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S01.E03: Now in Color

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Well, this just gets better and better.  The fake sitcom moments are laugh-out-loud funny and I can't wait to see what happens with the main story.

I wonder if Wanda ejected Geraldine from the simulation (intentionally or unintentionally) or whether Geraldine was pulled out.  I'm guessing the former from Wanda's odd expression.

We now in widescreen!  I guess it's the 80s next week.

Wish I could binge all the episodes.  Loving it.

  • Love 11

Who knew when announced that WandaVision would be a freaking horror series?

The glitch rewind was creepy, but those last few minutes starting with the mention of Pietro made it look like nothing, and the Ultron drop.  Freaking hell.

Ralph is definitely Mephisto, and he's got some power over Wanda.

So, the commercial was for Hydra soap, which was blue.  I guess Coulson was right all along.

Edited by Jediknight
  • Love 18
21 minutes ago, pootlus said:

I wonder if Wanda ejected Geraldine from the simulation (intentionally or unintentionally) or whether Geraldine was pulled out.  I'm guessing the former from Wanda's odd expression.

Wanda definitely booted her ass. And I'm not sure, but I don't think Wanda is sane at this point. 

I was so disappointed it ended right there. I was so engrossed.

The Whole Brady fashion and color scheme was hilarious even if that house screamed for some kids running up and down the stairs.  I got the giggles when there was a brief shot of the washing machine overloading.

And even though it's the wrong decade, the stork reminded me a little of Ally McBeal's dancing baby.


So, the commercial was for Hydra soap, which was blue.  I guess Coulson was right all along.

There was a real commercial just like that in the 70s.  "Calgon take me away!"

Edited by vb68
  • Love 15

Gods damnit it! The only thing wrong with this series is that each episode is too short!

Well they've definitely got my attention now. I want to binge so badly but I'm also enjoying the suspense, especially because we know there's an end point. 

Confirmation that Herb is also in on it and probably every other person we've met. And he and Agnes are possibly on the opposite side to Geraldine/Monica as they don't like her arrival. Vision seems to be more than just in Wanda's head as he is independently realising something is off when she's not there. Herb just cutting through the breeze blocks like nothing was something sitcom zany but enough off kilter for Vision to notice. 

I definitely get the feeling that there's more to "Ralph" than the classic sitcom character we never see trope. 

So Wanda does have some control to expel "Geraldine" out of the distorted reality, which is actually a physical thing that's being monitored by SWORD! The red is the reality stone/aether/angry sludge right? Wanda looked seriously horror movie creepy in those ending scenes, big props to Elizabeth Olsen. 

Twins, Tommy and Billy. So adorable! They didn't waste any time getting through that pregnancy. I actually chuckled at a few of the jokes, very 70s though they were. "and you young lady might just have what it takes.....to be a nurse!"

Wanda remembering she's a twin and Pietro being the trigger that Monica tries to get through to Wanda with the Ultron reference. It's also possible that "Geraldine" didn't remember until that moment. I loved the wacky story about Gravity Os. TP is doing a great job as well, looking forward to getting to know more about Monica. 

Hydra Soak, I did laugh, that's actually a good cover for them as a company, no one will suspect. The "escape to a world all your own where your problems float away" definitely points to Wanda wanting that but I still think someone else is using it for their own nefarious purposes. 

  • Love 10

That theme song is so cheesy and 70s I had to watch it multiple times. Vision's exasperated look when the swingset collapses kills me. Plus the Brady Bunch stairs and so much gold and brown. Perfect. 

Things are starting to unravel now. The doctor talks about not being able to escape, Herb was in some weird trance, and he and Agnes seem to know they're trapped, though they don't want Vision to know for some reason. I think we're supposed to think they're the bad guys, but I'm not so sure. Even Vision realizes something is off. I think Geraldine showed up on that helicopter and when it crashed, that caused her to forget who she is and why she was sent in. But as soon as Wanda mentions Pietro she starts to remember. 

