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Jeopardy! Season 37 (2020-2021)


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7 hours ago, Robert Lynch said:

It seems like contestants are really frazzled and you see a worried look on their faces.

I was concerned about Cory for the first part of tonight's show, because she looked really uneasy and was pausing before giving her responses. I don't know, I guess she looked nervous or anxious or something. My first thought was that something happened on set right before they started the episode that threw her off, and she hadn't regained her composure yet. She seemed better as the show went on though.

26 minutes ago, opus said:

To me


Berry rhymes with very
Barry rhymes with Gary


I'm so pedantic I used them in sentences to hear if I pronounced them differently while using a digital recorder, and I do. I don't judge anyone who pronounces them the same, but like I said earlier, it can be subtle.

Marry has the same vowel as Matt or mat, so IPA /æ/. Merry has the same vowel as met, so IPA /ɛ/.

The /ɛ/ is quicker, and it's difficult to explain the difference.


Edited by nokat
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On 9/15/2020 at 10:55 PM, saber5055 said:

I shouted WTF when all of a sudden now spelling counts in FJ. When TH did that happen after 36 seasons of pronunciation counting, spelling not. I'm very familiar with Motown and got FJ easily, but I would have spelled it Barry too. Berry ... who knew. I didn't. 

Except that it did change the pronunciation. I couldn’t remember if it was Barry or Berry either. But they are different names that are not the same.

As for tonight’s game, middle contestant was cute at the beginning and very quickly wore out her welcome. One or two exclamations, fine, we do the same at home. Constantly throughout the whole game? No, stop, just control yourself already!

Edited by Cotypubby
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11 hours ago, Robert Lynch said:

It seems like contestants are really frazzled and you see a worried look on their faces. I kind of feel pity for them. The pandemic must have taken on a toll on their livelihoods.

I read remarks from at least one contestant in this show's first batch indicating that perhaps not everyone, among the players or crew, was quite at ease with the COVID protocols.  I don't know just when they started taping again, but I have taken a very conservative approach to things and will probably feel a bit uneasy when I get back to different things.  Add to that the jitters that anyone experiences under the studio lights and I think that explains any of what you've observed without needing to be presumptuous about their means of support.


6 hours ago, Arkay said:

I saw, was it here or Reddit? where the woman who lost was complaining that the judges weren't kind. 

I posted it here, but I'm sure it was also on Reddit.  Perhaps I did her a disservice by cropping to her "short take" and leaving out the "long take," which was very gracious.  I took her comment, something like "I prefer playing at home where the stakes are lower and the judges kinder," to be in good fun.  I said something the other day to a friend with whom I often chat while we watch this or that show together, "well never mind about that, the judges are gentle here."  Of course I appreciate that we all might read it differently.


6 hours ago, Grundoon59 said:

Kelly...seemed more like she was "playing" a contestant rather than being one.

I'm picking on you, out of all the folks who weren't charmed by her, only because this is the easiest comment for me to riff off and say what I need to say. 😉  I know several people like her because I participate in a few hobbies which tend to attract the, erm, whimsical.  I used to think, my goodness, give it a rest.  But I think some of these characters are completely genuine.  The way they present themselves is just them, whether they're on camera or at home or at an early brunch after a convention (*glowers from behind sunglasses*).  I have a certain respect for these folks even though, yes, they do grate.  I think 20 minutes was a fine helping of Kelly, and I didn't dislike her exactly, but I'm not really unhappy that she was one and done.



I hope Betsy gets a callback.

Even if she had wagered everything, she would not have overtaken Cory or Ted, so I believe the result should and will stand.

Edited by 853fisher
Added fourth quote
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I had believed the first three editions of the program ("Jeopardy!") for its thirty-seventh year were either partially broadcast or not broadcast at all by what I had believed to had been a certain TV station to which I had access locally (having news programming in place of them) during a certain period of time* in which I usually had access to new editions of the program being broadcast locally before this calendar week (specifically the first half of an hour of 6:00 p.m. for the Central time zone) between this past Monday and this past Wednesday (note: I had noticed what I had believed to had been certain parts of the first two editions of the program being broadcast in that period of time this past Monday and Tuesday through what I had believed to had been this station, but none of all through the station during the same period of time this past Wednesday). 

