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Season 37 Final Jeopardy Contest

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59 minutes ago, Driad said:

3/5.  Who won Friday, or where can I find more info?

Sarah Twilley won today, the only one who correctly said Coleridge for FJ. Joe came in second. Both he and Herman answered Byron. You can see the stats here at The Jeopardy Fan.

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I got 3/5 and I might have gotten today's, had it not been pre-empted for the saddest news all year.  Missed Pantheon, got Rivera, Gordy, & Boone.

Sort of solved the falling asleep problem - go to bed at 9 AM, get up at 6 PM & it's too early for a nap (unless I'm a cat) by 7:30. Sheesh.

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9 hours ago, secnarf said:


See, last place contender, right here!

Sorry, @secnarf. I beat you out with 0/5

I've let my brain get lazy.  I just flat out didn't know a couple of the FJs but I should have figured out others.  I shall try harder. 

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12 hours ago, opus said:


Almost had a perfect week, but screwed up and got Coleridge right.

If we were playing Hearts, 0/5 would be shooting the moon.  Maybe you would have to do it all season though.

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17 minutes ago, Minaboo said:

I think I will bow out of the final jeopardy contest after all, and just enjoy reading about everyone else!

I really wish you would not do that. The contest isn't a "personal" or "judgemental" thing. If it were, I would have bailed from this entire Jeopardy site years ago. Remember last season where I didn't know one single FJ answer until I FINALLY got one answered on week 4, the 17th FJ clue/answer? I dare anyone to beat THAT record. And I challenge anyone to top my final score the for season, 52/183. Meanwhile, you had 32 more correct answers than I did!

Plus everyone who plays is eligible to win real tangible prizes. Where else can THAT happen?

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20 hours ago, Minaboo said:



I think I will bow out of the final jeopardy contest after all, and just enjoy reading about everyone else!


Thanks for all the encouragement, fellow primetimers. It really doesn’t bother me that I don’t get high scores, and I don’t feel judged or embarrassed.

Our adorable four-year-old granddaughter landed in India yesterday with our dear daughter and son-in-law, the start of a two year posting. We are 10 1/2 hours behind them, which complicates our FaceTime appointments. We are texting a lot right now.

Plus, I took up sewing again after a 30-year hiatus. I have a lot of catching up to do! And little girl dresses to make!

So I’ll be following y’all at my leisure.


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I'm trying this after watching everyone else for two years.  I read all the posts, but usually someone has already said anything I was thinking, so I don't post that often.  

1/5 this week. 

(Ugh--also had to catch two episodes on the archive--for Monday, my DVR decided that it wasn't going to record at all, for some reason.)

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14 SEPT    Pantheon        1/1
15 SEPT    Berry Gordy        2/2
16 SEPT    Jack Daniels        2/3
17 SEPT    Diego Rivera        3/4
18 SEPT    Percy Shelley    3/5

Boone AND Crockett are both weak spots for me, as well as the Alamo for some reason if we're talking US History. And for some reason my head mixed up "Kubla Khan" and "Ozymandias," thus the Shelley, despite the fact that both of favorite poems of mine dammit.

Edited by theartandsound
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7 hours ago, theartandsound said:

 And for some reason my head mixed up "Kubla Khan" and "Ozymandias," thus the Shelley, despite the fact that both of favorite poems of mine dammit.

Ozymadias came to my mind too, and I might even have conflated them (of course, I only got the poem, not the poet)

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On 9/13/2020 at 11:07 AM, saber5055 said:

@Toothbrush, where have you been?!?! Our prodigal Toothbrush returns! Yeay! Starting a new contest will be a daily bright spot. I'm looking forward to a reunion of The Old Gang, and meeting some new players here. It's almost Monday, guys!

Driad is talking to you, "No Excuses Prevailing Wind!"

I am back!! My 2020 clusterf--k started in Nov 2019, but things are as settled as they can be these days. Hope you are well. 

3/5 for the first week. Those artists & poets get me every time. 

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We have 25 players so far. Yeay! Latecomers can still get in, no worries. Just post your score. I like how @theartandsound posted answers, so here are mine.

14 SEPT    Acropolis        0/1
15 SEPT    Berry Gordy        1/2
16 SEPT    Daniel Boone        2/3
17 SEPT    Joan Miró                  2/5
18 SEPT    ... what's for dinner ...    2/5

I'm actually rather proud of a couple of those (wrong) answers.