Wanda really seems to have a lot of control over what's happening. She again rewinds the "scene" when Vision starts to question things and she straight up ejects Geraldine through the forcefield. It looks like the trucks have the SWORD logo on them, so I'm curious why they're all pointing guns at Geraldine if she's working with them. Still, there has to be more going on since the voice on the radio asked Wanda who was doing this to her.

Other things I loved: Wanda asking Vision if he wanted to meet his son as himself (aww!), Wanda eating fruit that correlated with the stages of her pregnancy, and Daydream Believer playing over the end. I love when upbeat pop songs are played over creepy scenes; it makes it more unsettling. 

  • Love 16

Fastest TV pregnancy ever! Even skipped morning sickness!

“Let’s abandon the kitchen!” Lmao that line delivery was just gold. As was Dottie’s husband muttering “Thank God” after their lights went out after asking if her earrings made her look fat.😂😂😂😂

I knew it would be twin boys. I was starting to wonder why Wanda didn’t name one after Pierrot but when she starting singing that lullaby and “Geraldine” brought up Ultron, I knew it would be a trigger. Wanda definitely had more control over this universe than we thought.

I wonder when Vision will start to wonder why they keep changing decades, or why everybody accepts “Vision” as a regular name.

These episodes are too short, with nothing after the long credits! Stop messing with us, Marvel!

  • Love 16

Well, hot damn. Outside of the glossy '70s-style packaging (which they absolutely nailed) and the wacky sitcom shenanigans (hiding the pregnant belly with coats and a fruit bowl, hee), this just left me with more questions than answers! And that's not a complaint; puzzles and intrigue are my jam and this show excels at leaving me wanting more. 

Vision quoting "all the world's a stage" sure doesn't feel like a coincidence. Herb and Agnes are definitely actors playing their parts, though why they came close to revealing themselves to Vision, I don't understand. Wanda still seems to have sole control over this construct (rewinding Vision when he mentioned the weirdness of their situation, forcefully expelling Geraldine after the Ultron comment), so maybe Agnes and Herb are being held hostage here to perpetuate the fantasy. 

The symbol on Geraldine's necklace matches the symbol shown at the end of episode one (when the camera pulled out and revealed someone watching WandaVision--it's on the notebook the person's holding). That necklace seemed to be as much of a trigger for Wanda as the reference to Ultron and Pietro. I wonder if perhaps the necklace was a reminder to Wanda that this reality isn't authentic; she turned quite sinister, quite quickly at removing Geraldine, all in order to return to her serene family moment with Vision.

I'm gonna have to rewatch all three episodes now and see if I can get any other pieces to mesh together. I personally love the Disney+ strategy of dropping new stuff on Fridays; it gives me a whole week to digest what I've watched and anticipate more, and that's so fulfilling to me.

  • Love 11

Sorry guys but what’s SWORD? I’ve seen all the marvel films but find it hard to keep up with it all. I never watched Agents of Shield so not sure if it’s from that?

this show is so good. It started slowly with only a few snippets of information in the first two episodes but episode three was good.

My theory was that Wanda has gone mad over the loss of Vision in the movies and has created this alternate universe where they’re together and leading an idyllic life. It’s obviously way more complicated though as I don’t know where Hydra fits into it or why people like Geraldine are infiltrating the dream world unless it’s causing damage to the real world..


  • Love 3
11 minutes ago, Avabelle said:

Sorry guys but what’s SWORD? I’ve seen all the marvel films but find it hard to keep up with it all. I never watched Agents of Shield so not sure if it’s from that?

Sentient World Observation and Response Department, it's the Extra-Terrestrial counterpart to S.H.I.E.L.D.

Business is picking up. So was Geraldine mentioning Ultron a mistake, or did she mean to do that?

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, phalange said:

Things are starting to unravel now. The doctor talks about not being able to escape, Herb was in some weird trance, and he and Agnes seem to know they're trapped, though they don't want Vision to know for some reason. I think we're supposed to think they're the bad guys, but I'm not so sure. Even Vision realizes something is off. I think Geraldine showed up on that helicopter and when it crashed, that caused her to forget who she is and why she was sent in. But as soon as Wanda mentions Pietro she starts to remember.

"I'm a twin." Oh, sweetheart.

