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S02.E19: Fight Or Flight

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5 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I suspect that something in Brittney, perhaps ignorance and arrogance, makes her feel that her daring behavior is somehow commendable. Not sure what it would take to wipe that silly grin off her face, but, it's likely to happen if she continues with her frivolity in dangerous situations.  

Brittany has probably had a lot of older men tell her how cute she is and give her presents all the time.  

Her worth, as she put it, comes from her attractiveness to men.  

If no one has ever challenged her, there is no reason for her to not think she's all that.

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1 hour ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Yes, Brittney reminds me of the unstable person who marches into a polar bear exhibit wanting to pet the animals.  For a moment, the bears are in in disbelief....what is this?  A human with a stupid grin on their face, approaching a hungry thousand pound carnivore.  WTH? But, soon the bear says, the hey with it and proceeds to do what wild animals do.  

Kinda like the girl who, a few years ago (15? 16?), climbed into the Meerkat exhibit at a local zoo and got bit?  And they meerkat had to be put down to test for rabies as the parents refused to have the girl have a rabies shot?  (Which are no longer in the stomach, it goes into the arm, like a flu shot, it is a series of four of them)

I have hiked through Glacier, solo, (after age 50, may I please boast?) and you know going in: THIS IS THEIR HOME.

Britteny - go home and play on your IG all day!

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Binky and Areola:   Binky needs to work.  If you want him to quit his night job, enjoy that first apartment you were living in with the designer bathroom.

Gammy and Sumtwit:   By my calculation, Sumtwit will finish paying back his dad by 2052.

Britney Spears and I am Yaz:   Britney's next vacation in Afghanistan will feature some sexy topless bathing!

Cheesedick and Melizzzzza:   You dare my passive-aggressive?  I'm going to TRIPLE dog dare your passive-aggressive!!

Jibum and Wednesday:   Mom-in-law simulates doing number 2 in a museum, warm bonding moment ensues.

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3 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

I will respectfully offer that she does know and does not care - rules don't apply to her.  

I think you are absolutely correct!!!  Because, like, she is an AMERICAN! 🤢🤢🤮 (Nausea is not about being American but about her.)

Edited by Kid
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32 minutes ago, Kid said:

I think you are absolutely correct!!!  Because, like, she is an AMERICAN! 🤢🤢🤮 (Nausea is not about being American but about her.)

Not because she's American, but because she's Brittany! 🤢

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Are these 90-day shows aired in other countries?  It really bothers me to think others are thinking this is representative of all Americans.  Most of us are very nice.  I know because some of my best friends are Americans.


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Ari: You complain that you don't have any support but then when Bini sends people over you complain that you don't want people over? WTF? And unless you're going to get up off your wallet (which is really Mommy and Daddy's wallet) and pay the bills, Bini HAS TO WORK. At least he met your parents at the airport. What else do you want? Get over yourself.

Maybe it's my age, but I truly do not understand why people feel the need to check their SO's phones. If the level of trust has sunk that low, that might be a sign to get out of the damn relationship. Or in Ari's case, take your simple ass back to the States with Mommy and Daddy and raise your son as a single mom surrounded by this wonderful support system you say you're missing.

Brittany: Quit playing with that man and get the hell off my screen. Yazan: Grow up and get the hell off my screen. Angela: You seem like you have some sense. You knew that Brittany wasn't dressed appropriately. You knew that if it weren't for the camera crew you would have gotten a lot more harassment than you did. Run as far and as fast as you can from this hot mess.

Deavan/Jihoon: So I'm going to assume that the birth control failed, because it happens...and because I'm REALLY not understanding why you would even consider having unprotected sex given your circumstances. I'm probably going to hell for this, but if it weren't for Jihoon's mom reaching out to Deavan, I'd be suspicious of the entire story.

Jenny: I swear to God, you act like Deavan. "I want a big party where I get to dress up and celebrate!" Stop acting like what you guys are doing is normal. There really is no fool like an old fool. (And oh yeah, COVID.)

Cheesedick/MayLeaveYa: I've got nothing. I fall asleep every time you're on. Even the mom is boring. Do whatever you want to do.

