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90 Day: The Single Life

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I still find Fernanda alternates between looking like a monkey and looking attractive. What is most definitely not attractive to me is  how she thinks she is just too precious for words. I can only watch her to dislike her more. 100% non- authentic in any way.

Molly-- I used to like her probably more from the pillow talk chatter but she is failing both of her girls miserably.  They really seem to be paying the price for their mother's irresponsible and immature behavior.

Can Brittany be any more contrived? If she could tone it down a smidge she would at least be on the same level of phoniness as Fernanda.

Colt- just no

Dinyal and her kidsis dahd. No. This is exploitation to me.


  • Love 8


  • Anyone else really, really dislike the super long eyelashes that Brittany wears? They are so distracting and look awful.

  • Ed totally seems like the type who would put a hidden camera in the bathroom.

  • Ed, STFU about the “friend zone”.

  • Let's not see Coltee in bed. Ever again.

  • Oh my god Dinyell, get over Mohammed! That was like 5 seasons ago!

  • LOL 5
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On 9/8/2021 at 5:28 PM, Hotel Snarker said:


  • Anyone else really, really dislike the super long eyelashes that Brittany wears? They are so distracting and look awful.

  • Ed totally seems like the type who would put a hidden camera in the bathroom.

  • Ed, STFU about the “friend zone”.

  • Let's not see Coltee in bed. Ever again.

  • Oh my god Dinyell, get over Mohammed! That was like 5 seasons ago!

I hate her eyelashes.  And her oily skin.  And those braces.  When she was outside, those eyelashes took on a life of their own!  I mean we all know they never looked real, but with the sun on her, they looked like caterpillars.

  • LOL 2
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On 9/3/2021 at 7:28 AM, LennieBriscoe said:

Jason's attempts at conversation were non-existent!

Agree - what a guy. Daniele tried, asking him all sorts of questions, anything that she could think of to get him to move his mouth in response. No. Nothing. Nada. OK, Jason, we get that you're not attracted to her. In your mind you are "above" her, you wouldn't be caught dead introducing her to your friends and family. That's how you acted. Not that I'm a Daniele lover, but she tried and she was the one who took the high road. After all the excitement of dressing up and getting ready, this is who she gets? A downer. He could have just had a nice conversation with her, had a few drinks or an appetizer, not leave her a few minutes later by the side of the road.

  • Love 7
4 hours ago, Breedom said:

Agree - what a guy. Daniele tried, asking him all sorts of questions, anything that she could think of to get him to move his mouth in response. No. Nothing. Nada. OK, Jason, we get that you're not attracted to her. In your mind you are "above" her, you wouldn't be caught dead introducing her to your friends and family. That's how you acted. Not that I'm a Daniele lover, but she tried and she was the one who took the high road. After all the excitement of dressing up and getting ready, this is who she gets? A downer. He could have just had a nice conversation with her, had a few drinks or an appetizer, not leave her a few minutes later by the side of the road.

No kidding, especially since he knew it was being filmed for national TV.  Why not make some small talk, tell a couple jokes, have a drink?  You never know, even if she wasn't his type, maybe they had interests in common or she knew someone he knows or can give him leads for a job change or a good restaurant.  Being a jerk on a cable TV show is not going to help his dating life.  There are a lot of women who he might be interested in who are going to pass on him after seeing that..

  • Love 8
7 hours ago, winsomeone said:

She and Ed belong together..in looks and personality. Both think they are going to find some young hot thing and it isn't going to happen! What do they see when they look in the mirror I wonder?

I posted a while back that they were basically in the same league, but neither one of them would even give the other one a look.

Ed crying about worrying that he might end up alone.  Well, if you limit your pool to attractive young women half your age or less, yeah, you probably will.

  • Useful 1
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34 minutes ago, Sile said:

I posted a while back that they were basically in the same league, but neither one of them would even give the other one a look.

Ed crying about worrying that he might end up alone.  Well, if you limit your pool to attractive young women half your age or less, yeah, you probably will.

Not just attractive women half his age; they must also not already have or want kids, be willing to dress like a Barbie doll per Ed's preferences and never express an opinion or thought of their own.

  • Love 7

I’m not sure where there’re going with the Liz and her ex storyline, but it sounds like she told Ed he found her out on the town with her girlfriends and an argument ensued.  It sounds stalker like.  If that is the case, Ed needs to bow out immediately.  Jealous exes can be dangerous.  If the guy is obsessing, following, etc, she needs to let Ed know.  

