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S08.E09: The No Bang Theory

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Brandon and Julia: Nothing wrong with having a civil ceremony and then going out to brunch or dinner that day to celebrate. Buy a cake. The $30,000 wedding can be put off. That kind of cash can go toward a house. You can have a big party when you have the money to do so. In some ways your parents are being right in that you really can't afford to move out right now. Doubt he has any furniture for an apartment or anything to stock it with - dishes, pots and pans, grocery items. However, you do need to give Julia an expected move out date. Whether it is 4 months from now or six months. Your mom is manipulative, your dad is a walking powderkeg at times. And you may carry all the dysfunction with you in to a marriage. Marriage is hard work and not just having a cute girl.

Jovi and Yara: Yars, you can keep a secret. Telling Jovi while you are getting your artwork is inappropriate. Your life is not the poor henna person's business. Jovi can be a bit volatile. Making you take the additional tests? Save the waste of time and go to a doctor. Jovi will now need to look at getting you some health insurance or start saving the pennies to pay for the baby delivery and all the stuff the baby needs. Which costs A LOT. He probably wanted a pretty wife for a year or two first. Not a family.

Tarik and Hazel: Tarik, your daughter is going to know if your new wife Hazel has a female friend visiting. Kids aren't stupid. Hazel seems to want her cake and ice cream. Tarik as a husband and some woman as a girlfriend. You can't always have both. It abuses your husband in that you would rather have a woman spouse of sorts and he may not want to have someone else, especially with a young special needs child.

Rebecca and Zied: Why is your handbag stored by the sink? Surely your friend could have investigated Zied and had all she dug up given to you before you applied for the K1 visa. Maybe some of this is because she is jealous, she liked having you in a particular place. So what if you and your former husband lived at the same apartment building before? How would it affect Zied? It's not the same unit and he is not her ex-husband. Surely there are more apartments in that city and Rebecca could have found a different place.

Andrew and Amira: Amira, listen to your friend. He has your best interests at heart. Andrew keeps showing you who he is and you keep seeing a different person. Maybe he couldn't afford to leave Mexico because you weren't there or had some quarantine issue so he had to stay there. He didn't seek any help, didn't seem to find a translator who could help him out, and he just enjoyed his time at the resort. That would raise a bit of a flag. And now he wants you go to Serbia for two weeks? On whose money? The universe kept you away from him for a reason. Maybe the immigration folks will issue another visa because of Covid. Wait for that. You may come to America and Andrew may not be what he presented himself to you.

Stephanie and Ryan: More dysfunction. This dude is maybe going to be your fiance if he decides to propose with the ring you gave him. He seemed more interested in his phone than you. Stop buying him all these useless trinkets as gifts. He's more like your property - if you keep buying him stuff he will stick around. See if he sticks around when you are not throwing cash at him. Of course he knows about you and his cousin and you'd be a fool to think that he has not been involved with any women in the 10 months you were apart. Enjoy your fling and then move on to a more suitable partner.

  • Love 13

As people have been mentioning Brandon's parents house is cluttered and filled with tchotchkes, tacky trinkets, and other miscellaneous junk. All the rooms look like they would be claustrophobic. There is not one inch of empty counter space in the kitchen. The way they go on about inheriting "THE FARM" is laughable. The place looks like a dump with a few acres of land and a few animals that Betty keeps for enjoyment. It's not a working farm with lots of acreage. The only one I like in that group is Julia. If I was Julia the weird family dynamic between Brandon and his parents would make me want to head back on the next plane to Moscow.

Edited by Matty
  • Love 19
2 minutes ago, Matty said:

As people have been mentioning Brandon's parents house is cluttered and filled with tchotchkes, tacky trinkets, and other miscellaneous junk. All the rooms look like they would be claustrophobic. There is not one inch of empty counter space in the kitchen. The way they go on about inheriting "THE FARM" is laughable. The place looks like a dump with a few acres of land and a few animals that Betty keeps for enjoyment. It's not a working farm with lots of acreage. The only one I like in that group is Julia. If I was Julia the weird family dynamic between Brandon and his parents would make me want to head back on the next plane to Moscow.

The place is a dump. 

Brandon will someday have to clear that house out when Ron and Betty have to live elsewhere, if Julia is still around then I could see her dropping a match and not looking back.