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I think Bini's family figured out that Ari won't be staying in Ethiopia or ever baptizing the baby.   I also think that the relatives know that once Princess Ari leaves, they'll never see her or the baby again.   

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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1 hour ago, ExMathMajor said:

Ari: You complain that you don't have any support but then when Bini sends people over you complain that you don't want people over? WTF? And unless you're going to get up off your wallet (which is really Mommy and Daddy's wallet) and pay the bills, Bini HAS TO WORK. At least he met your parents at the airport. What else do you want? Get over yourself.

Maybe it's my age, but I truly do not understand why people feel the need to check their SO's phones. If the level of trust has sunk that low, that might be a sign to get out of the damn relationship. Or in Ari's case, take your simple ass back to the States with Mommy and Daddy and raise your son as a single mom surrounded by this wonderful support system you say you're missing.

Brittany: Quit playing with that man and get the hell off my screen. Yazan: Grow up and get the hell off my screen. Angela: You seem like you have some sense. You knew that Brittany wasn't dressed appropriately. You knew that if it weren't for the camera crew you would have gotten a lot more harassment than you did. Run as far and as fast as you can from this hot mess.

Deavan/Jihoon: So I'm going to assume that the birth control failed, because it happens...and because I'm REALLY not understanding why you would even consider having unprotected sex given your circumstances. I'm probably going to hell for this, but if it weren't for Jihoon's mom reaching out to Deavan, I'd be suspicious of the entire story.

Jenny: I swear to God, you act like Deavan. "I want a big party where I get to dress up and celebrate!" Stop acting like what you guys are doing is normal. There really is no fool like an old fool. (And oh yeah, COVID.)

Cheesedick/MayLeaveYa: I've got nothing. I fall asleep every time you're on. Even the mom is boring. Do whatever you want to do.

Great post!!!!!   🤣

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9 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

I will respectfully offer that she does know and does not care - rules don't apply to her.  

The rules don't apply to Brittney, right up until they do apply and someone decides to enforce them.  


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I agree that it's a good thing Deavan miscarried, as horrible as that sounds. She needs to stop breeding asap.

Ari is such a cunt. When they were dating, she was all "cool girlfriend" who didn't mind Bini playing butt bongos on his ex, unlike his other American ex. Now that they have the kid, she has flipped into the complete opposite and threatening to take the kid away from him if he doesn't do exactly what she says. Honestly her grabbing the phone from Bini was a real psycho move. Also getting upset he's going to work AFTER her parents are asleep gives a bad impression how? She's all "I could be happier" so you better change (paraphrasing), but what about Bini's happiness? She's is a complete bitch to be around!

I'm surprised at how normal Brittany's friend is! Can't really figure out why she'd be friends with Brittany though... I think Yazan was just born with those droopy sleepy eyes, he's never looked alert in the slightest. Maybe it's the inbreeding.

Edited by Takitaki
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I don't think Ari is well to begin with. She coped with anxiety w a passing grade but now post baby that is not going well. 

Brittney is auditioning for Sugar Baby the reality show starring herself. The more I watch her I think she is high or drunk AF a lot of the time. 

Edited by Alonzo Mosely FBI
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Ari and Bini: Why does Ari keep calling him BABY when referring to him? Baby said. Baby has to work. Baby is. Stop, already. Bini is a simple 4 letter name. Use it. And grow up while you're at it. 

Ari's mom and dad are delightful. I don't understand where it went wrong with her.  

Edited by bichonblitz
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3 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Ari and Bini: Why does Ari keep calling him BABY when referring to him? Baby said. Baby has to work. Baby is. Stop, already. Bini is a simple 4 letter name. Use it. And grow up while you're at it. 

Ari's mom and dad are delightful. I don't understand where it went wrong with her.  

"Baby" is apparently his nickname and she said that the first episode.  

