for the Bachelor. If it wasn't for that I'd stop watching.

I'm sorry.  😐

  • LOL 7
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There's a very tiny part of me that feels sorry for Bitchtoria. The whole situation of casting her feels like the producers put her on the show as a nasty joke, but they didn't let her or the rest of the cast in on it. "Hey, let's get that weird plain chick with the abrasive attitude and crappy clothes on the show, it'll be a real hoot to see what happens!" And then they kept egging her on to act up as much as possible.

But it's a very, very tiny part of me.

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You know, I’m usually down for some trashy drama, but could they at least try to hide how obvious the manipulation is? Adding in new women a few weeks in is one of their more transparent attempts at starting fights, and while a lot of the OG women (and they keep referring to themselves as) have been REALLY needlessly mean, they were clearly being set up by the producers by adding a bunch of new women. I know that this is all ridiculous and fake, but damn it, stop being so obvious and let me go along for the ride. It’s like going to a puppet show and the puppeteers keep taking breaks from the story to show us the strings, we know they strings are there, get back to the story! Reminding us that this is fake and that your holding the strings is just taking us out of it! 

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I liked Matt for the first time this season for his handling of Anna and Victoria. He still kisses like a fish though.

4 hours ago, Thumper said:

That red dress was my least favorite.  But it looks like she got more than one.  Loved the shoes.

Yet ... a part of me does not like this Cinderella thing.  Dress to please your man.  Or am I reading too much into it — realize the show is paying, but still.

At least they stopped calling it the Pretty Woman date. There's only so many times I can yell "Pretty Woman was a prostitute!!!" at the TV.

Those Louboutins looked very uncomfortable, and I didn't need to see a close-up of the blood blister on Rachael's foot. 

  • LOL 8
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I don't know much about the latest argument that we will see next episode other than we all know the blond was participating in the mean girl group as much as the others already accused.  So the fact the one girl has to come sit on the couch and discuss it like that with her present seems a little unfair given that at least she owned up to her part of telling Matt something--which the main person that blew this whole thing up, did not--and he seems to want to rid himself of those that participated without much explanation.  So, if he gives the one girl a hard time as if she was a part of it just by telling him more info, then he simply makes no sense.  Sorry I don't know all of their names, lol!

  • Love 1
7 hours ago, Rainsong said:

In one of life's great ironies, the locked-down version of The Bachelor is in the same fix as the women:  trapped in a gilded cage watching helplessly as the birds peck at one another.  He's making the same mistake as many of his predecessors, expressing sympathy that is interpreted as romantic interest and doubling his guilt quotient when his sympathy and his romantic interest both fade away.

One non-spoiler bit of news about Victoria is that she is aware of and responding to the very large anti-fan club she has already drawn.  Like many others of her generation and mindset, she expresses her defiance in a very strange manner:  by posting a bikini photo.  Unfortunately for her, the bikini's contours convey some facts that are better left between Vic and her OB/GYN.

This was a difficult episode – for us, not the Bachelorettes.  SW PA (only politicians and persons out of state call it ‘Pennsylvania’) is hundreds of miles from the nearest body of salt water but a few isolated incidents are like taffy on a machine puller – twisted and worked until they become a different concoction altogether.  Just a few moments of excitement were drawn out into a rather stultifying two hours.

‘Strangers on a golf cart path’ is a weak pastiche of Sinatra but the new girls and the old manage to pass each other without exchanging pleasantries.  Katie has, by necessity or choice, become the enforcer of the house which is just as well while Victoria is still there.  Matt arrives to tell them all just how disappointed he is and describes the ‘qualities he’s looking for in a wife’ in the same tone of voice one might use when buying a new SUV.  The buzzwords are flowing like the Monongahela now:  toxic environment, culture of bullying, mob mentality, safe space.  Hmm…maybe Matt spent more time in the women’s residence hall at Wake Forest than the athletic dorm.  Katie takes another pull on her G&T and debates asking the masked-up bartender for a little more Dutch courage.

Brittany is worried about her life being ruined which is a bit dramatic but nowhere near as dramatic as Anna’s steady march to the gallows.  She appears to lose an inch in height with every step taken alongside Matt.  She’s attached an I Dream Of Jeannie topknot and could probably use some magic, real or TV version, to extricate herself from this no-win situation.  Not even elliptical passive voice helps her cause as the mic gain is cranked high enough to hear the HVAC hum.  Anna’s departure is inevitable and to her credit she keeps the tears to a minimum and admits she made a grievous strategic error.