  • Love 3

So . . . 

Colt is grossly grosser than he’s ever grossed before. Don’t wear a shiny shirt and bandana for a mask. Stop adjusting your stupid glasses. Wipe the damn smirk off your face, and own up honestly to your many shortcomings. And Vanessa -  you’ve been the ‘other woman’ twice now, with both Larissa and Jess. You’re scummy too. If he cheats with you, he’ll cheat on you. Higher-than-a-kite husband Brian needed to punch Colt right in his smarmy eyebrow-cocked face. LOL at the Jess orgasm comment.

Ed is getting scarier and they now are playing straight up Lifetime Movie serial killer background music on his segments. He is bad news. I like Liz (do NOT go to the wedding!). He was stalker-y and overly accusatory/intense with “the incident” and the ex confrontation. Does he go to the restaurant all night, every night? Ew. Stop featuring this sociopath on the show so he can parlay his ‘fame’ to creepily mack on younger women and buy a BMW. His brother Mike is no fount of good advice or outlook either. He had some semi-misogynistic views. Where was this advice-giving brother in past seasons? Laughed at David on PT likening the two of them to Schwarzenegger & DeVito in Twins.

Molly (of the fugly Harry Carey glasses) is over-the-top crazy with the “expiration date” drama and Kelly not baring his soul to strangers who rudely and inappropriately pump him for MYOB info. Since when has Molly had a roommate? Where was this pushy ‘best friend’ in past seasons? What about Cynthia? Kelly was spot on that Molly used her friends to do HER dirty work for her. How high school. He seems like a normal, nice dude — fly away home & never look back!

Poor Danielle - I do feel bad for her. I’m on the fence about these “friends” of hers. They seem to be leading/pushing her to a “storyline,” nothing more. Where were these friends in past seasons? Mohamed & his greasy hair in his truck sleeper cabin looks like HE smells. 

Edited by ChiMama
  • Love 9
1 hour ago, SunnyBeBe said:


I’m not sure where there’re going with the Liz and her ex storyline, but it sounds like she told Ed he found her out on the town with her girlfriends and an argument ensued.  It sounds stalker like.  If that is the case, Ed needs to bow out immediately.  Jealous exes can be dangerous.  If the guy is obsessing, following, etc, she needs to let Ed know.


But Ed obviously piled on with the victim blaming. What he owned up to was bad enough, you just KNOW what really was said was angrier, meaner & more accusatory. She went to him for comfort (why, Liz, why?!) and he was not only NOT that, but seemed to blame HER. Liz - block his number & tell the bouncer to keep an eye on him at the restaurant. Keep having your guy friend walk you to your car (& obviously their ‘date’ at her house was NOT at her house, right?!). Ed is bad news. Seriously.

  • Love 5
On 9/3/2021 at 6:28 AM, LennieBriscoe said:

Jason's attempts at conversation were non-existent! Then again, it was Danielle, who, it seems to me, has never seen herself in any realistic way. 

 Or others, if she thinks the Three Witches are her friends. 


 Danielle is repulsive. I wish she would spend her TLC money on weight loss,  a little plastic surgery on her face, and lasik eye surgery.

Both Danielle and Ed are clueless. We all need to make ourselves look decent if we want a Partner. 

Muhammad may be a douche guy, but she ought to listen to what he has to say, if she really smells.

Edited by antfitz
  • Love 3
10 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I’m not sure where there’re going with the Liz and her ex storyline, but it sounds like she told Ed he found her out on the town with her girlfriends and an argument ensued.  It sounds stalker like.  If that is the case, Ed needs to bow out immediately.  Jealous exes can be dangerous.  If the guy is obsessing, following, etc, she needs to let Ed know.  

But Ed is also stalking her! The poor girl has a jealous ex stalking her, and gross,  creepy Ed stalking her (and now potentially the jealous ex!). So poor Liz has two, TWO! creepy guys following her around, demanding to know where she's been and with whom. And Ed, rather than take her side, was all "How did he know where you were? And who was that, walking you to your car? What were you arguing about? Was it me?". 