Ari is one of those who I can't stand:  her approach is: "this is how you behave. IF YOU DON'T ACT the way I want you to, I am telling you  in advance I WILL BE MAD."  It's disrespectful to work on the evening her parents arrive.  It's disrespectful for him to communicate with other people. It's disrespectful and uncaring of him not to be with her when she is alone all day, but his efforts to provider her with company make her angry.  But he needs to provide for the family, so he'd better make some money.  She is exhausting. I think she is relatively attractive in the filmed segments, but looks off and rather crazy in her talking heads- maybe it's the darkly drawn in brows or the intense pink lipstick. 

Brittany is playing "American immature girlfriend mind games" with Yazan and I am so frustrated listening/watching it because she's obviously confusing the hell out of him with the language barrier and the generally vague expectations she has of him (which are totally in an American context; not at all in keeping with his culture.) He has no clue that he should "be right," or "step up to the plate and stand up to his family," or whatever nonsense she thinks she deserves.  Hell, I don't even know what egregious wrongs he has committed. But there she is, expecting him to toss out his culture and upbringing and embrace a "strong independent woman" (blecch) which apparently means, in her mind, a woman who can toss back booze in public, flaunt her "curvy attractive body" in the market, backtalk a stranger, skip the culturally expected hijab, etc etc.  I appreciate her friend's relatively reasonable attitude, but I was getting a headache hearing "liiiiike...." and "buiiitttttttt" over and over.

Jenny, Jenny.  I know you told us you are in better shape than Sumit's parents, but we really didn't need to be seeing you in your little negligee in the apartment, celebrating your "freedom breakfast." It's really funny that they are giddy about being "free," yet they have no money, don't have the blessing of Sumit's family, and are only at the "promise ring" stage.  

While Tim and Melitza (?) bore me to tears, I can say at least his mother was cordial and we didn't have to watch her make horrified faces at the environs or criticize the food.  I really see no future in this relationship because all they talk about is their "struggles" and infidelities and that's nothing to build a future on. She is cold, obviously bored, and loves carrying his testicles in her purse. The dramatic fights are all that holds these two together.

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I’m convinced having at least one friend or relative accompany (or visit later) the 90 Day participant in a foreign country is factored into the Sharp/TLC budget. Brittany got to bring Angela and supposedly her father will come to Jordan when and if (big if) they get married. Jenny’s daughter and her wife surprised them last season. Elicia has been to S Korea already and will be returning. Ari’s mother is coming for her second visit, this time with Dr. Daddy, too. Tim’s mother and aunt are visiting Co-LOOM-bee-yah. Kenny’s daughters showed up about a week after he got to Mexico. 

Over the past seasons, is there anyone who HASN'T had the obligatory visitor from the US as part of the story line? 

Edited by magemaud
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There may be exceptions, but, generally when a person acts entitled, demanding, rude and selfish, they have been catered to from childhood and taught that it's okay to behave that way.   The people that I know who are that way got a big start on it with overindulgent parents who set no limits, showered with gifts and cowered in a corner if the blessed child showed disapproval.  There's often one in each family.  Often the baby of the family and often in families who have the means to provide generous gifts.  The parents think they are doing a great job, but, in fact, they handicap their child more so than if they had chopped off a limb. 

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22 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

Kinda like the girl who, a few years ago (15? 16?), climbed into the Meerkat exhibit at a local zoo and got bit?  And they meerkat had to be put down to test for rabies as the parents refused to have the girl have a rabies shot?  (Which are no longer in the stomach, it goes into the arm, like a flu shot, it is a series of four of them)

My extended family went on a well planned (quarantined and tested first) pandemic vacation this summer.  We stayed at an Air BnB farmhouse on an island - where we awoke to bats flying around in the upstairs bedrooms. Three adults and two children (3 years old and 3 months old ) had to get the series of rabies shots. (The bats could not be captured, our odds of having been bitten were low, but if you are a bitten by a rabid bat the fatality rate is 100%).   
My bill for the first round of shots (multiple doses, based on your weight ) at the emergency room was $17,850. The next three shots in the series were billed at $500 each.  I have good insurance. Not everyone does.

