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S07.E02: Charleston Whine and Food Festival

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It’s about time Shep and Austin start working on their dad bods.   Let me preface this by saying I am a dog lover.  I have dogs, I follow dogs on Instagram, etc.  However, I don’t find Shep’s dog cute at all and the French Bulldog is being overbred as it’s the in Vogue breed.  Please don’t beat me up, just my opinion.
I think Whitney looks better than ever.  I do think it’s déclassé that Patricia cannot offer her guest a drink that contains vodka if that is their preference.

Kathryn’s getup at the nail salon looked ridiculous.  

Edited by Emmeline
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I have been looking forward to watching anything new and anything that's not Below Deck but this ain't it.  I can't do this season.

Edited by Axie
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I was unnerved by Craig taking over the “previously” voiceover that Cam used to do.  I mean, I guess he’s the logical choice but it still felt weird.

I’m really going to hope that there were editing shenanigans at work with Kathryn not getting that “energy derivatives” were not stock, twice.  (I mean, I have no clue what they are really either but I know they aren’t stock. 😆

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Shep’s party looked lame. No place to sit, no food, and gossip in every cornerI. Is Charleston like Peyton Place (I’m showing my age here) where everyone sleeps with everyone else and they all know and talk about it all the time. Is this 2020 or the 50’s?  Austen grow a pair!If someone is over 25 she’s probably had a few sexual experiences and stop acting like a teenager with his first girlfriend. Had Shep not made such a big deal about it, neither of those couples had to be are uncomfortable.  Katherine looked ridiculous with the big pink bow on her head.  Why do all these men look they either just fell out of bed in the clothes they went to bed with or they are dressed in pastel tuxedos with top hats on?    

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9 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

Something strange was going on with Naomie and Chelsea’s weights these past few years.  

Patricia is, what, in her seventies, and she’s meddling in the relationships of people young enough to be her grandchildren?  Shame on her and her totally ugly, gigantic, gold chain-link necklace.  I’m not a big Austen fan—I think he is more than a bit of a muppet—but who is this haughty snob to put Austen down for “only” being in three stores?  How many stores is Patricia Altschul in?  At least Austen’s not earning his money on his back.  

Michael can also miss me with his feigned aversion to vodka, as it comes from potatoes, which are from—gasp—the ground!  Isn’t everything originally from the ground?  Can Michael personally account that the juniper berries that go into Patricia’s gin never touched dirt?  The hell?  Regardless, I have a BA in History, and one of my Western Civ professors drummed it into our heads (and it was on the final) that back in the Middle Ages, people were afraid to eat potatoes, and they were starving to death, so the king of someplace in Europe famously ate a potato so that everyone would know it was ok.  So, the potato—good enough for royalty, but beneath Patricia and her butler.  Lol.  What did Michael and Patricia think those French fries they got from McDonald’s last season were made of?

So much yes. Michael’s pearl-clutching about something with vodka’s relation to potatoes made me go, “what in the eff??”, and John Pringle’s face said the same. What utter weirdos (Pat & Michael). 

Pat has no life so she has to sit around meddling, and trying to bust up Austen’s relationship. She IS a haughty snob, I was actually impressed that his beer is in three restaurants! (And relieved, since I thought he was still unemployed, ha.) 

Leva became 50x more interesting to me this episode. I like her husband/family and their restaurants look amazing! Impressive. 

Kathryn is so over the top, way too much makeup, hair too loud. She could have been so pretty and soft but no, she prefers the clown look. Her makeup looked really bad at the Dumb and Dumber party. 

Yea, what happened to Kathryn’s four level house and Bentley or whatever? Poor Kensie & Saint, such an unstable life. Constantly moving around, mom & dad together-and then not. And then back together again. Or their parents are dating many others, while they are still SO little. Oy. 

I too like seeing normal-weight women. Naomie and Cameran were teeny and Chelsea was actually scary-skinny. Danni is scary-skinny as well. 

Craig makes lots of jokes about being gay. 

Pringle is okay I guess but way too much too soon. Feels so manufactured. 


Edited by Sage47
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Yes. Charleston is exactly like Peyton Place but with a southern accent!  I knew Madison had gotten around since her divorce but seriously; can you find someone NOT from Charleston to sleep with? Just questions.