9 hours ago, ChiMama said:


Molly (of the fugly Harry Carey glasses) is over-the-top crazy with the “expiration date” drama and Kelly not baring his soul to strangers who rudely and inappropriately pump him for MYOB info. Since when has Molly had a roommate? Where was this pushy ‘best friend’ in past seasons? What about Cynthia? Kelly was spot on that Molly used her friends to do HER dirty work for her. How high school. He seems like a normal, nice dude — fly away home & never look back!

Agreed! Molly's friends were way out of line. Kelly's "expiration date" remark was perfectly innocuous. Not all relationships are forever. They run their course and end. Kelly needs to go home, delete Molly's number and block her. It was fun while it lasted but this chica is bad news. 


  • Love 9
On 9/2/2021 at 8:42 AM, Pepper Mostly said:

And WHY can no one introduce someone like an adult? Why does Molly simper "can you say hi?" to her grown ass daughter, as if she's three years old? Why can't she say "Kelly, this is my daughter, Olivia. Livy, this is Kelly"? 

I have said countless times that Molly is dead to me because of the way she treated her girls during the Luis debacle. Olivia actually moved to a friend's house! And Molly's response to that that to blow up her phone and eventually run her to ground at her friend's house and corner her (along with her shrieky friend) to try to guilt her into coming home. Kensley was happy and outgoing. In no time she was sad and silent. She herself said "I have a dad. You are not my dad". Molly was so dazzled by the prospect of regular sex that she tossed her kids to the wind. Feh. 

Jason was a real gentleman. He gamely hung in there, was polite, and ended the date in a  diplomatic, tactful way. Danielle's attempts at conversation were cringeworthy. And whoever put her in that outfit should be locked up. 

I have never cared for Molly either, especially with the "Ooopsies!  I guess we are married!!  I thought it was just a license!  My bad!"  


On 9/1/2021 at 4:52 PM, Hotel Snarker said:

Why does every person on this show think that introducing a person to your children is some test to decide if you like them or not? YOU should have already decided if YOU like someone before you introduce them to your kids.

Because some people give their kids authority to dictate adult choices and now those kids are in school, thinking they can dictate their day.

I waited 11 months before introducing the man who is now their stepdad.  Not eleven hours like these fools.  Devan (of Jihoon fame) took the cake by having a MAN SLEEP WITH HER TODDLER  - cosleeping off the bat.  Gross.

  • Love 6

I thought Ed said that Liz told him what happened when her ex approached her when she was out with her friends.   If she was really upset, I get Ed asking for details.  If you have an obsessive ex, you place your friends, family and dates in danger when you are a part of their lives.  Questions are understandable.  Crazy exes can be dangerous.  I hope Ed gets out of the relationship.  And, yes, as a potential boyfriend, you need to be careful of going places you suspect the love interest may be and how often you do it. Most states have stalker laws and it’s not difficult to meet the requirement.  The difference with Ed and Liz knowing about each other is that they are under contract to date and get to know each other. I wonder if Liz signed up to date Ed on TLC, however, she’s going about her normal life as if it didn’t happen.  

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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I make it through this hour long shit storm in about 17 minutes because all of these people are idiots. I find it funny that Coltee thinks he is some great handsome catch, um yeah no, Mr Man boobs. He is disgusting. Way to go Molly, scare off Kelley with your stupid friend inquisition. He seems like a good, hardworking guy and he has no reason to answer to your goon squad. Evelin is coming across as some entitled princess with her sisters chiming in and boosting her already over inflated ego of herself.  Jenny, get your shit together and go back home..Sumit is never ever going to marry you. Go back to California, get a job and dump his ass.

  • Love 8

I just had to comment on that idiot Yolanda's latest dating adventure when she met a young guy in the grocery store whose family was in the "fern-a-ruhl" business. I suspect this will be her first and last appearance on The Single Life because his Mama hated her on sight. 