If Victoria’s cleavage last week was unsexy, this week’s version just might cause puberty to reverse itself among unfortunate males subjected to the garish spectacle.  Vic is wearing a bra whose only apparent function is to clash with her dress color – because the bra certainly isn’t performing any other of its assigned duties.  The gap between Victoria’s girls is so wide that FedEx informs us it can’t guarantee overnight delivery between them.

Victoria’s antics are an odious combination of hyperventilation, bearing false witness, playing the victim and self-delusion – all delivered in that mewling accent as she neurotically strokes her own hair.  If they ever decide to remake ‘Misery’ they might want to consider casting Victoria in the role of Annie especially as she’s LA-based already.  Matt has dispensed with the nervous tics of tongue and lips as he listens to Victoria’s inanity and instead has the same reaction as the rest of us by grinding his molars flat.

As with many things Bachelor, a term like ‘cocktail party’ loses its old meaning and takes on a new less appealing one.  There aren’t many cocktails and it isn’t much of a party.  If Fleiss, Harrison et al want the most dramatic season ever™ they might consider increasing the booze rations.  Victoria has served whatever small purpose the producers had in mind – to keep her on after several weeks would have tipped the biggest fix since the Black Sox World Series.  The audio engineers have never been shy about inserting repetitive or incongruous sound effects – a hawk screeching, a cymbal crashing.  They missed an opportunity to overdub the sound of a lavatory flushing as Vituperative Victoria made her long-awaited exit.

The tricky part of capturing bright fall colors in SW PA is that the leaves are often dulled and knocked off the tree branches by SW PA’s other autumnal arrival:  rain.  The region has just 67 official clear days per year which means 300 other days of cloudy or worse.  The confluence of three rivers and a variety of mountain ridges encircling the area mean a lot of the undesirable stuff gets funneled into and remains in SW PA.  If the ladies think today was a dreary day then tomorrow might be just the same.

CH arrives wearing his tracksuit from the Pat Boone collection.  Pieper is talking very rapidly again but staring long, slow daggers at Rachael who has, to no one’s surprise, received a single date card.  Mercifully, the fashion parade is mostly of shots of the petite Ravishing Rach in her various dresses and the fitting of footwear with the parallels to Cinderella too obvious to mention, especially with the carriage and horses that appear later.  Matt’s clothing changes are limited to a kind of smoking jacket with an obi sewn onto the front.

Sending Rachael back to the lodge with armfuls of shopping bags was cruel enough.  Presenting her with a royal blue evening gown in front of the others was adding insult to injury.  And what was wrong with the red one, considering Matt declared it his favorite already?

Rachael may be hiding a brow technician in a secret location on the property because hers are flawless.  She claims she lacks confidence despite all evidence to the contrary.  Not sure we’re buying it from Our Girl, but Matt certainly is.

The next morning’s group date involves mucking out horse stalls which must keenly remind them all of Victoria’s recent exit.  MJ is doing a rather frantic over-the-top performance involving those threatening creatures known as…chickens.  Her mother-hen strut comes to a halt when Pieper gets pasted by Matt, long and loud.

One suspects that ‘Jessenia’ is a Latinate word for poison ivy.  She has given MJ a good rash and the irritation and itching are already maddening.

Kit has smiled more in this 24 hr period than she has in all the previous weeks.  A cooking date doesn’t involve any actual cooking but she doesn’t seem to mind.

MJ may not have committed The Full Anna but she’s still on thin ice with Matt who imagines he’s teaching kindergarten not Finding Lurve.  It’s a shame because I know and (platonically) love a hair stylist friend who is just as headstrong and hard-charging but means no harm.  MJ has some sharp elbows but Jessenia is one of THOSE types – someone who knows she isn’t going to win but will take out as many of her perceived enemies as she can before leaving herself.

Wow, I learned a lot about SW PA here. And Victoria’s puberty reversing boobs! That’s gold Jerry! 

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I realize this show has long created a culture of defensiveness in contestants, but last night was still something to behold. Victoria was predictable, but I was disappointed in MJ. I have tried to like her, feeling she might have come off as a nicer person if there wasn’t such a toxic bullying ringleader in the house, but I’m done now. What’s truly sad is that when Matt lets these women know that other women feel they have been unkind, their immediate reactions are shock, anger, and defensiveness, but those seem to be their longer term reactions as well. There wasn’t even a moment of reflection on MJ’s part,of trying to think what she could have said, or done, or participated in that would cause someone to feel that way. Even when presented with a very specific example of something she said that had bothered someone, she scoffed and dismissed it. It would have been so easy to instead respond by saying, “I meant that as a joke. I’m sorry it hurt your feelings, and I understand now it wasn’t funny. But I wish you had come to me about it instead of Matt, and I’d appreciate you coming to me in the future.” Instead she just kept pulling out the same sound bites over and over, sounding like a broken record about preaching peace and harmony and leading by example. Clearly she had to rely on these cliches because she has no actual evidence, nothing at all to point to, as an example of her actually promoting peace and harmony in the house. I wonder if it’s something about having their own producers who validate them constantly to get them to behave terribly that causes this defensiveness and refusal to own up to issues, because in their minds they always have someone who “agrees” with them.

