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2020 Auditions, Finals, and Training Camp


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3 hours ago, DCCFanatic82 said:

Victoria is being more of a leader than Tess is at the moment. If you would've told me that two people in this photo were going to be suspended from one game for bad behavior and one of them wasn't Victoria, I would've laughed.


Oh goodness...this is just a terrible shot of all of them!

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On 10/4/2020 at 4:08 PM, KellyKapowski said:

For anyone that cares, I made another TikTok showing Hannah getting complimented by Tyce Diorio, and kind of explaining her whole situation. I also just posted both on Twitter, tagging Kelli, Judy, and Charlotte 😬 I doubt they'll see it, but it made me feel better 😄☺️😏🤭🤷




Edited by Erinbridget
19 minutes ago, ShellyB said:

What rookies? 🥴 😉 #toosoon?


19 minutes ago, ShellyB said:

What rookies? 🥴 😉 #toosoon?

Seriously ???? Come on Shelly

37 minutes ago, Holly85 said:

Do you know when they will let the rookies announce they made the team ? 


Edited by forumborum
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7 hours ago, Kitkatkitty said:

I honestly think it looks like a mix of both, I for sure saw some rookies and the formations are new so they filmed it recently. They also did some throwbacks. Not sure exactly why they did both

I think someone else mentioned this as the reason, but in watching Thunderstruck from fans that recorded it and posted it on line, some action clips from the football team are definitely cut-in throughout the cheerleaders' dancing.  So to fill those spots of Thunderstruck that were not shown on the Jumbotron because of these clips, Thunderstruck was recorded on the field including using the new rookies.  Then Maddie was moved out of point.  Boo.  Rachel W. is gorgeous, but she is not the dancer that Maddie is for sure.    I do like how they still showed on the Jumbotron the gals dancing their signature entrance and giving them their due time.

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6 hours ago, Isolabella said:

Ok I knew they were going to make Rachel W. point back when they aired the show group auditions last year. Do y'all remember how they showed a bunch of still shots of Rachel and Kelli was like wow every single picture is amazing, she's so photogenic. They didn't do that for anybody else and it was kind of randomly put in there. At that point I was like ohhh ok they are grooming their audience to get used to seeing Rachel up close and personal as POINT!

That, swimsuit cover 2 years in a row, centre stage at the Queen performance... girl was always going to point the minute Kelly laid eyes on her! If Maddie had retired, Rachel would definitely be point (in a non-covid world). Even over Tess, Lexie, Gina, Caroline. Dare I say, Rachel is the 1 person I think could win point over Victoria if they both stay on for a couple more years. 

Not saying I agree with it... Point should Bridget (still rooting for her even in her retirement). Amber is the next strongest who I think could take it. Gina's face costs her point. 

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9 hours ago, go4luca said:

You would probably like Gracie's.  She loves Victoria.

Is that the same one that reposts pics from the girls’ instagrams? I had to leave that group, one of my work colleagues was yelling about lawsuits after noticing some of the copyrighted material from Instagram was copied and reposted in a private Facebook group.

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16 hours ago, TUOwl84 said:

Rachel W is very beautiful.  But I don't think she has the power that KaShara or even Jenna had as point.  But I still rather see Rachel W then Maddie as point.   It's too bad Bridget retired this year.  She would of been awesome at point!

I'm still so sad about Bridget retiring.

Edited by Erinbridget
  • Love 13
8 hours ago, kalibean said:

Oh goodness...this is just a terrible shot of all of them!

None of the photos of Kat look particularly great. I think it's something to do with her wig, like its sitting way too low so her hairline looks super unnatural.

The others look OK in some of them but also think they just look like normal pretty girls which is probably what the boutique is going for.

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4 hours ago, Leia1021 said:

Am I allowed to say I don't like the new poms?😾

I think they're for breast cancer awareness month.  The pink is very subtle because they look silvery white.  I assume in November they go back to the regular poms.

1 minute ago, itsweird said:

Maybe they put more vets on the side that was the CB's endzone?  Ie: more cameras focused in that direction?  Did they switch it at the half?  If so, that might be why. 

There's a Cowboys sideline, not sure about an end zone.

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6 minutes ago, Weeklydcc said:

I think they're for breast cancer awareness month.  The pink is very subtle because they look silvery white.  I assume in November they go back to the regular poms.

There's a Cowboys sideline, not sure about an end zone.

Sorry - I mean the end they are trying to get the football into.  It's early. LOL

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3 hours ago, Manc.UK.DCCfan said:

who is 3rd back from point on the left? Is that cici or Amanda? I love both girls and both are faves along with daphne (I know others aren’t keen on her) and Kelcey W. But from this still I just can’t tell. Although I am overdue my eye test. 


I don't dislike Daphne, she's a good dancer, I just worry that at times (for example, the last calendar shoot they did) that she seems so thin, to the point of looking unhealthy. 

Other stuff... Rachel W. is very photogenic, so for that reason I could see Kelli choosing her for point. I don't find her dancing to be the best, though. Personally, I would have loved to see Bridget up there, but alas.... 

This has got to be quite a dull year for the veterans. As someone else said, the calendar shoot trip is out, being on the field is out, having to wear a mask while cheering (although I absolutely agree that they MUST wear masks), and, at least up to now, no personal appearances to take in a bit of extra income.