Edited by magemaud
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  • “Colt is trash man. Colt is very manipulate, he's liar, he's cheating, he's very gaslight.” I applauded Jess for saying this.
  • Seriously, who calls up an old flame and invites her out to tell her and her husband that he was cheating on her the whole time they were together?!? Coltee just loves causing drama.
  • I don’t like these “friends interrogate the new girlfriend/boyfriend” situations. My man Kelly just seems like a normal dude and they are treating him like he’s got nuclear launch codes.
  • Molly giving me Darcey vibes with the overreaction. Kelly will run, because Molly wants someone she can control. Period.
  • No Dinyell, don't talk to Mohamed. He'll just double down on everything he said. Move on and leave that asshole in the rearview mirror.
  • Ed, you and Liz ARE official....officially not a couple, so you should not be policing her interactions with other men. Ugh.
  • Love 7

Molly is giving me fucking hives. ALL of these stupid women are giving me hives! This whole "I want my friends to meet my new guy so they can tell me if he's right for me" is so monumentally stupid that I am reduced to jibbering incoherently when these scenes come on. "My friends are brutally honest and have no filter so I know they'll ask the hard questions!". Pro tip--ask them yourself. Expecting your unsuspecting date to perform like some kind of trained seal for your rude, pushy, oversharing friends is probably number one on the checklist "How to make sure your guy never calls you again". Fernanda did it too, and she and her geriatric boyfriend had been on something like two dates. Her friends were apparently refugees from a Victorian novel-"what are his intentions? does he mean to respect her position? will his actions damage her spotless reputation?" Another stupid Sharp trope and its an especially annoying one. 

Edited by Pepper Mostly
  • Love 9

Brian is a stoner. He has the Crazy Eyes, too. I was waiting for the first drink or shoe to be thrown and I left disappointed. Great death stare from Jess to start us off, though. Vanessa isn't into Colt but wants to be on TV.

Colt is trashy, but Jess is at times as well. Who bleats on loudly about orgasms in a restaurant? (despite that implausible scene in "When Harry Met Sally"). Enough to say "We have great chemistry [wink]" if it even needs to be said. But that's our Jess, a drink or two and she's off to the races.    

I hope that friend who was with Dinyell on the beach is for real. Dinyell seems so overly emotional, even unstable. I wish she'd go to a therapist. And a weight-management practice and a stylist, since she seems to have some health problems and persists with international TV. The nervous giggling annoys me. Those three women are not the answer. who are as boy-crazy as (many) middle-schoolers.  

Mahammit missed his moment. Instead of just muttering "What a mess" at Dinyell's segments, he should have had his talking points ready such as "Yes, I said it. It wasn't right to say it in public and on TV. I apologize, Dinyell. Don't let it hold you back anymore. I told you all I want is peace, and for you to move on and be happy." He messed her up by seeking her out as a "friend" and she made the wrong call to meet up with him.


Edited by Tuneful
  • Love 1
On 9/16/2021 at 7:43 AM, Pepper Mostly said:

Molly is giving me fucking hives. ALL of these stupid women are giving me hives! This whole "I want my friends to meet my new guy so they can tell me if he's right for me" is so monumentally stupid that I am reduced to jibbering  incoherently  drinking heavily when these scenes come on. "My friends are brutally honest and have no filter so I know they'll ask the hard questions!". Pro tip--ask them yourself. Expecting your unsuspecting date to perform like some kind of trained seal for your rude, pushy, oversharing friends is probably number one on the checklist "How to make sure your guy never calls you again".

Molly has always given me hives.  Her whole drawl when it comes in handy, I am a helpless female.....choosing Luis over her daughter, which f**ked that relationship FOR LIFE as my mom did that too, and that wound NEVER heals, my friends.

If I went on a date with a guy and his friends started drilling me I would, legit, get up and leave and block him.  What is up with THAT?  "What are your intentions?  Do you have a job?  Are you going to leave him someday?  WHAT WILL YOU BE FEELING IN THREE YEARS?"

And I fixed your response for you.


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I missed the last two shows so may have missed some pertinent info. However, I feel quite bad for Liz. What happened in her past that made her feel it was acceptable to have a relationship with Ed? If I remember correctly, she said on their first date that she was damaged. And here is Ed, fully knowing, pouncing on his victim. What a piece of work.

I think she needs someone to love her so badly and through sheer bad luck it was Ed who suddenly appeared into her life. She was willing to overlook the strikingly bad looks, the age difference and the repulsive personality. She seems like a really nice person who now has added one more mistake into her life. I hope that she finds help, heals, and ends up with what she deserves - a nice guy her age and a family who loves her. Ed just needs to go crawl under some rock somewhere.

  • Love 12
2 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

Molly has always given me hives.  Her whole drawl when it comes in handy, I am a helpless female.....choosing Luis over her daughter, which f**ked that relationship FOR LIFE as my mom did that too, and that wound NEVER heals, my friends


Molly has been dead to me since her first season, owing to her shitty treatment of her daughters. 