And Jessenia is no prize either. 

I agree that the degree of producer manipulation this season has been absurd,and has made this show truly seem like Unreal for the first time to me. I hate that they probably think Victoria and her goon squad qualifies as entertainment, because I truly think it made the show and Matt by association look terrible that they let this behavior go on for four/five episodes. In a time when the world is dealing with multiple emotional traumas, what we needed wasn’t a season of catty women bullying one another, name calling, and generally fulfilling the worst stereotypes of what women are like while Matt blands around. I’ve been watching half heartedly, but even with the worst of the group gone, I still find myself feeling very “meh” about this season and don’t know if I’ll bother finishing. 



  • Love 15
7 hours ago, EllenB said:

There's a very tiny part of me that feels sorry for Bitchtoria. The whole situation of casting her feels like the producers put her on the show as a nasty joke, but they didn't let her or the rest of the cast in on it. "Hey, let's get that weird plain chick with the abrasive attitude and crappy clothes on the show, it'll be a real hoot to see what happens!" And then they kept egging her on to act up as much as possible.

But it's a very, very tiny part of me.

I've had that thought as well. That Victoria is someone who uses her "I'm the queen" to hide her insecurity issues. Narcissism develops as a response to low self esteem. I suspect she had a producer egging her on, and that's who she was talking to offscreen two separate times. 

  • Love 6
9 hours ago, CrazyDog said:


I don't know, Rachel just seems to know what to say. She's a smart one. Though she might be overshooting the Bachelorette audition right into the often less successful F1 position.

It doesn't feel genuine even in Bachelor land.

I thought her entire speech sounded like something she  put together and memorized before she left for the show.  It reminded me of the job interview formula where you answer, "What's your greatest fault?" with, "I'm too much of a perfectionist,"  and you're told to be sure to ask for the job before you leave.

Racheal's required dark secret was not anything depressing like a sick parent, but that she was actually insecure, and that was only because Matt was so big and handsome and amazing that she thought he was almost  too good for her.  Um hmmm.  Still it doesn't stop her from seeing herself as his wife and the two living happily ever after.  Yep.  Matt responded just like the gullible store manager and was ready to hire her on the spot.  So snowed, he forgot to change his line from, 'She's so confident" to something more relevant to what she had just said.  Those two were Bachelor Nation's dream couple last night.


  • Love 16
8 hours ago, chocolatine said:

He still kisses like a fish though.

I know! I had to look away when the kissing started, and then that hilarious carp photo from last week would come into my mind, which was more fun remembering than watching the on-screen carp-mouth smacking.

I once dated a guy who kissed like that. It was a TOTAL deal breaker. He was even tall, wealthy, great job, but ... NO WAY.

1 hour ago, JudyObscure said:

It reminded me of the job interview formula where you answer, "What's your greatest fault?" with, "I'm too much of a perfectionist," 

You mean, I wasn't suppose to say that answer? I need to come up with a new one now that I've been outed!

  • LOL 10
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13 hours ago, JenE4 said:

Ana and Victoria already got the boot so suddenly MJ needs to be raised as a villain for the 2:1. Thankfully she “bitched it up” in record time to have Bachelor Nation root for Jessica...whoever the hell she is.

I think MJ is guilty as charged!! her stank face and bitchiness in the aftermath of the new girls' arrival were a close second to Anna's.  Victoria is in a class by herself.

  • Love 5
10 hours ago, Andyourlittledog2 said:

She said you called her a ho.

Well, that was taken out of context...

What context exactly would calling someone a ho be acceptable?


When Victoria went into the restroom and was obviously talking so that her words would be picked up by the sound crew and broadcast, who in the restroom was she talking to exactly? 

So now she states that she is the only worthy one and if Matt chooses someone else then clearly he has a problem and is not worthy of her. And thereby establishes her superiority over all the others in the face of possible elimination.  And also establishes herself as unstable and spoiled rotten. 

As I recall, she also said she was the only one in the house with a brain!!  this jives with Matt praising her in some interview for her "quick wit."  A real Oscar Wilde, that one.

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5 hours ago, Mu Shu said:

She has a strong yet delicate face. I’m smitten with her. She’s so sparkly and girl next doorish.