I really sympathize with the rookies this season. Thanks to this tv show, which does not have a tremendous viewership (and half of those who do watch have already been "spoiled"), they are simply anonymous gals with half their faces hidden by a mask. Not being able to announce that they are on the team has to take away the thrill they would be having during performances.

Finally....in looking at the action photos of some of the rookies, I swear their uniforms, particularly the shorts, just don't look properly finished. They look like a bootcut version of daisy dukes. Anyone else see it or is it just lingering effects of the Covid virus I had?

Hope everyone is staying safe and well!

  • Love 18
22 minutes ago, Manc.UK.DCCfan said:

Don’t think this is correct as from the picture I put up earlier asking if it was cici or Amanda and people saying it’s cici xx




I thought it was Cianna at first too until I rewatched the video. It seems more like the hair is wavy and due the movement it comes across as curly hair. I really doubt K&J would push Lexie from 2nd row triangle to 4th row

2 minutes ago, lizbiz06 said:

The chart AYTOfan posted is for the first triangle where Maddie is point. The pic you posted is the second triangle which has Rachel W. as point.

My chart is actually an attempt to create the view of the triangle with Rachel as point 😅

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30 minutes ago, Manc.UK.DCCfan said:

Don’t think this is correct as from the picture I put up earlier asking if it was cici or Amanda and people saying it’s cici xx




I am pretty positive it is lexi. If you watch the video it looks like her. Also, CiCi is not on show group, so she would not be in the front of the triangle. 

6 minutes ago, AYTOfan said:

I thought it was Cianna at first too until I rewatched the video. It seems more like the hair is wavy and due the movement it comes across as curly hair. I really doubt K&J would push Lexie from 2nd row triangle to 4th row

My chart is actually an attempt to create the view of the triangle with Rachel as point 😅

The girl in that spot has hair that's more similar to Lexie's. Her and Cianna have different shades of blonde hair. Lexie's is a whiter blonde (is that the correct terminology? is it icy blonde?), and Cianna has warmer tones with a darker blonde. 

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13 hours ago, Pennstate94 said:

Is that the same one that reposts pics from the girls’ instagrams? I had to leave that group, one of my work colleagues was yelling about lawsuits after noticing some of the copyrighted material from Instagram was copied and reposted in a private Facebook group.

That's the one:)  You got to leave that group?  On your own?  Usually you get kicked out🤣

  • LOL 12

So, I did go back and read, and try to figure this out on my own, but I'm still confused, and had a couple questions. In the new triangle, is Rachel W point all the way through out, and if so who is on each side? If their is more than one point like last year with Amy and Maddie, who who else is at point, and who is beside those points? I hope my questions made sense, just need a thorough breakdown on this 😊😬👩‍💻🕵️♀️👯 


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I can not for the life of me figure out how to delete the post above this. The only reason I posted it was because I couldn't get it out of my "reply" area lol I thought I might be able to go in, and delete it once posted, but if so I sure can't figure it out 🤦‍♀️ How embarrassing, I'm leaving now 😬

Edited by KellyKapowski
  • LOL 3
7 hours ago, AYTOfan said:

So @meg.r based on your group breakdown (thanks for that btw!) 2 groups have 10 girls and other 2 groups have 8. I also noticed that Group 1 has 1 rookie or is it time for me to get reading glasses 😂.

I tried to make a photo overview but that is kinda hard when the groups aren't even haha

You did read it correctly. 

35 minutes ago, Jesiklyn said:

Man they are drip feeding it this year!

Surely this is gonna be Lexie and Tess’ last year. Right? I know I’m a broken record at this point, but I just can’t get into either of them.

Lexie has always been “meh” to me and Tess’ recent Ozarks involvement has turned me off from her. Not that I was ever that excited about her in the first place ...

Happy for Gina though! 

Edited by Lona
  • Love 6
3 minutes ago, AYTOfan said:

Shouldnt each group have 9 ladies tho?

In a normal year yes. It seems for some reason they want 16 and 20 which causes the groups to be uneven. I don't get it but then again I guess I don't have to. 

There was a comment earlier that 20 ladies could fit on a deck.

Edited by meg.r
On 10/5/2020 at 9:45 AM, vanillagum said:

Omg her turns were so bad wtf. I'd give a kidney to spin like Bridget 

Yessss, exactly. 

And I'm also obsessed with Cici's hair ❤️

Yesss, I love CiCi's hair!!  To me, although she obviously looks nothing like Bridget, she reminds me of her because they have that gorgeous yet adorable, spunky spirit about them !!       

Bridget's spins......to me,  it was just unbelievable last season when she showed just how spectacular she really was.  I truly hated to see her retire (as I've already mentioned multiple times)

I've watched the video of Bridget, Gina and Lisa so many times, I just love it, and of course again, I'm team Gina all the way.  Well, then there's Lisa. Don't do shit you can't do. But in her defense, it would suck to have to dance alongside of either of those two!! 

  • Love 14
9 hours ago, Weeklydcc said:

I think they're for breast cancer awareness month.  The pink is very subtle because they look silvery white.  I assume in November they go back to the regular poms.

I think they're for Crucial Catch which is an all-encompassing cancer awareness effort.  The color is rainbowy, and if you Google image NFL cheerleaders crucial catch, you'll see what some of the other squads did.  Some did multicolor poms, some did single color poms in each color of the spectrum and a lot stuck with BCA pink.  I'm dating myself but the DCC iridescent poms remind me of my Crystal Barbie from fifth grade ❤️ 

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