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Someone needs to explain how babies are made to Jovi.  He's such a donkey (no offense to donkeys).

The Belizean man is so over his girlfriend and with good reason (I forgot their names). She needs to return to the U.S and stop trying to force a relationship. 

Natalie go home! Mike is completely checked out.  Brandon's parents are insane. 

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2 hours ago, Adeejay said:

Rebecca annoys me.  It is almost as if she says and does things to get under Zied’s skin; and then she lets her family and friends have a turn.  Based on the way everyone speaks about her ex, I can’t help but wonder why she chose to marry another North African.  Someone should probably tell her that biting her lips and twisting her face is aging her.  Even more.

“I love you and I forgive you; but Harris is dead to me.”  I don’t believe Ryan loves Stephanie nor has he forgiven her.  The fact that he didn’t sleep with her after ten months spoke volumes.  However, he will stick around if her purse stays open.  The minute it closes, he will be gone. 

Given how uncomfortable his parents are with them sharing a room, I don’t understand why Brandon and Julia couldn’t just have an intimate ceremony now and a formal wedding later.  

Because, I assume, it's in their Sharp contract to wait until the last minute to get married.  Had they married sooner, the DRAMA ends early.  And if they kept it on the down low, well, that's what Molly & Luis did, and Sharp was none to happy to find out.

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2 hours ago, maxmama said:

"Mike does not even make an effort to conceal his disdain for Natalie.  When she asked him to pray with her, he was incredibly hostile and condescending.  Let her go back home, Mike, it’s obvious you don’t want to marry her so stop stringing her along.  His open hostility to her is cringy. "

I thought it was manipulative of her to ask him to pray with her. She knows he's an atheist. I suspect she thinks if she can get him to do this with her repeatedly, then he will start to believe in God. So it's somewhat disrespectful for her to ask him that. 

I think Stephanie's stuck at about 13 years old. Which can happen when someone has a highly traumatic childhood, as she described.



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5 hours ago, Colfrmb said:

Can someone with contact with Eastern European people share some insight? I guess I can understand being concerned about the healthiness of various forms of female birth control. But does that mean that there are lots of enormous families of children there because their birth control is not as effective? Are Americans being fed a load of lies about alternative birth control?  Are Eastern European women not as fertile? Possibly because of unhealthy pathogens that they are exposed to there? Do they just not have as much sex? Are the men less fertile?  
I’m surprised that Yara, considering her previous pregnancy loss and the surgery, go immediately to an OB in the US.  No waiting for the drunk boyfriend to calls her a liar to drag himself back.  I’m surprised her parents didn’t tell her to go to the doctor right away.  Why have we never met her parents? Did we meet them?

We like big families. Our values are very traditional. Marriage that produces children is very important. Our families are our greatest joy.

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9 hours ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

But her nana voice! I pondered last night if she is just that much of an entrepreneur to be doing this for the exposure of her business. Then I thought, no she is just all the way crazy.

If Stephanie’s appearance on this show was to help drive business, epic fail! Her sophomoric behavior and her frozen face might be resulting in clicks to the med-spa website, but probably not for the reasons she had hoped.

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I don't fault Yara for telling Non

1 hour ago, Frozendiva said:


Jovi and Yara: Yars, you can keep a secret. Telling Jovi while you are getting your artwork is inappropriate. Your life is not the poor henna person's business.

I don't fault Yara telling NonJovi in front of the henna artist. I used to make extra cash doing mendhi at festivals and not only does that come with the territory but it was the best part of the job! You often become unofficial therapist, especially since some sessions run an hour and neither one of you can move. Since she was already mic'ed chances are she knew something was coming. It may have even been a reenactment. At least this was (theoretically) good news. I once had a client get served divorce papers in the middle of a navigational rose. Some people feel more comfortable around an impartial 3rd party. 

I informed my husband of our second pregnancy right after I ordered at the Starbucks drive through. Thought they'd turned the mic off. They hadn't. We got free strawberry frappes. 

When you're already baring your soul and secrets in front of a camera crew on international TV it's not that big of a jump. 