Edited by saber5055
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11 minutes ago, zoey1996 said:

How will each week's winner be determined?  This is a change from last year, at least I don't recall a weekly winner before.

I started doing Weekly Winner about half way through last season as a way to spotlight different players and add some interest to the contest. Criteria is different every week. This week, @Grundoon59 had the highest score. Other weeks, the winner might be the lowest score, or the person who has the same score over a period of weeks or keeps repeating the same numbers in a pattern. If two people keep getting the same scores for a period of time, two winners are declared. I also might choose a number from the Magic Cottage Cheese Tub and that person wins. Note that all the Weekly Winner gets is a virtual high five and a hearty (virtual) pat on the back. And bragging rights!

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I am honored (and amazed) at winning.  I really enjoy the intelligence, good humor and camaraderie on this board especially these days and I thank you all.  I am glad I entered the contest this year after following it last year.  

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Duh.  I even won in week 31 - totally forgot about that until you explained!  Thanks, @saber5055!

16 hours ago, saber5055 said:

I started doing Weekly Winner about half way through last season as a way to spotlight different players and add some interest to the contest. Criteria is different every week. This week, @Grundoon59 had the highest score. Other weeks, the winner might be the lowest score, or the person who has the same score over a period of weeks or keeps repeating the same numbers in a pattern. If two people keep getting the same scores for a period of time, two winners are declared. I also might choose a number from the Magic Cottage Cheese Tub and that person wins. Note that all the Weekly Winner gets is a virtual high five and a hearty (virtual) pat on the back. And bragging rights!

On 4/13/2020 at 4:02 PM, saber5055 said:

Gather 'round in a virtual group everyone as the Very Special Winners of Week 31 are announced. May I present First-Time-Fivers @zoey1996, @lb60, @j5cochran and @GrannySmith, all of whom achieved their very first Perfect Score Week. Way to go, my very smart dudes. Long may your brains rule this contest.

However, extra-special mention belongs to that shrinking violet named @saber5055, who also achieved a perfect week for the First Time Evah. Saber gets special accolades since, while the above four stars all have had 4-score star weeks (ha), poor Saber has never had a score higher than 3, although Saber does hold the dubious record for most 0 weeks. So there's that.

More college week FJs, please show!


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15 hours ago, Prevailing Wind said:

Saber, YOU have a Magic Cottage Cheese Tub, too?  I thought I was the only one!!

So far this week, I'm 3/4. My MCCT failed me on pulsar. I said quasar.

My Magic Cottage Cheese Tub contains the numbers corresponding to all FJ Contest players. It's magic because when I pull the numbers out, those players magically become WINNERS!

At least you said quasar, a close but not cigar answer. I couldn't even come up with Red Dwarf. My brain cells bailed out of my head as soon as the clue was revealed.

I did read on Andy's TJF site that a woman discovered the first pulsar, but two men got the Nobel Prize for "discovering" it, and she got the shaft. Draw your own conclusion from that fact..

2 hours ago, zoey1996 said:

Duh.  I even won in week 31 - totally forgot about that until you explained! 

Not a problem. I can't remember past yesterday much less a year ago, so you are forgiven!

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Both India and Thailand are accepted answers for question 7, Diplomacy.

Pulsar and neutron star are both accepted for question 9, Astronomy.

The contest host is not a hard *ss about controversial answers. Maybe some other things, but not this contest.

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Wow,  you guys are all too cool for school this week. Friday was an asterisk so update your scores if you got the *cough* g**f clue.

WEEK 2 • Sept. 21, 2020 — ONE asterisk *
6. Pioneering Educators. Before going into education, she graduated from the U. of Rome in 1896 & was named assistant doctor at its psych clinic.
7. Diplomacy. The book “The Eagle & the Elephant” is about the relationship between the U.S. & this Asian country beginning in 1833.
8. American Authors. Reluctant to write what became her most famous novel, she said, “Never liked girls or knew many, except my sisters.”
9. Astronomy. Discovered in 1967, the 1st of these stars was dubbed LGM-1—the perceived signal was jokingly thought to be from little green men.
* 10. Highest-Paid Athletes. On Forbes’ 2020 list of the 100 highest-paid athletes, at age 50 this active individual sportsman is the oldest. *

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