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2 hours ago, kirklandia said:

My extended family went on a well planned (quarantined and tested first) pandemic vacation this summer.  We stayed at an Air BnB farmhouse on an island - where we awoke to bats flying around in the upstairs bedrooms. Three adults and two children (3 years old and 3 months old ) had to get the series of rabies shots. (The bats could not be captured, our odds of having been bitten were low, but if you are a bitten by a rabid bat the fatality rate is 100%).   
My bill for the first round of shots (multiple doses, based on your weight ) at the emergency room was $17,850. The next three shots in the series were billed at $500 each.  I have good insurance. Not everyone does.

Wow!  I am glad you are okay!!!  I think with the Meerkat case years ago, it was the entitlement of the parents that was rage inducing.  They tried to peddle the theory that their daughter was not at fault.....when she was at fault.  

Not gonna lie:  waking up to bats would have scared the sh*t out of me!!!!!

2 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

There may be exceptions, but, generally when a person acts entitled, demanding, rude and selfish, they have been catered to from childhood and taught that it's okay to behave that way.   The people that I know who are that way got a big start on it with overindulgent parents who set no limits, showered with gifts and cowered in a corner if the blessed child showed disapproval.  There's often one in each family.  Often the baby of the family and often in families who have the means to provide generous gifts.  The parents think they are doing a great job, but, in fact, they handicap their child more so than if they had chopped off a limb. 

These are the parents who, when told their child has a behavior issue at school, will side with their kid and look at you and ask what are YOU doing wrong?  Does not serve them well.  At all.

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20 hours ago, RealReality said:

The rules don't apply to Brittney, right up until they do apply and someone decides to enforce them.  


I cracked up when Brittany defiantly declared, “I am going to visit places Yazan didn’t want me to see” and headed to a marketplace.  She showed him.

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7 hours ago, magemaud said:

I’m convinced having at least one friend or relative accompany (or visit later) the 90 Day participant in a foreign country is factored into the Sharp/TLC budget. Brittany got to bring Angela and supposedly her father will come to Jordan when and if (big if) they get married. Jenny’s daughter and her wife surprised them last season. Elicia has been to S Korea already and will be returning. Ari’s mother is coming for her second visit, this time with Dr. Daddy, too. Tim’s mother and aunt are visiting Co-LOOM-bee-yah. Kenny’s daughters showed up about a week after he got to Mexico. 

Over the past seasons, is there anyone who HASN'T had the obligatory visitor from the US as part of the story line? 

I haven't seen confirmation about this for The Other Way.  But, I read that Sharp paid for the overseas (and Portland) trips for Happily Ever After because of Syngin's brother's emergency.  Once they paid for Syngin and Tania, they paid for everyone.  Recently, Jess or Larissa confirmed that Sharp paid for Debbie's expedited passport and the trip to Brazil.  Kalani lost out, because of the Samoan measles outbreak.

Sharp has to be paying for Brittany's trips back and forth.  They don't bother keeping their stories straight.  First, Brittany flew back to Chicago on a RT ticket for her divorce under the guise of meeting her sister's baby.  Last week, she said that she demanded that Yazan earn the money to pay for return trip; otherwise, she would not return.  Then, this week, she flew back to Jordan, after a sidetrip to West Palm Beach.  Neither she on her sugarbaby income nor Yazan on his taxi/barber income could have afforded that one-way ticket easily, and they didn't pool their funds.

At least TLC may have cheaped out or prioritized.  Brittany kept on complaining that her flight was 18 hours.  Her friend's was only 12.  The hotel goes for $100/night or so on Expedia.

Edited by Grifter Lives
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16 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Ari and Bini: Why does Ari keep calling him BABY when referring to him? Baby said. Baby has to work. Baby is. Stop, already. Bini is a simple 4 letter name. Use it. And grow up while you're at it. 

Ari's mom and dad are delightful. I don't understand where it went wrong with her.  

Omg it drives me nuts when she calls him baby to the camera . Who talks like that ? 

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On 11/9/2020 at 9:05 AM, magemaud said:

She could have created an international incident when she responded to the man who called her a "sin" 

how did Brittney  understand what that Jordanian was saying if she is not good at the language? It was not said in English was it?