I feel confident that the multiple OTC tests were for the sake of the show. It's not like these two have a wildly interesting storyline. Even so, NOT that uncommon to buy multiples or to buy a package that comes with 2 or more. I'm sure she'll make a clinic appointment but it could take days to get in. 48, 72, 96 hours in between is a helluva long time to sit around and wait for bloodwork that's going to determine the rest of your life. Home pregnancy tests are instant. I WISH I could return to those moments-buying several tests, setting the timer, drinking a lot of water (then worrying my pee was too diluted), equal parts excited and terrified when the results popped up, taking 2 more "just to be sure"... Those were good days, and even though you couldn't pay me to return to the infant stage of my kids it's still a little sad knowing that those moments will never happen again. 

I hope Yara lets his family help. Being pregnant in a foreign country where you don't know anyone is hard. 

27 minutes ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

If Stephanie’s appearance on this show was to help drive business, epic fail! Her sophomoric behavior and her frozen face might be resulting in clicks to the med-spa website, but probably not for the reasons she had hoped.

Just like Family Brandon. If they thought this would help their dwarf goats/dog mill business then...then...yikes! 

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, mamadrama said:

I WISH I could return to those moments-buying several tests, setting the timer, drinking a lot of water (then worrying my pee was too diluted), equal parts excited and terrified when the results popped up, taking 2 more "just to be sure"... Those were good days, and even though you couldn't pay me to return to the infant stage of my kids it's still a little sad knowing that those moments will never happen again. 

OMG SO MUCH THIS! I admit that watching those scenes last night, I flashed back -- for the first time, pretty much, in a few decades -- to the lone home pregnancy test I took LOL ... Mr. Snappy and I had decided to "start trying" in January 1990, assuming it would probably take a few months at least ... I remember taking the home test in late January, shaking the little bottle and setting it on the sink, and coming back in an hour to find it had turned purple and running shrieking through the house in joy and disbelief. A truly wonderful and joyous time. 

I probably say this every cycle but this season's couples are the absolute WORST (which translates to absolute BEST in terms of sh*t-show must-see TV!) and it's hard to decide who are THE worst (I won't count Ron and Betty who are truly frightening -- though all the stories coming out about them now has me singing "Let's Talk Dirty to the Animals" all day ... if you haven't heard that gem by Gilda Radner, DO Google it ... I used to sing it as an audition song in college because if nothing else it caught people's attention and captured my weird personality). 

My theory about that absolutely rivetingly astonishingly WEIRD scene with Natalie sniffing and kissing the tree and then skipping down the trail is that she watched too many cheap bad American movies while in Ukraine and somehow came away with the idea that this was how couples displayed being cute and crazy kids. 

Finally .. and apologies if this is OT but I wanted to respond to brief exchange earlier ... THANK YOU to those who suggested FireStick. Mine arrives on Thursday and the entire Discovery+ world will be mine all mine! I may never get off the bed again except to refill my wine glass!

ETA: Oh, as much as I absolute CANNOT STAND Stephanie I CAN sympathize with her complaints about the sandflies. I went to Belize about 25 years ago with my family to visit SIL who was living there/working there part of the year ... while it was quite lovely in many ways (the place we stayed was nowhere near this nice) there was a hole in the screen in our window and the sandfly attacks were so bad in the middle of the night that I was literally sobbing. HUNDREDS of bites and I still have scars to this day.  


Edited by PamelaMaeSnap
  • Love 9
1 hour ago, mamadrama said:

I WISH I could return to those moments-buying several tests, setting the timer, drinking a lot of water (then worrying my pee was too diluted), equal parts excited and terrified when the results popped up, taking 2 more "just to be sure"... Those were good days, and even though you couldn't pay me to return to the infant stage of my kids it's still a little sad knowing that those moments will never happen again. 

I actually said to the tv:  "Nice story to tell your kids someday!"   "Yeah well your dad called me a liar and made me pee in front of him after he had his third drink by 11am.  It was AWESOME!"

1 hour ago, Silly Angel said:

I feel like Mike is the kind of guy who, when asked what he wants for dinner, would say, "Food." I hate those people.

Yep - or the one, who after you say, "You know, I have been thinking......" says, "Gee did it hurt?"


2 hours ago, JeanJean said:

I think Stephanie's stuck at about 13 years old

Her and Rebecca.