Seriously, despite what Wanda's doing, she's obviously broken. When she went from sad to scary, I really thought she'd done something more serious to Geraldine than just wishing her into the cornfield, even though she seemed so calm when Vision came back into the house. Major kudos to Elizabeth Olsen for being able to make Wanda sympathetic even though it's clear now that she's mostly in control of what's going on. Her powers fritzing due to the pregnancy aside, she's got enough of a handle on it to blink Geraldine 'out of town' altogether if her ideal of a life with Vision is threatened.

What struck me also is that Agnes looked scared when she told Herb to be quiet. Because he was about to finish his sentence of, "We're all here because..." until she shut him up with one of those fast head shakes. Even if they're the bad guys, they must also know that Wanda is unstable so Agnes is (maybe rightfully) afraid of her.

The little song she was singing to the babies seemed to be what pulled back some of the layers, like a trigger, since it woke Geraldine up enough that she broke her cover. She was trying to get through to Wanda, bring her closer to reality, but Wanda is unhappy and she doesn't want to remember, so she wished it (and Geraldine) away to make the pain stop.

Minor notes: Geraldine's blue eye shadow made me laugh out loud. And the way Wanda's coats kept changing while she was in the kitchen. I wonder if she kept the mink one.

  • Love 15

Hmm, I'm not sure Wanda is always mostly in control of what's going on. It's clear she does have enough power to literally throw Monica out when she threatens to force her to remember things she doesn't want to but there's more to it. We also didn't see Wanda be the one to rewind Vision this time, it could have been something else. Or not. 

There are two sides of people who know what's going on Agnes/Herb(probably Dottie) who didn't seem overtly malevolent this ep and actually quite worried about what's going on because of Geraldine who is almost certainly trying to help Wanda and probably also because of Wanda herself. In the eps before they were definitely trying to stop Wanda and Vision from realising something was up ala the red helicopter scene. Then obviously SWORD trying to break through. 

I did wonder if there was going to be a twist and a set up for Wanda being an outright antagonist in Dr Strange 2 but I don't think it's that. She might have done this in her grief and doesn't care about the consequences or even if she's trapping people but she's also being used.  

I have a feeling Mrs Hart/Debra Jo Rupp might also play into it more. And as I said, obviously Ralph. 

  • Love 2

Just as I am laughing about sitcom hijinks, shit gets creepy again, this show gives me serious whiplash in the best ways possible. As much as I am desperate to see the next episode and figure out more of what is happening, I am glad that Disney is releasing one episode per week so that I can really think on ever episode, absorbing every clue and coming up with theories about what is actually going on, its makes the experience of watching and discussing the show so much more fun. 

So Wanda clearly has some kind of idea of what is going on, even if its only some of the time, and she has some control over this world. I think that she is normally as deep into the sitcom world as Vision is, but when something triggers her and reminds her that this is a false reality, she realizes what is going in again...and she has no desire to realize that this isn't real. It also seems like the neighbors have some idea of what is actually happening, at least some of the time, but its hard to tell if they're bad guys or are just normal people who have been sucked into this fantasy world and now they cant get out. 

We got another Hydra commercial, but with a sort of Roman theme, and with it being bath product, I wonder if its a reference to Hydra's brainwashing techniques. Is that what is going on? An attempt at brainwashing that went sideways for whoever was trying to do it? 

This weeks decade is the 70s, and they really go out with all the 70s style. The opening was very Partridge Family, and the houses design screamed Brady Bunch to me, plus all of the very 70s fashion on everyone and the goofy 70s jokes, subtlety different in style and tone than the goofy 50s and 60s jokes. The intro might have been my favorite yet, the super 70s music and graphics were just killing me. We also meet babies Tommy and Billy, also the names of her and Visions magical pregnancy babies from the comics, and get our first reference to Pietro in ages. Wanda going from sadly talking about losing her brother, to turning cold as soon as Geraldine mentioned Ultron and that Pietro was killed by him, was deeply creepy. I still have no idea how much Wanda is in control, its clear that there are outside forces here and I have to think that some greater power is manipulating things, but it seems like maybe in her despair, Wanda is allowing the manipulation to happen. 

