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Jeopardy! Season 37 (2020-2021)

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1 hour ago, Bastet said:

The James Patterson TS surprised me a bit; I've never read a word of his novels, but his damn commercials for them are everywhere, so I've picked things up via cultural osmosis.

I used to work in a bookstore; we had a perpetual wall of whatever the next JP book was in receiving waiting for the on-sale date so we could open the boxes (and make room for the next one!). I swear there was a new one every other week. 

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This was a pretty good game. I like the new champion (John), and think he has the chops to go on for a while. He got off to such a great start that I thought Kate looked a little intimidated.

FJ was fairly easy for me, as I knew the Washington Monument took a long time to build and was finally finished in the late 1800s after a long hiatus due to money problems, Civil War interference, etc. Also, there is a very obvious color change in the stones about a third of the way up, indicating the different construction phases (there are some cool photos of it in the early days as just a stump). My dad, the eternal prankster, used to say that the color change in the stones was water damage from a giant flood that covered DC, and as a child I didn't stop to think how ridiculous it was to suggest that entire nation's capital had been covered by 150 feet of water and lived to tell the tale. I was very trusting kid. : )

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9 hours ago, theatremouse said:

I think it was a TS because they were all like me, thinking "dammit, that guy who does his own commercials, what's his name ARG".

I was in something of the same position, in that I was going, "That one guy, what's his name, the one who writes all those books."

Possibly I needed to be a bit more specific. 

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23 hours ago, M. Darcy said:

Brownies!! How can they all miss brownies!  

I was also surprised how many of the questions they missed in the literature category.

I surprised myself and swept the Novel category. I only read one of the books, but got most immediately except for Howard's End - which took some strenuous thinking but I got it out just in time.

I would have run the Sitcom category - but John got to the I Dream of Jeannie answer very quickly. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

23 hours ago, peeayebee said:

i learned about the civet from the reading about civet poop coffee.

Oh, NOW I know why I knew "civit" . I wondered.


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2 hours ago, Clanstarling said:

I surprised myself and swept the Novel category. I only read one of the books, but got most immediately except for Howard's End - which took some strenuous thinking but I got it out just in time.

My college did a freshman orientation thing at the beginning of the year that involved watching the movie Howard's End and having small discussion groups. My group mostly discussed how much we hated the movie. But I guess if it helped me on Jeopardy 27 years later it was worth it. 😉 

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I was tickled to see "The Goldfinch" come up, even if no one knew it.  I only just saw the movie adaptation this week on a plane.  I really wasn't thrilled to have to be traveling (everyone is now fine for the foreseeable) but that took the edge off!  I missed it in theatres last year because it was very swiftly taken out after dreadful reviews and worse box office.  But I often enjoy what the critics don't, and this was no exception.  I hear the novel is even better and look forward to reading it after I take my last batch back to the library.  I love a good coincidence.

I often enjoy the anagram categories, but yikes, presented that way it was pretty tough for me.

I haven't missed an episode all this fall, but they seem much more precious now.

Edited by 853fisher
Forgot the anagrams
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14 minutes ago, 853fisher said:

I was tickled to see "The Goldfinch" come up, even if no one knew it.

I knew it! Haven't read it, either, but a former boss recommend her book The Secret History to me years ago and I enjoyed that. She also writes a novel approximately every ten years (her three novels were published in 1992, 2002, and 2013) and it was kind of a big deal in bookstore-world when it came out.

14 minutes ago, 853fisher said:

I haven't missed an episode all this fall, but they seem much more precious now.

The only one I've missed recently was the Friday before Alex died, because I went out for dinner, but I haven't missed any since and plan to do my damnedest to make sure I don't miss any between now and Christmas. I had to get gas and stop at the grocery store last night on my way home. I finish work at 5, and it's about a half hour drive home; the gas station was a slight detour on a stretch of road that always gets backed up at that time of day, and I was checking my phone repeatedly while I was in the store so I could make sure I was out of there in time. I got home with 11 minutes to spare.