Kathryn living with Thomas, drinking again, acting a fool seems redundant.  Her being snarky about Cameran at this stage of the game (after 5 years) seems mean and petty.  OR just some stoopid drama for the show. Who knows.  I'm not sold.

HOWEVER... HAPPY that there are a couple of people who aren't WHITE on this season.  Just say'n.

And personally, I would have just PASSED on the gin martini... I HATE gin.  Sorry y'all. No can do.  If it's a choice between gin and prune juice, I'd go for prune juice; that's how much I cannot stand gin.  Just me.  But you'd THINK PATRICIA would have had SOME other choice besides a GIN martini.  BAD manners. Seriously. BAD. MANNERS.

Edited by goofygirl
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Kathryn looked like a car-hop in the scene with Danni.  She said she is always overdressed.  If looking like a car-hop is being overdressed, then yes, she was overdressed.  Kathryn and I don't share the same fashion lingo.  I think she said something about "cheerleader"?

Patricia and Whitney should have just told Pringle that he was going to have gin, whether he liked it or not.  Why is Patricia championing for Madison so hard this season?  Isn't she supposed to be engaged or some such shit?  I remember a massive rock she was wearing last season, and it appears to be gone this season.  It would be really hard to miss, I actually wondered if it was real.  Still do.  Could have been some kind of fake story line, she and Whitney cooked up for the show, then remembered they would need a warm body, and scrapped the whole thing. 

Pringle ought to hide that neck beard, it is nasty looking.  He would look much better with a well maintained beard since he has that unfortunate large hole in it to begin with.  Not much you can do with that though.  I see glimpses of a good personality in him, but he seems nervous too.  So far, he is okay. 




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I don’t get the controversy.  Madison had some previous beaus and they ran into one of them.  So what?

Why is Austin acting like it’s humiliating?  Because he thinks Shep is trying to throw it in his face that she had sex before he and Madison supposedly became a couple?

If it was a real relationship wouldn’t they both have talked about their past relationships?

But Madison went after Shep like a pit bull with a juicy leg.

Just seems like fake drama.  They could just avoid Shep but to be on the show, they have to keep getting together at these events for the sake of the show.


Also how is Austin paying for his living expenses from that beer.  Is it popular?  Or his salary on this show is the real source of income?

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Could John Pringle be any more boring? He looks like he needs a shave, haircut and a shower. 

3 hours ago, nexxie said:

Whitney’s sandwich looked tasty.

Yay! Whitney is eating again! Maybe that's why he's looking so much better. He was anorexic for a while. He used to say he hardly eats at all. Always covering up from head to toe in long sleeves and black. Glad to see he's out of that phase. 

I wish Kathryn would lose the orange lipstick. And the stoopid outfits. Oh, I forgot she's a fashionista that worked at Gwynn's and modeled the clothing. Before she got fired. 

I don't get why Craig is living with Austen. Did he say his house flooded or something like that? It's weird. Same with Kathryn living with asshole again. I think most of that is for the show. 

Sheppie and Craig were on WWHL tonight, they both looked good. They have a trainer and are going to the gym regularly,  Craig said he is off Adderall completely and has gained 18 lbs. Shep seemed much calmer. Maybe the girlfriend who looks like she's 12 is good for him. 

Since Patricia turns her nose up at vodka because it's made from potato's does that mean no mashed, fried or au gratin at her house, either? Are potato's peasant food in the Altshul household? This show is utter bullshit and please for the love of god I hope they don't make Madison the center of it all. She's just not that interesting. So she fucks everybody in town when she and Austen are on one of their many breaks. Big deal. 

Edited by bichonblitz
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12 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

I’m not sure I’m going to take it as gospel if it comes from the woman who said she was “literally” going to eviscerate Kathryn.  How would one even go about that, with some C4?

Knives!  Like with a goat or lamb.  -shudder-


12 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

The montage of Cameran being dismissive toward Kathryn reminded me exactly why I can’t stand the bitch Cameran, never could.

But... Kathryn's a horrible human being.  Being dismissive towards such horrible people is reasonable.  YMMV, of course, but I don't see how anything Cameron said wasn't the truth.  As stated by someone else last time, K's damaged injenue role only holds for so long.  