Edited by Mario500
13 hours ago, dgpolo said:

Sadly I could not bring forth Winslow Homer from my brain...

This is always the case for me - everytime someone answers "Winslow Homer" I'm "right! That guy I never remember."

13 hours ago, ams1001 said:

Damn, I got all the summarized novels except the last one. (Even Hemingway, which was a total guess!) 😞 Do I have to give back my Lit degree?

I'm not giving back mine. We didn't even cover him in my British novel class, which included Pamela  (excruciating book) Moll Flanders (where our class tried to figure out how many kids she had and what happened to them), and continued up to Jane Austin, and maybe further. I forget.

I did run the TV shows based on women's books category - that's my sweet spot.

11 hours ago, saber5055 said:

I was all about Kelly. I could use about 10 more Kellys in my life. Everyone is so hateful and spiteful and nasty and cranky and grouchy IRL and online, she was a blowing gale of fresh air. Sorry to see her go.

Though she might have become irritating in the long run, I always enjoy enthusiasm, especially these days. And she was still positive at the end when she couldn't participate in final jeopardy, which I appreciated.

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9 minutes ago, Clanstarling said:

I'm not giving back mine. We didn't even cover him in my British novel class, which included Pamela  (excruciating book) Moll Flanders (where our class tried to figure out how many kids she had and what happened to them), and continued up to Jane Austin, and maybe further. I forget.

We didn't read that one, either. My Victorian lit class was all more well-known stuff you'd expect in such a class (Dracula, Jane Eyre, Oscar Wilde...) and the other specifically British Lit classes I had were either 20th century, medieval or Elizabethan. (And a whole class on Dickens.) My biggest issue with Moll Flanders was the lack of chapters. I hate when books don't have good stopping places.

I've never read a single Hemingway book, either. Two titles sprang to mind and I happened to pick the right one.

28 minutes ago, Clanstarling said:

Though she might have become irritating in the long run, I always enjoy enthusiasm, especially these days. And she was still positive at the end when she couldn't participate in final jeopardy, which I appreciated.

Just looking at the J!Archive to refresh my memory on the novel clues, and noticed that she's an actress (I wasn't watching the clock last night and turned it on just at the end of the intros). I can see her as the quirky friend. She seems like one of those people I would like but only in small doses.

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7 hours ago, UpTooLate said:

Being in the Midwest, I have flat vowels that confound the hell out of any voice recognition device I use. Barry/Berry are the same in my voice (I live in a town called Barry), as are all iterations of merry. If I'm in a formal setting where a flat A would crack glassware, I use a fake-British-y take ("Mahhrry" or "Bahrrrry"), which is equally annoying. I hope Betsy gets a callback.

Barry Illinois?  My nephew married someone from Barry IL and a few years back one of our news anchors was from there.

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12 hours ago, saber5055 said:

There's one of those near me. It's also a delicious soda-fountain drink.

When I was a kid growing up, our drug store had a soda fountain. (I worked there when I was in high school.) They had the green river drink.  Made with the flavored syrup and soda water.  I preferred root beer, though.

10 hours ago, UpTooLate said:

Being in the Midwest, I have flat vowels that confound the hell out of any voice recognition device I use. Barry/Berry are the same in my voice (I live in a town called Barry), as are all iterations of merry.

Same here. I read posts about how all those Marys are pronounced differently, and the Barry/Berry discussions, and I'm all "What? They are all said the same way." My friend Merry, I didn't know her name was spelled differently until she showed me. I still pronounced it mary marry merry, and so did everyone in her (Midwestern) family. It's all the same, just different spellings. Said this Midwesterner.

I did have to look up Barry, Illinois though. Close to Hannibal, so you should have gotten that quote from Mark Twain about Hannibal/the Mississippi that was a TS a while back.

2 hours ago, zoey1996 said:

When I was a kid growing up, our drug store had a soda fountain. (I worked there when I was in high school.) They had the green river drink.

Walking home from Junior high, if we were lucky and had 15 cents, we could get a long john from the Woolworth's to eat on the trip. If we were really bold, we would cross the street to the little malt shop and get a green river. We seldom did that though, since it was the hangout for the high-school hoods. (Picture Fonzi and those sorts of leather-jacketed miscreants.)