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3 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

OMG so much this! This whole thing is starting to look like the Susan Powell case. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disappearance_of_Susan_Powell

Such a sad sad story.  There was a story on it on Oxygen (I think) called the Disappearance of Susan Cox Powell where her parents fully cooperated.  Josh was the kind of weirdo that made other weirdos go:  "He is WEIRD."  Just so sad all around, I remember Superbowl Sunday when he killed them and then himself.  Such a selfish bastard.


3 hours ago, mamadrama said:

With Yara and Jovi not married yet, she likely doesn't have health insurance. Our medical system is vastly different from Eastern Europe's and it can be intimidating for a foreigner to traverse on their own. I got sick in Bosnia and my 2-day hospital stay, doctor's visit, and CT scan cost less than a single CT scan here in the states. 

Excellent point!  We were at a bed and breakfast a few years ago, and an American couple was there - their two kids were born in New Zealand while one was teaching.   Total cost to them?  Maybe a $5 parking lot fee, perhaps a soda from the vending machine.

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3 hours ago, Gobi said:
4 hours ago, Persnickety1 said:

BTW, in case anyone was curious, if you cover your eyes while Stephanie is talking to Ryan, you would think it was a helicopter mom talking to her adolescent son.  



Helicopter moms beg their sons for sex?

Eww.   I was thinking she treated him more  like a little puppy, but I am not sure I want to think about that either. Watches=doggie treats.

Becky and Zied seem a better match.  I am wondering if Becky complained a lot to Zied about her ex from Morocco and he is just over it when he comes to hearing about the ex. And then being compared or contrasted with the ex is almost too much. 

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6 hours ago, mamadrama said:

Mike's passive aggressive bullshit and him leading Natalie on if he really does hate her makes him as crazy as her. 

He is just being cruel. Natalie was wrong for her behavior in Ukraine,  but I feel like he is even worse since he let her move to a new country just to leave her guessing about her future. It's feeling like he's making her wait to punish her. He had to know she was like this before the previous trip to Ukraine. She's set off so easily. I don't think she could have hid it for long. 

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1 hour ago, IllLitShips said:

He is just being cruel. Natalie was wrong for her behavior in Ukraine,  but I feel like he is even worse since he let her move to a new country just to leave her guessing about her future. It's feeling like he's making her wait to punish her. He had to know she was like this before the previous trip to Ukraine. She's set off so easily. I don't think she could have hid it for long. 

I agree. He'd seen her many times before that televised trip. 

If he really has no intentions of marrying her then the kind thing would be to tell her and send her home. This is uncomfortable to watch. 

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9 hours ago, Drogo said:

"You're all greasy and slimy."  This is why you're single, Mike.   

The balls on this guy to tell her what proper hiking lipstick protocol is when his hoodie looks like a vacuum bag full of cottage cheese and his chin looks like someone's armpit. 

No Mike love eh @Drogo??

I don't get why he (and a few of these other Americans) didn't go looking home bound for a spouse. But then again, they want what they consider a "9".  Mike could have withdrawn his K1 visa application for Natalie if he wasn't so sure.  

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Rebecca's friend was way out of line bringing up everything in front of Zied. Concerns about your friend's relationship should be privately discussed in a heart-to-heart with her, not rudely assuming the worst of Zied--to his face. She, Rebecca's daughter, and daughter's punk-ass loser boyfriend are severely lacking in good manners.

Puzzled as to why Natalie got SO excited about the hike they drove to, as she proclaimed her love of nature and, you know, trees! One would think that ever since she arrived in the U.S. she had been cooped up in a city, with nothing but concrete. However, Mike lives way out in the country, in a nature setting, with lots and lots and lots of trees everywhere. There should be many places to take a walk and explore close by...and fondle/smell trees to her heart's content! Confession: I'm the same with the moss in the forests here in the Pacific Northwest. Love the softness and earthy smell!

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Oh boy oh boy.....