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Loving the comments. I will add, Brittney just seems like such a forced storyline that I can't really take her as real.

Ari and Baby oh my- Ari is a mess. A freakin mess. The problem for me is that there is a baby ( like in newborn - not babydaddy) and this is real. It's unfortunate but it seems her parents, as lovely as they are, have been enabling her since day one. Then again, I know from personal experience that there are people like Ari and sometimes it almost doesn't matter how you deal with them because they are just problem and drama magnets.

I do not feel the love for Kenny and his beloved. They are nice and intelligent people, but I also find this relationship a bit too stretched and not so real. 

Maylisa and Cheese - she is so articulate and impressed to say he does actually speak Spanish- but they are dull dull dull.

Jihoon and Deavon- this is also just unfortunate. She is so dead looking and sad looking and sounding that it drains me to hear her speak. 

Janny and Sumit- also just unfortunate BUT thankfully no offspring.


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2 hours ago, Polliwollidoodle said:

Ari and Baby oh my- Ari is a mess. A freakin mess. The problem for me is that there is a baby ( like in newborn - not babydaddy) and this is real. It's unfortunate but it seems her parents, as lovely as they are, have been enabling her since day one. Then again, I know from personal experience that there are people like Ari and sometimes it almost doesn't matter how you deal with them because they are just problem and drama magnets.

I feel bad for the newborn baby too.  However if Ari's parents keep rescuing her they won't be helping her, or themselves.  She'll go somewhere else and have a baby with someone else if they keep enabling her.

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2 hours ago, Polliwollidoodle said:

I know from personal experience that there are people like Ari and sometimes it almost doesn't matter how you deal with them because they are just problem and drama magnets.

We all seem to know families where there are three or four kids.  Three may be a teacher, a nurse, a plumber, electrician, serving in the military, etc, and then there is one who works 20 hours a week at a gas station, lives in the basement and is fine with that.....at age 35 or 40.  And everyone seemingly turns a blind eye.  Ari said she was a "freelance travel writer" and works part time for her dad.  Translation:  I work 30 or so hours fo rmy dad, filing papers and answering phones,  I travel to Costa Rica, write some articles and hope they get published someplace other than my blog.

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If Ari is published anywhere other than her own blog I will eat my hat. If she is a freelance writer who has actually been paid for her work, why can't she continue to do it? She can do her work in her own home! She could pitch her articles about being a new mother in a strange country to a dozen different outlets. She's full of shit! 

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17 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

I wonder if Brittany's friend wasn't really a friend, but part of the production team?  

I don't wonder at all.  I can't imagine her wanting to bother with friends.  She's so wrapped up in herself that I can't imagine her wanting to talk to any "real" people other than her parents, who seem to be okay with how she is.

3 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

Ari said she was a "freelance travel writer" and works part time for her dad.  Translation:  I work 30 or so hours fo rmy dad, filing papers and answering phones,  I travel to Costa Rica, write some articles and hope they get published someplace other than my blog.

Translation:  I carry coffee to my dad's office a couple of times a week, and he pays me $200 every time I do that.  And then he pays for me to go to Costa Rica to get me out of his hair at the office.  I don't have a blog, but I'd LOVE to be a freelance travel writer, so that's what I tell people I am.  Carrying coffee to my dad pays more than I'll ever make "writing."

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On 11/10/2020 at 2:13 PM, Dobian said:

Binky and Areola:   Binky needs to work.  If you want him to quit his night job, enjoy that first apartment you were living in with the designer bathroom.

Gammy and Sumtwit:   By my calculation, Sumtwit will finish paying back his dad by 2052.

Britney Spears and I am Yaz:   Britney's next vacation in Afghanistan will feature some sexy topless bathing!

Cheesedick and Melizzzzza:   You dare my passive-aggressive?  I'm going to TRIPLE dog dare your passive-aggressive!!

Jibum and Wednesday:   Mom-in-law simulates doing number 2 in a museum, warm bonding moment ensues.