12 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

Wasn’t Kathryn renting a really expensive townhouse and driving a Phantom last season or something?  What happened to all of that?

I'm pretty sure I heard some words off-book about that townhouse of Kathryn's being some kind of deal to promote it for sale, but who knows?


11 hours ago, TexasGal said:

I was unnerved by Craig taking over the “previously” voiceover that Cam used to do.  I mean, I guess he’s the logical choice but it still felt weird.

I know!  It was pretty cute.  He sounds relatively terrible, but he might grow into it after three or four or twelve seasons of practice.


Patricia sounded stupid with her idiot potato crap and her hamfisted not-LVP meddling in Madison and Austen's relationship.  HOWEVER, team Patricia on the gin martini.  Vodka martinis should be nuked from orbit, just to be safe.  

I mean, Austen's kind of a dumb little child, but he's actually trying to DO things, I'm feeling sorry for him being given the endless petty meddling crap worthless Shep & Patricia are doing.  I do agree it seems pretty staged, though.  LET'S FIGHT AT AUSTEN'S EVENT.  STOP FIGHTING AT MY EVENT.  I'M SORRY BUT YOU SUCK ANYHOW.  Etc.

I actually hate Leva MORE now that they're opening a sports bar in (downtown?) Charleston.  I know I'm only a tourist, but it's a cute and stately and hip enough town, and sports bars are not any kind of benefit to my personal idealized view of the place.  Leva is just so annoying, like they constructed a BRAVO personality from the BRAVO Reality Replicator - Mark IV.  Nothing remotely new or interesting there at all.

Shep's GF's shtick - oh, you were an asshole, ha ha, so bad, don't keep doing it, whee, it would be terrible if you did - was either concerning or tiresome or both.  I know everyone says she looks young, but I'm not seeing it myself.

Edited by Lassus
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6 hours ago, aghst said:

Why is Austin acting like it’s humiliating?  Because he thinks Shep is trying to throw it in his face that she had sex before he and Madison supposedly became a couple?

1. Austen was a baby about Shep being an asshole on purpose.

2. I guess it was while they were ON A BREAK!  Or, it upsets him because it was probably (actually definitely, as per Austen himself in the episode) while they were not together and he was groveling to get her back.  In his mind, it might seem like it reads from her publicly as "SURE, we can get back together, as soon as I'm done with this cute piece of ass.  Just hold on.  No, for a bit longer."

Edited by Lassus
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6 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Could John Pringle be any more boring?


/Animal House guitar .gif that I'm too stupid to understand how to properly post

Edited by Lassus
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Naw, naw...uh uh---If you're going to be pretentious enough to have a fat, greasy "butler" lumbering around, you better make damn sure he knows not to interject his fat nose to bark up, criticize, and condescendingly contradict a guest in your home who gives his drink order. That fool should have been fired on the spot. But then I remembered, this isn't Downton Abbey...it's some white trash, fame-whoring poseurs.

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22 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

Kathryn really looked like a clown at that Dumb & Dumber party, between the clownish makeup, sequined topcoat, orange hair and clashing orange bow tie.  This is actually an offense to clowns.

I don’t think Kathryn should have even agreed to film a scene with thirsty Leva, though.  Are we using the word “dead” as a verb now?  I’m not sure I’m going to take it as gospel if it comes from the woman who said she was “literally” going to eviscerate Kathryn.  How would one even go about that, with some C4?

I do agree that it’s pretty evident that Madison fucked everyone.  So has Kathryn.  At least they own it.  Kathryn was right when she said that if anyone was talking about her or Madison the way that Kathryn was talking about Cameran, they wouldn’t be so fazed as to send soldiers in to fight their battles. 

The montage of Cameran being dismissive toward Kathryn reminded me exactly why I can’t stand the bitch Cameran, never could.  Cam’s MO from day one was to decide who was worthy of her attention and her affection, and who was not.  Guys got a pass over girls.  It was only at the reunion of season five (?) that Cameran got off her high horse and realized that Kathryn was “a child” (not quite, but whatever) when she got knocked up by Thomas for the first time and then Cameran was crying about how horrible she was to Kathryn for a zillion years.  It was only then that Cameran decided to descend from her throne to deign to treat Kathryn as someone other than a leper.  I guess Patricia gave Cameran the nod of approval or something.  Miss me.  