Natalie/Mike---I admit I didn't watch more than one or two episodes from the season when they first appeared (and  he went to Ukraine), but I have to say after this episode I am team Natalie all the way and I really would love for her to pull a Rose (from Rose/Ed) and say "you know what? This is bullshit. You know or you don't and obviously you don't want this, so peace out." Maybe burn out the rest of her 90 days hiking and exploring the PCT and perhaps meeting another man she actually has something in common with.  He came across as cruel in this episode.....I get not wanting to discuss the wedding nitty gritty at a store but JFC man, she is here on a fiance visa, it is NOT unreasonable to discuss the actual wedding or if you have issues, you know DISCUSS THOSE ISSUES. From what we are shown he just sort of lumbers around rolling his eyes and saying, "we have things to work on." Well, guess what the clock is ticking, so get talking or get walking. From her perspective he invited her over on this visa, he leaves her alone like 18 hours a day in the middle of nowhere in a new country and then when he does come home he just seems to want to drink beer and zone out in front of the tv with a tv dinner & doesn't want to talk to her. If she wants to wear some lipstick when you guys go hiking and OH YEAH ARE BEING FREAKING FILMED FOR TV, let her! It makes her feel good and doesn't hurt you.  


Stephanie/Ryan---OK, this woman has serious mental health issues. I am not saying that as an insult----she had a rough childhood and people have issues over lesser things. I almost feel like I need to change the channel when these two are on because she is so utterly delusional and the look on Ryan's face when they were laying in bed.....oy. If there could be the little thought bubbles it would be "holy shit she is crazy, lady off her rocker nuts. Maybe I can bang her once or twice but then she has GOT TO GO. When will this resort open back up so I can meet someone else??" I mean, I say this as my soon to be 47 yr old man and I just bickered about his lack of libido, but.....Honey, Ryan is 27---if he cared about you at all beyond anything platonic, hadn't gotten any in 10 months, he would have been all over you that first night. I think she knows this too in her heart and that is why she got so emotional when she told him about his cousin. She wants to see SOME kind of emotion from him and he doesnt give a crap. You delivered his undies and other goodies, now go back home mom. 


Andrew is a moron and it is pretty clear why he is single....how tone deaf can you be to blabber on and on about how much fun you are having at the resort to the woman who was detained by authorities trying to see you? Run lady, run....France is not some developing world hell hole that you should be desperate to escape, at least not THAT desperate. 


Zied has a lot more patience and class than I could have mustered in the situations with Rebecca's daughter and now friend. Especially the friend. I understand her concerns but again, you voice them to your friend, not the guy. 

  • Love 19
12 hours ago, PamelaMaeSnap said:


My theory about that absolutely rivetingly astonishingly WEIRD scene with Natalie sniffing and kissing the tree and then skipping down the trail is that she watched too many cheap bad American movies while in Ukraine and somehow came away with the idea that this was how couples displayed being cute and crazy kids. 


And they live on a tree farm!  Guess she doesn't like those trees enough to hug them.  

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Brandon is such a little bitch. He uses Julia as an excuse to tell his parents things he’s been wanting to say forever. He wants to get out from under his mother’s clutches is just as bad as Julia does but is too scared of big bad red screaming daddy to do anything about it. But he’s all “Aww, shucks mom! My mean fiancée says your cooking sucks and she fucking hates you and wants to do it all night long in my room like a big boy! I mean, girl!” He’s much worse than his parents. They’re hateful and gross, but he’s a gaslighting little piece of shit. He loves that he can tell them what he thinks pretending it’s all Julia.

Andrew is a weird little troll. Amira can do better, even though she does have a weird Barbie girl stance when she’s on the phone. Her hair is beautiful and her French is wonderful.  We all know Frodo is not worth going to Serbia for.

Rebecca‘s friend Karen sucks. She was about to call the manager of relationships on those two. Poor Zied. I love that no one seems to acknowledge the fact that Rebecca is almost 50 and likes to go to north Africa to get herself some D. 

everyone else is a snooze this season.

Oh! And Mike hates Natalie. Like, he can barely contain his vitriol and disgust. Are prostitutes that expensive in Washington? Bc they’d sure be a lot less grating on the nerves!

Edited by Bugfrey Von
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So today everybody is trashing Big Mike and y’all finally wore me down a little.  I forgot his previous wife “switched teams” when she left him.  If I was Nat, I would be assessing that scenario with a fine toothed comb now that Nat is here -and I would be rummaging for, and asking to see pictures, etc.  What happened and why.