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59 minutes ago, 853fisher said:

I often enjoy the anagram categories, but yikes, presented that way it was pretty tough for me.

Yes, first you have to pick out the correct word and then rearrange the letters.  So, it's a two-step puzzle.

My only ts was ciabatta bread. I like ciabatta bread.

Washington Monument came to me right away.  I didn't know exactly when Chester Arthur was president but I knew it was 19th century, so anything that was started 100 years earlier had to be 18th century, thus to George Washington and a monument to him.

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9 hours ago, Cherpumple said:

FJ was fairly easy for me, as I knew the Washington Monument took a long time to build and was finally finished in the late 1800s after a long hiatus due to money problems, Civil War interference, etc. Also, there is a very obvious color change in the stones about a third of the way up, indicating the different construction phases (there are some cool photos of it in the early days as just a stump). My dad, the eternal prankster, used to say that the color change in the stones was water damage from a giant flood that covered DC, and as a child I didn't stop to think how ridiculous it was to suggest that entire nation's capital had been covered by 150 feet of water and lived to tell the tale. I was very trusting kid. : )

I'm a Hamilton geek (I'm a Jeopardy geek, too -- it comes with the territory!). In the last song -- Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story -- Eliza Hamilton sings that she raised funds for the Washington Monument and that she outlives Alexander by fifty years.  A little arithmetic and boom, a correct Final Jeopardy answer!

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Yes, read The Goldfinch. I devoured it in a weekend and when I finished it, I reread it.  The movie does not do the book justice.  Tartt’s first book, The Secret History, is one of my favorite reads.

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13 hours ago, Cherpumple said:

FJ was fairly easy for me, as I knew the Washington Monument took a long time to build and was finally finished in the late 1800s after a long hiatus due to money problems, Civil War interference, etc. Also, there is a very obvious color change in the stones about a third of the way up, indicating the different construction phases (there are some cool photos of it in the early days as just a stump). My dad, the eternal prankster, used to say that the color change in the stones was water damage from a giant flood that covered DC, and as a child I didn't stop to think how ridiculous it was to suggest that entire nation's capital had been covered by 150 feet of water and lived to tell the tale. I was very trusting kid. : )

Heh - though when we get bad rainstorms in DC and the streets get flooded, that seems very accurate. 

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Gah, I picked a bad day actually keep score. 66% overall…only 53% for DJ. I did get all the Masks and A Busy Body clues. I only got one Allusive Title and for that I'm mentally smacking myself upside the head. FJ was an instaget once I got past thinking 1800s instead of 18th century.

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(raises hand) Guilty! Ben Franklin popped into my head immediately, then I second-guessed myself and went with Washington. Like the contestants, I think I focused on "tyrants" rather than "thunderbolt" (I think I thought "thunderbolt" was metaphorical, not literal).

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10 minutes ago, illdoc said:

(raises hand) Guilty! Ben Franklin popped into my head immediately, then I second-guessed myself and went with Washington. Like the contestants, I think I focused on "tyrants" rather than "thunderbolt" (I think I thought "thunderbolt" was metaphorical, not literal).

I figured thunderbolt = someone involved in electricity...but my brain was in the wrong century for a several seconds until I looked at the category again.

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Instaget FJ for me tonight.  Thunderbolts gave it to me.  Any time I see a century written like that, I have to immediately mentally adjust to what hundreds it is.  I am easily confused like that!

Good game, though -- hardly any TS, and I didn't get any of them.

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I did not get FJ, but I'm not going to say what I answered because I'm not sure what the category was and thus my answer could be ridiculous.  I don't think I would have gotten it anyway.  I don't associate Benjamin Franlin with tyrants, and think of him more as lightning than thunder.

The only TS I got was Chad.  I got a geography TS.  What is happening?

I got the entire categories of Musical  Women and 20th century decades right.

I confidently answered HItchcock despite not knowing an author by that name because Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical center.  

ETA: if the category was 18th century people, my answer was indeed ridiculous.  I promise if I get on the show, I will make sure I know what the FJ category is before answering.