Wasn’t Kathryn renting a really expensive townhouse and driving a Phantom last season or something?  What happened to all of that?  Is she living there now with Thomas, or are they living somewhere else?  Some of the architecture looks similar to me on this show.  

If Austen is going to be in a relationship with Madison, he has to accept that she has a past.  I mean, her kid didn’t come from the stork.  And if Austen can’t handle it, that’s ok, he should head for greener pastures.  But if he wants to be with her, he has to be ok that the odds are that someone banged his girlfriend when he walks into any given room.  I don’t know why, but I feel like Craig would be ok with this.  Maybe I am shipping Madison and Craig a little?  Craig is awesome.  

Kathryn...that baby pink onesie is not your friend.  It’s your worst enemy.  Leva, take note WRT really tight pink clothes.  At least the females of this season are not whittling down to nothing.  Something strange was going on with Naomie and Chelsea’s weights these past few years.  

Whitney is a vegan, except when he’s ordering a barbecue sandwich...or eating a steak last season?  My kind of vegan, I guess.

I’m kind of over Shep throwing rocks and then hiding his hands.  I’m overall sick of Shep.  I’m sick of his southern-gentleman-cum-Valley-Girl accent, I’m sick of his mailbox money, I’m sick of his perpetually messy hair and his big gopher teeth.  The only thing I could stand about him was that he was ok with being single (Thomas, are you listening?) and that is the only thing he has changed about himself. 

Austen, good luck with trying to get Shep to act like an adult.  Shep doesn’t have the first clue how to act like an adult.  He only knows how to be a man-child and talk behind people’s backs like a little bitch, whether it’s Craig, Madison or Austen.  You can be his buddy, but don’t trust him.  If Austen chooses to trust him, that’s on Austen.  Don’t expect a scorpion to change its stinger.  Same goes for Madison.  Instead of constantly trying to extract an apology from Shep, why doesn’t Madison just write him off?  That would kill him the worst.  

The amount of enthusiasm I have for John Pringle’s past as “an energy derivatives clerk” and where he lived in Charleston is at exactly zero.  Why are his eyes so far apart?  Does the Pringle family tree split? 

Patricia is, what, in her seventies, and she’s meddling in the relationships of people young enough to be her grandchildren?  Shame on her and her totally ugly, gigantic, gold chain-link necklace.  I’m not a big Austen fan—I think he is more than a bit of a muppet—but who is this haughty snob to put Austen down for “only” being in three stores?  How many stores is Patricia Altschul in?  At least Austen’s not earning his money on his back.  

Michael can also miss me with his feigned aversion to vodka, as it comes from potatoes, which are from—gasp—the ground!  Isn’t everything originally from the ground?  Can Michael personally account that the juniper berries that go into Patricia’s gin never touched dirt?  The hell?  Regardless, I have a BA in History, and one of my Western Civ professors drummed it into our heads (and it was on the final) that back in the Middle Ages, people were afraid to eat potatoes, and they were starving to death, so the king of someplace in Europe famously ate a potato so that everyone would know it was ok.  So, the potato—good enough for royalty, but beneath Patricia and her butler.  Lol.  What did Michael and Patricia think those French fries they got from McDonald’s last season were made of?

I think a little snobbery on a show like this is ok; it’s veering into ugly territory when people make shit up just to sound better than others.

I am strangely enough enjoying this new season.  Unlike the Housewife shows, I don’t find myself constantly checking the clock to see when it’s going to be over.  Who knows how much that’ll change if this Pringle guy takes center stage.  I’d rather watch season one’s Jenna over him and his beard.  

This post is everything.

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So very very little charm here. Can I dislike all of them? I still love Pat's house but that's about it.

Pringle is the newest man candy. Madison is really going to jettison Austin (however you spell it) the minute someone with drive, looks, and money drops by. Kathryn is a bore, Dani -forgettable, the rest I can't even remember.

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Everyone is just so blah, and they all seem like they're trying way too hard. Madison and Austen have always seemed like a couple of thirsty grifters--willing to do anything--including a STAGED sex tape--in order to stay on the Bravo gravy train, and the rest of these zoo apes just seem to be stumbling through a <really bad, lame, and boring> script. Like @Chicklet said, "So very little charm..."