Turning the tables here, if Big Mike had asked Natalie to repeat some alien proclamation before dinner, would she have complied?  (Because the aliens are already among us and they can hear and see everything, hee hee). I’m surprised he hasn’t told her he thinks he is descended from the Grey aliens and that’s why... blah, blah, blah.  And why does he not have a big ole home telescope since he lives out in the country? I bet the stars are amazing.    And why do guests have to sleep in the living room???

This show reminds me of the saying “dress for the job you want.” Not for the Americans of course.  But it seems to work for the fiancés.  Yara was carefully grooming herself even as a teenager.  All the fiancés focused on people from outside their countries, at least a certain points in their lives.  Kind of like putting the right fly on your fishing line.

I don’t care about the gogo dancer.  Her Americans are despicable with that “farm” that is barely out of the inhumane zone.  I don’t care about the French-Egyptian girl and the baby sitter except that I am astounded that he bosses her around and she takes it.  Ooooo, he has to go back to work.  Woo hoo, mister self-important going to save the world by telling home made stories to toddlers.   Here’s a thought, why not make the fat boy move to France and start a daycare there?  Then promote day care exchange students for early learning language immersion.  Bwahahahaha, right.

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On 2/1/2021 at 9:04 AM, mamadrama said:

You can get them for $1 now and some come 2 to a box. It helps to buy several, especially if you're early, because the hormones build every day and just because you tested negative one day doesn't mean you will the next. Even blood tests can be iffy if you're testing too soon. My first bloodwork was negative for the hg with my first. I had to wait 4 days and give more blood to see if the hormone had doubled. The OTC are easy to use now with little to no human error. Pee on a stick and 90 seconds later it can literally say "pregnant" or "not pregnant." 

OR - it can come up "error!"  Can you imagine waking up at 5am to see if you are finally pregnant after trying for 6 months, only to get ERROR blinking on the test??  I was like WHAT THE F???


On 2/1/2021 at 10:03 AM, Scarlett45 said:

Can you get a fire stick and stream that way? That’s what I did in 2019 when disney+ came out- now I just access my apps through my fire stick. 

I have a smart tv but it has decided to never want to hook up to the internet.  I love my fire stick, it has all of the apps.  Although, I am pretty sure it is spying on me.  Not sure why Amazon wants to hear my husband and I "discuss" our daily goings-on.  Although I did notice that after we were discussing buying my sons new pants, or argue about whether or not to eat soup for dinner, except that I started seeing kind of specific amazon suggestions.


  • Love 2
On 2/1/2021 at 3:28 PM, Sir RaiderDuck OMS said:

The American bridal industry has done a wonderful job convincing multiple generations of people including Betty that a small, affordable wedding is an abomination that disgraces everyone involved.

Add to that notion all the stupid TLC wedding gown shows where every bride wants to look like a “sexy princess.” 

And it’s required that we get a dress shopping scene for EVERY 90 Day bride! 

Edited by magemaud
  • Love 7
6 hours ago, greekmom said:

No Mike love eh @Drogo??

I don't get why he (and a few of these other Americans) didn't go looking home bound for a spouse. But then again, they want what they consider a "9".  Mike could have withdrawn his K1 visa application for Natalie if he wasn't so sure.  

I just don't understand where these slobs like Mike and Colt find the cashews to give beautiful (certifiable, but beautiful) women feedback on physical appearances of all things.  

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40 minutes ago, Drogo said:

I just don't understand where these slobs like Mike and Colt find the cashews to give beautiful (certifiable, but beautiful) women feedback on physical appearances of all things.  

I don't get it, either. 

I know Nat's nutty, but Mike irritates me just as much, just in a different way. There was no reason for him to pick at her over her makeup. She seemed happy to be out with him. I don't think you should have to walk on eggshells around your partner, but what he said was totally unnecessary. The resent is almost palpable at this point. Natalie may very well have a personality disorder or a mental illness. That doesn't excuse her behavior, but it could be an explanation for her behavior. Mike, on the other hand, sometimes just comes across as cruel. 

She clearly misses her mom and is unhappy. If he doesn't want her then he needs to let her go. That would be the kind thing to do. 

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Don't mind me...I'm just on my ghost ship floating on a river of fake tears...