I still think that there is more to Agnese's husband "Ralph" than being a classic invisible sitcom character.

Edited by tennisgurl
  • Love 5

I am not fully sure what to make of the notion that Vision has super-speed in this episode. Classically in the comics and in the MCU, super-speed like he displays in this episode isn't among his power set, which consists of intangibility, flight, the ability to become super-dense, super-strength, and to emit blasts. He might have faster reflexes than a human, but not true super-speed.

Speed is of course Pietro's forte. So it seems that for the first time in this alt-reality, Wanda has been letting thoughts about Pietro creep in, and she has merged her memories of Pietro with her memories of Vision, combining her two great losses.

I've seen fans online complaining about her creating a reality with Vision but not Pietro. Well, now we're getting a glimpse as to why perhaps.

  • Useful 2
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46 minutes ago, Featherhat said:

Hmm, I'm not sure Wanda is always mostly in control of what's going on. It's clear she does have enough power to literally throw Monica out when she threatens to force her to remember things she doesn't want to but there's more to it. We also didn't see Wanda be the one to rewind Vision this time, it could have been something else. Or not. 

Yeah, I still feel like it is ambiguous in regards to how much control Wanda has. That we didn’t see her rewind time this time and we didn’t see her get rid of Monica makes me think there is more at play. Why hide it when it is the obvious conclusion? 

5 hours ago, Featherhat said:

Confirmation that Herb is also in on it and probably every other person we've met. And he and Agnes are possibly on the opposite side to Geraldine/Monica as they don't like her arrival.

I didn’t see it that way. I took it as confirmation that they are aware that something is wrong. If they were in on it why would they so obviously tip their hand to Vision? I thought Herb was going to say everyone was trapped. 

1 hour ago, Cobalt Stargazer said:

What struck me also is that Agnes looked scared when she told Herb to be quiet. Because he was about to finish his sentence of, "We're all here because..." until she shut him up with one of those fast head shakes. Even if they're the bad guys, they must also know that Wanda is unstable so Agnes is (maybe rightfully) afraid of her.

That stood out to me, also. I feel like none of it is going to end up being clear cut. 

Well they aren't even trying to be subtle about the Hexagons now. 

Nor with the cracks about people not being able to escape. 

The Brady stairs were pretty obvious, and the actual front doorway and yard about the same, but nursery and kitchen pretty different. 

This was certainly Banananuts bonkers. 

Gee, is the black guy The Devil?  That's a bit too on the nose. Although Agnes actually seemed like the Senior Partner in that subtle bit of villainy. 

Not that Wanda seems to need much outside help to play the heavy, either way. 

Glad Pietro got acknowledged, even if it was just a device to show Wanda ditching even more of her mind. 

Edited by Kromm
36 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

I definitely don’t think it’s a coincidence that the show has used Daydream Believer so often in advertising and now in the show itself...

If you parse the words, at the very least just in that title, it's literally what's going on. 

8 hours ago, pootlus said:

I wonder if Wanda ejected Geraldine from the simulation (intentionally or unintentionally) or whether Geraldine was pulled out.  I'm guessing the former from Wanda's odd expression.

I don't think they left any mystery here that Wanda did it. 

  • Love 5
59 minutes ago, Dani said:

Yeah, I still feel like it is ambiguous in regards to how much control Wanda has. That we didn’t see her rewind time this time and we didn’t see her get rid of Monica makes me think there is more at play. Why hide it when it is the obvious conclusion? 

It's interesting though that the moment from the trailers where Geraldine blips wasn't presented the same here. I think this got tweaked in editing. 

  • Love 2

I feel bad for Geraldine.  I read somewhere on Twitter that she didn't actually know her name was Geraldine until she shook Wanda's hand at the planning committee.  I could have sworn I saw a promo with Geraldine saying "I don't know" when Wanda asked her who she was.  

Agnes and Herb seem like more passive members of the simulation, while Dottie and Geraldine are more direct, because they both reminded Wanda of reality.  Dottie's lucky that she didn't get jettisoned out of the simulation, too.