  • Love 7
On 9/16/2021 at 7:17 PM, Tuneful said:

Colt is trashy, but Jess is at times as well. Who bleats on loudly about orgasms in a restaurant? (despite that implausible scene in "When Harry Met Sally"). Enough to say "We have great chemistry [wink]" if it even needs to be said. But that's our Jess, a drink or two and she's off to the races.

She's so unattractive with the ginormous glasses! It just overpowers her face and those are all I can see when she's onscreen. While she can't necessarily help the buck teeth, the combination is isn't going her any favors. (Snarks the very overweight, judge-y, 58-year-old, who is terminally single. At least I don't wear the same clothes or hair styles as Danielle!)

  • Love 6

So Brittney's friends are just as obnoxious and annoying as she is. Good to know. Why doesn't her "boyfriend" want her to visit him in Canada? Is he hiding a wife up there? 

Molly, get out of the relationship. He wants kids, you don't. Enough said. 

Ed is a disgusting stalker. Liz is adorable. She likes to go out with her friends after work. Ed's not having it. Stalking and jealousy storyline to be continued.....

Coltee's 5 minutes of famewhoredom are done. No more storyline so he has to go dig up Jess to apologize for being an asshole and drag Vanessa along with him to admit they were sexing it up throughout the entire relationship. Trash people. That includes you, Jess.  

  • Love 4
18 hours ago, Scout Finch said:

She's so unattractive with the ginormous glasses! It just overpowers her face and those are all I can see when she's onscreen. While she can't necessarily help the buck teeth, the combination is isn't going her any favors. (Snarks the very overweight, judge-y, 58-year-old, who is terminally single. At least I don't wear the same clothes or hair styles as Danielle!)

Nice to meet you; I am jude-y 51 and terminally single. We must be related. Poor Danielle I think with some clothing changes and new eyewear it could help a lot. Now for her crying and emotinal turmoil that is a different story!

  • LOL 2
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Oh Liz! Liz! Why do you want to go to a wedding with that creepy Ed? And share a hotel room with him?? I thought he said he would get a room with two Queens but in the promo for next week it looked like there was only one bed in the room .  Sneaky, sneaky Ed!

Liz's exes must be really really bad if she's willing to go out with Ed.

Or she's getting paid A LOT by TLC.

  • Love 8

Dear Dinyell, 

If you are smelly there is a solution. Shower daily, brush and floss, wash your greasy hair and use a douche when needed. Done!

Still wrong for Mohammid to say it on national TV. He learned his lesson, that shit don't fly in the good ole' USA and Dinyell is going to make him pay over and over again for saying it. 

  • LOL 1
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33 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Still wrong for Mohammid to say it on national TV. He learned his lesson, that shit don't fly in the good ole' USA and Dinyell is going to make him pay over and over again for saying it. 

The thing is, I don't think he did say it. On the tell-all he said it was a private matter and didn't elaborate (someone will correct me if this is wrong). She was the one who said exactly what it was, and she's been saying it ever since. If he's said it since then, I wouldn't really fault him for it. He might as well, since she opened the door to the subject.

4 hours ago, applewood said:

Liz's exes must be really really bad if she's willing to go out with Ed.

Or she's getting paid A LOT by TLC.

I'm gonna pick Door Number 2. TLC thinks Ed is a really big draw, so they needed to supply him with a story line for The Single Life. She's a waitress with a kid to support, so she probably needs the money. I'm guessing she could negotiate for a decent chunk of change, since who else would want to be touched by Ed? Or as I said when the news of their "engagement" was posted (and I think people who read that post believed I was joking, but I wasn't), she's even more damaged than she seems to be. Or both, money and crazy.

  • Love 9
55 minutes ago, Mr. Miner said:

🖕🏻Fernanda! Can’t stand her!

Fernanda thinks she's some sort of irresistible temptress, and that all our swains commend her. She was SHOCKED that Robbie wasn't playing that. I confess I laughed and laughed. 

And if I was interrogated by loutish oafs like Molly and Brittany's friends, I would politely say "None of your business, weirdo, what the fucking fuck is wrong with you" and invite them to bite my taint. Then I'd call an Uber. Jesus Christ. 

Edited by Pepper Mostly
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