Edited by saber5055
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6 hours ago, Mario500 said:

I had believed the first three editions of the program ("Jeopardy!") for its thirty-seventh year were either partially broadcast or not broadcast at all by what I had believed to had been a certain TV station to which I had access locally (having news programming in place of them) during a certain period of time* in which I usually had access to new editions of the program being broadcast locally before this calendar week (specifically the first half of an hour of 6:00 p.m. for the Central time zone) between this past Monday and this past Wednesday (note: I had noticed what I had believed to had been certain parts of the first two editions of the program being broadcast in that period of time this past Monday and Tuesday through what I had believed to had been this station, but none of all through the station during the same period of time this past Wednesday). 

You can go to the official Jeopardy website and find the time & station in your area where the show is broadcast. Back when I used to travel before the pandemic, that’s where I’d go to find the local stations in an unfamiliar city. It’s changed days, times and channels a few time in my city and if it’s a channel I don’t watch much, I wouldn’t know which affiliate had bought it for that season. 

Speaking of Kelly, she was a tad over the top. She reminded me of someone in my contestant pool who was very similar but she was a college professor. She was so intent on being interesting that her head was not in the game & she had the same result as Kelly—didn’t make it to FJ. And she was obviously knowledgeable. 

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I was in a German class (reading (ie translating) for my PhD. It was not required that you know the language, just that you were able to translate the written. However, the professor insisted that we do a lot of the reading out loud (never mind translating). I had to read a sentence that included the word "ranger". I apparently mispronounced it and the teacher said "the 'g' sound was like in 'finger' not 'singer' (possibly the other way around). And I said "it's the same sound" and he said no and asked if anyone else in the class thought they sounded the same. Just me!!! I decided to stop pronouncing the German "ranger" with a soft g (ran-jer) and pronounce it with a hard g (rang-er) (the by-product of which changed the "a" sound as well). Apparently, that's what he wanted, since I didn't get corrected again. Does that explain why I'm in the Barry=Berry camp?

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I came in a few minutes late, but my jaw dropped when I saw Kelly and her reactions. She definitely gave us entertainment value. I think I cringed when she said something to Cory (?) about betting it all. She might have gushed over Cory before the taping which might explain why she seemed a bit off last night. I got Kelsi Balerini, litmus, Winslow Homer and the FJ Daniel Boone. The latter was due to watching the TV show as a child. 

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1 hour ago, saber5055 said:

And to me, very rhymes with Gary.

Me, too.

It's always funny (if that's the word) to try to have these kind of discussions online.  People whose dialect does not feature the Mary/merry/marry merger will keep trying to come up with different example words to illustrate the differences in pronunciation.  And people whose dialect does feature the merger will keep saying "But all those words rhyme!"

See also the "cot/caught merger" (which my dialect does not feature).

Unless you can read IPA (which many people can't), trying to discuss this without being able to hear each other is usually not very productive.  Take it from a veteran of many such conversations.

Just curious, for any of you who hear Barry and Berry differently, and who happened to notice:  When Kelly said "Chuck Berry" in yesterday's game, would you say that she pronounced it correctly, or not?

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1 hour ago, HelenBaby said:

You can go to the official Jeopardy website and find the time & station in your area where the show is broadcast. Back when I used to travel before the pandemic, that’s where I’d go to find the local stations in an unfamiliar city. It’s changed days, times and channels a few time in my city and if it’s a channel I don’t watch much, I wouldn’t know which affiliate had bought it for that season. 

Why did you post this paragraph? 

4 hours ago, saber5055 said:

I thought the TSA dinosaur story was one of the best. This season, anyway.

I was impressed by how positive she was about being taken to the TSA little room. I was taken there last year, and it still upsets me. They found no reason to hold me (because there wasn't any), but managed to pat me down three times and totally screw up my meticulous packing.

2 hours ago, saber5055 said:

I'm sorry for your traumatic educational experience. Perhaps Nick Cannon was in your class, he hosts The Masked Sing-ger.

I seem to remember a discussion on the forum about "singer" vs "sing ger" - and yes, Nick really hits that g hard. 🤣

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51 minutes ago, Clanstarling said:

I seem to remember a discussion on the forum about "singer" vs "sing ger" - and yes, Nick really hits that g hard. 🤣

<waves> Yes, I was in on that discussion. I need to stop caring. Your TSA-detained story reminds me of the Denver agent who was arrested for molestation. And the Canadian border guard who made sure to feel me up, twice, when I drove into Ontario. And again when I drove out. Gah. Happy Thursday. I guess.