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On 11/5/2020 at 8:53 PM, Emmeline said:

I think Whitney looks better than ever.  I do think it’s déclassé that Patricia cannot offer her guest a drink that contains vodka if that is their preference.


On 11/5/2020 at 9:21 PM, LibertarianSlut said:

The amount of enthusiasm I have for John Pringle’s past as “an energy derivatives clerk” and where he lived in Charleston is at exactly zero.  Why are his eyes so far apart?  Does the Pringle family tree split? 

Patricia is, what, in her seventies, and she’s meddling in the relationships of people young enough to be her grandchildren?  Shame on her and her totally ugly, gigantic, gold chain-link necklace.  I’m not a big Austen fan—I think he is more than a bit of a muppet—but who is this haughty snob to put Austen down for “only” being in three stores?  How many stores is Patricia Altschul in?  At least Austen’s not earning his money on his back.  

Michael can also miss me with his feigned aversion to vodka, as it comes from potatoes, which are from—gasp—the ground!  Isn’t everything originally from the ground?  Can Michael personally account that the juniper berries that go into Patricia’s gin never touched dirt?  The hell?  Regardless, I have a BA in History, and one of my Western Civ professors drummed it into our heads (and it was on the final) that back in the Middle Ages, people were afraid to eat potatoes, and they were starving to death, so the king of someplace in Europe famously ate a potato so that everyone would know it was ok.  So, the potato—good enough for royalty, but beneath Patricia and her butler.  Lol.  What did Michael and Patricia think those French fries they got from McDonald’s last season were made of?

I think a little snobbery on a show like this is ok; it’s veering into ugly territory when people make shit up just to sound better than others.

I agree on Whitney. I cannot explain it to myself why he’s now the most appealing of the bunch. 

I felt bad for Pringle at Patricia’s (I almost called her Patrician) house with the whole vodka put-down. How is that hospitable? How is that showing social graces and manners? Pringle should find out about someone in a higher level of society who drinks vodka and say, “If it’s good enough for X, it’s good enough for me.” 

I will also now pay attention to the space between his eyes, as that description was hilarious.

I was surprised and glad to hear Whitney at least somewhat try to defend Austen to mama, even knowing it was futile.

On 11/5/2020 at 10:13 PM, nexxie said:

Wish I cared enough to think of something to comment about. Best I can do: Whitney’s sandwich looked tasty.

It did. I also wondered if he’d eat it with a knife and fork.

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I must admit so far I am not hating this season.  I'm not sure how I feel about the new girl but her husband looks yummy =D

When John Pringle said he was a musician who recently moved from California I rolled my eyes like oh LAWD another musician who couldn't cut it in L.A. on a reality t.v. show trying to get his career started.  Not that he's a bad guy but good grief I don' think I can take another one of these types again.

Well see how the rest of the season goes but so far it's ok, something to watch on Thursdays.  

Oh and yeah not really digging Craig as the new narrator of S.C.  He just sounds so.....nervous I guess is the right word when he's recapping last episodes events.  *shrug* 


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On 11/6/2020 at 6:05 PM, StevieRocks said:

Naw, naw...uh uh---If you're going to be pretentious enough to have a fat, greasy "butler" lumbering around, you better make damn sure he knows not to interject his fat nose to bark up, criticize, and condescendingly contradict a guest in your home who gives his drink order. That fool should have been fired on the spot. But then I remembered, this isn't Downton Abbey...it's some white trash, fame-whoring poseurs.

A proper Southern hostess such as Patricia claims to be should have a full bar to meet the needs of her visitors and not shame them for their preference, making your guest feel welcome is rule number one. Shame, shame Patty.

I had a really bad night from gin (2 nights actually) twenty years ago, one from at the Ropewalk in Fed Hill in Baltimore city and the other from the Starboard bar in Dewey beach...I have never been back to either, the thought of drinking gin to this day makes me want to vomit, screw you Patty.

Why does Katheryn insist on that awful Kool-Aid hair color?  I watched a few episodes from the first season, Katheryn was pretty and thin but she really had bad make up and still has a rather unique take on fashion, the bloom is really off that rose now.  