Although Wanda does have control over the simulation (or it appears she does) she doesn't have control over the outside forces making their way in.  Or Vision.  She can only erase/rewind so much before he catches on. 



  • Love 2
12 minutes ago, Amethyst said:

I could have sworn I saw a promo with Geraldine saying "I don't know" when Wanda asked her who she was.  

You did. That bit doesn't seem to have made the final cut. 

13 minutes ago, Amethyst said:

Agnes and Herb seem like more passive members of the simulation,

I dunno. Agnes seemed even more fishy than Herb. Plus I think there's a mystery about who the heck Herb is vs. Ralph. Is Herb a replacement or the same guy? 

  • Love 1

Plus I think there's a mystery about who the heck Herb is vs. Ralph. Is Herb a replacement or the same guy? 

I'm not sure what you mean?  Isn't Herb the same guy from the talent show last week?  I don't think he's taking the place of Ralph.  

Although I found out this week that Herb lived next door, or that Phil (the sad sack guy) and Dottie were married.

  • Love 1
12 minutes ago, Amethyst said:


I feel bad for Geraldine.  I read somewhere on Twitter that she didn't actually know her name was Geraldine until she shook Wanda's hand at the planning committee. 


I think that’s the assumption because she hesitated and seemed confused when asked her name. 

13 minutes ago, Amethyst said:

I could have sworn I saw a promo with Geraldine saying "I don't know" when Wanda asked her who she was.  

Yes, in the show Geraldine sort of whispers “I don’t...” Looks like they went with a different take in the show versus the promo. 


1 hour ago, Kromm said:

It's interesting though that the moment from the trailers where Geraldine blips wasn't presented the same here. I think this got tweaked in editing. 

I’m assuming the promo blips were just added for the effect but won’t necessarily be in the show. 

Did anyone else find the baby side-eye at Geraldine unusual and creepy? 

"Daydream Believer" by the Monkees has a The Brady Bunch connection: Davy Jones guest-starred as himself on an episode where Marcia has a teen crush on him ("I'll never wash this cheek again" Marcia memorably says after Davy kisses her.) I can't recall if the song itself was in the TBB episode, but I don't think it was. ETA: The song title itself has obvious reference to whatever unreal states the story is taking place in, e.g., the players are believing in a daydream/illusion.

Edited by Penman61
  • Love 5
6 minutes ago, Penman61 said:

"Daydream Believer" by the Monkees has a The Brady Bunch connection: Davy Jones guest-starred as himself on an episode where Marcia has a teen crush on him ("I'll never wash this cheek again" Marcia memorably says after Davy kisses her.) I can't recall if the song itself was in the TBB episode, but I don't think it was.

Well there's that, but believing a daydream is also literally what's going on here.  Levels of meaning to that. 


1 hour ago, Amethyst said:

I'm not sure what you mean?  Isn't Herb the same guy from the talent show last week?  I don't think he's taking the place of Ralph.  

Although I found out this week that Herb lived next door, or that Phil (the sad sack guy) and Dottie were married.

You're correct. I didn't realize until later that he's behind the wall and Agnes is blocking him. I initially read the layout as them being together. 

But SYMBOLICALLY there's even more to it. The hedge clippers cutting the wall was no throw away joke. Like with "Daydream Believer" it's another metaphor. Herb was (metaphorically) trying to escape. 

  • Love 4
6 hours ago, Linny said:

The symbol on Geraldine's necklace matches the symbol shown at the end of episode one

Others have written about the SWORD logo. I WILL say not as many seemed to notice Geraldine's EARINGS. Hexagons. 

There's some real (clearly intentional) confusion between Marvel organizational logos. SWORD =SWORD. HEXAGONS =a villainous organization called AIM. 

I also wonder if Dottie's earrings (the ones she's worried about making her look fat) aren't also Hexagons? 

  • Love 1

The 70s-style opening theme and song was as perfect as I figured it would be!  Definitely going for a Brady Bunch vibe there, I thought.

Amused by all of the pregnancy hijinks and cliches that have been popular for ages, but I think my favorite was all of the "hide the pregnancy" bits, because that is always amusing whenever shows try to hide the real-life pregnancies with their actresses, instead of finding ways to work them into their show.  Those big coats, random vases, and perfectly placed fruit baskets!