Meanwhile, no good deed goes unpunished!

20 hours ago, peeayebee said:

I couldn't think of a Kentucky colonel other than Sanders. Then for some reason Colonel Kurtz popped into my mind,

Col. Tom Parker.


20 hours ago, peeayebee said:

I didn't understand what Alex said was the novel re 'Utopia -- Not!" It sounded like ArrowWhat. 

Butler's "Erewhon" - "Nowhere" (almost) spelled backwards.

Edited by Prevailing Wind
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I haven't been to a Disney park, but I heard that non-employees in costume were not allowed in.  Someone told me that even a group wearing matching T-shirts were excluded. (The people were told that the reason they were excluded was that they wore matching shirts, not because of whatever the shirts said, which was a convention they were attending.)

17 minutes ago, Driad said:

I haven't been to a Disney park, but I heard that non-employees in costume were not allowed in.  Someone told me that even a group wearing matching T-shirts were excluded. (The people were told that the reason they were excluded was that they wore matching shirts, not because of whatever the shirts said, which was a convention they were attending.)

I don't know about the t-shirt thing, but yes, they don't want children confusing actual costumed characters with strange adults in costumes.  It would be a molester or kidnapper's dream.

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10 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

I laughed that Colonel Sanders as it came up the other night.

I did too, I thought that was so funny.

Well, light a match to my BFA degree. I said Miró for FJ. I did start with a Diego which switched to a Degas (I know, right!) then settled on Miró. At least he was born in the 19th century and was Hispanic. Not that those validate my wrong answer.

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1 hour ago, Driad said:

I haven't been to a Disney park, but I heard that non-employees in costume were not allowed in.  Someone told me that even a group wearing matching T-shirts were excluded. (The people were told that the reason they were excluded was that they wore matching shirts, not because of whatever the shirts said, which was a convention they were attending.)

I thought I had heard that costumes weren’t allowed, but shirts?  If you and your spouse and your kids all wore the same color shirts? (So you could find each other more easily) I thought that was a pretty common thing?

1 hour ago, Driad said:

Back to Disney parks, I thought Joe said he went into one wearing a costume or something similar. 

 Alex said he had a costume, but when Joe explained it I think he just wears all Captain America clothing (t shirt, sock, backpack, etc).   

 I've seen tour groups, family reunions, etc wearing group shirts in the parks so I'm not sure that's right.

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Yikes, not my game tonight.  I took a break at halftime to watch, but I'd have been better off sticking with the NFL for how much I stunk up the joint.  In the first round, I missed three each in the categories about books with days of the week and celebrities mistaken for each other, and it just got worse in DJ - I blew the entire film composition category and missed at least one and sometimes two or three in every other category (I even joined the contestants in being stumped by erstwhile, and vocabulary is one of my best subjects).

Thank goodness FJ was an instaget (well, an instaguess that I was pretty confident in) to rebound at the end.

The Venus DD made me laugh, because if I didn't already know it, I'd have known it from an episode of The X-Files -- the one in which Alex Trebek appeared as a Man in Black.

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Yeah, having your whole group wearing matching T shirts at Disney is super common.  Lets you spot one another easily in the crowds.

I also said Picasso for Final Jeopardy, and also knew Breakfast of Champions (the only Vonnegut novel I've ever read).  Likewise, I remembered that "Theo LeSieg" was Dr. Seuss.  I believe that he used the LeSieg name for books he wrote, but did not illustrate.

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58 minutes ago, Maverick said:

Alex said he had a costume, but when Joe explained it I think he just wears all Captain America clothing (t shirt, sock, backpack, etc).

Thank you, that makes sense.  As for the matching T-shirts, maybe Disney changed the rules or it was a different Disney park. The people who told me about it were quite definite but it was a long time ago.

13 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

I messed up a lot tonight. I was mad at myself for missing Vonnegut's Breakfast of Champions because I read it decades ago. I laughed that Colonel Sanders as it came up the other night. I couldn’t put my finger on Diego Rivera. All I could come up with was that artist who was married to Frida Kahlo. Le sigh. 

Yeah I was kicking myself about BoC. It’s only been 43 years since I read it. 

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