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On 11/6/2020 at 8:19 AM, Lassus said:

Patricia sounded stupid with her idiot potato crap and her hamfisted not-LVP meddling in Madison and Austen's relationship.  HOWEVER, team Patricia on the gin martini.  Vodka martinis should be nuked from orbit, just to be safe.  

I love a vodka & _______, but every time Patricia offers a drink one of the choices is a Bourbon Smash, I have never had one and now I want one.

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On 11/6/2020 at 7:19 AM, Lassus said:


I actually hate Leva MORE now that they're opening a sports bar in (downtown?) Charleston.  I know I'm only a tourist, but it's a cute and stately and hip enough town, and sports bars are not any kind of benefit to my personal idealized view of the place.  Leva is just so annoying, like they constructed a BRAVO personality from the BRAVO Reality Replicator - Mark IV.  Nothing remotely new or interesting there at all.


Uugh I HATE Leva.  Why is she on this show?  I thought we got rid of all of the know-it-all’s.  She thinks very highly of herself.  I hate Kathryn so I figured I would like Leva, as she’s positioning herself as Kathryn’s nemesis.  I guess I can hate them both.


On 11/6/2020 at 5:05 PM, StevieRocks said:

Naw, naw...uh uh---If you're going to be pretentious enough to have a fat, greasy "butler" lumbering around, you better make damn sure he knows not to interject his fat nose to bark up, criticize, and condescendingly contradict a guest in your home who gives his drink order. That fool should have been fired on the spot. But then I remembered, this isn't Downton Abbey...it's some white trash, fame-whoring poseurs.

I love Michael!  I bet he’s been instructed to give that response when someone requests vodka.  You know he’s not going to step out of line, ever.

I wonder how Patricia feels about sloe gin fizz.  Or gin buckets- so good!!

Does she allow bourbon to be consumed at her house?

She KEEPS bringing up the Pringle homes on “Battery” or whatever.  Ok, Patricia you established that he’s “that” Pringle.. now stop talking about houses his family has owned.  No one cares.

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I’m willing to give Leva a chance since she’s obviously been brought on to add some necessary diversity to this lily-white cast and appears to work hard as a successful local career woman.
So even if she is basically Cameron’s over-sensitive mouthpiece at this point, I can’t hate on her too much because she’s actually willing to challenge the existence of someone as opposite as the vapidly non-ambitious Kathryn.

Sure, Cameron had her own faults as well and was rather smugly superior in her public disdain of Kathryn over the years, but she obviously had valid reasons to steer clear of a train wreck like Kathryn; that gal is a loyal friend to no one and Cameron was wise to keep her at a peaceful distance. Kathryn turns on every female friend she’s made on this show, so I’m surprised that she’s managed to stay close to Danni this long(that looks like it might change this season though).

Also, I’m super curious how Leva managed to have enough funds to build and develop her bars/restaurants at such a young age. I’m assuming she either came from money and/or had her husband to financially help and assist her with that dream as well.

Edited by Sun-Bun
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I keep want to say "Love her or Leva," but that has probably been said.  For a brief moment I thought it was MJ from that Persian show and I gasped but then thought, that would be great, every scene would be a throw down. Leva might add a little voice of reason like Cameron did but her pulling Katheryn aside and telling her that she will eviscerate anyone telling tales about her bestie...I think things are going to get loud.

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On 11/6/2020 at 8:19 AM, Lassus said:
On 11/5/2020 at 10:21 PM, LibertarianSlut said:


But... Kathryn's a horrible human being.  Being dismissive towards such horrible people is reasonable.  YMMV, of course, but I don't see how anything Cameron said wasn't the truth.  As stated by someone else last time, K's damaged injenue role only holds for so long.  

Yes to all of this. She is an immature bitch plain and simple. Everything Cameron has ever said is accurate, it was accurate when she said it and it still is

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On 11/5/2020 at 11:13 PM, nexxie said:

Wish I cared enough to think of something to comment about. Best I can do: Whitney’s sandwich looked tasty.

Me.  I just saw Craig’s sea creature pillows on HSN starting at $55 and up.  One was three ice creams on a stick and one of cupcakes.  Weird.  I meant me too up there.








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22 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

She KEEPS bringing up the Pringle homes on “Battery” or whatever.  Ok, Patricia you established that he’s “that” Pringle.. now stop talking about houses his family has owned.  No one cares.