Julia, I love you but every day you stay in this situation I lose a little more respect for you. Brandon is a child and if you marry him you are also marrying into his wack-ass family. Have you ever asked him about his siblings...like, where they are, how often do they visit dear old Dad, etc.?

Did Trish catch an Uber to the Seattle airport? Or is there someplace closer than she could fly out of? Just curious why Mike didn't drive her...I thought his work took him closer to Seattle, but maybe I'm wrong about that...

Also, Mike? I'm rapidly losing what little sympathy I have left for you. Maybe you need to ask your hairstylist for tips on finding American women who wouldn't mind living in the boonies of Washington state. I'm sure there are plenty.

Yara, you actually made me sympathize with Jovi. I don't think I can forgive you for that.

Amira, your boy Xavier is what I call a true friend. Listen to him. (Years ago, when I left home to make my way in the world, I was briefly caught up with a Christian religious group. While they were all full of love bombs, something didn't smell right...and when I went back home for a visit and sketched out the situation with my friends and family, every one of them was like: "That's a CULT, girl. Run." They were right, and I took their advice.)

Rebecca: Stop. Just STOP.

Stephanie: Stop. Just STOP. (Also, Harris is way better looking and I'm low-key hoping he shows up in person.)

Tarik: I don't think Hazel's going to be in it for the long haul. Let her get comfortable enough over here in the land of the (sexually) free, and find the right brown girl...she'll be out like Scout. Don't say I didn't warn you, man.

Edited by ExMathMajor
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1 hour ago, heatherchandler said:

OR - it can come up "error!"  Can you imagine waking up at 5am to see if you are finally pregnant after trying for 6 months, only to get ERROR blinking on the test??  I was like WHAT THE F???


I have a smart tv but it has decided to never want to hook up to the internet.  I love my fire stick, it has all of the apps.  Although, I am pretty sure it is spying on me.  Not sure why Amazon wants to hear my husband and I "discuss" our daily goings-on.  Although I did notice that after we were discussing buying my sons new pants, or argue about whether or not to eat soup for dinner, except that I started seeing kind of specific amazon suggestions.


That's why I don't have Alexa or allow anything from Amazon in my house.  I don't need Big Brother Bezos watching me.

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On 1/31/2021 at 7:21 PM, Silver Bells said:

Natalie HAS to go to a speech therapist and stop talking thru her teeth.  It’s driving me crazy.  Why can’t she open her mouth like a normal person?

Auntie's Advice on YouTube is hilarious when she imitates Natalie. Recommended. 

On 2/1/2021 at 11:37 AM, Baltimore Betty said:

The hardest part of my empty nestness was my son was no longer a live in cat sitter, lol.

Dropping my daughter off at college and moving her in to the dorm, unpacking, etc...she turned and she looked at me as to say, "why are you still here," I got the hint and hugged her goodbye, seemed normal to me to let them all fly the coop.


Lol, same. After a total of 23 years eating dinner with the whole family at the table (which I loved), after the last one left we eat dinner on TV trays in the living room in front of the TV. 

On 2/1/2021 at 12:20 PM, Twopper said:

I cannot stand the Hazel-Tariq segments.  They are just boring.  IF they didn't have the bisexual -threesome story, there would be absolutely nothing about them to film. Also I can't look at his head. 

I usually ff through disheveled Tarik and sad Hazel. What irks me the most is her assumption that anyone she picks will return the feeling. She's not all that. 

Speaking of... Ryan is also nothing to get excited about. Stephanie could find a young, unfortunate ne'er-do-well anywhere in the states. Mr. Vintage looked up her 3k watch on Amazon selling for $200, which is still overpriced, and probably came with a box.


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3 minutes ago, Rt66vintage said:

Speaking of... Ryan is also nothing to get excited about. Stephanie could find a young, unfortunate ne'er-do-well anywhere in the states. Mr. Vintage looked up her 3k watch on Amazon selling for $200, which is still overpriced, and probably came with a box.


That was a helluva markup at the pawn shop she bought it at. 😄


  • LOL 1
2 hours ago, ExMathMajor said:

find the right brown girl.

I don't mean to sound stupid but of all the colors of people skin, Hazel keeps refering to wanting a brown girl, I have heard Aziz Ansari refer to himself as a brown person...there seems to be a wide berth of choices, I have to wonder, does Hazel know what she wants?  