Edited by Katy M
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I wasn't paying close attention so don't know if there were any TSs. As for FJ: It still amazes me that FJs I easily get are missed by so many. It shouldn't though, because I live in Bizzaro World, where everything is backward. Especially me.

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Good game; not many TS, and pub was the only one of those few that surprised me (given the two ways the clue provided of getting to the answer).

I had a great game; I knew/correctly guessed everything in the first round other than luchadores (and I could have sat here all night and not come up with that one), only missed five in DJ (it would have been four with a few more seconds; I knew sang froid but was slow pulling it from my brain), and got FJ.


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2 minutes ago, Bastet said:

I knew/correctly guessed everything in the first round other than luchadores (and I could have sat here all night and not come up with that one)

I'll have to thank my friend Harvey for dragging me to see Nacho Libre way back when for my knowing that one.

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3 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

I'll have to thank my friend Harvey for dragging me to see Nacho Libre way back when for my knowing that one.

LOL! Nacho Libre, (great movie!) plus the episode of The Bachelor/ette where the guys got to (read "had to") become luchadores to win the heart of whatever woman it was in whatever season it was.

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1 minute ago, peeayebee said:

I realized that John reminds me of Hugh Laurie. I liked him, but I'm happy with andy.

Now that you mention it...

I liked all of them tonight. I was good with anyone winning.

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6 minutes ago, peeayebee said:

What's wrong with me?

Obviously, nothing is wrong with you now that you are typing with capped letters again!

1 minute ago, SoMuchTV said:

Then when the clue came up, I acknowledged he won. He seemed a little too proud of that

You have to throw them a bone once in a while or they get cranky..

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I knew it wasn't Washington but as soon as I thought of Washington I got stuck in Revolutionary war figures and so I didn't come up with Franklin but, of course, as soon as I saw Franklin I knew that was right.  

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I love when I can run a whole category and get every single answer correct... I get this temporary feeling of fist pumping "yes!", followed quickly by a slam dunk "oops" when I can't get the words off the tip of my tongue quick enough. Or, I run into a roadblock (don't know what I don't know stuff). It amuses me how some answers come so easily/quickly and others not so much.  My daughter says my "seeing a face in my mind" but not being able to recollect the name is NOT early dementia. She says my brain just needs a reboot so I get rid of the junk files.

I guessed FJ correctly, so I'm not out to pasture yet.

When Alex mentioned Thanksgiving 😭, I wondered what he'll say at other holidays like Hanukkah, and Christmastime... his last show is going to be a tough one for me. You, too, I imagine. We'll have to have a HUGE group hug here.

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6 hours ago, bybrandy said:

I knew it wasn't Washington but as soon as I thought of Washington I got stuck in Revolutionary war figures and so I didn't come up with Franklin but, of course, as soon as I saw Franklin I knew that was right.  

I was sure the answer was going to be a Founding Father, but I guessed Jefferson, totally forgetting about the kite story.


7 hours ago, peeayebee said:


I realized that John reminds me of Hugh Laurie. I liked him, but I'm happy with andy.

I thought John would last longer; he was so impressive the first day I didn't think he would be a one-and-done. But Andy seems OK.


6 hours ago, Bliss said:


When Alex mentioned Thanksgiving 😭, I wondered what he'll say at other holidays like Hanukkah, and Christmastime... his last show is going to be a tough one for me. You, too, I imagine. We'll have to have a HUGE group hug here.

Ooh, yeah. I wonder if he knew at the last taping that he wouldn't be returning, and if he recorded his farewell sign off.

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7 hours ago, Bliss said:

I love when I can run a whole category and get every single answer correct... I get this temporary feeling of fist pumping "yes!", followed quickly by a slam dunk "oops" when I can't get the words off the tip of my tongue quick enough. Or, I run into a roadblock (don't know what I don't know stuff). It amuses me how some answers come so easily/quickly and others not so much.  My daughter says my "seeing a face in my mind" but not being able to recollect the name is NOT early dementia. She says my brain just needs a reboot so I get rid of the junk files.