The battery in Charleston's historical district our homes of old lineage and historical value.  Usually owned by prominent people (judges, people in politics, etc.) who lived right across from the Charleston Harbor.  This is the history of the Battery and what it looks like today.

FYI,  from what I've read, the Pringle family doesn't even own their original home on the prestigious battery anymore so she should STFU about it!  More info about the Pringle family home in Charleston.

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2 minutes ago, Dirtybubble said:

The battery in Charleston's historical district our homes of old lineage and historical value.  Usually owned by prominent people (judges, people in politics, etc.) who lived right across from the Charleston Harbor.  This is the history of the Battery and what it looks like today.

FYI,  from what I've read, the Pringle family doesn't even own their original home on the prestigious battery anymore so she should STFU about it!  More info about the Pringle family home in Charleston.

Are you a Pringle?  

I am interested in stuff like that, thanks! 

I agree she needs to STFU about it.  It's like the only thing she cares about.

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Just now, heatherchandler said:

Are you a Pringle?  

I am interested in stuff like that, thanks! 

I agree she needs to STFU about it.  It's like the only thing she cares about.

No I'm not. 😄  I live near Charleston and visit there frequently so I am somewhat familiar with the homes on the battery and the historical prestige they bring. 

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3 minutes ago, Dirtybubble said:

The battery in Charleston's historical district our homes of old lineage and historical value.  Usually owned by prominent people (judges, people in politics, etc.) who lived right across from the Charleston Harbor.  This is the history of the Battery and what it looks like today.

FYI,  from what I've read, the Pringle family doesn't even own their original home on the prestigious battery anymore so she should STFU about it!  More info about the Pringle family home in Charleston.

Hold the wire.  Wasn’t Patricia originally from NY.C., went to school at Georgetown, then worked as an art dealer in N.Y. again where she married.  There was too much competition there, so she retired to Charleston and took Thomas the butler with her for a huge salary.  So, she isn’t a Charlstonion by birth, and why does she care so much about the Pringles and where they came from and who owned what?  Just for conversation?  She’s a New Yorker.

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21 minutes ago, Silver Bells said:

Wasn’t Patricia originally from NY.C., went to school at Georgetown, then worked as an art dealer in N.Y. again where she married.  There was too much competition there, so she retired to Charleston and took Thomas the butler with her for a huge salary.  So, she isn’t a Charlstonion by birth, and why does she care so much about the Pringles and where they came from and who owned what?  Just for conversation?  She’s a New Yorker.

No. She was born in Florida, raised in Richmond, Virginia. Went to George Washington University for her graduate degree and taught there and was an art dealer and lived in Georgetown (DC). She moved to NY (Oyster Bay and Upper East Side) when she married Arthur Altschul in the late 90s who was rich so didn’t need to work at all and turned to philanthropy. She bought the house in Charleston in 2008 because she could do whatever she wanted and she wanted to restore the house.

I am reading the forum to see if anything interesting happens but not watching so every time I see the name Pringle all I can think of is the Anne of Green Gables series.

Edited by biakbiak
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2 hours ago, biakbiak said:


I am reading the forum to see if anything interesting happens but not watching so every time I see the name Pringle all I can think of is the Anne of Green Gables series.

When I hear Pringle all I can think of is the chips!  I haven't had them for a while, and I think I need to grab a can.


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I was somewhat confused as to why Leva is on this show as Cam’s BFF when Cam is no longer on this show**—just to report back and have secondhand fights on Cam’s behalf? Then they showed their four fancy establishments and realized she’s the new Lisa Van Der Pump of this show and the only one who actually is successful unlike the rest of these people who they tried to tell us in season 1 were rich and successful, but we soon learned that wasn’t so. She’s not only replaced Cam, but Naomi as the mere daughter of a restauranteur rather than the real thing. And Naomi was already the newer JD. I like that Leva and Lamar are there to show some diversity amongst the ritzy Charleston crowd—but I still don’t understand how she’s going to “mix in” with this group of friends. She wasn’t even at the public food and wine event! 

Conversely, John is smoothly fitting right in with the crowd—all the guys want to be his buddy, the girls want to be his love interest, and Patricia is taking him under her wing, since she’s apparently given up hope on marrying Whitney off. 