Tarik says he likes Thai girls but somehow found Hazel on line, has Hazel asked herself if he really loves her or she is just the fetish that said yes. 

On 2/1/2021 at 12:19 PM, Colfrmb said:

Can someone with contact with Eastern European people share some insight? I guess I can understand being concerned about the healthiness of various forms of female birth control. But does that mean that there are lots of enormous families of children there because their birth control is not as effective? Are Americans being fed a load of lies about alternative birth control?  Are Eastern European women not as fertile? Possibly because of unhealthy pathogens that they are exposed to there? Do they just not have as much sex? Are the men less fertile?  
I’m surprised that Yara, considering her previous pregnancy loss and the surgery, go immediately to an OB in the US.  No waiting for the drunk boyfriend to calls her a liar to drag himself back.  I’m surprised her parents didn’t tell her to go to the doctor right away.  Why have we never met her parents? Did we meet them?

Eastern European are generally more "pro natural" than taking pills.

I will assume they use other forms of BC but Russia has a high abortion rate. 

1 kid per family is the norm. Maybe 2. 

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14 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I don't mean to sound stupid but of all the colors of people skin, Hazel keeps refering to wanting a brown girl, I have heard Aziz Ansari refer to himself as a brown person...there seems to be a wide berth of choices, I have to wonder, does Hazel know what she wants?  


Maybe a female Tarik ?

3 hours ago, ExMathMajor said:

Did Trish catch an Uber to the Seattle airport? Or is there someplace closer than she could fly out of? Just curious why Mike didn't drive her...I thought his work took him closer to Seattle, but maybe I'm wrong about that...

I wondered about that for a sec and then remembered she had driven there instead of flying.

ETA: Never mind, I went back and checked. In addition to the airline tags on her suitcase, the car she arrived in is different than the one in which she departed. 

BTW, there's a news story I saw on YouTube about the mayor of Sequim, who is involved in Qanon and so some of the residents want him out of office. And then I wondered what Mike thinks about it. Sad that the only reason I've ever heard of Sequim and know its whereabouts is because of this show!


Edited by Scout Finch
  • Love 2
19 minutes ago, Scout Finch said:

I wondered about that for a sec and then remembered she had driven there instead of flying.

From Oklahoma by herself? Got to give her credit. I thought she maybe had driven a rental car from the airport when she talked about making “the trip”. Didn’t she live in this house before Mike bought it from her? 

3 minutes ago, magemaud said:

From Oklahoma by herself? Got to give her credit. I thought she maybe had driven a rental car from the airport when she talked about making “the trip”. Didn’t she live in this house before Mike bought it from her? 

See my amended post above. Had to look through my TiVo recently deleted shows and rewatch those parts!

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16 hours ago, Lily247 said:

Maybe a female Tarik ?

Maybe a TLC paycheck, a one way ticket for her son to the US, and a tidy little home for her and her son.  I would suggest a personality overhaul....she is such a downer!  So flat all the time.  I thought getting to the US with some fresh air and sunshine would help!



  • Love 1

....she is such a downer!  So flat all the time.  I thought getting to the US with some fresh air and sunshine would help!

If I had to wake up sandwiched between Tarik and his kid every morning, I would be Debbie Downer too! Agree that Hazel isn't all that in the looks dep but then, neither is Tarik and neither was Minty. Or Minnie, whatever TF her name was.....I also wish they would stop calling her their ex GF. Tarik is a sex tourist who prefers Thailand for his shopping and she was the working girl he paid for a long term three way. There, I said it. 

Also, ditto what someone said earlier about "the farm." It is a rundown rambler house with some nice land that these swinging hoarders have cluttered with animals and lord knows what else. I used to live in an ag reserve part of my county where we had a lot of actual farms and the houses were nothing like that from the outside. His parents have a point that he should bank as much cash as he can before he gets married and they start life together, but the way they hold "the farm" over his head, I think there is more to it than that. Maybe they have bailed him out and been financing this whole relationship all along? And yes, Brandon is a little shit. In that restaurant conversation he laid all the blame on Julia instead of being a big boy and saying guys, I do not want to keep working and living on the farm. As soon as we are married we are out on our own, we'll see you maybe for Sunday dinners. 

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