Agnes is definitely either behind everything or knows more than she is letting on.  Wouldn't be surprised by the speculation that her unseen husband/Ralph will factor in as well.

Definitely curious to see more of Geraldine: especially with her getting booted out of the simulation (loved how they changed the format of the screen, when she went into the "real world.")

I certainly don't want to take anything away from Paul Bettany, who has been a blast here, but wow, Elizabeth Olsen is really impressing me here.  The way she flips from the broad, "sitcom wife" to a more serious and kind of chilling Wanda, is spot-on.  I'm liked them bring up Pietro again, because between him and the real Vision dying in front of her like they did, it really is no surprise that she is as emotionally broken as she is.  It's just she has magical powers, so that makes things, well, kind of complicated.

I wish it was next Friday already!

  • Love 12

Even though we'd left Bewitched behind in favor of The Brady Bunch, some of the doctor's line readings sounded very Paul Lynde, which I found amusing.

Also loved how, in that typical TV-land way, she gave birth to giant babies that were in no way newborns, and which evidently came already wrapped in blankets (at least when she was handed the first one).

(And like last week, I'm convinced the guy in the opening credits outside the library with Vision and Herb is definitely David Schwimmer in makeup. If they get to the 90s in a few weeks, they have to be saving him for a Friends reveal.)

This one felt a lot faster, likely because it had a straightforward, propulsive plot, which I enjoyed, but the creepier elements toward the end really made it.

Edited by TheOtherOne
  • Love 2

Wanda went from sweet to terrifying quickly asking Geraldine what she said about Pietro. I wonder if its because she remembered him it made Geraldine remember the real world. Because the way she said it like she was like she recalling something she heard rather than trying to get Wanda to remember.

I also think Herb and Anges started remembering like Dottie last week because Wanda's pregnancy was messing with her powers. Anytime she lets her guard down people remember. I'm curious about Vision, did she create him or do we have another WW situation going on. Everyone else seems like they are real people. Whether they are good or bad in real life is yet to be determined.

Now we have Tommy and Billy or 

Wiccan and Speed in the MCU

I'll have to echo every one else. Elizabeth Olsen is really killing it in this show. I'm glad they gave her show to flesh out her character. 

  • Love 10

More freakiness with that glitch when Vision said something was wrong with Wanda, the odd Kubrickesque look into the nursery, Wanda bringing up Pietro and singing that lullaby.


And then Geraldine suddenly bringing up Pietro being killed by Ultron.  And the neighbors telling Vision Geraldine has no home and not being able to give a straight answer and Agnes telling Herb to be quiet.  And then Wanda's coldness when Vision asks where Geraldine is followed immediately by Geraldine being shunted out of Wanda's reality.  Her eyes didn't flicker with energy like they did in the trailer though.

Nice touch with the naming of the babies Tommy and Billy.  And I admit, the house going haywire during Wanda's contractions was kind of funny.

Another nice touch was  "Daydream Believer" at the end.

And yet another commercial involving Hydra.

Edited by bmoore4026
  • Love 6
1 hour ago, TheOtherOne said:

And like last week, I'm convinced the guy in the opening credits outside the library with Vision and Herb is definitely David Schwimmer in makeup

I think they've DELIBERATELY hired a few look/sound alikes for a sitcomy feel. I was convinced, for example, from the early commercials that the guy over the fence was Craig Robinson, for example, because his line readings sounded just like Craig. But it's not. It's someone named David Payton. He's got a tiny, but real career if IMDB is to be believed. 3 or 4 guest star single episodes of TV. mostly what looks like work as an Extra.  

Similarly, Mr. Looks Like Schwimmer is named David Lengel.  Yes, I know the first name is the same.  We gotta lotta Davids to sort through. IMDB says he's literally a bit actor in about 3 dozen things, but it's all 1 shots.

  • Love 5

The sit com stuff does nothing for me. I have fun picking out the look (Brady Bunch) opening credits (Partridge Family).

Someone called Hydra as the commercial this week, going through Wanda's life/journey.