She's got these big, yet tired-looking eyes that are off-putting.  Sometimes she looks ok, and sometimes she just looks mannish to me.  

28 minutes ago, drkshades said:

The girls would have been better off puttin the moves on the Farmer dude.

Yes!  I thought farmer dude was cute.

  • Love 2

He sent Victoria and Anna packing. Good. Nothing left to say about that.

Rachael got another one-on-one and a voiceover of them both professing visions of a future together, set to a soundtrack of nasty, slurping kisses. Clothes shopping sounds like a terrible date with someone you’re trying to woo. What man would enjoy waiting around a dressing room? It wouldn’t be much fun for many women either, despite all those Hollywood shopping montages. Maybe it’s different if you have the type of body that can look great in anything off the rack. I have no idea what that’s like, so having to try on and parade an endless series of non-fitting garments until I leave empty-handed hours later, frustrated and close to tears…wait, where was I going with that? Oh yeah. Barf date.

Group date was hanging out with farm animals in the cold, flinging hay and manure, watching Matt nasty slurpy kiss someone else. There is not enough Zyrtec in the world. I think I would have been okay with not getting any time with Matt this week. Or ever.

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13 hours ago, EllenB said:

There's a very tiny part of me that feels sorry for Bitchtoria. The whole situation of casting her feels like the producers put her on the show as a nasty joke, but they didn't let her or the rest of the cast in on it. "Hey, let's get that weird plain chick with the abrasive attitude and crappy clothes on the show, it'll be a real hoot to see what happens!" And then they kept egging her on to act up as much as possible.

But it's a very, very tiny part of me.

Unfortunately, I expect we'll be seeing her on BiP...

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49 minutes ago, Sheikh Yerbouti said:

Rachael got another one-on-one and a voiceover of them both professing visions of a future together, set to a soundtrack of nasty, slurping kisses. Clothes shopping sounds like a terrible date with someone you’re trying to woo. What man would enjoy waiting around a dressing room? It wouldn’t be much fun for many women either, despite all those Hollywood shopping montages. Maybe it’s different if you have the type of body that can look great in anything off the rack. I have no idea what that’s like, so having to try on and parade an endless series of non-fitting garments until I leave empty-handed hours later, frustrated and close to tears…wait, where was I going with that? Oh yeah. Barf date.

Sounds like your shopping experiences have been a lot like mine.

 I'll bet Matt didn't even get to choose who goes on this date.  I'll bet the store owner chooses based on who they think will best model their clothes. Even after picking a really slim, really pretty girl I expect a whole team is behind that "dressing room" touching up hair and make-up and putting clothes pins up the back for a perfect fit. A few times the camera caught Matt looking bored as he read a magazine -- my husband would have been in the car, looking mad.  

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1 hour ago, Sheikh Yerbouti said:


Rachael got another one-on-one and a voiceover of them both professing visions of a future together, set to a soundtrack of nasty, slurping kisses. Clothes shopping sounds like a terrible date with someone you’re trying to woo. What man would enjoy waiting around a dressing room? It wouldn’t be much fun for many women either, despite all those Hollywood shopping montages. Maybe it’s different if you have the type of body that can look great in anything off the rack. I have no idea what that’s like, so having to try on and parade an endless series of non-fitting garments until I leave empty-handed hours later, frustrated and close to tears…wait, where was I going with that? Oh yeah. Barf date.

Group date was hanging out with farm animals in the cold, flinging hay and manure, watching Matt nasty slurpy kiss someone else. There is not enough Zyrtec in the world. I think I would have been okay with not getting any time with Matt this week. Or ever.

No Kidding!  I hate shopping, hate trying on clothes that never look as good on me as I picture, and hate having someone else wait while I try on clothes.    For me, it would make for a terrible date.  Same with the "photoshoot"  dates where they try on wedding dresses, or western costumes, or anything similar.  trying on clothes and getting your picture taken is NOT a date!  

  • Love 8
20 hours ago, JenE4 said:

Whaaaaat?!? They both said they’re falling in love on the FIRST DATE!?! Whoa. Am I the only one who thinks that’s totally out of the blue?! They tried on clothes all day—and maybe it’s just my terrible memory that can’t recall Rachel standing out in group dates or cocktail parties—so to me this seemed like their first ever conversation. He’s talking about proposing to her?!? Matt, my dude, if only you knew what happened to Clare and Dale.

Coincidently, I was watching that scene when I read your quote. If you watch her body language, she is shaking her head "no" while she is talking about falling in love with him and wanting to spend the rest of her life with him. It will be interesting to see where they end up.