This entire beautiful post has me dying!! But Deavon=Wednesday. I'm assuming from Adams Family? Pure Gold! 

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14 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

This entire beautiful post has me dying!! But Deavon=Wednesday. I'm assuming from Adams Family? Pure Gold! 

Yes!  That photo they show at the beginning of their segments, where she's wearing some sort of babydoll top with her hair in braids.  That's Wednesday Addams all over!

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2 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:


8 hours ago, geej said:

how did Brittney  understand what that Jordanian was saying if she is not good at the language? It was not said in English was it?

I wouldn't be surprised if she's heard it before. 


She has probably heard Yazan talking about things that are considered “haran” in his country so when the man saw her he only had to say the single word and she knew he was referring to her clothing. But her retort, “YOU’RE haran” made absolutely no sense and she’s lucky nobody understood it anyway. 

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Ari and her parents: They seem nice and after a long flight they will want to turn in, not socialize till late with a newborn and Ari and Bini.  I would be impressed if my son's SO was like:  Peace out, I gotta go to work but let's meet for breakfast!  Ari think WAAAAAY too much of what her parents think of her and she is so so dependent on them, especially Mom, this is gonna end poorly.

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On 11/11/2020 at 11:38 AM, kirklandia said:

My extended family went on a well planned (quarantined and tested first) pandemic vacation this summer.  We stayed at an Air BnB farmhouse on an island - where we awoke to bats flying around in the upstairs bedrooms. Three adults and two children (3 years old and 3 months old ) had to get the series of rabies shots. (The bats could not be captured, our odds of having been bitten were low, but if you are a bitten by a rabid bat the fatality rate is 100%).   
My bill for the first round of shots (multiple doses, based on your weight ) at the emergency room was $17,850. The next three shots in the series were billed at $500 each.  I have good insurance. Not everyone does.

DAMN. Sorry you had to endure all that. Hope you and your family are doing well.

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17 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

We all seem to know families where there are three or four kids.  Three may be a teacher, a nurse, a plumber, electrician, serving in the military, etc, and then there is one who works 20 hours a week at a gas station, lives in the basement and is fine with that.....at age 35 or 40.  And everyone seemingly turns a blind eye.  Ari said she was a "freelance travel writer" and works part time for her dad.  Translation:  I work 30 or so hours fo rmy dad, filing papers and answering phones,  I travel to Costa Rica, write some articles and hope they get published someplace other than my blog.

You're incredibly generous.  I doubt she worked 30 hours a week at her father's practice.  I'd guess she just sort of showed up whenever she wanted and it may have amounted to 15 hours a week.  I think its a good compromise so she and her parents feel like she is working for their money.  Her father didn't seem very panicked that she was leaving him and just sort of asked her in passing if she had "trained a replacement" but I expect there are actual employees there doing the heavy lifting and they resent the hell out of Ari.  

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6 hours ago, RealReality said:

You're incredibly generous.  I doubt she worked 30 hours a week at her father's practice.  I'd guess she just sort of showed up whenever she wanted and it may have amounted to 15 hours a week.  I think its a good compromise so she and her parents feel like she is working for their money.  Her father didn't seem very panicked that she was leaving him and just sort of asked her in passing if she had "trained a replacement" but I expect there are actual employees there doing the heavy lifting and they resent the hell out of Ari.  

I think you are right, it is/was closer to 15.  I was in a good mood, lol.

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Clearly, Britney is her father’s creation.  It would be interesting to know when her parents split up and why her father raised her himself.  I feel sorry for her that she doesn’t see the danger in the things she does. If she goes back to Jordan, without a camera crew, I envision people not being as tolerant of her escapades in the street, market and bars.  Who am I trying to kid, she’s not going back there unless somebody else pays for the trip.

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5 minutes ago, Colfrmb said:

Clearly, Britney is her father’s creation.  It would be interesting to know when her parents split up and why her father raised her himself.  I feel sorry for her that she doesn’t see the danger in the things she does. If she goes back to Jordan, without a camera crew, I envision people not being as tolerant of her escapades in the street, market and bars.  Who am I trying to kid, she’s not going back there unless somebody else pays for the trip.