There was one clue that referenced a song (can't remember now what it was) and the song was starting to play in my head but not quickly enough to get me to the answer in time.

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12 hours ago, illdoc said:

(raises hand) Guilty! Ben Franklin popped into my head immediately, then I second-guessed myself and went with Washington. Like the contestants, I think I focused on "tyrants" rather than "thunderbolt" (I think I thought "thunderbolt" was metaphorical, not literal).

That was me, though I got back to Franklin in time.

12 hours ago, Katy M said:

I did not get FJ, but I'm not going to say what I answered because I'm not sure what the category was and thus my answer could be ridiculous.  I don't think I would have gotten it anyway.  I don't associate Benjamin Franlin with tyrants, and think of him more as lightning than thunder.

That was part of my problem - I don't associate him with tyrants either. The irony is, I think there was a question about Franklin's achievements in government a week or so back, and all I came up with was the lightning and Poor Richard's Almanac!

I ran the "ize" category. So I guess I'm pretty good at words with "ize" in them. It's a niche knowlegebase, but hey, I'll take it.

Edited by Clanstarling
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Went back and forth between Franklin and Washington, but finally realized that the "thunderbolts" part was the clue that it was Franklin.

Franklin was part of the Second Continental Congress and a signer of the Declaration of Independence (remember "If we do not hang together, we shall assuredly hang separately"?), as well as spending years in London in the 1760s advocating for the American cause.  I've always thought of him as one of the key figures in American independence.

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3 minutes ago, illdoc said:

FJ: I suppose... "Ooh! That guy from Les Miz who was always chasing Jean Val Jean. What was his name???" is not an acceptable answer. 

That’s along the lines of my answer of “the guy who Russell Crowe played in the movie “.

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Too busy "chatting" with Verizon (whose website is $&#! and because they won't let me correct the address, which they messed up, my phone is on its way back to Texas and now I should get it in 3-5 days) to pay much attention. I basically missed the whole show. 😭 I need ice cream.

FJ was an instaget, at least.

I just went through the archive and got overall 65%, including all of the city sights and 7-letter words.

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I literally just read Les Miserables last month and could not remember his name.  AARRGH.

I got the TS of gypsum, curiouser and curiouser, Fidelio and bluebells.

I got the entire partial category of garden right.  Oddly enough.  I missed one clue in a lot of categories.

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3 minutes ago, M. Darcy said:

🎵🎵 And I am Javert  Do not forget my name! Do not forget me!🎵🎵

Technically the name of the tv show is Hercules: The Legendary Journeys - not Hercules. 

That annoyed me, too, about Herclues.  But, maybe they don't care about subtitles after colons?  

and, I forgot his name.  I did forget.  He's going to come and get me now.

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1 hour ago, opus said:

That’s along the lines of my answer of “the guy who Russell Crowe played in the movie “.

🎶🎵 You know nothing of JAVERT!🎶🎵

Forget Russell Crowe; search for Philip Quast on You Tube. That was a Javert with pipes!

I knew curiouser and curioser, Fidelio (Beethoven's only opera) and bluebell.

I'm afraid Alex jinxed Holly by mentioning the third podium at the beginning and then bringing it up again during the interview.

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I'm glad gypsum was a TS, because I needed that extra time to pull it out of my brain.

I was surprised to run the Wonderland category, as I'm not all that familiar with the story.  I did pretty well in the rest of the first round, but I've never heard of a kangol (hat) and also missed two in the Ellison category (Star Trek and Bounty).

I did not fare anywhere near as well in DJ, though; the only categories I ran were 7-letter words and gardens, and I was terrible in the Vienna (I'm always bad with opera) and spin-off (I'm hit and miss with TV, and hadn't seen any of the shows [original or spin-off] and only picked up a couple via cultural osmosis) categories.  I didn't know FJ, either.

So, bad game for me, but good one for the contestants; the only TS that surprised me was bluebell, because there were two ways to get to it (one of which was looking at a picture and saying, hmm, that looks like a blue bell).

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