**I presume Cam is no longer on this show?! Need to scurry over to her thread to see whether there are any details. But, more importantly, Thomas is having (or maybe already had?) a baby with someone else?!?! More intrigued to delve into that one first!

ETA: After doing some more reading, I see that Chelsea and Eliza left, too. I forgot that those two even existed! 

Edited by JenE4
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5 hours ago, Dirtybubble said:

No I'm not. 😄  I live near Charleston and visit there frequently so I am somewhat familiar with the homes on the battery and the historical prestige they bring. 

Charleston is my favorite city to visit, walking along the Battery and looking at the grand homes and even the little homes tucked in to little side streets is a wonderful way to spend the day...is Patricia's home on the Battery? I keep meaning to investigate her address and stalk her I mean walk by her home.

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26 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Charleston is my favorite city to visit, walking along the Battery and looking at the grand homes and even the little homes tucked in to little side streets is a wonderful way to spend the day...is Patricia's home on the Battery? I keep meaning to investigate her address and stalk her I mean walk by her home.

No it’s not.  We aren’t supposed to post addresses but the house has its own Wikipedia page if your interested.

Edited by biakbiak
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6 hours ago, Silver Bells said:

Me.  I just saw Craig’s sea creature pillows on HSN starting at $55 and up.  One was three ice creams on a stick and one of cupcakes.  Weird.  I meant me too up there.








All of Craig’s pillow look like something for a beach house, great if you are in a beach community.  I am pleased they are making them locally.

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6 hours ago, Dirtybubble said:

The battery in Charleston's historical district our homes of old lineage and historical value.  Usually owned by prominent people (judges, people in politics, etc.) who lived right across from the Charleston Harbor.  This is the history of the Battery and what it looks like today.

FYI,  from what I've read, the Pringle family doesn't even own their original home on the prestigious battery anymore so she should STFU about it!  More info about the Pringle family home in Charleston.

Thanks for the link.  I enjoy the architectural history.  I’ve been to Charleston many times.  I have noticed more and more bars in the downtown area and I don’t mean that as a positive.

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3 hours ago, JenE4 said:


**I presume Cam is no longer on this show?! Need to scurry over to her thread to see whether there are any details. But, more importantly, Thomas is having (or maybe already had?) a baby with someone else?!?! More intrigued to delve into that one 

I’m sure Kathryn is so angry that Thomas says he is going to marry the baby mama.  Doesn’t that guy ever learn.

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On 11/9/2020 at 2:05 AM, Sun-Bun said:

I’m willing to give Leva a chance since she’s obviously been brought on to add some necessary diversity to this lily-white cast and appears to work hard as a successful local career woman.
So even if she is basically Cameron’s over-sensitive mouthpiece at this point, I can’t hate on her too much because she’s actually willing to challenge the existence of someone as opposite as the vapidly non-ambitious Kathryn.

Sure, Cameron had her own faults as well and was rather smugly superior in her public disdain of Kathryn over the years, but she obviously had valid reasons to steer clear of a train wreck like Kathryn; that gal is a loyal friend to no one and Cameron was wise to keep her at a peaceful distance. Kathryn turns on every female friend she’s made on this show, so I’m surprised that she’s managed to stay close to Danni this long(that looks like it might change this season though).

Also, I’m super curious how Leva managed to have enough funds to build and develop her bars/restaurants at such a young age. I’m assuming she either came from money and/or had her husband to financially help and assist her with that dream as well.

I think the only reason Kathryn still has Danni as a friend is because Danni lets her get away with her narcissistic personality. Jennifer Snowden did for awhile, then Kathryn turned on her anyway. 

Cameran is a self important snob but I agree that most of what she said about Kathryn over the years was dead-on. Everyone else was thinking it anyway. 

Come to think of it-it’s interesting. Whitney (and his mother) said WAY worse things about Kathryn many, many times. So, why is Kathryn still hanging out with them?? Oh, I know. So she can stay on Southern Charm, ha. 

I guess now that Shep is semi-domesticated they needed to bring in Pringle for another Single guy (lol) role. But, Pringle doesn’t seem super swarthy to me. I wish Craig’s business partner guy (Jerry?) was single on here-the one with the really deep voice. Yum! 

Im curious too how Leva (and Lamar) opened all those cool night spots so young! 

Edited by Sage47
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