From now on, she's probably not going anywhere except the bathroom without a camera crew either. 

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1 hour ago, Colfrmb said:

Clearly, Britney is her father’s creation.  It would be interesting to know when her parents split up and why her father raised her himself.  I feel sorry for her that she doesn’t see the danger in the things she does. If she goes back to Jordan, without a camera crew, I envision people not being as tolerant of her escapades in the street, market and bars.  Who am I trying to kid, she’s not going back there unless somebody else pays for the trip.

Her mother helped.  When she told mom about lying about her divorce, mom concentrated on how to not get caurather than coming clean.  

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I think it would be a challenge for many American women to move somewhere like Jordan to be in a conservative Muslim family, and I can't imagine any less suited to it then Brittney.  She needs to just stay in West Palm Beach.  I agree with those saying she was darn lucky she had a camera crew with her.

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On 11/11/2020 at 10:59 PM, Jaclyn88 said:

Omg it drives me nuts when she calls him baby to the camera . Who talks like that ? 

Well, it's particularly confusing now that there is a baby.....

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Cheesedick Tim & Melyza: I think she could have stayed with Tim’s family more if she wanted to fix the relationship with his family, but not if she plans on continuing to be an emotionless grouch. Both of them continue to bore me to death.


Brittany and Yazan: My god, Brittany is so disrespectful! She's been to Jordan a number of times and is aware of the culture and customs yet she blatantly acted like a complete jackass. Even her friend tried to keep her in check. Her friend understood exactly how to conduct herself in that environment.  She should’ve spoken up and told Brittany she is wrong about everything.

It's one thing to keep your guard up, but it’s another to be completely blind about the culture and religion of Yazan and what he's going through. This guy literally gave up everything for her. She is just completely ignorant when it comes to different cultures. How she acted in this new episode was a joke but made it very clear about who she is.


Ari and Biniyam: I think Ari is justified in being suspicious of Biniyam’s work. He was acting pretty shady with that phone. He’s probably talking to baby momma number 3. Plus, ass drums with the ex is too much.

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45 minutes ago, Hotel Snarker said:

Brittany and Yazan: My god, Brittany is so disrespectful! She's been to Jordan a number of times and is aware of the culture and customs yet she blatantly acted like a complete jackass. Even her friend tried to keep her in check. Her friend understood exactly how to conduct herself in that environment.  She should’ve spoken up and told Brittany she is wrong about everything.

It's one thing to keep your guard up, but it’s another to be completely blind about the culture and religion of Yazan and what he's going through. This guy literally gave up everything for her. She is just completely ignorant when it comes to different cultures. How she acted in this new episode was a joke but made it very clear about who she is.

I agree.  All her "I'm worth more" lines got to me.  He has lost or given up pretty much everything he had for her, and she's spouting that stuff.  I'm not sure what all she has going on that makes her so valuable.

And I wasn't sure why the friend was pushing so hard for her to make up with Yazan.  Like you said, the friend seemed to get more about what was OK in Jordan.  She must have some idea what would be expected of Brittany there.

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On 11/12/2020 at 4:47 AM, geej said:

how did Brittney  understand what that Jordanian was saying if she is not good at the language? It was not said in English was it?

I thought she said that he said haram.  This is one of the words used by Muslims that a lot of people would know.  It means something that’s forbidden under Islamic law.  
Or did anyone hear it differently?

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On 11/12/2020 at 6:39 AM, Polliwollidoodle said:

Ari and Baby oh my- Ari is a mess. A freakin mess. The problem for me is that there is a baby ( like in newborn - not babydaddy) and this is real. It's unfortunate but it seems her parents, as lovely as they are, have been enabling her since day one. Then again, I know from personal experience that there are people like Ari and sometimes it almost doesn't matter how you deal with them because they are just problem and drama magnets.


I would guess that they accepted early on that she would have difficulties in life, maybe wouldn’t ever function independently so they are at peace with it.  I would bet she has been diagnosed in the past with something.   She is so unpleasant though.  

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