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12 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

I thought her entire speech sounded like something she  put together and memorized before she left for the show.  It reminded me of the job interview formula where you answer, "What's your greatest fault?" with, "I'm too much of a perfectionist,"  and you're told to be sure to ask for the job before you leave.

Racheal's required dark secret was not anything depressing like a sick parent, but that she was actually insecure, and that was only because Matt was so big and handsome and amazing that she thought he was almost  too good for her.  Um hmmm.  Still it doesn't stop her from seeing herself as his wife and the two living happily ever after.  Yep.  Matt responded just like the gullible store manager and was ready to hire her on the spot.  So snowed, he forgot to change his line from, 'She's so confident" to something more relevant to what she had just said.  Those two were Bachelor Nation's dream couple last night.


Soooo well said!

On 2/1/2021 at 9:41 PM, Jaclyn88 said:

Rachael - I just have no confidence and it causes me to take a step back from relationships . 

Matt - I love Rachaels confidence . 
Am I drunk or just missing something ? 

Even the SNL skit hasn't come up with anything that pathetic...yet!

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5 hours ago, Kerri Johnson said:

According to his old roommate, Matt used to film girls while they were having sex without their knowledge 

Do you have a source for that? I googled "bachelor Matt roommate" and found this article; it says that Matt was disrespectful to his roommate and allowed all kinds of people to crash at the apartment without asking her, but there's nothing about filming women during sex without their consent.

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On 2/1/2021 at 7:39 PM, Jaclyn88 said:

It seems like Matt is babysitting Kit for the evening and she has a crush on her sitter . He looks like a grown man and she looks like a little girl and the way she talks , she sounds like a Teenie bopper . I know this show likes the young , but 21 is way too young and I wish they’d set the contestants to an older age . After all it’s not a dating show , it ends with an engagement ( that never last , but still .) It’s hard to take seriously when he looks like he could be her fathers age . 

Also , she just cried in her talking head and said that she’s never been able to find love with a romantic partner . You’re 21!!! Holy moly . 

I completely agree!  She's such a teenybopper and I don't think that she's ready for marriage.  The Bachelor needs to start casting women that are his age or even older than him- it would cut down on the cat fights and overall insecurity of the women.  She looked like a kid sister with an easy-bake oven recipe and it felt very weird watching him make out with someone who is about a decade younger.  Her lip injections weird me out. 

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A number of questions as somoene viewing his first season of the Bachelor:

Why is every episode two hours? It's most reality shows are just one per episode?

When contestants are talking about having been there for weeks, are they actually there for weeks, or is it reality TV weeks, where the whole season is just a couple weeks?

Why is it that the eliminations are not at the end of episodes? It makes me OCDish and annoyed.

Has anyone ever been like "No, I'm not accepting your rose?"

Are you basically guaranteed a rose when you go on a one-on-one date?

It strikes me that the original pool of bachelorettes and certainly this culled down version is heavy on women of color, and a lot of the white women seem like they could probably feign being mixed. Only MJ and Kit I think of the current surviving contestants could not pull off being mixed IMO. Is that normal? Matt's preferences? Producer interference?

How much is producer interference a thing? Like I can't believe that Matt kept QV around because of her looks or personality. Like is it crazy to think that he literally was forced to keep her on till about now?

Is bringing additional women a usual thing with this show?

Are we supposed to know who the woman in the previews is from a previous season or something? 

Edited by Chicago Redshirt
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11 hours ago, Kerri Johnson said:

According to his old roommate, Matt used to film girls while they were having sex without their knowledge 

Matts’s church boy image is fake 


5 hours ago, chocolatine said:

Do you have a source for that? I googled "bachelor Matt roommate" and found this article; it says that Matt was disrespectful to his roommate and allowed all kinds of people to crash at the apartment without asking her, but there's nothing about filming women during sex without their consent.

Cholatine...exactly what I wanted to ask.  

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@Chicago Redshirt, to answer your question about refusing a rose.  I remember many, many seasons ago, a contestant took herself out of the running during the cocktail party or just prior to the rose ceremony saying she didn't feel a connection (or maybe she was tired of the nonsense).  I believe she said this directly to the Bachelor that season.

I rewatched Monday's episode last night, as I just needed to see delusional Bitchtoria kicked to the curb again.  I always thought a plant understood they were there to stir up trouble, or do the powers that be select a loon hoping for some fireworks (unbeknownst to them)?

I didn't mind seeing the beauty queen not getting a rose.  Wearing that crown exiting the limo was a big mistake.  I realize it was a gimmick, but it read "high maintenance".

I think The Bachelor really needs to clean house, as these episodes have become increasingly tiresome and predictable.  Some of these group dates have become very questionable. I watch because I need a distraction.

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