I loved the reality creeping in, there was a lot of horror aspects to this episode. It reminded me of that Twilight Show (movie) vignette with the super powered kid who trapped his "family" in the house, he could alter/create reality. I think that's what Wanda has done, she's trapped people in this reality she created. Some of them are just creations, others are real people trapped.

  • Love 2

I've been wondering about Vision. We know he's not a real person (right?) because Vision is dead as of the MCU movies. Yet he exists in the show as a distinct character, apart from Wanda, meaning we see him interact with others when Wanda's not around. He questions things, noticing things are off. I've wondered if he's part of Wanda that knows what she's doing, but he does seem to be a character in the "show" on his own. 

ETA: I see some of the Vision questions I have are being discussed in Speculation. I'll keep an eye on it there!

My sense is that Wanda really has no idea what she's doing. Even when she's protecting herself and her "vision," I think she still is separated from the reality of what she's doing. I feel like she's created this world - maybe because of something done by the bad guys - and some people (bad guys) like Agnes and Herb somehow got caught up in it knowing what was happening, while some people (good guys?) like Geraldine and maybe Anya (I can't remember her WandaVision name) are caught up in it without knowing what's going on, though sometimes things break through. 

16 hours ago, Jediknight said:

So, the commercial was for Hydra soap, which was blue.  I guess Coulson was right all along.


16 hours ago, vb68 said:

There was a real commercial just like that in the 70s.  "Calgon take me away!"

That tag line literally went through my mind while I was watching. 

I have to admit that I laughed out loud at: "Do these earrings made me look fat?" *power goes out* "Oh, thank God."


Edited by bethy
  • Love 4
15 hours ago, phalange said:

. Plus the Brady Bunch stairs and so much gold and brown. Perfect. 


Not just the stairs but the fake grass back yard too. On the plus side Elizabeth Olsen rocked that super long super straight hair look.

13 hours ago, Spartan Girl said:

Fastest TV pregnancy ever! Even skipped morning sickness!

Not just fastest but easiest even by tv standards. Plus hilarious giant clean babies with no umbilical cords.

10 hours ago, Featherhat said:

She might have done this in her grief and doesn't care about the consequences or even if she's trapping people but she's also being used.  

If this was all set up by her grief imagine when her "series" comes to an end and her babies get taken away. Especially since Wanda losing her shit when her fake babies disappear is an established story.


20 minutes ago, SeanC said:

Randy Oglesby was a regular guest actor on a lot of shows I watched in the 1990s and 2000s, but it feels like I hadn't seen him in a while, so it was cool to recognize him as the doctor.

I liked that he was Dr. Neilsen, since a classic sitcom move to boost Neilsen ratings is add a baby or babies.

  • Love 9


15 hours ago, Featherhat said:

So Wanda does have some control to expel "Geraldine" out of the distorted reality, which is actually a physical thing that's being monitored by SWORD! The red is the reality stone/aether/angry sludge right?

I think the red is just canonically how MCU Wanda's powers are portrayed visually. She had the same deal going on in Captain America: Civil War.

11 hours ago, Cobalt Stargazer said:

Seriously, despite what Wanda's doing, she's obviously broken. When she went from sad to scary, I really thought she'd done something more serious to Geraldine than just wishing her into the cornfield, even though she seemed so calm when Vision came back into the house. 

Wanda can be seriously scary. I'd be in favor of the Sokovia Accords now, except that government regulation for superhumans as powerful as Wanda are basically voluntary on their part.

9 hours ago, Kromm said:

Well they aren't even trying to be subtle about the Hexagons now. 

Oh, I hadn't known hexagons were part of AIM's logos. I assumed it was just a reference to Wanda, because in the comics there was a lot more talk about her being a witch and employing hexes.

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I loved having the Brady Bunch style with Vision practicing diapers on Kitty Karry-All and then having things turning so menacing at the end to Davy Jones. I'm not even trying to figure everything* out, just enjoying the ride. 

Geraldine's outfit was much more Carol Brady than Wanda's and I am here for it. She looked awesome. *I was trying to figure out if the fish have any meaning or if she's just stylish as hell.

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